#mer caretaker
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starryybrained · 10 months ago
Mermay for Whumpers, May 10 — Mer whumpee with something wrapped tightly around their gills
Content: Mer whumpee, human and mer caretaker, asphyxiation/drowning, near-death, pollution whumper/j
She struggled against the wire of the net, writhing in the water.
The mer had found herself in one of those garbage patches — a mass of nets, fishing equipment, various plastic tools to capture her aquatic cousins — and she’d become caught in the debris.
The fringe of the net tickled her gills, and she convulsed, trying to expel it. She could already feel the lack of oxygen beginning to get to her. Mers like her couldn’t hold their breath, she wasn’t like a dolphin or an orca — her time and breath couldn’t be spent like this.
She clawed at the fishing line, trying desperately to loosen it.
Her vision was fading now.
Desperate, she swam away from the depths for the surface. The fishing line dragged behind her, attached to the patch, slowing her down.
She began to see tiny black and white spots.
The surface… need to… reach��� the… surface…
Her body felt slack. She couldn’t find the energy to move her limbs.
… She burst from the seawater.
Bright light. Sky. Air.
Someone was holding her —
They held her to their chest, keeping her above water as she gasped for air.
In, out —
The fishing line still held fast around her gills, but her lungs were able to cycle the air through her body. She breathed in like she couldn’t get enough, like the air was an addictive drug she’d been dependent on and was deprived of.
The mer holding her began to swim, and still weak, she let them, wrapping her arms around their neck and holding on. She closed her eyes.
When she opened them, she saw that they were taking her to a boat. A human’s boat —
She tried to wriggle away, but the other mer held fast.
“Stop struggling —” They hissed, swimming faster.
The boat had a ramp, and they dragged her onto it as she fought them the entire way, being dumped gracelessly onto its floor.
She clawed her way back to the edge but paused, knowing she couldn’t breathe through her gills. Looking behind her, there was a human.
She flinched, jumping and nearly sliding off the edge of the ramp.
The human held out her hands nonthreateningly, showing she had no weapons.
The human had long hair that she wore tied back, and glasses framing her face. Her face itself was kind and calm, and she coaxed the mer with a gentle voice.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay…” She knelt down by her side. “I’m here to help you.”
The mer laid still, watching the human with wide eyes. No human had ever acted like this before.
The human stood, telling her to wait, and she left. She returned with a pair of scissors.
“Here,” she said, kneeling down again, “let me help.”
With skilled precision, she snipped away the fishing line, freeing the mer.
“There we go,” she murmured. “All better.”
Oh, how nice…
“Tha ..nk.. yo u…” The mer tried her hand at using the human language.
The human smiled back. “You’re welcome.”
The mer dove back into the water, free once more.
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aswallowimprisoned · 10 months ago
Day 6 - Doctor becomes Patient
Medic Brunel is attacked by a mermaid, but a familiar face comes to his aid.
Tw bloodloss, medical whump, injury, fainting/unconscious, threat, Dead Dove Jewish vampiric whumpee , religious whumpee, post-captivity, caretaker turned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker, ex reluctant whumper, gun. Um… spitting on dying people
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Set way after Restless far from a Wine Dark sea, and may not be canon 
RestlessffaWDs' timeline is going off piste for @medwhumpmay
Thanks for proofreading Ace :)
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There were teeth at his neck, ripping, blood spurting from his neck onto his army medic’s uniform.
Ivan Brunel knew this was probably the end for him.
It was almost funny; how many times had he avoided being bitten by his patients at the mer containment facility, just to have his throat ripped out on the street? 
Ivan tried to push the mermaid off him, but the mer venom made him too weak, her grip too strong. The world started to fuzz…
At the sound of a gunshot the mermaid released him and he fell to the floor. BANG! He heard her body hit the ground next to his own prone form.
Now he was on the floor bleeding out, the oxygen tank strapped to his back propping him sideways at a strange angle. He managed to bring his hand up to his neck to try and stem the bleeding, but his grip was weak against the blood slicked flesh. Footsteps hurried towards him.
“Oh.” The voice was vaguely familiar. Ivan opened his eyes to see his ex-captive hovering over him, a handgun dangling from his fingers and a haunted expression.“Hello Nurse Brunel.” 
It was Nathaniel Fogal.
Fogal dropped to his knees next to him, put his hands around Ivan’s neck and squeezed.
Ivan closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath. It hurt, it hurt like hell, pressure into the gaping wound in his neck...
The hands did not squeeze tighter.
“...Am I doing this right?” Nathaniel asked cautiously, “I know I am meant to put pressure on wounds, but I haven’t done it to someone’s neck before…”
Ivan opened his eyes to look at him.
“...Yes…” he rasped out. Fogal gave him a small smile. 
“I wasn’t expecting to see you…out. On the street-medicine kind of things.” Fogal was awkward, his hands clamped around his ex-nurse’s bleeding neck. Fogal’s blue eyes were staring down at him, the reverse of when they were doctor and patient. The merman sniffed the air.
“You are, you are losing a lot of blood, Brunel…” The merman sounded vaguely disappointed. The world fuzzed around Ivan. “I need to stop the bleeding…”
“I have a… radio. I need you to… call for help.”
“I can’t risk being captured again, I can't,” Nathaniel whispered, “If I leave you, you will die. I don’t want you to die, but I can help you. I can help you.”
The slightest relief that Fogal wasn’t going to leave Ivan to die ricocheted through his tired skull, and he felt himself lurch towards unconsciousness.
No, he couldn’t go to sleep…
“Brunel? I am going to spit on you.” Fogal’s words woke him up.
“Whaaa?” Ivan questioned before his brain caught up with him. The vampiric mercreatures had remained undetected for centuries due to their ability to heal their victims after biting them. Not that the mermaid who had bit him had any intention of leaving him alive given the size of the hole she had ripped in his neck.
“It’ll help.” Fogal worked his mouth for a moment, before leaning in close, taking his hands away from the gaping wound.
Ivan shook gently with fear as the predator’s hot saliva ran into his neck. He screwed his eyes shut and hoped Fogal wouldn’t take it personally. How many times had Ivan held the vulnerable merman through drugged hazes knowing that Fogal feared the doctors around him? The least Ivan could do would be to let Nathaniel care for him in return.
The healing saliva tingled in his skin, knitting veins and capillaries back together.
Nathaniel Fogal leaned back from him, placing his hands back on Ivan’s neck.
“It won’t fix it completely, but it’ll help. She was trying to kill you.”
The world was still foggy and Ivan was getting cold, the tips of his fingers numb.
“I am still going into hypovolemic shock.” He informed the merman.
“I…don’t know what that is…can I… what do you need?” Fogal looked around, “You… there’s a big bag it looks like you dropped. Is there anything in there that’ll help?”
Blood loss treatment.
“Yes.” Ivan breathed, “You need to keep pressure on the wound but… I need oxygen. There is a mask attached to the tank on my back. Take the plastic wrapper off… and…” he tried to catch his breath for a moment while Fogal reached a bloodstained hand over his shoulder to fumble for the mask and tore the plastic off with his teeth. Ivan would usually wince at the unsanitary action, but considering he had just been magically spat-on he could hardly complain.
“I remember these things.” Fogal looked at the mask, “It hooks over your ears, right?”
“Yeah…” Ivan used one hand to clumsily help manoeuvre the elastic around one ear while Nathaniel pulled the loop over the other ear, pulling the mask tight against his face “... there is a knob at the top of the tank. You need to turn it to turn on the gas…” The woosh of O2 was glorious, and Ivan dragged deeply on the mask. 
He was getting really sleepy. The world was swirling, hazed around the edges now the initial adrenalin spike was fading.
“What’s next?” Fogal asked, “I can reach your bag if there is anything useful in it?”
The bag. Gauze to stem the bleeding next? Neck wounds were awful to bandage. Or a saline drip to start replacing the fluid before he went into further hypovolemic shock? It was deeply unlikely Fogal would be able to place an IV. All Ivan’s training, all the hundreds of times he had treated people, and he could barely muster the brain cells to help himself…
“I…hmm… what do I need?”
“Nurse Brunel, please stay awake, I think you are meant to stay awake…” Nathaniel patted Ivan’s cheek, “Do you… do you not have any drugs that would help? You were always injecting me with stuff…”
“Hmmm, epinephrine. We got these neat small-dose epipens. They’re purple. Epinephrine is a vasoconstrictor, and will prevent the patient’s blood pressure from dropping. Especially if most of the wound has closed…”
“Where is it?” Fogal interrupted him, starting to dump medicines out of Ivan’s paramedic bag. Ivan watched him for a moment, “Brunel, where is the epi-pine or whatever its called?
“It's in my pocket.”
Fogal took only a second to give Ivan an exasperated look, before rooting around in his chest pocket.   
“Blood loss has got you fucked up mate… Is it this?” Fogal held up the little purple cylinder.
“Yes. Take off the blue cap, then you are going to have to let go of my neck long enough to shove the orange end into the side of my thigh. Orange to the side of the thigh, and you are going to have to properly stab me with it to get through my medic uniform.”
“Here goes stabbing…” The warmth of Fogal’s hand left Ivan’s neck, and the needle thudded into his thigh. It hurt, but not as much as it would have if Ivan wasn’t in hypovolemic shock.
“Did it work?” Fogal asked.
“Difficult to sa…” The adrenaline zinged into his bloodstream, and he could practically feel his sluggish heart respond. “Yes. Yep, that worked. But now I think… I think that is all you can do, Nathaniel. Will you let me call for help now?” Ivan asked.
Fogal nodded, and helped Ivan’s numb fingers to hold down the button on his radio.
“This is medic Brunel, requesting assistance, I have been bitten and sustained a 32-Charile with major blood loss. Can you…Help. Please.” Ivan trailed off.  
“We hear you Bruel, is the area you are in safe?”
Ivan looked at Nathaniel, “Yeah.” He breathed, “A civilian helped me…”
“Hold tight Brunel, we’ll be there in 2 minutes. Over.”
“I’ll wait another minute. Then I need to go.”
“Thanks,” He could nearly rest and let someone else take care of him. He focused on breathing deeply into the mask.
Above him, Nathaniel was muttering away under his breath, a familiar cadence Ivan had heard him utter a hundred times before. Was he - was he praying for his ex-captor?
A tear slipped from his eyes. Nathaniel wiped it away with the back of his hand.
“I need to leave. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you Nathaniel. For this.”
“Look after yourself Nurse Brunel.” Nathaniel clasped his arm.
“Ivan. You can call me Ivan.”
Nathaniel snorted a tiny laugh.
“Ivan. Shalom.”
And the merman returned to his freedom.
a/n Hope the name switching isn’t too confusing, but I love the importance of names in whump.
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hufflepuffwritingstuff2 · 2 years ago
Hi there!! From the mermaid game can I please get 3, 5, and 6? Thanks!
Hi Mythixmagic! Of course! Funny enough, I’ve written a snippet with my yandere OC, Kai, that has this exact scenario, you can find it here. Thanks for requesting this, here you go!
From this ask game
Also, big thanks to @thepenultimateword for helping me come up with ideas for this snippet!
Whumpee climbed aboard the ship with Caretaker and the rest of the crew. Caretaker led Whumpee to the treasure chest they and the crew had found in the sea cave. Being Caretaker’s first mate, Whumpee always got first pick of the treasure. Caretaker opened the lid of the chest and glittering jewels and piles of gold met Whumpee’s eyes.
“See anything you like, Whumpee?” Caretaker asked.
Whumpee reached their hand out to a clamshell-shaped crystal. They held it in their hands and admired how it sparkled in the sunlight.
“Can I have this?” Whumpee asked.
Caretaker laughed, clapping Whumpee on the shoulder.
“Of course, silly, what do you think first mate privileges are for? Is that all you want?”
Whumpee nodded, smiling. Caretaker turned to the rest of the crew.
“Alright everyone, take your pick!”
The rest of the pirates scrambled up to the treasure chest, each person taking their pick from it. Whumpee gazed at their new trinket. The longer they held it though, the more weak they started to feel. Whumpee’s knees buckled. Unfortunately, this happened right at the ship’s railing. Whumpee fell over the side and plunged into the water below… right where the ship’s fishing net had been lowered.
“Whumpee!” Caretaker shouted.
Whumpee couldn’t hear Caretaker, or the rest of the crew. Right now their entire body exploded in pain as a transformation began to take place. Their legs fused together into a tail, and little scales spread sparsely across their skin. Their ears became webbed, and their neck grew gills. Whumpee tried to swim back up to the surface, but they had gotten quite tangled in the fishing net. Whumpee thrashed and struggled, which only served to make things worse. By the time Whumpee stopped, they could barely move at all.
Whumpee looked up as the surface came closer and closer. Someone was hauling the net up. The crew pulled Whumpee on deck while Caretaker knelt down beside them, pulling out a small knife. Caretaker gasped at what they saw.
“Is it bad?” Whumpee asked.
Caretaker paused. They started cutting Whumpee free while the crew watched.
“Caretaker, is it bad?” Whumpee repeated.
“Uh, well, you know,” Caretaker stammered, “it’s not great, but it isn’t horrible…”
Caretaker finished cutting Whumpee loose. Their mer tail was out in the open for everyone to see now. The crew stared and gawked.
“Whumpee,” one of them said.
“What in Poseidon’s name-”
“I knew we shouldn’t have gone into that sea cave.”
“Is it bad luck to have merfolk aboard?”
“Alright, alright, that’s enough!” Caretaker shouted.
Caretaker swept Whumpee up into a bridal carry. Whumpee’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment. They buried their face into Caretaker’s chest to avoid the crew’s stares.
“Everyone get back to work while I get to the bottom of this,” Caretaker ordered, “and don’t touch that chest. Who knows what else in there is cursed.”
Caretaker brought Whumpee into their cabin and laid them down on the bed.
“Caretaker, what’s happening? How do we fix this?”
“I’m thinking, I’m thinking,” Caretaker said, pacing back and forth.
Whumpee took a blanket and started drying themselves off. When the last drop of water had been dried, their tail severed into a pair of legs once again, and their ears and skin went back to normal.
“Well, that was easy,” Whumpee said.
“Don’t be so sure, Whumpee,” Caretaker said, “I think you touched a siren’s crystal. They’re known to be cursed. I’d wager if you got wet again, your fins would come right back.”
“You don’t know that-”
The cabin boy came running in.
“Chef said to bring you this,” he said, “and- oh!”
In his haste to bring it to Whumpee, the cabin boy spilled a cup of water all over them. Whumpee immediately turned back into a merperson.
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright, just go,” Caretaker said.
The cabin boy nodded and scurried out of the room. Caretaker turned to Whumpee, who had tears in their eyes.
“Whumpee, don’t cry,” Caretaker said, “we can work through this-”
“How!?” Whumpee sobbed, “I live on a ship, surrounded by water! There’s no way to avoid getting wet here!”
“We’ll just have to find a cure then,” Caretaker said.
“You heard me,” Caretaker said, “we’re going to scour the seas until we find a way to fix this.”
“What about the crew?” Whumpee asked, “surely they won’t want to drop everything just for this.”
Caretaker smiled knowingly.
“Why don’t we ask them what they think then?”
Caretaker carried Whumpee on deck.
“Everyone!” Caretaker called, “how do you feel about finding a cure to Whumpee’s fin fiasco?”
The crew erupted in cheers and words of encouragement.
“Then back to work, all of you! We’re getting to the bottom of this if it means sailing past the edge of the world!”
The crew cheered again, then went back to their respective tasks.
“Ha, and you were worried,” Caretaker said, bringing Whumpee back into their cabin, “everyone here cares about you, Whumpee. What do you think loyalty means?”
Whumpee smiled at Caretaker. Loyalty… just one of the many benefits of being Caretaker’s first mate.
tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm
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witherby · 2 months ago
i need more damian x mer!reader plssss😞😞😞 im literally OBSESSED with it
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YOU'RE ALL SUCH SWEETIES!!! Ok gang, just for you 🩷
⚠️ HEADS UP: this part features conflict. There's blood, some unintentional self harm, language barriers, and general chaos! ⚠️
Human!Damian x Mer!Reader Part 4
Click to read parts 1, 2, and 3 here!
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There's another rock sitting on the lip of the tank — one of the painted, water-safe ones they let you have — when Damian and Bruce arrive for dinner.
It's the weekend, meaning the aquarium is closed, and it takes a little more smacking on the surface of the water than usual for you to pop up. You shoot Bruce a disinterested glance, his presence vaguely familiar, then chirp sleepily at Damian, evidently having been awoken from a nap.
"Hey, Pr—" Damian catches himself and fakes a cough, then addresses you by your actual name. You furrow your brow, irritated, but still reach forward to take the offered bucket.
Holding it carefully in one arm, your other, webbed hand nudges the rock into Damian's lap. Damian pockets it with an easy nod, signing Thank You. Delighted, you offer him some crab after splitting the shell open with your teeth. He declines. Oh well; more for you!
Eating in front of Damian is little issue, but having Bruce stare at you so intently makes you turn away, hugging the food to your chest and rumbling quietly. Conversation floats in the air behind you.
" — might already be bonded. How often...swim together?"
"At least twice a....insisted it wasn't harming...wouldn't if I realized...promise."
Hmm. Your mate-to-be sounds upset. You dislike that greatly. You spit a half-chewed carp back into the bucket.
"Damian, I know...not mad at you for...unprecedented, you understand that, right? This...to a wild animal...vastly unintelligent..."
You growled and spun back around, tail swishing around fast enough to make the surface of the tank slightly choppy. Unintelligent?! Who was unintelligent? You learned every stupid spin, squeak, and trick you'd been taught! And your Damian was the brightest, kindest, most special caretaker in this whole place!
Bruce looks at you in confusion. Damian looks at you with awe, because he knows you're smart enough to pick up on the gist of most things, like the conversation they're having with each other. English is not your mother tongue, but you are learning, slowly and steadily. Because you are not unintelligent!
You bare your teeth, snapping them twice at Bruce, and firmly push the half-empty bucket over the lip of the tank. It clatters to the floor, the metal twang echoing around the room loud enough to make your head-fins flatten. Both land creatures jump back to avoid getting fish guts all over their legs (a word you learned recently, because you're very smart!), but Damian comes back to the edge of the tank to soothe you quickly.
"Easy, Princess," he mutters, the nickname slipping out this time. You preen and rest your chin on his extended palm, blinking up at his beautiful, green eyes. Your tail stops swishing as hard, and he seems to ease up at the same time you do. Reading your physical cues and responding accordingly is one of the reasons Damian quickly became your favorite, and this demonstration only hits that nail on the head. "Everything is just fine. Father and I are simply talking." He gestures to your discarded dinner. "Do you want any more?"
You huff and turn your face away. Damian takes your dismissal for what it really is and looks at Bruce next.
"You should apologize."
His father's eyes widen. "For what? I didn't throw a bucket on the ground."
"For the slight regarding their cognitive ability. You hurt their feelings." Damian sounds offended on your behalf. It makes something in your chest thrum pleasantly. "I'll fetch a broom for the mess while you say you're sorry."
"I can grab the broom —" one sharp look from his son quiets Bruce down immediately. You and he both watch Damian leave the room, then the human regards you warily while you regard him with a scowl.
Bruce tries to approach the tank. You bare your teeth and he stops. Good human. Good, rude human. Do not approach. You are very scary and fearsome. You might just use your teeth for something more than food if sufficiently provoked.
"You really can understand me, can't you?" He asks, almost rhetorically. The flat look you give him makes his cheeks flush with color. "You can. That's...fascinating. I've skimmed your file of course — I co-run the aquarium, I have to be knowledgeable of all the animals — but I obviously don't know you like my son does."
Ugh. This land creature uses small words. Damian uses big words, which helps you learn faster even if it's more difficult to latch onto what he's talking about.
Bruce calls your name again, and your eyes snap to his. He looks less embarrassed and more curious. More like he's recognizing you as a being capable of proper thought and not some dumb, prey animal in a big play pen. Something in you becomes less tense.
"I'm sorry," he finally says. "Really. I'm coming from a place of concern, is all. I never intended to hurt your feelings. You mean a lot to my son, and the feeling seems to be mutual. My concern is just...the extent of the feeling. Damian doesn't have many human friends, and hiring him on to help manage the aquarium hasn't encouraged him in that regard. I just don't...I just want him to..."
He trails off and sighs. This time, when Bruce tries to take a step closer, you keep your teeth hidden behind your lips. He perches on the lip of the tank to look at you, blue eyes taking in all your aquatic features. They're pretty, reminding you of the water, but not as pretty as Damian's.
Just for fun, you puff up and flare out all of your fins just to see him flinch back. Your chirping laughter makes Bruce crack his own smile, and he shakes his head.
"I understand why he adores you," he mutters, something fond in his tone. You sway back and forth in the water with a prideful trill. Obviously you adore him back. That's why you gave him your scales, to prove your devotion. As soon as Damian gives you something valuable back, you'll be life-mates! You're so excited!
"I think... I think that's the biggest reason why I have to separate you two."
You freeze when your brain processes what he just said. Damian reenters the room at that moment, carrying a broom and dust pan to sweep up your abandoned meal.
"Those imbecilic interns moved the cleaning supplies again," he scowls, taking care of the food with a shake of his head. "I swear, father, no one knows how to put anything back in this facility. Some days it feels like Tim and I are the only competent people here."
"And your old man, right?" Says Bruce, rising to his feet. Damian doesn't answer that. "Oh, ouch." His teasing tone shifts, becomes earnest and quiet. "You know I only want what's best for you, right, Tadpole?"
"I know," the boy sighs, dumping the food into a nearby garbage can. He turns to face you, smiling, until he sees the fear on your face. "Something wrong?"
You click your tongue and whistle imploringly, lifting a hand out of the water to beckon him closer. Damian moves to comply, but Bruce's hand curling around his arm impedes his progress. You immediately whistle again, more insistent. More distressed.
"Father, let go, they're upset by something. Let me —"
"I can't do that, kiddo," Bruce frowns, firmly but not unkindly. "I'm reassigning them a new primary caretaker. The emotional attachment to you is too detrimental to their life here."
Damian's eyes widen. "You're not serious."
He tries to yank his arm out of Bruce's grip, but the man is taller and stronger than his son. He wraps his other arm around Damian's waist, guiding him towards the doors.
"Father, let go of me! This is not — everything is fine! I-I won't swim in the tank anymore, I won't physically touch them anymore, I promise! Don't do this!"
Your trilling becomes sharper as you note the distress in your beloved's voice. You throw your arms up to the edge of the tank and try to hoist yourself over, but you've never done it without the help of a caretaker, and you slip back into the water with a rough splash. Undeterred, you flick your tail to give you more momentum, scrabbling against the smooth, concrete edge and crooning for Damian.
You see his vibrant, green eyes, focused on you and glittering like your scales. They've never looked so shiny. Instinctively, you know this isn't a positive trait for a land creature to have.
"Stop, please stop! Look at them, they'll get hurt if you take me away," Damian insists, thrashing against his dad. Bruce hangs on tighter, almost dragging him at this point. "Don't — don't, Baba, please, I'm not hurting them at all, I'll figure out how to break off the engagement, I'll do whatever you want!"
"Calm down, Damian," Bruce murmurs, "please, we're gonna talk about this, I promise, but right now you need to —"
Both of them startle when you finally jump out of the tank, hitting the floor with a heavy thud. The hard surface scrapes against your skin and scales in a distinctly uncomfortable way, but you ignore it and start dragging your body towards Damian. Your arms buckle under the strain of maneuvering yourself out of the water, and the flopping of your long, heavy tail isn't helping as much as you'd hoped.
Bruce yanks Damian behind him protectively and pulls a radio off his hip. You hiss and snarl, offended that he would dare think you'd hurt him. Damian tries to duck out from under him, calling to you with obvious concern.
You croon back, the sound low and warbly in your anger, and lunge for him. Scales get scraped painfully off of your tail, leaving a trail of red that you pay no mind. Bruce dodges your clumsy attempts and hoists Damian up by the waist so he doesn't break away either. More of your caretakers burst through the doors, one of them holding a funny, shiny contraption, and there's lots more yelling. They all look as panicked and distressed as you feel.
Good. They should know how much pain they're causing by taking away your precious Damian.
One of the caretakers — named Clark, you think; he comes around mostly to do your health checkups — crouches low and flashes his palms in a show of no ill intent. You reach out with your own palm and lurch forward again, shoving him out of your way. He will not impede you. None of them will.
More scales litter the concrete, stained red with blood. The shiny contraption held in another person's hands — Dick, the loud one you remember — makes a sharp popping noise, and you feel something stab your shoulder.
You flinch back momentarily, palming at it. Damian's distressed yelling reaches a crescendo, and you feel compelled to meet it.
Your jaw clicks from stretching your mouth open so wide. Instinct and rage guide you to draw breath, deeper than you ever have, and bellow.
The resulting sound is a haunting wail, piercing the air around you and making the water in the tank ripple, making the land creatures cry and cover their ears, making the windows rattle and warp. You wail and cry and scream at the injustice, at the audacity of these people to take from you what is yours. You want it back. You want him back. You want Damian!
You see Clark buckle and clutch at his head. You see Dick drop the shiny device that hurt you. You see Bruce grit his teeth and cover one ear, the other busy holding onto Damian.
You see Damian pressing his hands to his ears. You see water running down his face. You see him looking at you with a mixture of fear and upset.
Your mouth falls closed with a snap of your teeth, startled and ashamed. You had hurt Damian. You hurt him and he was scared of you now.
That was not supposed to happen. You didn't mean it.
What have you done?
There's movement in your periphery you pay no mind to. Your back lights up with pain in two more places, and the world slowly starts to spin and lose focus. You stop resisting and slump to the floor, eyes drooping as you continue to look forlornly at Damian.
Damian, who looks back as more tears run down his face. Damian, who is screaming again. Damian, who vanishes through the doors that Bruce finally drags him off to.
You warble miserably and close your eyes, letting the sedatives take you away into a fitful slumber.
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hotpotatopotat · 1 year ago
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Bakugou mer comes home to a full nest, but thankfully Deku is there to deflect.
Shoto Shrimp is a very good caretaker to his rubber duck baby sons
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tinydefector · 4 months ago
Marine Centre 8- merformers
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A big thank you to the lovely @sunntownn for this beautiful piece of fanart of 'Big blue' Optimus and Caretaker (reader) and had to add it to one of the chapters, please go follow Sunntownn they have such beautiful art.
Warnings: mention or arousal, mating season, (popping a boner)
Word count: 2.3k
Fic masterlist
They know big blue is avoiding them. He hasnt been at the cave when they show up, it's normally Nemo or Firefin with Babybee. But Babybee's words had been getting much better over the few weeks they had been teaching him, both Nemo and Firefin and the few others who dropped in would pay some attention to the pups' lessons.
 " Alright now this one baby?" They ask the little Oceanide while pointing to a little clownfish in the book, a smile on their face as they read the book to him. The pup trills thoughtfully for a moment before buzzing happily, "Kownfiss!" 
"Very good bubba, and guess what your my little clownfish" they state while booping his little nose earning a giggle. Babybee trills happily at being called their clownfish, little claws grabbing the book as he shoots a large smile showing off his little teeth. 
Firefin tilts his head slightly, his gills quivering as he attempts at their speech, vowels warbling roughly. "... kloun...fish?" Beside him, Nemo chuckles in mild amusement. 
Angelfish titters eagerly. " Clowy...bee? Fiss? ownfish?" He attempts the words despite how raspy they sound and how uncomfortable it made his gills feel. The twins chitter and chirp at the others in amusement. 
They gasp slightly when Nemo pulls himself closer, a soft rumble leaves him as he gestures his clawed hand to the pup. "Oh ok" they hum understanding the basics of what the white and orange oceanide was trying to do. They scoop Babybee up and pass him over to the large Oceanide. He lets out a few clicks at them with a soft smile.   
The other oceanides catter between themselves with soft melodies and clicks As Babybee happily chirps in Nemo's hold. The older mer helped the pup slip back into the water followed by slipping in after the energetic little one.
 The oceanides still hung around the centre but a lot of them had taken back to ocean hunting now with the seasons getting warmer. Everyone at the centre had noticed too with how little they had the oceanides climbing onto the jetties to steal fish out of barrels. 
They hadn't told Quin about the oceanides talking but Quin knew something was up and had them on a lot more outdoor activities to be around the oceanides for socialisation and to make sure the pup took well to the sea and pods.
 They slowly slide into the water too calling out to the red and black mer. "Cherry" they coo, trying to get the oceanides attention while treading water. The others click and chirp while giving them a side eye. 
But as the requested Oceanide swims towards them, They point to Nemo as he and babybee begin swimming out of the cave's mouth. Trying to usher for them to follow as they grip onto his shoulder. "Swim" they manage to say to Cherry. 
They hold their breath as they swim through the cave holding onto the oceanides shoulder, their body pressed closely to his back and flank as they make it out into the open water. The sweet melodies of the others echo across the waves as they swim up to see what they were doing. 
They pull away from Sideswipe to swim up for air only to have the Meg glide under them, slowly rising himself so that they rest on his back, it shocks them slightly at how docile he is acting with them but they lean against him enjoying the opportunity to just lounge on the large Oceanide.   
More little chirps and calls fly between the different pods, some playing with each other and others lounge in the waves or on rocks. A deep rumble leaves Big man as he turns, large clawed hands grabbing them to keep their smaller body steady as he lets them rest against his chest, loud purrs leave him as their legs brush the rippled gills on his sides. 
"Well aren't you social once you're out here big man" they tease to the large Oceanide as they sit on him. A bright smile on their lips, their hands moving to his cheeks patting them playfully, "bububub, awww who my big scary man, you, you are " they coo. Only for him to huff but relax back into their touch. 
The human's eyes flicker towards Echo when they hear his sweet melody. " Echo there have you been?" They call out excitedly to the rather silent oceanide. It wasn't often they saw the pretty deep blue mer, he was rather illusive as was Reaper. 
 Mega rumbles softly in contentment, but the large mer doesn't move. 
Echo chirps fondly towards them but doesn't make an attempt to interpret the big man's cuddle time. Others swim around eagerly splashing and playing only for The Meg to grumble at them or hiss every once in a while. It makes them chuckle at how cuddly the big mer had gotten since they had been looking after him. 
They happily lay against his frame enjoying how cool it feels in the scorching sun. They almost fall into a nap listening to his rumbles and soft thrills, one arm in the water as they rest against him. 
They are halfway asleep when a loud whistling call snaps them awake, Big blue swims towards Nemo and babybee, but he nears the pods, delighted to see all the other oceanides. He slowly stills his swimming when he sees them resting against the Meg. 
Babybee excitedly babbles to his sire as he swims to him, doing quick little circles round him in delight. Big blue warbles uneasily but turns his focus to his pup. The others watch anticipating what his reaction would be to them swimming with the pod.   
They slowly slip back into the water off the Meg, paddling over towards Big blue  "Where have you been big blue, why have you been avoiding me?" They ask as they tread water in front of him. Big blue whines softly at them, still not talking in that sweet broken voice they were beginning to miss. 
"Blue, please talk to me, I know you can" their voice goes much softer as their hand reaches up to touch his face, frills and fins. Only for it to earn a low growl from the normally docile mer but it slowly turns into a wabled whine as he goes to try and swim they grab hold of him not letting him take off without then, holding on by his fin. Bee playfully follows while the others just watch on in disbelief, 
The moment he stops on the beach they move quickly forcefully pushing him down as they sit on him, in truth he had much more strength then them and could have easily thrown them off as they staring the oceanide down, they watch the way his fins and frills extend and show off the colour, as a mating display.
 "What's gotten into you? " they mumble softly while cupping his face. He wants them, wants them so badly that his body responds to each touch. Big blue warbles helplessly as his frame responds. Gently he butts his head against their hands. 
Slipping close, Angelfish beaches himself beside them. trills a soft greeting while flaring his vibrant frills and fins in  display. He nudges against their side, 
Their eyes move from Big blue to Angelfish as his fins flare and his scales shift colour almost like an illusion as he begins to show off. They sit there stunned for a moment as he continues, they feel something pressing against their back. It's only then that they realise exactly why Big blue had been avoiding them. "Oh.., Oh!" They shout before quickly clambering off the oceanide and walking off flustered trying not to make eye contact.
‘Holy shit,  holy shit, they have a penis too not just Claspers, maybe the claspers arent really claspers’ they begin to panic as they walk off trying not to look at the oceanides on the beach. 
Rodimus rumbles approval while Ratchet nods sagely at the pups Advancing vocabulary. "Well said, Bumblebee. You're leaning very quickly"
Bluestreak inquiries curiously. "Think if the little pup learns their ways, maybe they'd warm up to us too?" 
Sideswipe hums in agreement. "Pit, if Bumblebee can get cosy, imagine what we could show a landwalker with a few words in our vocab!" 
Sunstreaker shakes his head. But as Bumblebee continues blossoming under the soft ones teachings. 
Bumblebee trills happily at being called their clownfish. “ I'm doing good!” He calls Ratchet only for the older mer to chuckle with a nod. “Very well pup” both Rodimus and Bluestreak attempt to say the words bumblebee is being taught. 
Sideswipe laughs playfully as he slowly slides down the algae covered rock. "Since when'd you two start trying to learn?" 
“Alright pup, come on time to go hunting, your sire will be back soon need to make sure you have had a feed” Ratchet calls to him, moving closer to the soft skin. They gasp slightly but scoop bumblebee up and pass him over to Ratchet regardless. “Thank you sweetone” he rumbles. 
Bluestreak titters excitedly as Bumblebee is passed to Ratchet. "Aww lookit him, getting comfy with them already!" 
Sideswipe's whines enviously. "Frag I wish that could be me getting coddled!" 
As they all began slipping back into the water to prepare for a hunt the landwalker slides in alongside them. Looking towards Sideswipe as they call out in their little strange name for him. Rodimus whines "Fragger" 
Beside him, Bluestreak thrills eagerly as always. "Look at Sides go! Think if he scores we'll all get a shot?"
Sideswipe, draws closer. “Yes sweet one, how can I appease you?” He coos softly.
Meanwhile Ratchet shakes his head wearily, keeping Bumblebee tucked safe as he watches the foolish adolescents. 
They point to Ratchet as he and Bumblebee begin swimming out of the cave's mouth. Trying to usher for them to follow as they grip onto his shoulder. 
Rodimus rumbles with barely-checked eagerness as the landwalker invites themself along for a swim. "Frag, they really want us all, don't they? Think if we play our cards right..."
“Can it Firefish!” Sunstreaker shouts at him only to get a glare from Rodimus and Bluestreak. Sideswipe purrs, as he lets them settle against his back. "I'll keep you safe, sweetsea."
He takes off quickly, not wanting them to be underwater for too long, knowing well the landers couldn't breath under water. Thundercracker and Skywarp drift around curiously. Even Megatron eyes them for a moment with a low rumble acknowledging them with a whistle. Skywarp flicks his fins teasingly at Sideswipe's find. "Look at you, Sides, got yourself a sucker" he teases.  
Megatron follows their movement to the surface,  using his bulk to keep them afloat. He lets them settle on him, rather enjoying himself with the small softskin. Skywarp titters amusedly. "My, my, looks like someone likes the fleshy!" 
Thundercracker chuckles. "Never thought I'd see Megatron taken with a lamprey" 
Even stoic Soundwave moves to watch. " Landwalker cared for his injuries."
Megatron's purr rumbles his massive frame, as he cradles them against his chest letting them rest. 
Skywarp titters excitedly to his twin. "Seems like half the pod's got their eyes on the little landwalker! Think any of us stand a chance against Megatron, Soundwave and Optimus?"
Thundercracker chuckles dryly. "Who knows"
Nearby, ever-hopeful Bluestreak titters eagerly. "Oo, wouldn't it be nice if they chose all of us? Think of the clutches!" 
Another whistle breaks through the air as Optimus swims towards Ratchet and Bumblebee, but he nearly stills his swimming when he sees the sweet human he had been avoiding is resting on Megatron. Bumblebee excitedly babbles. “Carrier teach more words. Clownfish, I'm a little clownfish!” He states excitedly.  
As the human makes their way off Megatron the paddle over towards Optimus while the others watch rather intrigued to see what happens.   
Beside them, ever-intrigued Skywarp titters to his twin. "Ha, looks like Mr. Smooth scales is tangled up by them and they don't even have a net" he continues as Optimus tries swimming off only for the softone to hold on as he darts away. "Awww,someone'sgot it reeeeal bad!" 
Thundercracker softens."Let them be,Sky. He's struggles enough as is, his seasons come early it seems we'll most likely be like that by the end of the full moon." 
Mirage chirps cheerfully, "Aww, they make such a cute pair! Don't you think so, Sides?"
Sideswipe huffs softly feeling slightly rejected "much rather have them as my mate."
Rodimus rumbles impatiently, "Well, if Optimus won't make his move, maybe one of us should..."
Ratchet vents heavily, "Oh, for Primus' sake. Give them some space, you lot."
Optimus warbles helplessly as his frame responds against his will. Gently he butts his head against their hands, wishing words could convey how much he wanted to tell them what was happening. “Please little singer i can't have you near me like this” he tries to plead knowing they didn't understand the melodies but he didn't trust himself in this state. 
Slipping close, Bluestreak trills a soft greeting while flaring his vibrant fins and frills on display. He nudges against their side. "Let poor Optimus be, sweet carrier" 
Nearby, Rodimus rumbles faintly amused. "Lookit Blue go, making his move while Ops a mess" 
Optimus can't help it when his spike slowly slinks out from its cover claspers spreading slightly as he lays under the softkin. Their expression slowly changes, "Oh...Oh!" They cry, quickly scrambling off poor Optimus in a spray of sand and pebbles. 
Sunstreaker whistles low between his denta as the realisation sinks in. "Well scrap me, looks like it finally clicked!"
"About fragging time too," Smokescreen adds wryly. "That must've been quite the show for the little landwalker."
Optimus retreats back into the sea darting off again leaving Bumblebee with Ratchet. 
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rungssparemodelpieces · 3 months ago
Takes place in @tinydefector Merformers AU either as a side story or separate continuity! Thank you for the inspiration!
The scent of salty brine filled the air as it was just another quiet day at the marine centre. With few eyes to observe the Oceanides at the center, be it for research or recreationally, a pair of blue eyes decided to take up the mantel as Rung observed the few humans that were wandering around, finding their interactions quite assuming as he liked to compare how similar their behaviors were to Oceanides. He liked watching people and would sometimes try to mimic some of their mannerisms such as a hand wave or a grin though these have been met with mixed results or confusion from the caretakers feeding or observing him. He knew from experience furrowed brows weren’t a good sign but he was still trying to learn how to at least communicate back in a way they could understand.
With Rung being an older Mer, he would stay back more at the center, balancing the solace he got in his alcove with hunting and interacting with his pod. Though he didn’t seem like the most active member, he did show a habit of decorating his area with an odd array of trinkets, some assumed to be from previous hunts such as large and unknown bones or manmade items like used car parts or toys that were either lost or dumped into the ocean. The marine centre has tried to remove or replace the pollutants but Rung has been rather shown to have an attachment towards these items. To counteract this, you were instructed to work on finding other items for him to collect and display that were found in his natural environment.
It was enrichment, or so that’s what Dr. Quin called it and for an Oceanides so old, it was a good way to keep his skills sharp and to give him exercise while staying around the area. When Rung went out hunting with his pod, you would dive in and scatter these trinkets for him to find. You’ve even buried or hid a few to see if he could find them and problem solving how to get them out. Rung seems excited to find new treasures for his trove, chirping and showing you when he found one before going back for more.
This arrangement has been your personal project for months as others focused more on the lone baby and the next generation of Oceanides. So far you’ve found success with shells, bones, coral, and oddly shaped rocks but it seemed as of recent, he was struggling to find items that were near him or even in plain sight, feeling around until he eventually found the object in question. In light of this new problem, you’ve been taking the day to observe him, wondering what you could do to help his decline in his quality of life here.
It seemed the answer was closer than you speculated as while adjusting some rocks around Rung’s sleeping area, a small splash caught his attention as he saw a strange piece of plastic flutter down, swimming over cautiously as the object hit the sandy floor with a poof. Once the sand settled, he noticed the item was an odd contraption he noticed some humans wore on their faces, perhaps to assist with their vision or to distinguish one from another.
Carefully, Rung picked up the glasses and out of curiosity, placed them on his face. It took a few tries as the sides of the frame poked at his gills but eventually, he was able to place them comfortably on his face. Looking through the clear glass, it became very apparent to him that the theory this device helped with vision was correct as he looked around, seeming the lagoon around him in better detail.
The stones and shells that lined the sand became more defined and he was able to notice more of the colorful details the small fish that fluttered in and out displayed. With this realization, Rung started to happily swim around and look around the lagoon with a new, clearer perspective.
Meanwhile, you were helping an intern at the marine centre pick up some papers as she bumped into you, barely able to see over their own papers. The fledgling intern, Donna, squinted hard as she tried to find all the notes that had scattered in the collision.
“Is something wrong?” You asked as she seemed to be panicked, scrambling to find something more important than her notes.
“I- I can’t find my glasses,” Donna muttered as she tried her best to find them, her searching more erratic before she turned towards the open water, fear clear on her face, “I think- I think they might have fallen in when I bumped into you.”
You gave her a pat on the shoulder in an attempt to reassure her there was nothing to worry about. “It’ll be fine, we can get them back, Shrimp’s easy going and won’t mind if we pop in to retrieve them.”
With that, you leaned over the railing briefly, trying to get a hint of where Shrimp was before noting the flash of orange and white darting the water below, deciding to call out to him to see if he would respond or if he was in distress.
“Shrimp!” With the call of his name, Rung poked his head out of the water, his blue eyes appearing much larger due to the glasses he was wearing. A small chuckle escaped your lips as you called him over, finding the image quite humorous.
“It seems Shrimp decided to try on your glasses,” you commented to Donna before leaning down closer to Rung’e eye level, a bittersweet smile on their face as you held out your hand. “I’m sorry I have to ask but I need those glasses back.”
Rung dipped his head mostly in the water at this request, not wanting to lose this tool that he was just starting to enjoy. A rumble of his gills caused the water to ripple out around him as he pouted in disapproval.
“Look, I’ll ask Quin if we can find you another pair but Donna needs those back so she can see,” you asked him, the Mer still not relenting as a burb of bubbles left his mouth as if sighing.
“I promise I’ll get you another pair, you have my word.” A few moments later, he conceded, handing the glasses back before retreating under the water before you could thank him, obviously sad about returning the glasses but seemingly understood that Donna needed them back.
Returning the glasses, Donna thanked you before scurrying away, your focus returning to the lagoon for a brief moment before returning back to the facility proper.
“You’re requesting glasses, is that correct?” Dr. Quin attempted to clarify as she looked at your request for numerous pairs of waterproof glasses. The request was odd, to say the least, but she wanted to hear you out first before making her decision.
“Yes,” you stated before explaining yourself, “Earlier today, Donna’s glasses ended up near Shrimp in the lagoon and looking the video feed from that time, it seemed he not only enjoy playing with them but benefited from wearing them. He was swimming around excitedly and interacting like he could fully see his environment! I think giving him the option to choose and wear some would help him greatly… and I did promise him I would give him another pair to wear.”
You rubbed your arm nervously, knowing it was a long shot, but seeing at least one Mer so happy, especially with priorities being with the future generations of Oceanides, it made you feel like you could at least help one in the long run, a minor victory on the road ahead.
“Then we better find him a pair that works,” Dr. Quin stated as she signed her name for approval, a hum in her voice before being cut off by a hug and thank you from you, a pat on the back signaling you to lighten up on the embrace, “And besides, I don’t want you to break a promise.”
Excited, you thanked her once more before starting the process of finding glasses that might fit an Oceanides more comfortably.
Rung poked at the sand that lined the floor of the lagoon, prodding under the dark blur he assumed was a rock or perhaps an clam before he heard you call him by the nickname you gave him, curious as it wasn’t feeding time yet. Perhaps it was another medical check, especially given his age.
Either way, he swam to the surface to find you kneeling down by the shore, a strange box in hand and an excited look on your face. “Hey, Shrimp, remember that promise I made about the glasses? Well, I kept it,” you mused before handing him a pair, “I hope these work for you.”
Upon realizing what you had, Rung excitedly took the glasses, putting them on and… frowning it seemed these frames made his vision worse, taking them off as the blurriness hurt his head.
“Oh, it seems those don’t work for you,” he mused, offering a different pair to him, “I have a few pairs until we find the right ones for you.” Through some trial and error, it seemed he found the perfect pair, big blue orbs staring at you as he swished his tail happily, the air being filled with a few melodic hums of excitement.
Though through your eyes, Shrimp was excited to see clearly again, Rung was ecstatic that the first thing he saw clearly again was your face. The way that your hair clung around your face, the light crisp from the sea water, the smile on your lips, slightly chapped from working outside and in the water, it was all so incredible to him. You were incredible to him and it made him feel something, something deep and primal that stirred inside him as he trilled in thanks before diving back down to the depths. He was searching for something, something that would interest you, something that would show he had interest in you, and maybe, just maybe, be able to communicate what you mean to him.
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whumpsday · 10 months ago
Kane & Jim AU: Mermay Special
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: mer/vampire whumper, mer/vampire whumpee, whumper-turned-whumpee, dehydration, claustrophobia, starvation, torture, brief death wish, recovery, caretaking
have something special for mermay :) inspired by this fanart my friend lostie drew 2 years ago!!
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It hadn’t rained in a week, Jim’s freshwater had run out the day before, and he was going to die.
He knew he was going to die. Kane would come back to feed, and his body wouldn’t be able to hold up anymore, and he would die. Either with Kane’s jaws clamped around him, or later, alone in the damp cold sand.
He wasn’t thirsty enough to be desperate yet, not desperate enough to drink the abundant saltwater taunting him from his prison’s little beach. He knew it would only make him die faster. It was poison.
It hardly mattered at this point. Months with no rescue likely meant no rescue at all, and this was hardly a life. Still, something cried out in him, wanting to live.
Jim scrambled against the rock as he saw that telltale fin start to poke out of the water, more and more until the vampire revealed himself in full, the head and torso of a man and the tail-end of a shark. Not that there was anywhere for Jim to use his worthless legs to run to.
“Food.” Kane slung half a seal onto the surface, raw yet unbloodied.
Jim cautiously crept forward. “I need water.”
Kane raised an eyebrow at him, then splashed him, leaving him soaked.
“Fresh water,” he pressed, pointing up to the clear sky. “Rainwater. I need it or I’ll die. Please, just take me back to the beach, any beach where there’s humans. I won’t be any use to you dead. You’re not some animal, you know this isn’t right, please!”
“Human mine,” Kane dismissed firmly.
Jim sobbed drily. “I can’t. I can’t. You’re going to kill me.”
“Eat.” Kane shoved the meat toward him, making him flinch back. “Then I eat.”
Jim looked to the sky, Kane’s hungry eyes never leaving him as he devoured the vampire’s leftovers. If it didn’t rain tomorrow, he wouldn’t make it another day.
“Human.” Kane gestured him forward as soon as he finished.
“No, no, I don’t want to!” Jim backed up to the rock again, even knowing it was useless.
Kane huffed, climbing up onto the sand. “Food,” he called him now, a warning tone to his voice, piercing red eyes growing angry.
“Stop,” Jim insisted, squeezing his eyes shut. “No!”
A clawed hand grabbed his leg, any attempt to kick him away futile. He couldn’t match a vampire’s strength on his best day, and this was not his best day.
He cried out as sharp teeth dug into flesh once again, feeling much like the seal in his stomach.
Kane whined softly, squirming against the glass.
The fishers had put him in a smaller tank again. He couldn’t be sure–though he learned more of their language every awful day, there were still gaps–but he was near-certain it was a game to them, at this point, how small of a space they could force him to live in. He didn’t need to know their language to see their smirks.
He hadn’t even meant to break the last one. He had been trying so hard this time, and he’d been asleep when it happened. Even so, the fishers left him gasping on the floor in a pile of broken glass for hours. Even the tiny tank was better than none at all. How far he’d fallen, that he could consider this lucky.
Kane wished he could go back to complaining about not having room to swim. He would do anything to go back to the first tank. This one hardly afforded him room to move, to breathe. No matter how he tried to position himself, he always ended up touching the walls, his tail bunched up uncomfortably.
The water was too salty, burning his gills with every breath. He didn’t dare complain about that again. Last time, they left him in that horrible freshwater humans love so much until he screamed and bled to the point where any other fish would die.
But he was a vampire, and there was no driftwood here.
Every time a fisher walked past, Kane tensed. Some carried cruel metal tools, meant for fish already dead, though he’d already known their sting far more than he’d like. Some carried cruel metal tools and looked at him, making him wish he had anywhere to hide.
“Comfy?” a fisher mocked, tapping the glass with the end of his fishing stick, the unavoidable vibrations reverberating wherever he touched it.
Kane shook his head, hoping the answer was acceptable.
“Good. �̴̢̛̙̃̎̀̏͌�̶͙̪̉̃̐͋̈̈́̉͝�̵̛̹̪̳̾́̏̂̏̊͊�̴̤̬͖͖̬̹̣̏�̴̧̹͓͒̋͝�̸͎̝̂̅͋�̴̧͚͍̼̠͌�̵̤̜̻̦̬̄͒̏̃ little display case, leech. �̸͖̞̩̳̒̿͐̚͝ͅ�̴̢̫̺̟̺̬̯͔̋̄�̶̧̺̯͚̳͎͉̆͆̀̉̍�̵͚͈͛̌̑̚�̷̰͝͝�̴̢̡̯̗̖̥̈́̑̄̅̃̀̎̕ feed you this week.”
He perked up at the mention of food, whining louder this time.
The fisher laughed, flicking one of those foul little ash-and-paper cylinders into his tank. “Eat it.”
It would make him sick, but far worse would come of disobeying orders. Maybe the fisher would allow him some food if he obeyed. Kane wriggled until he could position himself enough to reach the bottom of the tank, scooped it up, and swallowed it down.
Another fisher joined him, saying something he couldn’t understand and nodding at his tank before approaching.
Nothing good ever happened when he was taken from his tank.
“No, no, no!” he wailed as his head breached the surface, his salt-lined gills burning all the more against unforgiving air.
Jim didn’t go to the beach anymore.
After months stranded and years after living in fear, he never thought he’d get even ten miles near a coastline. Not even twenty. Yet here he was, getting within two, just to see the damn vampire. Just to confirm it’s him.
The scars on his arms and legs floated the vague line between hurt and not, leaving him unsure if it was in his head.
The smell of distant saltwater made him want to vomit.
Jim greeted the fishers in a daze, letting them lead him to the vampire that might be his.
And there he was.
Kane looked worse for wear. He was littered with more scars than Jim was, trapped in a tank barely wider than his body, and even his body looked near-emaciated. His wide eyes locked onto Jim with sudden, harsh terror, and he squirmed as if to try to get away.
“Why’s he… in there?” he asked dumbly.
“Gotta keep a vampire reeeal secure, you of all people know you can’t trust the fuckers. Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile. Can’t move around, don’t have the energy to fight, knows it’s got hurt coming if it tries, that’s the safe way to keep ‘em,” the fisher explained.
Jim couldn’t look him in the eyes after that, so he looked at the tank instead.
Kane whimpered, pressed against the back of the tank, though that only left him what looked like a couple inches away from the front of it. Jim felt claustrophobic just looking at it.
“So?” the fisher prompted.
“This is him.” Jim took a step forward, hesitantly pressing a hand to the glass. He was really here, powerless to hurt him again.
But Kane was hurt, and terrified, and trapped somewhere small and uncomfortable. There was no way he could leave him here.
“Do you think… I could take him?”
Every day, humans came to the aquarium in droves. As an unending mercy, Kane’s tank here was large, with ample places to hide. He never came out while the humans were visiting.
No one hurt him at the aquarium. He always had enough to eat at the aquarium. The workers always smiled at him when he surfaced for his meals. Not the malicious smiles of the fishers, but real ones, like they were friends. They talked to him like he was a person, and he was getting better at talking back, and they didn’t even get mad at him when he wouldn’t come out for the guests. Bellamy slipped him an extra fish and told him he deserved it for being a trooper. He didn’t know what a trooper was, but it sounded good when he said it.
Maybe he would start showing himself, one day, just to make them happy. Maybe if it ever stopped being scary.
As it stood, there was only one guest Kane would leave his hidey-hole for. Thankfully, they allowed him to come just after closing, away from the crowds.
“Hey,” Jim greeted. “Just came to, uh, check up on you. Make sure you’re still doing alright.”
Kane couldn’t speak underwater, and Jim was nowhere close to the top of the roomy tank, so he nodded. He looked at his hand, trying to remember the sign for a second, before making a ‘thumbs-up’.
“You’re okay? You’re happy? No one’s hurting you? They’re feeding you good? Helping you with medical stuff?” Jim asked.
Kane nodded again, smiling this time. He tried not to show his teeth.
Jim sat by the tank. “That’s good. I’m happy for you, man. You know how long ‘til the doc clears you to go home?”
It wouldn’t be long, now. He was gaining the weight back, his injuries had healed, and the exercises he’d been given were helping him learn to swim normally again. Soon, he would be able to survive in the ocean, just like before any of this nightmare had ever happened.
Bellamy said they could do a program together, if he wanted, where guests would come to learn about vampires and ask him questions. He said Kane didn’t have to if he didn’t want to, but winked and promised him some of his blood if he gave it a try.
No fisher could catch him again if he stayed at the aquarium. People would protect him at the aquarium.
Kane shrugged, not sure he would ever leave.
sorry all i can write are AUs lol <3 they're warming me up for the main series i prommy
taglist in reblogs!
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b17ten · 1 month ago
i just spent an entire car ride thinking about the canonical gender and anatomy system in exorian society. nobody asked for this but here it is!
Pronouns: Pronouns are unaffiliated with physical traits, sex, or gender identification. Pronouns are a personal choice, or what your caretakers referred to you as. Changing these are not a big deal, and it isn't uncommon for Exorians to cycle through theirs or use multiple.
Anatomy: "Bite nobody asked for this" TOO BAD. Exorians are like any other mer -- reproductive anatomy varies depending on a multitude of factors, largely the aquatic characteristics. Some Exorians are more mammalian, while some are more aquatic in reproductive processes. HOWEVER. Exorian sex traits don't always align "properly." Exorians can be born with a variety of genitilia -- some for carrying young, some for giving young, some for both, some for neither. Some Exorians are born with the internal organs for reproduction but not the aligned external ones. (For example, born with a uterus but not the associated genitilia) Intersex (for lack of a better term) and infertile Exorians aren't uncommon and there isn't a prejudice one way or another against them.
Across Aquatic Species: Exorians, and I imagine other mer, can't reproduce with Exorians with entirely different aquatic species. If a fish and dolphin mer tried to reproduce, for example, it wouldn't work. Same with mammalian and mollusk, etc. That doesn't mean they can't be mates or companions, just that they're physically incapable of making more Exorians.
Mates vs. Companions: The companion system has always been loosely defined intentionally, because... that's how it works. Exorians don't have a concept of sexuality or love the way other merfolk do simply because it's not that easy for them anatomically or culturally. Companions are the selected individual (or individuals) an Exorian has deemed worthy to be by the side of. Every companionship is different: some may do physical affection, intimacy, or even become mates. Not all companions are mates. Mates are specifically there for reproductive or emotional purposes. Not all mates are companions, but they usually are. Some types of mer among Exorians have courting customs with their mates (fun fact, mer!Bite's family does mating bites!), but there's not a one universal one. Mates don't have to be of the same type of aquatic creature but usually are.
Gender and Sex: Don't really exist the way they do in human or overworld terms. There are too many different factors in the biological make up of Exorians and too many varients to make a list of gender identities or sexes. Some grow facial hair, breasts, etc., but it doesn't really correlate to whatever is in their pants lol.
Sexuality: Same as above. Your value as a good companion or mate is determined on how impressive of an Exorian you are. Sure, some folks have a type, but it's not based on gender or sex lol.
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comingyourlugubriousness · 10 months ago
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A piece for MER-May!
Having fun with my friend @bunnwich talking about another mermaid au. In this one Yume is a Milo Thatch esc researcher; who ends up working with Pirate Leona to prove the existence of Mermaids. They are ecstatic when the crew finds not one BUT TWO MERMAIDS!
That is until Yume learns that mermaid's aren't just animalistic creatures, but instead, are beings capable of higher level emotion and thought; just like humans. So when they discover Leona plans to turn them in to the royal family for glory; they protest and are extremely outnumbered. They end up having to bide their time; working on the ship as an errand boy and caretaker for one of the mermaids. An anglerfish mer who wasn't the intended target of Captain Leona; but got caught up along in this mess anyway; just like Yume. While their relationship starts off rocky; they grow closer as they realize they have to rely on each other to get through their imprisonment.
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whumpisgoodwhumpislife · 29 days ago
In troubled water #6
It could be worse.
It could be, really. Despite its aggressive behaviour and its attempts to scare away the aquarist in the scuba gear, the angler mer hadn't made any real attempts to attack him. Only baring its still regrowing fangs and emitting threatening clicks. But every time the human would try to close the distance between them, the small mer would immediately start to crawl away, its mangled tail flicking against the sand. At some point, it had managed to reach one of the walls of the tank, that was covered with rocks, and artificial corals. The small mer had curled around a rock, unable to squeeze into the small crevices, and had stayed here, its breathing quick. Its hands were nervously clenching in the sand, the webbing around its ears orientated in the diver's direction.
The aquarists had agreed to take turns scuba diving in the tank, hoping to get the traumatized creature to get used to them. But it didn't look like a done deal.
Since they had removed the feeding tube, the mer had barely touched anything they brought it. Alive fishes, dead, small pieces, bigger ones, meat cubes, it would completely ignore it as long as there was a diver in the tank. And even when it was left alone, it still hesitated to take a bite, and never finished anything. As a result, it started losing weight again, its already frail frame turning gaunt. Its caretakers, the aquarists, were worried about its health. They were even thinking about reinstalling the feeding tube, despite its obvious discomfort with the intruding device.
They thought the anglerfish was scared of them. In fact, it was absolutely terrified. The poor thing was expecting to be killed every moment, not understanding why they kept toying with it. But the orcas had done the same, after all. It was hungry, so terribly so, but didn't dare to leave its hideout more than a few minutes. Pressing itself against the rocks gave it some sense of comfort, reminding it of the crevices it used to roam in. Here, everything felt so wrong. The water tasted off, it couldn't fit into the crevices, its chest hurt from the pressure, and the tank was so bright it couldn't even see its lure.
It took the aquarists a while to start figuring out things. In their defence, deep-sea mers were rare, and there was no protocol, no adaptation planned. But once the angler's lure started shining brighter, they knew that they were making progress.
They had moved it into a smaller tank, initially containing two eel mers that had been moved into a communal tank. The lights were dim, and the rocky area was much thicker than in the previous tank, which had been designed to replicate the open sea. Here, there was room for the anglerfish to crawl into the crevices on the walls, and it didn't needed to swim to move around.
The small mer remained buried in the new hiding place for three whole days, without coming out once. It was confused, so confused. It was much better now that it could actually hide in the reassuring darkness, but wasn't sure how it had gotten there. The humans were still around, even though they had left it alone. Its hunger was starting to be stronger than its apprehension, and it finally crawled out of its crevice. Slowly, shakily, the mer's maimed tail undulating as it pushed itself out on the sandy floor, its gills flaring. The aquarists had continued to leave small pieces of fish near the entry of the crevice, and it didn't had to go very far to grab a handful of them, immediately darting backwards, into safety. To its relief, nothing happened, and the creature attacked the meat ravenously.
Outside of the tank, staring at the thick glass wall, the aquarist standing there let out a sigh of relief. They were making progress.
Taglist : @sausages-things @jumpywhumpywriter @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thataquaticwhumper @alyscat
@whatamidoingherehelpme @fleur-a-whump @ratsupremacy88 @scoundrelwithboba @phoenixpromptsandstuff
@vampiresprite @neverthelass
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scribesynnox · 10 hours ago
Kef's post here, specifically the art at the end, is haunting me. It is fucking with me bad. I wouldn't wish boredom and lack of mental stimulus on my worst enemies, and here Jazz is. Stuck and trapped.
So I decided to write a little something because OOF. Do you know what it's like to be bored? Constantly? Because I do and it SUCKS.
For @keferon's apocalyptic ponyo au.
There’s nothing to do.
This isn’t anything unusual. Jazz regularly finds himself bored out of his mind every day. He’s exhausted every avenue of entertainment he can and then some. He already knows this human dialect, English, so he can’t entertain himself trying to puzzle out words and letters. The people at this aquarium haven’t given him any toys to mess around with either. It’s always a toss up whether the aquariums he ends up at give him toys or not. He prefers it when they do. It’s demeaning sure, but what isn’t in his situation? At least with a beach ball, he could do SOMETHING. It’s night and usually, Jazz would escape his tank by now to explore the building, but the aquarium was setting up some new policy, something about frequent tank escapes and trying to prevent them. It’s not from Jazz’s end, he’s too good at this by now to get caught, but the octopi weren’t exactly being subtle when they went to throw rotten clams at their caretakers. What this means for Jazz though, is that the aquarium is busy tonight, and there’s too many humans around for Jazz to risk it.
What it means is that there is nothing to do, and Jazz is bored.
Bored bored bored, he is so BORED, there is nothing to DO!!
He bursts into an agitated swim, circling circling and circling, trying to burn off the restless energy, or maybe to get dizzy just to feel something, anything, but he’s done this too many times, it’ll take more than that to get him dizzy. The apathy and numbed anger quickly comes back, stealing his energy and hollowing him out. He hangs in the water, bored.
There is nothing to do.
More notes on being Bored!:
when you spend all day every day almost always always always BORED, you start creating your own entertainment
Jazz zoning out a LOT because there just simply isn't anything for him to do. Sure there's the training and there's the performances and the checkups and the people watching, but they can only take away the boredom for so long.
Oh! By the way, off tangent, but I finally thought up of a reason for why Jazz hasn't tried talking to the humans in an attempt to get them to realize that he's sentient and that he has a home and he wants to be free. Or to get them to make his tank more, you know, hospitable. Or at the very least not claw at the walls inducing.
Uh, simple reason: he physically can't. Like, merfolk just Do Not have the vocal cords to pronounce human speech. Humans don't have the vocal cords to copy a lot of noises! We can do a lot, sure, but we can't do everything! I say it's the same for merfolk! The may look like humans, but humans look a lot like mers too, and so I say: while both of them can learn the other's language, they're gonna have a difficult time actually speaking it.
so like, Jazz DOES try to talk to the humans, tries to get them to realize that he's a person and he just wants to go home, please please PLEASE-!
but he is clumsy with human speech and they just think he's like a clever parrot. He has intelligence, sure, but that's it. They think his cries are because he misses his home and his pod, sure, but they also think he's better off in captivity since he is so small and alone. They know better. Poor little orca, so scared and hurt. But they know better. It's for his own good. It's okay because it's for his own good.
ANYWAYS I'm digressing, back to boredom notes.
Jazz loses time a lot. There's just.. so little for him to do. And so little reason to do it. He tries to keep himself busy but sometimes he's just.. tired.
He swims because he's bored of staying still, and then he stays still because he's bored of swimming.
haha, wait, oof, ya boi probably has depression honestly.
He probably gets moments of mania too. You know, ACTUALLY clawing at the walls, throwing himself against the tank because he hates hates HATES how small and cramped it is! How it's only big enough for him to swim in small circles! HE HATES IT
The buzzing in his skin, the restlessness, the need for something, ANYTHING, to make him think, to make him FEEL. He’s going to claw at the walls, this is torture.
The reason why Jazz knows so many human languages isn't just because he was passed around a lot and was exposed to them, it's because he was actively trying to learn them. At first, it was to try and tell someone that he just wants to go home, but when it became clear it wouldn't work, he still kept learning anyways because that way he could overhear conversations, read information from maps and leftover textbooks/papers, and try to escape on his own. Can't escape from the aquarium if he just gets immediately lost once he's outside. (don't think about how he wouldn't be able to escape even if he can read and listen. That path leads to numbness and Jazz has had enough numbness, he needs to focus.)
There's also just.. nothing else for him to do. And if he wants to stave off the boredom and Empty Hollow Fog, then he has to do something.
Honestly, when Jazz and Prowl escape, Jazz is going to have one HELL of an adjustment period outside of just learning mer culture and the ocean world. Going from being bored every day to NEW EXCITING DIFFERENT CHANGES is going to be exhausting. Like, yes, it's all very new and very exciting, and Jazz is going to be a little too preoccupied with staying alive and being terrified to really feel the crash, but man oh man, when there is a lull in all of this? This mer going to crash a LOT.
He's going to have to take a lot of breaks, not just because his tail is weak and undeveloped, but also because he's never had So Much happening All The Time before. It's a lot to adjust to!
(Not that Jazz will let himself have those breaks because uh oh, he's kinda lowkey ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED that Prowl will leave him behind if he can't keep up and Jazz is tired, but he can not go back to being alone.)
Jazz has so many made up games and tricks and stories and music and and and in his head. Because, and I can't stress this enough, there is nothing else for him to do! And when there is nothing for you to do, you start making shit up because the only other alternative is to zone out and lose time, or hit something. And Jazz gets bored of zoning out too, and the last time he hit something, they restrained him and sedated him, so uh. No. No more of that.
Jazz spent a lot of time tinkering with the locks on his tank and practicing moving himself on dry land. He's gotten good at escaping, and very good at doing neat tricks, like doing pull ups to haul himself up the stairs by using their railings, or waddling over the itchy carpet by lifting his tail in the air and keeping it there, or doing a semi cartwheel where he flips himself head over tails by using his tail to help himself roll over (okay that last one is just for fun but come on, he's allowed to have fun.)
Sometimes, when he gets too good at sneaking around, sneaks around while giving himself a handicap just to give himself a challenge. Is it a good idea? Probably not. But he's so bored.
He's gotten some close calls, but he is now very good at sneaking around.
Jazz watches people, just like they watch him, and makes up stories for them. The lady with the screaming toddler is actually secretly a spy, and the child is their cover story! But the spy lady is regretting everything in her life now. She can hack into any computer ever, but she can not hack a child and tell them to behave. The man lingering by the penguins is staring at them because he's thinking about a lover who was lost at sea! The kid popping bubblegum in the corner has parents who are going through a very messy and very dramatic divorce, and they came to the aquarium to escape the fighting. The lady in the giant hat is having a secret affair!
He is so bored.
Jazz also observes, and notices people. Notices their behavior, their motives, their patterns. The caretaker with the Tuesday shift get nervous with loud sudden movements, so Jazz is careful to be small and gentle when it's his turn to feed him. Because if he is small and gentle, then the Tuesday Caretaker will give him a small smile back and sometimes, he'll spend a little extra time talking to him while feeding him, telling him about his classes or about whatever game he's playing for the week. The teenager regular, who must be one of the staff's kids to be able to come so often, loves it when he puts on a little show, playing up his cuteness, and acting playful. She stays longer when he does so, and that means that she stays long enough to meet with one of the cleaning staff members that she's friends with. THIS leads to them greeting each other, and the janitor leaving his cleaning cart unattended, and if Jazz is verrrrry careful, he can snatch one of the chemicals from the cart before the janitor notices. The night guard on Fridays is lazy and always leaves his shift a little early than he should, which means Jazz has less time to get back to his tank on those days.
Jazz notices it all.
There's little else he can do BUT observe.
Jazz probably fidgets and stims a lot too. Idle tapping of his fingers, splashing his tail into the water absentmindedly, humming notes to made up music, or snatches of songs he's memorized, making nonsense noises to himself, tearing up bits of his environment, like peeling paint or crumbling plastic rock.
He tries to stave off the Empty and the Fog, he DOES, but it doesn't always work. Some days, the Fog wins and he just.. floats. Listlessly. Bored. He's so sick of it all, and he's so tired.
He's heard about depression from the college interns and he's pretty sure that's what he has. Lack of stimulation, isolated, and bored bored BORED. Plus, there's that small deal with him being FUCKING TRAPPED AND HELPLESS TO THE WHIMS OF A PEOPLE WHO DON'T SEE HIM AS A PERSON. So you know. He's probably depressed. The Empty is probably the depression. Yippee.
He just wants to go home.
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rat-rosemary · 16 days ago
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Tags by @sketchehm
Dream is but a man, what is he supposed to do when multiple incredible beautiful creatures get up on his business?
There's this behavior baby mers do, where they grab their caretakers to swim along. It lasts longer on big mer species that are constantly moving and need their pups to keep up, but even with them mers outgrow this really quickly. It just becomes uncomfortable to be grabbed or to try and swim so close to someone else's fins, so by the time pups are starting to get heavy and strong enough that they can swim on their own they stop letting their caretakers guide them
Dream, seemingly, never outgrew that instinct. He's way more grabby then most, and doesn't make a fuss about being grabbed, even if they swim with him.
So Sam, because he's the biggest, pretends they're doing a normal thing of holding Dream and maybe swimming in circles for a bit, grabs him and they all book it to the city
Dream struggles the second he figures out what's going on, but his mechanical tail was built for speed. He was never supposed to get in fights and in case of emergency his plan was always to run
Him being a human not naturally made for moving in water helps
He manages to get himself free right when they can see the city, and would have darted away if the hunters didn't immediately move to corral him so he couldn't do so. Still, they can't keep him for long, and wouldn't have managed to, if a familiar mer hadn't spotted Dream from the city and come swimming like a torpedo to him
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witherby · 2 months ago
Heyyyyy *leans on expensive car* what are you cooking up for the next mer!reader part?😌
Heyyy hotdog 😏 ur about to see it babycakes
Human!Damian x Mer!Reader
Part 8
Masterlist is Here!
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It's a very grueling two days of monitoring for you in the med bay. You're kept sedated on a wet gurney so you can be examined for wounds, but there's nothing physically wrong with you. They poke and prod you, take your blood, and run test after test after test to see what could've made you turn so bad so quickly, but those results run clean too.
It's a psychosomatic effect, then. Something is distressing you so much that your body is responding to your mental state. When asked about it, Bruce just rubs his face exhaustedly asks the team to make a new care plan that involves Damian's involvement as much as possible.
When you're deemed healthy enough to return to your tank, they wean you off sedation and carefully deposit you back into the water with a special health monitoring cuff on your wrist.
While you were gone, your castle spire had the top half turned into a removable hideaway in case you got stuck again; it now clicks on and off from the bottom half, a little like a Lego, for your safety.
It takes you a day to fully shake the medicine off, so you spend most of it in a weird daze, but when full alertness returns to you, you pick at the bracelet a while, then tiredly float to the surface to receive breakfast from Jon. And Jon is there like normal, sitting on the lip of the tank with a smile, but he's not the one holding your bucket.
It's Damian.
Damian, who looks at you with wide eyes, like he can't believe you're here and you might vanish if he blinks. Damian, who stands there and stares like you're the most fascinating thing he's ever seen. Damian, who looks just as anxious as you feel. The bucket in his hands is trembling minutely.
It's Damian. He's here. He's here. He's here.
He just stares. You don't know what to do except stare back, locking onto those brilliant, emerald eyes you practically begged to see for weeks. The sudden, unadulterated attention from him makes something twist inside you, and you don't know if it's positive or negative.
Jon clears his throat and quietly calls your name. You glance at him.
"Feeling up for a meal? I've got a couple puzzles, too, if you want them. If you're still woozy from the meds, then that's okay too."
Damian seems to pull himself together and finally offers you the bucket. You hesitate just a moment more, then reach out and take it. The tips of your fingers just barely graze his.
You hold the food to your chest, staring at him. Damian stares back. A muscle in his jaw jumps, and he opens his mouth like he's about to speak.
You quickly turn away and drift a few feet from the tank's edge, starting to eat. His stuttered gasp tells you the message was well-received.
Jon sucks in a sympathetic breath through his teeth, reaching out and squeezing Damian's forearm. "Give 'em time," he whispers. "You've been away a while, y'know? I'd probably feel a little abandoned, too."
"It wasn't on purpose," Damian mutters, eyes burning. He fights it down, refusing to cry when there is nothing to cry about. His old position as primary caretaker was reinstated (albeit, Jon is secondary caretaker, now, but he'll take what he can get), he's no longer barred from seeing you, and he's got another chance to fix this companionship. He just needs you to give him the ability to act on this chance.
He needs to earn your trust again. He can do that. He will do that, no matter the cost.
You're not up for playtime that day, or the day after. When either one of your caretakers mentions getting into a wetsuit, you react unenthusiastically, so they stay out of the tank to respect your wishes.
Damian is visibly distressed by your refusal to engage with him. He uses your name, he offers you toys and treats, and only tries to call you Princess once before you release a low, threatening warble, and does not try again. If he was so upset by being ignored, then fair is fair. Maybe he shouldn't have done it to you. Prick.
The stinging in your chest at the sight of him doesn't get any better, but it also doesn't get any worse. According to your vitals you're stabilizing, but the beautiful florescence of your tail hasn't quite been restored ever since that fateful incident with Bruce pulling Damian away. The missing patches of scales have regrown by now, but your entire color palette seems overall paler. Less enthused and iridescent. Almost defeated, like you've settled into a life of complacency.
The routine adjusts, and you with it. You quietly accept food at mealtimes and half-heartedly engage with toys. During the tours, you go through the motions of swimming idly around and doing basic loops. You no longer press your body against the glass to stare at and admire all the guests. You no longer steal the buckets to make your caretakers dive in and retrieve them. You no longer chirp or chitter or trill.
It's killing Damian, the guilt threatening to swallow him whole. He's tried everything to get you back to how you used to be — old games, sitting and talking to you, even getting into the water to try and play hide and seek — but you are absolutely not interested. Nothing is working.
And when nothing works, he goes back to the basics. He reenters Bruce's office and takes out your files; he pours through them all, page by page, paragraph by paragraph, to scrape together any fleeting idea of how to bring your incredible spark back.
He's flipping through some documents detailing behavior in wild Mer pods when he finds his answer, and he knows what he needs to do.
Damian asks for an hour to speak to his dad. There's an entire myriad of questions thrown at him, most he can answer and some he can't. There's almost shouting, but Bruce manages to cool them both down again. There's a lot of negotiating, a lot of it, but finally, finally, he gets the green light. He leaves his father's office feeling more confident about you than he has in weeks, and it shows.
The following morning, when you drift to the surface to get breakfast, Jon is there with the bucket, and Damian is there with a rock. It's a small thing, barely the size of your palm, but it's beautifully painted. It's not one of the rocks you've had before, meaning he's not re-gifting you something you gifted him.
It's something he made. For you. He made a gift for you.
"Good morning," Damian says, and your eyes snap to his. "I've brought you this. I want...I wanted to express my..."
He sighs, brow furrowing. You tread the water patiently.
"I am sorry," he finally says. "I'm sorry I allowed my father to separate me from you. I'm sorry I started acting like you didn't exist. I was so angry to see Jon replace me that I feared you would not need me anymore."
Your expression doesn't change. Damian swallows thickly.
"Maybe my phrasing is poor. I don't want you to need me. I simply...I care about you a lot. And I did not think you cared as much, so I took to ignoring you almost entirely. But I thought about you all the time. I wondered if these imbeciles were cleaning your tank properly, or remembered that you don't like red snapper when they feed you, or if anyone was playing with you enough."
Damian inches a little closer to the edge of your tank. He holds the rock out to you. His hands are shaking.
"You don't trust me anymore. That's understandable, and a very logical move on your part. But I want to earn it back. I want to prove to you that I'm here to stay this time."
He leans over the edge a bit, eyes locked onto your own.
"I will do whatever it takes to ensure you don't feel alone again."
You pull your gaze away from his and move closer to examine the rock. The bright, rich colors and intricate patterns painted into it make something ease up in your chest. You feel like you can breathe just a little bit easier.
Your hands emerge from the water, rivulets trailing down your palms and wrists, and gently take the stone from him.
Damian's entire body relaxes, relief making a smile appear on his face.
It promptly vanishes, replaced by indignant sputtering when you spit a bunch of water at him. He coughs and wipes his face, then blinks to find you swimming to the bottom of your tank to find the best place to stick your present. You're moving so much faster, so much more energetically than you were before.
"There you are, Princess," Damian whispers into the water, grinning wide.
"...are they gonna come back up and eat?" Jon asks, still sitting with the bucket. "Cause...we can't re-refridgerate this with the other food. It'll have to get tossed."
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writinglittlepains · 2 months ago
My Writing Masterlist
I write lots of stuff! some of it might even be decent, who knows. expect all whumpees to be bound and gagged, because they probably will be. this is where I'll store all of my series (I have a very short attention span so there's a bunch of them), but I also have a lot of oneshots which can be found under the tag #hale originals
and now for the series (* = completed)...
a hero with super speed is taken captive by a supervillain who wants to replicate and control their powers. and things get even more complicated when a telepath comes along
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Past and Present
caretaker hid their past from whumpee, but it comes back to haunt them in the worst way when whumpee is taken captive
1, 2
Fair Fight
an obsessive villain captures a hero
1, 2, 3
Sweet Fins
a mer is captured and sold by pirates
1 2
The Queen's Pawn
a usurper queen makes use of her hostage, the former princess (featuring ocs: celeste, amelia)
1, 2
The Middle*
a broken-up couple can't decide who gets to keep their formerly shared captive (featuring ocs: lena, danica, briar)
0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The Party
a group of friends show off their captives to each other. when two stay at the party late, it means only pain for the two captives that remain (featuring ocs: camille, adelaide, raven, adam, finn, kelvin, ezra, veronica)
1, 2, 3, 4
exactly what the title sounds like. a woman has to transport her captive around (featuring ocs: meg, evelyn)
1, 2
goes along with Transportation, showing what happens in between (featuring ocs: meg, evelyn)
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tinydefector · 4 days ago
Marine Centre 13 - Smut
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: smut, oral, vaginal sex, size difference.
Megatron was back in quarantine, despite how much he hated being locked up in the pools he knew it was for the best due to the shark bites that had gotten infected. "Back in here big guy, christ" they mumble softly moving to sit down on the edge of the pool. 
Megatron's crimson eyes narrow as they approach, his massive frame shifting irritably within the confines of the quarantine pool. A low, rumbling growl escapes his chest, betraying his lingering displeasure at being confined. “I know, I know but we don't want you to get worse again Meg's” they call back to the large Oceanide. 
his fins flicking with barely contained agitation. Megatron's displeasure is palpable. As he glares, his lip pulled back in a half-snarl, for all his bluster and power, he wouldn’t hurt them, not now. Shifting his massive frame, Megatron cautiously drifts closer to the edge of the pool. A part of him, buried deep beneath layers of pride and distrust, yearns for the soothing presence they seem to provide. He enjoyed when they are close, and when their fingers trace over the fins of his head. 
"Will you let me touch you? Or are you gonna try and bite my hand?” They are gentle when he does reach them, when his head rests against their leg they reach out and caress his head frills and fins. "You're much calmer than last time you were in here, I'm glad you're not trying to eat me" they tease softly before letting their fingers trace the patterns etched into his head frills. 
"Hmph," he rumbles, his voice low and gravelly it almost sounds to human to the caretaker. "Grumpy big shark aren't you." They coo softly. His fins flick once, before extending in full display as they continue to trace the patterns and little frilly pieces. 
As their hands move closer to his face, he tenses slightly, his massive frame shifting in the water. His crimson eyes flick between their face and their hands as he presses his face into the warm flesh. He rests there, another deep rumble leaving his frame as his tail displaces the water around him as he does his best to stay close just enjoying the contact. 
When their hands hover near his wounds, he flinches instinctively, a deep growl emanating from his chest a warning. "Shhh, i just want to check them big man, i wont give you needles i promise i just want to have a look" they are trying to reassure him, after all he was a very large Sharklike Oceanide and he could change his temper in a heartbeat if he so chose too. The growls turn softer. “ I'll have to get you more antibiotics too, can't have you getting scale rot because it hasn't been looked after, your lucky salt water is good for wounds Big man" they press a gentle little kiss to the crest of his head frills before slowly slip into the pool with him. swimming around him as they check for any other wounds, only to gasp when the large mer scoops them up and rolls to have them resting atop his chest.
Megatron rumbles low in his chest, his eyes narrowing as he listens to their soft little noises of protest at being grabbed. Despite how much Megatron hated being poked he understood that the humans were trying to keep them all healthy, he had been the healthiest he'd been in a long time while under their care. The infection had worsened before they intervened, and though he loathes the indignity of being confined, he knows the fleshies attention has been keeping him from worse complications.
"You act as though I am fragile," he grumbles, his tone laced with mock irritation. "I do not need your...fussing, little one." His large webbed hand holds them against his large frame, pulling a faint and reluctant purr from the scared mer. His powerful tail swishes, displacing the water around them. His bioluminescent little dots and freckles pulse and flicker faintly in the dim light, "You are far too bold, soft skin" he rumbles, his voice softer than before, though still carrying its characteristic edge. "Swimming so freely with me. Do you forget who I am, little one? Or do you simply enjoy tempting fate?" His lip curls slightly, almost as though he’s amused, at how they didn't fear him anymore.
The human, momentarily startled, looks up at him with wide eyes before offering a small, nervous laugh. Megatron huffs, a deep, resonant sound that ripples through the water. 
"You are...persistent," he mutters after a long pause, "It is...unusual. you swim with us more comfortably than you walk with your own" 
When his large, webbed hand trails up their back and settles on their shoulder, brushing against their face with surprising care, they shudder under his touch. The reaction draws a low, rumbling growl from him—possessive yet restrained. His optics narrow slightly, his head tilting to follow their movements as they remain perched atop him. 
 His thumb claw brushes their cheek again, his touch surprisingly gentle for a creature of his size. "You should leave" he adds, though the growl that rumbles, he can feel the toll of mating season affecting him, and being confined to the pool had made it much worse for him. 
Megatron becomes increasingly aware of the changes stirring within himself. The warmth of their presence, their touch, and their unyielding care seem to stoke a fire that had been quietly building within him. His frills twitch slightly, betraying his growing unease with the unfamiliar sensations coursing through his massive frame. He pulls off his instincts, heightened by the onset of his breeding cycle, and begins to override the usual walls he keeps so firmly in place.
"You test my patience, soft one, you need to leave before I do something I regret" but he does little to try and remove them from atop of himself. rumbles, though his tone is layered with something far more complex than irritation. Megatron’s moves rather slowly, arching his body as he presses his broad forehead to theirs, a deep, rumbling growl vibrating through his chest. His frills flutter slightly, and his massive frame shifts beneath them, the water rippling gently as he continues to breathe them in.
The human freezes at the gesture, their eyes wide as the realization begins to settle in. They can feel the heat of his massive form beneath them, the way his gaze lingers, heavy and hungry. When they stutter out their soft apology, Megatron huffs, his breath warm against their skin. He leans in closer, his nose brushing against their neck as he inhales deeply, the sound is deep and guttural. His massive hand, still resting on their shoulder, tightens slightly, his thumb brushing over their collarbone thought the wet suit with a possessive slowness. Megatron growls again, this time lower, deeper, more possessive as his instincts begin to take hold. "You smell...different," he rumbles, his voice a husky. "Enticing." 
He can hear them speaking but isn't paying attention enough up until he feels their shaky hands move past his claws, undoing the zipper of their wetsuit, Megatron’s eyes snap and lock onto the motion. He doesn’t move to stop them, but the please purr escapes him is unmistakable—a sound of approval, of anticipation. His massive frame shifts slightly in the water. 
"Do you understand what you are offering, little one?" he growls softly, "This is no game." His other hand, massive and webbed, rises slowly from the water to hover near their side cupping their waist, as if waiting for their final decision.
 Their breath come quicker, their heart pounding in their chest as they process the weight of the situation. Their eyes flick nervously to the door, the thought of someone walking in making their stomach churn. They know what he is.what he’s capable of. "I know," they whisper shakily, their voice barely audible over the sound of the water. "Just...be gentle, okay? I’m not like you. I…" They pause, swallowing hard as they meet his burning gaze. "I don't want to get caught." It's barely a whisper, more for themself than for the mer. 
Megatron presses them gently but firmly against the edge of the pool, his massive hands keeping them steady in his grasp as he peels away the wetsuit throwing It against a wall with a wet slap which makes them tense as their head snaps back to the door. The water ripples around his immense frame, his field buzzing with a heady mix of dominance and desire. His frills stretched outward as his gaze raked over their exposed body, taking in every curve, every detail, every difference between their form and his own. 
His lips curl slightly, his expression unreadable save for the faintest glimmer of something primal in his intensity. When his face lowers, bringing him closer to the apex of their thighs, the low, rumbling growl that escapes him is almost enough to make the water tremble. His broad nose brushes against their skin as he inhales deeply, their scent pulling a guttural sound from deep within his chest.
The low echoing call vibrates through the water and into their very core. His pupils dilate as their scent floods his senses, his body responding instinctively, his frills flaring outward. The first tentative brush of his tongue against their heat draws a startled gasp from the human, their body arching instinctively against him. The sound, the way their fingers tangle in the frills at the back of his head, sends a shiver down Megatron's dorsal fin. His tongue, broad and surprisingly soft, moves again, this time with more purpose, tasting them as though committing their flavor to memory.
Their whimpers and soft cries spur him on, his growl deepening as he presses closer, pressing his tongue deeper into them as he does his best to avoid his teeth brushing their skin. His grip on their hips tightens, though not enough to hurt, just enough to keep them steady as his tongue moves with slow, deliberate strokes. his movements grow more confident, more insistent, as if testing the limits of their endurance. The taste of their arousal only fuels the fire burning within him. 
Their soft cries muffled behind their hand and the way their other hand grip the back of his head seem to please him. It doesn't take long for Megatron to move, pulling away his lips coated in a sheen of arousal as his tongue flicks out to lap it up. He places his large hands on each side of the caretaker's frame arching his own frame over them, towering almost like a shadow. He rest there for a moment before slinking back into the water, grabbing them and pulling them back into the water, back onto his body. 
Megatron rumbles deeply as he reclines back into the water, pulling them close against his massive frame with a surprising gentleness. His powerful hands settle on their hips, guiding them carefully as they adjust to the situation. Though his instincts demand urgency, he holds himself back. he knows his size, his strength, and the differences between them. Hurting them would be unacceptable. They gasp feeling the rather large appendage pressed between their thighs, eyes going wide in shock, they knew what they were getting into after all they had already done this once before but then again Megatron was a much larger mer than Bluestreak is. 
As they shift atop him, their soft gasps and whimpers draw his full attention, The press of his thick, ridged length against their thighs elicits a low, guttural growl from him, his marks flickering faintly in response. His thumb brushes against the dip of their hip in a slow, reassuring motion, his frills flicking as he fights to suppress his primal urges to throw them down and have his way with them. 
They take a shaky breath as their hand slowly wraps around the large mers penis, looking down to admire the difference in anatomy, claiming themself down slightly as they slowly press it between their thighs, choking out on a moan as Megatron’s cock finally breaches their channel. whimpers softly leave them as they begin to press down trying to take more of the girthy length, their body struggling to accommodate his size. The stretch is intense, almost overwhelming, but Megatron’s steady grip on their hips and the low, soothing growl vibrating through his chest offer a strange sense of comfort. 
His eyes flicker as he feels the first inch of himself sheathed within them, his broad frame tensing slightly beneath the water as he fights the instinct to thrust upward.
"That’s it," he murmurs, his tone softer and almost melodic. His massive webbed hands remain firm at their waist and thigh, guiding them with painstaking care as they take him in, inch by inch.
 They tremble as they continue to lower themselves, the strange, overwhelming sensation of being stretched and filled making their breath hitch. It’s not entirely unlike their experience with Bluestreak, but Megatron is so much larger, so much more imposing. The ridges of his appendage press against them in ways that make their body shudder, a mix of discomfort and pleasure as they adjust to his sheer size. They let out a soft cry that they slam their hand over their mouth to silence, as another inch slides inside. Megatron growls again, the heat and tightness nearly driving him to the edge of his restraint. His frills flare outward, his bioluminescent marks glowing brighter beneath the water as his massive frame remains still, allowing them to control the pace.
As they finally settle fully onto him, their body trembling with the effort, Megatron lets out a low, rumbling purr, his hands trailing up their back. their body begins to adjust, the discomfort slowly giving way to a strange, burgeoning pleasure as they shift slightly atop him. "Do not rush," he says softly, his voice a low purr. "Your body will adjust." His frills twitch again. 
Megatron growls deeply, the sound reverberating through his massive chest and into the water as their hips begin to move. The tentative roll of their body against his sends a surge of pleasure through him, His patience only barely holds as he feels them begin to adjust to his size, their soft keening sounds stirring his primal instincts.
He grips their hips slowly lifting them slightly before pulling them back down onto his thick length, the water swirling around them from the motion. The friction, the heat, the tightness.Their back arches as they cling to him, their hands pressed against the sandpaper like scales of his chest. His powerful frame shifting beneath them with a precision that belies his size. It earns a yelp followed by soft moans and a trembling body only spur him on, though he remains conscious of the need to keep them quiet.
As their pace quickens, the strange sensation of being stretched and filled gives way to something deeper, their keens growing louder despite their efforts to stay quiet. His claws pressing gently into their skin but never breaking it, as he helps guide them, his powerful frame moving in perfect sync with theirs.
 Every roll of their hips, or buck from him has them gasping and whimpering. As the tension in their body builds, Megatron’s growls grow deeper, his grip on their hips tightening as his own control begins to waver. He knows not all of his length will fit, it’s impossible, given their size, and yet the heat and tightness of their body wrapped around him is enough to drive him to the edge of his control. His knot, partially swollen, presses insistently against their entrance each time they drop down onto his spike, the friction sending a surge of pleasure through him.
Despite the primal instincts clawing at him, he doesn’t push further. He knows they’re too small to take his knot, and the last thing he wants is to hurt them. Instead, his massive hands grip their hips firmly but carefully, guiding them as they move together. Each downward motion presses his knot against them, the sheer size of it making them gasp and whimper, their soft cries only fueling his desire.
The way they tremble, the way they moan and sob softly against him, only tightens the coil in his core, his frills flaring as the tension builds. Their moans grow louder, their body shuddering as they drop onto him again and again, their movements becoming more unsteady as the sensations overwhelm them. When they finally collapse against his chest, their sobs muffled against his scales, Megatron lets out a low, guttural growl, his hips grinding upward to meet theirs. His hands move to their back, holding them close as his thrusts grow slower, deeper, each movement deliberate as he chases his release.
The sheer force of his release is overwhelming, hot ropes of his semen fill them. It’s more than their body can hold, spilling out almost immediately, mixing with the water around them. The sensation sends a shiver down his massive frame, his claws pressing lightly against their back as he keeps them flush against him, his hips grinding slowly to prolong the moment. His instincts scream for him to bite down, to mark them as his own, but he holds back, his sharp teeth hovering near their shoulder as he lets out a low, frustrated growl. Instead, he settles for dragging his lips along their skin.
The human clings to him weakly, their breath shaky as they try to recover, their body still trembling from the intensity of it all. They can feel the steady rumble of his chest beneath them, his deep purring vibrations oddly soothing. His knot, still partially swollen, rests against them, but he makes no move to press further, his hands instead trailing softly over their stomach, eyes locked on the bulge visible through their skin. 
When he finally slips free from their body, they let out a soft gasp, their muscles clenching instinctively at the sudden emptiness. Not much of his release follows most of it had already settled, its thick, sticky nature keeping it securely in place. The sensation of being so utterly filled yet feeling so empty leaves them squirming slightly against him, their whimpers muffled as they press their face into his chest. They eventually relaxes against him, their breathing evening out as their body begins to acclimate to the sensation They shift slightly, their fingers curling weakly against his chest as they let out a soft sigh, the tension in their muscles slowly melting away under his touch.
The walk back to the locker rooms and showers was quiet, they keeping their eyes firmly on the ground as they hobbled along, their legs still shaky. Their heart pounded in their chest, a mix of lingering pleasure and growing anxiety swirling within them. They could feel the stickiness left behind between their thighs, their head snaps to Dale and Bailey chatting near the stinging ray pools, with Nola perched on a nearby stool as she scribbled notes on her clipboard. The familiar sounds of the aquarium water filters humming, the occasional splash from the tanks echoed in the background, but every sound felt louder, every glance from their coworkers more scrutinizing. They kept their head low, avoiding eye contact as they shuffled past, praying no one noticed the faint limp in their step or the flush still burning their cheeks. 
Each step felt like it took an eternity, their nerves fraying with every passing second. If anyone found out what they'd been doing it would all be over. Blacklisted, ostracized, maybe even jailed. The very idea made their stomach churn. This wasn’t just a breach of protocol; it was something far worse, something no one would ever forgive.  
The locker room door finally swung shut behind them, and they let out a shaky breath, their shoulders slumping in relief. They made a beeline for the showers, peeling off the damp wetsuit and tossing it into the corner before stepping under the hot spray. The water cascaded down their skin, washing away the saltwater, the sand, and the sticky residue clinging to their thighs. They tilted their head back, letting the heat soothe their aching muscles, but their mind was far from calm.  
‘What am I doing…’ they thought bitterly, running their hands through their hair as the water poured over them. ‘This is insane. If someone finds out…’ The thought trailed off, sending a shiver of fear down their spine. They couldn’t let that happen. No one could ever know. Their fingers brushed against the faint indentations on their hips where the mers claws had held them, and a fresh wave of heat flushed through their body. The memory of his growls, his purring, the way he’d carefully held them despite his overwhelming size—it all played over in their mind, leaving them breathless and conflicted. This wasn’t supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen.  
And yet, it had. Twice now. Two different Oceanides, two entirely different experiences, and yet the same reckless, impulsive actions on their part. They groaned softly, pressing their forehead against the cool tile of the shower wall.  
‘No more,’ they told themselves firmly, though the conviction in their thoughts wavered. ‘This has to stop. It doesn’t matter how careful I am someone will find out eventually. And when they do…’ They didn’t finish the thought, instead turning their focus back to scrubbing themselves clean. The hot water felt like a small comfort, washing away the evidence of what had happened, but it couldn’t erase the guilt—or the lingering ache of satisfaction they felt deep in their core.  
By the time they stepped out of the shower, the water had done little to ease their nerves. They dried off quickly, pulling on fresh clothes and carefully checking their reflection in the mirror. Their face was still a little flushed, but hopefully, no one would notice. They couldn’t afford to raise any suspicions.  
As they left the locker room, their heart skipped a beat at the sight of Dale walking past with a clipboard in hand. He glanced at them briefly, giving a smile before continuing on his way.  They exhaled sharply, their hands clenched into fists at their sides. ‘ Keep it together,’ they thought. ‘Act normal, and no one will ever know.’  
But as they made their way back to the main area of the facility, they couldn’t shake the heavy weight of what they’d done or the quiet, nagging thought that maybe, just maybe, they weren’t as in control of the situation as they wanted to believe.
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