magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Sunday 12/03/17 #Justice #Numerology: #5 #MoonInVirgo #MoonVoidOfCourse in #Virgo 7:02 PM PST #MoonEntersLibra 9:01 PM PST #Justice is a card that means what it says: that what you do will come back to you. #MercuryTrineUranus at 1:30 AM PST will remind you that anything that happens today you brought on yourself. It is also a transit that will awaken your senses and stimulate your mind. Today is all about having experiences that make you think. Any dialogue had today will be interesting and entertaining. #VenusSquareNeptune at 5:48 AM PST may cause you to have unrealistic expectations when it comes to the people you care about. Remember, they’re only human. Moon square #Mercury at 10:34 AM PST may scramble communication so if you find yourself having trouble expressing yourself, it’s best to take some time to collect your thoughts. (Continued in comments) 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Visit https://darknesstarot.com/ ✨to learn more about this amazing deck. The darkness has never been more delightful! 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology r#motivational #inspirational #cardaday #darknessoflighttarot #tonydimauro @darknesstarot
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astro-journal · 7 years
Ease Allowance
Astrojournal January 7, 2018: . Do you allow yourself ease? When chaos rages around you, do you allow yourself to float among the wreckage? Are you able to find balance in the storm? On the other hand, do you let yourself feel that balance while you're shining? When you're feeling great? Can you find a way to center your mind and heart, both when things are amazing and when things are not so great?
#astrojournal #embodiedhealing #queerastrologer #transastrologer #dailyhoroscope #astrologicalforecast #horoscope #sunsextilemars #marssextilevenus  #jupitersextilepluto #sunconjunctvenus #sunsextileneptune #marsconjunctjupiter #sunsextilejupiter  #venussextileneptune #marssextilepluto #mercurytrineuranus #sunconjunctvenus  #mooninlibra #astrology
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magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Saturday 11/25/17 #TheHermit #Numerology: #9 #MoonInAquarius #MoonVoidOfCourse 6:37 PM PST The #Hermit appears when it’s time to share the wisdom and knowledge you have with the world. #MercuryTrineUranus at 2:55 AM PST is a transit that brings ground breaking inspiration. Share this with others. Moon trine #Mars at 7:05 AM PST is a transit of high energy and leadership. It’s time to guide others. Moon square #Venus at 10:12 AM may find you cooling down from those sudden burts of energy and taking a breather for a minute. Enjoy taking it easy because things will pick up again with Moon sextile #Uranus at 2:34 PM PST. You may want to get out and try new things, meet new people and see new places. In fact, Moon sextile #Mercury at 3:32 will bring lively conversation to the afternoon, finding you and everyone you encounter in good spirits. Moon sextile #Saturn at 6:37 PM PST may find you retreating for the evening to process all the events of the day from a place of grounded logic. The Moon is still in the dynamic sign of #Aquarius but will go Void of Course at 6:37 PM PST. Be the revelation for the first part of the day and accept the revelations by evening. The number of the day is 9, a number of near completion. #Mantra: The student becomes the teacher but the teacher should never stop learning. Visit https://darknesstarot.com/ ✨to learn more about this amazing deck. The darkness has never been more delightful! 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology r#motivational #inspirational #cardaday #darknessoflighttarot #tonydimauro @darknesstarot
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astro-journal · 7 years
True Worth
Astrojournal January 4, 2018: True Worth. Have you started to identify your value as your ability to produce results? In other words, has your work taken over your sense of self? Is that part of the dream you have for how you want to experience life? The structures of the world around us encourage us to believe that if we want something and work hard enough for it, we will achieve it and therefore be valuable. But this isn't always the case- we live in structures that privilege the goals and actions of some over others, and though we may feel intensely passionate and work very hard, for some, success is harder to come by. The good news is that success is not the measure of value of a human life. The better news is that we have it in ourselves to escape that illusion, and to find out who we truly are, what we are really worth. We are able to explore our thoughts, no system can take away our ability to look within and analyze what messages our minds deliver to ourselves-- and if those messages are cruel, we have the ability to create a change our thoughts to care more deeply for ourselves. .
#astrojournal #embodiedhealing #queerastrologer #transastrologer #dailyhoroscope #astrologicalforecast #horoscope #sunsextilemars #jupitersextilepluto #sunconjunctvenus #sunsextileneptune #marsconjunctjupiter #venussextileneptune #marssextilepluto #mercurytrineuranus #astrology
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