#mention of c!Sam and appearance of c!Antfrost
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blankweiss-sb · 2 years ago
Birthday drabble
Okay, so this might play in the same verse as the gift drabble I did for @hiding-in-the-vault
CW: blind Dream, blood and torture mention, Pandora's Vault time, un-beta'd
People were blind, they'd always been. Not literally blind, in most cases, but ...metaphorically, metaphysically, definitely emotionally. How could everyone be so wary of him, Bad mused, yet be so totally dismissive?
" Looking forward to curling up underneath a warm blanket." Antfrost yawned, the leather of his gloves stretched and worn but still steady and sturdy. Etched spells lined the seams.
When Antfrost had won a parkour challenge, Dream had gifted him these gloves with a grin and the boious claim of having bought them of one of the villagers in the village the parkour challenge had been held.
However, the gloves consisted of well-treated warhog hide - not pig hide. How the others had ever swallowed that lie Bad would never understand since villagers wouldn't have been able to access the Nether - or treat the warhog hide with diamond dusted sponges. Or enchant it with Admin-specific spells.
"You sure you're ok with taking my shift?"
Bad forced his lips to move, stretch and part, smile but not too brightly. "Yeah, go get some good rest. Only come back when you're properly rested, you silly muffin." When sharp eyes didn't waver away from Bad's face, he let his smile fall, not quite shatter, just shrink a little. "I don't have anyone waiting for me, after all."
Antfrost winced, cringing away, any suspicion hopefully wiped away and redirected. He kept his silence until they stepped in front of the hissing portal.
"Bad...you good with taking half my shift? I could stay here, you know, keep you company. You...don't actually have to be all alone." Antfrost shifted as his ears folded back and his tail wrapped around his armor covered shin.
Well, Bad didn't want that. Now, how to discourage Antfrost...ah.
"Aww, thank you but all's good." He chuckled and mimicked ruffling the top of Antfrost's head, right between his ears. Antfrost ducked away long before Bad's hand would have made contact.
"See if I care about your feelings again." Despite his parting shot, Antfrost waved and skipped through the portal.
Less than a minute later, the portal screeched and shattered at the press of a button. Now the only two inhabitants of the prison were Bad ...and Dream. Just like Bad had planned.
(Sam was ...out. He hadn't told them were he was going and Bad didn't really want to know. It was a good thing. If he didn't see Sam, it was easier to dismiss the mounting urge to rifle through another forgotten but barred with three locks vault. Nobody would benefit from Bad taking up his Scythe and wielding her to her full extent again.)
Turning on his heel, Bad marched towards the center of the prison, past check-ins, levers and iron bars until the sulfur stench of the lava burned his nostrils. His hand paused on the lever to the bridge and Bad prepared himself mentally. His other hand slipped into his pockets, curving around the rind of the Gapple he smuggled in. Its enchantments zing across Bad's palm.
With a firm breath, he pressed down the lever and the bridge groaned inching forward. Bad hurried to the front, hissing as lava droplets sizzled onto his armour when the lava curtain spluttered and stopped.
His breath hitched.
Had Bad been complaining about the sulfur stench? It was roses and daisies compared to the iron tang in Dream's cell air. Not to mention brown and dark red splattered against void black and crying purple was much more nauseating than the ever-shifting red-orange-yellow.
Dream himself had pressed into the corner opposite to his water hole. Or rather, he'd wrenched himself into the gap between the wall and lectern, somehow, muscles tense and shaking. (Not enough food - or not the right one as molding potatoes languished underneath the droppers. Admins needed way more than potatoes, especially molding one. Keeping up a server took energy, being connected to One took even more. Bad didn't believe the latter was in effect at the moment, or Dream wouldn't be here anymore.)
This was painfully familiar - only with less torture and Dream having been much, much younger.
Dropping to the floor, Bad crossed his legs and hummed. At the first note, Dream froze before a small noise vibrated through his mouth. Bad didn't know the words to the songs he was humming. He was merely humming the song back to its creator.
After humming another of Dream's humming songs back to him and a couple of lullabies, Bad smiled as Dream slipped from his hiding spot and settled against the wall. His smile widened into a grin when Dream tilted his head and Bad opened his mouth-
The mask slipped to the side, revealing just a sliver of Dream's face. It was enough. One milky eye, blood-crusted, stared at Bad's collarbones.
Dream's small smile dealt a fatal blow to Bad's heart.
Bad rearranged things in head - he needed a plan, he couldn't, couldn't, how dare they - took a second and a breath. Gulping down any negativity, he almost cooed. "Heya Dream."
"Hullo Bad, how nice of you to visit me."
Hadn't Bad seen the smile or his eyes or heard the almost crumbling of his voice, those words could have been sharp and cutting with their sardonic edge - or at least be taken as such.
"Is today my birthday or what?"
"In fact, it is."
"O-oh." No matter how humorous Dream's little falter was, laughing was the last thing on Bad's mind. Especially when the tension in Dream's body returned. "Going to give me a birthday present?"
It was so painfully clear that Dream was expecting violence. Bad hated it.
"Indeed, I will." Dream flinched when Bad flipped his dagger open and pulled out the Gapple, carefully cutting the enchanted fruit into pieces. The sound of the weapon slicing through its flesh must be scary or traumatic enough for Dream to begin trembling.
If Bad knew the words to whisper to reassure Dream, he would - but he didn't. He didn't and it was his own fault. No matter what Dream had done - and really, thinking about it, had it been any worse than what other members of the Server had done? Or at least, the punishments here didn't fit the severity of the crime, not when every other member of these lands got off scot-free - he didn't deserve this.
"Hey Dream." Bad shifted until his knee was touching Dream's. Dream almost choked on his own tongue as he tried retreating but only hit a wall. (Don't react.) "Open your mouth, dear one, the sun's coming."
For one second only the lava and the crying obsidian talked, in hisses and screeching - then a long-missed sound echoed through the cell.
Dream's wheezing laugh was lovely to hear, without any malice or taunting staining it.
"Bad, what the fuck, I'm not a little, sick kid anymore! You used that then! Like, seriously?!"
"First off, language, secondly..." Bad reached out and squeezed Dream's four spindly fingers before wrapping them around a slice of the Gapple. "Here's your gift. You've got the rest, too, but I kind of need to feed it to you now. I'm gonna look at the lava now, just tap my hand when you want more."
Settling his hand to Dream's knee, Bad turned away. For quite a while, nothing happened. Dream did absolutely nothing, Until muscles contracted underneath Bad's fingers and he listened to the scraping of Dream's mask against obsidians, small bites as teeth crunched down on an apple, the shuddering sobs and sniffles through Dream's nose while he was choking down a thin Gapple slice.
A finger feathered against Bad's knuckles, and Bad pressed another Gapple slice against it, only for it to be snatched away.
He didn't know how long it took - the cell didn't have a clock - but Bad estimated that Dream used an entire hour to eat one Gapple. Bad's resolve solidified when he turned around and carmine skin edged Dream's eyes. Dream's cheeks were still wet with tears.
"Happy Birthday, Dream."
Dream answered with choked laughter and pressed his knee against Bad's. He even patted the spot next to him and Bad didn't hesitate to slide into it. (Despite the dried blood on the wall, floor and Dream himself.) As soon as Bad settled down, Dream turned and buried his head into Bad's collarbones.
Slowly, slowly Dream dozed off. "Thanks, Dad," he whispered, like it was a secret, like no one else was ever supposed to know.
Bad had plans to make.
And a vault with three locks to unlock and rummage through.
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scvrllet · 3 years ago
contains: gender-neutral!reader, platonic pairing, brief mentions of kidnapping, in game AU. (330 words)
authors note: found this draft in my google drive and decided to edit it and turn it into a short imagine. this was written back when the egg was speaking to people (before the red banquet and before tommy died).
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You barely had enough time to register what was happening when both Badboyhalo and Antfrost appeared outside the construction site of Tommy’s hotel and started dragging the two of you towards the egg. Now the egg seemed to be speaking to you specifically but before you could even process what it was saying, Tommy had broken free of the obsidian prison they made in an attempt to contain him.
Tommy now stood with an arm outstretched protectively in-front of you as he glared at Bad. He had a smile on his face and motioned for Ant to lower his weapon before stepping closer to the pair of you. His expression dropped however when Tommy pushed you behind him.
“Tommy I understand why you’d be hesitant, but (Y/N) is their own person, they can make their own decisions.” Bad said, still trying to be closer to the two of you.
“Doesn’t stop me from making sure that egg never touches them- (Y/N) keep your suit on.” Tommy responded as he stepped back, careful as to not accidentally step on you or push you into the lava surrounding you two.
“I can assure you both that the egg will not harm anyone. You can trust us, trust the egg.” Bad spoke calmly.
“Yeah as if I’d believe that,” Tommy scoffed. “If the egg wants (Y/N) then it better go through me first.”
“Tommy no-”
“(Y/N), run.” He cut you off, shoving an ender pearl into your hand before throwing a potion down at Bad and Ants’ feet. “GO!” He shouted as he grabbed your hand and started running. You hoped that the potion would be effective enough so that you could both at least escape.
After reaching the surface again, you tightened your grip on his hand before throwing the pearl into the distance. By the time Bad and Ant had resurfaced, the two of you were already running back to the safety of Sam Nook’s construction site.
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PERMANENT TAGLIST: @lucy-malfoy07 @tsukilover11 @cuddleluvr @sweetblueparadisebabyg @gryffindorgirl @annika0-o @rocketxgirl @debesteimanetje @vixxiann @nataliewalker93 @averyisbackinthetrashcan @killzandchillz
GEN. DSMP TAGLIST: @water-vevo @sparklykeylime @chaiteabeebee @hopeisnootfound @lemonnotade @dreamyender @denkisclown @yellow-aster @confusedcrayon
TOMMYINNIT TAGLIST: @luluwinchester @c-u-tmrw @quivvyintheclouds @joyfullymulti
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dracoria-azucar · 4 years ago
Every DSMP member’s character race (with short explanations)
Dream: It is unclear if his character is human or a blob-monster. He has referred to himself as “like a God” but is not canonically a proper deity. CC!Dream has said he prefers the human interpretations of his character but also enjoys the eldritch horror/blob depictions.
DreamXD: Supposedly a God. They have been referred to as the “protector God of the lore” and have constant access to creative mode.
George: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!George’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. Fanon interpretations of C!George as a mushroom sprite or fairy are common (due to his previous aesthetic choices).
Sapnap: While he appears human, there have been multiple implications that his character is some sort of fire related monster hybrid. He has claimed to have been born from lava and that fire can not hurt him because of this. The most common fanon interpretation has lead to depictions of a blaze-hybrid Sapnap, however, magma cubes/ghasts/striders or any creature with fire-themes not included in Minecraft could also work for his character. 
Callahan: He could be a human in a costume, or he could be a reindeer hybrid! It’s unclear. When citing other “sheep-like” hybrids on the server, Puffy did not list Callahan, however, her character does not know Callahan very well if at all so this may not be conclusive evidence one way or the other.
Awesamdude: It is heavily implied that he is a creeper hybrid! While CC!Sam has not made much comment one way or the other, multiple characters have been seen wearing creeper heads while doing “Sam impressions”. In one instance Tommy confused an actual creeper for “Sam Nook”, a robot built with a strong resemblance to Sam himself. This implies that C!Sam looks almost identical to normal creepers, however, fanon interpretations have depicted him as varying levels of humanoid.
Sam Nook: Canonically a robot built by C!Awesamdude to assist C!Tommy with the construction of The Big Innit Hotel. Due to Tommy mistaking a real creeper for the robot, we are lead to believe the robot looks very similar, if not identical, to the mob in his design. 
Alyssa: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Alyssa’s race. She is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise.
Ponk: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Ponk’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. 
Badboyhalo: He is canonically a demon. CC!Bad has also claimed his character is canonically over 9 feet tall.
Tommy: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Tommy’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. His familial relationships are unclear and many fanon interpretations depict his character with bird wings (similar to C!Philza) or demonic features (as a jab at his “gremlin” personality).
Tubbo: It is heavily implied that he is part sheep, goat, or ram hybrid. CC!Tubbo hasn’t really acknowledged this one way or the other, however, other characters have made reference to it. Such as C!Puffy naming him in her list of other “sheep-like” hybrids on the server, in which she also mentioned that he has small horns. Fanon interpretations of his character often include horns, ears, and tails resembling that of sheep, goats, rams, and in some cases even cows.
Fundy: It is unclear whether or not C!Fundy is actually a fox or just a normal guy in a fursuit. Multiple characters have made stronger implications towards the former, however, jokes are often made at CC!Fundy’s expense indicating the latter. Most fanon interpretations depict him as a full anthropomorphic fox if not just a humanoid with strong fox features.
Punz: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Punz’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. 
Purpled: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Purpled’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. 
Wilbur: He is supposedly a regular human man and is often depicted as such, however, due to his biological relations to both C!Philza and C!Fundy we know that he likely has strong inhuman genetics. Fanon interpretations will sometimes depict his character with wings (due to his relationship to C!Philza) or as a pig(lin) hybrid (due to comments made by CC!Wilbur implying he is C!Techno’s twin).
Schlatt: It is implied that he is part sheep, goat, or ram hybrid. CC!Schlatt has acknowledged this by previously using a ghost skin that included glowing red ram’s horns. C!Puffy also included him in her list of other “sheep-like” hybrids on the server, in which C!Bad posited that he’s more of a ram than a sheep due to his curled horns.
Skeppy: It is implied that he is some sort of animated diamond creature. Jokes have been made about his character being canonically 2 feet tall, however, CC!Skeppy never canonized that himself. Fanon interpretations often depict his character as a human with partially crystalline features or a sort of sprite (due to the height jokes).
Eret: Their character is mainly humanoid in nature, however, they canonically have glowing white eyes and are a descendant of herobrine. So it is assumed they aren’t actually a human.
Jack Manifold: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Jack’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. 
Niki: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Niki’s race. She is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. 
Quackity: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Quackity’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. Many fanon interpretations of his character depict him as a duck hybrid (due to CC!Quackity’s brand connection) or as a shapeshifter (referencing CC!Quackity’s frequent comedic in-game skin changes).
Mexican Dream: There have been no deep in-character discussions about Mexican Dream’s race. Originally fans believed MD to have just been C!Quackity due to his role being played by and through CC!Quackity’s account, however, the writers have made it clear that MD is a separate entity entirely. It is unclear if he is a human or a blob-monster, like C!Dream. Many fanon interpretations depict this character as C!Quackity in a C!Dream costume. 
Karl Jacobs: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Karl’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. Some fanon interpretations of his character depict him as a strange colorful lanky monster (referencing his original skin on the server).
HBomb: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!HBomb’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. 
Technoblade: He is canonically either a pig hybrid or a piglin hybrid. Multiple characters have called him a pig or implied that him eating pork would be cannibalism. He has referred to the piglins in the Nether as his “people”, however, CC!Techno has done the same outside of the DSMP. C!Phil has also claimed that C!Techno goes into “hibernation” when CC!Techno is unavailable on the server. Fanon interpretations of his character often depict him as a full pig(lin) hybrid but some depict him as simply a humanoid wearing a boar’s skull. CC!Techno has said he prefers the animal depictions of his character but he is fine with the “anime boy” depictions as well.
Antfrost: It is heavily implied that he is a cat or cat hybrid. Multiple characters have referred to him as a cat and jokes have been made about him either being canonically 9+ feet tall or the size of a regular house cat. Fanon interpretations often depict his character as an anthropomorphic cat if not a humanoid with strong cat features. 
Philza: It is canon that C!Phil had fully functional wings at some point but lost them during his first day on the server. It is unclear whether or not he is a bird hybrid or some other entity. He has also claimed to be hundreds of years old, however, he is not immortal or a God. He simply survived for a very long time with his first two lives and is now on his last.
Connor: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Connor’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise.
Puffy: She is canonically a sheep hybrid. Her own character has made reference to this fact multiple times and it has been acknowledged by other characters as well. Fanon interpretations often depict her character as an anthropomorphic sheep if not a humanoid with strong sheep features.
Vikkstar: There have been no deep in-character discussions about C!Vikk’s race. He is assumed canonically human until proven otherwise. 
LazarBeam: He is supposedly a sentient human-sized gingerbread man. Not many acknowledgments have been made about this fact outside of it being his character’s skin.
Ranboo: He is canonically half-enderman and half something unknown. Both of these facts have been acknowledged by other characters as well as CC!Ranboo himself. While his other half is still not confirmed in canon, CC!Ranboo has commented that he has hinted to it multiple times in character already. Many fanon interpretations depict his character’s other half as a ghast or a dreamon.
Foolish: He is canonically a humanoid totem of undying. It is unclear if the shark attributes on his skin are a onesie/cloak or part of his actual design. It has also been confirmed that his character is a deity of undying (formerly death), the ocean, and the desert. He is the only other confirmed (demi-)god of the server aside from DreamXD. It is unclear why he decided to live among the mortals or if there are other Gods elsewhere that he knows.
Hannah: Her character is mainly humanoid in nature, however, she canonically gets power from roses and has vines of them supposedly growing from her body and hair. It is unclear what her origins are but we are lead to believe that she is not human. Some fanon interpretations depict her character as a fairy or minor-deity of the forest/nature. 
Slimecicle: He has made implications of being part slime hybrid. C!Tommy referred to his slime as “gunk on (him)” which implies that his body is mainly humanoid in consistency and color with only bits of actual slime across it. It is also implied that his bones are very malleable, as C!Ranboo hit him and accidentally turned his ankles around.  
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technospotatoes · 4 years ago
C!SAM - Redeemable Qualities Analysis (Dream SMP)
Hallo! I’m back with another brain rot post for ya’ll instead of doing my schoolwork :] 
Recently, I’ve been doing some thinking and theorizing with some friends on discord following Quackity’s huge lore stream (if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you watch it). I woke up this morning with a head full of many thoughts about C!Awesamdude and where his story could take us. Seeing as how there is going to be lots of change in the future with the server, there must be changes in these characters as well-- evil to good, good to evil, and the like. With these changes comes my thought: “can these characters be redeemed?” Here are my thoughts on how this applies to C!Sam.
Please let me know your thoughts and theories, I’d love to discuss with you! As always, strap in, it’s gonna be a long one :]
I hope you enjoy!
Author’s note: I want to start this off by saying that all of the contents being discussed are fictional, and are from the Dream SMP universe. I do not support the actions of these characters, but merely have interest in analyzing them through a lens of psychology and for entertainment purposes. Content of this post will contain spoilers up to 3/25/21 of the DSMP lore. I will also talk about ATLA a little bit ;)
Content warning: mentions of torture, manipulation, death, possible psychological trauma
(pls be safe ily)
What makes a redeemable character? 
  Redeemable characters are some of the most pleasing and favored characters in modern media. Their stories are rich with emotion, and they can even evoke some form of catharsis within the most skeptic consumers. Redeemable characters are memorable and inspiring, and without one, a story can feel empty. Before we apply this character trope to the Dream SMP and C!Sam, we need to answer a basic question in order to fully understand the complexity of redeemable characters and how they are so universally significant. 
What is a redeemable character?
  Simply put, a redeeming character or characteristic counteracts or corrects something negative. From a storytelling standpoint, a redeemable character is someone who has roots in good qualities, turns bad, and has the ability to revert their wrong choices to become a better person. 
Examples of redeemed characters in popular media include: 
Zuko - Avatar the Last Airbender
Boromir - Lord of the Rings
Kylo Ren - Star Wars
Severus Snape - Harry Potter 
  Zuko, for example, starts his story off as the villain. He tirelessly hunts down the protagonist, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal to please his father. However, as the show progresses, we learn that Zuko wasn’t always bad. He was only driven to his path of villainy because of his fear of failure, of his father (the firelord and true antagonist of the show), and of a greater punishment than what he had already received. With the help of his uncle, Zuko learned to push through and accept his past, while also making amends with his wrongs and coming to the realization of who the true enemy was; ultimately choosing peace and unity over destruction and fear.    Zuko’s story is so appealing because it was drawn out. It was raw, it was real, and it was a genuine telling of how damaged people can heal, change, and come to accept themselves. Because he went through the process of redemption, he was not only able to be loved by those around him, but also by his audience-- And I believe that this can be the same case with any redeemable character. 
So how does this relate to C!Sam? How could he possibly be redeemable if he is not evil?
  C!Sam has become increasingly interesting to me in the DSMP lore, and he has shown how complex his character is-- in contrast to many first impressions that people have of him. Based upon his actions from the past, and his willingness to remain neutral in times of conflict, we can conclude that he sustains both “neutral good” and “lawful neutral/good” qualities. This means that Sam is a reliable character, driven by his own personal values, and is devoted to helping others (when he sees fit). Evidence of these qualities emerge…
When he sided with Pogtopia during the Manberg War to maintain good relations with Tommy and Tubbo. 
When he saved Hannah from the Egg
Created Sam Nook to assist Tommy in building his hotel
Built Pandora’s Vault for Dream
Showed concern for Ranboo after one of his denied prison visits
  Sam’s moral code is deeply rooted with good intentions; he keeps an eye out for his friends, maintains his relationships, assists in builds/projects, and also serves as a “stable adult figure” for some of the younger members of the server. In contrast to his logical outward appearance, C!Sam lets his emotions drive his decision making-- which can lead to many severe consequences depending on how he acts. However, recently Sam’s actions indicate that he is experiencing a flip in morals. 
Below are incidents that have led to C!Sam’s recent change in moral code. 
Incident 1: Trapped with the Egg
  Many weeks ago, during the height of character involvement with the Egg lore, C!Sam was lured into a trap by BBH and Antfrost. He spent about a day trapped in close contact with the Egg, and after he was saved by Puffy and Tommy, he was clearly changed. It is likely that the Egg is behind these sudden changes in character motivation for Sam… similarly to how it corrupted BBH, Ant, and Punz. Whether this is the case with Sam is unclear. 
Incident 2: Tommy’s death
  C!Sam and C!Tommy’s relationship within the DSMP lore is one of my favorite things to talk about. After his victory over the disk war and finally landing his nemesis in prison, Tommy was left empty, without much to do. He decided to take upon a new project to incite a new era of peace, and was able to enlist the help of Sam with building his hotel. Throughout this process (and under the watchful eye of Sam Nook), Tommy and Sam were able to develop a bond with each other through their work, along with their interactions at the Prison. 
  Sam has made it clear that he intends to defend Tommy no matter what-- but after his untimely death at the hands of C!Dream, Sam was deeply wounded. He felt as if he failed his promise to keep Tommy safe, and he made it clear that the blame for the “security issue” and C!Tommy’s death should be placed fully on him. No matter how selfless and responsible this makes his character appear, this event will only serve as the basis for severe consequences in moral change in the future. 
Incident 3: Confrontation with Quackity
  Following the large emotional impact of Tommy’s death, C!Sam is very vulnerable, because he is still within the stages of grief. C!Quackity came to Sam for a partnership, to take advantage of Sam while he was low to gain the upper hand. It’s no question that Q’s character is a talented manipulator, we can see that clearly in his interaction with Sam. Q restates again and again that Sam failed, further cementing Sam’s existing guilt and desire for revenge for his failure. Sam gives in to the manipulation, and somewhat reluctantly allows Quackity to torture Dream to get information and to get payback for what he did to Tommy... which completely goes against what his responsibility of Warden entails. 
  As Warden, C!Sam is supposed to uphold the law and rules of visitation, but because of his leniency with Quackity (in breaking the rules) and because he is still emotionally raw, he no longer defends good from evil, but is now biased against it. C!Sam probably wants Dream dead, but as Warden, his opinion shouldn’t matter. Because Sam fully blames himself for failing Tommy, he's lost the "lawful good" in his character, meaning Warden Sam (as a set of morals) truly doesn't exist anymore.
Incident 4: Ponk’s mistake
  To recap a stream briefly, Ponk did a prank on Sam a couple days ago, and stole a few of the expired keycards to Pandora’s Vault. Rightfully, Sam was very angry, and not only took back the keycards, but also imprisoned Ponk. However, where this interaction should have ended, C!Sam only took it to the extreme. (TW!!!!) Out of anger and frustration, C!Sam tortured Ponk for his wrongdoing by setting him on fire, and amputating his arm (END TW!!!). 
  This only proves my point from Incident 3. Warden Sam is fading, only bits and pieces of his morally neutral character remain within him for basic tasks. His encounter with Quackity had a huge impact on his psyche, not only is he allowing the torture of the prison occupants, but he is doing it himself as well. C!Sam is now starting to believe that pain and torture are the only solutions for punishment, which is the complete opposite of what he believed before Dream was imprisoned. 
In short...
  C!Sam is losing his grip on moral and mental stability because of his emotional insecurity due to his psychological trauma. Because of this, I believe that it is entirely possible for Sam’s character to explore the route of evil and unlawful values-- which furthers the possibility for a redemption arc. Even currently, Sam is eligible for redemption as well.
  If C!Sam is willing to acknowledge his wrongs from today and improve himself upon them, he will likely become a more memorable, lovable, and even more human character than we’ve seen in the SMP before. 
IRL Sam recently posted in his discord talking about his character. Here are a few key things to keep in mind as the story goes forward: 
“There is a LOT of things in the plan for me as a character and a very big change is coming about for me as the story moves along.”
I believe this change could be a villain arc, or a turn towards evil that incites the possibility for redemption. 
“My character is playing a role that I think is VITAL for the server and a role that I like to think was a good one for me to pick up and accept.”
You can read the reddit post I referenced for this here (ty to my friend on discord for providing me with the link <3)
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