#memes ;; give my muse an item
ccaptain · 1 month
Realizing that H:SR Kaeya is made of things people have given/picked for him shouldn't have made me as emotional as I am, but it did.
His entire outfit, down to a T, has been picked by Siobhan. The paw pin, his hunting knife and the flask come from Gallagher. The scrunchie he puts his high ponytail in comes from Hannah, after he rescued her. The epoxy-ed bread is consistently attached to one of his belts, never leaving those. Hell, his entire body is borrowed from someone he cares about. 
If our muses are close and if you're ever on the fence of what to send me an unprompted ask about, but want to? Give H:SR Kaeya something to keep close, maybe a trinket, and I'll make sure to mention it across every thread/ask meme that we have. He will love it, no matter what it is- expecially if it reflects a little bit of him. 
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teethofthedeeps · 3 months
Eliza brings him another gift! This time it’s shepherds pie! (He liked the chicken let’s see if he likes lamb)
Give my muse an item and see how they react.
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Stoplight blinked as he recognized the now-familiar redheaded woman walking along the pier, making her way to their usual spot. Gone was the usual aggression he felt when seeing a person walk so close to the water's edge, the memory of Eliza having fed him chicken not so very long ago having made a significant impression upon the Trench. No longer was Eliza in the food catagory in his mind but instead a provider of food, an oddity since she wasn't exactly one of his kind... but her appearance was a welcome sight nonetheless. It got lonely out here all by himself, and Eliza was only one of a few people who didn't immediately run screaming at the sight of teeth. What had she brought this time? Before it had been a book, she'd described, telling him a little of what was within. Stoplight had paid attention, he really did and had thought long and hard about the book Eliza had been reading, but all that went out of his mind when she unveiled the thing she was carrying today. It was nothing like food he'd ever seen before. The 'chikkin' he'd loved was recognizably meat. This smelt meaty, at least what he could detect through the briny sea air but there was something... different about it. He couldn't put a claw on what it was, only that the meaty-smelling something looked fluffy, like a sea sponge. Didn't smell like sea though, and Stoplight sniffed the air, trying to get a taste. When she'd offered the tray, he was careful in taking it. His first instinct was simply to shovel it all down in one bite but Eliza appeared to want him to try it first, slowly as to see his reaction. The tray was still warm in his webbed fingers, making him apprehensive but the chicken had tasted good so he tried the... what did she call it again, a... shepherd's pie? No name he knew of, but Stoplight dipped a claw into the fluffy surface, peeling back a thick layer of golden potato. There, beneath the white fluff was the meat! Dipping his claw into his mouth, Stoplight tried the potato layer first, lips curled in a twisted... it wasn't disgust, but it wasn't meat, he knew that much. Again he dipped a claw, this time trying the brown layer where clumps of meat were to be found, hooking one chunk almost delicately on the end of a hooked talon before poking it between his fangs, and how! An explosion of flavour danced upon his tongue, Stoplight's senses playing with the vast variety of seasonings and complex tastes he'd never had before. Raw flesh had been his staple, but the warm soft meat she'd been bringing appealed to his senses on levels he'd never thought about before. He ate to live, needed to and ate a lot, but this? It was something he could enjoy, letting the flavours mingle upon his tongue. The potato he could do without though, so Stoplight flicked it out into the water where a shoal of greedy mackerel were waiting for an easy meal. One got a little too close, too blinded by it's hunger to notice the hunter in the dark water's midst and swiftly met its end at Stoplight's claws. Turning back to Eliza, Stoplight lifted the striped fish, offering it in turn for her to take. After all, a meal for a meal was only fair.
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shiroi---kumo · 1 month
i will give him a cool rock.
Give my muse an item || accepting
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"Ooh it is quite pretty isn't it? My Opettaja used to collect these and give them to us as gifts. Kiitos ystäväni."
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memesomething · 1 year
more casual memes.
"Make sure to lock up."
"What does black tie event even mean?"
"Hey. Thank you for being here."
"The cat's back again."
"Where did you even come from?"
"You'd be surprised how often this sort of thing happens."
"How many have there been?"
"I didn't hear you come in."
"Are you asleep?"
"You left the light on for me."
"This is my safe space."
"You and me. Yeah?"
"That's the last of them."
"You don't need to knock."
"I wanted to give you a key."
"You're welcome here. It's a standing invitation."
"You should know this already."
"You know that's not what I meant."
[SPACE] -> for a scenario where our muses are particularly good at sharing space around each other, e.g. ducking around each other in a crammed kitchenette, etc.
[GROCERIES] -> our muses are shopping for groceries together.
[TRINKET] -> one muse asks the other about a trinket or sentimental item they have/are wearing/etc (you may need to specify some trinkets)
[COFFEE BEANS] -> one muse notices the other is low on some everyday supply and replaces it without being asked.
[SPLASH] -> one muse is splashed by the other (by a puddle, in a pool, spilling tea, etc; some form of liquid landing!)
[RESCUE] -> one muse 'saves' the other from a conversation they are not enjoying (or prevents them from having to start the conversation, in the first place)
[INTERVENE] -> one muse is being hit on aggressively in public, and is clearly not into it. the other muse steps in to intervene.
[ELEVATOR] -> our muses happen to be in the same elevator when it jams.
[FENDER BENDER] -> our muses are in a nobody-gets-hurt car accident.
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starfoam · 7 months
//... Okay, I'm gonna take a risk and say something maybe not so nice here.
I'm seeing a lot of "support female OCs" on my dash right now, and have for the last couple days. And that's great, I'm not against that at all, obviously! But after ten years on here, I'm going to have to ask some questions about that. Because seeing "I support female OCs" and actually seeing support for female OCs are two different things. Not all of these are relevant to the dash right now, they're just things I've observed over the years, writing the same woman the whole damn time.
Rather than an attack on any one person, consider this a checklist of things you can do to improve the experience of your mutuals.
So when you say you support female OCs, are you:
Sending them asks on or off anon, either for memes or unprompted? Are you sending an ask before reblogging a meme from them, directly or indirectly?
Taking the time to read their bios, or any information that could give you context for writing with them?
Making the first move in starting threads and interactions, and not just being polite when they approach you?
Giving the same time, space and energy to them as your mutuals who aren't writing female OCs? (Canons, OCs with different gender identities, etc)
Giving the same time, space and energy to OCs, regardless of gender identity, who are BIPOC?*
Maintaining threads with the same kind of energy you would with other mutuals?
Giving the same respect and open conversation about ships with female OCs as you would with other muses?**
*I'm white, this one's based off of conversations w/ writers of color over the years
**This one is about romantic shipping but it's really about giving the energy you want in return. Obviously it's different if you don't ship or, you know, your muse just isn't attracted to women.
Again, this isn't an attack. It's just that I see this round of support go on every few months or so and, like... if you want to show your support and interest, there are action items! There are things you can do to show that! I promise your dash will be a richer and more interesting place if you put that kind of energy into it.
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sperboytm · 17 days
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Give my muse an item, see how they react. for @therebetterbepie
a ring is dropped into kon's hand. it's dean's ring, the one he always wears on his right hand, but he's giving it to kon now. it was a little beat up and he wished he had something better but this was spur of the moment and he was working with what he had. it was something they had talked about it, kon had even suggested it, but dean didn't know if he was serious or not because it had come up in such an emotional moment. so now he was going to find out. "marry me?" there's a laugh and it's evident dean is just a little nervous. he was going to die in less than a year. would kon really want a marriage that had a literal expiration date? "i know we kinda talked about it but i'm serious. you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. i might not have a lot of time left but if i get to spend it with you then..." he smiles soft and maybe just a little sad but he's doing his best. "then it'll be the best year of my life. so...will you?" (for the give my muse an item meme. boom surprise proposal!)
when the still warm metal is dropped into his palm, he doesn't think much of it. it had become his job to hold on to the ring when Dean showered, cooked or was digging around in Baby's engine bay. still it was so common at this point that Kon doesn't expend much mental power contemplating any possible deeper meaning. just slips it onto his pointer finger and grins up at the hunter from his seat, expecting a kiss and an explanation. though the kiss never comes, the explanation has the grin melting from his features and pure shock replacing it. "you —"
he was torn between punching Dean and kissing him senseless. especially when he brings up the rapidly approaching date that would tear them apart. but that hardly deterred him from wanting to agree instantly. swatting at the hunter with the hand not currently wearing the ring, he tugs him down by the front of his shirt and kisses him solidly. how dare Dean do this to him like it was a normal afternoon. Kon had things planned and here the hunter was ruining it all in the best — and most Dean way possible.
"you asshole, of course I will." though he can feel the tears gnawing at the backs of his eyes knowing that a year was never going to be enough time. he refuses to let them fall. this would not be something sad. "I'll marry you in every lifetime, starlight."
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not-that-dillinger · 29 days
((Give my muse an item and see how they react! Meme - Here's a random Tamagotchi, Digimon, or other virtual pet of your choice for Ed!
(For extra chaos, alternatively, an AU where a program of your choice is stuck in a virtual pet while Ed deals with things. 🤭 )))
Ed frowned at the three small cubes sitting on his office desk. The first, to his...horror? bafflement? was bright yellow. Vertical bars block out most of the screen, though it looks like the stick figure behind them is holding--attempting to shake them, and the speech bubble above it's head is entirely in special characters.
The second one, which he was mostly concerned about, was turquoise, and the stick figure inside was twirling a baton, though when Ed picked it up to get a closer look, it put the baton away and waved.
The third cube was a deep amethyst purple. It was sitting at a table, and appeared to be folding origami birds out of a stack of paper. When Ed picked it up, it folded a paper airplane, and threw it... somewhere outside the cube's borders. The speech bubble that materialized above it's head read,
--. .-. . . - .. -. --. … --..-- / ..- … . .-. -.-.--
The names labeled on each under the small screens, were Clu, Ark, and Eos.
How did this happen?
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contractory · 9 months
Ask/Starter Prompt Meme
Written by yours truly. Feel free to reblog for yourself, of course.
Feel free to add dialogue or specify/change some details. add REVERSE to switch our muses' roles.
[Cathedral] Your muse finds mine at the Favonius Cathedral.
[Bar] My muse invites yours to Angel’s Share or the Cat’s Tail.
[Exam] Your muse watches mine pass/fail their Wind Glider certification.
[Breeze] Our muses enjoy the calm, warm breeze of the Mondstadt hills.
[Dragonspine] Your muse finds mine freezing their butt off at Dragonspine. Brrr!
[Mondstadt history] While resting under the Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero or paying a visit to Stormterror’s Lair, our muses talk about the tragic history of Mondstadt.
[Mondstadt gathering] Our muses gather items unique to Mondstadt, such as Dandelions, Small Lamp Grass or Calla Lilies.
[Mondstadt bossfight] Your muse helps mine fight a Mondstadt boss of your choice.
[Harbor] My muse invites yours to Liyue Harbor. Let’s walk around the city, try the local food or listen to a storyteller!
[Wangshu Inn] Our muses rest at the Wangshu Inn, enjoying some of the best food and relaxation that Liyue has to offer!
[Adepti] Our muses visit the abode of an adeptus. Or try to, anyway.
[Jade Chamber] Our muses have been invited to the Jade Chamber! We can watch the view of the entire Teyvat from up here, or try to gain access to the Geo nation’s secrets…
[Chasm] Your muse follows mine into the depths of the Chasm.
[Liyue history] Our muses rest at the Guyun Stone Forest or the stone table at Mt. Aocang, talking about the ancient history of Liyue.
[Liyue gathering] Our muses gather items unique to Liyue, such as Cor Lapis, Glaze Lilies or Violetgrass.
[Liyue bossfight] Your muse helps mine fight a Liyue boss of your choice.
[Inazuma City] Let’s enjoy a stroll through the city! The architecture is amazing, the food delicious, the sakura blossoms beautiful… We just ignore those samurai glaring at us…
[Kimono] My muse tries out some traditional Inazuman fashion as yours watches (and offers critique if they so desire).
[Lightning] Your muse witnesses mine get yeeted off a cliff by a lightning bolt. Or randomly zapped by a funny-looking tree. Yowch.
[Resistance] My muse has been commissioned to help train the soldiers of the Watatsumi Army to maintain peace and resist the Fatui. Yours may simply watch, or offer a helping hand.
[Enkanomiya] Our muses descend into the ancient depths of Enkanomiya…
[Inazuma history] Our muses pay a visit to the Great Narukami Shrine or sail to Tsurumi Island, and discuss the mysterious history of Inazuma.
[Inazuma gathering] Our muses gather items unique to Inazuma, such as Sakura Bloom, Amakumo Fruit or Onikabuto.
[Inazuma bossfight] Your muse helps mine fight an Inazuma boss of your choice.
[Akademiya] Your muse finds mine at Sumeru’s go-to for knowledge and politics alike.
[Ajilenakh Cake] The charcoal-baked pastry famously served in Sumeru supposedly tastes better than it looks… Do our muses dare give it a go?
[Withering] Our muses have stepped into a Withering Zone. This might get nasty if we don’t clear it out while we’re here…
[Golem] Why is this thing here and whY IS IT CHARGING A LASER AT US—
[Desert] Your muse finds mine among the treacherous sands. Whew, it’s hot…
[Sumeru history] Our muses journey to the Mausoleum of King Deshret or the Wall of Samiel, and talk about the forgotten history of Sumeru.
[Sumeru gathering] Our muses gather items unique to Sumeru, such as Padisarah, Trishiraite or Scarabs.
[Sumeru bossfight] Your muse helps mine fight a Sumeru boss of your choice.
[Opera] Welcome to Opera Epiclese! What would your muse like to see: a world-famous play, a breathtaking concert, or an exhilarating trial?…
[Aquabus] My muse invites yours for a chill aquabus ride on either the Navia line or the Clementine line. The Melusine guide seems to have plenty of interesting stories to tell and is happy to answer questions!
[Swim] Don’t worry, Vision wielders can breathe underwater in Fontaine! Let’s take in the amazing sights… and watch out for the aggressive mechanical fish…
[Merusea] Our muses have found the passageway leading to Merusea Village. Though some hardly ever see humans, the Melusines are welcoming to friendly visitors!
[Meropide] Whether we are on a simple visit, or for… less simple reasons, our muses find themselves at the Fortress of Meropide.
[Fontaine history] While swimming by the Tower of Ipsissimus or touring the remains of the Fontaine Research Institute, our muses discuss the intriguing history of Fontaine.
[Fontaine gathering] Our muses gather items unique to Fontaine, such as Romaritime Flowers, Lumitoile or Beryl Conches.
[Fontaine bossfight] Your muse helps mine fight a Fontaine boss of your choice.
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exxtermini · 1 month
Well i set everything up for lute here is the laws page.
Vixen || She \ Her || 24 || Night Shift worker
I am okay with muses outside of my characters fandom! I love ocs a lot too!
Minors do not interact please.
short and easy rules, don't god mod, powerplay etc your regular run of the mill don'ts in roleplaying
Not interested in Drama lemme roleplay my weird creatures in peace . I will give three warnings if you try to involve me into it. I am NOT interested
activity can be spotty and i do sometimes roleplay on mobile so my cutting is minimalistic the tag to block in those times are "mobile reply"
Trigger warnings WILL be tagged as needed, note that this blog will have mentions of horror, gore potential eye horror, mentions of trauma, alcohol abuse , abuse and drug abuse
SIDE BLOGS! please just send me a dm on your main to let me know what your side is. if I follow your side it means we're mutuals ( just because sometimes personals clog my feed <3 ) but ofc if it is to show we're moots I will follow
Duplicate friendly! I am completely fine and comfortable with other Eve's , everyone has their own unique way of writing Eve!
Regarding Thread length Read this PSA ! (Click me)
(if you can't open it; Long story short ; You do not need to match my length. My muses get lost in their heads/like to talk/just end up making me write a lot.
If I follow you it means I would love to interact with you!
I am MUTUALS ONLY when it comes to roleplays! ,I do not mind non-mutuals sending me things in like questions about my muse etc. but please do note I will not be continuing them as a thread
If you break my rules after three strikes I will hard block.
Be patient with me this blog is REALLY low activity
Easiest way to interact with me :, I love writing starters and open starters of course I also love the good ol meme or unprompted asks
Ask box is always open for memes, Questions about character , Things you want to know about the blog etc my ask box is open to mutuals & non Mutuals
I love plotting things out!, even if we don't plot I am still going to reply to them
Please note that I personally do not care much for smut, there are chances it could happen and chances it wont however I am comfortable with doing fade to blacks as well.
Usual roleplay manners apply here, No God modding, Info-Modding, Forcing ships/ Relationships , Mun doesn’t equal muse etc etc
I AM NOT MY MUSE! Mun does not equal muse,
Communication is really important if you want to plot, I am okay with my character being harmed! Just give me a heads up ( if any threads involve death we can plot it out :) )
Memes and whatnot
Feel free to send in memes!, I love meme replies along with just joking around with memes as well!
Regarding this rule: My inbox is open to mutuals and non mutuals however INBOX CALLS and STARTER CALLS are MUTUAL EXCLUSIVE
I am not your meme resource blog , reblog it from the source please unless the source is dead!
It is okay to continue Memes into threads, sometimes I just do not have my answer banner on hand
I love making head canons for characters! head canon posts will be posted here under HEAD CANONS (linked items are marked with a click here ) and on tumblr I will make a tag! They are also here too!
Triggers & Sqwuicks- I will try my best to tag things , however if I do forget I apologize, I tend to just write and go with the flow; if there is something you need tagged ASK ME!
If I forget to tag something just DM me and I will fix it right away <3
As for me PERSONALLY I do not have any triggers
This blog is Multiship and practices mains along with ship-exclusives
Not all threads will equal Romance, Lute is a funky character to ship with she is married to her work!!:: rule does not apply to soft memes , if both muns talk then it can develop!
Regarding Adams; I will not instantly ship Lute and Adam together.
This blog does practice in Affiliate's // Affiliated and the affiliated blogs are bellow
Affiliated with :
HEAVILY affiliated with :
Credits are to be added as I do my icons
No work is mine unless stated otherwise
Discord is available to mutuals upon request
This blog is slightly slow activity due to my work schedule
Vixen || She \ Her || 24 || Night Shift worker
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the-haunted-office · 4 months
From the give your muse an item meme:
📚 — a novel / novella
(For Thursday)
Send me a symbol for my muse to give your muse an item!
It took Thursday some time to come up with a novel to give to her friend Ted, knowing how easily scared he is. With her love of horror novels, pretty much everything on her shelves was out. But she did manage to come up with something. Hopefully he would enjoy it. She really thinks he will.
"Ted! Here's the book I picked for you," she says, handing it over with a warm, friendly smile. It's her old copy of Watership Down by Richard Adams. "There are some kind of scary moments in it, yes, but overall it's a wonderful story. It's about a group of rabbits who leave their warren and strike out to start a warren of their own, for freedom and for a better life. They all support and protect and care for one another. Pipkin reminds me of you, and even though the other rabbits consider him small and frail, they protect him and never leave him behind. It's a story that's always stuck with me, and I think you'll really like it."
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xvnzhao · 4 months
XUNZHAO — to seek, pursue, search . . .
ind. sel. low-activity rp blog featuring protagonists from video games. as adventured by GENIE
in search of  :  truth, memories, making friends, uncovering one's past, coping with loss, recovering lost items, gaining new families, venturing into the unknown
blog not suitable for those under 18 / blog is not spoiler free
wanna interact but dunno who? -> like this starter call to get started!!
blogroll: @tragedicn / @cheongyang
temporary roster.
ROVER  ⸻  Wuthering Waves
SHEPHERD-XIII  ⸻  Path to Nowhere
STELLE  ⸻  Honkai Star Rail
LUMINE  ⸻  Genshin Impact  (  i interpret her as the abyssal twin  )
BYLETH EISNER  ⸻  Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
LIQIU ZHANG  (  Rosa  )  ⸻  Tears of Themis
MEIXIN TSAI  ⸻  Love and Deepspace
ALMA THE ALCHEMIST  ⸻  Touchstarved
JIAYI HUANG  ⸻  Light & Night
YOURAN CHEN  ⸻  Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
BELLE ⸻ Zenless Zone Zero
mobile guidelines under the cut.
i)  independent, selective, low-activity multimuse blog featuring protagonist muses of various video game media  (  ie.: otoges, etc  )  as explored by Genie (29). activity may be sketchy to writer being a full-time worker. blog is not spoiler free and not safe for those under 18 years old.
ii)  i prefer interactions to start with pre-established relationships to avoid the awkwardness of first meet threads  (  and sometimes the abrupt end of them  ).  i am not great with plotting so i often prefer using memes to jumpstart interactions;  however, i am not completely adverse to it! don't hesitate to come to me if you've got ideas you want to explore!
iii)  i format my posts using small text and sometimes icons of varying sizes;  though i will often forgo the use of icons due to lack of resources. please let me know if the font size is a problem, i'm more than happy to adjust it! don't let how i formate my posts affect how you do yours.
iv)  i have a preference for longer threads so i may sometimes give you text walls  ;  however, you never have to match the length of my replies!
v)  discord is available to mutuals as i sometimes miss direct messages through tumblr's in-built system. don't ask me to join servers, group settings make me anxious.
vi)  all regular roleplay and online etiquette and courtesies apply to this blog and will be observed. do not bring drama or hate to my space. i welcome constructive criticism and appreciate if problematic issues are brought to my attention; however, i will not tolerate hate or drama.
vii)  do communicate with me! do talk to me! 
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sonorous-eisfyl · 4 months
Alaska is going to unceremoniously give him an actual fucking gun, a pistol, she doesn't trust him with anyone more dangerous than that after all. Especially since she doesn't know if he knows how to use a gun or not. (For the give your muse an item ask meme
Give my muse an item
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We've given the child an actual fucking gun
---- Rotating the weapon in his hand, he looks at it curiously with a little bit of confusion as to what it is. A pistol was drastically different in appearance to a bowgun, for one. Despite the fact a select few bowguns would look a lot like a rifle to those outside of his world, he's only known those to just be aesthetically different.
But being a gunner already did eventually clue him in to the trigger mechanism and he pieces that much together. Pointing it away from Alaska and anything else that he can potentially harm, he pulls the trigger- but of course, and hopefully, it's unloaded.
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"Ah- th..thank you?"
Despite his verbally unsure tone, he is grateful for the... weird, tiny weapon of his main use. Nobody tell the higher ups in the commission about this.
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teethofthedeeps · 3 months
gives him a bottle of wine
Give my muse an item and see how they react.
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Sometimes it was difficult having webbed hands. They weren't exactly designed to hold objects, especially ones that got slippery when wet like things made of glass. Stoplight huffed as he peered closely at the weighty bottle, the sound of sloshing inside indicating it held water or at least some other kind of liquid. The only problem was, how to open it? Piscine eyes darkened as he contemplated smashing the bottle, to crush it within his clawed digits but knowing there was precious liquid within put a stop to that thought. Water didn't operate the same way as it did above land, spilling uselessly onto the ground and disappearing. If he wanted the water inside, Stoplight would have to think of a way to get it out and his curious gaze noticed the cork stuck at the top, slowly connecting the dots that it had to be the cork responsible for preventing the fluid's escape. An inquisitive claw prodded the cork. Strange, it was softer than it appeared, chunk of it coming away when his sharp talon dug into it. If his claws could do that much damage to the little thing, maybe he could pull it out with his teeth? The Trench did just that, sliding the bottle's head between his fangs and clamping down softly on the remainder of the cork, long fangs providing a far better grip against the cork than his clumsy claws could ever hope to gain. The bottle opened with a satisfying pop, Stoplight even looking a little proud at how he figured out how to open it so quickly and without damaging the bottle. With a soft growl, he heedlessly tipped the contents of the bottle into his open maw, mouth uncomfortably dry with the amount of the time he'd been away from the water. What he drank was not water, instead tasting sharp, bitter and even dry despite how wet it was. Stoplight sputtered, still pouring the wine into his mouth even as it flooded from his gills to leave a messy red puddle steadily growing below him. It didn't taste good, didn't feel good as it filtered through his gills but it was undeniably liquid and helped cool the nagging sensation of drying out. Before long the bottle was finished, Stoplight tossing it away in mixed feelings of disgust and yet... pleasure almost, acrid taste of the wine cloying upon his tongue. It wasn't good, but it wasn't as bad as he thought either and it had done some work, wettening his gills again. Stoplight grumbled, licking his fangs clean of wine.
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"This stuff tastes like a shrimp's fecal vein. I should devour whoever made this for their insult." Licking his lips, he was momentarily distracted only by sound of glass smashing nearby. So, objects made of the shiny smooth clearness could be broken easily without even needing to exert pressure upon them? Interesting. They would break even if thrown, or maybe had something thrown at them. Maybe that's what he should do next time he got ahold of another bottle of the red water, if it didn't even have the grace to taste like water or blood...
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shiroi---kumo · 2 months
a miniature car toy
Give my muse an item || accepting
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He's looking the object in his hands over with raised brows and curiosity in his face.
"Lelu?" He mumbles to himself as he stares at it. He thinks he's seen something like this before.... On Earth... In ...Japan? He doesn't remember well enough to say for sure so he can't really say what it is.
Most of the time these strangers give him odd food but this certainly isn't that so it must be something human child play with. He guesses.
"Ah... Thank you for this but I - I must admit I have never seen anything like this before in my life.... So please do not think me rude but... What is it?"
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rageagaiinsta · 11 months
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@blue-eyed-kaiba sent an ask!! :: 🎁: To give my muse a present for the baby. // Pregnancy Rp Meme.
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It's been one month since the KC Grand Championship. Annaleigh is not salty about her loss at all, and is grateful to Seto giving her a chance to show off her skills. Even if it was short lived.
She lets out a deep sigh as she makes her way up the steps to her apartment. Annaleigh hates the amount of stairs she has to climb to get to her home, but the rent in this building is cheap and the apartment is decent enough. The place is still kind of barren and devoid of personality, but it's slowly becoming a home.
Annaleigh stops at the top of the stairs, taking a moment to rest. Then, she walks down the hall that veered off the stairs.
Hazel green eyes stare in surprise as she spots the CEO, standing in front of her apartment, holding a light blue bag in his grasp. Cautiously, she makes her way up to him. Annaleigh wonders how long he's been waiting at her door for. "I'm sorry you had to wait out here. I wish you'd called me first. I just finished a shift at the game shop." She sighs softly.
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"How did you find out where I live, anyway? I don't think I've ever mentioned it before." she questions. Annaleigh hasn't invited anyone from school over, so nobody knows where she lives. She's still a bit at odds with Yugi and friends. She wouldn't blame any of them if they hated her for her part in DOMA's plans.
A hand reaches into her red and black, plaid, unbuttoned, long-sleeved, shirts' side pocket for her apartment key. Underneath the top is a black Breaking Benjamin t-shirt. The shirt presses against her stomach, showing off the sixth month bump underneath it with a tiny baby growing inside. Paired with the shirt is a comfortable pair of dark jeans and black sneakers.
Getting a closer look at the bag, the pregnant woman notices that is says :: baby on it in Japanese writing. So that's why he's here. "Is this compensation for me losing your tournament?" she teases. Pulling out the key, she reaches for the door handle and puts the key inside, turning it. She turns the handle and pushes door open, revealing a stark, white walled apartment with very little furniture. There are a few personal items strewn about, but otherwise, the place is very empty.
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hautevaux · 6 months
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@obscureign asked: What if they kissed? [ hehe for yet another lols ] MEME: SEND “What if they kissed?” and I’ll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren’t shipped together. it is it’s own thing and doesn’t have to lead to an official ship. a “what if scenario” CURRENTLY; Accepting.
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How breath taking the view was; his pale gaze to drawled slowly across the beautifully lit cityscape before him, the resting of an elbow 'pon a railing allowing for palm to meet chin and rest, pleasantly. Still can he hear the talent of classical musicians coming from a nearby open door, the grandeur of the gala still in full swing just behind him momentarily ignored.
A break away from the business of the ballroom and the volume of both music and joyous, cocksure conversations was a relief all of its own. Plenty has Vaux stroked ego that eve, discussions always turning to pride and success where the tailor sees naught more than boasting over naught. 'Tis as much a part of his job as much as stitching and gilding - to buffer and polish the image of another to please them. It bought countless business and the sheer number of business cards he had handed out that eve was rather extortionate... as had been his donations to charity, in turn.
But he cared little for any of it, as of the moment. Instead, his gaze was split betwixt the glow of the city and the barely there view of stars, bleached away from the artificial light conjured by those below. Even the chill of the breeze that eve seemed to deter him not- the way it picked up stray strands of his near colourless hair and tossed them around a shoulder was almost considered a comfort.
His mind wandered toward future prospects and ideas when the very train of that thought was derailed by the distinctive sound of approaching shoes. Company out on the vast balcony was unexpected, especially given the resplendence of the function still blooming behind him - currently hidden by weighty curtains posed against vast pieces of glass.
Vaux makes the decision to cast his gaze rather idly over a single shoulder, the flash of white and lilac all too noticeable and recognisable against the darkness of the scape around them. A hum sounds, the gentle quipping of a slender brow offered as his only greeting for the length of a moment.
"Well - - if it isn't his presidency, himself." Vaux chooses to slowly straighten himself up, turning his gaze to give one more remark toward the drowned out heavens ere he turns, fully, to regard his newfound company. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having you all to myself, for a moment, hmm-?"
There comes no hesitation in his movement; a brief stand where weight rests more 'pon one hip, arm crossing his midsection to prop the other - where fingers rest beneath his chin; he's observing, the smile on his face naught short of kittenish. He doesn't stay so, however - no he paces towards the male before him with arms outstretched so perfectionist fingers could rightly adjust Rufus' lapels.
"Such a shame you've found me so late--" He uttered, flat palms smoothing material - coy smile accompanying the raising of his gaze. "I've grown so tired of petting exaggerated egos tonight--- The lies are exhausting, I'm sure you agree---"
Just a little closer does the tailor lean, the pull of his smile remaining entirely flirtatious and open, the heel of his boots allowing him a smite more height against the president, himself - - how short he would have been, otherwise. In the least, it offers him enough reach.
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"You look as wonderful as ever, though, darling--- That is invigorating enough to convince my to stay for just a few more moments." Fingers, featherlight, reach ever delicately for his tie and gently does he straighten it, wary of the delicacy of the item; "Even if it is just to fix your tie---"
Vaux takes pause, hums quietly to himself and adjusts which leg he rests the majority of his weight on ere he raises unto tip-toes, hesitates ever close - the scent of perfume mixing with that of chosen cologne;
"Perhaps I shall catch you a little earlier, next time-? If you can find a moment for little ol' me---" A briefly feigned disappointed expression crosses his features - but the smile soon returns; "I'd have liked to have stayed a little longer but--- the vivacity puts me off and the sense of self-entitlement is suffocating--- How cruel, that such overwhelming boorishness steals from me some time alone with you."
He pouts, briefly, huffs a breath out of his nostrils and then decides that he needed to leave ere he grew too impatient by the others nearby; a shame, truly. But ere he leaves, Vaux closes the short space between them, lithe fingers brushing the line of a jaw as lips press gently to the corner of lips;
"Until next time-?" And he slinks away, slowly walking until he disappeared back inside and after a moment out of the building in its entirety.
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