#men's synchronized 10 m
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olympianhotties · 6 months ago
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Noah Williams & Tom Daley - Great Britain - Diving
Paris 2024 | Men’s Synchronised 10m | Silver
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bobcatmoran · 7 months ago
Me: Ok, they're done showing men's gymnastics, time for bed.
Me: Oh, crap, my favorite deranged Summer Olympic sport.
Shoutout to Tom Daley from Team GB, his rainbow towel, and his partner in the stands with their two kids. Gonna have to watch the Peacock full version of this event, because NBC only showed a bare fraction of the dives from the last two rounds of the final.
Bedtime thwarted again by the promise of seeing Regan Smith, who's from my home county.
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600shekels · 2 years ago
2 Chronicles 16: 1-6. "Corruption."
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Asa’s Last Years
16 In the thirty-sixth year of Asa’s reign Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah and fortified Ramah to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the territory of Asa king of Judah.
Asa= healing
Baasha= stinking things
The verb באש (ba'ash) means to stink like something dead and rotting, and subsequently to be odious or abhorrent. Noun באש (b'osh), meaning stench, and noun באשה (bo'sha) means stinking things.
Judah= God's Glory [we are going to define this further shortly]
Ramah=maggot riddled fruit= pride
2 Asa then took the silver and gold out of the treasuries of the Lord’s temple and of his own palace and sent it to Ben-Hadad king of Aram, who was ruling in Damascus. 
Ben-Hadad=Son of the Voice of the Thunder [Yah is a Thunder God]
The unused verb הדד (hadad) probably meant to thunder or make a loud noise (it does so in cognate languages). Nouns הידד (hedad) and הד (hed) describe a shout or shouted cheer.
King of Aram= the Elevated Citadel
The Beginning Of Salvation
Full Turn In The Pattern Of Salvation
The Beginning/ Full Turn Of Being Drawn Out
The Gematria for this section is based on  In the thirty-sixth year of Asa’s reign Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah.
The result is:
"Today Is The Day We Do The Impossible Not Next Week Not Next Month."
The value In Gematria Is 5027, which =
ה אֶפֶסבז‎ ‎"The Ephesus" which means "The New Town, in the back of the old one."
Corruption in the government caused by an usurper's regime called Pride, forced the monarch to bankrupt the nation, and take his finances away from Jerusalem to Damascus, the City of the Future.
3 “Let there be a treaty between me and you,” he said, “as there was between my father and your father. See, I am sending you silver and gold. Now break your treaty with Baasha king of Israel so he will withdraw from me.”
4 Ben-Hadad agreed with King Asa and sent the commanders of his forces against the towns of Israel. They conquered Ijon, Dan, Abel Maim[a] and all the store cities of Naphtali. 
5 When Baasha heard this, he stopped building Ramah and abandoned his work. 6 Then King Asa brought all the men of Judah, and they carried away from Ramah the stones and timber Baasha had been using. With them he built up Geba and Mizpah.
The verb עוה ('awa) means to bend or twist, usually with a bottom line or ruin or perversion. Noun עון ('awon) means iniquity or guilt. Verb עוה ('awa) means to commit iniquity of do wrong. Nouns עוה ('awwa), עי ('i) and מעי (me'i) mean distortion or ruin. Plural noun עועים ('iw'im) means a distorting or warping.
Dan= the Government
Abel Maim="contagious stream of cycles of cognition."
Verb אבל ('abel) is like the previous ones in that it describes a drive of liquid or semi-liquid elements along some collective course. It's often used to describe a collective mourning, which either happened in a procession or else contagious enough to drag others along.
The noun מים (mayim) means water, or rather: waters. It's a plural word for which there is no singular form. But if there were it would be מי (mi), which is identical to the common particle of inquisition, מי (mi), meaning "who?". In constructions (waters of such and such), the final ם (m) drops off, and what remains is identical to our particle of inquisition.
Water represents the great unknown from which the dry land (ארץ, 'eres) of the known emerges. The ancients knew that vapor rises from the seas and becomes rain and compared this cycle to that of cognition (Isaiah 55:10-1). The words for rain and teacher are the same: מורה (moreh), which are closely related to the familiar word Torah.
Naphtali=to struggle against injustice
Geba=to dig, till, break up and mound up
Mizpah=To mound up gold and post a watchtower over it
Verb צפה (sapa) speaks of covering, whether a literal covering of an item with an overlay like gold or the figurative covering of watchman's surroundings by his watchful gaze. In cognate languages this verb also means to hope.
Noun צפיה (sippiya) means lookout post and noun מצפה (mispeh) means watchtower. Noun צפוי (sippuy) means plating, noun צפית (sapit) means rug or carpet, and noun צפת (sepet) refers to the plated capital of a pillar.
When God's voice is drowned out by a maggot, the nation becomes bankrupt in every way. This means the world is next. Once a schmuck starts to think he is being heard, people listen, timber is felled, and infernal engine turns over and then, look out.
First comes pride, which stems from the ability to commit moral acts and not be checked or balanced. The Tanakh says justice is like a contagious stream, let it roll. Every time a person with corrupt intentions seeks state power, take them out. Do not wait, do not hesitate.
As the verses say, there will always be someone better waiting in line.
And if you are as concerned about the sudden upswing in politicians campaigning on the basis of their intentions to curb civil rights in America, you can petition the World Trade Organization, which has standing and jurisdiction over these matters to sanction the nation and force it into the utmost of compliance with Civil Rights Laws. The very same all members of the United Nations and WTO are obligated to maintain.
As the Tanakh says, tyrannies like the one present and trying to grow in America must be made bankrupt and prevented from projecting force.
Based on the basis of the continued presence of the Republican Party and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints both sponsors of domestic and international terrorism in our midst and the Biden Administration's profoundly evident tolerance of both, it is likely sanctioning the government is needed in order to prevent further breaches of its conduct. Especially since its negligence has resulted in significant damage to the global climate.
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torahtantra · 2 years ago
Parsha Noach, Conclusion.
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Noah's Descendants
18 The sons of Noah who went forth from the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.) 19 These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the people of the whole earth were dispersed.[k]
Noah "Respite from Violence" + Na'Amah "to be sweet or pleasant" is to beget:
Shem= Conscious knowledge of the whole of creation.
Ham= the Wall of Fire.
Japheth= Formless Expansion.
Canaan= International Synchronicity.
The Torah Tantra of the Descendants of Noah is therefore:
"To covenant with God is to disperse the knowledge of the Torah, which preserves world peace from savagery like a wall of fire."
20 Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard.[l]21 He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. 22 And Ham “Fire”, the father of Canaan “humility” , saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside. 
23 Then Shem “total knowledge” and Japheth “boundless civlization” took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned backward, and they did not see their father's nakedness. 24 When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him, 25 he said,
“Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be to his brothers.”
26 He also said, “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem;    and let Canaan be his servant. 27 May God enlarge Japheth,[m]    and let him dwell in the tents of Shem,  and let Canaan be his servant.”
Noah drank wine, a sign large numbers of men are cooperating, which we know took place because Noah tilled the “soil” and planted vines. He exposed himself in his tent, meaning he was without pride before God in his heart. 
Canaan, “the lowly” enters the tent and sees this absence of pride and reacts; God says he must be a servant to the servants: 
“The God of Supreme Knowledge, Knowledge of All Things, must be served without pride. 
May Civilization prosper without end, may His servants grow in intelligence and fulfill its purposes.” 
28 After the flood Noah lived 350 years. 29 All the days of Noah were 950 years, and he died.
Nations Descended from Noah
10 These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood.
2 The sons of Japheth “boundless civilization”: 
Gomer (completion), Magog (on the roof), Madai Measured By Yah, My Measure(ment)Out Of The Abundance Of, As Often As ), Javan “mire, mud, man) , Tubal (world economy), Meshech (drawn out), and Tiras (moisturizer= what is desired).  
“On the Roof of Ararat, the Curse was completely drawn out, and the abundance of civilization was given to man to satisfy his desires.” 
3 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz “scattered fire”, Riphath “grain crushers”, and Togarmah “bone breaker”. 
“The knowledge (from the Ark) was taught, and the lust for violence ended.” 
*The bone breaking thing means your lost your wood after the spooj comes out. Bone breaker makes very good nice date. 
4 The sons of Javan: Elishah (God supports), Tarshish (his excellency), Kittim (pounders, like a hammer on gold), and Dodanim (leaders). 5 From these the coastland peoples spread in their lands, each with his own language, by their clans, in their nations.
“The sons of men, whom God supports, pound on the gold to make excellent leaders.” 
6 The sons of Ham: Cush (Ethiopia), Egypt (temple of Ptah), Put (“to give” specifically to give happiness) , and Canaan (place of the low). 7 The sons of Cush: Seba (drunkard), Havilah (circling, to create a fort), Sabtah (breaking through the circle), Raamah (thundering), and Sabteca (beating). The sons of Raamah: Sheba (the seven oaths) and Dedan (leading gently). 
“Through the power of speech, the Fire, God gives happiness to the humble. By speaking of the Seven Oaths, the Drunkard, Noah,  broke through the circle, defeated the violent, and led the gentlemen to peace.” 
*Noah opens a window in the Ark, I think that is what is meant by breaking through. 
8 Cush fathered Nimrod “the rebel”; he was the first on earth to be a mighty man.[n]9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord.” 10 The beginning of his kingdom was Babel “the gate of God”, Erech (length), Accad (to bake, to make glow), and Calneh (center of the world, beautifying), in the land of Shinar (that which is young and growls!).
“Men of Might hunt at length for the gate of God, where the Glowing makes the young man’s vessel bake and glow until he growls.” 
  11 From that land he went into Assyria (level, plain, happy) and built Nineveh (the fish place, the seat of government), Rehoboth-Ir, (wide city) Calah (like new) , and 12 Resen (head of a spring) between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city. 
“Men who mature and glow these make new the seat of government and expand its horizons like the head of a spring contributes fresh water to a river. They are the antidote of the propaganda that causes the Flood of Violence.” 
13 Egypt fathered Ludim (from the Tree or standing pool), Anamim (responding water), Lehabim (flaming), Naphtuhim (engraver) , 14 Pathrusim (southland), Casluhim (a mental invertebrate), and Caphtorim (the crowned).
“The power of speech produces the water needed to crown the dumbass, engraving the knowledge of the Southern Fire on him, giving him a brain.”
15 Canaan fathered Sidon (hunting place) his firstborn and Heth (terror), 16 and the Jebusites (to trample down) , the Amorites (gossipers), the Girgashites (dwellers in clay), 17 the Hivites (tent villagers) , the Arkites, (fugitives, gnawers) the Sinites (thorn bush), 18 the Arvadites (wanderers), the Zemarites (wooly), and the Hamathites (people of hotness). Afterward the clans of the Canaanites dispersed. 
“The servants, the most humble before God, hunted down the gossipers, the self-masturbators, liars, the corrupt, the unshaven, wild, and violent, always hot with rage and trampled them.” 
19 And the territory of the Canaanites extended from Sidon in the direction of Gerar (sojourning) as far as Gaza (strong), and in the direction of Sodom (to burn) Gomorrah (people who shoot arrows tyrants), Admah (red earth, arable soil), and Zeboiim (gazelles), as far as Lasha (gaped at, delighted). 
20 These are the sons of Ham, by their clans, their languages, their lands, and their nations.
“The servants of God overpower those consumed by the lust for power, who work for tyrants, using the Fire free the citizens of oppressed nations and create herds of happy, delighted little gazelles!”
21 To Shem (supreme knowledge) also, the father of all the children of Eber (who has passed over), the elder brother of Japheth (boundless civilization), children were born. 
22 The sons of Shem (fame, renown): Elam (hidden),  Asshur (level, happy, just), Arpachshad= chesed= mercy, Lud (standing water), and Aram (high citadel). 
“The supreme knowledge, hidden within the happy, balanced, just and merciful is the standing water that reflects the Most High.” 
= The mirror image of a flood of violence. 
The God of Israel is not a "drowned God" but a God of Light. He will not be seen from under a sea of rage and retribution.
23 The sons of Aram: Uz (inner strength), Hul (writhing circle), Gether (winepress of vision), and Mash (drawn out). 
“Through contemplation and strength of will, the writhing mind is pressed and made to draw out the essence of the Most High.” 
24 Arpachshad (bordered by mercy) fathered Shelah (the mission); and Shelah fathered Eber (the region beyond). 25 To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg (divided canal),[p] for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother's name was Joktan (he will be small) . 
“Through mercy the mission can reach the farthest regions, and the divided earth can became one.” 
26 Joktan fathered Almodad (immeasurable is how God loves!), Sheleph (draw out), Hazarmaveth (village of death), Jerah (the moon), 27 Hadoram (thunder is exalted), Uzal (vanish), Diklah (palm tree), 28 Obal (not clouded), Abimael (God is father), Sheba (seven oaths), 29 Ophir (mark of wealth), Havilah (the burning fort), and Jobab (Yah is father); all these were the sons of Joktan (he will be small). 
“The unified world is loved by God without measure. Those who follow His Voice, the Exalted Thunder will be drawn forth from the village of the damned, and their sins, their clouded judgement will vanish. If they swear the Seven Oaths, they will bear the mark of wealth, live under the Tallest Date Palm, which resides behind the Wall of Fire, within the Burning Fort.”
30 The territory in which they lived extended from Mesha (retreat or depart) in the direction of Sephar (the census) to the hill country of the east. 
31 These are the sons of Shem, by their clans, their languages, their lands, and their nations.
32 These are the clans of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, in their nations, and from these the nations spread abroad on the earth after the flood.
“To face east, towards the rising sun, to grow up, evolve, depart from the masses and reach for the Knowledge of the Supreme, is to become a part of the Effort to create an effortless peace all around the world.”
The Tower of Babel
11 Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. 2 And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar (that which is young and growls!) and settled there. 3 And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar.
 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” 
5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. 6 And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. 
7 Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.” 
8 So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. 9 Therefore its name was called Babel, (through production, one becomes anointed) because there the Lord confused[q] the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth.
If Torah suggests any one thing will cause the downfall of civilization it is homogeneity. Especially when an Abel is involved and wants everyone to look, think, speak and act like he does, so “he can make a name for himself.”
As with all things phallic in the Torah, the Tower of Babel "that which saturates with production" is a gigantic penis. Male boys don't begin appreciate the lesson above until they pass puberty and are able to learn and process language from a cognitive rather than Pavlovian perspective.
Compared to what happened when Adam and Eve played with the serpent around the Tree in the Garden, and got them cast out, what happens around the Tower is actually beneficial.
Negotiating the differences between thoughts, emotions, appearances and reality using words, numbers, expressions and language in a mature, thoughtful and articulate manner is called Babel "God's Gate". To own or possess a working Tower of Babel is to show competency in the former which lie beyond the Gate.
Shem's Descendants
10 These are the generations of Shem (complete knowledge) . When Shem was 100 years old, he fathered Arpachshad- Chesed two years after the flood. 11 And Shem lived after he fathered Arpachshad 500 years and had other sons and daughters.
12 When Arpachshad had lived 35 years, he fathered Shelah. 13 And Arpachshad lived after he fathered Shelah 403 years and had other sons and daughters.
14 When Shelah had lived 30 years, he fathered Eber. 15 And Shelah lived after he fathered Eber 403 years and had other sons and daughters.
16 When Eber had lived 34 years, he fathered Peleg. 17 And Eber lived after he fathered Peleg 430 years and had other sons and daughters.
18 When Peleg had lived 30 years, he fathered Reu. 19 And Peleg lived after he fathered Reu 209 years and had other sons and daughters.
20 When Reu had lived 32 years, he fathered Serug. 21 And Reu lived after he fathered Serug 207 years and had other sons and daughters.
22 When Serug had lived 30 years, he fathered Nahor. 23 And Serug lived after he fathered Nahor 200 years and had other sons and daughters.
24 When Nahor had lived 29 years, he fathered Terah. 25 And Nahor lived after he fathered Terah 119 years and had other sons and daughters.
26 When Terah had lived 70 years, he fathered Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
“Complete knowledge [of the Torah] leads to mercy. Mercy is the mission and crosses over all the divisions. It branches out through friendships. It is the fire that scorches slaves and makes them into freedmen. It protects those who wander, it shields them, exalts them and makes them into mountaineers [of Ararat].”
Terah's Descendants
27 Now these are the generations of Terah. Terah fathered Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran fathered Lot (covering). 28 Haran died in the presence of his father Terah in the land of his kindred, in Ur (flame) of the Chaldeans (the birthplace of Abraham). 
“From the Mountaineer, the Scattered Fire creates the Father of Compassion.” 
29 And Abram and Nahor took wives. The name of Abram's wife was Sarai (the princess, the senate), and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah (the queen), the daughter of Haran the father of Milcah and Iscah (she will weave a cover). 30 Now Sarai was barren; she had no child.
31 Terah took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife, and they went forth together from Ur of the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan, but when they came to Haran (to be burnt), they settled there. 
32 The days of Terah were 205 years, and Terah (the patient breather) died in Haran.
“Governors and governments born on Ararat, who are violence free, purged of its influences, who are guided by the Fire of Chesed to Canaan, a world at peace, they are verily the servants of God.” 
Should the world fall prey to violence incited by a personality or two, persons who want to make a name for themselves free of resistance and competition, we must containerize the situation through strong, solid government led by the very best the world has to offer and never lose our way again. 
Here ends Parsha Noach, "the Respite", numbered 2 of 54 contained in the Holy Torah.
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collectorscorner · 4 years ago
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thebrideofthewizardhowl · 4 years ago
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Rhythmic gymnastics is a women-only event in which gymnasts perform on a floor with a rope, hoop, ball, clubs or ribbon accompanied by music, in individual or group events. In the 1800s rhythmic gymnastics operated under the guise of group gymnastics, and included a trace of elementary choreography. It grew slowly until the first experimental competitions appeared in eastern Europe in the 1930s, when its newfound complexity began to draw a wider audience. Rhythmic gymnastics evolved from a host of related disciplines. It incorporates elements from classical ballet, such as pliés and arabesques, as well as the German system of emphasizing apparatus work for muscle development and the Swedish method of using free exercise to develop rhythm. The FIG recognized rhythmic gymnastics as an official discipline in 1963, and a year later organized an international tournament in Budapest. In 1964 the tournament was officially declared the first Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships, and Ludmila Savinkova of the Soviet Union became the first world champion. The number of athletes grew as interest spread to other parts of the world. Gymnasts from the United States first appeared at the championships in 1973, and rhythmic gymnastics slowly emerged from the shadow of the long-established artistic discipline to enter the Olympic program in 1984. Since its integration into the Games in 1984 in Los Angeles, rhythmic gymnastics has always been a part of the Olympic program. In its inaugural year, it was Canada’s Lori Fung who won the gold medal. Until 1992 in Barcelona, only one individual event was on the program. A second, team event was added to the program in 1996 in Atlanta. At the 2000 Games in Sydney, the Russian Federation won two gold medals: the group and individual multiple competitions.
Court Dimension:
The standard performance is 13m x 13m. The border is 100cm minimum and where there is a delimitation strip between the performance area and the border, the strip is 5cm wide and included as part of the performance area. An Olympic floor exercise mat is required to be 12 meters by 12 meters, which equals 39.37 feet by 39.37 feet. The standard distance from one corner to the opposite corner is 1,697 cm or 55.68 feet.
Look for swings, circles, rotations, wraps, unwraps, figure-eight-type circling movements, throws and catches of the rope. Gymnasts also leap and jump through the open or folded rope, held by both hands.
Material: hemp or synthetic material, knotted at each end
Length: proportionate to the size of the gymnast
Common movements with the hoop include swings, rolls, tosses and catches, spins, passes through and over the hoop, rotations of the hoop on the floor and rotations of the hoop around the hand and other parts of the body. Most impressive here are the high throws and complex techniques for catching the hoop in a different fashion each time.
Material: wood or plastic
Diameter: Interior is 80-90 cm (31.2-35.1 in)
Weight: 300 grams (10.5 oz) min.
Waves, circles, throws and catches, movement with the ball balanced on the hand, bouncing and rolling the ball on the floor and along parts of the body are all key movements.
Material: rubber or synthetic material
Diameter: 18-20 cm (7-7.8 in)
Weight: 400 grams (14 oz.) min.
Swings, large circles, small circles, mills, throws and catches and rhythmical tapping are common tricks.
Material: wood or synthetic material
Length: 40-50 cm (15.6-19.5 in.)
Diameter: 3 cm (1.2 in) max. for head of club
Weight: 150 grams each (5.25 oz)
Ribbon routines are comprised of snakes, spirals, swings, circles, throws and catches and figure-eight movements. The ribbon must remain constantly in motion.
Material: stick – wood or synthetic material; Ribbon – satin or similar non-starched material
Diameter/width: stick – 1 cm (0.39 in); ribbon – 4-6 cm (1.56-2.34 in)
Length: stick – 50-60 cm (19.5-23.4 in); ribbon – 6 m (6.54 yds.)
Weight: ribbon, 35 grams (1.225 oz) min.
In the group event, five athletes work together as one cohesive unit. Group is judged on the ability of the athletes to demonstrate mastery of body and apparatus skills in a synchronized, harmonious manner. A group exercise must include difficulties from the same body movement categories that apply to individual competition and characteristic movements for the apparatus. In addition, the group athletes must execute elements involving both large and small exchanges of equipment. The more interaction between the gymnasts, the better the exercise. Each group must compete with two different routines. The apparatus used in group competition is selected by the FIG. One of the routines is performed with five of the same pieces of apparatus, the other routine is choreographed with mixed equipment. Group athletes are trained to work as a team. The close interaction of five athletes within a 13 X 13 meter (approx. 42.5 ft. square) area and the many apparatus exchanges that occur during a routine require each athlete to be extremely sensitive to the movements and actions of her teammates. Many routines have been saved by the quick thinking and action of a team member. Spectators are enthralled and amazed by the beauty, excitement and risk of a group routine.
  Basic Skills:
Fundamental requirements include leaps over the rope and skipping. Other elements include swings, throws, circles, rotations and figures of eight. The rope must be held lightly so that all movements and characteristics of this apparatus may be performed. These may be performed with the rope open, or folded, in one or two hands, or in several directions. Women compete on four events: vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise, while men compete on six events: floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar. Basic skills required for the gymnast are flexibility, core strength, balance, upper and lower-body strength, power, mental focus, discipline, and dedication.
 Technical and Tactical Skills:
 Fundamental elements of throwing, bouncing and rolling, where a gymnast is required to utilize the full floor and both their hands, showing a continuous flowing movement. These skills involve the following; Floor, Rolling Skills, Cartwheel, Round off and Handstand; Parallel bars, Swings through upper arm hang, Swings through support, Back roll, Shoulder stand.
Rules of the game:
Penalties and Deductions
1.     For each additional or missing second on the time of the exercise // 0.05
2.     For music not conforming to regulations // 0.50
3.     For each additional music with words // 1.00
4.     For each crossing of the boundary of the floor area by the apparatus or one or two feet or by any part of the body touching the ground outside the specified area or any apparatus leaving the floor area and returning by itself // 0.30
5.     For any use of non-conforming apparatus (Individual and Group exercises) 0.50
6.     For using any apparatus not previously placed // 0.50
7.     For excessive delays in routine preparation which delay the competition // 0.50
8.     For unauthorized retrieval of the apparatus // 0.50
9.     For an unauthorized use of replacement apparatus (original apparatus still in the floor area) // 0.50
10. Dress of the Individual and Group gymnast not confirming to the regulations (one time per exercise) // 0.30
11. For emblem or publicity not conforming to official norms // 0.30
12. Bandages or support pieces not confirming to the regulations // 0.30
13. For early or late presentation by the gymnast(s) // 0.50
14. For gymnast(s) warming up in the competition hall // 0.50
15. For Group gymnasts communicating verbally with each other during the exercise // 0.50
16. Entry of the group to the floor area is not confirming to the rules // 0.50
17. For coach communication with the gymnast(s), musician, or judges during the exercise // 0.50
18. Wrong apparatus chosen according to start order; penalty deducted one time from the final score of the exercise performed in the wrong order // 0.50
19. For Group gymnast leaving the Group during the exercise // 0.30
20. For “use of a new gymnast” if a gymnast leaves a group for valid reason // 0.50
21. Only female athletes compete in Levels 1–4. Levels A, B, C, and Group are mixed gender.
22. Athletes must compete on the same level in all chosen individual events. (Either A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 or 4.)
23. Athletes may specialize by competing in one or more events at their chosen level.
24. Gymnasts who do all four events at a level are considered All-Around. (i.e., Specialist: Level I Hoop and Ball; All-Around: Level I Rope, Hoop, Ball, and Ribbon)
25.  A gymnast may perform in one or two group routines in addition to individual routines, or perform just in group routines (no individual).
26.  The video of the compulsory routines is the official version. If a difference exists between the video and the written text, the video must be followed. For group routines, the video is the only version of the choreography
27. Compulsory routines may be reversed in their entirety (mirror image).
28.  Olympic order for rhythmic gymnastics is rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon.
29. All rules and regulations apply equally to athletes and partners.
30. Unified competition is allowed in both Pairs and Group events.
31. In Unified Pairs events, the athlete and unified partner can either perform together as a duet or separately. One panel of judges will evaluate the athlete’s routine and one panel will evaluate the unified partner’s routine. The scores are added together for a unified team score.
32. In the Group events, there must be an equal number of athletes and partners in each group.
33. Visually Impaired Athletes – Coaches must notify the meet director and judges of the athlete’s visual impairment before the competition and prior to each routine. In order to aid the athletes, the following types of assistance are permissible for all levels of competition without deduction: Audible cues, such as clapping, may be used in all routines.
34. Music may be played at any close point outside of the mat, or the coach may carry the music source around the perimeter of the mat.
35. Hearing Impaired Athletes – Coaches must notify the meet director and judges of the athlete’s hearing impairment before the competition and prior to each routine.
How to officiate Rhythmic Gymnastics:
Judge Panels: responsible in maintaining a record of all competitions, courses and workshops in which s/he participates. The total number of panel judges will be 16, consisting of two panels which follow FIG for D1 and D2, for D3 and D4, and for E1 and E2.
Judge Administrator: primary responsibilities of the Judge Administrator are to act as the GCG representative at EC and CC, to ensure that all Judge Rules and Technical Rules are followed, and to ensure that all score ranges are within FIG requirements. The JA acts as the coordinator judge and ensures the penalty deductions are applied as per FIG.
D1 and D2 judges: D1 and D2 judges evaluate the entire exercise independently and then jointly determine the partial D–score content (One Single common score). The D1 and D2- judges enter the partial D- score into the computer.
D3 and D4 judges: records the content of the exercise in symbol notation:
·       For Individual: evaluates the number and technical value of Dynamic elements with Rotation (R) and the number and technical value of the Apparatus Difficulty (AD)
·       For Group: evaluates the number and technical value of Dynamic elements with Rotation (R) and the number and technical value Collaborations (C)
E-Panel Judges: E- Panel judges must evaluate the faults and apply the corresponding deductions correctly.
a) The first (E) subgroup - 2 judges (E1, E2) evaluatesthe Artistic component independently and then jointly determines the Artistic penalties (one single common score). Discussion in subgroup is allowed if needed; in case of disagreement between E1 and E2, the counsel of the Technical Delegate/Supervisor must be solicited.
b) The second (E) subgroup - 4 judges (E3, E4, E5, E6) evaluates the Technical faults by deduction, determining the total deduction independently and without consulting the other judges (Average of the 2 middle scores)
c) Artistic and Technical deductions are entered separately for the final Execution score. The E-score deductions will be the sum of the two partial E- score deductions.
d) The Final E- Score: Sum of the Artistic and Technical deductions are subtracted from 10.00 points.          
Time Judge: Responsible for elapsing time and as well as enforcing penalties. Control time violations and record the exact amount of time over the time limit or less if there is no computer input
Line Judge: Determine crossing of the boundary of the floor area by the apparatus or one or two feet or by any part of the body or any apparatus leaving the floor area.
Secretaries: The Secretaries need to have knowledge of the Code of Points and a computer; they are usually appointed by the Organizing Committee. Under the supervision of the President of Superior Jury they are responsible for the accuracy of all entries into the computers, adherence to the correct order of the teams and gymnasts, operating the green and red lights, correct flashing of the Final Score.
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lupine-publishers-sjo · 5 years ago
Lupine Publishers | Spontaneous Pneumothorax and Cavitated Lesions as First Manifestation of Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma to Ovary and Peritoneum in Young Patient?
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Lupine Publishers | Journal of Otolaryngology Impact Factor
We present the report of a case of lung cancer of atypical manifestation with important challenges in its diagnosis in a young                    woman who came in with pneumothorax tension, cavitated lung lesions, ovarian, hepatic and peritoneal masses and a biopsy                    compatible with pulmonary adenocarcinoma, whose initial approach raised the differential diagnosis of a tumor of gynecological                origin. A brief literature review was conducted.
Keywords: Pneumothorax; Pulmonary Cavitation; Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma; Ovarian Metastasis; TTF1
A 28-year-old woman who consulted the emergency                    department of the National Cancer Institute (Instituto Nacional                    de Cancerología) for a 7-month history of asthenia, adinamia,                    progressive dyspnea, low cough, loss of 17 kilograms of weight                    and the appearance of a painful mass at the level of the iliac fossa                    and right flank. Initially studied as an outpatient with presumptive                    diagnosis of granulomatous disease with negative serial baciloscopy                    and chest x-ray showing right atelectasis + right pneumothorax.                    In the tomography multiple solid nodules some with hypodense                    center involving both pulmonary fields, caverns of thickened walls                    in both apices, posterior segments of the lower lobes and upper                    segments of the lower lobes. In the abdominal tomography there                    is presence of mass surrounding uterus of 185*100*85 mm of                    density of soft tissues, which takes the contrast IV and cystic area     ��              of 85 mm in its right aspect of probable ovarian origin and hepatic                    compromise with apparent peritoneal sowings. Positive tumor                    markers AFP 1.2, ACE 392, CA 125 257. A right thoracostomy, fibro                    bronchoscopy with cultures for M. negative tuberculosis and biopsy                    of pelvic mass that reported lesion characterized by cords and                    neuroglandular formation of epithelioid cells of neoplastic aspect                    with a marked desmoplasic response were initially performed. For                    which the diagnosis of metastatic ovarian cancer to lung, liver and                peritoneum is made and send to initiate management.
               Case Report
Upon admission to the institution, pulmonary thromboembolism                    is ruled out and extensive pulmonary parenchymatous involvement                    (Figure 1(a)) is confirmed by nodular areas, most of them with                    central cavitation and frosted glass halo, which are accompanied                    by paramilitary consolidations, making it necessary to consider                    neoplastic metastatic involvement with cavitation, less likely                    infectious (angioinvasive aspergillosis). At abdominal level,                    extensive infiltrative involvement of the peritoneum, hepatic                    subcapsular with extension to the parenchyma in segment 6,                    gastrohepatic ligament, transverse mesocolon, descending                    mesocolon. Heterogeneous bilateral adnexal masses of neoplastic                    aspect (Figure 1(b&c)). Scarce ascites. We reviewed pathology                    material of ovarian mass biopsy with report of adenocarcinoma                    with reactive immunopurified for CK7, TTF1 and negative for GATA                    3, WT1, RE, CDX2, PAX 8 and CK20, we added NAPSIN which was positive, confirming lung metastatic origin (Figure 2(a&b)). The new                    fibro bronchoscopy with biopsy had immunohistochemistry that                    showed reactivity in tumor cells for TTF-1 and Napsin with absence                    of reactivity for p40, RE and RP. Compatible with compromise by                    non-small cell carcinoma, favors acinar pattern primary pulmonary                    adenocarcinoma. Less than 10% of all lung carcinomas debut with                    radiological cavitations, considered secondary to tumor necrosis by                    ischemia and/or bronchial obstruction [1]. Tokito et al. presented a                    cohort of lung cancer patients, with an incidence of cavitated lesions                    of 5.5% meanwhile in the Sing series this report is much higher                    near 9.6%. In both cohorts it was more frequent to find cavitations                    in men, over 60 years old, ex-smokers and with squamous cell                    histology [2].                
Figure 1: (a) Chest X ray; (b) Axial computed tomography with extensive pulmonary parenchymatous involvement.                    (c) Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis with mass surrounding uterus.
Figure 2: (b) Immunohistochemistry of Napsine A in lung tissue;                    (b) Immunohistochemistry of TTF1 in ovarian tissue.
Figure 3 Chest X ray.
a greater extent induced by oncologic management are infection                    and hemoptysis, very infrequently, the presence of spontaneous                    pneumothorax which is estimated between 0.03 and 0.05% of                    primary lung cancer with a poor prognosis [3,4]. Among 1200                    patients with spontaneous pneumothorax between 1970 and                    2007, 37 (3%) had lung cancer. In all patients, the pneumothorax                    occurred on the same side of the carcinoma. The main cause of                    spontaneous pneumothorax was rupture of a necrotic tumor                    nodule or necrosis of subpleural metastases (21 ptes)., As well as                    the communication between the bronchus and the pleural cavity,                    producing a bronchopleural fistula that results in pneumothorax                    [5]. Spontaneous pneumothorax in the context of lung cancer                    occurs in 75% of cases as an initial manifestation and the remaining                    25% during the course of the disease in patients with the known                    diagnosis, sometimes after the onset of management [6]. In this                    case, the first clinical manifestation of oncological disease was the                    presence of dyspnea secondary to spontaneous pneumothorax,                    infectious causes were ruled out and required surgical intervention                    with subsequent need for high oxygen flow. The main sites of                    lung cancer metastasis are pleura, brain, bone and liver. Ovarian                    metastases are rare, accounting for 5% of all ovarian cancers.                    The main tumors that metastasize to the ovary are from the                    gastrointestinal tract: colon and gastric, or originated in the breast.                    Lung cancer alone is the cause of these metastases by 0.3% [7].                    The metastases of an adenocarcinoma of the lung are difficult to                    distinguish from a primary carcinoma of the ovary. Although there is                    no specific lung marker, TTF-1 can be used to discriminate between                    primary pulmonary and ovarian. TTF-1 is positive in approximately                    63% of lung cancers [8]. Irving and Young reported 32 cases of                    metastatic to ovarian lung carcinoma in women aged 26 to 76. A                    history of lung carcinoma was documented in 53% of cases (17 out                    of 32), with detection of ovarian involvement at an interval of one                    year. In 10 cases (31%) ovary and lung occurred synchronously, in 5                    (16%) ovarian tumors were detected 26 months before lung injury.                    The most frequent histologic subtype was small cell carcinoma                    44%, adenocarcinoma in 34% and 16% in large cell carcinoma                    in 16% of patients. One third had bilateral presentation and the                    most frequent morphological characteristics were: multinodular                    growth, necrosis, lymphovascular invasion with rare involvement                    of the ovarian surface [9]. The management decision in this                    case was made considering the presence of pulmonary visceral                    crisis, the patient’s age, her ECOG and the high risk of rapidly                    deteriorating. Chemotherapy with palliative intention was started                    with carboplatin paclitaxel with a good clinical response in the two                    initial cycles, with which the requirement of supplementary oxygen                    and control of dyspnea was reduced. 40 days later, the patient was                    admitted with subite dyspnea of 3 days of evolution. with chest                    x-ray (Figure 3) that evidences left pneumothorax, ventilatory                failure and dies despite rescue procedure.
Patients with cavitated tumors develop serious complications                    during or after chemotherapy or concomitance such as infection or                    massive hemoptysis. There are no reports of safety and efficacy of                    the use of chemotherapy in patients with advanced lung cancer with                    cavitated lesions. Some retrospective reports that have evaluated                    toxicity in this group of patients in the a 9% study developed                    hemoptysis, considering it as acceptable toxicity for this group of                    patients. Sandler et al reported that 30% of patients treated with                    carboplatin+paclitaxel+bevacizumab presented hemoptysis vs                    6% of those without cavitations. In our case, taxane and platinumbased chemotherapy were initiated while obtaining studies of                    EGFR, ALK, Ros 1 and PDL1 to optimize management, with the                    initial cycles the palliation objective was achieved. However, the                    subsequent occurrence of pneumothorax is a possible consequence                    of the effect of cytotoxic treatment on existing lung lesions. It is not                    clear from the literature what would be the safest scheme, dose or                    frequency for this population to avoid the development of this type                    of complications. It is necessary to increase the reporting of these                cases in order to try to elucidate their management.
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dweemeister · 5 years ago
Programming note: a Salute to 20th Century Fox
It’s been a while since this blog’s most recent marathon, 2019′s edition of 31 Days of Oscar. And as 2019 winds down, of course I would like to add a few marathons to help the blog along. So here is one thing on the docket for September.
“Salute to 20th Century Fox” (Sept. 9-15): I’ve gotten on my soapbox quite a few times this year about how Disney’s purchase and absorption of 20th Century Fox (and its subsidiary studios) is a bad thing for consumers, filmmakers, and basically anyone interested in quality films. So to best protest the studio which - to my admission - has such a hold on my childhood, next week this blog engages in a week-long salute to 20th Century Fox. And yes, film buffs, this will include the films of Twentieth Century Pictures and Fox Film Corporation (two studios that merged in 1935 to become 20th Century Fox). This marathon will include posts exclusively on films produced/distributed by 20th Century Fox prior to its takeover by Walt Disney Studios earlier this year - all the major Hollywood studios had an evolving identity that shifted over time, and Fox was no exception.
The studio's namesake, William Fox, was one of the many Jewish immigrants to the United States that were instrumental in what became the early Hollywood Studio System. Fox founded Fox Film Corporation in 1915 but lost control of the company in a 1930 hostile takeover. 20th Century Fox proper was founded by Twentieth Century Pictures’ Darryl F. Zanuck and Joseph M. Schenck (which makes you wonder how the “Fox” part of the moniker has stuck) and, over the decades, has teetered between artistic/financial successes and existential peril (*cough* Cleopatra *cough*).
The marathon schedule will look something like this, beginning and ending at midnight Pacific Time each day. All films featured (there’s no way I can possibly feature every film the studio has released, especially with tumblr’s recent guideline changes taking out a lot of classic film content) will be featured in chronological order of their original release day: Monday, September 9: Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) - 1935 merger Tuesday, September 10: Dante’s Inferno (1935) - Leave Her to Heaven (1945) Wednesday, September 11: A Walk in the Sun (1945) - Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955) Thursday, September 12: Oklahoma! (1955) - The Sound of Music (1965) Friday, September 13: Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (1965) - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Saturday, September 14: Kagemusha (1980) - Cast Away (2000) Sunday, September 15: Moulin Rouge! (2001) - The Aftermath (2019)
The Aftermath was the final film produced and distributed by Fox (via Fox Searchlight) before its purchase by Disney. All films released by Fox Searchlight from its 1995 founding are eligible to appear in this marathon.
From the groundbreaking animated short film Gertie to Dinosaur, the Fox Movietone system which made it the first studio to synchronize film scores and sound effects into a single soundtrack, Fox’s musicals featuring the likes of Don Ameche and Shirley Temple, the formative James Ford films that catapulted him to the highest caliber of American directors, Gene Tierney’s midcentury dramas, the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical adaptations, the Planet of the Apes and Star Wars and Alien series, and two James Cameron epic films that have helped shape modern Hollywood, 20th Century Fox is one of the most important studios in all of film history.
Honestly, if they never had the chance to purchase the studio, Disney would probably kill to have as good a live-action library as 20th Century Fox.
See you Monday, September 9 as this blog celebrates the history of 20th Century Fox.
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swanandapirate · 6 years ago
A Muted Hue of Grey (14/14) -- CSBB
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Summary: Emma Swan liked being a PI in Boston. It was a fun job, she had an okay income and she was a good one at that, so there was no logical reason to try and leave. Except for the fact that she wanted to, so badly. And, when she received a job offer for what seemed to be the opportunity of a lifetime, she did exactly that. Leave. Run. All the way to London. The job was simple: trailing a man called Killian Jones. Easy enough.
Well, until things get complicated, that is.
Rating: M (previous mentions of alcohol abuse, violence, and sex)
Wordcount: 3415
Links: ao3 // ff.net // spotify chapter 1 // chapter 2 // chapter 3 // chapter 4 // chapter 5 // chapter 6 // chapter 7 // chapter 8 // chapter 9 // chapter 10 // chapter 11  // chapter 12 // chapter 13
A/N: Here we are, the last chapter. This is such a surreal moment because after more than a year this story is over and done. This @captainswanbigbang experience has been one of a lifetime and has taught me so much!
One last thank you to @ofshipsandswans and @acourtoftruelove. Honestly, I can't even properly express how important these two have been for this fic, its successful completion, and just in my life in general. I both love you loads. 
Not to forget my amazing artist @shady-swan-jones who has made epic art for this fic, who is just such a lovely person and who, out of all the possible fics, picked mine, for which I am very thankful. 
Without further ado, one last time, A Muted Hue of Grey
“Emma, no.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“Emma,” he repeated, his blue eyes serious as he kept eye contact and shook his head.
She rolled her eyes before returning the look.
“I have to go home,” she said.
“No, you don’t,” he disagreed.
His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her back to him. The bedcovers shifted, baring her legs as she attempted to wriggle out of his hold and get out of bed.
“I haven’t been home in three days,” she told him, reminding him of how one evening together had shifted into a night together which had then merged into another one and another.
Not that she had any qualms with it.
None whatsoever.
Especially with the way his lips were pressing feather-light kisses against her spine.
Emma couldn’t bring herself to say no. Not to him, not to the way his hair was so playfully mussed, not when the crinkles near his eyes appeared again, not when they were in such a good place.
They hadn’t been in this place for long. It had taken a lot of talking and arguing and reasoning to get there. A lot of hurting and painful introspective. But it had been for the best and so she’d endured it. He had too. Because they thought it was worth it.
And honestly, it was worth every tear that had been shed, every long silence that had taken place.
What she got in return was more than anything she could’ve hoped for.
“Doesn’t it bother you that he’s still free?”
Killian looked up from his book, his brow instantly furrowing. He didn’t need more to know who she was talking about; they hadn’t mentioned his name in weeks, hadn’t encountered him in the time of peace they’d received.
But it had been nagging Emma. He was still out there and as much as they could try and ignore his existence, he still roamed around London being his psychopath self.
Something she struggled with. Call it a savior complex but it felt unfair to have been such a big part of his malfeasance and not prevent others from his wrath and psychotic behavior.
Killian put his book aside and wrapped his arms around Emma’s ankles, pulling her closer to him on the couch.
“This again?”
She sat up and leveled her eyes with him.
“I know you don’t like to talk about it but it has to bother you as much as it bothers me. What happened to try and prove his guilt?”
“I found things that are more important.” His hand brushed over her cheek, the warmth of his hand conveying tenderness along Emma’s skin.
She leaned into his touch, the sudden emotion creeping up her throat. It wasn’t unusual for him to express affection, show how much he cared for her but it still affected her. She wasn’t used to being that adored. And then there was something else.
She hadn’t said I love you yet.
She wanted to say I love you almost every moment she spent with him. But it got stuck on the tip of her tongue every single time.
“I get that but what if he sends his minion to hurt you again? Or other people. What if he goes for Anna or Elsa? I just don’t like that he’s out there, Killian.”
He sighed while averting his eyes from her, placing his chin on her knees. He had to know she was right. She was also pretty certain he felt the same way. His good form was ingrained into him, a crucial part of who he was. He’d want to do the right thing.
Emma placed her hand on his cheek and gently turned his face to her again. In a sad way, her lips curled.
They had to do the right thing.
“What do you want to do?” he asked, the sadness reaching him too.
“Maybe try taking another route? A more legal one this time?” She cocked her head in suggestion.
“We would have to find someone to help us legally, but Gold has people everywhere. They cannot be one of Gold's puppets.”
“I might know someone.”
Might was a wrong word. She knew the perfect someone.
“Did you ever tell me he went to law school?”
An ambulance raced passed them as they walked on the street, synchronized steps sounding against the concrete. It wasn’t far, only two blocks, but Killian had still grabbed her hand to walk the way.
Emma swung their linked hands.
“I might’ve? I don’t remember.” She shrugged. She’d never thought Samir being a lawyer would be something she’d need but here they were: on their way to his shop.
“And he works in a shop?”
Emma checked the street for incoming cars before quickly crossing and pulling Killian along.
“It’s his dad’s,” she explained. “There’s a whole story behind it, I’m sure.”
“Well, I believe you.”
“Why thank you, Jones, for that assurance.”
He winked in response, eliciting a smile on Emma’s face.
The shop appeared from behind the corner and she smiled. It had been a while since she’d seen Samir, fewer midnight snacks and drinks that needed to be bought recently. Maybe his theory about being a not so happy single was correct.
This was also the first time Samir and Killian would meet and she was looking forward to it. Her favorite people in this city had to meet at some point, and even if this visit wasn’t just for pleasure, it still meant something.
The door opened, the bell rang and they were inside.
The store was empty but not for long as Samir emerged from the back, a pack of what looked like cereal in his hands and blocked his view.
“I’ll be right with you!”
“Take your time, Samir,” she reassured.
As he walked to the cereal rack, back facing them, Samir spoke again: “Is that my favorite customer I hear?”
She laughed.
“It might be.”
“I hope it’s her. My sales have been suffering since she decided to disappear more and more,” Samir replied, still not turned to them.
Emma and Killian looked at each other, both raising their eyebrows with a smile.
Finally, Samir finished putting the boxes away and approached them, a smile directed towards Emma and a curious glance towards Killian and their entwined hands.
“Hi,” she finally greeted her friend properly.
“Hello,” he replied.
Killian patiently waited in silence until Emma introduced the two of them to each other.
“Samir, this is Killian,” she began. “Killian, this is Samir.”
“Nice to meet you, mate.” Killian released her hand and reached for Samir’s outstretched one, the men sharing a quick but genuine shake. “Emma has told me a lot about you.”
“You too, mate.” He nodded. “What brings you to my humble shop?”
Emma took a step forwards.
“Remember when we first talked and I told you that if I ever needed a lawyer, I’d call you?” She gave him a second to recall the memory before she continued. “The moment has come.”
Samir did not seem surprised or taken aback at all. Instead, a fire lit up his dark brown eyes as something Emma couldn’t describe as anything other than determination appeared.
“You’re taking him down?” he asked, looking at the both of them for an answer.
She sought Killian’s eyes, wanted to be sure that they were both one hundred percent sure of the path they were going to go down. When she found them, Emma knew that this was what they were doing, even if it was the last thing they did.
“We are,” she replied, the same determination that could be found in Samir’s eyes now in her voice. “If you’re up for it.”
“Rocky Road.” Samir smiled. “I’d thought you’d never ask.”
They spent hours, days, weeks searching. Searching for the smallest lead or detail that was off.  Soon they realized it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.
And it was fucking frustrating.
How could Gold never once have made a misstep? How was that even possible? All humans make a mistake at some point, so why didn’t he?
Samir couldn’t do a lot if they had nothing to go off. He couldn’t think of a charge without proof, couldn’t magically make an accusation appear out of thin air.
Killian tried using the things he’d gathered before but the tidbits of information were mostly outdated and incorrect.
Emma… well she got more frustrated by the minute and wasn’t as useful to the investigation as her companions.
It was so unfair. On paper, this man was a saint.  Donations to nonprofits, he tipped fairly, he even recycled. You name it and The Honorable Mr. Gold had most likely done it.
Which, again, was fucking frustrating.
Emma grunted, throwing one of their folders on Killian’s coffee table. She let her head drop into her hands, momentarily sick of reading and reading, processing information without discovering anything valuable, anything useful for the case they were trying to build.
A case that was currently non-existent because of said shortage of information.
She sighed against her palms and closed her eyes. An empty nothing was better than going back to the file, with information being catapulted at her.
A headache was forming between her temples and so she stayed like that, hands half-buried in her hair and forehead leaning against her palms.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder.
“Oh god!” She jumped and placed her hand over her heart as she saw who the culprit was. “You scared the shit out of me.”
Killian stood next to her with an apologetic grimace on his lips and a plastic bag in his hand.
“Apologies, love. I did announce I was home,” he defended himself, not to take the blame off of himself but to tell her it wasn’t on purpose.
“It’s fine. It’s my fault, I wasn’t paying attention.” She got up and quickly kissed his mouth in way of greeting.
A delicious smell wafted upwards and reached her nose, making her stomach growl. She’d forgotten to eat. Again.
“You bought Chinese?”
He’d told her that he wasn’t the biggest fan of Chinese food and that he ate it maybe once every three years (and that was a broad estimate) So every time he came home with takeout, she knew he did it for her. Because she loved it almost as much as he didn’t like it. Because he’d thought of her while walking past the Chinese restaurant and wanted to make her happy.
She should really tell him she loved him.
“I was in the mood for some spring rolls,” Killian shrugged.
Emma wasn’t falling for his act and stepped back into his personal space, lips searching his again, this time for more than just a peck.
They broke apart, their chests heaving ever so slightly as they both came up for air.
“I should best put this on the table,” he said, his hand lifting the bag of Chinese food again.
Tell him.
Tell him.
Emma, tell him.
“Killian?” she blurted out, her mouth acting before her mind could reconsider.
“Aye?” He turned to her with expectant eyes which definitely didn’t help with the stress that was tormenting her body right now.
Emma took a deep breath, thanks to their earlier tiny make out session, she could attribute her breathlessness to that and not to the source of her fast-beating heart and sweaty palms.
“I love you,” she said and she felt lighter instantaneously. “I thought you should know that.”
Killian left the Chinese food for what it was and strode towards her, only three big strides before he reached her, touched her, kissed her.
She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I love you,” he echoed the words, whispered them against her slightly swollen lips. “I thought you should know that too.”
Laughter bubbled out of Emma with the complete happiness and tranquility she finally felt, and of that earlier frustration, there was nothing left.
“Honestly, I think it’s bollocks. He must’ve paid someone to clear his records. No one is this clean,” Samir mumbled through his full mouth of spaghetti.
Emma sipped from her glass of water and set it back down on the table before taking another bite of her own food.
Quite early on, they discovered that once the three of them—Emma, Killian, and Samir—got together to discuss their plans, it usually turned into just friends hanging out for a while as they all got along extremely well. Emma had honestly been afraid that her friend and her boyfriend wouldn’t get along at first but now, they sometimes got along too well. They had a serious bromance going on and she wouldn’t say she was jealous but she wouldn’t mind if they got along slightly less either. So they went from random meetings in the middle of the day to actual planned dinner evenings for a perfect mix of business and casual.
So that was why Samir was now stuffing his face with Killian’s divine spaghetti and commenting on how he thought the situation was bullshit.
Which Emma agreed with one hundred percent.
“I know, mate, but we have nothing else to go on,” Killian reacted.
“Have we covered all bases?” Samir asked again, but they had. “Youth? Career? Family? Anything we could’ve missed?”
Killian shook his dark locks in a negative answer.
“Milah told me he had no family to speak of so that’s a dead end.”
Emma froze, her eyes popping open as she dropped her fork on the table.
Gold’s brother.
“What did you say, Swan?” Killian frowned as Emma had apparently not only thought it but had actually spoken it out loud.
She cleared her throat before repeating what she had just come to realize. “Gold has a brother.”
“A brother?” Both Killian and Samir said in unison—there was that bromance she was speaking of.
She turned to Killian and grabbed a hold of his prosthetic.
“The guy that attacked the both of us, his name is Malcolm Gold.”
“How do you know that?” he asked.
She knew it because Malcolm’s ego got hurt and he wanted to boast about his powerful name to scare her even more.
"He told me. He might be lying but there is a similarity between the two that makes me think he was telling the truth and that they are brothers."
She got up, not waiting for any type of reaction from the both of them, not having the patience to wait for them to collect their thoughts on the information she’d just handed them.
Emma had already wasted enough time by not thinking of a lead she had had all along, from way before they had decided to try and take Gold down together. She didn’t have the time to be angry with herself right now, that would come later, now she needed to grab her computer as quickly possible.
Faster than ever before, she typed in her password and pulled up some of the online tools she’d often use while researching one of her cases. ‘Malcolm Gold’ she typed in and fervently asked Zeus, the universe, to give her this one thing, to give her something to work with.
“And?” Killian asked, still seated at the table, seemingly understanding what she was attempting to do.
She looked up from the bright computer screen and smirked at her team.
“It seems our dear Malcolm isn’t as good in hiding his tracks as his baby brother is.”
Malcolm Gold was, as Emma discovered, a man of many facets. One of them being an arsonist, another one of them being a notorious drug dealer who was the supplier of a variation of cocaine called Fairy Dust.
Not the most positive of reputations. And yet, somehow, he had spent a grand total of thirty-one hours in jail.
And there it was.
A lead.
After Emma’s discovery, it was all hands on deck; it was countless all-nighters with coffee as their only fuel. It was reading and more reading until their eyeballs went dry.
It took so much but they’d done it.
She was about ready to cry when Samir told her the news.
They had an airtight case. Gold was guilty of blackmail, extortion and the fabrication and distribution of narcotics.
And the son of a bitch was going to jail for it.
They stood in the parking lot of the courthouse, Emma and Killian leaning against Killian’s Toyota and talking in low voices in case someone overheard them. This was a big moment, something they’d worked towards for months, but Emma couldn’t stop shaking.
Months of work were depending on this. Innocent lives were depending on this. Her sanity in general was depending on this. So, it was safe to say that the stakes were pretty damn high.
From across the parking lot, she saw Samir appear, dressed in a dark suit that made him look way older than his young twenty-four years. She had total faith in him, however. He was relentless and thorough. And he was her friend.
“Hello,” he greeted them and they smiled in response.
“You’re sure you don’t want to come inside too?” Samir asked.
She looked at Killian and saw the exact same answer in his eyes. They didn’t want to face him again, not after all he had done and attempted to do. The man was a maniac and the less time they had to spend in his company, the better.
“No, Samir,” Killian said in her stead. Her hands weren’t the only thing that was shaking. “This is all you. We believe in you and we want to thank you for all that you’ve done for us. You’re a true friend.” He clasped his shoulder before going for a hug.
“What about you, Rocky Road?” Samir said as he turned to her. “Will you be alright?”
“Of course,” she finally spoke, managing the tiniest smile. “I trust you completely.” Emma looked him in the eye, reassured when she saw the embers burn in his eyes. “Go destroy him.”
Samir smiled at her and nodded sternly before giving her a hug as well. “For what he did to you,” he whispered as his arms were around her, “–gladly.”
Gold was not prepared for the fury he was about to meet.
“If it’s alright with you, mate, I’m taking Emma home,” Killian said and Emma looked at him in confusion. That wasn’t what they had planned.
Before she could question it, he silently grabbed her hand and squeezed and while she didn’t exactly fully understand what he was saying, she understood enough to not disagree. He really wanted to take her home, so she’d let him. There wasn’t a lot she could do on a courthouse parking lot, either way.
“Fine by me,” Samir replied, “I’ll call you with the verdict.”
Emma was curious about what Killian’s plans were once they got home but he simply took off his jacket as they entered the apartment, toed off his shoes, motioned her to take off her own and led her to the couch once she had. He settled into it and opened his arms to welcome her, an invitation she’d glady–always– accept.
For the time they lay on the couch, there was only Killian and nothing else. No sorrow or fear, only love and warmth. Her hands finally stopped trembling.
In the peace of the purest tranquility, she fell asleep surrounded by him. His heartbeat under her head, his scent in her nose, his legs tangled with hers.
It must’ve been hours later when she woke up, her body still glued to his but the light entering through the window completely different from when they had first gotten comfortable in the sofa. Cranking her eyes open, she looked up and found Killian looking at her with soft eyes, hand smoothing over some unruly blonde hair. He bowed his head and tenderly pressed his lips to her hair.
“We won.”
She sought his eyes and saw the honesty and contentment that lovely shade of blue emitted. Emma didn’t reply to his statement, not in words anyway. She just tightened her arms around him even more and kissed his collarbone before closing her eyes and feeling yet another kiss on her skin, this time on her forehead.
And at last, the mist of grey had lifted and left just the tiniest sparkle of brightness.
And that's it. Our bbis get a happy ending and all was well. I'd like to thank you all for coming onto this ride with me and staying loyal fans as the fic progressed. I'd like to thank everyone who left a comment, a like, fun tags, a kudos. While writing the chapters, I sometimes thought "but what if no one likes this fic I've been working on for months", but the response has been incredible so thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you enjoyed the ride and I hope you have a lovely 2019. Bye!
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tk-duveraun · 6 years ago
Bloodlines 19/?
Title: Bloodlines Fandom: SWTOR Rating: M - Implied sexual content Genre: Romance & Drama Summary: Aquila and Malish just need to talk. Please, by the stars, the ancestors, just talk to each other. Yes, research is consuming, yes, being a bodyguard is complicated, but you’re only making things worse. Communicate, you idiots. At least before you fall in love. Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The Force flows through Aquila like blood, beating in time with her heart and lending her strength. Still, when she and Aran are together they move with the synchronicity of creepy twins from a horror holo. Their armor snaps and fastens together with singular, loud snaps that echo in the mining base. Aran takes after their father with lighter skin and hair that’s red without sunlight. He wears it pulled back in a tight ponytail that explodes in a complex mass of braids - Morathis’ handiwork.
“Missed having you around on ops,” he says.
“We’ll go on a hunt once Sai’s better.” Aquila checks over her weapons and loads them one by one into her armor. Her hands linger over her lightsaber hilt, normally hidden in her cuirass. The crystal is one of Malish’s. One he plucked from Ilum with his own hands. One that resonates for both of them like a song binding them together.
“You’ve been throwing a lot of stones at Galaar, considering.” Aran gives her an open-handed slap on the shoulder.
Aquila shoves her own mass of braids into the back of her chest piece and shrugs. “Our situations aren’t analogous. Their relationship is based on working together. If buir reassigned him, everything would fall apart. Spectacularly, I might add. You’d think Xalonie was Aucht’s kid with how much she postures.”
“And yet, you and Dad still have all of the charisma in the entire Sa’alle family.” Aran poked her cheek when she scowled at him. “That’s a good thing! But you’re changing the subject. You’re back on regular duty now. What are you going to do?”
Metal clinks as Aquila straps down her last weapon - a vibrosword. “Holocalls.” She shrugs again. “He’ll come by the yaim when he has time. I’ll drop by when I’m on Kaas. Send him chintzy garbage that sparkles real nice.”
“Just… Like that?”
“Just like that.”
“Ancestors in the sky, you really are Dad.”
They knock their foreheads together and laugh. “You came out like Papa, somehow.”
“And that’s why I’m buir’s favorite. The only one of the brood with any sense.”
“I’d argue that Vee’s the favorite.”
“She’s making him the next leader; she can’t love him that much.” The clack the backs of their gauntlet’s together and leave the armory. The mining base has only Aucht’s soldiers and the Mandalorians. Lestére’s forces, and Galaar Cerar, are preparing on his capital ship with the jetii zealots. Part of Aquila misses the cold disdain of Xalonie’s soldiers, if only because it’s so familiar. They might not get along personally, but her men are top notch.
Malish waylays them in the corridor, pulling them off to the side. He clearly hasn’t looked in a mirror because he still has the eyebrows Aquila drew on his face with felt-pen while he slept. The right is smeared and smears more when he rubs the ridge. “Aquila.”
She signals for her twin to stay and then squeezes Malish’s shoulder. “Yeah?”
“I know you know the plan, just let me talk. I’m staying here, in the base, to provide mental protection since Father is… Anyway, I can’t be there. It’s for the best. I’m useless in a physical fight. I don’t even know any combat sorcery outside of Force Lightning, but-”
“I’ll keep an eye on her. And Aaron. I can’t promise they won’t immediately fuck off to go do Sith things after, but they’ll be fine.”
“Thank you.” Malish stands on his tiptoes and presses their foreheads together. “She means so much to me.”
“I know. And I’ll make sure someone sends you a holo if I have to throw her across the battlefield.” She kisses him, smears his left eyebrow and rejoins Aran. “What?”
“You’re making a face.”
“A little. I guess I expected him to ask you to stay safe.”
Aquila snorts. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m mando’ad.”
“I know, but he’s not.”
“No, but he loves me. That’s enough. And if it wasn’t, he trusts me to take care of myself. He wouldn’t dishonor either of us by telling me to be careful. I’m always careful. And good thing. If I wasn’t-”
“Are you gonna brag about the headcrab again? Because If you’re just going to retell that story-”
“It’s funny!”
“-then I’m gonna call Vee. Cakara brought something up in training I wanted to clarify.”
Aquila crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. She shoves her face in her brother’s to be sure he can see her pouting and then pouts more, lips sticking out comically.
“You can tell everyone when we’re in the launch ship.”
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noerreed7-blog · 6 years ago
LTC Core Wallet
What is Litecoin? litecoin qt version being an open source, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that allows fast and near-zero bills among anyone, anyplace in the world. It had been created in October 2012 by simply an ex-Google in addition to ex-Coinbase engineer, Charlie Lee, as an alternative to be able to Bitcoin. He wished to generate a cryptocurrency that would fix some of the troubles suffered by Bitcoin, some as business deal times, higher transaction costs, and gathered mining cartouche. They in addition wanted to make it possible for larger-scale adoption by folks plus businesses. Litecoin can be utilised simply by individuals to make acquisitions from the real world extra easily than more various other cryptocurrencies because it is usually supported by a growing variety of wallets and crypto debit cards. Litecoin possesses also designed progress in the merchant side like they have already been increasing their point-of-sale settlement entry and banking services to really make it simpler for merchants to help agree to Litecoin as a new type of payment. The Litecoin circle has decent application. An average of, Litecoin processes close to 20, 000 to 35, 000 on-chain orders some sort of day. The particular chart under shows the utilization regarding the Litecoin community regarding the past two many years: Litecoin vs Bitcoin Considering that Litecoin was developed getting Bitcoin�s code (it was basically a fork of this Bitcoin) with near-identical characteristics, challenging compared with Bitcoin. litecoin core version 0.16.0rc1 are highlighted below: Hashing protocol: Both Litecoin and Bitcoin use proof-of-work since their consensus algorithm, yet , Litecoin uses a different hashing algorithm � scrypt instead of Secure Hash Protocol (SHA) 256. Scrypt is somewhat more memory-intensive than a good protocol that is not necessarily memory-hard. For the reason that processes are function throughout parallel with scrypt rather than serially with SHA-256, and as a good result, scrypt requires more memory. One particular of the great things about working with scrypt is having a network that is a lot more readily available and democratized. For you to be competitive, miners can acquire additional memory instead associated with possessing to buy specialized application-specific integrated brake lines (ASICs) like is the case having Bitcoin. This means the fact that in theory, regular men and women can become miners using Litecoin, whereas concentrated exploration pools / ASIC crops already dominate the Bitcoin mining. Transaction fees: Purchases on Litecoin are substantially cheaper than Bitcoin. By September 24, 2018, the typical transaction fee for Bitcoin was $0. 434 versus $0. 0483 for Litecoin, making Bitcoin 9 periods more costly. At the high on December 24, 2017, average daily Bitcoin purchase fees surpassed $55 although Litecoin fees ended up solely $0. 931. Full speed: Litecoin is designed for you to be 4x faster as compared to Bitcoin as average block out confirmation times are 2 . not 5 minutes, instead regarding 10 minutes. Present: Litecoin has a new total source of 84 million gold and silver coins, compared with 21 thousand coins for Bitcoin. Conclusion kitchen table comparing Bitcoin in addition to Litecoin: Key Features Proof-of-work: Litecoin uses proof-of-work, which usually is a consensus process that is dependent on a difficult computational task to be able to secure the network via malicious characters. Miners compete to solve the undertaking the quickest and are usually rewarded correctly. (For even more information, see each of our article �What is Proof of Job? litecoin core version 0.15.1 ) Scrypt: While talked about above, Litecoin uses this scrypt hashing protocol. Segregated Witness (SegWit): SegWit elevated the block measurement control of Litecoin from one MEGABYTES to four MB by way of removing signature bank files (i. e. this �segregated� part) a business deal although guaranteeing the transaction will be still safe and protected (i. e. the �witness� part). SegWit allows for increased transaction output together with makes it possible for other features and software, such as the Lightning Network, MAST, Confidential Purchases, and Schnorr Validations, to be implemented. Key Milestones Litecoin is an open source project and even the source code can be looked at below: https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin Oct 2012: Litecoin was basically unveiled with GitHub and the networking goes live shortly following. Nov 2013: Litecoin attained an industry cap of $1 billion the first time. December 2013: Litecoin v0. 8. 6th. 1 was launched. This was initially a significant release together with some sort of number of improvements, like popular wallet capabilities like Coin Control, quicker acceptance, faster propagation, etc . Economy is shown 2014: Litecoin pocket book for Android was technically published. April 2014: Often the beta of Electrum, a good Litecoin wallet, was released. 06 2015: Litecoin v0. ten. 2. 2 had been introduced and represented often the official relieve version of Litecoin Core. This seemed to be a significant launching, and even was the technical comparable regarding Bitcoin v0. twelve. second . Major changes consist of watch-only wallet support, quicker blockchain synchronization, improved deciding upon stability, new utility programs, and so forth January 2017: Litecoin Primary v0. 13. a couple of premiered, a major let go with a quantity of process level improvements, computer code optimizations, the ability to throw out a few soft forks at once, etc . Segwit was activated with testnet. May 2017: Litecoin initialized SegWit and finished typically the first payment transaction on the Lightning Network with the particular move executed in under one next. August 2017: Litecoin Primary v0. 18. 2 premiered. This has been a new major variation discharge with new features, different bug fixes, and various effectiveness improvements (e. gary the gadget guy. faster sync and initial block download times). May 2018: Litecoin Core v0. 16. 0 was launched, a good major release that provided full support to get segwit in its wallet and end user interfaces. With regard to more details and intended for future technical updates, you need to check out Litecoin�s standard blog at https://blog.litecoin.org. Down load the Free Register regarding Crushing ICOs! This is the guidebook that help me personally come across the most promising ICOs! CLICK HERE TO HAVE THE FREE GUIDEBOOK > > Future Development Making use of the activation of SegWit, Charlie Lee got spoken about adding features such as Lightning Network, MAST, Private Deals, and Schnorr Signatures, nonetheless no roadmap offers been supplied yet. Inside fact, all the planned upgrades are features from the other blockchain and not unique to be able to Litecoin. Most connected with the upgrades are as developed on Bitcoin while well. In the 2018 Litecoin Summit, Charlie Even offers shown his metrics associated with success for Litecoin: (1) network security, (2) industry increased, (3) exchange fluid, (4) merchant support, plus (5) currency usage. For that reason, we believe the future trends will target improving these metrics. litecoin core version 0.13.2 possesses a block encourage of 20 LTC every block. Halving occurs each 840, 000 blocks (approximately each four years) based on a block time period of 2. 5 short minutes therefore, the block reward will be required to drop to 10. 5 various LTC in about September 2019. The going around source is at present 49, 544, 952 (as involving August 1, 2018); this specific shape will slowly boost towards the total supply regarding 84 thousand LTC at some time in the mid-2100s soon after which no new coins will be minted.
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Team The particular Litecoin Foundation will be a non-profit organization that will supports the development of Litecoin. The idea is contains four men and women on the Plank involving Directors (see below) because well as additional owners, builders and volunteers. Often litecoin core version 0.16.1rc1 works together with the Litecoin Core growth team, which will consists of coders behind the Litecoin assignment, and provides them all economic support. The journal involving the key people driving Litecoin are made clear below: Charlie Lee, Founder involving Litecoin, and Handling Movie director of the Litecoin Basic foundation ~ He was in the past the Movie director of Architectural at Coinbase where he / she worked for four several years. Before that, he / she performed at Google with regard to 6th years as a good Computer software Engineer on many assignments including YouTube Mobile, Stainless- OS and Google Play Games. Prior positions include Person Software Engineer at Guidewire Software and Software Engineer at Kana Communications. They obtained his Master�s qualification in Pc Science from M. My spouse and i. T. inside 2000. Xinxi Wang, Litecoin Foundation Director � Xinyi Wang was one involving the Beginning Member of the Litecoin Groundwork and is one of the developers at the rear of Litecoin Central. He is likewise this Founder and BOSS regarding Coinut Exchange, the Singapore-based cryptocurrency trading platform that had been established in December 2013. He / she obtained his Bachelor�s level in Computer Scientific disciplines through the Harbin Institute connected with Technologies in 2009 in addition to his Ph. N. inside of Computer Science from the Country specific University of Singapore within 2014. Franklyn Richards, Litecoin Foundation Director ~ Franklyn Richards was among the Starting up Associates of the Litecoin Foundation and currently runs Litecoin. com. He will be the COO of Zulu Republic, a good blockchain start-up that should create a great ecosystem connected with digital tools built within the Ethereum blockchain. Zing Yang, Litecoin Groundwork Director � Zest Dalam has been a good Movie director of the Litecoin Foundation since May 2018 and even was previously from BlockAsset Projects, a blockchain-focused VC business, from January to be able to May well 2018. Prior placements include Associate Overseer regarding Investments at Temasek and even Overseer and Co-Founder associated with Greenergy Global from Biomax Technological innovation. She provided the Bachelor�s degree in Organization Administration in the Singapore Management University within 2007. Investigation Strengths Community � Acquiring started out in 2011, Litecoin is among the most well-known and quite a few mature blockchain jobs and possesses built the giant area. Looking from the particular number of members upon the respective subreddits, Litecoin�s community is only right behind Bitcoin and Ethereum. Litecoin can make good progress at terms of vendor usage with point of purchase, merchant payment gateways and even banking services by means of Coingate, Coinpayments, Coinify, Coinbase Marketing, Gocoin, Paybear, etc . Because of to it is similarity using Bitcoin with the primary signal being essentially often the same, Litecoin could probably piggyback from r & d innovations achieved by the Bitcoin community. Weaknesses Because this is a fork of Bitcoin, Litecoin does not necessarily experience unique and/or remarkable attributes compared to various other blockchains. Many consider Litecoin as a test out multilevel of Bitcoin plus for that reason, a lot of upgrades applying to Litecoin will likewise be implemented inside of Bitcoin as well (SegWit is surely an example). When this would put features to Litecoin that will that otherwise would not take pleasure in, it likewise makes the idea less likely to have superior attributes exclusive only to Litecoin, making that difficult to be able to standout. As a shop of value, Litecoin is catagorized guiding Bitcoin significantly throughout terms of business deal volume and brand recognition, without any major differentiating capabilities. As a medium involving exchange, Litecoin had the benefits against Bitcoin in the early years given it has faster confirmation moment, nonetheless the newer generation blockchains are even more rapidly. A benefit Litecoin has as opposed to the newer blockchains is in merchant re-homing. Level 2 solutions are produced which arguably is better regarding small orders as a consequence of level of privacy and speed. Lightning Networking system, which was launched previously in 2018, already has over 3, 600 nodes. Should it become profitable, paying using Litecoin will be even much less compelling. Litecoin is backed by the Litecoin Foundation which usually does certainly not have a lot of assets (see their best and newest economical statements: https://litecoin-foundation.org/2018/07/unaudited-financial-statements-2018-05. Conclusion All round Rating: B We have a new neutral view on Litecoin because although Litecoin loves a large community holding up the coin, there is usually no technical attributes exclusive to that. Along with firm coins and layer two solutions becoming more and more famous, Litecoin�s cost proposition as a sound moderate of change diminishes. In the event that Litecoin is successful in updating certain attributes, those functions will be duplicated to be able to Bitcoin soon, much like just how SegWit was performed. When the upgrade fails, then it would negatively impact typically the cryptocurrency. Thus, going forward, many of us consider Litecoin would certainly not include any significant unique advantage that could differentiate itself from all other cryptocurrencies.
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downonmemestreet-archive · 7 years ago
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency Sentence Starters - 1X01
“Yes, I was awake. I’ve been awake.”
“I’m on my way, is where I am. And almost there already. So everything’s great.”
“Good morning, Buttercup. Where’s my money?”
“Don’t tell me what you did or didn’t do! You don’t know what happened yesterday. You’re not a historian!”
“There’s some kind of drunk woman up there acting crazy.”
“I hate voicemail!”
“Listen, I’m not ignoring you. I just, I don’t know if I have the money right now.”
“You lied to me the whole time and now you’ve screwed both of us.”
“No! Silence! No! Don’t say a word!”
“This is a homicide. Or something.”
“What are those, are those burns? The guy in the bed was torn in half.”
“There are bite marks on the ceiling.”
“They say the noise only went on for 10 or so seconds.”
“Wait, is he wearing a gorilla mask?”
“Yes. No. M-maybe?”
“You just gave every possible response to that question?”
“Don’t leave town.”
“Your involvement in all of this, it’s complicated.”
“I just opened a door.”
“Right, but any day that it would’ve happened would’ve been the day it happened!”
“You “what the hell?” No! Me “what the hell?”
“Do you attack everyone who comes in here?”
“I’m trying to decide whether you’re a clue, an accomplice, or an assistant.”
“Have you noticed and acceleration of strangeness in your life as of late? Perhaps a series of intense or extraordinary events, which, as of now, seem unconnected, with the exception of each being separately bizarre? Perhaps every day before now has, for the most part, been humdrum and inane. Your life a mundane, unvarying slog through unfulfilling jobs, shallow depression, and boring, boring sex? And then suddenly, today, everything changed, and your life became a swirl of interesting activity?”
“Oh, my name is (name). I’m a detective, and I live here now.”
“I’m not talking to you through the comm.”
“You are endangering the whole goddamn operation!”
“What the hell just happened? Who were those guys?”
“Is the guy we’re tailing meeting up with another guy, who is also being tailed, by other people?”
“This is private property.”
“(name), you are a dead man!”
“Been all over the news. For people who still watch the new. You know, old people. And me, occasionally.”
“Unless you have some kind of magic car-fixing robot.”
“Time, I laugh at the concept.”
“You paid me? Do I look like an accountant to you? Do I look like I know how much you paid me?”
“I can already tell we’ve got oodles in common. We both like, um, eating. Breathing. We both can, walk.”
“You’re a detective who doesn’t find clues.”
“You decided it would be better to come with me than die.”
“Did you just kill someone?”
“Everything is chaos, but it’s synchronized?”
“I’ve never killed the wrong person. I have killed a lot of people, though.”
“Everything is connected. Nothing is also connected.”
“Whatever keeps you sane.”
“You’re a terrible assis-friend.”
“I barely get out of the house anymore.”
“That’s terrible. And so interesting!”
“You are an insane person, who has insinuated himself into my life in a moment of desperation.”
“The gum went weird in my mouth. It went weird and made my tongue do a weird move and say stuff wrong.”
“I’m not from here. I’m from a totally different place.”
“He’s not nearly as good-looking as people say.”
“Stupid traitor bed!”
“I am a person of varied intuitions, and they’re rarely wrong, but also rarely completely right.”
“Accepted? No? Yes? Doesn’t matter.”
“There’s four men with baseball bats headed up the stairs right now to wreck your apartment.”
“I’m very good at getting in to situations. I’ve often found I have more trouble getting out of them.”
“You’re a person of interest, permanently, even though you’re not necessarily an interesting person.”
“That feels unnecessarily rude.”
“You’re sure you did not see a kitten?”
“Must’ve been the CIA. Always getting me out of things.”
“I think it might bother me more later, when I’m less...something.”
“Well, to be honest, that seems practical.”
“I’m not your Watson, asshole!”
“You’ve been making choice out of desperation for too long, that much is obvious.”
“This is your chance to fix everything.”
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nichazza · 3 years ago
Tom Daley’s Hell of a Homecoming: when is Comic Relief special on TV - date, UK time, channel and how to watch
Daley was spotted crocheting during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, making a Team GB medal pouch, for his newly won gold medal, as well as jumpers and other clothing.
Daley is married to American screenwriter Dustin Black, and the pair have a three-year-old son.
You would think that after winning Olympic gold for the men’s synchronized 10 m platform diving event in July 2021, it would be about time for a rest.
But, this year Daley set his sights on another stupendous challenge, this time to be completed in the name of charity.เกมออนไลน์
0 notes
chabu22 · 3 years ago
Tom Daley’s Hell of a Homecoming: when is Comic Relief special on TV - date, UK time, channel and how to watch
Tom Daley dove to fame in 2008, aged 14, as Britain’s youngest competitor at the Beijing Olympics. Since then, he has achieved a string of career successes, becoming the first British diver to win four olympic medals (one gold and three bronze). Daley was spotted crocheting during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, making a Team GB medal pouch, for his newly won gold medal, as well as jumpers and other clothing. Daley is married to American screenwriter Dustin Black, and the pair have a three-year-old son. You would think that after winning Olympic gold for the men’s synchronized 10 m platform diving event in July 2021, it would be about time for a rest. But, this year Daley set his sights on another stupendous challenge, this time to be completed in the name of charity  สล็อตออนไลน์
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olympianhotties · 4 years ago
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Tom Daley - Great Britain - Diving
Tokyo 2020 | Men's Synchronized 10m | Gold
I am literally obsessed with this picture...
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