#memes ft. rafael
delilahcarreno · 4 months
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
"I feel guilty about a lot of things, some more reasonable than others. Not trying harder to make it work with Rafael. Working so many late nights and weekends. Everything that happened with Ben, how that affected Sophie. Not being closer to Buddy. Not recognizing the signs from our dad. Not being able to forgive our mom for keeping his diagnosis from us...it's a long list."
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"Realistically, I know that some of the things on it aren't actually my fault, and I like to think that I accept the guilt or, or--the blame for the ones that are, but...I don't know how well I'm actually doing that when deep down I know the second someone called me out on any one of them, I'd have an excuse ready."
@benj-hyun / @buddywellls
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
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samanthafm · 4 years
top 5 hottest people in charming?
“Are you fucking kidding me? Literally everyone here is hot. EVERYONE. But fine, for the sake of the question, I’m going to go with… Adrian. I mean, the guy was my first kiss and he’s still got that boyish charm I fell so hard for in high school and he just got hotter?Honestly, it’s not really fair. Have you seen the beauty that is Mariel, though? Seriously? She’s absolutely drop dead gorgeous? Just… yes ma’am. Also, whew, have you seen Barbara? I’m trying to figure out if she was specifically made in a lab because someone can’t be that perfect, right? I guess I’d also say… Rafael. Despite the fact that he just… he broke my heart all those years ago, I can’t deny he’s really hot. I mean, really hot. Looking like a scruffy, tall, rough god. He’s annoyingly attractive. I’m– Yeah, I’m annoyed now. Special mentions to the woman I keep checking out at the gym – Delaney – and also the person who actually works at the gym – Leticia. Like yeah, I get it, we’re friends and she works for me but 10/10 would kiss in a heartbeat. Also that gorgeous woman my cousin works with. I’m not sure what’s her name… J something. Jolene? No, no, that doesn’t sound right. Oh shit, Jordan. Yep, that’s the name. 10/10 would kiss too – and sleep with. Also the president of that MC looks fit. Marcus, right?”
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@adrianxpigossi @marielbuenaventura @forlorned @gravesrafael @delaisms @pobreciitas @kincaidpd @marcusortiz
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mvgnclia-blog · 5 years
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Rafael Alarcón.
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mastcrmiind · 2 years
❝ you look wonderful. ❞ (Rafael to anyone)
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"it's a wonder how good i can look when I take my scrubs off and put in a little effort, huh?" lexie laughed as she spoke "plus I did totally wash my hair, after I had a kid that I had a consult with throw up in it."
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harperkent · 4 years
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Harper Mariah Kent’s Summer Adventure - Locked Up with the Grandparents Edition - @gallaghertasks
ft. @gldensvns && @vgdemy
When Harper thought about leaving Gallagher and going back home, she was expecting to sit in her childhood home in Washington. Jasper already made it known that she wasn’t leaving the house, not at all liking how he could’ve lost his only child. Going from one lockdown to another, cool, it was whatever. At least then she would be able to chill and hang out with her dad and uncle. Until their most recent phone call and Jasper said that she would spend the summer with her grandparents in Chicago. Chicago is fun, lots to do and shouldn’t be bad. It was just her grandparents that was the problem. Two very black old souls who definitely wouldn’t let her leave (she was their only grandchild after all), force her to clean everyday, AND make her go to church. You may be thinking, ‘oh, that’s not bad!’ but you’re unaware of the activities that happen at a black church and a life with a black family.
Get up at seven in the morning to get ready for church, help your grandma make food for everyone afterwards, get there at ten in the morning and then get out of service at three in the afternoon. But you don’t go home until almost seven in the evening because your grandparents just have to talk to everyone and you gotta go eat at the pastors house. You’re not allowed to use your phone until after church and even then you’ll have adults peering at you, asking questions about who you’re texting and comments about how people in your generation are always on their phones. Then you have bible study and church on Wednesday at seven in the evening; it just doesn’t end.
And while Harper isn’t a fan of church, it’s not all too bad. Because she’s surrounded by her grandparents, two people who love and adore her. There were just times when the two could be too much, ya’ know? Like yelling at her if she doesn’t clean up, chirping her for being unable to quote something from the bible, or asking if she’s still with Michael (”You should try to get back together with him. He was such a sweet young man and the two of you would’ve had some beautiful babies.” Harper almost threw up her meatloaf at what her grandmother said to her.).
There was the plus side of it all aka having her phone back and talking to her friends. The groupchat was back to being constantly blown up because it was just nice being able to text each other. A daily FaceTime session between Harper and Grace (”Michael texted me that he missed me... I told him to go choke on dirt.”), texting her new Gallagher friends (”Grayson, please just learn this TikTok dance… I don’t care if you’ll look dumb, it’s the Savage dance challenge and you need to do it.”), and even an unexpected text from a certain someone.
I’m in Chicago, want to meet up?
She blinked a few times, not at all expecting for Rafael to text her. The two had exchanged numbers and would sometimes text each other but that was it. So to get this message caught her off guard but hey, someone she knew in Chicago? Of course she was going to take up the offer to meet up.
It took some time to convince her grandparents to let her go but they finally cracked (how could you say no to your favorite grandchild?). It was awkward, her and Rafael hanging out together. Their conversations before always had to do with Grace, you can’t always talk about her (harper vc: you wanna bet?). It was difficult at first, the two trying to find something, anything to say. It was finally when Harper looked at Rafael, phone in hand and the TikTok app open. “Wanna learn a TikTok dance with me?”
It was after the duo trying to learn a few dances and failing that began their friendship and broke away the awkwardness. Pictures were taken, video calls to Grace (”I can’t believe the two of you are hanging out without me! This is rude!”), and just being young. It was during this time that the two realized that if things were different, if they were all normal, that they would’ve been good friends who worked together to protect Grace. That dynamic duo that you wouldn’t want to fuck around with. 
But alas, the universe wasn’t too nice to any of them, the previous semester proved that. All they could do was enjoy the present and appreciate what was before them. 
Rafael’s visit didn’t last long, only a few days as he went to hang out with Scott (”Tell my light skin half that I said hi, alright.”). After that, Harper was alone in Chicago with her family. A family that loved and missed her. A family that checked up on her whenever it was possible. So, while it sucked that she couldn’t visit her friends, at least she had her family right beside her. 
Extra facts:
Jasper found Harper a therapist after she asked for him to get her one. Meeting with the Gallagher therapist actually helped her a lot and from those sessions, she found herself wanting to continue going through with the sessions elsewhere.
Daily FaceTime session with her wife where they talk about any and everything. 
Find her still messaging her Gallagher friends because after talking and apologizing to them, she realizes how much she cares about them. 
Grayson: she’s still teaching him the ways of megan thee stallion and beyonce, her british friend WILL be cultured
Caden: best believe that she texts him on the regular, sending him tiktoks and stupid memes that reminds her of him (”Look, it looks like you” *sends him a garbage can or something*)
Rafael: after their visit, the two talk about different stuff! mostly about their lowkey tiktok fame that they got from their failed dancing videos
Her free time has gone towards working on creating clothes for Marlowe’s upcoming baby because she’s THAT friend
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damimates · 3 years
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I posted 764 times in 2021
203 posts created (27%)
561 posts reblogged (73%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.8 posts.
I added 671 tags in 2021
#panic! at the disco - 131 posts
#brendon urie - 123 posts
#red dwarf - 102 posts
#arnold rimmer - 76 posts
#dallon weekes - 59 posts
#idkhow - 44 posts
#dave lister - 44 posts
#ryan ross - 34 posts
#meme - 29 posts
#rimster - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 71 characters
#whos not ready for 911 lone star because tramazied reasons? this texan!
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Hey Guys
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i'm making it. https://discord.gg/ccdBAQypUq
17 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 00:32:00 GMT
Very cursed Panic! RP group chat (Ft Benjamin Urie)
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20 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 21:10:04 GMT
Retelling the history of Panic! At The Disco by very young age that shouldn't be in tumblr in the first place.
During High School times there was 3 teen nerds named Ryan Ross, Spancer Smith, and Brent Wilson.
Brent met a little dumbass boy named Brendon and he join the band.
Brendon was like "*patrick singing*"
And Ryan was like "Woah thats cool b."
So thats how Ryan realized he isn't a good singer and Brendon took his place.
Years later they called their band Panic! At The Disco reference to a band called blink-numbers.
They made a album called A Fever you can sweat out.
Ryan ross being a dick and went to my space, he asked Pete Wentz from Fall Out boy to check out their band.
Pete was like "yeah i will, make fun of it." Then he was like "nevermind this shit is cool."
So Pete brought Panic! And tell FBR about it and they were like
"Yo, this band is lit. Good job Pete"
And so panic! Randomly got Bombed.
Oh yeah brent got yeeted on the band because of responsibility he wasn't doing to band and magicly got Jon hamm as a replacement.
Then they all change who the are cause tehy thought being emo is ugly so they all got a room and made a new album called Pretty Odd. Which Ryan ross only made because they didn't feel like making music but not ryan. For the first time they actually listen and love Ryan.
They were hippies yeah, but then the ryden is getting gayer. And thats how Milk was written.
Ryan and Jon disappeared. Thats it.
Brendon was crying when he saw a tall sexy ass man named Brallon Weeds.
He immediately let him join the band, and he loves him. Oh yeah and other dude too but hes not important.
They made a new album called Vices and Viture, and they were all British and fancy.
Then Spancer was like "peace y'all suck* and he left for drug addict he going through, now Brendon is all alone and thats how Panic! Generation 2 started.
So they got a really funny cute guy name dan and a new man named Kenny.
Kenny dies again because who they fuck cares about him, and Ballon met a really cute guy named Ryan Seaman. So he cheated on Brendon then Married Ryan and left the band.
I wanna talk anout kinky boots but thats a different post for a another time.
That literally happen in death of the bachelor.
Or death of the Brallon weeds.
Then a dallon weekes version of Rafael Sliva join and first Female Panic! Join as well, And Paniic! Generation 3 begin.
Bb was sad because everyone he loved is gone. Except his fans!
Pray for the wicked arived from heaven and eveyone loves it. Heck people really called Brendon "panic at the disco" or "mr disco"
And thats Panic! At The Disco.
See the full post
20 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 05:01:47 GMT
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21 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 19:46:26 GMT
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33 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 13:18:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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viajabi · 6 years
A Parada LGBT SP 2018 foi um babado só. Ela rolou no domingo, dia 3 de junho, mas fechou vários dias de arco-íris. E eu fiquei morta ft. enterrada!!! Isso porque eu cumpri praticamente uma maratona de eventos na Pride Week, a semana da Parada. Vou contar tudo que rolou pra que no ano que vem você veja antecipadamente a programação que lançamos aqui no blog e se programe para fazer de tudo! 😉 Mas antes, se liga no resumão em vídeo.

  Como foi a semana da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Começamos no dia 30, com o happy hour do Viaja Bi! na Castro Burger, que foi patrocinador da nossa cobertura da Parada LGBT SP 2018 junto com a AccorHotels. Em meio a greve de caminhoneiros que deixou a cidade um caos, me surpreendi com o número de pessoas que participou! Olha na foto abaixo quanta gente… e nem estava todo mundo, tinha gente que já tinha ido embora, hein?
Foi sensacional, teve sorteio de vale massagem e day spa em hotéis da Accor, ingressos pra festa Castro e pra ver o filme Entre Laços, camisetas desenhadas por Alexandre Herchcovitch, kit de cosméticos naturais da Caió e vouchers da Castro Burger. Teve tanto prêmio que quase todo mundo levou!
Happy Hour do Viaja Bi! na Castro Burger abriu os trabalhos da Parada LGBT SP 2018
O Jr Caimi, meu amigo curitibano do Tip Trip, estava hospedado aqui em casa, então carreguei ele pra todos os cantos comigo. Bom que saí um pouco da toca à noite também. Fomos para um bar-balada depois do happy hour pra dançar.
E, apesar de estar muito cheio e muito quente, conseguimos nos divertir junto com outro amigo, o Átila Paixão, meu parceiro na viagem de Halloween em Orlando. Aliás, bora? 🙂
No dia seguinte, fiz o Jr acordar cedo e levei o Lupin para o Vale do Anhangabaú, onde aconteceu a 2ª Cãominhada da Diversidade. Era basicamente uma voltinha no quarteirão, mas foi legal tirar meu pequeno de casa e levá-lo para o lado colorido da força. 😛 Lá encontrei com o Tobias, o dog fofo dos meninos do Canal Sorti, o Herbert, do Canal das Bee e o Clovis Casemiro, da IGLTA, que tietou o Lupin. 🙂
Eu, Lupin e Jr na 2ª Cãominhada da Diversidade, que fez parte da programação da Parada LGBT SP 2018
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Deixamos meu peludo em casa e voltei com o Jr para curtir um pouco da 18ª Feira Cultural da Diversidade, também conhecida como Feirinha Cultural, que sempre toma o Vale do Anhangabaú de tendas que vendem roupas, acessórios de arco-íris, produtos temáticos, comida e também um palco com shows.
A Feira Cultural da Diversidade é parte da programação oficial da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Queria ter visto o show do Juan Guiã, mas não consegui chegar ali perto de tão cheio, aí só assisti os Stories dele depois. Eu tô viciado nas músicas dele. Se quiser, ouça Despacho e Libera a Raba. Tá mara! Ele também tocou na Parada LGBT SP 2018 no domingo e de novo no Anhangabaú no show de encerramento. Bafo!
Na sexta, rolou a 1ª Marcha Trans e foi muito legal poder ver a galera reunida pra dar visibilidade para a letrinha que mais sofre violência no LGBT+.
A 1ª Marcha do Orgulho Trans fez parte da programação da Parada LGBT SP 2018
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  A 1ª Marcha do Orgulho Trans fez parte da programação da Parada LGBT SP 2018
De lá, fomos correndo lá pra Lapa para um campeonato de futebol gay babado, que juntou 15 times de todo Brasil com meninos gays e bissexuais, cis ou trans. A final foi apresentada por Silvetty Montilla.
Pra finalizar o dia, ainda fui para o 18º Prêmio Cidadania em Respeito à Diversidade, no Memorial da América Latina. Fui prestigiar a Castro Burger, que levou o troféu na categoria Trabalho. Muito orgulho!
Jogador do Bharbixas no campeonato de futebol gay durante período da Parada LGBT SP 2018
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Castro Burger ganhou o Prêmio Cidadania em Respeito à Diversidade na semana da Parada LGBT SP 2018
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À noite, o Jr ainda me convenceu a cair na balada (quase obrigado, né?). Fomos na festa Lunática, que era especial por conta do campeonato de futebol gay e lá conheci também um casal que acompanha o Viaja Bi!. Sempre no banheiro… Gente, quando vocês me reconhecerem na rua, podem falar comigo fora do banheiro também, tá? Brigado! 🙂 De lá, ainda fui pra uma outra festa do circuito alternativo de SP, a Dando.
No sábado ia rolar a Caminhada de Mulheres Lésbicas e Bissexuais e o Free Walk Tour LGBT, duas programações que eu realmente queria ter acompanhado, mas eu não tinha condições físicas, porque à noite, a Doritos me convidou para curtir o Milkshake Festival, que rolou no Sambódromo, com um show MA-RA-VI-LHO-SO da Daniela Mercury, com discursos politizados e fotos com a sua esposa no telão. Foi emocionante e muito agitado.
O Festival Milkshake aconteceu na véspera da Parada LGBT SP 2018, com show de Daniela Mercury
Lá também rolou o show da Wanessa Camargo, que teve bafão porque o show foi interrompido antes da hora, Preta Gil, Gretchen e Pabllo Vittar. Eu amo a representatividade que a Pabllo tem, mas entrar logo depois da Daniela tornou difícil o show ser tão bom com muito “yukêêê” e pouca cantoria. 😦 O som tava ruim também na hora, então peguei o caminho da roça lá pras 3h da manhã, porque o dia seguinte seria o principal dia de trabalho pra mim.
  O dia da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Acordei cedinho e corri pro Hotel Pullman Ibirapuera, onde a AccorHotels estava oferecendo, junto com o Consulado de Israel e a Câmara LGBT, um brunch especial da Parada LGBT SP 2018 com o DJ israelense Micky Friedmann, que veio de lá só pra tocar no brunch e na Parada. A ação teve camisetas desenhadas pelo estilista Alexandre Herchcovitch e depois o bloco seguiu atrás de um dos trios na Avenida Paulista.
Fazendo as blogueirinhas em brunch antes da Parada LGBT SP 2018
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Eu saí de lá um pouco antes para começar a cobertura da Parada LGBT SP 2018 propriamente dita. Vi a abertura oficial comandada pela drag queen Tchaka e com fala da Mônica Benício, viúva da Marielle Franco, autoridades políticas e a madrinha da Parada LGBT SP 2018, Fernanda Lima, que veio com as cores da bandeira trans esse ano e disse que no ano que vem trará Rodrigo Hilbert vestido de drag.
Seria um sonho?
Tchaka e Fernanda Lima na abertura da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Conversei com a Tchaka e com o Toni Reis, da Aliança Nacional LGBTI+. As entrevistas estão no vídeo aí em cima. 😉
Do primeiro carro, em frente ao MASP, caminhei por todos eles até o último. Os carros dos patrocinadores e apoiadores da Parada LGBT SP 2018 eram os mais cheios porque tinham os principais shows e nomes. E eram os últimos, o que foi bom porque no início da Parada o dia estava meio feio, ameaçando chuva, então não tinha tanta gente. Mais para o final, a avenida lotou de uma maneira que eu nunca tinha visto.
A estimativa é que a Parada LGBT SP 2018 reuniu uma multidão de 3 milhões de pessoas
Em um dos carros, Anitta veio reinando com um maiô de arco-íris cheio de babadinho e tocando seus principais hits como Vai Malandra e Sua Cara. No carro de trás, foram várias as atrações, tendo como principal Pabllo Vittar, e eu dei sorte de estar nesse trio bem na hora que ela começou o show. Peguei vários closes bafos no vídeo.
Pabllo Vittar canta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Trio de patrocinador eles sempre são chatíssimos com o tempo que você pode ficar lá e ficam apressando você que está trabalhando, enquanto os convidados estão curtindo. 😛 Mas é bom que vejo sempre mais da Parada LGBT SP 2018 do que os que ficam parados. No trio da Pabllo também tocaram Preta Gil, Gloria Groove, que teve sua primeira Parada LGBT da vida, e várias outras drags.
O tema da Parada LGBT SP 2018 lembra da importância do seu voto nas próximas eleições
O último trio era duplo e contava com vários apoiadores da Parada, entre eles a AccorHotels, que me convidou para ficar lá em cima com eles. Depois que cobri todo o resto, subi e lá fiquei. Por conta disso, também pude ver de pertinho o show da Gretchen! No vídeo tem closes do show da Pabllo e da rainha dos memes. A bunda dela estava rebolando quase na minha cara. 😛
Tchau, miga! Gretchen se apresenta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Lá no trio também encontrei a minha querida Maíra Medeiros, que conheço desde nossos tempos de faculdade, e o Fernando Escarião. É engraçado estar por perto desse pessoal no trio, porque tem pencas de gente dando tchauzinho o tempo todo lá de baixo. Pior que esse ano eu recebi vários tchauzinhos… e tava achando que era com eles. Eu nem dava bola, ficava esperando a pessoa do meu lado responder e quando eu via, era comigo! 🙂 Então queria usar esse espaço também pra agradecer o carinho de quem tava lá, me viu e me cumprimentou. Seja quem tava no chão ou em cima do trio. Muito obrigado por acompanharem, viu? 💓
Seguidores do Viaja Bi! lacrando na Parada LGBT SP 2018, brigado seus lindos!
E, gente, a avenida LOTOU no final! As estimativas oficiais da APOGLBT foram de 3 milhões de pessoas. Mas é o mesmo número do ano passado, então eu arrisco dizer que tinha ainda mais… É sério, eu estava no último carro e era um mar de gente. Na hora que o trio virou da Paulista pra Consolação, não dava pra ver o fim da multidão na Paulista. Fiquei chocado!
Depois desse último carro da Parada LGBT SP 2018, olha o tanto de gente atrás, não se vê o fim
Enfim, essa foi a saga da Parada LGBT SP 2018. Se quiser ver a programação completa do que rolou, veja aqui. A correria me deixou doente na semana seguinte e, por isso, demorei tanto pra vir contar pra vocês como foi. Mas fiquei contente que cerca de 4 mil pessoas assistiram o vídeo em 5 dias. Para um canal nichado como o meu, é um resultado bem legal. E como não canso de falar, não são os números que movem o Viaja Bi!, o Rafael Leick (eu) ou quem trabalha comigo.
Eu “ahazani” na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Por isso quero novamente agradecer a Castro Burger e a AccorHotels por sempre acreditarem no meu trabalho e não se deixar seduzir somente pelos números gigantescos, que não necessariamente convertem. Mesmo porque número hoje se compra. #prontofalei
Quem está aqui acompanhando tem o mesmo tesão por viajar que eu tenho. Então queria convidar novamente vocês a viajarem comigo no primeiro grupo LGBT que o Viaja Bi! lançou. Veja mais aqui. Se tiver interesse, faça a pré-reserva gratuita, porque são vagas limitadas e já estamos lotando. Se chegar ao limite, daremos preferência, na hora de fechar, para quem fez a pré-reserva primeiro.
  Mais fotos da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Parada LGBT SP 2018 tem concentração em frente ao MASP, na Avenida Paulista
Rota da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Drag queen Tchaka e participantes da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Eu e meu amigo Mitchel na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Selfie na concentração da Parada LGBT SP 2018
A presidente da APOGLBT, ONG que organiza a Parada LGBT SP 2018 posa com participantes
Selfie na concentração da Parada LGBT SP 2018
AsBee, grupo musical do Rio de Janeiro com a Tchaka na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Concentração da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Tchaka é a apresentadora oficial da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Mônica Benício, viúva de Marielle Franco, na abertura da Parada LGBT SP 2018
A cantora Leci Brandão na abertura da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Leci Brandão em meio a gatos e gatas na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Também tinha espaço pra cachorros na Parada LGBT SP 2018
O couro estava super presente na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Participantes da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Os ursos também garantiram seu espaço na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Os ursos se juntaram aos fetichistas na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Tem gente curtindo a Parada LGBT SP 2018 mesmo antes de nascer
Ana Maria Braga, Louro José e uma duquesa também curtiram a Parada LGBT SP 2018
Participantes da Parada LGBT SP 2018
E agora é Marvel ou DC? Tava difícil escolher meu super-herói na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Participantes da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Trio da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Trio da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Drags se apresentaram em trio de patrocinador da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Drags se apresentaram em trio de patrocinador da Parada LGBT SP 2018
Pabllo Vittar canta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Pabllo Vittar canta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Pabllo Vittar canta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Pabllo Vittar canta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Gretchen se apresenta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Gretchen se apresenta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Gretchen se apresenta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Tchau, miga! Gretchen se apresenta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Gretchen se apresenta na Parada LGBT SP 2018
A estimativa é que a Parada LGBT SP 2018 reuniu uma multidão de 3 milhões de pessoas
Famílias homoafetivas mostrando que existem na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Dancinhas de todo tipo na Parada LGBT SP 2018
A estimativa é que a Parada LGBT SP 2018 reuniu uma multidão de 3 milhões de pessoas
Rolou muito beijo na Parada LGBT SP 2018
A estimativa é que a Parada LGBT SP 2018 reuniu uma multidão de 3 milhões de pessoas
A estimativa é que a Parada LGBT SP 2018 reuniu uma multidão de 3 milhões de pessoas
Nada como curtir a Parada LGBT SP 2018 de dentro de casa, né?
A estimativa é que a Parada LGBT SP 2018 reuniu uma multidão de 3 milhões de pessoas
Eu e Fernando Escarião na Parada LGBT SP 2018
Depois desse último carro da Parada LGBT SP 2018, olha o tanto de gente atrás, não se vê o fim
A estimativa é que a Parada LGBT SP 2018 reuniu uma multidão de 3 milhões de pessoas
Vejo vocês na Paulista no ano que vem! 😉
  >> Acompanhe o Viaja Bi!: Instagram, YouTube, Facebook e Twitter.
Hospedagem | Seguro Viagem | Câmbio | Aluguel de carro
A Parada LGBT+ de SP foi um sucesso, com programação de vários dias. No domingo, Pabllo Vittar, Anitta, Gretchen e Gloria Groove agitaram a multidão de mais de 3 milhões de pessoas na Avenida Paulista. A Parada LGBT SP 2018 foi um babado só. Ela rolou no domingo, dia 3 de junho, mas fechou vários dias de arco-íris.
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mulherama · 6 years
New Post has been published on Mulherama
New Post has been published on http://mulherama.info/2018/04/anitta-lidera-indicacoes-em-novo-premio-da-mtv-brasil/
Anitta lidera indicações em novo prêmio da MTV Brasil
Anitta concorre nas principais categorias do prêmio MTV MIAV envolvendo música, como em Artista Musical, Hit do Ano e Hit Internacional
A MTV Brasil anunciou sua nova premiação, a MTV MIAW, com foco em influenciadores digitais, instagrammers, artistas, youtubers, apps e virais do mundo da internet. Entre outras vertentes da indicação, estão a cultura pop e mundo da música. Na lista dos indicados, Anitta liderou as principais categorias envolvendo música, como Artista Musical, Hit do Ano e Hit Internacional. A MTV MIAW ocorre em maio.
Anitta é favorita nas indicações do novo prêmio da MTV Brasil, o MTV MIAW
Foto: Reprodução/Youtube 
Anitta concorre em nove categorias no MTV MIAW, com o hit Vai Malandra, a cantora disputa o Clipe do Ano e o Hino do Ano. Na categoria Hit Internacional, está ao lado do cantor J. Balvin com a música Machika , como também na disputa pelo Feat do Ano, com Downtown. Outros cantores como MC Kevinho e Pabllo Vittar disputam em seis categorias, a dupla sertaneja Simone & Simaria em duas e o cantor Luan Santana também.
Como votar?
A votação é aberta no site da MTV Brasil e você também pode votar pelo Twitter seguindo as instruções: poste um tweet usando #PremiosMTVMIAW e a hashtag do seu canditado indicado. Os retweets também contam como voto.
Confira todos os indicados do MTV MIAW:
Artista Musical
Clipe do Ano
Vai Malandra – Anitta, Mc Zaac, Maejor ft. Tropkillaz & DJ Yuri Martins – #MTVBRCLIPEMALANDRA Big Jet Plane – Alok & Mathieu Koss – #MTVBRCLIPEJET Flutua – Johnny Hooker (part. Liniker) – #MTVBRCLIPEFLUTUA Milk & Honey – Tropkillaz ft. Aloe Blacc – #MTVBRCLIPEMILK AMADMOL – Projota – #MTVBRCLIPEAMADMOL
Hino do Ano
Vai Malandra – Anitta, Mc Zaac, Maejor ft. Tropkillaz & DJ Yuri Martins – #MTVBRHINOMALANDRA Que Tiro Foi Esse – Jojo Maronttinni – #MTVBRHINOTIRO Pesadão – IZA (part. Marcelo Falcão) – #MTVBRHINOPESADAO Rabiola – MC Kevinho – #MTVBRHINORABIOLA Contatinho – Nego do Borel e Luan Santana – #MTVBRHINOCONTATINHO Deixe-me Ir – 1Kilo (Baviera, Knust & Pablo Martins) – #MTVBRHINODEIXEME
Hit Internacional
Look What You Made Me Do – Taylor Swift – #MTVBRHITLOOK God’s Plan – Drake – #MTVBRHITGOD Havana – Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug – #MTVBRHITHAVANA Machika – J. Balvin, Jeon, Anitta – #MTVBRHITMACHIKA Finesse – Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B – #MTVBRHITFINESSE New Rules – Dua Lipa – #MTVBRHITNEWRULES Bad Liar – Selena Gomez – #MTVBRHITBADLIAR Wild Thoughts – DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna, Bryson Tiller – #MTVBRHITWILD
Feat do Ano
Downtown – Anitta & J. Balvin – #MTVBRFEATDOWNTOWN Corazón – Maluma ft. Nego do Borel – #MTVBRFEATCORAZON Joga Bunda – Aretuza Lovi, Pabllo Vittar e Gloria Groove – #MTVBRFEATJOGA Ta Tum Tum – Kevinho e Simone & Simaria – #MTVBRFEATTATUMTUM River – Eminem ft. Ed Sheeran – #MTVBRFEATRIVER
Hino de Karaoke
Amar, Amei – MC Don Juan – #MTVBRKARAOKEDONJUAN Envolvimento – MC Loma e as Gêmeas Lacração – #MTVBRKARAOKEMCLOMA Acordando o Prédio – Luan Santana – #MTVBRKARAOKELUAN Regime Fechado – Simone & Simaria – #MTVBRKARAOKESS Transplante – Marília Mendonça (part. Bruno e Marrone) – #MTVBRKARAOKEMARILIA
Explosão K-Pop
Beat BR
Nós Dois – Class A – #MTVBRBEATNOSDOIS Pantera Negra – Emicida – #MTVBRBEATPANTERA Uma Noite a Toa – Haikaiss ft. 1Kilo – #MTVBRBEATUMANOITE Coração de Aço – Hungria – #MTVBRBEATCORACAO Lalá – Karol Conka – #MTVBRBEATLALA AMADMOL – Projota – #MTVBRBEATAMADMOL Fogo em Mim – Rico Dalasan ft. Mahal Pita – #MTVBRBEATFOGO Afro Rep – Rincon Sapiênci – #MTVBRBEATAFRO
Ícone MIAW
Super Squad
Christian Figueiredo & Mauro Nakada & T3ddy – #MTVBRSQUADTRUPE8E7 Felipe Neto & Luccas Neto & Bruno Correa – #MTVBRSQUADFLB Tata Estaniecki & Niina Secrets & Mari Saad – #MTVBRSQUADTNM Júlio Cocielo & Igão Underground & Muca Muriçoca & Lucas Inutilismo – #MTVBRSQUADCIML MC Kevinho & Dani Russo & Mitico – #MTVBRSQUADKDM Whindersson Nunes & Tirullipa & Carlinhos Maia – #MTVBRSQUADWTC Antonio Tabet & Fábio Porchat & Gregório Duvivier & João Vicente – #MTVBRSQUADTPDJ Rezendeevil & Bibi Tatto & Adriano Flores & Pedro Montanari – #MTVBRSQUADADR
Crush do Ano
Vício do Ano
Passinho Viral
Fit Dance – “Vai Malandra (Anitta)” – #MTVBRPASSINHOFIT Fe Escarião – “Joga Bunda (Aretuza FT. Pabllo Vittar FT. Gloria Groove)” – #MTVBRPASSINHOFE Lucas Hive – “Bumbum de Ouro (Gloria Groove)” – #MTVBRPASSINHOHIVE Gemeas.com – “Olha a Explosão (MC Kevinho)” – #MTVBRPASSINHOGEMEAS Mete Dança – “Bum Bum Tam Tam (MC Fioti)” – #MTVBRPASSINHOMETEDANCA
Oi, Meninas
Insta BR
Selfie do Ano
Anitta FT. Bob Esponja – #MTVBRSELFIEANITTA Cocielo FT. Whindersson FT. Tata FT. Luisa Sonza – #MTVBRSELFIECOCIELO Neymar FT. Thiaguinho – #MTVBRSELFIENEYMAR Pabllo Vittar – #MTVBRSELFIEPABLLO Sasha FT. Bruno Montaleone – #MTVBRSELFIESASHA Giovanna Ewbank FT. Bruno Gagliasso – #MTVBRSELFIEGIOVANNA
Shade do Ano
Fifth Harmony vs Camila Cabello – #MTVBRSHADEFIFTH Jelena (Justin Bieber e Selena Gomez) vs Mãe da Selena – #MTVBRSHADEMAEJELENA Katy Perry vs Taylor Swift – #MTVBRSHADETAYLORKATY Neymar vs Chris Brown – #MTVBRSHADENEYBROWN Raissa vs Gabi Prado – #MTVBRSHADERAISSAPRADO
Meme do Ano
GIFS Gretchen – #MTVBRMEMEGRETCHEN Gemidão do Zap – #MTVBRMEMEZAP Se juntas já causa – #MTVBRMEMEJUNTAS Que tiro foi esse? – #MTVBRMEMETIRO Menino do Acre – #MTVBRMEMEACRE
Paródia do Ano
Desce no Butantã – Júlio Cocielo – #MTVBRPARODIABUTANTA Dez Pras Cinco – Kéfera Buchmann e Felipe Castanhari – #MTVBRPARODIADEZ Na Sua Cara – Whindersson Nunes – #MTVBRPARODIANASUACARA Rebuliço – Felipe Neto – #MTVBRPARODIAREBULICO Só da Tu – Banda A Favorita – #MTVBRPARODIASODATU
Gamer do Ano
Youtube do Ano
Aposta Digital
Fandom do Ano
Anitters (Anitta) – #MTVBRFANDOMANITTERS Beliebers (Justin Bieber) – #MTVBRFANDOMBELIEBERS BTS Army (BTS) – #MTVBRFANDOMBTS Camilizers (Camila Cabello) – #MTVBRFANDOMCAMILIZERS Lovatics (Demi Lovato) – #MTVBRFANDOMLOVATICS Selenators (Selena Gomez) – #MTVBRFANDOMSELENATORS Sheerios (Ed Sheeran) – #MTVBRFANDOMSHEERIOS Vittalovers (Pabllo Vittar) – #MTVBRFANDOMVITTALOVERS
Pet do Ano
Batman (Demi Lovato) – #MTVBRPETBATMAN Piggggy (Miley Cyrus) – #MTVBRPETPIGGGGY Nugget (Katy Perry) – #MTVBRPETNUGGET Olivia (Taylor Swift) – #MTVBRPETOLIVIA Lagosta (Júlio Cocielo e Tata Estaniecki) – #MTVBRPETLAGOSTA Thor (Gracyanne Barbosa e Belo) – #MTVBRPETTHOR Tufo (Tatá Werneck) – #MTVBRPETTUFO
Série do Ano
Melhor Reality
De Férias com o Ex Brasil – #MTVBRREALITYFERIAS MasterChef Brasil – #MTVBRREALITYCHEF Keeping Up with the Kardashians – #MTVBRREALITYKARDASHIANS Are You the One? Brasil – #MTVBRREALITYAYTO Catfish BR – #MTVBRREALITYCATFISH RuPaul’s Drag Race – #MTVBRREALITYRUPAUL
Anitta lançou o clipe de sua nova música de trabalho Indecente no último dia 26 (segunda-feira), em sua festa de 25 anos. O clipe contou com a presença de diversos amigos famosos da cantora, entre eles Pabllo Vittar, Juliana Paes, Jojo Todynho, Gracyane Barbosa e entre outros.
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delilahcarreno · 5 months
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
"I have, multiple times. My divorce, for one. I loved my husband, and he loved me, but it just...wasn't enough. We were young with very real adult responsibilities, and as much as we loved each other, there was no real support. Not in the way I needed, not in the way Sophie needed...but I don't regret it, either. Rafa is a great father, and if the sacrifice was our relationship or the one with his children, I'm happy we didn't try to drag things out any longer."
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"I do have this habit of getting in my own way though, I think. Like if I don't have an obstacle someone else has placed in my path, I have to create one of my own. That's what I did with Ben, ultimately. Regrettably. We had something strong and stable and good and I just...took a sledgehammer to the foundation just to prove that it could crack. To give myself a better reason to have felt anything other than pure, unadulterated excitement at finding that ring in his closet. I loved Ben. I wanted to be his wife. And for some reason, I just couldn't let that be enough."
ft. @benj-hyun
Greek Myth Asks
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samanthafm · 4 years
top 5 hottest people in charming
“Are you fucking kidding me? This question again?” Sam asked with a frown. “Lucky for you mine changes every week so buckle up. Rafael’s, unfortunately, still on this list. I don’t care if my heart’s still broken. Sometimes I just look at him and... want to kiss the living life out of him. He’ll always be on this list, honestly. Also, I totally spaced and forgot to include him last time but Benny Boo most definitely deserves a spot on this list. He’s really, really hot but overall just one of my favorite people in the world. I’d be an idiot not to include Dom in this too. I mean, I wouldn’t sleep with him every chance I got if I didn’t find him hot? That detective? Sara? Definitely too hot for this world -- plus she has those doe eyes? Which is such a contrast to her smoking hot body and I literally just-- I may feel like I’m back in middle school with a huge fucking crush -- which is really, really stupid. I know I have good taste but it kinda sucks to call someone so hot nothing but your ex but -- Nikki deserves a spot here too because have you even seen her? Her skin? Glorious. Her eyes? Magnetic. Her smile? Infectious. Her body? Perfection. She’s literally a fucking angel -- but also my ex, so don’t you dare tell her shit.”
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@gravesrafael @benjimiller @dcmcook @mercaados @nikkirayburn
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delilahcarreno · 6 months
👪 sophie
"I was scared shitless practically my entire pregnancy with Sophie, starting right when I saw those two little lines. I took the test right there in the pharmacy bathroom, couldn't even wait to get home, or to even stop and think about calling Rafa to tell him to come meet me first, but he'd find me later at home, sat on the edge of the bath tub with at least three other tests on the counter, all positive, and I remember just looking up to see him standing there and just...bursting into tears. He probably looked so confused, not knowing if they were happy tears or sad tears or what. How could he, when I didn't even know what I was feeling, beyond just...well, scared shitless. We'd been married barely a year, and I didn't even know if I wanted kids, we hadn't talked about it yet...I thought I'd have more time to decide. Life thinks it's funny, like that."
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"I won't take all the credit, because I know I messed up with her more than I even realize and her therapist probably hears all about, but I couldn't be prouder of the exceptional woman she turned out to be. They say you want to be able to give your kids more than what you had, so I can only hope that she felt I was always there when she needed me to be, and she didn't feel burdened beneath weight she felt I pushed onto her. I'd say she certainly felt that it was okay to leave the nest; she's currently abroad teaching English as a second language while working on her MA, which is just...proud doesn't even begin to cover it, but that doesn't stop me from reminding her every chance I get. We talk every day, if not every other day, so there's plenty of opportunity."
send 👪 for my muse to talk about a family member of theirs.
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delilahcarreno · 1 month
what would your muse say is their biggest flaw?
"I know that I don't know how to ask for help. I honestly don't think I ever have. I was always just the one keeping things together, the one taking care of everybody, because I felt if I didn't, who would?
Even after I moved out of the house, and I married Rafael, I thought maybe I would magically learn how to accept support, how to lean on somebody else. But I remember when Sophie was born, I was so insistent that I didn't need anything. Not help feeding her, or changing her, or getting up when she would cry in the middle of the night. I'm fine was practically my mantra, even though I was so far from it. There was no winning, either. I was annoyed when he'd ask to help, I was annoyed when he wouldn't, but of course I would never just tell him. Not in the moment, at least. No, I would just shove everything down until I couldn't anymore and I would eventually just burst out with it, everything I'd been keeping pent up since the last time I'd exploded, and then the cycle would repeat over and over, like clockwork.
I guess I just always feel as if I have to make myself the martyr. It's easy maybe, to blame that on my parents, the weight of the expectations and responsibilities they put on me at a young age, but even when that eventually let up and I could set it down, I realized that I didn't know who I was without it. At that point I was too scared to try and find out, and the more time that's passed, the less likely it seems that I ever will."
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delilahcarreno · 3 months
👄 + rafael!
"Rafael was...well, the kind of boy who asks you to marry him at nineteen and you can't help but say yes. Clearly I couldn't. Sometimes I look back now and think what was the rush? It wasn't like we were saving ourselves for each other, which I know is what everyone back then assumed--though, anyone who actually was there to see how all over each other we were those three months would be able to tell that definitely had not been the case.
I think it was a combination of things, this sort of perfect storm of feeling older than I was and yet simultaneously like I was lagging behind everyone else, all on top of being in love for the first time, the thrill of someone finally choosing and thinking about me for once, of getting to choose something for myself for once...so he asked, and I said yes. To this day it's still the easiest decision I'd ever made."
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"That doesn't mean the rest of it was easy. We both made mistakes. That's another misconception people make, I think: that there must've been some big catalyst for the divorce, infidelity or some secret addiction or that we'd woken up one day and realized we'd fallen out of love.
None of that's true, of course. Sometimes I wonder if it'd have hurt more or less if it were, that at least there'd be a tangible reason or party to blame for things ending rather than simply realizing we just weren't working. It wasn't just us we had to think about, either. Sophie deserved two parents who put her well being and happiness first, and as much as we'd maybe tried to convince ourselves that we were doing just that by staying together, it became glaringly obvious once we were apart that it was what was best for our family.
That's not to say that that distance always stayed so...distant. There was a brief period where we thought about trying again, after Theo had been born...it was a confusing time for all of us, to say the least. I think it was my guilt that kept us from working, that time, the last time, like I purposely was trying to get in my own way. Hurting Ben, confusing Sophie, dragging Rafael into it all...it didn't seem right that I could get another chance I didn't feel I deserved.
I think I've just accepted that there's always going to be a lingering what if in the back of my mind when it comes to him, because being wrong is not worth blowing up our beautiful family over. He's a wonderful father and co-parent, and being able to witness him grow into this man he's become from the nineteen year old I first fell for all those years ago has easily been one of the greatest privileges of my life."
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character
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samanthafm · 4 years
FMK - Danny, Rafael, Marcus
“I’d fuck Marcus, I’d marry Rafael -- obviously --and kill Danny because who the fuck is he?”
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@marcusortiz @gravesrafael @dannyleary
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samanthafm · 4 years
enjoy edibles with, go on a road trip with, be stuck in an elevator with - anyone in charming
Enjoy edibles with - @dimitriperez​ because y’all need to understand how fun this man is
Go on a road trip with - @gravesrafael
Be stuck in an elevator with - Still @gravesrafael because that’s my babyyy and we can spend the hours waiting for the elevator be unstuck by talking, maybe a little kissing or a lot 
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samanthafm · 4 years
are you and rafael together?
Sam bit down on her lower lip but that didn’t stop the smile from forming on her lips at the thought of that man. “We haven’t... really talked about it yet. I feel like we’re right back in that honeymoon stage and we’re hellbent on making it last a long time but... I know we have to talk about it. I’v never really been the one to bring up a status of a relationship before, definitely not the ‘What are we?’ type of person but I do know that Raf and I have unfinished business-- We are unfinished business. I can tell you two things, though. One is that I miss the living fuck out of him. I haven’t seen, talked, touched, kissed or cuddled with that man for ten years and all I want to do right about now is to make up for all that time we lost. Two, don’t get me wrong,” she said as she started to glare. “We haven’t slapped a label on it yet but he’s mine. Call me possessive, call me a fool in love, I don’t really give a fuck but anybody who even thinks about getting with him is getting a kick in the coochie, I don’t care.”
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