#mensis scholar oc
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doomed-gal · 5 days ago
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Madwoman from mensis
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fantomette22 · 6 months ago
Prom Night, goes wrong! (Part 2!)
Alright so it would have been too long to put it in my last post about some Lady Maria headcanons (part 1&2) so I will answer @heraldofcrow last question in a separate post here!
What about the prom night beast incident?
Ah yes one of the famous things I wish to write for my fic one! That i began to explain a while ago after doing a fan art for it (see the link below!). Now let’s explain in detail and very quickly (that's a like I wrote 2.7k works) what exactly happened that day!
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(Need to remade a better poster for it one day...)
Alright so we have Maria & co (other students) at the end of their 2nd university year, i think? Could be winter ball too but it’s easier that way I think (for Charles & Damian it’s like their 3rd year) (Not sure exactly when I am going to put the shadow of Yharnam encounter & fight in the woods too. Maybe a few months before XD) 
So, this is during the end of the year ball/prom night. Everyone is having fun, dressed very pretty, dancing, everything is great! What could possibly go wrong? 🙃
At some point in the evening Caryll decided to take a lil pause from all the noise etc of the party by going into a small walk into the adjacent corridors of the school. After walking for a while and loose in thoughts they look around and realize they are somewhere they don't recognize. 
They were a bit confused and then they heard some weird sound. Not the party… it’s coming from a room next to them. The door is closed or slightly open.
They open the door and it looks like a little study room? with a couple of bookcases.  And there’s a weird looking man crouching down in a corner. (Basically, looks like a huntsman from the main game).
Caryll is a bit scared at first but they think that it's some kind of patient of the medical wing who might have got lost. They try to get close to speak to the man but the guy doesn't seem to understand and mumble incomprehensible things. Then he became aggressive and almost attacked or threw something next to Caryll who decided to go back, close the door and run us as fast as they could from where they came from.
Once out of there at the end of the corridor, Caryll realized that place is one the forbidden areas of the college. Some corridors and buildings are forbidden to students & to some scholars & staff. Only a few are allowed in… Caryll was shock how they could have accidentally come here?! The door leading to the area was completely open when it should have been closed and locked and it wasn't. 
They didn't know what to do now. Didn’t want to have problems but the weird man worried them so they did the only thing reasonable to do!
Ask Maria for help XD (what a genius. Not the best idea but Caryll trust Maria with that kind of thing and she’s not part of the school staff)
Then, they came back into the ballroom and gestured to Maria. She thought Caryll wanted to dance with her or something so they began doing that 😂
Then Caryll explained the situation, a bit panicked while the others looking at them were like: wtf happen? Maria understands and they both go from where Caryll came from.
And freaking Micolash follow them lmao.
A few minutes later Caryll came back and gestured to the others to follow.
Ludwig, Rom, Damian and Charles (Cainhurst OC, future king anyway love this bastard but it’s another story) joined the team! 
They arrived in front of the forbidden corridor door with Maria & Micolash deep in thought and trying to understand what’s going on. Speaking about what would be the best thing to do. Then they all discussed what happened and Caryll re tell them what they just witnessed. 
There’re different ideas they speak off doing:
-Some think they should just close the door back and tell noting
-We can’t leave just that guy here!
-Some think they should warn someone that a sick/hurt guy is there and apologize & that the door was open anyway
-Others think that it could be a unique occasion to investigate and maybe learn a thing or two about the secrets of Byrgenwerth… What could happen hmm? 😅
(they ask lil questions to Rom for example, if she knew smt about it but she knew nothing besides what they already know).
They decided to brave the interdiction and go into that part of the building. 
They go in front of the door where Caryll saw the odd poor sick man and decide to go in, slowly opening the door & see the man crouching in a corner, holding his head. They try talking to him, saying they’re going to take him back to his room, help him. He either ignores them or starts to be aggressive and attacks them! They think that maybe he could be rabid?! 
Then there’s 2 possibilities (I’m still not 100% sure about all the details of this chapter):
-              Either they close the door to the man and wait for everything to calm down and continue to explore 
-              Or they fight with the guy and make a bookcase fall on him* 💀 (he’s fine just he’s not going to come after them of knock out) and then they close the door and continue 😭
There's a lot of secrets and rumors about Byrgenwerth after all… so they keep exploring, all the other doors are locked it seems and what’s inside isn’t probably very interesting. (They might have read a couple of papers in the last room but weren’t sure what it means) anyway they ended up in front of a closed door at the very end of the corridor. Apparently, it would lead into some basement.
They stayed in front of it for a while. Should they open it? Lead by their curiosity? Whatever they would discover would probably change everything…
Maria put her hand on the doorknob, turned it and…. It’s lock ^^
Well time to go back and discuss what they should do now! Aka maybe advise a competent adult XD
Lost in thoughts they heard a loud growl. They turn around and listen. Then scratches are heard from the locked door. Then like something is kicking it. The growl grew louder and the door began to break. An enormous, clawed hand burst from it. It’s a beast! (scourge beast type). It’s trying to tear the rest of the door apart! They panicked like you can imagine! They run and try to lock themselves up! In the room with the half-transformed guy of course… (only place they can go too).
And well either the man is already knock out or * That's where they fight him and incapacitate him. Now what should they do? Stay here in silence almost in complete darkness, putting a bookcase against the door hoping the beast goes away and the man isn’t going to attack them anymore? 
Still, it seems the safest thing to do for now. But then they realize, if they do nothing and let that thing wander around (the beast) it will probably go into the other corridors right? There are students in the hallways. And what if it burst in the ballroom?! Before the staff could react, evacuate everyone and kill the beast, that monster could kill so many people! They can’t just let that happen! So, they figure a kick plan to go warn the others and that such a tragedy doesn’t happen!
They safely open the door and try to locate the beast not far. They tasked Micolash to take Rom & Caryll and run as far as they can and to get some help! In preference of a discreet manner so not everyone in the school panicked 💀 (hoping no one lock the door behind them too). While Maria, Ludwig, Damian and Charles are trying to fight the beast & gain time.
They throw everything they could find to distract it: candelabra, furniture, books etc
The corridor isn’t that large too and maybe Damian got hurt a bit + time passed (for them it seems so long) so they ask Damian to make sure the others are good and get help. He would prefer not to let them alone but they are skilled in combat so he agrees and goes.
They punch it and stuff and the beast is really trying to hurt them now. It managed to injured Ludwig’s arm. So, Maria & Charles ask him, beg him to go and that they will deal with it. He reluctantly agrees and leaves, holding his arm.
It’s just Maria & Charles now. Considering the characterization I plan on doing, you would expect Charles to have been in the first ones to go & propose to get help! But instead, even terrified, he tried to help and fight! What a true knight would do! It’s huge from him! But still… Even with the biggest effort of our 2 protags, the beast doesn’t stop trying to attack them and Charles gets badly injured. One of its claws got his forehead and he fall on the ground. 
Maria managed to push the beast away and look at the state of her friend. He’s not far from fainting but he holds on. His vision is troubled, & he doesn’t hear & is in shock. His head hurt so much he asks her if his brain is bursting out or smt. “NO, YOU’RE FINE IT’S JUST A SCRATCH YOU’RE NOT GONNA DIE!” Well, she can actually see the white of his skull in the cut … but hey it’s not crack open so it’s fine…💀
It's really a very bad situation. He can barely stand up. Maria knows she won’t be able to hold long. She has no weapons. That would make the difference. She got a bit hurt too, cuts, scratches and her dress is completely ruined too… she wait for the worst or a miracle… But then… *drum roll* LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OUR HERO FINALLY ARRIVED! Gehrman is here!!!! *applauds* 
So, he jumps in between her and the beast and shoots at it so it would take some step back. Bro only got like a lantern and a very shitty and small revolver or smt (it’s the first thing he could find, it’s not even the special quicksilver bullet they developed again such treats!)
He asks Maria to take Charles and go. The poor lad can barely stand and Maria doesn't want to leave Gehrman to a certain death! The groundskeeper thinks quickly and might have got an idea. It’s highly risky, he never tried before but he read about it and it’s their only chance so he goes for it! (he can’t just kill it with a very small gun).
The hallway has gone completely dark in front of them. Only the white and luminous eyes of the beast can be seen. Gehrman rolls on the ground one of the broken lanterns and waits. The gun in his left hand and contracting strongly his right hand at his sides. He prepared himself; the beast approached, growing closer and closer… it stands up, ready to attack and… PAN! He shoots it, destabilizing the beast. Then quickly hit it in the thoracic cage. No, he plunged his hand under its skin and ripped out its aorta! Half the man's face and body are instantly covered in blood. The beast falls on the bloodied ground with a spasm, dead… 
That's how Gehrman made its first visceral attack! 
Well Maria and Charles, were of course completely shocked by what just happened. 😨 They had received mainly droplet of blood too. Still, they were very impressed and admirative too 🤩?!  Gehrman turned around to them and began to shout “ARE YOU COMPLETELY CRAZY?! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!” He’s rambling like crazy and Maria never saw him like that. Then Laurence & co arrived and things calmed down.
Of course, Laurence looks at Charles immediately and he tell him that despite seeing his skull he will be fine and they’re going to fix that up 😅 Of course the poor lad faint afterwards.
So, everyone calms down, gets patched up, and explains what happened. The guy under the bookcase is also hm… they deal with it…
I made those drawings of the aftermath yeah! 🥳
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(Poor Damian as already enough of their bullshit Shenanigans XD... my poor boy you're still going to follow them in worst thing until the end!)
Yeah, Willem ask the ones who got in direct contact with the beast & man to get some rabies shot XD (actually the beasts didn't had rabies... I think).
I know it’s supposed to be created in like 1885 but shhhhhhh it’s Bloodborne. (Like Molotov cocktails that appeared in the Spanish war of 1936-39 so like?!) 
(Also I don’t have all the details planned out yet but this is the draft I had in my head since well a huge while. For example, idk if more people should be aware that this mess happened? Because like they could close the entire place down, I think if that’s the case? Also maybe having two beasts would be more drama and maybe cool too? Like one does get into the ballroom but everyone has been evacuated so it’s just a fight with Gehrman, Dores, Gatekeeper & prospectors? Idk maybe too much. And last thing I don’t have a clear answer from why the door was open and where this thing came from. Close basement & experience? Manage to get inside the school? Underground passage to the labyrinth? Who knows hehe)
So, they all go to the principal office! For um big discussion… of course they broke the rules and they were very clear you could get expelled for going into such a forbidden place…
Big stress for Maria who thought that it's over she will get back forever at Cainhurst and her family will surely remind her how bad she failed… (even poor Rom start to get panicked of the idea… dear you LIVE HERE! You can’t get kick out of the entire place just some building 💀)
But! But, even if they shouldn’t have gone there they agree the open door wasn’t normal and by doing what they did they save lives! (and eventually the school & it’s reputation too!) so no they won’t get expelled ^^ But to some conditions:
-They can’t of course shoot on the rooftops what happen or take actions against the school
-Even if it’s the end of the year they will leave the campus as fast as possible (normally students stay a couple of weeks before returning home + master degree students aren’t finished normally + if you screw exams you maybe retake some parts. Now they need to return home quickly for the ones who don’t leave here XD no I stayed to chill here and go at the library…forbidden to go in some places for now)
-They will return a few weeks during the summer vacation to help & work at the campus (assists scholars in labs, clean up or even cut grass or smt yes Gehrman supervise Maria & Ludwig to cut grass with scythe lmao)
-A letter sends to their parents to well explain that but with very minimum details cough cough
Caryll tries to take the blame at first but they almost all argue with each others and they all take the same thing.
So, Maria and Charles return to Cainhurst. Maria thinks her mother is going to kill her because her dress is completely ruined and the letter and all but actually no. She’s just a bit confused about what happened, glad she’s ok and tell her she would get a new dress for the end of the year or her birthday lmao. Man, Charles too omg this man (I mean he have an excuse he almost dies and isn’t feeling great) but he’s getting pamper by so many people and girls XD
So Cainhurst pushed them to explain what exactly went down. And they are actually delighted to learn they tried to learn a secret from Byrgenwerth so they don’t have to worry for anything they won’t get reprimanded more. Charles is like I know right? They had some weird things going on. And Maria is like: What?! 💀 (why would Cainhurst be happy to know they are breaking rules and trying to learn stuff?!… oh poor Maria… you have no idea of the big surprise you’ll get in 2-3 years when Cainhurst would get interested in some hm “forbidden blood” Byrgenwerth got their hands on…”
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fareehaandspaniards · 1 year ago
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victor-azmund · 1 year ago
Hello!! Firstly I love your OC Jonathan as a character, he's such a good foil to Edgar! And also just a really fun, off the walls character in general. I would trust him with all the sharp objects and also fire.
I am curious though... What do you think happened to him during the Mensis Ritual? Did he participate? Did he not? Did he get melted into the Brain of Mensis?? I ask because based on the game that seems like the end of the main body of the School, so I wonder how Jonathan would hold up (or not >:] )
I'm so glad you like my silly little guy and you can for sure trust him with any sort of sharp weapon he definitely ain't a threat to society.
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He did participate in the Mensis ritual, he was way too much of zealot to not participate and the idiot died and merged into the brain of Mensis all while smiling like a madman.
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Would have been cool if he could have ascended like Edgar and still be his sort of nemesis but boy doesn't have plot armor.
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synnning · 13 days ago
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Sometimes Syanna wears her Scholar Robe properly… but that’s only because she just ran into Damien and he yelled at her to stop wearing it like *that* 😅
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jesteraunt · 2 years ago
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A height chart for six of my hunters (and scholar) along with @mapleglazedpeaches's choir member!
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horsejawbone · 10 months ago
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what's with these homies dissing my girl (kos)
anyone want to see something profoundly silly
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zomdoc · 19 days ago
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Enlightening Nightmare
Warnings & Ratings: Teen & Up
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 200
Relationship: Micolash & OC
"He trusts his Headmaster. He knows what’s right."
Tags; pre-canon, trust issues/loss of trust, double drabble
Is this right?
The wailing rises, echoing through the halls. The familiar chorus of Mensis floods throughout the building, scholars crying and moaning and wailing with their hands thrown up in reverence.
Headmaster Micolash is here. Standing above them, watching, waiting. The moon rises, red and fiery and swollen, as he swallows the third umbilical cord.
What is to become of them on this night? Bazyli wails with them, cage rattling with the volume of his cries.
His peers sit around him, some chained and caged and gagged to prevent their protests.
He trusts his Headmaster. He knows what’s right.
The Nightmare awaits, enlightening and holy. It contains the knowledge which they have sought after for so long. Why do they protest?
Is this right? The chains rattle, the wails rise, and the Headmaster spins and dances on his podium. He calls to the cosmos, summons forth the eldritch entities with twisted words.
Mergo, oh sweet infantile Mergo. Can you hear the call of Mensis? Is it you who will finally grant the eyes which they have chased, relentless and fiercely determined?
Another wail joins the chorus. The newborn cries out as the blood moon surges, bathing Yharnam in crimson.
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doomed-gal · 10 days ago
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Modern au where Jane is completely fine and her and Micolash are married and no one ever got hurt. Trust me.
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katyspersonal · 1 year ago
Some 🅱️loodborne groups
The original three(?): Willem, Dores and Byrgenwerth gatekeeper! Description of Dores' mask mentions that she and gatekeeper accompanied Willem upon first diving in the Chalice Dungeons! (This group could include Gehrman too)
The Detectives: Simon, Gratia, Yamamura and Yahar'gul Hunter from Nightmare. All except for Simon are found in Healing Choir's jail for people that knew too much, Simon has keys from Brador's cell and Fist of Gratia in his equipment, and Yamamura is a summon in Yahar'gul too and not just Research Hall suggesting Yahar'gul Hunter might have helped him to run! I don't know who is Scooby of this team lol
The League: Valtr, Henryk, Yamamura and younger Madaras twin! Self-explanatory! Maybe older twin was a part too. + depending on how you interpret the line about previous one-eyed owner of the helmet, there could be the secret sixth guy
The constables: Valtr and the three corpses in Hunter's Nightmare from each you collect parts of constable set. I assume he appeared in Yharnam with three friends, then. (OCs time?)
Djura's group: Djura himself, Djura's Ally, Djura's Apprentice and the mysterious third "companion". We don't know who this is? I concluded it wasn't Josef because he's simply a variant of the type of NPC known as 'Izzy's Successor'. My latest idea was that it is a Blood-Starved Beast which is in the same cave as Djura's Apprentice, and what is your idea? MESSAGE RIGHT NOW ON THE NUMBER-
Gascoigne's family: Gascoigne, Viola, younger daughter and older daughter. Self-explanatory! + "Grandpa" the younger daughter refers to is likely Henryk
The Cainhurst four: Maria, Annalise, Bloody Crow and the King! Based on the idea that all knew each other! Annalise is the Queen so maybe King that Logarius killed was hers, and Bloody Crow uses the bone which is an item associated with Maria. Other variant: Instead of King it's Arianna, let's say she was already in Cainhurst, and Annalise's marriage either meant nothing for her emotionally or she is only the Queen and not Princess now that both of her parents were killed, so King was just her father. Other Other variant: The Cainhurst FIVE!
The Byrgenwerth squad: Laurence and Caryll confirmed Byrgenwerth scholars; Micolash and Rom strongly possible, Patches and Yurie just possible! The number varies from 3 to 6 but it is here..
The Byrgenwerth squad 2: Revenge: I legit don't know what to call it, ok ggfhhvb But it is Rom, Yurie and Caryll! Yurie is called the Last Scholar and protects Byrgenwerth and Rom, when Caryll is said to have same methods as Willem and Rom is literally 'Byrgenwerth Spider'. Both Yurie and Rom are also directly associated with the Choir (Ebby weeps at petrified body of Rom as lyrics of her theme refer to Mensis Ritual), whereas Caryll rune Eye, voice of Ebrietas, was symbol of Willem's research. Whether they "came back" to Willem or never technically left, there is a lot to unwrap about timeline, but they're connected in interesting ways! (idea of this squad is coined in by @heraldofcrow )
Yahar'gul Trio: The three hunters in Yahar'gul that ambush you and I hate them so much, it took me way too many attempts to finally kill them :/
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fantomette22 · 2 years ago
Prom Night, Goes Wrong (part 1)
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The scholastic year is coming to an end. During the ball to celebrated the end of their examinations, a student accidentally made a disturbing discovery in a place were they shouldn’t be normally allowed.
Push by curiosity and concern, a little group decide to investigate.
One question is on their mind. What dark secrets could possibly hide Byrgenwerth ?
And here’s another little bloodborne story set at Byrgenwerth i hope to tell and write one day !
Characters (all students at the time) : Damian, Micolash, Rom, Maria, Charles an « oc » (he actually fit in the lore), Caryll, Ludwig.
Alternative versions :
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fareehaandspaniards · 1 year ago
Damian's little brother Jiri
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Jiri appeared in my head completely by accident, when I was trying to analyze why Damian is so loyal to Micolash. I had a variant of the idea - that Damian and Micolash share a common thoughts, ideas, philosophy, but to me it would not be enough, because then they are connected purely by business connection, and according to my headcanons - these two are intertwined by secrets, long-lasting friendship, love and faith in Kos. But how did Damian decide for himself that he would follow Micolash anywhere all his life, give him his best years of life and sacrifice everything just for him?
According to my headcanons Damian was a librarian in Byrgenwerth. He graduated from college, but he couldn't become a doctor, and he didn't want to go back to his home estate. When he met young student Micolash, he saved him from the rector's wrath out of the goodness of his heart (a little accident because of Micolash's curiosity). And so their friendship began. But there was something about the black-haired slightly unstable and very intelligent young man that tugged at Damian's heartstrings.
Thus came Jiri, Damian's late younger brother, whose image he holds deep in his heart and loves, even twenty and fourty years on from his death. He was supposed to be just a boy mentioned a few times in the fanfic, but the more I built up the image of Jiri and the circumstances of his death, the more attached I became to him. In the end, I decided to make a separate post for him. I doubt it will resonate strongly with those who subscribe to me - after all, Jiri is just my OC, albeit one that directly influenced who Damian became in the end.
And yet, the boy is too important not to write a post about him, at least for myself. Because when I write fanfic, I forget little details about him and it would be nice to have a peek somewhere. Well since there is also drawing, why not post xd
Jiri is a very ambiguous child. At first I wanted him to be 4, but after working with his image I came to the conclusion that 4 is too young for him to be the way I see him. So he is 6 (almost 7) at the time of his death. This is very important, because at 6 years old he already has his own views on life, his own opinions, the "whys and wherefores" period is over and now the attempts to interact with the world around him begin - in Jiri's case it is a rebellion against the world around him. Damian was 7 at the time of his death.
Jiri contracted consumption when he was very small, almost a newborn. Medicine in Yharnam at that time was quite terrible - the discovery of the properties of blood had not yet happened, and people were treated with herbs, a kind word and prayers to the old gods (And I believe they were. I'm pretty sure the Grand Cathedral, the Cathedral Ward -are all just remodeled cathedrals of the old Yharnam faith. It's just that Laurence and Willem were perfectly able to sweep away the former faith thanks to blood magic and the furor it caused). The doctors diagnosed that Jiri was going to die, sooner or later. Euthanasia was suggested. But the parents refused. I see Damian's mother as a cold and pious woman, living by rules and obligations, and his father as a strict but gruff man. But whatever they were, they were humans. And they did not want their youngest son to die, and at that time they still believed that he could survive.
The years passed, and Jiri grew up. He was very weak, sometimes the disease receded and sometimes it worsened. While he was very young, he was even mobile - he played at age 4 with the neighborhood children and Damian, listened to his mother's stories. He was an imaginative boy - in games he liked to build and break most of all, finding the most inventive ways to destroy. And despite the fact that Damian was a year older than him, Damian was an absolute crybaby as a child. He was very afraid of people, afraid of contact, and so all conversations with other children were taken over by Jiri, who was very responsible about meeting new people. He always introduced Damian first and then himself, and Damian would hide behind him or his mother.
Jiri always wore dark clothes. And slept on dark linens. So the stains from his bloody cough were less noticeable, and it saved his parents money (there was really a lack of money) for laundry and new underwear (by the way, white underwear and clothing is a very expensive thing, which historical fantasy authors often forget :/// It's a symbol of wealth, because white gets dirty very easily. And if you wear white clothes, you can afford to replace them. And when I see a "poor" character wearing white shirts, I just…. …. ……………….)
Jiri was a very perky boy, open, friendly. And his parents had mixed feelings about him. On the one hand - they were happy to have him. But they knew he wouldn't live long. And both were very afraid of the pain of losing him, to which they had condemned themselves. Damian and Jiri also had many older brothers and sisters. Besides the two of them, there were six other children in the family, two of whom died before Jiri.
When Jiri's disease began to worsen around the age of 5, his mom started telling him stories about angels. That one day he would fall asleep and be visited by angels. They would play with him for ages and he would be fine. She told him that only the best people go to heaven, so he should behave well. But she couldn't explain to her son why his older brother Damian (whom he called "Dami") wouldn't follow him. Jiri began to be afraid of angels. Afraid of the frescoes in the cathedrals. He began to wonder what death was. And through the efforts of his mother, who merely wanted to ease his waning life, he began to think that death was a good thing. Jiri even became cruel. He didn't hurt any other child, but he was cold in heart when someone died… And sometimes he tried to kill himself. He watched insects, animals die. He believed what his mom said and convinced himself that everyone would be okay in heaven. This scared Damian and his older brothers and sisters a little (a little, yeah).
Jiri had a rabbit. He was given it when his illness worsened, because Jiri loved rabbits very much and in all the games with other children he was always a bunny. Jiri believed that his rabbit was a miracle. The best there is. But his father often joked that rabbits were better served for dinner. He wasn't a bad man or heartless, he was just of a simpler disposition, to him a rabbit was food, and dogs or cats were pets. Jiri took great offense. And one day his rabbit, which had accidentally escaped from the house, was mauled by the yard dogs. And Jiri saw it. Another little trauma on his heart.
Jiri saw death. Jiri knew he was going to die. Jiri feared it to the point of tears. But in all this his sunshine and light was always little Damian. Damian was never rude as a child, on the contrary - he was very shy and very fond of reading. So he often told Jiri stories from books. After all, Jiri had never been taught to read - no one saw the point in it. The small circles under Jiri's eyes, his thinness, curls and intelligent eyes, his unusual thinking, though sometimes cruel - all this imprinted in Damian's heart an image that would later burn brightly when he saw Micolash.
Damian loved Jiri with all his heart. All his life he remembered how as a little boy he could not help him or realize that Jiri was dying lying in his bed. Damian played toys for him and told him stories. And then, as an adult, he dreamed of turning back the clock and saving him, even though he knew that Jiri would have died anyway.
They were bound together by true brotherly love. And Damian visits Jiri's grave even as an adult scholar at the Mensis School. He left his family, hiding from them in Byrgenwerth, and never wanted to see to his relatives, tho occasionally visiting them. They all died when the curse of the beast began, when the horrors started in Yharnam. But it is Jiri that Damian cannot forget and let go. And his little tombstone stands out very much among the others which are abandoned in the cemetery near Hemwick.
If Jiri had grown up, he probably would have joined the Powder kegs. I see the grown up version of him looking like the painter Karl Brullov,
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I don't know why. He would be a very interesting person! Open-minded, bright, perhaps one of the inventors like Archibald… And of course, a heretic. With his mind - he wouldn't like the idea of contacting Great Ones, but still would try to do it himself.
But these are all idle thoughts, for if Jiri had stayed alive - Damian's life would have turned out very differently in my vision. He wouldn't have gotten a wound on his heart, wouldn't have tried to forget his family by hiding behind his work in Byrgenwerth, wouldn't have suffered so much and wouldn't have followed Micolash with SUCH a passion, seeing him not only as a brilliant scientist, but also as his angel and little brother.
My little rabbit king Jiri :'(
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victor-azmund · 1 year ago
Did Micolash send your guy Jonathan over to the Choir as a spy before the Choir started doing that or after? Was it a responce to Micolash figuring Edgar out? Did anyone in the Choir figure him out? Did Edgar and Jonathan ever cross the paths as spies, or one of them was only sent after another got busted? And if they've met, what did they think and would they try to sabotage one another? (Sorry for many questions, I was not sure how to compress this into one thing)
Watch my painful attempt at answering something coherently.
Jonathan was the one that came up with the idea to infiltrate The Choir because to be honest I doubt Micolash would be interested in sending someone there, he got out and started his own school for a reason, but good old Johnny knew there wasn't any new knowledge there for him but what did catch his eye was the arcane weapons so one day my boy went for a walk and ended up infiltrating the Choir ranks. (This all happened way before Edgar was sent to spy on the school of Mensis).
Did anyone figure him out? Weeelll uhm... he didn't exactly fit in and he did raise lots of suspicions thanks to his energetic personality but didn't get figured out instantly, he was just seen as passionate and hella annoying.
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Johnny and Edgar did cross paths at some point but other than Jonathan making him question his sanity they didn't interact much UNTIL Jonathan got the things he wanted and decided to flee the Choir, clearly they noticed that this creep randomly disappeared and connected the dots that Johnny was in fact a Mensis scholar and tasked Edgar to find and eliminate him and once that was done he might as well spy on Mensis and see what they're up to. This took an unexpected turn for the Choir who ended up with yet another rogue Kos worshiper scholar. While on Mensis Jonathan obviously figured Edgar out since he had already met him while on the Choir and so did Micolash and this two being the horrible people they are decided to lure him into leaving the Choir ways behind and actually embracing the way of thinking of the school of Mensis while tormenting him along the way.
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Sorry this took so long to answer I have been horribly busy this last weeks but I have finally been given a break and should be back to posting.
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feartheoldblog · 2 years ago
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4. A character you rarely talk about?
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a "sunshine"?
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Apologies for the large amount, I just adore your ocs xD
I am so glad that you like my OCs bc I also adore yours, they are amazing 🙏🙏🙏
This ended up super long sorry so I’ll put it under a read more
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I’m going to use this opportunity to talk about my latest OC who I’ve literally never talked about other than a single sketch I dropped. He has no official name yet (I’ve been calling him Monty lmao) but he’s a Pthumerian that came to Yharnam as part of the excursions into the underground labyrinths. He came willingly and with ease, following the scholars and prospectors who were of course eager to learn about him. His reasoning? Boredom and curiosity, essentially. He’s always been the inquisitive sort of person and loves to learn. What better way to do that than willingly reach the surface? Unfortunately, this doesn’t go too well for him and he ends up half-naked chasing innocent citizens around with a sack- the total opposite of his initial reason for his excursion. He was happy until he wasn’t. Damn the Church and Mensis! Poor Monty.
His sister is also a Bell Ringing Lady and they don’t get on too well, and he wasn’t too keen when she decided to follow suit and leave with him. However, he does care for her and tried to persuade her so stay behind. Of course, the Pthumerians were ‘encouraged’ to go with the tomb prospectors so they didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter.
His worst trait? Pretending that he doesn’t understand the Yharnam language so he doesn’t have to talk to people if he’s not in the mood. On the contrary, he speaks and understands the language fluently. I pity the scholars that tried to speak to him on a bad day lmao
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
Unfortunately, no. I’ve been in fandom for far too long and seen so many bastardisations of characters and I wouldn’t like my OCs to suffer the same fate. However, I am a sucker for plotting stuff with mutuals etc. and I think that’s the best way
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a "sunshine"?
Honestly, the only one I could describe as a ‘sunshine’ is Aoife. She’s literally just a total ray of sunshine with mostly everyone that she meets and is definitely the glue that holds the band of Cleanrots together. She does have her murderous traits of course but they don’t hold any malice behind them; she does her job, and she does it efficiently. Outside of that? The loveliest person ever.
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
Okay I can’t just name a single OC, I need to appreciate my mutuals’ 10/10 OCs properly.
I love your character Elizabeth and I’m extremely excited to see how her story develops in Stolen but mostly in Scarlet Butterflies, of course. She just seems like such a good person and the type of individual you’d love to be your friend.
@smoughenthusiast ‘s OC Felix is a dickhead but I can’t help but love the lad. He is indeed a murderous cleric but it’s impossible to despise him. I also adore Mathilda and her ways. I support her wholeheartedly 🙏❤️
@gehrmansbignaturals ‘s OC Phobos is also amazing and I love her lore and interactions with the world that she’s in. Her design is also lovely and her relationships with characters are so intricate and well developed.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
Oh god, probably all of them for different reasons. Freyja is naturally curious and also prefers to travel alone if she can so she’d definitely disappear during the night, explore for a bit and then return as if nothing happened. If he was interested, Phulgrax would stroll into the abandoned house with full confidence and zero regard for any spirits that are potentially haunting the property. He has absolutely zero fear and just assumes that he’s stronger than literally everything. Braith is sly about it, and would only go if there was something inside that she wanted. Treasure for her to sell would be the easiest way, and of course she must travel at night and not tell anyone lest she gets in trouble. Out of my Gilded Rot crew, definitely Bastian or Lithrion. They’re both exceptionally gifted in the art of stealth and you probably wouldn’t even notice that they’re gone. Bastien is curious and enjoys exploring whereas Lithrion would be looking for potential dangers that could be lurking inside.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I think the only characters I could see with stuffed animal toys would be Aoife and potentially Finlay (her childhood runebear teddy of course). However, Braith absolutely has taxidermy animals scattered around her living quarters so I guess that also counts… as morbid as it is.
I do also think my Pthumerian took a liking to a soft toy sheep in the window of a toy shop in Yharnam and took it with him because of it. He’s totally unaware of it being an odd thing for a 9 foot tall man to keep but he adores it nonetheless.
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bloodied-hunters · 1 year ago
I haven’t talked about my self insert, the guard of Mensis, in over a year. Anyways, thoughts under the cut.
Thinking of the guard of Mensis, Matilda. Mostly a beastly form. I thought as a concept that still needs work but: blood starved beast body shape with the hair of most normal beasts. She’d be in unique area as she was “quarantined” off. The Mensis scholars watched her but it was Micolash who convinced the others to not kill her. I mean, she can still serve her duties as a guard, can’t she?
Matilda Garcia being filled with regret/guilt for serving Mensis. While, yes, she was lied to and kept mostly in the dark, she still did what she did (murder and kidnapping). She left and helped out the church by giving information in exchange for safety and being allowed to hide.
Matilda was pretty much never heard from after that. But her hunter set can be found in a chest in Yahar’gul. It’s a variant of the yahar’gul hunter set. It’s the hood without the iron helm, the chest piece is nicer looking, the gloves are the same and instead of pants it’s a skirt. The stats are a little bit higher.
Matilda can be summoned to fight Micolash. Yeah, Micolash is pretty much a joke but the oc lore/connection.
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mangledskull · 4 months ago
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Yapping below cut, also ‘You Kindred Spirit’ spoilers!!! good lord I’ve drawn him a lot
-Galaphras is one of the last surviving Vilebloods. He had witnessed the Cainhurst massacre, and as a result, resents the Healing Church and the Executioners. He is extremely loyal to his bloodline, so he spends his years planning vengeance on the head of the church.
-He decided to enroll into the Hunter’s Workshop in Byrgenwerth so he could be able to infiltrate the Church. However, he is…a little bit over his head. He has 0 combat skills and has never killed anyone in his life. He is very much unlike his cousin in this regard.
-There, he had met Micolash, a meek scholar who has yet to make a name for himself. Within the few encounters they had, Micolash began to grow on him a bit. They would then become friends-and eventually-lovers.
-Gal then slowly forgot his original mission, now just wanting to be with Micolash and find peace with the horrors he witnessed. After graduation, they would work together to help build Micolash’s dream of having his own university, which would then become Mensis. He would gladly take on the role of Assistant Dean.
-Just when he was at his happiest, the Fishing Hamlet incident happened. This caused Micolash to grow unhealthily obsessed with Kos and the Cosmos above, something which greatly concerned Galaphras. Not only that, but he would then eventually have to face the loss of his kin.
-The breaking point was when Micolash introduced the Mensis Cage to him, which caused him to want to leave Yharnam. As much as he wanted to take Micolash out of the city with him, he knew that he couldn’t pry him away from his devotion to study (if you love something let it go-mindset).
-DECADES LATER, he gets a summon from Cainhurst out of the blue. Begrudgingly, he returns to Yharnam, which kicks off the events in the game.
Little fun facts
-He loves bugs, but has a massive soft spot for moths and butterflies
-He loves moths so much in fact that he made his last name alias to “Lymantria”
-His love language is gift giving! He will usually pay attention to his target’s activities and hobbies and finds something that they will adore.
-He was an entirely different character a few years ago. He was a sort of demigod/alien priest from my oc story (which he’s still in).
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-On my first playthrough of Bloodborne, I decided to play as him out of all the other ocs I had. Hilarity ensues.
-When I first fought Micolash, I thought it would be funny to draw them kissing as a joke. It stopped being a joke soon after because the ship genuinely grew on me. Now here we are
Who wanna hear me yap about Galaphras (my bloodborne oc who is in love with Micolash)
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