#melty's ocs
meowzerswowzers · 1 year
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roddy dump
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soaked-ghost · 11 days
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young adult nightmare back when he had the decency to wear clothes
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krimsonkatt · 1 month
Chronicles Meteorfall Characters as Neco Arc
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They have been infected, and they are coming for you next!!!
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sorcierenacht · 1 year
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A doll doesn’t know pain
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star-keepr · 1 month
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silly goofy doodles with mostly transformers characters but I got sidetracked /silly
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theofficialpapapinoau · 5 months
The sillies are back, how have you guys been? Any shenanigans???
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cinnamon-flame · 1 year
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I felt the need to draw my unicorn boys after a long period of not doing that. I'm actually super happy with these, I feel like the two headshots of them are one of the best lined drawings I've ever made.
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pixystixxxdraws · 8 months
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doodle! I wanted to draw the powersuit girlies
Aureum's is a little more coquette but it's around the same vibe :>
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nikoforgot · 8 months
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waited a few days to post this guys this is my oc neco arc dont steal please /j
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georgieluz · 9 months
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intelligence officer, easy company (band of brothers)
ship: lewis nixon | tag: #oc: oliver hardwick
"you'll never fumigate the demons, no matter how much you smoke"
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new yorker. former literature and latin student at university. mischievous. wealthy. playful. rakish, maybe even roguish, some might say, in a pretty boy kind of way. think: old money with a rebellious streak. massive ballrooms contrasted with secret parties in tiny apartments. flowing champagne. screaming drunkenly from the deck of a yacht. rage rage and more rage, so much rage. the subtle glare of disapproval from a calculating parent. a disdain for authority and taking orders. winter scarves in every colour, but especially red. kissing older men. dancing until you can't remember your family name. the simultaneous fascination and disappointment your friends and peers feel toward you. running away as a child and nobody even noticing you're gone. picking oranges in the mediterranean. freezing cold new york winters. spinning around in the rain. being too smart for your own good. self-sabotage. self-loathing. self-destruction.
playlist: tell me i'm an angel
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private first class, easy company (band of brothers)
ship: joseph liebgott | tag: #oc: tommy monet
"the silence that you're hearing is turning into a deafening, painful, shameful roar"
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bostoner. from the wrong side of the tracks. barely got a high school diploma. former teenage nuisance. poet. fuelled by coffee and homeric similes. friends with every cat in the neighbourhood. talks to his cat badger more than other people. think: scrappy. argumentative. observant. smart but wishes he wasn't. hot black coffee running through his veins. flannel shirts. a backpack full of books. a hardshell exterior and deep, deep repression. running races down the railroad tracks until you're completely breathless. smoking because you don't know what else to do with your hands. irritable, but usually with a smile and a hefty dose of sarcasm. fuck the elite. no one can hurt me if they can't get near me. insecurities? what are those? who needs a father anyway.
playlist: let down and hanging around
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private first class, how company (the pacific)
ship: bill "hoosier" smith | tag: #oc: charlie scott
"come ease my slumber, sink me into sleep"
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mornings spent next to the river. cigarettes for breakfast. brushing the sand out of dark hair. journals filled to the brim. training as a car mechanic. hands coated with oil. overalls tied around your waist. a sarcasm-filled whisper in your ear. a hand gripping yours through the barrage of bombs every night. eyes searching for you as you cross every battlefield. dramatic readings of your stream of conscious poetry until something hits. adopting the dog that you found in the middle of battle. missing the diners you always claimed to hate. wanting nothing more than to run back to the mountains you hiked growing up. realising you never want to visit a beach again. longing for the quiet peacefulness of a lake.
playlist: i once warmed my hands
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corpsman, king company (the pacific)
ship: eddie jones | tag: #oc: rhys llewyd
"torn down, full of aching, somehow our youth will take the blame"
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welsh born, new hampshire raised. gentle hands, sharp eyes. soft-spoken. welsh-lilted american accent. the messiest bedhead you'll ever see. enjoys watching people mispronounce his surname. touch-starved for something more than bleeding guts and bullet wounds. sage green and lavender. realising you never wanted to study medicine in the first place. cloudgazing. comic books shoved into pockets. an impeccable dancer who will never show it. can't handle his alcohol but drinks anyway. misses trees, and grass, and greenery. hands touching beneath the library table. a pile of books next to your bed. the scent of sugar and honey contrasted with the blood dripping from your hands.
playlist: fade me away
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platoon scout sniper, bravo company (gen kill)
ship: brad colbert | tag: #oc: max jacobs
"there's nothing wrong with me, this is how i'm supposed to be, in a land of make believe, that don't believe in me"
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deadly aim, with a smile to match. skate parks and 7-11s. worn out chuck taylors. suburban fuckery. sneaking out of your bedroom window at 2am. driving out as far as you can because you've got nothing better to do. desperately wanting to escape your town at any cost. sony walkman cd player attached to your belt at all times. fuck the system (but you're in the system). laughing in the face of everything and anything. empty red bull cans littered across the room. kissing boys in empty car parks. getting your fists bloody when the homophobes arrive. taking on the world with nothing but bruised knees and a stick of gum.
playlist: and when we go, don't blame us
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corporal, bravo company (gen kill)
ship: ray person | tag: #oc: matty carter
"tracksuits and red wine, movies for two, we'll take off our phones, and we'll turn off our shoes. we'll play nintendo, though i always lose, 'cause you watch the tv, while i'm watching you. dumb conversation, we lose track of time, have i told you lately, i'm grateful you're mine. there's nothing like doing nothing with you"
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missouri summers. friends who fall somewhere between platonic and something more. pizza nights. staying up until 4am playing uno. laughing so hard your ribs hurt. realising you're a little bit in love with your best friend. following him to the marine corps. losing far too much money playing pool. camping in the rain. smiles so wide. watching the lost boys so many times you can quote every line. sharing hoodies. the colour orange. instant messaging into the early hours. the sunrise laughing as you fall asleep. promises of running away together. fingers in soft wavy hair. ice cold lemonade. the ghost of a confession.
playlist: do you think of me?
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architecture student, hacker, archer (band of brothers zombie au)
ship: ron speirs | tag: #oc: caleb dawson
"yes, it's you i welcome death with, as the world caves in"
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sketching buildings from the window of hotel rooms. mugs of cold coffee left on every surface. counting to ten before you open a door. endless recurve vs compound pettiness. the fucking audacity of life. talking with your hands. sarcasm as a first language. stubborn and unyielding, but fiercely protective. clinging to a pencil and paper as a lifeline. realising it's easier to push your buttons than you thought. jokes. lots of jokes. witty one liners. deep, deep inner conflict. bitterness coating your tongue with every word. being suspicious of newcomers but bound to your own sense of loyalties and vulnerabilities. trying desperately to hide every aspect of your gentleness, but feeling it leak through in every moment. being ashamed of your dreams and ambitions. feeling the cracks break open every day, but bottling it up all the same. waiting alone in hotel rooms wondering if your dad will come back for you this time. being taught to hack at twelve years old. finally escaping the only life you've ever really known only to find that a virus outbreak has mutated and changed the world forever. unravelling dreams.
playlist: one wink at a time
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RAF pilot / lancaster bomber (masters of the air)
ship: bucky egan | tag: #oc: archie sullivan
"wild lovers never get the blues"
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flying too close to the moon, "you look pretty in blue", piles of unopened letters thrown in a corner, easy laughs, easier smiles, falling asleep on the wing of your plane, cycling to the pub with your best friend in the pouring rain, turning annoyance into endearment, a pint and a ginger beer please, escaping to the beaches of east anglia on a weekend pass, puppy dog eyes the size of jupiter, pettiness, so so much pettiness, challenging just about everyone you've ever met, thinking you might just be the greatest darts player in all of england, a good ol' dose of the great british repression, yet accidentally flirting with almost everyone you meet, running so far away from home that you ended up in the clouds
playlist: to the top of the big night sky
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if you want to read about the ocs from my hbo war f1 au please head over to this post. the ocs there are all platonic ocs, but have a lot of presence in the world and narrative, and if you'd like to see my ocs for top gun, then you can find them on my sideblog here
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meowzerswowzers · 8 months
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Miki and Patori when they were young.
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spicyicetea · 3 months
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The Bonnie’s Bakery/Pyun Pyun… obsession is real bro. I honestly really enjoyed the first Bonnie’s game when it came out, the primary twist may have been predictable but it was still really enjoyable and the rabbit hole has that the games lore has is full of other twists I didn’t expect. I played the demo for the latest edition to the universe, Pyun Pyun Heart Throbbing Endless Love Bakery! If you haven’t already and you like the games go play the demo that’s up and support the kickstarter, I really want this bro… Abe gonna make me act up-
But jokes aside, I played the demo with my sister who also loves these games and we both wanted to do different things, she flat out wanted to drop kick Ron, so I decided that for my version of the MC I would draw I’d have two. One for the actual MC who, when I played was a lot more timid and my people pleasing habits seeped into her, and another for how my sister preferred to play, with violence. I named my MC Maria Pygmy cause me small :( but also it ties into the fact that the animal Bonnie sees the rival as is a mouse. She’d be the actual baker whereas the other character, Alex Lycan, would be more or less a cashier. If you can’t tell… I want the detective- hand him over. GIVE ME THAT MAN- The art is rushed and mostly uncoloured cause me tired and the full art of both characters is shaky cause I drew it on my phone compared to my tablet, maybe I’ll do more.
Anyway pledge to the kickstarter, I want to traumatise Abe- PLEASE.
Click here to go to the kickstarter!
(To whoever on the Melty Clown Studio’s team was responsible for the design of Abe… you are evil and I thank you for your service)
More art under the cut
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holyantenna · 1 year
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ramencat12 · 7 months
The silly lil duo
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(They see frylock like a father figure)
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I finally got perler beads!!! And some other various doodles to keep y'all fed while I work on other projects!!
I should have some finished works soon!!
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churrothezanyrabbit · 4 months
it’s good i’ll be turning 18 nvm i can do what i fuckin want
like this
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