magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Sunday 12/03/17 #Justice #Numerology: #5 #MoonInVirgo #MoonVoidOfCourse in #Virgo 7:02 PM PST #MoonEntersLibra 9:01 PM PST #Justice is a card that means what it says: that what you do will come back to you. #MercuryTrineUranus at 1:30 AM PST will remind you that anything that happens today you brought on yourself. It is also a transit that will awaken your senses and stimulate your mind. Today is all about having experiences that make you think. Any dialogue had today will be interesting and entertaining. #VenusSquareNeptune at 5:48 AM PST may cause you to have unrealistic expectations when it comes to the people you care about. Remember, they’re only human. Moon square #Mercury at 10:34 AM PST may scramble communication so if you find yourself having trouble expressing yourself, it’s best to take some time to collect your thoughts. (Continued in comments) 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Visit https://darknesstarot.com/ ✨to learn more about this amazing deck. The darkness has never been more delightful! 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology r#motivational #inspirational #cardaday #darknessoflighttarot #tonydimauro @darknesstarot
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magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Wednesday 9/20/17 #AceOfCups #Numerology: #3 #MoonEntersLibra 3:06 AM PST The Ace of Cups is a card of overflowing #love, #creativity, #joy and #beauty. Whatever you experience today, take time to really embrace life with gratitude and give back what you receive to others. When this card appears, it could also mark the beginning of a love affair. The Moon is in the balanced sign of #Libra today from 3:06 AM onwards. It’s interesting that we had the 3 of Swords yesterday and the number of the day was 2. Then today we have the Ace of cups, the moon is in the dualistic sign of #Libra and the number of the day is 3. If we take these two together, we see that today has the opportunity to help us start over again by teaching us from what we learned from past heartbreaks and move into a new paradigm of love. It’s time to bring love back into balance. 3 is a number of things coming together, so expect to develop a clearer understanding of what you can do to mend your broken heart or mend broken relationships. #Mantra: Give yourself a 2nd chance. Visit https://darknesstarot.com/ ✨to learn more about this amazing deck. The darkness has never been more delightful! 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology #motivational #inspirational #cardaday #darknessoflighttarot #tonydimauro @darknesstarot
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magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Friday 6/30/17 #TheHighPriestess #Numerology: 1(0) #MoonEntersLibra 12:02 AM PST #FirstQuarterInLibra 5:51 PM PST The #HighPriestess is a card of feminine wisdom. She uses her #intuition when she needs to know the answers to life’s difficult questions. She is a reminder that the answer lie within you. The only exact transit of the day is #Moon square #Sun at 5:51 PM PST which brings the first quarter. You may be experiencing challenges to your #NewMoon goals at this point. The message the High Priestess brings is trust yourself. You know what to do. The Moon is in the balanced sign of #Libra assuring you that your intuition will lead you to the most fair and just conclusion possible. The number of the day is 1(0), a number of endings becoming beginnings. #Mantra: Know thyself, trust thyself. 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ ✨To find out more about the Evolutionary Tarot, visit http://www.quantumspiritone.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology #motivational #inspirational #cardaday #EvolutionaryTarot
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magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Sunday 4/9/17 #9OfWands #Numerology: #5 #MoonVoidOfCourse 1:21 AM PST #MoonEntersLibra 5:34 AM PST #MercuryStationsRetrograde 4:15 PM PST The #NineOfWands is a card of taking a beating. It’s been a tough week. We’ve had the 2 most intense 10 cards appear (10 of wands and 10 of Swords); card of defeat and exhaustion. Saturn stationed retrograde on Wednesday and with Venus in Retrograde followed by a challenging square on Saturday, you relationships may not be doing well. All of this in the name of karma; to erase the marks on your soul’s history; to free you from deep karmic ties that have come back to haunt you. If you find yourself asking yourself why this is happening over and over again, know that it is for the greater good and the spiritual meaning of how #karma plays out is something that sometimes is not meant to be understood. #Moon opposition #Venus at 1:07 AM PST brings clingy, needy energy to the early morning. Recognize that if you are not receiving the attention you want from the person you want it from, you may need to re-exam the relationship. Moon square #Saturn at 1:21 AM is a challenging transit that brings depressing, hopeless energy on the back of the Venus transit. (Continued in comments)👇🏻👇🏻 #Mantra: Mind over heart, heart over mind, my destiny is mine and I am in control. 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology #motivational #inspirational #cardaday #rotatarot @soror_tzadkiel
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magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Saturday 5/6/17 #7OfSwords #Numerology: #3 #MoonVoidOfCourse 5:42 AM PST #MoonEntersLibra 11:20 AM PST The #SevenOfSwords is a tricky card when you may have to deal with a thief or a liar today. Trust your instincts because if you think someone is trying to pull something over on you, they probably are. If you are thinking about deceiving or have deceived someone, know that your lies will catch up with you and you will have to face the consequences. #Moon square #Saturn at 5:42 AM PST is a negative, pessimistic transit. It may be tempting but don’t wallow in that feeling. Accept it, let it pass and let it go. Moon opposition #Venus at 8:22 PM PST is overall, a good feeling, lazy transit. But beware of overindulgence. The Moon is goes void of course in #Virgo at 5:42 AM PST. The she will enter the fair and balanced sign of #Libra, promising justice will be served. The number of the day is 3, a number of things coming together as they should. #Mantra: You can run but you can’t hide. 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology #motivational #inspirational #cardaday #EvolutionaryTarot
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magdalenatarot · 8 years
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#Sunday 3/12/17 #9OfPentacles #Numerology: #7 #FullMoonInVirgo 7:54 AM PST #MoonVoidOfCourse 7:36 PM PST #MoonEntersLibra 10:28 PM PST #DaylightSavingsTime The #NineOfPentacles is a card of freedom. It’s a card of letting people and things go with the understanding that if they’re meant to be, then they will return one day. It’s a card of living a life of luxury that you build for yourself without dependence on anyone else. #Moon trine #Pluto at 12:57 AM PST brings intense emotions to the surface and sexual energy that could keep you up all night. #MercurySquareSaturn at 5:10 AM PST is a transit that challenges you to discipline your thoughts. You may be tempted to retreat within but this may complicate communication. Try to remain practical without feeling hopeless. Moon opposition #Sun at 7:54 AM PST is an energetic emotional transit that brings the #FullMoon. You will see your goals peak or wither, depending on your focus throughout this lunar cycle. Moon opposition #Mercury at 7:36 PM PST is a transit of poor communication that could bring conflicts between the heart and mind. Be silent and give them both a chance to speak. The Moon is void of course for most of the day so take things as they come and let the results of your intentions be shown to you. The number of the day is 7, a number of reassessment and reevaluation. #Mantra: I have the freedom to determine what comes in and what stays out of my life. 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology #motivational #inspirational #cardaday #rotatarot @soror_tzadkiel
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magdalenatarot · 8 years
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#Monday 2/13/17 #AceOfPentacles #Numerology: #7 #MoonVoidOfCourse 4:36 AM PST #MoonEntersLibra 12:43 PM PST The Ace of #Pentacles appears when there is spark, like the glittering of a gold coin, catching your eye. That glimmer will bring your attention to new opportunities in #abundance and finances. Just like all the aces, the spark is there but it’s up to you to build the fire. #Moon square #Saturn at 4:36 AM PST could find you feeling pessimistic and depressed in the early hours of the morning. Don’t worry, the mood will pass. #SunsextileSaturn at 9:38 PM PST will give you the discipline to get things done. Any work during this time will shine bright. The Moon is void of course in #Virgo between 4:36 AM PST and 12:43 PM PST when it enters the fair and just sign of Libra. Know that everything that comes to you is actually your #karma coming back to you. The number of the day is 7, a number of reassessment and reevaluation. #Mantra: My potential shines like gold. 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology #motivational #inspirational #cardaday #rotatarot @soror_tzadkiel
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magdalenatarot · 7 years
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#Friday 6/2/17 #KingOfCups #Numerology: #9 #MoonInVirgo #MoonVoidOfCourse 2:48 PM PST #MoonEntersLibra 5:04 PM PST The King of Cups is the traditionally male archetype of the man in touch with his feminine side. He understands his heart and doesn’t have a problem with showing affection because he’s confident in who he is. If he doesn’t represent you, he represents someone you may come into contact with today. #Moon trine #Mercury at 1:54 AM PST will bring flowing communication. If you are asleep during this transit, pay attention to what your dreams are trying to tell you. Moon square #Saturn at 8:21 AM PST is a lonely, depressing transit that may find you waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Don’t let this mood determine the rest of your day. Moon trine #Sun at 7:33 PM will turn your mood around by evening with happiness, harmony and flow. The Moon is in the detail oriented sign of #Virgo for the day so you’ll be picking up the details of other people’s emotions. The Moon goes void of course at 5:04 PM PST so let what whatever comes your way flow. The number of the day is 9, a number of near completion. #Mantra: I am the King of my own heart. 🔮 to read the full tarot forecast or book a tarot reading or enroll in my class, please visit ✨www.magdalenatarotinc.com✨ ✨To find out more about the Evolutionary Tarot, visit http://www.quantumspiritone.com✨ #tarot #astrology #divination #SelfHelp #Occult #witchy #pagan #SelfEmpowerment #numerology #motivational #inspirational #cardaday #EvolutionaryTarot
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