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This is so true to my life I have broken my neck in a minor accident I thought I had whiplash and walked around for 17 hrs only find out my head wasn’t attached to my body I have a plate and a pole reattaching my head to my body I have taken pills enough to kill a horse and only woke up feeling refreshed I’ve passed out in the bath and had my daughter save me from under the water I’ve had my face reconstructed from another accident I’ve had my fiancé stab me in my head i have so many more life and death situations in my life I suffer chronic pain daily from fibromyalgia and personal suffering never stops but I’m still here and I’m still pushing forward I am trying to rebuild my life from the bottom up and reinvent a new me so my new life can be filled with positive energy and love #fibromyalgia #movingonsoon #ivebeenworkinghardforthis #progressisprogresss #fibromya #chronicillnesswarriors #chronicillnessisreal #fibromyalgiafighter #fibromyalgiasupport #fibromyalgialife #fibromyalgiaisrealchallenge #depressionn#dpression #depressionlife #depressionhurts #anxietyisreal #anxietysufferer #mentalilln #mentalillnessisme #accidentshurt #accidentshappen #stillgonnalive #stillgoingtolivemylife #leavingthechaosbehind #positivethinkingforme #lovepositivelife#stayingpositivetoday #positiveisthenewme #positivevsnegative #positiveheadspace #positiveprogress #progressingpositively #notonegativityforme #gonnagetabetterlife #gonnagetapositivelife #positiveenergypurely #purepositivity #thisispositiveenergy https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcO8FkgYg-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rgd5i2ltfzv
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