#sorci art
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sorcierenacht · 2 years ago
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nutcracker witch
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ludmilachaibemachado · 6 months ago
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“Living with Italians made me realize how much appreciation they have for beauty in the arts, environment, and personal expression. With this attitude, I discovered a new kind of femininity.” - Sharon Tate🌻🍁🌻
Photos taken by Elio Sorci in Rome, 1969🍁
Via @adoringsharon on Instagram🌻
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books0977 · 5 years ago
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Anne-Marie-Louise Thélusson, Comtesse de Sorcy (1790). Jacques-Louis David (French, 1748-1825). Oil on canvas. Neue Pinakothek.
In the first period of the Revolution, David continued to paint portraits of the cultivated upper classes and aristocracy. In 1790, a year of social calm, he had painted the Marquise d'Orvilliers and the Countess de Sorcy. These two women were the Rilliet sisters, Robertine and Anne-Marie-Louise, who had both married rich and titled husbands, and David shows them dignified and at ease, wearing the simple fashions of the day.
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bromsterr · 6 years ago
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my favorite character forever.
I love him very much тттттттт
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mags-duranb · 7 years ago
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Kiss on the Beach - from the jerza kiss series ;)
Working hard on new chibi art, sorry to get out of schedule but I promise a come back next year :D
Donations are very welcomed!: https://ko-fi.com/magsduranb <---Buy a coffee and get a chibi!
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palmiz · 3 years ago
Vorrei vederli cadere come mosche. Andrea Scanzi, giornalista.
Tutti i vaccinabili siano immunizzati con le buone o con le cattive. Matteo Bassetti, infettivologo.
Mi impegnerò a staccare la spina ai pazienti non vaccinati. Carlotta Saporetti. Infermiera.
I rider dovrebbero sputare nel cibo dei no-vax. David Parenzo, giornalista.
Gli bucherò una decina di volte la solita vena facendo finta di non prenderla e poi altro che mi verrà in mente. Francesca Bertellotti, infermiera.
Per loro non faccio più le corse, si arrangiassero. Stefania Trezza, infermiera.
Io sono molto democratico: campi di sterminio per chi non si vaccina. Giuseppe Gigantino, dottore.
Criminali no vax. Libero quotidiano del 21 agosto 2021.
Gli integralisti delle cure domiciliari. Zona bianca, Rete 4.
Soluzione campi di concentramento e camere a gas. Marianna Rubino, medico.
Carrozze dei treni dove segregare i no vax. Mauro Felicori, assessore alla cultura Emilia Romagna.
Ricoverare per Covid amici non vaccinati lo trovo uno dei momenti più straordinari dell’umanità. Mirco Ribul, medico.
Li intubo senza anestesia poi gli chiedo come stanno. Sara Dalla Torre, infermiera.
Sarò felice di mettergli le sonde necessarie negli appositi posti, lo farò con un pizzico di piacere in più. Cesare Manzini, infermiere.
Come sorci resteranno chiusi in casa, agli arresti domiciliari. Roberto Burioni, virologo.
Non voglio essere infettata da loro. Alessia Morani, deputata del PD.
Vorrei vederli ridotti a una poltiglia verdastra. Selvaggia Lucarelli, opinionista.
Non vaccinarsi significa morire e far morire. Mario Draghi, Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri.
Prego Dio affinché i no-vax muoiano velocemente. Giovanni Spano, vicesindaco di Villacitro.
I cani possono sempre entrare. Solo voi, come è giusto, resterete fuori. Sebastiano Messina, giornalista.
Sono dei criminali, associazioni organizzate contro lo Stato. Matteo Bassetti, infettivologo.
I no vax si paghino i ricoveri da soli. Alessio D’Amato, assessore alla sanità del Lazio.
No vax fuori dai luoghi pubblici. Eugenio Giani, presidente della Regione Toscana.
Escludiamo gli evasori vaccinali dalla vita civile. Stefano Feltri, direttore di Domani.
Stiamo aspettando che i no vax si estinguano da soli. Paolo Guzzanti, giornalista.
Non vaccinati mettano un cartello al collo. Sarà possibile scansarli. Angelo Giovannini, sindaco di Bomporto.
I no vax sono terroristi e vanno sfamati con il piombo. Richiamate Bava Beccaris. Giuliano Cazzola, giornalista e candidato + Europa.
A diffondere il virus sono soprattutto i non vaccinati. Crisanti
Manca qualcos' altro?
Ah sì. La colpa della situazione attuale è dei non vaccinati.
Manderemo le forze militari e andremo a stanarli dentro le loro case uno per uno l' ha detto Figliuolo? O l ha solo pensato?
Non so...so solo che mi ha chiamato mia mamma per chiedermi se era possibile....
Voglio rendere la vita impossibile ai no vax . Macron
Aggiungete voi se ho dimenticato qualcosa.
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nycwizard · 7 years ago
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oh here are some wips for an animatic i’m working on dskhkshf
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artschoolglasses · 8 years ago
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Anne-Marie-Louise Thelusson
Neue Pinakothek, Munich
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lepeintre-louis-david · 5 years ago
dIt was a good time to ask David for a work of this importance. His talent had never been more evident on him. He enthusiastically accepted this task, which matched his aspirations so well, and devoted himself to the execution of this capital work, the dimension of which was to exceed that of all known paintings. All his studies were directed to this end, and several sketch books, now dispersed, were filled with notes and light sketches of the various groups which make up this vast composition.
He abandoned the ordinary works of his art, in which he had just created new masterpieces, we want to talk about the magnificent portraits of Mme de Sorcy-Thélusson and her sister Mme d'Orvilliers, painted at that time, and revealed to our generation at the Exhibition of Alsaciens-Lorrains.
Shortly before, the King of Poland, Stanislas Poniatowski, had asked him for the images of several French writers with which he wished to decorate the halls of his palace. All that remains for us is the following letter, which Marmontel, secretary of the Académie Française, addressed to David, who had asked to consult the originals:
30 May, 1790
I communicated, Sir, to the Académie Française, the letter which you did me the honour of writing. They agree with pleasure to lend you the portraits of those of its former members whose memory the King of Poland wishes to lionise, by gathering their images in his palace.
Orders are given to the Swiss Guard of the Académie to deliver the portraits to you upon siting a receipt from your hand. Please take care that they are put back in place after you have them copied.
When the Sovereigns want to have a complete collection of portraits of men who, in the arts as in letters, have illustrated our century, yours will not be forgotten.
I have the honor to be with the most distinguished feelings, Sir, your very humble and very obedient servant,
But works like this were just distractions for David. His thought was elsewhere, and every day some new event came to excite his patriotic ardor; for he followed assiduously the sessions of the Société des Jacobins and took part in the demonstrations organised to honor the ashes of Voltaire and the memory of Rousseau.
The attacks on the Académie were unrelenting. The non-privileged artists, that is to say who were not part of the Académie and were therefore unable to show their works in the rooms of the Louvre, had organized a free exhibition in the Lebrun room. They had, at the end of this Exhibition, addressed to the National Assembly a petition to ask for the freedom of entering the official Exhibition, petition which David supported by the following letter addressed to the newspaper the Chronique de Paris:
16 August, 1791
I have just learned that a large society of non-privileged artists had petitioned the National Assembly, in order to obtain permission to exhibit their works at the Salon du Louvre along with those of privileged artists, and that the Assembly had referred their request to the Constitutional Committee; as I have no doubt that the National Assembly favors their petition, already decreed by one of the articles of the Constitution, which removes all guilds and all privileges, and as I want to satisfy, at the same time, the desire of those members of the National Assembly who would like to review old works, I believe I must declare that I will not lend myself to this re-exhibition unless it does not prejudice the right of all artists to participate in a general and common exhibition, in the Palace that the Assembly’s decree has already made national.
Consequently, unless the artists' petition receives a formal refusal from the National Assembly, I will exhibit my old works only in a place that will be assigned to all those whose paintings have already been seen by the public. , so that it is not said that I lent myself to the monopolisation of exposure that meditates the privileged society, called the Académie of Painting.
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sorcierenacht · 2 years ago
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A doll doesn’t know pain
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fashionbooksmilano · 6 years ago
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The Elio Sorci Collection
introduction by Philippe Garner
Roads Publishing , Dublin 2014, 352 pages
euro 40,00*
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Paparazzo is the first definitive collection of the award-winning photography of Elio Sorci; spanning across three decades.
The post-Fascist Italy of the early 1950s saw an explosion in international film production, and as stars flocked to Rome – followed by models, playboys, and monarchs – the city was transformed. The rich and beautiful congregated in villas, nightclubs and Via Veneto cafés, and the media was quick to capitalise on the drama of these glamorous personalities. A small band of press photographers were the very first to document this ‘Hollywood on the Tiber’ phenomenon, and in doing so they revolutionised their art form forever. Their methods were new, rapid and inventive; they worked hard and fast to be the first on the picture desks and from there, the front pages of the world’s papers. These men would later be dubbed the ‘paparazzi’, and they changed the face of photojournalism. Among their number was Elio Sorci.    
Sorci was a strategic mastermind, with an independent spirit and unparalleled appetite for adventure that made him a leader in his field. His was the image that finally confirmed the Elizabeth Taylor–Richard Burton affair. His photograph of fellow paparazzo Tazio Secchiaroli being chased by the antagonised Walter Chiari set a radical precedent for modern paparazzi photography.    
His stripped-back images depict this world just as it was, often tinged with vulgarity and essentially superficial, but thrilling, compelling, and seductive. Paparazzo is the first definitive collection of his award-winning work across four decades. Each frame captures the vitality and excitement of ‘la Dolce Vita’, while revealing something of the charm, vivacity, intuition, and tenacity of the man himself.
orders to:     [email protected]
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nycfae · 7 years ago
just thinking about the possible sibling dynamic between sorcy and cherry fucks me up, like
they probably fight just like any other pair of siblings, but there were probably good times, too, especially if they really only had each other to rely on. and as they get older, and cherry starts leaning more and more towards darker magic and being like their mother and sorcy just doesn’t for whatever reason ( be that his meeting pix or because he’s just not cool with it ) he watches this all happen but can’t do anything about it
and then he meets pixi and basically betrays his kind to be with her, and eventually has to come to blows with cherry about it; she’s still his sister and he loves her but he is not about to let her lay even a single finger on this pixie
and for cherry there are a couple possibilities depending on who’s the older sibling but none of them are very good; either her older brother who she’s ( secretly or otherwise ) admired and looked up to for almost all of her life betrays them, or her baby bro has gotten it in his head that he loves the enemy and isn’t going to listen to reason
and either this stays with her and allows her to feel remorse while she’s fighting her own brother, or she shows no mercy in an ‘he’s dead to me’ attempt to please their mother and all of it hurts
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lifestartblog · 6 years ago
LifeStart Announces its New Location in Music City
LifeStart is excited to announce its continued expansion into new markets with its first location in Nashville at the Fifth Third Center.
Managed by Lincoln Property Company, the 31-story building is a prominent fixture in the Nashville skyline, featuring amazing views of the city, a half-acre of outdoor space, and a beautiful two-story marble lobby.  
Dedicated to providing the tenants the best services and amenities, the building partnered with LifeStart for facility and equipment consulting, Solomon Builders, and Cindi Sorci with Sorci and Swords to design a state-of-the-art fitness space.  
The new center called “Tone at 424” is equipped with Life Fitness cardio and strength equipment, TRX Functional Training bay, Concept 2 rowers, and Peloton bikes providing tenants with the best equipment to fuel their workouts.
The locker rooms feature top finishes with fully equipped changing rooms complete with showers, fluffy towels, and premium quality bath products.
The opening of the new health club was celebrated on March 1st, 2019 with country tunes by acoustic artist Bobby Cool and refreshments from Urban Juicer.  Tenants were also treated to complimentary chair massages and equipment orientations.
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artschoolglasses · 8 years ago
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Anne-Marie-Louise Thelusson, Comtesse de Sorcy
Neue Pinakothek, Munich
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sorcierenacht · 1 year ago
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lepeintre-louis-david · 5 years ago
The Salon booklet thus celebrated the independence that the artists had just won:
The Arts receive a great benefit: the empire of liberty spreads over them; it breaks their chains; genius is no longer condemned to obscurity.
So that the sole, true distinctions are born from virtue and talent, it is only necessary to show them to the artist’s fellow citizens.
The events delayed, for two months, the hope that the artists had conceived of the justice of the National Assembly; it was enough for them to present the Assembly with a wish conforming to equitable principles, and equity dictated the decree of August 21, 1791.
The Exhibition that opened on September 12 consisted of 794 works of art, presented by 258 artists, of which around 190 were not from the Académie, and who were protected by the provisions of the decree of the National Assembly.
Some of David's students, who later, like Fabre, Gerard, Mme Laville-Leroux, arrived achieved a reputation, sent their first works. But this Salon was a real triumph for the master with Les Horaces, no. 134. Le Brutus, no 274, Le Socrate, no 299, paintings which were already known; and made new works for it: The portrait of Mme de Sorey-Thelusson, née O'Reilly, no. 719. Portrait of woman painted to the knees (i.e. unfinished), and the large sepia design of the Serment du Jeu de Paume, n. 132, with this inscription:
Drawing of the Serment du Jeu de Paume by M. David
The artist did not intend for the figures to resemble the members of the Assembly. We subscribe, for the engraving of this drawing, to Gerdret, merchant, rue des Bourdonnais.
We will not return to the old paintings composed like David's profession of political faith.
The new productions which he submitted to the judgment of the public, his Portrait de femme, among others, garnered him all the praise; the model, moreover, lent herself to it. "He has resolved to overshadow everything in all the genres he will deal with," exclaims a critic from the Salon, and, later, some other will say of the same canvas: "We noticed, at the Salon of 1791, the portrait of Mme de Sorcy, seated in a simple and natural manner, dressed all in white and her arms casually crossed. This portrait is one of his best so far; he was always careful, in truth, to choose only the heads of beautiful women, not wanting to prostitute his brush in a genre that he did only for fun."
The artist, however, judged himself with more severity, because Mme. Lebrun reports in her Mémoires  that, in front of this canvas, which was the counterpart to her Paesiello, he said to his students: "You would believe my canvas painted by a woman, and the portrait of Paesiello by a man ... "
“Besides, he loved Art so much,” she adds, “that no hatred (note: i.e. enmity) prevented him from doing justice to the talent that another could have.”
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