#mera is also here. my girlfriend hi
thrilloffirstlove · 1 year
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It's the Toontown takeover
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melodymay-k1tty · 1 year
Well, could you do a scenario where the S/O should take care of some drunk OC and they declare their love to her or something...? Well, actually that would be cool with a Fem!Reader, but do as you wish, it's your choice!🫠💕 Btw I would also admire if in Part 1 you could include Sabo and Corazon in particular, I would really like to see them in this situation lmao😵‍💫
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A/N: Well, I'm new to this scenario thing, and I'm not that big a fan of requests, cuz I can't write about something if I don't feel it in my heart... But I think I can manage about it. So here it is. Thank you so much for all your love, care and support! 🤧🩷
Age Rating: +12
Content Warning: consumption of alcoholic drinks. kiss description. maybe a little angst.
Genres: fluffy. headcanons (scenario).
Characters: sabo x fem!reader. corazon x fem!reader. sanji x fem!reader. law x fem!reader.
Word Count: 2.2k
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SABO (Being the user of Mera Mera no Mi🔥)
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• You are a high-ranking officer in the Revolutionary Army, Sabo's right-hand. After a successful mission of the two of you in Dressrosa, he decided to invite you to drink something in a bar, which was located on an island nearby. You accepted.
• You're not a big fan of alcohol, but Sabo didn't know that. The blonde guy, on the other hand, was a big fan of alcoholic drinks, and used to consume it whenever he was successful in his missions (which is quite often).
• He sat at the counter bar after you two comes there, and you did the same. Sabo called for a waiter who came immediately. He placed his order, which was beer, and asked you to order yours.
“I'll have a non-alcoholic strawberry cocktail with condensed milk, please.” You talk while the waiter writes it down on his pad of paper.
“Alright, ma'am and sir. I will bring your order soon.” He speaks after withdrawing from there.
Sabo looked at you in a somewhat strange way. “You don’t drink alcohol?”
“No, I like sweet drinks more.” You speak while he stares at you seriously, but he soon opens a smile. “Cutie.” He smiles like a know-it-all.
You looked at him strangely, and he immediately retaliated. “I meant, you look like a cute little girl acting like that.” He makes fun of your face a little.
“Sabo...” You look at him with hate and you were ready to attack him. But the waiter interrupts them.
“Your order is almost ready. In the meantime, would you like to fill out this survey?” He asks while handing over a sheet with some questions.
“What is it about?” You ask. “Can't you read, little girl?” Sabo laughs and makes fun of your face some more. “It's a survey about couples, and here it also says that couples who respond will get a discount of up to 50% on the amount spent at the bar.” He says with his knowing smile.
“But we're not a cou...” Before you can finish your sentence, Sabo puts his hand over your mouth, preventing you from speaking. “Will we really get that discount?” He asks the waiter, with his usual smile.
“Of course, sir. Just complete the survey with your girlfriend, and you'll get 50% off. It's a data collection survey for an article that will be released on Valentine's Day, in the island's local newspaper.”
“I understand. I'll do it as soon as possible then.” Sabo speaks enthusiastically to the waiter who leaves. The blondie starts marking off some answers on the survey, like we're really dating.
You had already understood that Sabo was a cheapskate and didn't like to spend money on others. So you decided to just leave it down.
He finished marking the answers, and shortly after that, your drinks arrived.
You two started drinking, but Sabo got too carried away. He ordered more and more glasses of beer, one after another. Maybe he was thinking that 50% off could become 100%...
And when you least realized it, he was out of his mind. “Y/N, let's go home soon” he grumble drunkenly, collapsing on top of you.
His sleepy voice showed just how much alcohol had already knocked him out. You saw no option but to take him for home.
“Okay, just let me pay the bill first” Apparently, the account is left for you. But thinking on the bright side, at least a discount you would have.
Sabo couldn't even pay attention to what you said. You then placed him gently propped up in the chair, and got up to go pay the bill.
After that, you put him on your shoulders and left the bar with him.
“How heavy he is...” You complain while carrying he with difficulties.
He had a stupid smile on his face, he looked like a retard. You looked at him strangely.
“What it is?” You asked arching your eyebrow. Sabo acted strange after your question, he turned red and sparks started to come out of his logia body.
He smirks again, his cheeks getting redder.
“Y/N, I love you…” His stupid smile gave it all away. You were in shock and ended up letting go of him, letting him fall to the ground.
“AAUGH!” he lets out a groan of pain as he strokes his own head. “Hmph. Y/N, why are you so mean to me?” he says this as he gets up, and his drunken body begins to stagger.
“I'm sorry, Sabo...” You say as you help him up. “Y-you… Are you serious?” you widen your eyes.
“Y/N, I want to sleep with you today and always...” he closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep. You leaned against a bench, pulling Sabo with you, and make a phone call for Dragon, who went to get you and took you to your house.
You two went to your rooms, and you went to sleep thoughtfully.
The next day you woke up and went to the kitchen for breakfast, bumping into Sabo, who blushed violently when he saw you. But now, in an embarrassed way.
“H-hello, I-I'm sorry about what happened yesterday...” He speaks awkwardly. “It's okay, Sabo-kun...” You smile sweetly.
You two was in a compelling silent for a while. Until he decides to say something. “I think we need to talk… I need to clear something up.”
“Sure, what is it?” You looked fine on the outside, but on the inside, your heart was beating hard with fear of what he might say to you.
“Dragon told me everything. I know what I say to you in yesterday night, and about that... I need to tell you that it's really true.” Now he was staring at you. And again, sparks were shooting out of his body, his face was red and he was probably really fear of what you might say too.
“Sabo-kun...” You murmur.
“Okay, I understand that you might not feel the same about me. But I would like you to know that, although.” He says as him leave the kitchen, but you pull him by the arm.
“S-Sabo...” You look deep into his eyes, and he looks into yours. Your bright eyes never stopped looking at each other. “I love you too.” You said as you approached him. The blondie approached you too, shifting his gaze between your eyes and your lips.
He placed his big hand on your face, and kissed you passionately but calmly. Your lips glued to each other, were making your bodies approach too, and in a matter of moments, you and Sabo were glued and your kiss was getting even more intense and passionate.
“I am the happiest man in the world to know that, my little girl.” He speaks after parting with you, stroking your hair and smiling cutely at you. “But I love you more...”
Finally you could understand, that he didn't do the couple survey to get a discount, but because he loves you and, in fact, wanted you like his girlfriend.
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• You were part of the Donquixote Pirates, led by the infamous Doflamingo. While you were still living in Spider Miles, the whole family was gathered at the table and having dinner, when you felt someone poke you under the table.
• You looked to the side, seeing Corazon's serene face disguise as he lit a cigarette. He had left a note on top of your thighs.
• You pocketed the note and politely left the table, getting Doflamingo's permission. You went to your room and read the note. On it was written “You said you wanted to get to know me better. We're going out to eat today, I know of a wonderful restaurant nearby. I hope you isn't full yet.” You opened a silly smile when you read the note, and ran to change your clothes, and soon to meet him discreetly outside. You climbed out your bedroom window and left, going to meet Corazon.
He was leaning against the wall outside the house. As always in silence, lighting his cigarette. When he realized you were there, he stared fixedly at you, and let his cigarette go out carelessly.
“Wh-what is?” You asked embarrassed as you crossed your legs because of your momentary shyness.
“Nothing” He answered coldly and walked away, and you followed him. You felt honored that you were the only person who knew Corazon could speak. It was like you were special.
You two finally arrived at the restaurant, beautifully decorated with artifacts of dragons and other ancient legends creatures. The food smelled divine.
“Hmm” You mutter at that delicious smell. “Maybe you really were right when you said this restaurant is wonderful, Corazon” You say smiling.
“You can be sure I don't make mistakes when it comes to food” He replied confidently and sat down at a table in the corner of the restaurant, with your company.
The waiter came to serve us with a menu in hand. “Good night, sir and ma'am. What will you want for today? Our menu is full of original and exclusive recipes only from here, but we also have traditional ones” He says as he places the menu on the table.
“I'll have the dragon meat in white sauce, with vegetables and all the extras. For a drink, I would like a red wine and a white wine” Corazon spoke without even thinking twice, making you speechless.
“Right, sir” The waiter takes your order. “And Ma'am, what will you want?” he asks you, while Corazon looks at you waiting for your answer.
“T-the same as him. But instead of wine, I would like a melon juice” You say with a little embarrassment, for not ordering something fancier.
“Alright, your order will arrive within 30 minutes” The waiter speaks after bowing and leaving.
You felt Corazon's heavy gaze on you. “What do you want to know about me?” He asks suspicious.
You were intimidated by his look, but you answered him. “I just wanted a friend. Sometimes I feel really lonely around here... And looking at Doffy's face really isn't one of the best hobbies” He looked convinced by your answer. "I understand. In that case, I'm sorry to tell you, but I can't be a friend.”
“N-no? Why?” You ask incredulously.
He gives a blank look and then lights his cigarette. “It's complicated to explain to you, but it's better that way. We can’t have any kind of bond.”
You give him a sad and downcast look. “I see, it's okay.”
And so, you talk about friendship ends there, until you two talk about the crew matters, and the food finally arrives.
“Hmm, wow! It smells delicious. I've never tasted dragon meat before. I thought they were extinct...” You say looking appetizingly at the food.
“Dragons are just hard to find, but they never went extinct” Corazon is as serious as ever as he begins to cut his meat and eat it. You could see a bright in his eyes as he tasted the meat, and the same happens to you.
After a few minutes, you realized that Corazon was acting strange. He'd started to get tipsy after drinking so many glasses of wine, and he'd even had a little whiskey too.
He got up abruptly, you ran to hold him when you saw that he had almost fallen to the ground. “C-corazon! Are you okay?" You ask worriedly as you hold in his shoulders.
His eyes were small and bloodshot, probably from the drunken effect of alcohol. “Y/N... I...” He tries to say something with difficulty.
“Please don't do that again!” You scold him. “You almost fell, you know how worried I was?” You ask angrily and as you look at him, you see that he is staring at you with twinkling eyes. He approached you slowly, when he finally pressed his lips to yours.
“Y/N, I… love you” He whispers after breaking away from the kiss. “But we can't be together, only for your own good” Tears start to fall from his eyes.
“W-what? What are you talking about, Cora-san?” you ask incredulously. “D-do you love me?” Your eyes widen. “And why are you saying that? We can not be together? What...?"
He doesn't say anything for a few seconds as the tears fall down his face. Until Corazon finally says something...
“I... I CAN'T!” He screams while crying. “I'm on a suicide mission, I'm going to die. I'm cheating on Doffy, Y/N” He keeps crying “I love you so much, and I don't know if you feel the same, but...”
“Ya, Corazon! I feel the same, I love you too!” You grab his shirt with your fingernails and speak with desperation.
Gently, he removes your hands from his shirt, and squeezes it affectionately. “I'm sorry, Y/N” He speaks with a look filled with sadness. “But I can't risk losing you or hurting you. We can't be together, and you can't get attached to me. Please… Just forget about it” He asks while stroking your chin with his thumb.
You start crying uncontrollably.
“I'm going to die... It's just a matter of time” He whispers sadly, which makes you cry even more, and hug him tightly, not wanting to leave him never ever.
He gently separates you from the embrace.
“But know that I will always love you, my sweet Y/N” Corazon finally smiles, a smile so big as the love you feel for him.
You will never accept your parting words.
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(The rest I will continue later)
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germaniumcockring · 1 year
Looking through my notes and found a Torisai psuedofic <-That's a word I made up to describe the long play-by-play summaries I usually write that then gets turned into the kind of "proper" fic that actually gets posted. It's very steam-of-consciousness and unpolished but has pretty much everything there.
This particular pseudofic is a lemon and will probably never get written "properly" since I decided to go with a frog boil for my Torisai intro fic instead. So I decided to post it here, unedited!
This is part of my post-canon AU, btw, where Saiki usually sleeps over with one of his friends or boyfriend/girlfriend each night. It helps Saiki feel safe and rest more easily since he can wear the germanium ring without being as anxious about ninjas and stuff. Also Saiki tends to unintentionally broadcast his thoughts and feelings at a very low level of telepathy. Most people can't tell, but the Psychickers can feel it and often figure out Saiki's mood from it.
Ok I think that's all the context 👍 Mild lemon under the cut...
Torisai Sleepover
Saiki ends up in Toritsuka's bed for a night when Aiura is out late dancing and Akechi is out camping with the lads (and Mera).
Toritsuka tries to pretend like he's not thrilled to get to sleep next to Saiki, and Saiki makes a little bit of a fuss but he sees how excited Toritsuka is about it and can't help but be a little fond. When they go bed, Saiki offers to spoon, but Toritsuka refuses, trying to pretend he's not fascinated by the thought. Saiki shrugs and settles in to sleep, dropping off pretty quickly, lulled by the silence of his germanium ring.
Toritsuka fidgets and the ghosts shake their heads at him for passing up the opportunity to cuddle. One of them points out that Saiki will automatically spoon anyone who gets close enough while he's sleeping like this (they get kicked out of Aiura and Akechi's room most of the time but they can enter the other rooms as they please), and Toritsuka is consumed by the thought of Saiki grabbing him and pulling him close.
He can't help but try it, slowly scootching back towards Saiki, facing away from him just in case for plausible deniability (as if Saiki can't just take off his ring and hear his guilt loud and clear). He bumps into Saiki's knee first with one of his legs and freezes with surprise, then Saiki moves his knee away and Toritsuka can't help but groan in disappointment. Then a warm hand settles on his side and gropes down his chest towards his other side, and Saiki gently drags him close, curling around him and nuzzling between Toritsuka's shoulder blades, clearly still asleep.
Toritsuka freezes as he's manhandled, then melts into Saiki's warm hold, the buzz of his touch starvation abating with the solid pressure of Saiki's body against his. He feels very very good, and safe, and cared for, and loved, and he's drunk on the feeling, shivering with pleasure and sighing when Saiki carefully squeezes him a little closer.
Then he wonders why he had been thinking "Careful. Careful. Careful." to himself, and realizes that he's been picking up Saiki's unintentional psychic broadcast. He remembers Aiura and Akechi talking about it, though he hadn't noticed it until today.
It does feel a little bit like Saiki's purr as a cat, and Toritsuka remembered all the little bits of physical affection Saiki had treated him to lately, and he starts to wonder if maybe Saiki likes him back a little too.
Toritsuka pets Saiki's arm affectionately and Saiki really purrs for him, always enjoying gentle touches. Toritsuka's heart catches in his throat and he can't help but snuggle back into Saiki's hold and caress his arm, and Saiki sighs and sleepily presses soothing strokes of his palm down Toritsuka's chest and tummy.
Or at least it seems like it's meant to be soothing, but Saiki's widespread fingers catch and rub against Toritsuka's stiff nipples each way and Toritsuka groans as Saiki's hand comes to a stop at his lower belly, just above his half-hard cock.
He can't help but notice the extra heat of Saiki's slack but toasty cock against his ass now, and Toritsuka can't help but daydream about Saiki fucking him doggy style, their bodies pressed close together just like this and Saiki commanding him to fuck his own fist even as he pounds Toritsuka's ass and fills him with hot cum.
Toritsuka shudders in pleasure at the thought, his cock rapidly stiffening, and he wants to jerk off so bad. Then he imagines Saiki's warm hand jerking him off instead, with Saiki's voice in his head telling him not to cum until he's told.
Now he's fully aroused, his cock hard and twitchy and needing to be touched, and Saiki is warm and holding him close and still broadcasting happy sleepy feelings that make Toritsuka feel shivery and loved.
With trembling hands, Toritsuka carefully reaches for his well-used bottle of lotion, cursing when it's just out of reach. He struggles against Saiki's hold a little, and after a bit, Saiki loosens his grip with a sleepy mental chant of "Gently. Gently."
Toritsuka is full of affection in that moment, limbs weak at the thought of how much his local god loved and cared for them, controlling his insane strength even while deeply asleep. He grabs the lube and snuggles back against Saiki's chest, and Saiki's arms both curl around him now with a happy sigh from Saiki against his back.
Toritsuka shivers and shudders with his own pleasure and Saiki's happy broadcast, wondering if he should really fuck himself like this, while Saiki was asleep and trusting him to take care of them.
Then he notices several of his ghosts leaving the room or looking away, except for the known perverts, and he realizes that if only the pervert ghosts agree with what he's doing, then it's almost certainly wrong and Saiki won't like it. He pictures Saiki recoiling in disgust and flinches, yeeting the lube away.
Saiki nuzzles sleepily at Toritsuka's shoulder, and Toritsuka shivers helplessly with pleasure, still overwhelmed by the strength of the broadcast and the warm grip on his body.
Still, he's determined to behave, and for the first time in his life, grips his prayer beads with real intention, trying to focus on the feel of the beads and the feel of Saiki's sweet affection and ignore the tenting of his pants. He eventually manages to fall asleep this way.
When Saiki wakes, he finds it unusual that he's both holding Toritsuka and that Toritsuka is holding his beads. Still, Toritsuka is quite nice to cuddle with, so he stays curled up close, ignoring his case of morning wood. Toritsuka wakes up slowly, half lulled by Saiki's warm broadcast and making soft begging noises. Saiki finds it kind of cute and kisses his shoulder, and Toritsuka shudders with pleasure. He wakes up all of a sudden then, melts back into Saiki's arms, then stiffens with fear as he remembers what he almost did last night.
Saiki frowns against Toritsuka's shoulder and Toritsuka immediately starts apologizing and begging for forgiveness, but he can't bring himself to pull away from Saiki's warm body.
Saiki sighs and pets Toritsuka kindly, slightly impressed that he actually used his monk training for something useful and that Toritsuka managed to resist jerking off even though he was drowning in the most pleasure he'd ever experienced.
Saiki tells Toritsuka that he didn't realize his psychic broadcast was that strong, but Toritsuka shakes his head, saying that the others didn't seem to feel it quite as strongly, so maybe he was just more sensitive.
Saiki remembers how Kusuke had managed to hypnotize him pretty thoroughly and ruffles Toritsuka's hair, telling him he was dumb and troublesome, but loyal when it counted. Toritsuka shudders at the praise and the affection, helplessly starting to get aroused again. He grabs his prayer beads nervously and Saiki takes pity on him.
Saiki cradles Toritsuka close and tells him he won't mind if Toritsuka touches himself now. He generally enjoys cuddling lovers through orgasm, and he's feeling fond enough that he wants to see Toritsuka glowing with bliss.
Toritsuka pinches himself, unable to believe it at first, but Saiki chuckles at him and starts kissing his neck and shoulder, enjoying Toritsuka's immediate moans of pleasure.
Toritsuka doesn't last very long after Saiki hands him his heated lube, shuddering apart in the strongest orgasm of his life. He lays almost completely limp afterwards, blissed out, and Saiki laughs affectionately at him and cleans him up.
Once he's clean, Saiki runs his fingers sweetly through Toritsuka's hair and Toritsuka visibly tries to stay awake to enjoy it, but he's exhausted and Saiki's broadcast is warm and comforting and he feels safe, so he drifts off to sleep. Saiki chuckles and sleeps in with him a while longer, spooning him affectionately again.
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meeeeeeeep78 · 1 year
Saiki K murder games,,
the site im using:
heres the export code so you can use the same cast -
{"teams":[{"name":"NOTEAM"}],"chars":[{"name":"Kusuo Saiki","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["magic wand"]},{"name":"Kokomi Teruhashi","g":1,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["seductive","devious"]},{"name":"Riki Nendou","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["bulky","naive","pet turtle"]},{"name":"Kaidou Shun","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["goth","meek","ancient scepter"]},{"name":"Kuboyasu Aren","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["survivalist","bulky"]},{"name":"Akechi Touma","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["annoying","scrappy","wish ring"]},{"name":"Aiura Mikoto","g":1,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["cute","kind","wish ring"]},{"name":"Reita Toritsuka","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["annoying","scrappy","pet turtle"]},{"name":"Kineshi Hairo","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["leader","bulky"]},{"name":"Chiyo Yumehara","g":1,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["annoying","scrappy"]},{"name":"Imu Rifuta","g":1,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["cute","devious"]},{"name":"Metori Saiko","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["rich","rocket launcher"]},{"name":"Chisato Mera","g":1,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["unstable","scrappy","big stick"]},{"name":"Kusuke Saiki","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["inventor","survivalist","flamethrower"]},{"name":"Satou","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":[]}]}
(couldnt get them images sorry) result of my first run of the game under the cut
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AIURA IM GONNA CRY AKECHI HOW COULD YOU (taking away his wish ring I'm so mad /j)
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Cant imagine this happening but bye saiko lmao
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GO NENDOU. GOOD BOY. also WHAT HELLO KAIDOU???? (i gave him an ancient sceptre he deserves to get some magic here yknow?)
Saiki turning Nendou into a sheep feels pretty accurate honestly. Into stone even more so, but a sheep works too. ..does the sheep still have the scar and buttchin? is his wool cut the same way as his hair?????
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BRO???? EXCUSE ME????????? HUH????? IMU WHAT?? HOW????
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the only part of this that feels canon is Kaidou writing emo poetry
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this is all reletively accurate, except for akechi not noticing bad food. and saiki turning saikos pancreas into cheese. that's not a possible apport unless you have a looooot of cheese.
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saiki after season 3:
me too nendou
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KAIDOU??????? WHAT????????
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imu. imu honey. honey are you okay. are you trying to prove yourself to teruhashi?? are you trying to show her that's you'd be a wonderful girlfriend by committing multiple murders????
also i love that 'sheep accident' is listed as a cause of death
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..oh no. the lesbians are gonna face off, arent they.
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OH. honestly i thought imu would 100% win bc. yknow lasergun. but honestly common Teruhashi W
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laldupattewali · 1 year
i miss my girlfriend like ok hear me out ok like I KNOW she's in the same city as me but like??? we havent seen each other in a month and i just wanna go on dates like we completed 2.5y this month and havnt had our FIRST DATE YET😭😭😭😭😭being gay is so hard. our parents are strict as fuck ek toh and like fucking cuet maa chudaye nhi padhna mujhe bhenchod hogaya mera fuck it karli maine 12th thak gayi haar gayi Marna hai MUJHE AB T TO THE FUCKING M
like just give me the symbiosis result already so ik whether im fucked or not omfg the wait is honestly the worst part because i fucking know i fucked up my paper so bad and ive been meaning to study since 17th its 20th now and my spanish papers on 27th jiske liye maine ghanta kuch nhi padha I DIDNT EVEN HAVE SPANISH IN 9TH OR 10TH??????? 28th ko mera general test and uske baad jab bhi mere maine subject
Physics toh bhenchod bhen ka loda madar fucking chod haramzada jaake gobar khaaye chutiye ki aulaad chemistry ill fucking deal computer love that shit maths kuch na kuch toh kar hi lungi lekin physics???? SAALE SUAR KI TATTI SE BATTAR HAI and its not even like i didn't try i gen used to like it 8th/9th how tf was i supposed to know that somehow a pandemic will come and everything in physics will change THAT drastically
also fuck cbse wale for giving marks on handwriting people whove scored lower than me all year scored higher in boards of physics atleast JUST because of writing FUCK THAT FUCK THAT FUCK THAT MAINE BHI MEHNAT KI THI BHENCHOD MAR JAUN KYA KI WRITING ACHI NHI HAI FUCKERS SAALE GAAND MARAO YAAR
im actually just gonna give up on physics TRY my best to do whatever the fuck i can about it and just begin to study chem and maths because atleast i like those subjects ACTUALLY ukw also inorganic chem sucks because p block is th3 BIGG3ST CHAPTER IN THE WORLD and i havent even done d block and f block sahi se cuz jab school mai vo chal rhe the tab i broke my fucking ankle and ended up never studying the chapters
0 notes
pluckyredhead · 2 years
Please Care About Aquaman With Me: Wrapping Up the Nineties
Welcome back to Poseidonis! This one is a long one, but I wanted to wrap up this era, so let’s just dive in, okay? (See what I did there?)
Last time, both Garth and Koryak attempted to overthrow Arthur, who banished Koryak and gave Garth a great big hug. Also, Arthur was officially reinstated as king, but Mera refused to go back to being queen since her marriage to Arthur is no longer valid under Atlantean law. The drama!
Our last installment coincided with the end of the nearly 50 issue Peter David run, which built most of the post-Crisis Aquaverse up from scratch. After a couple of fill-in issues, he’s replaced by Erik Larsen. Apparently there was a long and vicious rivalry between PAD and Larsen, which is a fascinating internet rabbit hole to go down (do you want to see grown men behaving extremely unprofessionally on very old message boards? google this shit), which may be why Larsen promptly throws out a lot of PAD’s toys and brings in his own. Some of them never do anything interesting ever so I won’t really be talking about them here. (I’m sorry, Lagoon Boy! I liked you in Young Justice!)
Also, we’ve reached the early 2000s, so the title of this post isn’t entirely accurate, but we’re closing out this run and will start fresh with the 2003 series, so...just go with it, okay?
Anyway, the Poseidonians almost immediately discover a hidden civilization beneath their own, led by King Noble (Larsen was not working overtime on character names). He and Mera are intensely attracted to each other, leaving Arthur jealous and sulky:
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He tries to win Mera back by shaving and cutting his hair to look like he did when they were younger, but it’s not that easy:
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Mera points out that their marriage is no longer valid under Atlantean law because of infidelity, and Arthur agrees that yes, okay, there have been “infidelities on both sides,” which...as you’ll recall, Mera was raped, so fuck you very much, Arthur.
Anyway, even if Mera isn’t impressed by Arthur’s naked chin and sad sack demeanor, someone else is:
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Yep, Debbie’s back, and she’s changed her codename to Indigo, not that it will matter because she will continue to barely do anything and disappear. Anyway Debbie had previously been a potential love interest for Koryak and is prone to saying things like “kewl,” which leads me to believe she’s about Koryak’s age, much like Dolphin and Garth are the same age. I’m not one to clutch my pearls over an age difference here or there, but Arthur seems to habitually look at women his sons’ ages as prime dating material and that deserves some side eye. However, there is a MUCH BIGGER REASON these two shouldn’t be kissing, which we will soon learn.
Speaking of Garth, he is busy being tragic and passive aggressive whenever Arthur gives political responsibility to or even pays attention to anyone else:
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I am FASCINATED by this aspect of Garth’s character so stay tuned for a separate meta post on that. (Yes, more Aquaposting. I’m sorry.)
Also, Dolphin drops a bombshell:
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GARTH NO. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. He spends the next couple of issues bewailing the situation to a mermaid who he once mistook for his dead girlfriend, which does not improve things. GARTHOLEMEW. TERRIBLE.
Meanwhile, my darling Koryak is in a bit of a pickle:
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The woman on the left is, shockingly, Atlanna, Arthur’s mom, who literally everyone thought was dead. (She’s not actually a mermaid, the bad guy did fucked up surgery on her.) The incredibly annoying bad guy used to be called Charybdis, and he’s the reason Arthur lost a hand. Now he’s back, he looks like this for some reason, and he’s changed his name to Piranha Man because he thinks it sounds cooler. This really feels like Larsen going “No one even knows what a Charybdis is, ugh, David, you’re so pretentious” and changing everything about Peter David’s creation to be an asshole. But Piranha Man sucked when he was Charybdis and he still sucks now, so it’s really more of a lateral move rather than making him better or worse as a villain.
Anyway he has decided to capture all of Arthur’s loved ones in revenge. He manages to snag Mera, Atlan, Garth, Dolphin, and Debbie as well as Atlanna and Koryak, but Arthur rescues them and then just sort of...doesn’t know how to deal with his mom being back so he puts her in a hospital and ignores her. Also Koryak just eaves off page and like three issues later Arthur realizes he never got to talk to him. Doing great, Arthur!
Anyway. Garth finally gets over himself and proposes to Dolphin, who accepts. The Titans arrive for the wedding:
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He has a little heart-to-heart with Donna about where his head’s at:
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“I was sort of pushed into this...and I don’t love Dolphin as much as I loved Tula...” This is gonna go great.
Anyway, Garth and Dolphin get hitched, and then there’s a very stupid plotline where basically there’s like a gangster fish that’s getting everyone high on hallucinogenic fish secretions? Sure. The fish secretions just exacerbate all the underwater romantic complications going on: Mera is attracted to Noble but still has feelings for Arthur, Arthur is still in love with Mera but interested in Debbie, blah blah blah. Everyone gets all hornt up on fish secretions, and then...
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LOLOLOL OH NO. TERRIBLE. Anyway yeah it turns out Atlan is Debbie’s father too. This information is so shocking that Debbie instantly vanishes and never appears in another Aquaman comic ever again. Whoops?
Speaking of women disappearing forever, Atlanna’s doing better:
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There’s a whole thing where dead people come back from hell, including Atlanna’s husband, King Trevis, who is the one who actually abandoned baby Arthur in the middle of the ocean when he was born. Atlanna basically defeats him by calling him a cuck, and then vanishes until the New 52, where everything about her will be different. Bye, Atlanna!
Also, people coming back from hell involves a lot of lava, some of which burns off King Noble’s antennae, at which point Mera promptly realizes she’s not interested in him at all, he was just releasing sexy pheromones from his antennae without realizing it. Bye, Noble!
With their romantic rivals thus vanquished or sister-zoned, Arthur and Mera admit that they still love each other and get back together. I give them about a year. (No, really. I’ve read the comics after this.) And with that, Larsen’s run is over. Bye, Larsen!
He is replaced by Dan Jurgens, who immediately plunges into a Garth-centric story (good) that starts with Arthur and Garth...on a talk show?
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HI YES HELLO, I’M FASCINATED BY THIS. Garth is a prince now? This is new! He’s literally never been called a prince before. Does this mean Arthur has named Garth his heir? Is it an honorary title? DAN JURGENS, EXPLAIN.
(Also, hi, Rodunn, welcome to being a key Aquaman supporting character for about three years and then going away forever. Too bad, I like Rodunn.)
Arthur is on this talk show trying to get support for Atlantis, because the land nation of Cerdia has committed many acts of aggression against Atlantis and the UN is ignoring Arthur’s pleas. In fact, Cerdia attempts to assassinate Arthur with a bomb during the show, but still, no assistance or sanctions from the international community.
(Cerdia, btw, is sort of vaguely “foreign” with no location specified in the comics, though the DC wiki says it’s near the Canary Islands. It’s ruled by the evil Queen Charlanda, who wants to conquer Atlantis for...pearls, idk. The whole thing is very silly.)
In the midst of a devastating attack on Atlantis...Dolphin has her baby!
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Awww, they’re cute.
However, almost immediately after this, the baby is kidnapped by a mysterious figure who is clearly allied with Charlanda. Arthur and Garth take the fight to Cerdia and discover that Charlanda’s secret ally is...
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...Orm! Who has been manipulating Charlanda the whole time, and pretty much immediately causes her death after being confronted by Arthur. He’s also placed Garth’s baby in a tank of water that he starts superheating, which isn’t exactly what happened to Aquababy, but it’s enough to be a very pointed parallel.
Garth manages to control the temperature of the water enough to protect the baby. In the chaos of the fight, the tank breaks and Orm flees. The Arthur we’ve always known would chase the bad guy.
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But now he stays to help find the baby! Awww. I’m genuinely emotional about this, you guys - the rift between Arthur and Garth that began with Aquababy’s deal never really healed properly, and this is a huge step in that direction.
Not that Arthur isn’t HUGELY PROBLEMATIC, because he promptly declares in front of the UN, god, and everyone that since Cerdia’s queen is dead, Atlantis is annexing Cerdia as a colony. See, Charlanda kept her people poor and uneducated, so they can’t possibly self-govern, so really, Arthur’s doing them a favor! This is portrayed as a good and heroic move. What the fuck.
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Also, “for all practical purposes, our prince”? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. IS HE A PRINCE OR ISN’T HE. IS HE THE HEIR OR ISN’T HE. ARTHUR EXPLAIN. Also lol at Arthur being like “I’m afraid it’s time I put you to work on official business,” both because that is literally the only thing Garth wants in the entire world and because of what the official business is:
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Yeah, he wanted Garth to name his baby after Cerdia so he could Lion King-style wave him around and make the Cerdians stop being mad about being colonized. Both Arthur’s pose and Cerdian’s face here upset me greatly. The only good thing about this page is Dolphin’s outfit.
There are about five issues of the run after this, but they’re not significant, plot-wise - Arthur and Mera go to Skartaris, Garth gets kidnapped by aliens, yadda yadda. This last page is pretty indicative of the way this series ends: with Arthur sitting confidently on the throne of an empire, Mera by his side, a dynasty implied to be secure with Garth and Cerdian in the (presumed???) line of succession, allies galore.
And the second the 2003 series begins, that will all promptly be well and truly fucked.
Next up: Said fuckening, featuring the Obsidian Age, yet another deposing, and Arthur’s magical water hand!
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Chapter 290.
There is so much I love about that chapter. Every opportunity I get to talk about it, I take. I seriously cannot put it into words (but I’ll try)
The whole Dabi reveal was so amazing! And how we got to see Dabi’s true personality and not his cold uncaring facade we’ve seen up until that point! The art? The look of pure HORROR on Enji and Shouto? “The past never dies!”! THE ART!! “Come dance with your son in hell!!”shdjdnfbjdsk
I ramble here so, I’m sorry:
Metty, I think so much about MHA is great. The character dynamics and how they bounce off of each other is really good. The music from the anime! Tiki Hayashi is from another WORLD! The fact that there is such a big cast and everyone doesn’t have the same connections makes the world seem bigger.
Like, you have Midoriya who’s friends with Bakugou, Iida, Ochako, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Shinso but they don’t revolve around him. Bakugou has his own group, Ochako is really close with Tsuyu and the other 1A girls, Iida is super connected with his brother, Todoroki and Bakugou have friends from Shiketsu and their families. The whole Todoroki family, how Natsuo has a girlfriend, Fuyumi is a teacher, Endeavor has his coworkers, the Hero Commission, and from the hero commission, you have Hawks, Lady Nagant, Mera (💕) and etc. Don’t get me started on the LOV and how they parallel to 1A and how they show that even the “bad guys” need help too. How they are just as much human as everyone else.
The fact that these characters have different relationships with more than one character allows people to build off of them and explore different scenarios. I love the little tidbits about characters too. What they like, how tall they are, birthdays, how they seem to have their own styles, it’s just so aaah.
BNHA is also a way for people to connect. Especially with characters. I became really close with my (ex?) best friend over Bakugou and his development. How we used to share headcanons, theories, art, etc. It brings out peoples talents and that can create even more connections. There’s a reason the series is so popular. BNHA is a good feel good series and when it hits, it really hits.
There are negative aspects/downsides but I think you just have to love MHA for making such a big expansive world.
YES! Dabi's Dance was just so fucking immaculate and amazing, like this big burst of energy. Ngl I'm still living off the high of that chapter
THE ART AND THE REVEAL AND THE EXPRESSIONS! It was just soooo *chefs kiss x100* amazing
I love the character dynamics too! And Yuki Hayashi MAKES the anime imo, like there's the story and everything, but no matter how many times I hear it, his soundtracks get me so hyped! Yuki really brings his 100% to the soundtrack fr. He's one of the reasons I'm so looking forward to the rest of the anime. Can you imagine it? War Arc, Hawks' betrayal, Dabi's Dance, chapter 305 and 306, the Rogue Arc plus everything else?? Can you IMAGINE the music during the S&S battle??
I remember that, in Two Heroes (1st movie), when young All Might was introduced to us in that first battle, the music kind of had a western vibe to it, and like. All I can imagine is S&S having either touches of that soundtrack in hers or having the same western vibe. Perhaps even more intense - the intense western vibe to young All Might's carefree western vibe in his ost
And I'd totally love to see if TomurAFO's ost is a mix of Tomura's from MVA and AFO's creepy ost. That'd be so cool to listen too
I mean, all I can do is speculate lol. I always get super excited about the music. I LOVE Yuki Hayashi's work and I can't wait to see what he does with the rest of the anime!!
And yep, you're right about that whole "doesn't have the same connections" thing. It's one of the reasons I go on about the characters having their own minds, personalities etc - they aren't connected to everyone, and not always the mc either, but they have their own lives and connections. Each character is just allowed to exist, and allowed to have their own relationships away from the plot!
(aaaaaaaaaaaa Brainrot. You put Mera with the hc... you mentioned him... with a heart!! Thank you thank you 💕)
YES with the League paralleling the kids, that whole togetherness and the thing about "grouping together for a cause and ending up finding family and connections at the same time", and even about not having the same connections, with Shouto and Dabi, Ocha and Toga and Izu and Shiggy. I love them all sm
And the humanity! Like, the Heroes are "supposed" to not cry or just be tough, but they are in fact also human! And I think you see that well in the Rogue Arc (you can see it throughout the series anyway, but it's brought to attention in this arc), with Izuku, Death Arms flashback about why he quit, All Might, Lady Nagant unable to handle the emotional stress of what she'd been told to do, and arguably, I would say even Endeavor finally relenting and giving the gps to the kids, making it out like he had it all under control or didn't need additional help, was an example of that too. And then of course, Ochako in UA yelling into the megaphone, Izuku being taken care of, all of that showing that actually, Heroes are human too! They have their jobs, their obligations, but they are also people who need help, who need to be saved themselves. As Ochako puts it "Who protects the Heroes who need protecting?"
And then you have the League, who are made out by the Heroes to be cold-hearted monsters who just do the things they do for fun. Like they are just emotionless opponents in a video game or something. But as we see throughout the series, that's totally not the case! The League are human! They have feelings and thoughts, their own mindsets just like any of the other characters, and the trauma they've been through has hit a breaking point within them where they can't just stand by and do nothing for themselves. They want to be heard, they want to be seen, and they want to be understood
I'd say we probably see that as early as... Overhaul arc? That's when I began to realize it anyway. Like, I knew they were human, but the fact that the story showed proof of it in gestures such as Tomura removing his hand mask and exacting revenge on Chisaki because of what he did to Magne, Twice literally saying "We're human!", Toga being so sad about Magne and sympathetic to Twice, and the rest having their own bickering and interactions, it just showed me that the story could actually cover this side of them. Like, show us even more of the human side the Heroes never talk about
I love the little facts about all the characters. It's fun to go through the character pages and read what Hori gives us about them! And the fashion styles always feel so fitting. For that reason, I feel like Hori has such a good handle on his characters, even with little stuff like that
You're so right about bnha's feel-good stuff! It really does hit so hard when the time is right
Of course the downsides exist, but I think you're right when you say that you just have to love bnha for it's expansive world. All these things and inclusions of humanity in BOTH sides, in mindsets and such too, just makes it worth the read imo
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
Nightmare (3)
Warnings: awkward situations, a lot of feelings, suggestiveness.
Part 1 | Part 2
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“Alright, So we need to figure stuff out. There has to be rules, right...? I’m not completely sure, but in nearly all the movies where they do this kind of thing, they always make like, a list of ground rules.”
You tried not to think about how in most of those movies, the two end up together as well. So...you weren’t sure just how helpful a list of ground rules would be.
“You’re going to base whether or not you go to prison because you watched To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before once?”
Minho rolled his eyes. “Well, yeah. I hated that movie, though.”
You groaned out loud. “Okay, Minho. So what exactly do you propose?”
“Do you think I should get a paper and a pen, or something?”
You contemplated slamming your head on the coffee table.
“I’m sure we can remember.”
Minho put a finger on his chin. “Okay...so first of all we have to make this believable, right? We have to adjust our lives a little bit, start doing more coupley things, even if we’re alone.”
You looked at him, frowning. “Why?”
“It has to look natural in public.”
You nodded. The more Minho spoke, the more your brain was cursing you for agreeing. There were so many alternative solutions to his problem...although you couldn’t think of any at the moment.
“A lot of people already know we’re best friends, so just walking together isn’t enough. We really have to take this to the next level...”
“No kissing.”
Minho trailed off, raising an eyebrow. “What?”
“I said, no kisses. On the lips, anyway. Cheeks, hands, foreheads are all fine. I....I just think it would blur too many boundaries if we did kiss.”
Minho nodded slowly. “I supposed that does make sense.”
He cleared his throat and resumed. “The culmination of all of this is at Rina’s party this Saturday. We have to be the perfect couple, okay?”
You scoffed. “Don’t you think it would be a little too difficult for you to attend a party and not suck the face off of every hot girl present?”
Minho smiled humorlessly. “Anyways, two days later, we’ll break up. It should be a public affair, and Rina should be there.”
You rested your head back against the sofa, rubbing your eyes with your palms. “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this for you.”
Minho let out an indignant chuckle. “Need I remind you that this is all your fault? I passed up the opportunity to have sex with one of the hottest girls I’ve seen in my life to come over here and spend time with your sorry ass.”
That hurt. You raised your face, looking at him. There was regret written in his eyes, but you didn’t care. You could feel tears rising, and you hated it. You couldn’t cry in front of him. You wouldn’t.
“Lee Minho, you’re a fucking asshole. Seriously, being my best friend isn’t compulsory. If it’s that tiring and exhausting for you, then by all means, don’t spend time with me...fuck as many girls as you want. It’s all you’ve being doing lately anyway.”
You turned around to leave but was stopped by Minho’s hand, that had shot out to grab your wrist.
He pulled you down, and you landed half on top of him, an angry blush spreading across your features as you realized how close your face was to him in this moment. He was staring deep into your eyes, his hand still on your wrist.
“Y/n...you are my best friend. And I love spending time with you. Also...” he trailed off, looking like he wanted to say more.
You sighed. You couldn’t stay angry with him for long. So you nodded.
It took a second for you to realize that you were still in that position with him. You moved off of him, and he straightened up.
“Hey, we’re both free right now. How about we move Movie Night to tonight?”
You giggled. “I’ll get the popcorn...and some blankets.”
You tried to stand up, but he placed an arm in front of you, stopping you from getting up completely.
“I’ll do it. I’m making up for my little faux-pas yesterday. Besides, I’m your ‘boyfriend’ now.”
He winked before leaving the room, and you sank back into the sofa, your heart doing little jumps in your chest.
When he came back, he set the popcorn on the table before settling next to you, pulling the blankets over the two of you as the movie started playing.
You were trying your best to focus on the movie, but Minho had his arm around your waist and had pulled you into his side. Minho often put his arm around you, but this was different. It was clear that he was trying to be romantic, drawing little circles on your waist that was driving you crazy.
“You comfortable?” He whispered against your ear. You nodded.
“I was thinking, tomorrow morning we should walk to campus together. I know your classes are earlier than mine, but we should make an effort to be seen as a couple.”
It was an awful reminder that all this was fake. You shrugged Minho’s arm off and put a little distance between you. Minho turned around, puzzled. “What’re you doing?”
“I just thought I’d be more comfortable like this.”
“You’re ridiculous. What’s the point in being shy? It’s like this huge prank that we’re pulling on the entire campus. Last time I checked, you love deception and lies.”
Minho leaned forward, his hands going to your waist and tickling you like he used to when you were kids, causing you to laugh uncontrollably. He guffawed as he crawled on top of you, tickling you so hard that it hurt. You kicked your legs hard, hitting his arm with your fist. Minho finally stopped, panting as he stared down at you.
It felt like time had stopped. There he was, hovering over you, his face inches away from yours, again. How did the two of you keep ending up in these compromising positions?
Minho’s lips were so close to yours that if you moved up just a centimeter, they’d be touching. In horror, you realized that he was leaning slightly closer.
You pushed him away, sliding out from underneath him and sitting up, blowing hair out of your face. Breathing hard, you turned around to look at him. He had an indescribable expression on his face.
Minho slowly stood up. “Y/n, I’m feeling a little tired. I’m going to go to bed...enjoy the rest of the movie.” He left.
Minho didn’t know what had gotten into him. It’s just...there you were right under him, lips so close to his. His brain had automatically moved him closer.
The ‘No Kissing’ rule was making more and more sense by the minute. It was true. There were too many boundaries that were being crossed.
Minho decided that from then on, the couple-y stuff should only be done in public. He had to remind himself that he’d slept with girls who were more conventionally attractive and sexually experienced than you.
Why then, were you driving him mad all of a sudden?
In the morning, Minho came to the living room only to see you asleep on the sofa.
“Y/n? Get up! We’ve got to go to class.”
You groaned, getting up slowly. “My classes are like, two hours away.”
“I know, but remember? We have to walk together.”
You grimaced as you recalled the stupid arrangement. Getting up, you went to your room and slammed it, finding some clothes to pull on.
When you came back outside, Minho was tapping his fingers on the breakfast bar in a pattern, glancing at his watch from time to time. He looked up, and hurriedly grabbed your hand, half-walking and half-running out the door, with you in tow.
“Minho, slow down!” You felt your heart in your throat, due to Minho’s fingers being so tightly intertwined with yours.
“Can’t! We have to get there at the same time Rina does.”
A while later, Minho slowed his pace, his hand still firmly clasping yours. He looked around. There were a lot of people he recognized, some of them girls that he’d fucked before...the girl from his psych class over at the fountain was eyeing the two of you intensely. So was a lot of people.
Turns out, Lee Minho having a girlfriend invited a lot of questions, especially when some of them knew you to be his best friend. A few people, mostly Minho’s acquaintances, came over and made inquiries. Minho introduced you as his girlfriend each time, prompting a lot of ‘congratulations!’ and ‘finally!’s.
You turned around at the sound. There was a raven-haired girl running over to the both of you. She was wearing a very low-cut top and stilettos, and looked very intimidating. You quickly realized she was Mera, a girl that Minho had been fuckbuddies with for a while.
She crossed her arms. “You? And y/n? Dating?”
Minho nodded. “Mmhmm.”
“I thought you said you weren’t the ‘relationship kinda guy’.”
“I-“ Minho looked at you, and then squeezed your hand, pulling you closer.
“I realized I’m in love with her recently.”
You almost let out a gasp at that. Mera was dumbfounded...and frankly, so were you.
You inhaled. “I’m...in love with him, too.” You wish what you said had been a lie, like Minho’s statement.
But it was true, and the acknowledgement of that fact made you nauseous.
Mera stuck a finger in her mouth, imitating a gagging sound. As she walked past, she let her hand drag across his arm. “If you ever come to your senses and break up with her, I’ll be waiting, okay?” She blew a kiss and sauntered away.
You sighed. “This is more draining than I thought.”
Minho ignored you, looking around. “Rina’s not here...”
“Well at least a decent amount of people saw. And Mera’s one of the biggest gossips on campus. She’s bound to come to know. I mean, you’re pretty well known for your fuckboy-ness...this is big news.”
Minho cocked his head to the side. “I suppose that’s true.”
When the two of you reached a quiet hallway, Minho dropped your hand so quickly that you felt your heart ache.
“We’ll wake up a little earlier tomorrow, okay? Maybe we can run into her then.”
That night, you lay on your side. You tried telling yourself that maybe, this was a way to sort your feelings out once and for all. Maybe the reason you fell in love with Minho was because he was your best friend, and that meant there would always be ‘what if’s. Now that you get a taste of what it would be like, perhaps you’d finally be able to go about your life as normal.
Suddenly you heard your door open. You sat up a little, your sleepy eyes adjusting to the light streaming in from the hall. Minho was standing in the doorway in basketball shorts and a loose shirt, holding Gyu.
“You left this little guy in my room.”
Ah. So that’s why you couldn’t sleep. Minho walked closer, handing it to you. “Mind if I join?”
When you stayed silent, he got in beside you anyway. You turned on your side, and for a while, he stayed where he was. Then he put an arm around your waist, dragging you closer until your back hit his chest.
A few minutes later, you heard soft snoring sounds. Your heart clenched, because you knew this was just ‘practice’ because he wanted to make it ‘believable’.
It hurt, the fleetingness of this moment.
You fell asleep with tears on your pillow.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Party Time (Batdad Headcanon)
Requested by @eucatastrophichad for “ooh!! i thought about this in the shower earlier but like imagine when the justice league first formed and its like christmas time, everyone is telling what they're gonna do for the holidays and they ask bruce and he's all "spending it with my family" so hal or someone is like "since you know so much about us why dont we all get to know you?" so they have a christmas party at the manor and thats when they get introduced to batdad”
With Christmas only a few short months away, what better time to introduce a holiday party???
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Holiday time is crazy among the Justice League, but the craziest time is the traditional Christmas party at Wayne Manor. It’s been a thing since the League’s first year.
That first year, everyone wanted to know what everyone else was doing.
Clark’s excited about homemade eggnog. Jonathon Kent makes the world’s best eggnog and he will fight you on this.
Diana’s picked up holiday traditions from all over the world from years past.
Barry’s excited to be with Iris for their first serious couple Christmas.
Oliver absolutely hates having to go to all the upper-crust Christmas parties in Star City.
Hal glances at Bruce, who is brooding in the corner like usual.
“So, what does the Bat do for Christmas? Huh? Or, you know, Hanukkah, or whatever.”
Bruce doesn’t react with his face. “Spending it with my family.”
They all look at each other.
Arthur narrows his eyes. “Ya know, you know all about us. Hell, you’ve probably run a background check on Barry’s girlfriend!”
Barry chuckles. Then - “Wait, what?”
“Your point being?”
“Maybe we should get to see this family of yours.” Arthur suggest.
Everyone else nods and agrees. Somehow, Bruce gives in.
And you decide to invite them all to a very special, super-top-secret holiday bash. With guests.
You and Alfred go all out with decorations, making the boys help. At this early point, it’s only Dick and Jason, so everybody needs to carry a stepladder.
Nearly everyone brings a significant other. Hal brings Carol, Barry brings Iris, Arthur brings Mera
Clark brings his parents. Hal thinks it’s lame, until Martha gives him an eyebrow raise and he immediately apologizes. “Sorry, Ma’am.”
Ollie and Dinah aren’t together yet, and they both come stag. 
Everyone is dying to meet you. They’ve all heard of you on the news and stuff.
Ollie’s already met you. He tried to flirt with you once at a party, and that did not end well.
“Hey, what’s a handsome fella like you doing all alone at one of these things?”
Bruce unfortunately arrived right at that point with two drinks in his hand and a very possessive streak in his soul.
You flashed your ring finger at him. “Sorry, Mr. Queen. Not alone after all.”
Bruce smirked. “Ollie.”
“Brucie.” Oliver returned, then looked at you. “You can call me Oliver, Mr. Wayne.”
You smiled. “Y/N.”
So suffice it to say Ollie’s not too eager for a repeat.
He’s courteous, and since he already counts you as a friend, he leaves you to others for the night.
You spend a while talking to the Kents, who are only too eager to share baby stories about Clark. You know he can hear because he goes bright red all the way across the room.
Martha and Alfred swap recipes and war stories about raising vigilantes.
Jason was grounded from patrol by Bruce the other night, so you’ve “punished” him by giving him the night’s most fun job - keeping Barry from eating everything on the table.
Barry’s a good sport and “steals” a cookie and has Jason chase him around the room.
Dick is a hit, although at first he follows Superman around shyly.
Eventually he and Dinah get into a big discussion about martial arts and gymnastics, and then Iris mentions she’s got a nephew about Dick’s age, if he might want to meet up.
Hal’s the kind of guy who likes to drag people into political conversations, so when he springs a policy question on you, you are grateful when Diana rescues you in the guise of taking you over to introduce you to Arthur.
Arthur, who is in the middle of an eggnog-drinking contest with Jonathon Kent, who is easily drinking him under the table. 
Diana is very impressed with you and asks for details about how you and Bruce met.
Mera is unimpressed with Arthur’s antics, and joins the conversation. Eventually it somehow turns to a discussion about battle tactics, and they are more than impressed by your contributions.
Bruce is more than a little jealous that everyone wants some of your time. He practically glues himself to your side all night just so he can be sure to get the most of you.
Clark is absolutely stunned when you ask if he can interview you. Mostly it’s to promote a charity of yours in Metropolis, but you both realize that having such a popular global figure be interviewed by him would be a major boost to his career.
You tell him he can always call you if he needs anything.
Iris is a total sweetheart with the patience of a saint, so you understand how she can be a perfect match for Barry. 
Everyone tries to make plans to see more of you. Ollie and Hal joke that maybe you should be the one coming to the Watchtower instead of Bruce.
Diana insists that you should know the inner workings
Jason helpfully chimes in that you’re mission control down here with Alfred, so you should be a great help to the League.
Bruce has no choice but to agree, but he makes sure he’s always near you or in contact with you. Ollie might be a good teammate, but he’s had a dislike for him ever since he flirted with you once.
In all, the annual party has become a much-looked-forward to event, and nothing stops you from hosting it. Not when the League’s numbers swelled and the party became too big for even the ballroom and had to be expanded to the whole first floor. Not when Wayne Manor was razed to rubble and you held the party on the grounds in stylish tents strung with fairy lights (even though I’m not European I love calling them that). And not even when Jason died, as the party was held in his memory and the socialization helped to draw you and Bruce out of depression.
Nothing much has changed other than there being more people.
Clark still always brings his parents. Arthur thinks that the older Jonathon gets, the better chance he has at out-drinking him. Martha and Alfred always share “look what he did THIS time” stories.
After they get married, Ollie and Dinah jokingly flirt with you and Bruce just to mess with the Bat.
Everyone always has a great time. No rivalries or beefs are allowed.
And afterward, Bruce never fails to thank you for being just so...perfect for him.
And also, every year, he jokes that Ollie and DInah are no longer invited.
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crimsonheartstuff · 4 years
Sakuno Ryuzaki X Seijuro Akashi
Prince of tennis/Kuroko no basket
Untitled story.
A/N: I don't own anything. This is my first time writing a Fanfic. I've been looking for this ship but can't find any so I make one...
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The winter cup just ended when Akashi saw for the first time
Seijūrō Akashi still can't believe he lost. His teammates already left. He is alone, sitting at one of the benches outside the staduim. He is looking at the cloudy dark sky.
"Um... h-hi" Seijuri look at the owner of the voice. A girl with two long braided hair, holding a white handkerchief. He blink several times, wondering what she's doing. "I- I saw t-the game" Seijuro almost cringe, but he is too amuse with this girl's blushing face "I.. also lost several games, when I'm.. just starting to play tennis" after hearning the said sport, he notice the tennis bag behind the she is carrying "I... actually still lost.. especially with my nii-sans.." Seijuro watch the girl take a deep breath "w-what I..am saying is, its normal to lose.. and cry... here its all yours" the girl put the handkerchief at his hand, he watch the girl run away. It takes a several moments when he realize, that he is crying. But now, his heart fells so light. He looks at the white handkerchief. Its just a plain white handkerchief with a big S at the corner. Akashi Seijuro smiles again.
The second time Akashi Seijuro saw her is on Tetsuya's birthday.
The Generation of Miracles + Momoi and Kuroro decided to spent kuroro's birthday playing basketball at one of the street court. He enjoys playing basketball after the winter cup. And he enjoys it more now he is playing with his friends like oldtimes. He saw Momoi sitting and watching them, he talks with the rest they decided to let Momoi play with them, she is also part of the team. Akashi decided to sit on the betch and watch his friends play, the boys are letting Momoi score every basket, and when Momoi missed, they all laugh. They continue playing when Kise stumble, all of them run towards Kise.
"I'm guys.. I just fell" Kise cheerfully said. Aomine notice a yellow-green tennis ball beside Kise.
"I think this is the reason, but how this ball end up here?" Aomine ask no one in particular. "Well I think we should take a break" everyone agreed, they walked to the bench, to take some break. When they heard a childrens laughter not far from them.
Mindorima picks the tennis ball "may be, this tennis ball is theirs. I give this back to them" but everyone wants to come, so they all follow the laughters. They didn't have to walk that far, just few steps they are already at the public tennis court.
Seijuro's eyes went wide. She is there, wearing a tennis attire with her hair in two buns. She is teaching 10 kids, how to play tennis. Seijuro didn't notice his friends are already walking towards the group of tennis player, he is busy watching her smiles at the kids succesful shoots.
"Ne, Aka-chin, don't you want to come?"
Seijuro blink several times and nod. The girl saw them waking and smile at them. His throat are too dry to greet her.
"Ryuzaki-san" the group look at koroko with confused face, "this is yours?" Then Kuroko show her the tennis ball, Seijuro watches her expression change, from confuse to happy to relieve.
"Hai! Kuroko-san" again the girl smile, but this time for Kuroko only, and he is not happy about it "though I wonder why you have it"
"Maybe one of the kids hit the ball to much, it end ups at basketball court" kuroko said.
"Ah.. Go-Gomen" the girl, who is Kuroko called Ryuzaki bow at them. Her voice, is more beautiful than he remembers.
"Ne, ne.. don't worry, no ones hurt" Kise said, too cheerfully for his liking "b-buttt how fo you know kurokocchi?"
Seijuro is waiting for the voice again but Kuroko answered the question "I apologize for my behavior, let me introduce her, -" once again the girl smiles at them, "This is Ryuzaki, Sakuno, she is the vice captain and one of the founder of girls tennis team. She is also my classmate. Ryuzaki, they are my teammates at middle school. Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine, Akashi and Momoi-"
"Girlfriend, I'm Tetsu-kun's girlfriend" all of them sighed except for kuroko who doesn't show any expersion. The girl, Ryu-Sakuno just smile
"Oh, I know, Kagami told me"
"WHAT!" Kise and Aomine shout, the kids just look at them then continue playing tennis. Seijuro release his breath that he didn't know that he is holding.
Momoi just blush "Kagami likes to tease kuroko about his girlfriend, so the whole school knows about your relationship." Sakuno bow at them "It nice to meet you"
"I-its nice to meet you too" damn.. did he stutter. He hopes that no one notice.
Momoi finally recover and grin at Sakuno, "yeah, its nice to meet my boyfriend's friend"
"Ryuzaki, we don't want to distract you with you tennis lesson, we're going back to the basketball.. see you tomorrow" Sakuno just smile at them and wave. Wait is Sakuno looking at him?
"Ne, Tetsu we don't know you have other friends aside from your teammates." Aomine ask.
"Ah..." Kuroko answered.
"Ne..ne kurokocchi I'm curious hows your life at school, tells us about" Kise beg, Momoi has a hope in her eyes, and he also wants to know about Sakuno.
"Come on, tetsu-kun, we are also on break"
Kuroko just sighed and started telling the story, Seijuro listen carefully and take every information about Sakuno. Sadly, Kuroko didn't said anything about Sakuno or her personal life. Kuroko just said that they are a big group of first year, from different club, they become close because of Sakuno, and they all spent their sunday together, either playing different sports or having an advance study. They usually hang out at Kagami's house, 'cause he lives alone or at Sakuno's 'cause her parents are nice. And tomorrow is another celebration of Kuroko's birthday with the whole 1st year group, since kuroko's day is already full, with them this morning and this afternoon with basketball team which was organize by firsr year basketball member.
The group decided to joined the party this afternoon.
The third time he saw her is at the National Championship of Tennis (Girls divition).
Akashi is forever thankful for Momoi's unending source of information, they are now sitting and supporting the Seirin girls tennis team, which is compose of 7 first year with other Seirin first year. The first year group promise to support each others match, and that is the reason why Sakuno is at the wintercup even though she is a tennis player.
"Satsuki why you even drag me here" Aomine complained. Which is followede by yeah from Midorima and Muraskibara. Satsuki just rolled her eyes, and gave Murasakibara new sets of candy.
"Shh, Dai-chan shut up, we are supporting Tetsu-kun's friends" Momoi said, but she is not watching the game, she is looking at kuroko who is sitting beside her. Kise is shouting so loud cheering.
"Shut up Ahomine, some people are trying to much" Kagami said, while wathing at the game, singles 3, Seirin lost at Doubles 1, but won on doubles 2.
"Why you even watch this, this game is so boring"
The group heard someone cleared their throat. All of them up, at the seats behind them, they saw a group of men, glaring at them, the men are scary, specially the guy with oval glasses.
They continue to watch the game, the Seirin won the singles 3, the singles 2 will start soon when he heard the men at the back talking.
"Eh? The captain will play the singles 2? Why not the Saku-chan, she is the vice captain right" after hearing the word Saku-chan the other first year of seirin look at the source of the voice.
"We all know that Sakuno is a better tennis player, but we also know that she doesn't what to be the captain" the man with eyes closed said.
"They don't have a coach nya"
One of the first year has a guts to ask the group at the back. "Excuse me, do you know Ryuzaki-chan?"
"Nya,.. yes we know her and Mera-chan the captain, they are our kohai way back in middle school nya" a man cat answered. "Now, now start watching the next game, Mera-chan is an amazing player"
And they went back watching the game, its true, she is an amazing player but she is againts a third year, Seijuro look back at Sakuno and watch her, she watch the match calmly like the another match, (yes he's been watching her since the first match,) after several minutes, Seirin won, Sakuno offers a towel, he watch them talk and look at the opponent.
Sakuno walks to the court, and face them, she wave at their area and everyone shout and cheer.
"I still can't believe Echizen break up with her" one of the man behind them said.
Seijuro recognize the name, Echizen, a Pro-tennis player. She is Echizen's ex-girlfriend. She likes a tennis player. Yes they are already broke up, but what if she still loves him. Different scenario played at his mind, but this end instantly when he heard the umpire.
Seijuro watch her play. He can't believe it, she plays so gracefully.
He watch every moves. Every shoot. Every jump.
How can she dives in ground so gracefully?
Her smile. God he loves her smile.
He loves her dance at the court.
He loves her shoots.
He loves her determined yet face face.
God He loves her.
Oh God he loves her.
Damn. He loves her.
She won the game.
She won his heart with out doing anything.
Seijuro bid goodbye with his friendd, he doesn't know what to do. He can't face her now.
He walks aroud without destination, he ends up at a flowershop. Saw a flower on a small poy that reminds him of Sakuno, didn't think twice to buy the flower.
Now he has a flower, but don't know what to do. Pathetic.
The fourth time he saw her is at the interhigh, Rakuzan High vs. Too High,
He is sick, but he needs to play.
They are losing, he doesn't have enough energy, he is sick.
The ball went out the court, Seijuro decided to pick the ball, and he saw her.
She is at the entrance, she is holding the ball, she walks toward him and give the ball.
"There are still time, to win this game" she said to him. Only him. Looking at his eyes and smiling at him.
Seijuro nod and smirk "watch me win this game?" She nod and smile.
The game end, they won, he won. He look at sakuno who is smiling, then start walking out. Seijuro didn't wait for his teammates, he picks his bag and start running.
Seijuro saw her at bench sitting, looking at the starry sky. He sits beside her. Still watching her face.
"Congrats on winning" then sakuno look at him "I don't know you well, but I know you will win that game" she said smiling.
"T-Thank y-you"
"You're sick right?" They sakuno puts her hands at his forehead "and you didn't take a bath..." Sakuni said with a cute pout.
"Sorry, if I smell" Seijuro said with a slight blush.
"Its okay, but you need to rest"
"I will... um can I get your number?" Sakuno nod, and that is his best night.
After a months of texting and calling, they will finally meet, and hang out, just the two of them. And this is the day that he will ask her to be his girlfriend.
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lesbianpikachuu · 4 years
tell me about yoomtah!!!
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ok infodump time um. shes from a cool youtube show called epithet erased!! its basically like. abt 1 in 5 people in the ee universe have epic powers called Epithets and theyre basically a word attached to someones soul that lets them do...stuff!as mera puts it
epithets can range from words like Soup to Drowsy to Goldbricker to stuff i didnt even know was a thing until i watched ee like Parapet!
and theres this magic amulet called the Arsene Amulet (usually pronounced arson amulet) and legend says that if u have it u can steal peoples epithets.........
so now someone got their hands on this amulet and now its kinda being hot-potatoed around between the good guys and the bad guys and the morally gray guys
yes i have a script for every time i explain epithet erased WHAT ABT IT
anyways!yoomtah zing aka the literal light of my life aka my GIRLFRIEND is in the main (afaik) villain group of ee called Bliss Ocean (but i think its funy to call them bliss bocean) and shes their errand girl whayever that means i dont rlly know but its gotta be cool bc she does it ummmm heres her lil info card thingy from the show
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fun fact she is a cyborg!which also means i have no idea if her cool electric powers are her epithet or just bc shes part robot bc it doesnt rlly say at all idk
uuauaaaaa i.brain isnt working i dont know if i have anything else to say jsut take The Video of her
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tldr i
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a-simple-imagine · 6 years
You Me Her
Requested by me: Arthur - your childhood best friend and crush - returns to Atlantis after many years. Your crush lingers but while he was away you developed feelings for a certain redheaded princess but your world comes crashing down when you catch Arthur and Mera together.
Pairing: Arthur x fem!reader x Mera 
Words: 3278
A/N - Some parts are mad cheesy but i hope it’s enjoyable overwise. Sorry it’s so long
Trigger Warning - Cheating and swearing 
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My eyes lingered on the painful sight, unable to drag them away. This couldn't be happening. How could I have been so stupid? So naive? Not only was my girlfriend currently kissing someone else but said someone else just so happened to be my best friend and longtime crush. He had left - or more like abandoned -Atlantis years ago for life upon the shore. I hadn't expected him to just up and leave the way he did. I buried my feelings for him long ago. But standing here now, it was like he broke the lock without even realising it. Then there was Mera. Princess of Xebel. A gorgeous redhead who crashed into my life and never quite left. She was a strong, intelligent woman who almost immediately stole my heart. But I was never convinced I had hers in its entirety. I never brought it up because I was scared of ruining what we had. We had never decided to put a label on ourselves and now this? I guess I should have been clearer in my intentions with the princess. Maybe none of this would have happened if I had just expressed that I wanted us to be exclusive. But the thing that hurt the most was that Mera knew I had a crush on Arthur. I even remember telling her about how in love I used to think I was. I guess none of that mattered the moment she decided to kiss my best friend. It also stung that the first thing Arthur did when getting back was rush to Mera. I hadn't even realised they were so close. Saving an entire underwater civilization really changes a person. I coughed a little to announce my presence. They broke apart and looked to me. I gave them a small awkward wave and watched as Arthur's face lit up while Mera's had guilt written all over.
"If it isn't the one and only Y/N." He came bounding over, arms outstretched. Caught in his tight embrace, I relaxed in his toned arms. On letting go, I noticed his eyes drift over me. "You've gotten really big."
"That's what happens when you get older," i remarked, raising my shoulders in a quick shrug. "You would know if you had bothered to stick around."
"Duty called." He declared. Saluting as he did so. He seemed proud of his words and he had a lot to proud of I'm sure but when he left he wasn't exactly all that old. He wasn't some badass warrior so what exactly was his duty? What was so compelling that he just up and left without a second thought? I didn't dignify his response instead my attention drifted to the redhead. She hadn't bothered to say anything since I caught her, not even a simple apology. I at least thought I deserved that much. Her gaze was fixed on me, I had felt it from the moment they realised I was here.
"So what's my favourite girl been up to?"
Favourite? I couldn't ignore him even if I wanted to. A familiar flutter in my stomach whenever he was nice to me. It may have been a while since I saw him but my feelings for him were very much still there. Just waiting for their chance to resurface.
"Favourite?" I questioned softly. As much as I liked him, I had never known if the feeling was mutual. Never bothered to ask. I enjoyed the admiring from afar because it didn't come with the possibility of rejection.
"Of course, how long we been best friends for now?"
Despite it all though, I was still very bitter about him leaving and I wasn't about to bury those feelings. I wanted him to know just how much he hurt me. "We were best friends," I stated. "Then you left."
"Were you always this grumpy?" He joked
"Fuck You"
"Definitely always that feisty." Arthur continued, a chuckle leaving his lips. While deeper than before, he still had the same carefree laugh I had loved since back then. I didn't know what issue to deal with first. The fact Arthur was back or that my girlfriend was kissing him. Obviously, that meant they liked each other, right? At least to some extent. Thinking about it logically, Arthur was innocent. I assume he has no idea about Mera and I so I can't really get angry at him for the kiss. Mera, on the other hand, is a different story.
"How could you Mera?" I called out softly and she dropped her gaze to the floor.
"What do you mean-"
Arthur's words were interrupted by Mera as she swam closer to me. She still wouldn't meet my eye though. "I'm sorry, Y/N- it kind of just... happened."
"Kisses don't just happen," I growled, backing away from her just slightly.
"What is going on?" Arthur asked rather loudly.
"I'm kinda seeing, Mera," I admitted. "guess she forgot to mention that huh?"
"The fact that you're kinda seeing me is the problem Y/N." It was unexpected and caused me to frown. Why was she snapping at me all of a sudden? She was fully capable of making it official herself.
"How? You're the one who was so reluctant about us."
"Yeah because you're still pining over that idiot." With her voice raised, her hand shot in the direction of Arthur and I felt heat rush to my cheeks. She had no right to tell him that but I was too embarrassed to deal with that right now.
"Me? I'm that idiot?" Arthur interrupted. I heard him but chose to ignore him. As did Mera.
"I was not!" I fired back. "You're being ridiculous."
"I've always felt like nothing more than a distraction for you. From the moment he left, you've been wishing he'd come back."
"He was my best friend Mera, of course, I wanted him to come back," I countered. "We didn't even start dating until like years after."
"It was more than that and you know it. You still like him after all this time" Mera looked hurt like I had done something wrong by liking Arthur. It's not like I kissed him though. I wasn't in the wrong here but it was getting harder to convince myself.
"I told you I had a crush on him when we were younger but that doesn't change how I feel about you, Mera. From the moment I met you, I knew I liked you. You were a princess but you were always so kind and fair. You're a total badass with a heart of gold. He abandoned us all but you'd never do that. You've always made me feel special. I want to do silly couple stuff with you. I've wanted this to be something more than just fucking for a long time, it's just hard to admit."
Mera sighed deeply. "Can you honestly look at Arthur and say you don't have feelings for him?"
Her voice was gentle and completely lacking the same volition it had before. When I looked at the man in question who seemed so utterly confused, I knew I couldn't say that. It'd be a lie. "Can you?" I retorted. "Why are you mad at me when you're the one who kissed him?"
"I already apologised."
"Sorry isn't good enough here, Mera. It's clear you're not sorry you did it, just that you got caught."
"Not that I'm not enjoying this little fight of yours but does anyone wanna like fill me in on what's going on here?"
I rolled my eyes. "Mera kissed you,"
"Y/N has had a massive crush on you since you were younger." Mera insisted.
"Massive crush?"
"And we're currently dating." I continued, pointing to Mera and myself.
"You like me?" His words made my cheeks flush with colour.
"Mera likes you too-" I shouted back defensively.
"I'm really that irresistible, huh?"
"Shut up." Mera and I groaned in unison.
"So where go from here?" I wondered. Mera just shrugged while Arthur remained completely silent. It was a complicated situation that I don't think any of us knew how to deal with or at least, I didn't. "I mean, it's obvious you two like each other so am I just collateral? Something for you to pass the time." I pointed to Mera and then to Arthur. "And for you to never even consider."
"I don't know." Arthur shrugged. "I never knew you liked me."
"You can tell she likes you by the way she looks at you, dude. You're not that dense, are you?"
"Can we please stop talking about my feelings for Arthur? It's really embarrassing-"
"Hey!" Arthur groaned defensively.
"I don't mean it like that. I just mean it's embarrassing for me because you don't like me back."
"I never said I don't like you." He countered, shrugging his shoulders.
"But you kissed Mera."
"Technically she kissed me."
"That makes it worse" I stressed.
I sighed loudly, my eyes fluttering closers. I was getting flustered. "Because my girl kissed you."
"Since when was I your girl?" Mera piped up, her brows furrowing. Her defensive tone made me panic. Had I said something wrong? I was angry with her but I still liked her and we had just discussed that we were both after something more so I thought it would be okay. Guess not
"Oh- I... is that not what we are? I thought you wanted this but if not-"
"You're not still mad, I kissed Arthur?"
"No, I am. Very much so." I nodded. "I just think I like you too much to end it over a kiss."
"Right so you like me," Arthur started speaking slowly, looking at Mera. I guess he was trying to put everything together in his head. Then he turned to me. "You like me too but you also both like each other?"
"Wow he's so observant isn't he?" I teased playfully and Mera smiled.
"Apparently so."
"I have a crazy idea," Arthur pipped up again. A smile settling on his lips.
"So like all of your ideas then?" Mera joked. I laughed a little.
"Maybe we could make this whole thing work?"
"What work?"
"this thing? Between us all?"
My eyes widened for a moment before I burst out laughing. He was joking, right? That wouldn't work. "Don't be ridiculous,"
"Maybe he has a point," Mera announced and I choked on my laughter. I could understand Arthur suggesting such a thing but Mera? I never expected this to come from her.
"Crazy, I know but just consider it for a second. I mean, I like you Y/N. I may not show it in the best way but I really do and then I don't know... there is just something about Arthur that draws me in. I don't wanna let you go but do you want to deny your feelings for him? Because I don't. In the long run, it's gonna come back and bite us in the ass."
"Win-win for me, I get two of the prettiest girls in the sea."
"Ew." I cringed, noticing Mera frown. This was a lot to take in and Arthur's cheesiness wasn't helping. "I don't... even know what to say to that. I'm not sure I'd be okay dating two people at once, I'm sure others are and that's fine but I just... I don't know."
"Shush Arthur," Mera demanded, a wave of her hand shut him right up. "Y/N. How do you feel about me?"
"I... I like you- a lot" I reply slowly, glancing to Arthur utterly confused about where this was going. "You already know this though. You're one of my favourite people in Atlantis."
"Okay," Mera was battling a smile and very much loosing, looking anywhere but at me. I guess I was embarrassing her with my words. "Now, how do you feel about Arthur?"
"Seriously?" I groaned.
"It's a harmless question, Y/N."
"I've liked Arthur since the moment he helped me when I got my foot caught between the rocks when we were out playing. It hurt like a bitch. He actually tried to move the rock himself but he couldn't so he went to get help. When he came back, he sat with me, talked with me- made me laugh to keep my mind off the pain. After that, we hung out like all the time. He became my very best friend and my feelings kinda just developed from there. He was also so caring and funny. He has a very big heart even if he won't admit it." I couldn't help but smile at the memory. Arthur had been there for me through a lot of hard times before he abandoned me. I was always gonna have a soft spot for him. How could anyone not? It also helped that he aged really well.
"I can't believe you remember that,"
"I remember so many times spent with you, Arthur. You're pretty hard to forget. Spent most of my childhood running around after you."
"And how do you feel about him now?"
I shrugged. "You already know."
"Tell me again." The redhead insisted. I was uncomfortable, to say the least. I felt like I was being interrogated but my two best friends. It was almost like they had come up with this idea beforehand and they're now trying to ambush me. Make me see it there way which I was struggling to do. I glanced towards Arthur who was just watching me. Waiting for an answer.
"How can I not still like him when he looks like that?" I mumbled, motioning to the man.
"If you like us both then what's the problem with seeing us both?
"I just don't know Mera. I don't understand what you want me to say."
The woman moved closer to me, she reached for my hands but I moved away. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Y/N. But I like you, and I'm pretty sure that dumbass does too.
Arthur smiled brightly when he was mentioned and I returned it awkwardly. By now I think he realised he was getting no say in this discussion. But I was still torn. I wasn't sure I could handle seeing Mera and Arthur. Or seeing Arthur with Mera. It just complicated things to a degree I wasn't sure was needed but they seemed so set on it. So sure that this would all work out. That we'd be happy together and maybe we would but what happens if things go wrong? Would I lose both my best friends? Telling them I needed some time to myself, I just left them there.
I purposefully let days pass. Keeping my distance from both of them to give myself a chance to think without them insisting their idea is the right choice. I assumed their days were spent quite differently but maybe was just being bitter. I couldn't help but wonder if they had gotten together after our little talk. If they were out doing things like a couple or I don't know... fucking, maybe? I guess that was one of the biggest thoughts swirling around my head. Was my girlfriend still my girlfriend and was she fucking my childhood best friend who she was just so drawn to? If I'm being honest, Mera was on my mind a lot. I actually missed her and the simple moments we spent together. It was easy to stay away from Arthur since I was used to not seeing him; I'd gotten so used to the idea that he left. But Mera was someone I saw frequently and she held arguably a more special place in my heart than Arthur did right now. I still liked him though.
The next time I saw Mera, I never wanted to leave her again. She looked no different than normal but in my eyes, it was like discovering something I lost long ago. I felt content, happy, excited even. I rushed over and pulled her into my arms. I felt her arms wrap around me to complete the embrace and it was like I was home again.
"I missed you." I whispered against the small of her neck.
"I missed you too." she squeezed me gently. I let the hug linger for a moment wanting this to last as long as possible. When I finally let go of her, I backed up a little.
"So... are you with Arthur now?" I wasn't sure I wanted an answer to my question but I had to ask. It would annoy me not knowing.
She instantly shook her head. "Course not. You're my girl."
"What about him though?" I questioned. Had they really just went their separate ways?
"What about him? I'm with you and I don't wanna change that; Is this still what you want?
"Yeah," I confirmed. "But I've been thinking about you and... us-"
"Us?" She interrupted rather loudly, surprising me a little. "You actually considered it?"
"Don't act so shocked, I did say I would." I insisted, my brow knitting together.
"And what did you decide?" She asked. I shrugged a little.
"You promise you won't judge?"
"Would I ever?"
"Yes," I stated matter of factly. "You actually very judgemental."
Mera scoffed and I couldn't help but chuckle. "I want to give Arthur a chance."
"Oh... like just him or-"
"No!" I shook my head. "No, I mean like all of us together. I'm not choosing him over you. Not even close."
"I thought you didn't want to date two people?"
I pursed my lips and moved closer to her. Putting my arms over her shoulders. She placed her hand on my hips and pulled me closer. Fuck, I missed this. "Am I not good enough for you anymore miss, Y/L/N?"
"I believe this was your idea, Miss Challa? Well, it was Arthur's but you agreed."
"Honestly never thought you'd agree."
"If you don't want to, we don't have to," I replied. I had thought it over, a lot in fact and came to the decision that there was no harm in giving it a go. But if Mera no longer wanted to, I'd stand by her. She was the one I was seeing. Not Arthur. She didn't run off and leave me alone when I was younger like a certain guy. I may have to get over that though. "If it came down to it, I'd always choose you."
"Should we really be doing it if that's the case though? I know I agreed before but I've been thinking about what happens if say... someone feels left out? What if Arthur gets jealous of us because we were together first? What if you end up liking him more than me?"
"Mera, sweetie." I moved one hand to grace her cheek before leaning up and kissing her forehead gently. "I didn't take you for the jealous type."
Her smile faded "I'm being serious, Y/N."
"So was I when I said we don't have to do it if you don't want to. We don't need no man."
"But you like him." She insisted, dropping her head. A finger under her chin I brought it back up and presented her with a reassuring smile.
"I thought you did too."
I watched her for a moment. Head tilting for a moment. "Yeah?"
She nodded in response and I took the opportunity to kiss her properly but only for a moment. "Let's go see Arthur then"
I took her hand in mine and lead the way. She didn't protest or say anything but when I looked back I saw a smile.
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klbwriting · 6 years
Center of Two Worlds
Chapter 5: Finally Some Understanding
Fandom: DCEU
Pairing: Orm x female!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur sent Y/N to hide with his father and mother at the lighthouse.  Orm volunteers to train her like an Atlantian.
Tags: @bookdragoneve @scuzmunkie @fangsweetpea @dulcerdzx
@downsideright @aggie-the-poet @weakling-grace
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"You sent her where?!" Orm yelled at Arthur, jumping from his hospital bed and heading into the hall to find Y/N.  Arthur and Mera followed him.
"Arthur, I'm still confused why you are killing birds with stones," she said, trying to figure out what the saying meant.  Arthur sighed, not liking having both his brother and his girlfriend coming at him with questions.  He was a simple guy, being king and having more than one person in his family was going to drive him insane.
"Mera, its a saying meaning I can do two things at once, Orm chill dude," he said as Orm led them into the now empty room that Y/N had been in.  The ex-king rounded on the new king and glared.
"You sent her to stay with your father...on the surface?  Where Manta is from?  You remember that right?  You are an idiot," he said, shoving Arthur back several feet in anger.  Arthur just sighed.
"Ok, listen little bro..."
"Don't call me that."
"Ok fine, baby bro, Manta doesn't know she's half human, meaning he probably thinks she lives in Atlantis full time.  And if he ever did figure out there was an Atlantian living among humans he would go right for that place, sending her to stay with someone neither she nor Manta knows is safest.  Plus, mom and dad will be watching over her while she trains.  I do need to find a trainer for her though, Vulko will probably love to..." Arthur said, looking like he was in thought.  Orm shook his head.
"No!  I will train her," he said.  Like hell he was going to leave Y/N to train with Vulko, a formidable fighter but not as good as he was.  She deserved the best.  She was half-Atlantian after all, she should be trained as the noble she was.  
"You've never left the sea, you sure you can tolerate being among the lowly humans?" Arthur asked.  Orm glared.
"I am going to train her, she should be trained by the best," he insisted.  "I'll leave at once, where am I going?"
Y/N smiled as Atlanna sat down on the rocks next to her, watching the sunset and waves beat against the shore.  She appreciated that Arthur was keeping her safe and his father had so far been a wonderful host, giving her a nice room and hot tea as soon as she arrived but now that it was quiet, introductions were over, and she was nearly alone she found she missed Atlantis, missed the sights and sounds, and Orm.  She missed that arrogant prince more than anything. 
"Are you alright?" Atlanna asked, sipping her own tea.  "I'm sure you'll be returning to Atlantis soon, Arthur will find Manta and put a stop to his antics."  Y/N nodded.
"I know, I trust he will, but I still miss Or..Atlantis," she said, not ready to say out loud to his own mother that she missed him.   She knew instantly her slip up had been noticed, Atlanna was smiling knowingly.
"I'm sure he misses you too," the woman said softly.  They were distracted then by someone arriving on the dock, landing a little rough.  Y/N knew instantly who it was, standing quickly and heading down the rocks to the dock.  Atlanna followed a little slower, wanting to see what happened.  Y/N nearly ran down the dock but slowed up just a bit so she didn't seem too excited.
"What are you doing here?  On land?" Y/N asked, once again noticing the way Orm's hair sat outside of the water, looking mussed in the best way possible.  And now she also saw how the sun reflected off his blue eyes making them stand out even more and for a moment she felt she might fall over from a sudden weakness in the knees. 
"Arthur sent me, said he wanted you trained to fight like and Atlantian," he said.  He wasn't going to admit that he wanted to come.  Actually wanted to be on the surface as long as she was there.  He looked passed her to his mother a little further up the dock.  He also noticed a man approaching from the lighthouse, the man who must have been Arthur's father.  He felt a sudden anger rush over him.  This was the man that had taken his mother and almost erased his very existence. 
"Well, I guess I will have to thank him when I get back," she said.  "So I guess we need to get you a room."  He shook his head.
"No, we're going to train, best time to train in the water is at night, strengthens you eyesight," he said, making something up quick so he didn't have to confront Arthur's father yet.  Y/N frowned but shrugged.
"Well, guess I'm glad I didn't change clothes yet," she said.  She turned and waved at Atlanna and Tom before moving past Orm.  "Come on then."  She dove into the water and he followed.  She watched for his direction as he swam deeper into the ocean, then suddenly lost him as he surged forward in speed.  "Son of a bitch..." she muttered as she put on her speed to catch up.  She hit the bottom hard, bouncing actually and landing on her front, eyes adjusting to the deep water.  She sat up looking around.
"Well that was sad to watch," she heard Orm say from somewhere hidden.  "Always be aware of your surroundings."  She focused and heard movement behind her and was able to dodge just in time to avoid being hit by some seaweed.  "Well at least you knew that was going to happen."  She stood up and folded her arms looking at him. 
"I thought we were training me to avoid getting concussions?" she snarked at him.  He chuckled some and zoomed past her.  "No...not again."  She gave chase this time, keeping up better until he turned abruptly and headed back the way they came.  She growled and did the same, not expecting him to have stopped almost directly behind her.  They collided and toppled in the water, landing on the ocean floor with him next to her and her coughing up sand from the ground.  Orm rolled and hovered over her, worried that she may actually be hurt again. 
"Are you alright?" he asked, hand coming up to hold onto the back of her neck, cradling her head.  He looked down at her, the concern evident in his eyes.  She nodded slowly, unable to speak at the moment.  She swallowed hard and thought she would take a small chance and leaned up only a little bit.  Orm knew what was about to happen and he had to stop, he wasn't going to do this now, not after nearly breaking her back again.  He pulled back, bringing her to float a few feet off the seabed.  Suddenly the tension was thick, her confusion written on her face.  He tried to keep his face blank and think of what to do next.  He felt like he would rather meet his pseudo stepfather over talking to her right at the moment. 
"Orm..." she started but he cut her off.
"That's enough for today, don't want you to break a bone," he said before shooting back to the surface and heading up to lighthouse before she could get out of the water.
Y/N followed him, confused and a little hurt.  She had clearly been wrong about the feeling she got from him.  He no longer hated her but he most certainly was not feeling the way she was.  When he went inside Tom introduced himself and Orm just nodded slowly.
"Ya know, you look like you need to think, follow the stairs all the way up and take a few minutes to sort it out," Tom said.  Orm didn't argue, didn't even care to talk at the moment and just went up the stairs and out the door, coming to the top of the lighthouse, overlooking the sea.  He had to admit it was beautiful to see the ocean from this height, a completely new and awe-inspiring experience.  But he couldn't fully enjoy in, his head muddled with what almost happened below the depths just a few minutes ago.  He was so lost in his mind that he didn't hear Tom join him outside.
"What?" he asked, still annoyed that this man existed. 
"Atlanna tells me that you are conflicted at the moment, thought you could use someone to talk to," he said.  Orm scoffed.
"So she sent you?" he asked in disbelief.  What did his mother think he would gain from this?
"Yes she did, because I don't know you, and I just met that young woman in my living room and I already can tell that you two are entwined with each other," he said.  "And you seem to be having a tough time dealing with it.  I'm assuming its because she's not completely like you."  Orm finally looked at the man, noticing that his eyes were soft, not angry or accusatory like he'd thought they'd be.  Why didn't Tom hate him?  Hate his father and what he'd done to Atlanna and in turn hate him? 
"I..." Orm started.  What use was it now?  "I'm falling in love with her."  There now he had said it.  Now it was real.  "And I could have kissed her a few minutes ago...after almost shattering her spine in a collision I created.  I didn't think it was a good time."
"Sounds like a terrible time to kiss someone," Tom agreed.  "Hurt her feelings though, could see that when she came in.  Don't worry, if you're staying here to train her you'll get another chance, one that will leave a better memory behind for the two of you."  Orm nodded, actually feeling a little better, hopeful.  "Come on, its getting late and you need a room and probably some clothes."  Orm frowned looking at his Atlantian suit and then at Tom's worn clothing.  Would he really have to dress like that?  Tom chuckled, noticing the look on his face.  "We'll go shopping tomorrow, you and Y/N will need clothes." 
Y/N sat with Atlanna in her room, explaining what had happened.  It felt strange talking to Orm's mother about this but she didn't know who else to go to at the moment.  Atlanna listened quietly and then smiled.
"Would you really have wanted him to kiss you after nearly knocking you unconscious?" she asked.  Y/N sat in thought for a moment.
"No, not really," she said softly.  Atlanna nodded.
"Don't worry sweetheart, he will kiss you and I'm sure it will be under better circumstances," she said, standing and bidding Y/N goodnight. 
Both Y/N and Orm went to sleep that night imagining a much better circumstance in which to share a first actual kiss.
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I really lucked out and got to see a screening of “Aquaman” last night. It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Jason Momoa. I was already stoked to see this movie, but it’s almost ridiculous how many of my happy buttons “Aquaman” gleefully not only hit but kept mashed completely to the dashboard.
It’s a beautiful movie. The character designs, the costuming, the CGI, it’s all gorgeous. I went in happy I’d get to see Momoa on screen for a couple hours in the majority of the movie, and in the process I got a kickass fairy tale, some great mythology, sea dragons, subversion of some fantasy tropes, a smattering of horror, a kaiju, and lots of “holy crap goosebumps!” moments.
Arthur Curry isn’t a big, dumb piece of meat, which I love. So often, a superhero movie dwells on the physical and completely neglects everything else. In “Aquaman” we finally get to see some of that playfulness in Momoa’s actual personality get translated onto the big screen. He’s charismatic and definitely has the badass attitude going on, but there are moments where they let him be scared, where he gets to laugh, and where he gets to be confused and doubtful. I’m not going to lie here, there’s a moment in there, towards the end of the movie, where I wanted to give the man a huge hug, take him home, wrap him in all the big soft blankets, and feed him pancakes because I know he hadn’t had carbs in something like two years.
Amber Heard plays Mera. She’s flat out steel in the movie. The moment she sees what’s happening in her world, she takes action to change it. She’s strong and smart and realizes, yeah, Arthur kind of needs some help, because there’s a ton of stuff going on he doesn’t understand quite yet. She gets in some good one liners and she keeps Mera a solid, contributing presence in the movie. Mera’s never relegated to the sidelines, she’s never treated like a sidekick, and, even more importantly, she never ends up only serving as eye candy or the obligatory wife/girlfriend.  She’s more and “Aquaman” never lets you forget it.
It’s also cool seeing Willem Dafoe play Vulko. He gets typecast so often in creepy, bad guy or slimeball roles, and he’s great at them, but he doesn’t get to see kind or wise as a character very much. It feels like a deliberate choice to remind the audience that looks aren’t going to tell you who someone is.
Which feeds directly into Patrick Wilson as Orm. Wilson has had a few roles where he plays questionable or dark characters. As Orm, he strikes the right balance of regal and competent, but also too driven by his own ideas of what leadership looks like.
James Wan told a hell of a story and helmed a hell of a movie. “Aquaman” is the first movie all year I’ve decided I’m going to see again. It’s proof DC should focus on the single-character movies, which they do a much better job on, than the ensemble movies they keep trying to shorthand together. We need the groundwork like this to buy into the DCU the way we have with Marvel.
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rhetoricandlogic · 6 years
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The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente and Annie Wu
by Carrie S · Jun 25, 2017 at 3:00 am · 
GENRE: Science Fiction/Fantasy, Literary Fiction, Comic
Here are the main things you need to know about The Refrigerator Monologues: it is intense, painful, and triumphant. It is NOT a romance. Readers would benefit from some familiarity with common comic book tropes while reading. Also, it’s feminist as fuck.
The book derives its inspiration from the Women in Refrigerators website created by Gail Simone in 1999. Simone launched a conversation that is still going strong about the frequency with which female characters are killed, injured, raped, or otherwise brutalized in comics for no purpose other than to fuel a man’s story. The trope name comes from the unfortunate girlfriend of Kyle Raynor (the Green Lantern) who comes home one night to find his girlfriend murdered and her body stuffed in his refrigerator. This leads Kyle to finally fully assume his role as Green Lantern as he seek vengeance and then goes on fight other battles, now secure in his superhero role.
The monologues are kicked off by Paige Embry, who introduces the reader to Deadtown (the afterlife for comics characters) and some of the women who live there. Paige is clearly inspired by the character of Gwen Stacey (Peter Parker, AKA Spiderman’s, first girlfriend). Paige is, for lack of a better term, the president of the Hell Hath Club. This club consists of women who have died (sometimes permanently, sometimes temporarily) as a result of their association with male superheroes:
There’s a lot of us. We’re mostly very beautiful and very well read and very angry. We have seen some shit. Our numbers change-a few more this week, a few less next, depending on if anyone gets called up to the big game. You can’t keep your lunch date if some topside science jockey figures out how to make a zombie-you. We’re totally understanding about that kind of thing. She’ll be back. They always come back. Zombies never last, power sputters out, and clones don’t have the self-preservation God gave a toddler in a stove shop.
In subsequent chapters, different members of the Hell Hath Club tell their stories. Comic book fans will recognize characters inspired by, among others, Harley Quinn (Batman), Mera (Aquaman), Jean Grey/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix (X-Men), and Karen Page (Daredevil). The key word here is “inspired.” Each character has their own story distinct from any inspiration. This allows the author to explore themes that might not otherwise make sense. For example, to my knowledge Harley Quinn has never been killed off, but through the character loosely based on her the author can explore themes of emotional and physical abuse, manipulation, denial, and obsession.
In theory, anyone should be able to enjoy this book regardless of their knowledge about comics. However, it’s best enjoyed if you have some familiarity with the tropes being deconstructed, which is a very pompous way of saying FUCK YOU, JOKER, YOU ABUSIVE ASSHAT. We comics readers have a vast reservoir of rage just waiting to be tapped, and this book taps it while still being thoughtful and human.
This is a hard book to read. Stories include loss, betrayal, and exploitation. But it’s also a book about sisterhood, agency, and owning your own story. Sometimes I wanted to cry while reading the book. Sometimes I wanted to scream. At the end, I wanted a framed print of the final illustration by Annie Wu, a “Hell Hath” T-Shirt (would that either of those things were available) and a chance to smash the patriarchy (call your elected officials, y’all). It’s a troubling and triumphant book and anyone who celebrates feminism in comics and good old female rage will love it.
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johanbrandy · 3 years
Arjun having sex with neighbourhood aunty Neetu
So, I’m a 18yr old guy living in panipat..I live with my parents here..let assume my name to be Arjun..our original home is in some other state and we live in a rented house here..my dad works in a govt firm.One of our neighbour is very close to our family..the couple had three children and it happened that one of their child studied in the same class as mine, so her mom was always interested about knowing about my preparations for the exams..let assume her name to be neetu..she is 38 yrs old. Neetu aunty used to visit our home very often whenever my mum was at home.
One day,due to some domestic reasons my mom had to go to our native for one and half month..my dad would leave for office at 8 in the morning and come home at around 8pm..I was all alone at home at that time..and had to do all the work by myself.one fine day, I was washing my clothes and then neetu aunty knocked at that door…my vest n football shorts were all wet and I was not wearing any underwear underneath..I thought that she just came to ask something and then she would go..so, I didn’t change my clothes and opened the door..she came inside and asked me if I had breakfast and what I would eat for lunch.
she roamed inside the house and complimented me for cleaning the house so well..she sat on the sofa and she got wet in the light rain..I gave her a towel and noticed that the was wearing a sexy lacy bra which was visible from outside her salwar kameez..seeing this is got an erection..I noticed that my bulge was visible so I aat down on the sofa opposite to her..I was able to hide my erection but neetu aunty might have noticed that I got hard inside my pants..I felt embarrassed…she giggled a bit..and then someone called on my phone which was on my table..I didn’t want to get up..but I had to..I got up and my erect cock was clesrly visible..I picked the phone facing away from her..then I sat down on a chair near the table itself..
aunty asked who it was..I said it was a friend..she the asked if it was my girlfriend…I said no..she then asked me if I had a girlfriend…I said yes..she enquired about it and then she handed me my towel..she said that she’ll be coming again at 12 noon to check if was able to cook properly…while going she smiled and said ” ghr mei koi aaye toh andr kuch pehen lia kr”..I sensed what she meant and felt hugely embarrassed…She again came at 12 noon and asks me what I’ll be cooking..she noticed that I didn’t bath yet..she offered me help and said that she’ll cook the paneer and dal and told me to get a bath..meanwhile I entered the bathroom..I remembered whatever happened and felt horny..
I shagged off in the bathroom..just after I shagged off she came running at the bathroom door shouting that something went into her eye..I grabbed the towel n put it over my dick and opened the door..she rushed in and washed her eye..she then asked for my towel and she said that be quick..and she took the towel from me..and I had to hide my semi erect cock with my hand…she noticed the cum on the floor..she gave a naughty smile and went out of the bathroom..I came out of the bathroom after bathing wearing a towel and went to my room directly and was about to lock the door..then neetu aunty said that “drwaza bndh krne ki kya zarurt hai..waise bhi dhng k kpde toh nhi pehenta h tu” and I was dumbfounded…
I wore my clothes hurriedly and came to the kitchen to help her..she ws done with cooking and then she served me lunch…and went back home…I ws thinking over her comments repeatedly and shagged off again..The next day she came to me and brought some idli for me in a tiffin box..she told me to have it for breakfast…while opening the tiffin box she spilled the chutney all over her clothes over her chest..she then rushed to the bathroom..she just closed the door and left a small gap..it was visible to me what she was doing..she opened her salwar and cleaned her boob area..she was not able to clean ir completely and asked me for a towel..I said that there is a towel inside the bathroom..
she cleaned her chest area and wrapped the towel over her boobs and came out..she then told me that she didn’t bath yet and if I had any any problem if she took bath in my bathroom..I said that I have no problem at all..she then asked me to get her clothes from her house…she gave me the keys of her house and instructed me to bring her salwar kameez and also told me that there is a red colour paper box inside and to bring that too..she told me that she had a vanity bag inside her wardrobe which had her medicines and to bring it along..I went to her home and brought all the stuff..
I had some suspicion about that box and I opened it to find that there was a pink bra inside it..I wrapped it and put it back..I handed over her stuff to her and then she took bath..while she was taking bath I notice that the shower was kept flowing for too long..I felp suspicious and decided to look into what she was doing..I managed to look inside the bathroom from the small gap between the door and the floor….to my surprise she was fucking herself with a dildo..she had the dildo in her vanity bag..when she was over with it she took out some cream and a razor from her bag..she applied the cream in her pubic region and shaved her pubic hair off..seeing all this I got excited and started jerking myself..
I was about to climax and gave a loud moan and cummed on the floor..neetu aunty might have understood what I was doing..she then finished bathing and started wearing her clothes..she called me for help as she was not able to fasten her bra strap..I helped her and came out of her bathroom..while she was coming out of the bathroom she noticed that there was cum on the floor..she asked me “arjun, ye nche kya pda hua hai”..I replied ” nhi pta aunty..conditioner hoga shyd”..she then touched it and smelled it..and said ” nahi..ye toh conditioner nahi hai..conditioner ki smell toh aisi nhi hoti hai” I said ” nhi pta aunty”..she then asked me ” tere hath mei kya lga hua hai?” And then I noticed that I had cum in my arm too..I said ” nhi pta aunty..kch lga hga”..
she said ” accha…sch bta ki tu kya kr rha tha jb mai nha rhi thi.” I said ” kch nhi aunty phone mei games khel rha tha”..she said ” but tere phone msi toh games hai hi nhi” then I said ” mera mtlb tha ki games download kr rha tha” she then looked at me with lust in her eyes..then we sat on the sofa and were talking..she asked me ” tune apni grlfrnd ko kiss kia hai?”..I saud ” nhi”..
she said “arre sharma mt..kai tri mummy ko nhi bataungi” the I said ” well..haan “..she said ” accha..iska mtlb agr akele bnd kmre mei hote tkh sex v kr lete..waise kya kya kia tune uske sth?”..I said that ” bs kiss kia” then she replied ” usne tere sath kya kia? Tu toh waise bhi andr kch nhi pehenta h..usne iska faayda nhi uthaya?”..I said ” nhi aunty..hmne bs bus mei kiss kia tha” she replied “accha..tb shyd tra itna bda nhi tha..ab toh tu bda ho gya h..ab toh ldkiyan tere iss dressing sense ka khub faayda uthayengi..ldke toh lucky hote h..apni pyaas bhja skte h..bt ldkiyon ko toh bht cheezon ki zarurt hoti hai..haath se kaam nhi chlta hmara..aajkl toh tere uncle bhi ghr pr nhi rhte h…mai toh pagal hi jti hoon akele akele”..
I replied with a “hmmm”..she then said that ” waise maine delhi se kch artificial samaan mangayi thi..ussi se kaam chalati hoon aajkl..” she then brought hee vanity bag and showed me her dildo..it was a vibrating one..I acted innocent and asked her what it ws..she said “ye whi hai jo tere pant k andr hai..bus difference itna h ki tra use nhi hua h aur ye use ho chuka h”..I knew where this conversation was going..I asked her ” ye kaise use krte h”..she said ” tu apna phn de..dikhati hoon”..she then opened a porn site and showed me a video of a girl using a dildo..I remained silent..she then asked me ” bda ho gya h na tra?” I remained silent..she then placed her hand on my crotch and said “ktna bda h tra..roz hilata hga na tu”
I didn’t know how to react and utrered “ummm..haan”…she then tld me ” chl pant utar de apni..dkhte h ki mra dildo zyda bda h ya tra lund” as soon as she uttered the word ‘lund’ it sent shivers down my spine..I knew that it was now or never and I pulled down my shorts and my dick sprang out saluting her..she then grabbed my 8 inch dick and saidkaafi mota bhi hai..tere uncle ka toh chota sa hai.. dildo se hi kaam chlati hoon..tri biwi ko bht khush rhegi ki itna bda aur mota lund uske pss hga”..then she asks me ” tu chup chap kyu khda h..tu mjhe dkhna chahta h na?..chl dkh le..” she the removed her salwar and kameez n was sitting there just in her bra and panty..she then asked me “tjhe kiss kiye hue ktne din ho gye”
I replied ” 8 mahine shyd”..she replied ” accha….pta h tere uncle toh mjhe bs lips pe kiss krte h n bs khde khde mjhe chodte hai..mjhe satisfaction milti hi nhi..srf chudne se mri chut ko rahat nhi milti aur toh aur mjhe unka lund chusne tk nhi dete” again she started her war of words and I was filled with lust for her..then I said ” toh mjhe use krlo..mai toh hr chz k lye ready hoon”then I grabbed her face and gave her a deep kiss..eventually I opened her bra n made her sit on the couch..I sat down on the floor between her legs.. I said ” mai sb dkh rha tha aunty g..jo kch aap bathroom mei kr rhe the” with this I separated her legs and kissed her chut abover her panty..her panty was totally wet and I took it off..and started licking her vagina ..she was moaning and uttering
“arjunnn…aaahhh.meri jaan…chaat meri chut ko” she then held my head and went in into her clean shaven pussy..then I told her to stand up and I lied down on the sofa and said ” aunty g..aap mere muh k upr baith jao..”..she obeyed me n sat on my face..she then turned around and took my cock in her mouth..and sucked it hard and I was busy licking her pussy..she then saidab mjhe nche rhne do n tu uor chdh jaa” I obeyed but I couldn’t understand why she did so….while I was busy licking her pussy I felt her fingers on my asshole..she lubricated my asshole using her saliva and put two fingers inside..then she inserted her vibrating dildo in my arse..while licking my dick simultaneously…she had many orgasms and at that time she put the dildo deep inside my ass..
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