#mephis: asks
cnl0400 · 5 months
Character references for the undateables
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I love all the little details!!
Sharing these because knowledge should be #free and #available to #everyone
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Imagine one day MC discovers, whoops, Im pregnant. Trying to figure out the father, MC tells no one for the time being. Who was the last to try and seduce mc? Finally, discovering that the father is... Mephisto. Que picture of Mephisto running away from angry demons and angels. Wait until Barb gets a hold of him P.S almost slipped in the shower from how hard I laughed at the idea
P.S.S. MC pregnancy is a false alarm in the end, but Mephisto is not to be heard from again
Note: discussion of pregnancy (just in case)
Whoops indeed!
Poor Mephisto, didn't even get MC pregnant in the end, but still having to deal with the wrath of everybody else lol.
Honestly, I think Mephisto would be really happy to find out he's going to be a father. He obviously loves kids and is really good with them, so I just think it'd mean a lot to him to have one of his own.
If MC was pregnant for real, I have no doubt that Mephisto would absolutely dote upon them the whole time.
I kinda like the idea of Diavolo and Barbatos being all protective, too. You know, because they clearly know Mephisto fairly well.
Diavolo is just thrilled to pieces. Meanwhile Barbatos is like step aside Mephisto I will do a much better job of caring for MC than you would.
But yeah, before all that he's gonna hafta try really hard not to get killed by Lucifer and Mammon... I just feel like those two especially don't like Mephisto.
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nxght-shxft · 8 months
where are my yandere hcs 😔😏
i knew this day would come but i never knew it would be so soon...
anyways content warning for shitty behavior, stalking, kidnapping, maniulation, and general yandere behavior.
i'm not endorsing this behavior and i'm honestly just doing this for cringe ass nae nae fun :3
Not all of my ocs would engage in yandere behaviors so i’ll just include some of the ones that probably would in some (probably alternate) universe.
MEPHIS would probably be the most yandere in my regular au, excluding Sabayon. They’d be really REALLY possessive and critical of your every movement or decision, though they’d try not to outwardly show it. The last thing they’d want is you thinking there’s anything wrong with you. You’re honestly perfect in it’s eyes considering you probably show it decent respect for it to become enamored with you. You could honestly just say “good morning, Mephis,” one too many times for them to become obsessed with you. They’d definitely be the type to steal you away because “I need to make sure you don’t go off doing something bad,” hence the possessiveness. They are a puppetmaster so, they want the control. If you tried to reason with them to let you go they’d start getting angry and panicked, saying some bullshit like how you’d need to stay with them longer so you can understand that you’re happy, you just don’t recognize your own emotions. Yikes!!! They’re the type to have mood swings, suddenly thinking that you hate them and that your hatred needs to be corrected so you two can ‘be happy’. They’d probably try not to outright kill anyone over you, but they’d damn well threaten them. DON’T LET ANYONE TREAT YOU LIKE THIS.
SABAYON is pretty much already a yandere in my main au. Due to the cultural practices that he set in place, you better fucking hope that they don’t take an interest in you. Their behaviors with Afastyr show exactly how they’d be. You caught their interest somehow, and now you’ve found yourself far, FAR away from home, locked up in a cage or dark room or something. They can see and understand that you’re scared, this is such a new experience for you! They’d back off and give you some time to adjust, but you’d better adjust quickly, so help you gods. They’d start trying to acclimate you to your situation by offering you meat and drinks, leaving them in your cage/cell. If you’re, understandably, not trusting of the food, they’d start getting a little irritated. “You can’t starve yourself forever,” and “You’ll realize how generous I’m being eventually.” If you still refuse, that’s when it’d withdraw all attention entirely, until you’re finally asking or begging for food or water. Yes, the food is just regular meat, it’s not poisoned or anything of the sort, they use this moment for you as a “See, you can trust me!” type of moment. They would definitely kill over you, making sure no one even gets close to saving you. Unfortunately, if you’re another god in this scenario, you’re probably gonna end up sacrificed. ESPECIALLY if they develop a kind of soft spot for you, and find that they would want to keep living with you alive, they’d have to sacrifice you in repentance. Best of luck to you if you find yourself striking their fancy, you better hope you have some Afastyr-like luck. <3
RYKA, on a similar note to Sabayon, has something ingrained into her brain about relationships and love. She’s not a god, but she’s still powerful, especially with manipulation. Being a high priestess of Sabayon has always made her think that relationships have a power dynamic. She’s honestly probably the type to stalk you. You saw her at a meeting once, and now things in your room go missing, reappearing days later. And would you look at that, you’re meeting Ryka again at another meeting, and you’re having lovely conversation! She’d be so unassuming that it hurts. After a while of knowing her, having meetings with her, preparing for sacrifices or rituals together, you come to really love her company. She’s so understanding, and such a good listener. Your missing items and stalker’s behavior are getting worse, however. You finally decide you trust her enough to tell her all about your stalker problem, and oh she’s just so concerned for you! You poor, poor thing! Tell her all about it; hell, why not let her stay with you so you feel a little safer! You fool. You utter fool. This would be about the time you realize that she’s your stalker. You gave her easy access to your home, and she’s using it to the fullest. Now you’re noticing that when she visits, you’re missing a LOT more. Once you confront her about it, that’s when you’re really not getting out of her web. Now you’re not allowed to leave your house, you’re bound up in your own room while she comes and goes, acting like she lives here. “I don't know why you’re upset, have I not been your perfect companion through the time we’ve known each other?” and “You’re making a fuss over a few missing items, honestly, you should grow up. It’s not like you were kidnapped.” She’s just waiting for the Stockholm syndrome to set in. 😞
VAUXARIN is honestly not likely to be that much of a yandere, at least not in my main au, so just play pretend for me okay? I know my partner, who asked for these headcanons, was probably hoping to see him on this list, so suspend your disbelief. He, like Ryka, would also be a stalker. A total stalker. BUT, unlike Ryka, he doesn’t care if you know about it. In fact, he hopes you do find out. He hopes that you wander the Abyss, looking over your shoulder every minute, checking for him. He hopes that seeing him around, even minding his business, puts you on edge. If you confront him about it, he’d outright admit it. What are you going to do about it, really? Tell on him? Report him to the higher ups? Not only would they likely not believe you, his abilities would probably prevent him from ever being caught. He’d rub it in your face, all “Go ahead and tell them. Tell them that I sneak around, watching your every move.” He’d probably be the type to tell you what exactly he’s done. He’s detailing his every crime. He’d be horrible in court. “I broke your lock with my scythe and watched you sleep.” “I killed that other god for looking at you for too long. They said they didn’t even know your name, but I’m not taking chances.” “Yes you saw me dragging chains into my room, did you think I was just going to watch you from afar?” BOOM KIDNAPPED!!!! He'd just keep you chained up in his room, honestly. He doesn’t care if you don’t like him or not, he doesn’t care if you beg and cry and scream to be let go. You’re in no position to make demands, and he’s going to be keeping you.
OKAY THAT'S ALL. if anyone is still reading this and wants to know about literally any of my other ocs send me an ask :3 i love writing stuff like this im cringe im free
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lionofstone · 4 months
maybe one day i will commission an artist to draw the garrison for me because man. they’ve existed in my head for so so long
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transgenderledyba · 2 months
Silly Game Time: Tell us all a dumb joke! If English isn't your first language, feel free to tell us one in your first language! (I'd almost prefer it, in fact.)
There’s a yearly contest to determine who has the best, most well-kept hair in the world.
My husband was just crowned the shampion.
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eliseliedl · 6 months
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[DRUID] Destroy the abomination Baldur's Gate 3 35 / ?
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earl-grey-love · 5 months
Mephi sending stickers with every message is exactly how he was texting me in that recent dream and I'm very proud the accuracy even in my sleep.
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darabeatha · 8 months
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@devkanya imagine if he and only he was Ari's match;
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misty-wisp · 11 months
I work with what I’ve got
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THE BIN??? THE BIN???????
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missingvtf · 1 year
Does that mean Charon is Tf!Mephi’s obligatory human kid companion?
Yeah! Here's a silly doodle when I was figuring out how to design her
Charon directly talks to her while she's driving sometimes
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Also Faust will also be Mephi's "mama"
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wurm-food · 1 year
i'm not going on anon because idgaf. you're gonna pussy post on main AND reblog an ask game about seeing how far you can be flustered? ANDDD you're gonna reblog a post about hands touching sensually?? from ME??????
why don't you sit on my lap and tell me ~everything~ that's on your mind 😈
*sweats* yeah? and what about it?? guess I’m feeling a type of way or something
don’t mind if I doooooooo 😘 (oh yeah the game, you’re getting a solid 50% for calling my gay ass out)
fluster me in my asks 🔥
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solomiracle · 2 months
Heads up - your IDs are way too descriptive! It's fine to just note who and where the characters are without describing their full appearance. There's a good post about it floating around Tumblr but I can't find it lol
oh no!! >m< ty for pointing that out!! i'll go back and simplify them!
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arwenkenobi48 · 3 months
Perhaps it’s just me being a sucker for redemption arcs, but I need to see Prince John showing at least a modicum of regret for his actions. I need to see him feeling remorse, trying his hardest to make things right, getting that warm, comforting feeling of forgiveness. I need to see him healing from the trauma of being neglected by his parents in favour of Richard. I need to see him reconciling with his brother, learning to appreciate Sir Hiss’s hard work and devotion towards him.
Give me Prince John and Sir Hiss having a healthy friendship/relationship/whatever the heck those two queer-coded disasters have going on. Give me Prince John doing his absolute best to not be the worst king ever. Give me redeemed!Prince John!
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nxght-shxft · 8 months
you never actually posted about mephis and i will be harassing you about it.
would you believe me if i said i was almost done with that wip of them i showed you earlier
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transgenderledyba · 2 months
Silly Game Time: WRONG ANSWERS ONLY. Why do birds fly?
To become more like their balloon ancestors
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Day 918
Dr Ratio explained all of my fetishes to Moriarty in the middle of the cafeteria, for some fucking reason, and Mephistopheles did. Nothing to stop it. They did nothing to save me from that embarrassment!
✂️ Recorded every word he said, too~ ;P ✂️
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