#memeish shenanigans
thresholdbb · 1 year
Nephew: Jadzia is gonna ride in Janeway’s truck!
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the-cimmerians · 4 years
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koschei2d · 3 years
Imma beginning my first Twitch Stream roughly an hour after this post goes up!(12pmUTC) Come join and watch the shenanigans of me, a total noob, try to figure out how streaming works!
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thirdmagic · 5 years
bb is a force of Chaos more than of any kind of malice her fourth wall breaking memeish shenanigans and general fucking around is proof of that even at her meanest and nastiest which yeah she can be isn't really something she intends to do cause it’s all a game to her she's playfully cruel and sadistic but doesn't have any bad intentions regardless of how it affects people and the harm it does inflict. it isn't something she takes very seriously and is all a game for her to distract from a very specific long term goal that she is very intelligently and cleverly working towards, a goal that is more benevolent then malicious. she may be Mean but she is not Bad and her being Chaos ties with her generally ambiguous morality. coupled with her creating a whole class of her as a huge Fuck The System gesture to the moon cell where she would otherwise be classified as a Ruler, a game master bound by the system's rules, and her whole deal being that she was born as a bug in the system, makes her a clear example of the classic literary Trickster archetype in this essay I will
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the-cimmerians · 5 years
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i am bleeding DEMISED
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the-cimmerians · 6 years
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the-cimmerians · 6 years
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the-cimmerians · 6 years
The winter soldier
OH MAN okay so here’s the thing. i often meet and come to love absolutely AMAZING women who are in relationship with really horrible, awful men. it happens often enough that when i meet a woman and i think she’s incredible my automatic second thought is ‘she must have one fucking revolting sack of a dude stashed somewhere’. i have come very far on my own journey of how to deal with this so it’s better, but it still happens a lot and i still hate it. i end up trying to balance my desire to love and support them against my disinclination to watch them be hurt, and it fucking sucks and i’d love to be done with that now thanks because i am super-old and kinda tired.
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the-cimmerians · 6 years
Black Widow!
emotionally (more important qualifier in my case): hilarity, rage, authenticity, weirdness, introspection, intelligence, boundaries, self-reliance, resourcefulness, intersectional nuance, goodnessphysically: my rarely-acquisitive eye is most often enraptured by fat and nerdy folks (generally queer women, nonbinary folks, or trans men) who are visibly defiant in some way 
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the-cimmerians · 6 years
Iron Man, Spider-Man, Nick Fury
okay so first of all i apologize for being a ridiculously dilatory respondent (work intervened). so:
Iron Man (What I would do if I suddenly won a million dollars): i have an entire elaborate philanthropic plan in place. i would keep/use about 1/10th of it, and donate the rest. very boring, i know, but philanthropy really matters to me--i’ve seen how much of a difference it can make.
Spider Man (What I would change if I could go back in my life and change one thing.): i would have done a faster and better job of learning to responsibly handle my rage.
Nick Fury (Who I would put on my super hero team if I got to create one for myself): Deadpool, Imperator Furiosa, Okoye, Faith (BTVS), Toothless, Sam Wilson, Kimberle Crenshaw ... what? (ง'̀-'́)ง
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the-cimmerians · 6 years
irl: cats cats cats all the cats big and small and all cats
other: war rhino, because i relate, man
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the-cimmerians · 9 years
straight person: Not all straight people!
me: you're right, Morticia and Gomez Addams would never do this
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