#meraviglia zine
amettriine · 2 years
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preview of my second piece for @meravigliazine!! companion to writing by _theinstinct on twit
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meravigliazine · 2 years
Hey just a heads up, tumblr seems to be cracking down on a lot of giveaways and deleting accounts that do them without warning! One of my mutuals just got hit and is still trying to get their blog back... You can verify on the contest guidelines under the tumblr usage policies for the specifics.
Hello. Thank you for making us aware. While we did check Tumblr's guidelines, we are hoping to let the giveaway run its course for now, since many people have already committed to the rules.
We are open to suggestions about alternative ways to enter the "tickets" for the giveaway, that doesn't include reblogging or likes.
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abri-chan · 3 years
That Chesire Melone gif is Di Molto 😁👌
Yes, it was made by the art mod for Meraviglia, which is one of the JJBA zines I am hosting. 😊
We tried to do a shit posting joke for this gif. Anyway, consider following us and spreading the word. (It's meravigliazine on tumblr, twitter, and Instagram.)
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esterparussini · 4 years
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La Sera. 25 April 2020. Questa è l'ultima foto della mia zine #COSÌÈILMARE. 22 foto e poesia inedita, un processo che è durato mesi e che è andato sold out in un ora! 🙏 Quando ho cominciato a mettere i bordi alle foto ho scritto nelle storie "NEW ERA". Per me è stato esattamente così: ho cominciato a curare meglio i social e la mia immagine digitale, ho realizzato una zine, ho avuto i miei primi shooting retribuiti.💸💸💸 Tanti piccoli passi nel mondo della fotografia, che mi danno una buona spinta! Con la scorsa foto, la nuova foto profilo e con questa diamo inizio a nuova fase, ad un rialzarsi e correre. Nella mia foto profilo ho sfruttato il filtro di quella meraviglia che è il @centropecci, per rappresentarmi al meglio: occhi chiusi e sognanti, il pavone (simbolo di resurrezione), ed un enorme citazione all'opera di Ren Hang. Forse nulla di originale, ma per questo momento della mia vita è perfetto. Ho sofferto negli ultimi tempi. È stato tutto molto più intenso. Ora è il momento di raccontare e tirare fuori quello che ho provato in questi mesi e tentare nuove strade. Ascoltare le lacrime, senza obbligarsi a smettere. Sarà un viaggio e non ho la minima idea di dove andremo a finire. Sei con me? #lasera #sunset #sunsetphotography #sunset_pics #sunset_vision #sunset_hunter #sunset_perfection #sunset_hub #italiansun #italiansunset #italian_photo #italian_photographer (presso Friuli-Venezia Giulia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEiLRjKXmS/?igshid=51vykioccnxe
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meravigliazine · 10 months
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Hello everyone! 🎩✨
While we're still working on production and logistics, we'd like to share part of the map we've been creating for the anthology!
The map, crafted by @plavigmaz, showcases half of the layout that will grace the front and back covers of the physical book. Can you spot some of the characters? 🔍
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Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you,
The Meraviglia Mod Team
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meravigliazine · 5 months
Announcement Pt. 1
Hello everyone,
We apologize for the prolonged silence since our last post in January, and wish to give you an update. We're still alive and have been working on addressing the internal issues that caused our delays in producing the main zine. Recently, we've made internal changes to fix these issues definitely.
(1) Formatting: The layout work has been delayed due to some real-life issues. The work is still being done, albeit slowly.
(2) Story: There was also an issue with one story/contributor: due to deaths in their family, the story wasn't finalized. However, that has finally been resolved. Now completing the formatting is actually possible.
We're also aware that some of the buyers have asked for a new timeline on production completion and shipping commencement. At this stage, we're not making a definitive claim until we’ve reached a point in our progress where we can confidently provide a timeline without repeating past scenarios.
☕ If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
⏩ In the second announcement following this one, we'd like to share another unreleased visual from our main zine, which will be featured on the back cover of the book.
Best regards,
The Meraviglia Mod Team
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meravigliazine · 11 months
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Hello Wanderers! 🎩✨
We bring you a PRODUCTION UPDATE! 🎉
Finally, here are photos of merch goodies that have arrived at our Shipping Mod's. They are made by our Merch Artists graywrabbit (washi tape & stickers) & crawlpipe (charms), both on Twitter.
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We are still waiting on the finalization of the main zine. We'll keep you updated on its progress.
We apologize for not being able to give an estimate on shipping yet due to our slow production. Thank you again for your patience. 🙏💖
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meravigliazine · 1 year
Production & Shipping Updates
Hello everyone! 🎩✨
We would like to give you an update on our end since a month has passed from our last post, and give more context on our situation.
While we originally planned to have the zine ship during the months of May/June, we ran into some trouble when it came to the formatting of the zine and finding the right manufacturer for the physical book. As a result, our production timeline was extended beyond what we originally intended.
We apologize for not giving an updated timeline right away at the time, but we didn't have all the estimates finalized yet. We don't want to make any hard promises yet, but if the books issue will get solved quickly, we expect shipping to land on October at the latest. In any case, we will try our hardest to get everything out before the holidays.
Please, let us know if you have more questions or concerns. We'll be sure to answer them.
Kind regards, The Meraviglia Mod Team
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meravigliazine · 3 months
Announcement Pt. 2: A Poem
To express our feelings and our hope for the successful completion of the zine, we are sharing our opening poem. The accompanying snippets of illustrations will be fully revealed in our third announcement. As before, these illustrations are the map illustrations for both the cover and the back of the zine book. Please, stay tuned for more!
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💌 @abri-chan . poem
🎨 @plavigmaz . illustrations
Full map previews coming up next. ⏭️⏭️
In the third announcement, we will share exact details about our schedule.
Best regards,
The Meraviglia Mod Team ⛱️🌊
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meravigliazine · 2 years
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Fellow wanderers, we are giving away one (1) DIGITAL BUNDLE, which includes the Zine PDF & Special PDF!
- Must be following us.
- Like and reblog this post.
- That's it! Giveaway ends on Jan 15th.
Good luck! ✨🍵
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meravigliazine · 1 year
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Hello everyone, 🎩 ✨
We want to apologize for the silence in a month, but we come bearing good news:
Most of our merchandise is almost finished with production! 🎉
We'll be sharing photos as soon as we receive them from our manufacturers.
Meantime, we are still experiencing some delay in formatting the main zine (book), but we expect it to undergo production shortly.
We hope you all had a lovely summer. We'll share more soon, so stay tuned! 🐭🍵
The Meraviglia Mod Team
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meravigliazine · 2 years
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We will reblog the previews to this Meraviglia zine account, or share highlights if the creator is not on Tumblr. 🎩✨
Make sure to follow us on all our social media to hear the news first. 📨🍄
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meravigliazine · 2 years
⚔️🌸Alice: Profile of a Wanderer🌸⚔️
You voted and we listened: re-introducing our protagonist Alice cloaked in a multicolored daliah bloom.
Alice is the connecting thread that weaves our Meraviglia Land stories together: an adventurer, curiouser, fighter, diplomat, hero, and above all the eyes through which our readers will experience the strangeness and wonder that is Meraviglia. While donning a modest attire of patches and flora throughout the zine, Alice is upgraded to your outfit of choice for this preview.
You can read more about Alice’s trivia below:
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Whisper, whisper: In the weeks to come, we will begin to roll out lore bits from our anthology, followed by previews of fics, art, and merch. We also have plans for a Special PDF companion to the main zine, whose details we will gradually release.
For example, we noticed that the Red Rose was a close second popular choice, and one of the goodies the Special PDF will contain is promo art designs, amongst other things.
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meravigliazine · 3 years
Curiouser and curiouser! 🎩✨
The time had come to unveil our zine's concept, structure, and details for applicants.
The Meraviglia Anthology is eccentric in nature, and to honor that tradition, we chose to introduce it in a 4-page comic.
Once again thank you for your support, and please continue alongside us in this journey.
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<The comic can be read from left to right. Click on images for full experience and better view.>  
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meravigliazine · 2 years
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Today, we are re-introducing the MOD Team for our zine, Meraviglia:
✨ @abri-chan (Ideator & Host)
🎩 @plavigmaz (Co-host & Art Mod)
🐛 @pinkuoir (Graphics Mod)
🍄 @frosted_max (Finance Mod)
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Thank you all for the love and support we’ve received so far, and we hope you’ll continue to follow Meraviglia on this journey. 🍵
Sometimes We Need to Get Lost to Be Found. #meravigliazine
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meravigliazine · 3 years
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🍵 Good day, wanderers! 🍵
We are happy to announce that we are moving forward with our Meraviglia Anthology Zine.
By the time our interest check closed we received the overwhelming support of over 160 responses, and in the thread below we are providing the final results, as well as how they affected our zine's logistics and decisions.
Information on the zine, its structure, and applications are coming soon, so keep an eye out!
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🐰 Based on your responses, we decided to provide both a DIGITAL and PHYSICAL version for our zine. The physical copy will come with a free PDF and merch.
🎩 Per your request, we are going to give creators the largest amount of freedom when it comes to zine earnings. We have decided to go with CREATOR’S CHOICE with regards to how the profit for the zine is utilized. This means creators can choose whether they’d like to keep their profit or have it donated to a charity of their choice.
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🐭 We were happy to see interest in all categories of creators, so we are pleased to say we will be including WRITERS, ARTISTS, and MERCH in this zine. (And, of course, buyers as well!). More details on contributor numbers and applications will be coming soon.
🐱 The zine will include 6 merch categories, with an extra, secret category as a stretch goal. However, since we are planning some twists on traditional types of merch, as well as some exciting new kinds of merch, we will reveal our merch arsenal at a later time. Until then, we’ll be keeping the suspense alive.
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