#melo can't miss
mrs-melodontmiss · 8 months
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NXT Black History Month icons!! Feel free to use! ✊🏾❤
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter Nine: Leaky Faucet
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It had been two weeks since her first date with Jayson. She had been doing some traveling for work but now she wasback in her city it felt great. Talking to Jayson was apart of her daily Routine she woke up to his good Morning messages she went to sleep with him on the phone she watched his games every time she could she was hooked. She had forgot what it felt like to be in a relationship texting the person whenever you wanted and not being scared of developing feelings she loved it.
When she got home from work she noticed a large Bouquet of Flowers on her front porch she smiled Jayson was so sweet she unlocked her door bringing them in. She shut her door locking it and taking her shoes off going straight to her kitchen looking for the card and her face dropped it wasn't from Jayson at all .... It was Melo🙄.
Hope you haven't forgot about me yet. But We both know you can't 💕 4L
She rolled her eyes he had texted a few times when the pictures came out of her and Jayson all over Boston he wasn't happy at all for three days straight all he saw was her and Jayson on his Twitter feed. But he was getting a taste of his own Medicine for months she watched him and his girlfriend all over social media. Him liking all her pictures and commenting sweet things while she knew the truth but the moment she steps out he's mad.
But no now she was fed up she decides to FaceTime him but she hears the phone ringing at her door she gets scared but goes to her front door looking out the peep hole and there is Melo with a big smile on his face. "I hear you breathing heavy with your short ass" it's cause she was scared he's clearly crazy.
"go away pleaseeee" "you were calling me for a reason" "to tell you to leave me Tf alone Fr Melo " "I drove a while just let me in at least let me see you...."
She thought for a sec and then let him in. At the end of the day she know he won't hurt her physically he's just being annoying asf. He tries to go in for a hug but she moves. "You got some fuckin Audacity to show up here.... Like?" "I just wanted to see if you miss me?" "I think your girl does you should go see her" "why you gotta do that?" "Because why are you here? I'm trying to move on it's selfish of you to even be here right now" "ima selfish Nigga" He laughed "well stop!" "YN just answer the question do you miss me?" "I'm happy did you know that? He makes me really happy he cares about me he makes time for me" "oh so I didn't make time for you? I'm making time right now cause you important to me" she sighed
"what's your point...." "Well if you talking to somebody and I'm in a relationship ... We can still do what we do best but without all the bullshit that you made up cause .... You got somebody to worry about your feelings.... so Let me worry about your body" he brings her body close to him and she gets weak in the knees and just as he's about to kiss her .... Her phone rings saved by the bell.
She jogs back to the kitchen answering Jayson as Melo follows behind her rolling his eyes. "Hey baby you got home fast today" He says smiling in the camera making her naturally smile but she was nervous Melo was unhinged he could say anything and basically ruin this she didn't like feeling guilty. "Yeah I left the office a little early cause you know I'm going out tonight" "yeah I remember cause you gon miss my game" "maybe not we might go to a bar I'll see if they'll put it on" "they Better if not give me a call" Melo rolled his eyes smirking "bae stop 😂😂😂" "okay okay  ima let you go so you can get ready .... Don't drive if you drink" "of course not I'll Uber everywhere😘 mwah" "oooou I miss them lips ...." "I miss your lips more" he bits his lip " I doubt it Bae but text me when you get in or call and I'll do the same" "okay Jay" "alright I'll talk to you later bae....bye" "byeeee" he hangs up she fully exhales
"Well that seemed forced" Melo says with laughter in his voice she rolls her eyes "it's never forced with him though and most importantly I don't have to hide" "you let him hit yet?" "that's not your damn business" "I can't lie when I saw those pictures of you bowling in that tight ass pink dress I almost lost my mind he was right behind that ass ..... remember I had you bent over the night before that? Deep in that pussy moaning my name you couldn't help yourself then the next day somebody else on that ass how I'm supposed to feel?"
She sighed just his words made her feel him once again but she wasn't a cheater. And she hated that he had this little power over her maybe when her and Jayson do have sex it'll be gone."What I do is no longer your business you cannot be sending me gifts you can't be texting and you definitely can't come to my house anymore I mean that Lamelo I need you to understand how very serious I am I like him a lot I can potentially love him so please leave me alone maybe in the long run we can be friends but for right now let me live my life"
He walked over to her kissing the top of her head innocently as she looked up at him he took the card out of the flowers and backed up. "So you don't wanna fuck me no more?" He said half way joking but also being serious She bit her lip
"no" she says softly he smacked his lips "see.... You don't even mean that shit" "I'm not a cheater Lamelo" "how it's cheating y'all not in a real relationship yet you being loyal to niggas when y'all just talking?" "we are though we made it official the first date you don't know nothing about that though you couldn't commit if it was gun to your head" "if you think he being loyal you out of your mind no nigga just jumps into a relationship like that something wrong with him you special but he still a nigga" "well I'll cross that bridge when I get to it" "okay but if you cheat back cheat with me" "Lamelo!"
"Okay okay that was a joke my bad .... Ima head out ima lose your number and leave you Tf alone but when it don't work out with him and you hit me back up you gon have to make it all the way up to me .... I'm talking rounds" she rolled her eyes "bye the cockiness coming out of your body is not charming right now try to be happy for me" "so what you gon do when he can't fuck you like I fuck you? You think anybody knows your body like I do? I be in that shit ...... you think he can do that to you?"
That's definitely something she had thought about even on Melos off nights the sex was good.But her and Jayson hadn't had sex yet she was taking it slow. "I do think he can yeah" "you know you lying .... You think you getting three nuts with him?" "It's easy to make me cum" he rolled his eyes again
"shut up it's easy for me to make you cum not nobody else not even yourself" He was telling the truth but the only reason it took her a while was because she would start thinking about other shit or she would just get tired "well he'll figure it out cause he gives enough fucks to figure it out but as of right now it's still not your business cause even if he can't make me cum it's not your job anymore it never should've been your job so go back to your girl I have shit to do" "alright alright you getting mad so  .... I'm gone.... enjoy my flowers and I'll still send you stuff cause you deserve shit and if at any point I wanna text you I'll just dm you ... ight?" "As if you're gonna listen to me you do what you wanna do but don't expect shit from me" "ight then" he licks his lips leaving her kitchen heading straight to her front door and walking right out.
The pictures of her and Jayson were over ever blog by the time they even had a second date they were calling her the mystery girl. They saw everything from the hand holding to the kisses on the back of the golf cart they had every picture of them at dinner that night and at the bowling alley she had never scrolled so many times and saw herself it was wild and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not people still didn't really know who she was and she liked that. She's a normal girl who's dating a NBA player .... That's it.
Yo you good you seemed a little out of it on the phone... I know you didn't say anything but if I'm hitting you up to much let me know..... I wanna ease you into everything so if I'm doing too much or not enough let me know
Seeeee Jayson is perfect like he's about to go play his heart out but he took the time to text her cause he was worried. And he already knows her so well and is willing to work with her to help her unlearn some unhealthy behaviors she has in relationships.... He was Guiding her through it all she loves it here
I am so sorry it's just a lot going on here but when I can I'll explain it to you in person so I can be 100% honest but you talk to me the right amount I Love the messages and phone calls ... please don't stop
😂😂 okay okay you had me worried
Nahhh don't worry 😘 enjoy your game baby
I will every free throw that goes in is for you so make sure you send me pictures of what you wearing tonight🤤🤤
Well I know y'all about to win so it'll be a lot and You using that emoji like you know ima look good
I do know you're gonna look .... When do you not look good?
When I first wake up
I bet that's a lie I guess I'll see that soon though
Mmmm will you?
Yeah.... I'm almost certain that I will
We shall see Bae ....
Shall? Really YN
Yeah I'm fancy tonight
😂😂 I gotta go Fr bae be good and have fun
Alright bae ttyl
He loved the message
She had all intentions on telling him about Melo because now he was involved in it and she doesn't ever want him in a situation not knowing something from her past cause she doesn't wanna seem sneaky and one things for sure if you hide something like that from a partner it'll come to light
*three months later*
Melo and his girl had broken up. Messages were leaked where he was talking to other girls. What does this have to do with YN? Her messages were leaked too thankfully it wasn't any nasty things but it left a lot of people wondering why Jayson Tatum's girlfriend was texting Lamelo Ball five months ago. How did they know each other?
Thankfully the season was over so they had been spending more time with eachother. It was his week to come to her city and spend time with her. When the news broke they were just chillin on the couch her head in his lap as he played in her hair he was watching a game and she was on her phone. Doing their own thing together had been their way to relax. As she scrolled Aimlessly through Instagram she saw the blogs reporting on Melo and then she saw her contact name with her picture.... What type of Cheater puts a picture of the girl too. She didn't like him for being thorough but especially not now she gasp loudly
"oh my gosh bae" "what's up" she sat up slowly. "Ummm Melos text messages leaked...." "And?" "And some of our threads leaked too and he had my picture saved on my contact so people know it's me it's from five months ago" he rolled his eyes he remained quiet which scared her more. He was getting annoyed with the same conversation Melo was constantly coming up he was over it "Please say something" She says softly she could feel his energy but she didn't judge him for it. She completely understands it.
"you gon tell me how serious it was now? Because you didn't go in enough detail which was fine then but now people about to be a dog with a bone and I don't need nobody coming to me telling me shit about you that I don't know so tell me everything right now" "he's the guy I was talking about the first night we met—" He cut her off cause he could tell she was about to drag this on and he was running out of patience "duh you told me that tell me something else some shit I need to know is your pussy in his phone? Where you talking about sexual shit with him? Did you ever say I love you?"
Jayson snuck that last part in he had slip up during sex and said he loved her she didn't think anything of it because it was during sex but when he brought it up later she knew he was serious and she had hurt him. She ended up saying it a few weeks later when she was sure she meant it but it still hurt him not that he would ever say that out loud.
"I didn't send any pictures or videos .... Um and it shouldn't be any overly sexual stuff in there we would mostly talk in person our texts were just like plans" "what else I ask?" She sighed " no I didn't tell him I love him cause I didn't and I don't but I love  the way you treat me and talk to me and work with me I love your hands and your smile .... I love you Jayson" she kissed his cheek softly "I'm being too hard on you for having a past  ... and I'm sorry" "I feel like I keep hurting you cause I'm so damn damaged"
"nah you not hurting me I said we doing this together.....anything else I need to know?" She shook her head no "you sure?" "Well idk if this is important but remember I told you he came over here unexpectedly that one time?"
"Yeah" Jayson sits up listening intently "he basically was saying that you jumped into a relationship with me too fast and you're probably cheating .... And I think him saying that did effect me a little bit cause you're just too good to be true" "YN you acting like I haven't fucked up... we've argued I've said some hurtful shit I'm not perfect but I'm not cheating if I was gon cheat I would've just been single but I know this is where I'm supposed to be....
So don't let that shit effect you" she smiled
"I love you baby" she says softly he leans in to kiss her lips passionately "I love you too" he said quickly and then continued to kiss her she straddled his lap and his hands rest firmly on her ass. She moans when he squeezes it tightly. He pulls away slowly. "I love you .... A lot" her heart dropped she felt like he was about to say something crazy "I love you too" "but... I gotta be honest with you now that he single im a little worried about .... Us" "you don't have to be"
"but I am though and I hate to seem insecure and I get you was still trying to be cool with him but I don't even want him talking to you Fr but he don't owe me shit im asking you not to talk to him if you feel forced keep it short.... Can you do that for me?" "I wanna say yes...but if his life is in pieces right now me completely ghosting him will only make it worse" "what about my feelings though? I've been playing tug of war with him for you since I met you and he doesn't even have to pull that hard" she kissed his forehead and then his cheek.
"You're right and I'm sorry i won't talk to him and if he messages me then I'll let you know right away because at the end of the day my loyalty is to you I can't put his feelings over yours" he smiled  "thank you baby" he pulls her in giving her a big hug. He started to kiss on her neck making her moan squeezing her butt again then she heard her doorbell causing both of them to glance at the door.
"You was expecting somebody?" He asked "noo so leave them out there I want you right now" he smiled kissing her again as it got heated. The person knocked on the door "yo YN answer the door we need to talk" and just like that his mood was ruined. He pushed her off of him. "Go to your room" Jayson said aggressively "you're not talking to Deuce and this is my house" "YN I'm asking you please just go" she stood up
"what are you gonna do?" "Tell him to leave you alone .... I'll be nice just go" she rolled her eyes but listened she was interested in what was gonna happen. YN pulled up her app to look at her front porch so she could see Melo. Jayson went to the door opening it
"yo she's sleep" Melos face dropped when he saw Jayson it was like he had seen a ghost.
"Well can you wake her up it's important" "nah man she's tired we been busy but you can tell me whatever you need to tell her though" "why you saying that? cause you know everything?" "Yeah I know it all so what is it" "Some of our messages leaked my girl did it I just wanted her to know it wasn't me and I'm trying to fix it" "alright I'll let her know.... You drove all the way over here to say that?" Melo smirked
"I think we both know that isn't all I wanted to say" "that's my girl now and I'm trying to be nice to you cause I told her I wouldn't hold nothing against you but you can't be poping up to her house no more like this your place it's rude she not gon fold so just hang it up" "you sure she not gon fold? It had to be a reason you didn't let her come to the door" "I don't tell her what to do we have conversations cause I care about her something you don't know about but I'm not about to go back and forth with you my guy she don't want you no more she's good we good" Melo laughed "alright man whatever you need to believe I'm gone..... tell her what I said man" Melo says walking away Jayson shut the door causing YN to come back into the living room.
"I'm gon ask you once and I'm going to believe you so tell me the truth" His voice was very deep and direct "okay" "have you fucked him since we been together? Did you fuck him when he pop up when we had first got together? And do you love him now?" "No no and no I wish it was something I can do or say to ease your Mind" "it's just weird how confident he is that you'll be back that bothers me" "you still want the truth?" "Yes I can handle it" "it's probably the sex .... I'm sure he feels like nobody can ever top him to me so he thinks I'll be back" "and will you?"
"I need more than sex to keep me around I need love and consistency care you do all that and you fuck me what I need any other man for I don't want nobody but you and I mean that" "I can't believe I'm even about to ask this right now but do I please you?" "Bae really?" "Yes I'm really asking when we fuck do you really enjoy it cause if not let's figure it out" "everytime we have sex I enjoy myself I don't have to fake anything with you it be real" "you sure?" "I mean I can show you....." she smirked he smiled walking over to her picking her up. "Yeah show me.... We not talking about that nigga no more" he kissed her taking her to her bedroom "mmmm good"
When they got to the room they stripped eachother quickly and then she got on her knees. He watched her she felt like he was staring through her it was so intense she slowly started to get his dick wet while stroking him she kissed the tip he licked his lips.
She enjoyed sucking his dick because she knew it was completely hers. She could get as nasty as she wanted because he was all hers no sharing no wondering if somebody else was just on it She gagged when his tip hit the back of her throat so she slowly pulled away licking her lips. "Do that shit again" he groaned "do what?" He smiled slightly "choke on it... choke on me again" she didn't speak she just did what he asked her to do slowly placing him in her mouth she allowed him to gag her repeatedly as he groaned she slowly pulled away while stroking him and sucking the tip.
"Fuckkkk" he groaned she loved the way he sounded he was always so mesmerized with whatever she was doing. Almost like he was appreciative and felt like she could be anywhere else but she was here pleasing him. She slapped herself in the face with it. "Damn that's how you feeling tonight?" He groaned she moaned taking him back in her mouth sucking him slowly keeping eye contact with him. "Fuck your mouth feel so good baby .... Just like that"
he loved when she moaned while sucking dick it made him feel like she was really enjoying it and she was. The level of wetness dripping from between her thighs should be a crime right now. He didn't wanna cum too early so it was time for her to stop he was rock hard now"Alright baby show me something else"
he gently pulled her head away and helped her stand up and then he got rough which completely shocked her he flipped her around making her face the wall as she braced herself he wet two fingers and reached in front of her inserting the two fingers inside of her and then started rubbing her clit she was already so wet he didn't know what to do his other hand was wrapped around her throat giving it a slight squeeze everytime she moaned. "It feelsssss so good" "shhh I just wanna hear your pussy"
she gasp and then bit her lip whatever he said she wanted to do her main goal was to please him coming in close second her other goal was to please herself. Her hips started to grind against his hand he placed his thumb in her mouth. She sucks softly as she feels herself getting closer. He listened to the smacking noise her other lips made. "You this wet for me? It's all for me?" "Alll for youuuu" "mmmm it better be" she gasp and grabbed his arm as she almost released. "Can I cum please?" She looked up into his eyes as he smiled at her. "Let me think a lil bit" "ughhhh" "I'm thinking shhhh" he liked to play with her because she always claims she like being teased and she really did it made everything that much more intense for her. "Ple—- plea—-ohhh" she couldn't even finish saying please that's how close she was.
"You wanna cum for daddy?" She nodded her head "and when you cum for daddy then what?" "Ohhhh mmmm I don't ...." "Hmmm you don't what?" Her legs started shaking heavily he smiled he had never got her this close before without letting her go he was kinda interested to see if she would blow. "Pleaseeeeeeee!!!! Pleaseeeeee mmmmm pleaseeee daddy pleaseeeee" "answer my question first" "whatever you want but please I'm so closeeee" her words fumbled out of her mouth he barley could make any sense of it
"go ahead baby cum for me cum for daddy" "thank you daddy" he felt his hand become even more wet as she released while sucking his thumb. "That's my good girl cum for daddy" "ughhhhh" that alone made her wanna do it again. When he felt like she was done he turned her around kissing her he moves her to the bed throwing her down. He leans over spreading her legs and then kissed her clit. "Tell me somethin babe?" "Hmm?" "Can I eat your pussy?" She shivered when the words came out of his mouth it sounded like a song to her she tried to gather herself to speak but couldn't which made him speak up again "please?"
He smiled kissing the inside of her thigh skipping over his main course going to the other thigh. She thrusted her hips up to meet his lips. "Jaysonn...." she whined "Hmmm I'm just trying to please my baby girl and she likes to be teased so tell me what I'm doing wrong?" He says as fingers slide inside of her again. "....nothing nothing at all" "so can I?" "Yesss I want you to"
He kissed her clit again licking up and down and she shivered. "I love you baby" she said softly. His fingers started to flick up inside of her roughly sucking her clit. She loved getting head from Jayson cause she could tell he cared he took his time and listened to her body she didn't have to communicate because he read her mind she loved it they were completely in sync.
He moaned as his tongue curled and licked all over her. "Ooooou baby right there" she was close and they both could feel it He forced one of her legs down because she started to suffocate him. Her back arched he pulled away making her whine missing him already.  "No more teasing please .... I just want all of you" he smiled "so tell me what that means exactly" "I want you inside me Jayson" he kissed up her body engaging her in a long passionate tongue kiss. As she moaned completely read for him he finally slides inside of her they both gasp.
Yes he knew how wet she was but it felt different with his dick and he filled her up so snuggly it was so good to both of them.
"I love you too btw.... I didn't say back earlier but I do" he said while looking deeply in her eyes as he went stroked slowly inside of her. "I know" she grabbed his head kissing him. "I'm sorry for the stupid questions earlier .... I gotta just trust you" she gathered all her strength so she could talk to him clearly "it's not stupid they're real questions I get it's hard to trust people in your like of work you've seen everything" "you right but you different" "very" she smiled kissing him as his rhythm started to increase. "You feel so good" he groaned into her ear while pinning her arms down above her head she was speechless. "Say something baby....." He loved to make her talk when he knew she couldn't
"I—-" "you what?" "Can't..... you're so deep ughhhh" her legs started shaking he smirked he had already had her so close when he was eating her it's a surprise that she didn't cum as soon as he pushed inside of her. He watched her face as she licked and bit her lips to keep her cool but the noises always escaped from her mouth. She intertwines their fingers as her back arched. "I wanna cum with you can you wait for me?" She nodded her head "yessss"  him cumming was very important to her he always went out of his way to give her at least two orgasms so she liked to make sure that he got one. As time went on his hips got sluggish. "Baby .... I can't ... pleaseee" he had finally pushed her to the point where she wasn't sure if she could wait for him. "Baby I'm almost there just look at me and wait" "mmmmmm babbyyyy" "ugh fuck what's my name" "daddyyyy" "good girl cum for daddy cum with daddy" "ughhhhhhh" he sucked on her neck as the released together. He continued stroking until it was nothing left inside of him and then he fell on top of her as they struggled to catch their breath. She held on to him playing in his curls. "You know me .... So well my body you just know me" she said softly she felt him smile.
These days she wasn't worried about it Jayson could compete with Melo in the bedroom because he definitely did he listened to her when she spoke about what she liked and disliked and he like to watch her really enjoy herself he wouldn't be able to enjoy sex if she wasn't getting pleased it if she wasn't into it. She was happy to call him her man.
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Sooooo how y'all liking the book so far?
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sydsaint · 9 months
More fluffy holiday goodness!!
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Summary: Carmelo asks the reader out on a date for the holidays which results in the reader inviting Melo to come fill out Angel Tree tags with her.
"Ouch!" You mock Cora from your position standing over her. "Better luck next time skater Barbie." You tease her with a wink. 
Cora holds the back of her head with a sour sneer on her face. She moves into a sitting position and watches you walk off with the NXT women's championship hung proudly over your shoulder. She lost fair and square against you. And on a Holiday show no less. 
You head through the curtain and find Carmelo waiting around for you with Trick. Trick flashes you a friendly smile before his entrance music hits and he has to head out to the ring. Carmelo on the other hand, stays behind and steps over to you. 
"Y/N, baby. Nice win out there, mean girl." He congratulates you on your win against Cora. 
"Thanks, Melo." You roll your eyes playfully at his nickname. "Got any plans for the holiday?" You ask him. 
Melo licks his lips with a cool and confident smile. "Well, that depends. What are you up to this weekend, baby?" He asks you. 
You laugh and shake your head at his forwardness. "Nothing that you'd be interested in. Trust me." You assure him. 
"Yeah? Don't be too sure about that." Carmelo replies. "Come on. Y/N. What are your plans?" He asks again. 
"Well, if you must know." You reply. "I'm planning on going around the area and filling out as many Angel tree tags as possible before I go broke." You explain. 
A perplexed look crosses Carmelo's face and you have to stifle a laugh. "Angel tree tags?" He looks for clarification. 
"Mhm." You nod. "There those trees with the tags on them in stores? If you're a struggling parent who can't spare the extra money to get your kids any gifts then you fill one out and someone like me takes the tag and buys stuff for you." You explain the gist of the tags. 
"Oh," Carmelo replies. "Damn, that's really nice of you, Y/N." He admits. "I didn't expect that from little Miss Mean Girl." He chuckles. 
You laugh with Carmelo and nod. "My mean girl attitude is just a work persona." You giggle. "I could use a shopping partner if you're interested, you know?" You offer. "Sure, it's not exactly a conventional date. But you get to spend time with me so all the money you spend will be worth it." 
"Why not?" Carmelo shrugs with a chuckle. "I don't mind dropping some cash for kids in need." 
"Great!" You grin. "It's a date then. I'll text you later and we can meet up for coffee in the morning." You add. 
Carmelo nods and you part ways for the night. 
Later, Trick comes back from his escapades in the ring and finds Carmelo texting you about tomorrow. "So you finally scored a date with, Y/N?" He asks Melo. 
"Sort of." Melo nods. "Have you ever heard of an Angel Tree?" He asks his friend. 
"Yeah, sure." Trick nods. "It's one of those charity things that help get poor kids and their families Christmas gifts." He explains. 
Carmelo nods and finishes his text to you. "Y/N's got me going with her fill a bunch of them out tomorrow. She was just telling me that she does it every year for Christmas."He explains. 
"Y/N? Charity?" Trick laughs. "Damn. I didn't know the mean girl got all sentimental around the holidays." He jokes. 
"Me either." Carmelo laughs with him. 
The next morning Carmelo is up early and meets you at some coffee place that you told him about last night. He heads inside and spots you already sitting at a table with a hot coffee in hand. 
"Y/N, morning baby." Carmelo walks over to your table. 
"Melo! You made it." You smile up at him. "Grab something to drink! We've got a long day of shopping ahead of us." 
Carmelo chuckles at your eager smile and orders himself a drink before joining you again. You show him a list of stores in the area that have trees and suggest one to start the morning. 
"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Carmelo goes along with your plan. 
You and Carmelo head to the first store on your list and it doesn't take long for you to find the tree. You look through a few of the tags a pick a couple of them out. 
"Alright, so basically you just look through the tags and pick one or two of them. The tag has some basic information on it. What kind of stuff the kid likes, their age, and what size clothes they wear if you want to get them some clothes." You explain. 
"Right." Carmelo nods and pulls a few tags off the tree. 
With your tags and carts ready to go you and Carmelo head out and start shopping. The two of you walk side-by-side down the aisles and help one another pick stuff out. 
You get distracted looking for a specific girl's toy in the aisle and Carmelo can't help but crack a genuine smile at how intense you seem. 
"Hey, Y/N," Carmelo speaks up and grabs your attention. 
"Hmm?" You stand back up straight with the right toy in hand. "What's up, Melo?"
Carmelo grabs the toy from you and sets it in his cart with the rest of his stuff before answering. "So, what made you get into this?" He can't help but ask. 
"Christmas was always my favorite time of year when I was a kid." You shrug. "My mom never really had the money to get me that much. But it was still special every year, opening presents and spending time with her." You explain. "So I guess I just like the thought of helping out those tired and worried moms make their kids' Christmas as special as mine were." 
"Damn. That's really sweet, Y/N." Carmelo replies. 
You blush a bit and the two of you return to the task. Hours and a few hundred dollars later, you and Carmelo have all of your things sorted and ready to be delivered. 
"Well, I'd call this a productive day." You finish up the last bag. 
"I agree. This is probably the best $400 I've ever spent." Carmelo agrees. "Thanks for bringing me out and letting me help, Y/N." He adds. 
You blush again and nod. "Of course! I had fun shopping around with you." 
"Me too." Carmelo agrees. "Hey, do you want to grab dinner after these are all dropped off? My treat, of course." He asks you. 
"Sure! Dinner sounds great." You eagerly nod. "Maybe we can talk about doing something for the actual holiday?" You suggest. "If you don't already have plans." 
Carmelo chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm wherever you are, baby." 
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astoldbychae · 7 months
Little fires...everywhere
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Papa is putting his Level 8 Parenting skills to the test after a long days work. After picking the girls up from school, He wanted to take them to the splash park and for ice cream, since it was nice out but the little misses had other plans.
Eden threw a tantrum as soon as they made it into the house and kicked her big sister in the shins after being called an alien...
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[Like clockwork, Monet was sucking all over Melo's neck once he got in the house (its literally her FAVE thing to do...anyway). Meanwhile, I hear GeGe and Eden fussin'...as I pan the camera over, E is kicking her sister whilst throwing a tantrum. These girls wild out at their mom's house...but Melo does not play that. Sidenote: She somehow changed her outfit but we're gonna ignore that]
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After calming little stinka mamas down with huggies (his hugs are her fave) and teaching her to not have meltdowns...
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Little Miss Sunshine took it upon herself to make several messes on their kitchen floor, which got her grounded from watching TV for the rest of the day. They had a nice little talk & He influenced her to clean up her mess.
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But of course He had to take a moment to brush his shoulders off...C'mon A1 parenting. 🤣
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As soon as he turned around to grab a snack, there was a tiny little tap on his leg. Little Mama had finally calmed all the way down and wanted ALL his attention. She babbled about toys and tried to convince him to give her a cookie...but he decided to read her a story instead while they wait for dinner. Needless to say, she's wasn't here for it. That was not apart of her plan.
Dad: 1 // Eden: 0
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After dinner, Papa checked in on babygirl as she woke up from her nap (ready to see him of course) and Monet brought Eden upstairs to play with her dollhouse.
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As the house began to wind down for the night...
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GeGe felt the need to air out her grievances..."Dad! The little alien broke my dollhouse"...
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While Papa stepped right in to save the day, Monet dramatically got all the tea on why the little alien broke it in the first place.
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I can't with him. W Dad!
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I can't with her. Meanwhile, She's all like "my man, my man, my man"...until he received a phone call from Marguerite that she would be there in 25 minutes
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
INSTAGRAM AU- Carmelo Hayes X Fem!Black!Reader
A/N: Obsessed with Carmelo, and this is the product of it, hope you enjoy!!
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y/n: he took me out to a brunch date :)
tagged: Carmelo Hayes
carmelohayes: my gorgeous girl ♥️
↳y/n: my pretty boy 😘🥹
↳ynstan: you guys are too cute 🥹 if you break up i won’t believe in love 😭
roxanneperez: how come u didn’t take me to brunch 🙄 i miss u! <3
↳y/n: i miss u too boo! promise I'll see u soon <3
trickwilliams: how come ur don't take me on dates too melo?
↳carmelohayes: bro don't be sus in front of my girl!
↳y/nstan: lmaoo Carmelo still tryna act cool with his girl 😭 it's okay bro to take trick on ur dates
corajade: ur still a loser lol
↳y/n: says the person who lost to me this week? talk to me when ur up from 2-0 🥰
↳ynlover123: LMAOO cora she ate u up 😭
↳carmelostan: better keep that mouth shut next time 🫢
↳carmelohayes: don't mess with my girl Cora 🤷🏾‍♂️
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carmelohayes: Thank you for having us for fight night UFC! We had an amazing time!
tagged: y/n, ufc.
wwenxt: power couple!!
indihartwell: best couple in wwe!! (besides index of course)
↳carmelohayes: thank you for the high praise solider 🫡
y/n: I always have an amazing time with you 🥰
↳carmelohayes: and i always want you to feel like that with me ❤️
↳trickwilliams: my man looks so good 😍
↳carmelohayes: I'M NOT YOUR MAN TRICK!!
↳carmelolover79: LMFAOO trick stop playing with him or he gonna beat ur ass 😭
↳y/n: don't worry babe, don't let ur gf stop u from finding ur husband ☺️
↳y/nstan23: y/n is done fighting for her man 😭
↳trickwilliams: you see bro, she gets it.
↳carmelohayes: BABE DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM!
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y/n: Champs doing champ things 😙
tagged: carmelo hayes
y/nstan: let me marry the both of u pls !
carmelolover71: my parents both look so fine!!!
jakarajackson: looking TEW MF FINE!! 🤩
↳y/n: says the literal supermodel 🥹 i can now die peacefully <3
maxxinedupri: and looking good while doing champ things!!
↳y/n: not looking as good as the blueprint!! 😚
↳ynlover80: the duo we need more of!!!!
carmelohayes: hottest champ ever 😍
↳y/n: i got it from the finest champ i know 💗
↳carmelohayes: I better be the finest champ you know 🤨
↳trickwilliams: bro she meant me as well 🤷🏾‍♂️ sorry bro
↳carmelohayes: boi if yo don't quit flirting with my girl BEOFRE I BEAT YOUR ASS
↳carmelolover79: I warned you trick 😭 better stop playing with ur friend 😭
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y/n: Wrestlemania afterparty ;)
tagged: carmelohayes
wwe: the it couple and our nxt champs everybody!!
nxtlover80: bi panic bi panic bi panic
tiffanystratton: hot girl shit!!
↳y/n: learned from the hottest girl of all
↳tiffanystratton: and don't u forget it!!
carmelohayes: the most beautiful girl ever 😍 lucky to call you mine
↳y/n: aww 🥹 and I'm lucky to call you mine 🫶
↳carmeloynstan: they are the standard!! 🥹😭
indihartwell: okay you guys might be as cute as dexter and i 🙄 but you guys very cute, and i miss you, we need to do a double date sometime <3
↳y/n: tell me something i don't know girl 🤭 and i miss you too!! and we totally should, text me when ur free!! <3
↳y/nlover: idk if I should be scared or excited for them to meet dexter 😭
↳ynstan920: two power couples meeting?! sign me tf up!!
trickwilliams: this was cute! but not as cute as us
↳trickwilliams: update: he is beating me up!!! send help!
↳y/n: this is on u this time trick 🤷
↳nxtstan77: we warned u trick 🤷 time to face the consequences 🥰
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thedarkestgreys · 2 years
what are some fexi fics you can't get enough of?
awe hi anon, thanks for the ask! there's so many great fic's in this fandom, so this is by no means a comprehensive list. also my apologies to any tumblr tags i'm missing, i have a hard time keeping ao3 accounts straight with folks that have different users here on tumblr! cross-disciplinary compatibility (post modern theories on) - College AU miniature_sophie 9 chapters complete 36k+ rated e
starry eyes sparkin’ up my darkest night - Musicians AU @iwantthemtostay 5 chapters complete 44k+ rated e
if you could be mine, we’d both shine - US Politics AU @muserepeats 12 chapters complete 43k+ rated e
you talk to me like lovers do - Mafia/Arranged Marriage AU slitheredinfromeden / @idontneedtobeforgiven 3 chapters complete 34k+ rated e take it slow, grow as we go - Friends to Lovers AU thoughtyouintomylife 6 chapters complete 26k+ rated m and no drugs for lexi howard, bye. - idk this is just smut y'all @changeyourwholepitchh 2 chapters complete 10k+ rated e heaven is here (if you want it) - S2 Fix It Fic wearing_tearing 3 chapters complete 32k+ rated e
inspiration point - the worlds softest murder au @actnatural-ly 1 chapter complete 7k+ rated T
curveball - Practice Sex to Lovers AU @nothing-goldstays 8 chapters complete 26k+ rated e freshwater - Teenage Insecurity/Emotional Resolve Fic gigi_originally/@calculated2stagger 1 chapter complete 3k+ rated T  i knew you loved me (by the way you looked in second period) - High School Sweethearts AU @lesser-bohemian 4/6 chapters WIP 20k+ rated T Let’s Try This Again - NYE A Year Later Fic @libra-lizard 1 chapter complete 8k+ rated T two hearts beat together - A Walk To Remember AU (but less sad!) @melo-baby 5 chapters complete 47k+ rated m let's break the internet - YouTubers AU fearlexx/@kukvlkan 1 chapter complete 8k+ rated t
the best pieces of me are just pieces of you - A S2 Fix It AU metaphoricalflora 2 chapters complete 6k+ rated e tbh there's so many i'm missing. like a stupid amount. i could answer this question probably a dozen times over and give you a new list every time.
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melobin · 8 days
i hope you're doing okay melo! no one should have to go through all that emotional bullshit just because another person can't control their own emotions. don't get me wrong i miss seunghan everyday, but it's so hard not to lose hope especially after he didn't appear in the last day of riizing day, but people need to remember why they stanned riize, and what you said that one time about people leaving the fandom over seunghan?? so true!
i've learned to accept that whatever happens will happen, it's not like we have the power to bring him back, so for now the only thing we can do is focus on the 6 boys, i keep telling myself as to why i stanned riize in the first place and it wasn't because of one idol in the group, but all of them as a whole. for the seunghan akgaes, please learn how to stop calling people out for "BEinG oT6" like it's goofy especially if you know the person misses him too...
and sorry to break it to y'all but you don't even know the guy, so how is it possible to have all these emotions to the point where you're attacking someone online to defend his name.
i'm so sorry melo, please take care of yourself! 🫶
and you ate that !! i’m okay i promise it’s just getting a little old waking up to the same asks every day 😭 the lack of consideration people have for others over this is crazy to me
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1000punks · 4 months
tagged by @adevilyoudo thank you friend! 🜏
Do you make your bed? i do, i never used to but it's nice to not climb into a mess of blankets at the end of the day.
Favourite number? 13!
What’s your job? i work at a convenience store :')
If you could go back to school would you? i would, i want to get my master's degree at some point
Can you parallel park? i can!
Do you think aliens are real? i do but in more of the way that "we can't be the ONLY intelligent life in the universe" type of way. if i saw a little green man with my own eyes, i would have to concede that those exist, i think
Can you drive a manual car? in theory? yes; in practice? no
What’s your guilty pleasure? i don't really feel guilty about pleasure, darling
Tattoos? i have ten, i want ninety more
Favourite colour? deep purples
Favourite types of music? hoo boy uhh, a lot? alt, punk, metalcore, post-hardcore, kpop, korean alt-rock, korean r&b, j-metal, japanese alt-rock, japanese punk, new wave, synthwave, darkwave, coldwave, 80s pop, 90s/00s r&b, country, folk/americana, 70s metal, hair rock, glam rock, rock opera, house, d&b, progressive rock and metal, horror punk, uhhh blinks yeah
Do you like puzzles? i do!
Any phobias? clowns! :)
Favourite childhood sport? probably basketball or just straight up track. i love running.
Do you talk to yourself? i do, and i'm fucking hilarious
What movies do you adore? the crow, little miss sunshine, fargo, mean girls, bring it on, ten things i hate about you, the lost boys, scream, SLC punk!, juno, into the wild, constantine, iwtv, queen of the damned, the batman, the breakfast club <- movies i've watched hundreds of times and will never grow tired of, essentially
Coffee or tea? coffee~
First thing you wanted to be growing up? a cartoonist, which... i'm halfway there
i'm tagging.... @treshmind @song-writer-melo-wrath @kirahlene @eradelum @/ anyone else who wants to do this, go hard
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petrichoraline · 1 year
hiiii <3 what are your all time favorite bls and why? i need to fill up my to-watch list asap
oh, this ask made me ecstatic to the point i considered one of my moots sent it cause they know giving recs makes me happy 😄
what I'd constitute as faves isn't necessarily what i would usually recommend, to moots i mostly suggest shows and movies that i find unique in some way and that have left a good impression on me like i will knock you, kimi no koto dake mite itai, word of honor, fukou kun, the untamed, docchi mo docchi, seven days, itsay, msp, vice versa etcetcetc. it's not necessarily about perfect writing or acting even, it's about the piece of media provoking either lots of thoughts, emotions or both, having at least one unique trait i associate with it and just being enjoyable despite (or because of) its flaws! so that's the type of media i usually enjoy sharing with others.
now, it's infinitely easier for me to give recs based on any other criteria but "my personal faves" is such a subjective category (that im not even sure exists) that i had to cheat a bit - i went off of what couples make me go feral, what emotions the show title evokes and if i've revisited certain scenes. i don't do full rewatches for the most part but i sometimes go back to watch the main couples (the exception being waantul in between us, i know their scenes a hundred times better than winteam's lol) and most of the shows listed here have been revisited at least once 😗
Love Is Science? - NOT a bl, the pair in question are the second couple; i personally went through every episode looking for their scenes and then went through the cut on yt (and rightfully so, quite a few scenes were missing in that); i'm recommending you smth this inconvenient because i love Mark and Ou Wen so much. their personalities (they have personality for daysss), the chemistry (the hanger scene), their love and support for each other make me giddy. they carry their part so well you don't need much else, just watching them interact is enough. going through gifs now i got reminded of just how amazing the development of their relationship is to me. they're a delight and a half, enjoy them flustering each other 💖
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To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories - now, i'm aware you have to see s1 first but when it comes to who makes me go feral, it's definitely Seojoon and Jiwoo and this happened mostly because of season 2, i didn't care for them much originally. this season explored an aspect of relationships i don't think i've seen explored anywhere else in a way that makes me still get in my feels whenever anything bout the show comes across my dash. it's angsty but so worth it. my boys have intense personal issues and even more intense love for each other, their personalities, way of thinking and chemistry are fascinating to me. the cuteness mixed with the heavier plot, the pacing, the smart writing, it's so nice. side note, binging both seasons at once wouldn't be that big of a challenge timewise in case you don't want a breather in between 😊 (gif from s1 because you can't watch them separately anyways)
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Kieta Hatsukoi - a sweet light romcom for the most part, very entertaining, all of the characters are soo loveable, one of my all time fave girls in bl is here and she's everything <3 in regards to manga accuracy, the main events are all there but the order is all switched around yet the story still makes perfect sense! it's funny, it's sweet, Aoki and Ida are such an interesting pair and it's lovely seeing them figure out how to navigate this unexpected relationship
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We Best Love: No. 1 For You - it's such a must watch! the passion these two have for each other and the chemistryyy will make you overlook the sheer absurdity of some of the plot; i also loved the 2 season format where the second season feels well planned, it's almost like one whole season cut in half. the emotional journey that Shu Yi and Shi De go on is so (melo)dramatic but also very touching because Sam and Yu act those emotions OUT, it's a pleasure just watching them interact (also Shu Yi is one of the few brats i adore dearly and i think it's not only because of the writing but Yu's incredible portrayal of the character)
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Bad Buddy - i wasn't able to appreciate it for its wit because it was basically my first thai bl, i had no idea what expectations it was defying. nevertheless, i fell in love with it because it stands so well on its own! it's very funny, heartbreaking at times (reading analyses and meta on here made me realise how heavy the premise actually is) and insanely romantic (it caters to my idea of romance so well, the pining and protectiveness and flirting and devotion and-); also Pat and Pran have some amazing communication and mutual understanding, their bond is truly endearing and makes my heart ache if i think about it a bit too long
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KinnPorsche - when it comes down to it, i am a very basic person. this show is just a ride, you gotta watch it for the pure entertanment value. there's always smth happening, that's for sure 😄of course chemistry, ofc handsome men all over the place yadayada but it'd be just that if not for the insane plotlines and humour, if you just accept that anything goes, you can have a blast with this show (but also hurt beautiful men finding comfort and love in a world of pain and betrayal>>)
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Where Your Eyes Linger - though I can't make myself rewatch the heavier scenes, i love this one, the premise, the execution, it's all to my taste, the longing between these two is palpable (side note: i was getting emotional while searching for a gif but a bunch of the results were porn gifs so i was taken out of my feels multiple times lmao)
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Utsukushii Kare - I'm way more normal about them now than before but this show truly makes you feel so many things, it's so smart and fantastic. Hira and Kiyoi's journey is beautiful and it embodies what i love seeing from japan's productions. they're just two lovely guys who are perfect for each other and shouldn't be let anywhere near the dating pool ❤️
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Semantic Error - man, i love me some enemies to lovers, especially when both leads are Fools™️ for each other. the humour and pacing, the colourful side characters, Jaeyoung's charisma, his determination contrasting Sangwoo's inner battle..and, I know I'm becoming repetitive, the chemistry! there's a reason my guys won awards js
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The End of the World with You - this show drove me insane, it's more of a one-time watch imo but i'm saying this because I was very focused on the main couple and they were what kept me watching (plus the suspense of course); it's a heavy heavy premise with the most controversial couple on this list but somehow it felt very light and exciting for the most part. I think their unconventional surroundings account for it, you don't get the typical chaos an apocalyptic show would display, it kind of feels calm even and it allows you to focus on the interpersonal relationships between the characters rather than on the expected terrors. the show fascinated me with the amazing acting and the dynamic between Ritsu and Masumi, I have a special spot for them <33 (no photo cause the limit was reached lol)
because deciding on faves is hard i'll leave this list at 10 shows, consider these just 10 of the many shows that are important to me in some way 💓
hopefully i suggested mostly things you haven't seen yet (though I went quite basic) <3 i need to know what you think of the shows, okay? and in case they don't do it for you (or, even better, they do and you come to trust me lol) feel perfectly welcome to send me some info about what you (don't) enjoy in terms of genre, tropes, episode length, actors etc.etc. and i'll dive into my lists hahah, it's super fun for me 💗
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nfcwproject · 8 months
Exhibition: „Leise-Park” #nfcdab2024 6th Ed.
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This is one you can't miss!!! We always prefer the low-cost guerrilla style. Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab presents the anniversary edition: #nfcdab2024 6th Ed. Berlin - "Leise-Park". We cordially invite you to the craziest and most legendary #nfcdab shows! We have finally arrived in Berlin! - In the frame of the Vorspiel / transmediale & CTM.
Important!!! All works will be presented via QR codes, you must have an active Internet and the ability to read QR codes to connect!
Vernissage and curatorial guided tour: 2 February 2024 2.00 – 3.00 PM
Open: 2 February 2024, 1.00 PM - 5 PM 3 – 4 February 2024, 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Leise-Park: Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Artists and art projects: Adrian Pickett, Andrea Roccioletti, Andreas Maria Jacobs, Angy Vardalou, Anna Pinkas, Anna Utopia Giordano, AK Ocol, Ayshe Kizilçay - KiAy, Benna Gaean Maris, Bjørn Magnhildøen, Blazir, Bruce Barber, Bruno Melo, Bya de Paula, Dave Greber, Davey Whitcraft, Đurđija Vucinic, Elaine Crowe, James Hutchinson, Karl Heinz Jeron, Klaus Pinter, Marc Lee, Max Herman, Nico Vassilakis, Nicole Kouts, Oli Olinski, Osvaldo Cibils, Peter Kusek, Ricardo F. Bodini, Rudy Paganini - forevermidi_com, Shin Jungkyun, Stefanie Reling-Burns, Tiz Creel, Zsolt Mesterhazy, and #DUMPHAUS - Curated by Catalina Vallejos and Ronnie Karfiol - Artist: Featuring Deatxwish, Taiki Arita, Tiến Nguyễn, Trí Thiện, Lê Duy, Xuân Minh, Gia Huy, Flounder Lee, Martina Noskova, Idklang, Aaporia, Magdi Mostafa, Jialun Wang, Hiroshi Murakami, David Longshaw, Athina Kanellopoulous, Ioana & Pablo, The Mainstream Official, Oksana Rudko, Liu Chang, Chloe Cheuk, Kayoko Nakamura, Aleksei Martyniuk, Blanche The Vidiot, F.C. Zuke, Nina Sumarac, Giuseppe De Benedittis, Ania Urbanski, Contaminated Carcass, Jaimerative Art.
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This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #nfcdab project, which could not exist without the trust of the artists. The idea was born at a time when not everyone was aware of the coming revolution in the reception of digital content caused by the advent of smartphones. In 2014, QR codes or NFC tags were a technology on the verge of becoming commonplace, and the same was true of wireless Internet and unfettered access to the Internet. 10 years later, we are in very different times. That's why we trusted the idea of DIWO, which is an important element of this - let's not be afraid to use the word: "research" project. The whole concept would not have been possible thanks to the help from browserbased.org and noemata.net in the persons of Zsolt Mesterhazy and Bjørn Magnhildøen, I must also mention Brian Khuu being our Australian liaison to the antipodes, and I want to thank the many people who have helped us over the years in organizing our shows: Konstantina Mavridou, Radovan Misovic aka Rad0, Tibor Horvath, Florian Kuhlmann.
More info: https://vorspiel.berlin/events/nfcdab2024-6th-ed-berlin-leise-park-ausstellung
Supervisor and concept of the exhibition: Dominik Podsiadly
Organizers: #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy.
Hashtags: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024 #leisepark
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mrs-melodontmiss · 8 months
Trick Melo gang really is over 💔 AND Trick ain't win the title.
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter Seven: Pink Dress
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The sex that was just had couldn't be put into words it lasted forever and he never wanted to stop she lost count of how many orgasms she had. But she would never forget how deep he was inside of her and how he made her feel. She'll remember the people in the next room knocking on the wall to tell her to quiet down she'll remember the headboard constantly beating on the wall and his lips being on every inch of her body she'll remember his chain hitting her in the face with each stroke and his hand wrapped around her throat tightly.... She'll remember it all.
He made it that way on purpose. He needed her to make her way back to him because he wasn't through with her yet regardless of what he said he liked her... a lot and he looked forward to seeing her but her decision to suddenly stop the sex because she wanted more ... didn't make sense to him. So he did what he knew how to do and that's fuck her just the way she likes she never had to tell him what she likes he just knew her body inside and out he knew when to tease her he knew when to give her his all or ease up he knew her.
But now that was all over..... according to her. He had just finished putting his clothes on as she watched him completely mesmerized. Her body glowed she hadn't felt that good in a while. Goodbye sex hit different Her face was relaxed In a smile. He stared down at her taking mental pictures. "So this is bye fr? Or you've changed your mind?" She bit her lip. Sitting up she covered her body with the blanket and began to speak
"That was amazing .... But I still have to let this go for my sake I could really fall for you and then I'll just be stuck.... Stuck loving you from the background stuck waiting on you and stuck being number Two and I'm just too damn good for that... you can agree with that" He came back closer to her grabbing her head gently kissing her lips and her forehead staring deep in her eyes. "Yeah you are completely right you deserve somebody who can give you more than I can right now but selfishly I want you around so if you ever wanna come back around just hit my line? Okay?" "Okay" He kissed her one last time his fingers went under the blanket and slowly entered her making her gasp.
"Give me one more before I go" her back arched as she grabbed his arm digging her nails in as she moaned and grinded against his hand. "I'm really gon miss this pussy ... it's so damn good" "Fuck... mmmm" she said softly his thumb rubbed her sensitive clit and she released all over his hand. Her eyes were closed but he watched her cum taking her all in.He needed to remember her just like that. He sighed pulling away from her "Alright I gotta catch my plane in a couple hours soooo...I gotta go" he kissed her again "goodbye LaMelo be safe" he walked towards the door slowly "hopefully this isn't really good bye" he says before shutting the door. She lays down calming her breathing down.
This was a new chapter in her life.... And it was gonna be worth it.  She settled in the bed drifting off to sleep. The next morning when she woke up she took her time getting up then she brushed her teeth took a bird bath and went and worked out after she worked out she came back in taking a shower she hadn't heard from Jayson until he texted. "It'll be tickets at the door saved under your name" "oooou professional I would've bought my own tickets though " "well now you don't have too.... can't wait to see you" "Ditto💕"
Everytime she moved her body she could still feel Melo she was so tempted to text or call him and hadn't even been 12 hours yet. Is it wrong to have two boyfriends? I mean neither has committed to her so why does she have to be committed to either of them. She's sure Jayson isn't a saint he's a NBA player he's getting some from some where it's no way he's not. Why can't she do the same? And when and if he wants to be official she'll just drop Melo. But what if she can't ever truly drop Melo should she just stay in the shadows ... what should she do?
A few hours passed by and she was at the game with her friend once again. She dressed very boho chic today a cute plain black top with black and white polka dotted pants with wide pant legs and cute sandals that showed her fresh pedicure and her faux Locs was pulled up into a high bun. "So you and Jaylen 👀" YN says smirking at her friend looking her up and down "I haven't spoken to him since that night" YN gasped "did you fuck?" "Yeah and uh it was decent but I was expecting more it's my fault really" "more in what way?"
" aggression? Idk like you saw how we were in the club he was tonguing me down and when we got back to my place he turned into a little puppy like I had to guide him but he did put it down but I don't like feeling like I have to take charge🙄" "it's cause you're not patient😂 he probably would've stepped up"
"hmmm maybe so but regardless he hasn't hit me up so maybe I was wack" "I doubt it he might text it's just been two days" "speaking of two days ... what made you stay? I love having you in my city but you're never here this long" "You right and a little birdie told me he would make it worth my while... so I'm trying it out" "J.T?" "Mhmm" YN naturally bit her lip thinking about him "aye if y'all get together then I'll see you more... I'm here for it" "shittt me too but if you miss me friend come and see me😩😩"
And finally the national anthem was sung and the players were called individually she watched as Jayson glanced up into the stands to try and find her but he didn't see her yet. But the game was about to start. So he started to focus. Jayson,Jaylen and three of their teammates took the floor.
"Maybe Jaylen will work for you" YN said softly to her friend "we will see ..." "what about doctor bae?" "He still trippin after our date got canceled he hasn't planned another one and I tried too yesterday but he came up with excuses shit pointless Fr" "that sucks cause he seemed sweet" "they always seem sweet in the beginning" YN sighed " yeah man 🥺"
                          *Time Skip*
It took until half time but he finally saw her in the stands his team was only down by 5 it's been a close game this whole time. She loved the way he looked up at her like she was a new opportunity he saw something in her that she didn't see in herself yet. When the game started back up it's like he had a second wind. He had made an additional 15 point points in the third quarter and by the time the game ended he had 58 points which is super close to beating his record. With him going off like that they won the game the Grizzles had no clue what to do they weren't expecting that at all.
After the game she had planned on getting dinner and then going to sleep. Jayson would be spending time with his son for the night and then his mother would get him tomorrow and that's when she would see Jayson. She was nervous about it honestly she had no clue what they would be doing but hopefully they get to know eachother and become friends and maybe build to more she was excited for the future .
                     *the next day*
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It was three in the afternoon and Jayson was downstairs waiting for her. He decided to keep his plans a secret. YN didn't like surprises too much because she like to know what she should dress for. Like if they were doing something fun and then going out to dinner at nice restaurant maybe some jeans and a cute shirt so she could move if they were going bowling she needed socks it's multiple things she wanted to know but he told her nothing so she settled on a maxi dress she put heels in her bag to dress it up
For dinner but it was comfortable enough that if they had a picnic or went walking she would be fine in her sandals. Her jewelry was champagne colored. He was outside the car for her which made her smile. "You look beautiful I love your hair" she had decided to take her faux Locs out since she was anxious about the date so it took her mind off it so now her hair was in high puff. "Thank you ... you look nice too" his look was casual but she found him so sexy.
After he said thank you he opened her door letting her in and then he shut the door after her. Then he got into the car he glanced at her. She smiled "Do you wanna tell me where you are taking me JT" "oooou you calling me JT now?" He pulls off "that's what other people been calling you I thought I would just fall in line" he laughed
"don't be like others be different" she smiled "okay stop switching the subject" "you like how I did that huh?" "Nahhh you too slick you almost got me" she laughed "okay last time ima ask can I at least get a hint?" "I guess you can get a hint.... It's one of my favorite spots I think you'll like it it's a nice day" "hmmm so is it outside" "yeah it's outside" "I'm dressed okay for it though?" "You're dressed perfect" she smiled "thank you"
"you seem a little more shy today what's going on?" "I'm not trying to be... I'm just digesting everything and I was drunk the first time you met me drunk YN is a different type of girl but I am a little nervous I'll be honest" "hmmm why?" "Dates make me nervous.... Spending time with new people make me nervous I'm a home body" "mmm I get that I do I'm laid back myself so I appreciate you spending time here choosing to stay a few days to get to know me I know you could be doing better things" "I don't wanna be anywhere else .... I'm enjoying my time here " she smiled he grabbed her hand softly. " well don't be nervous or shy....I'll guide through it all"  She wondered if that was layered like what would he guide her through just the date? Or the whole relationship since she was timid but she felt like that question was too loaded for the playful mood they were in so she remained quiet
When they were close to their destination she glanced out the window "oh wow that is so beautiful I haven't seen anything like this" "that's where we going so I'm glad you like it" he smiled wide she glanced at him "you had this planed or are you just stopping cause I like it?" He laughed "it's the plan.... We have a tour guide and everything" "oh my goshhh I'm so excited .... What's the name of this place?"
"Charles River it has a lot of nice spots" he parks the car "so do you always take people here?" he laughs as they get out of the car. "Nah I wouldn't recycle no place with you" he waits for her behind the car as she fixes her dress and grabs her bag walking back to meet him. "Wellll maybe you can come to my city some time ... if you like me by the end of the night" she grabs his hand make the first move he smiles squeezing her hand quickly and then keeping a strong hold on it. He was glad she initiated touching him cause he was trying to respect her space and boundaries but now he knows she's open.
They headed to the bridge to meet the person giving them a tour "I'm sure I will still like you" "you know what I couldn't stop thinking about the other night?" "Nah enlighten me?" "That kiss..... you kissed me like you've been waiting for me" he smiled laughing slightly "maybe I have..... like I don't go out that much but I happen to meet you the one time I choose to go out with Jaylen you weren't supposed to be out either but you ended up out .... Now how that work....I deserve you" she smiled "I'm not perfect at all I'm a little Fucked up" "and that's fine cause I am too but like I said .... I deserve you" they finally make it over the hill where the tour guide introduces himself and walks them to a golf cart. YN was great that it would be some space between him and them
"You guys can sit on the back and I can talk you through things or I can just drive and if you guys have questions you can ask" "which do you prefer?" YN asks smiling "honestly the latter it's all self explanatory except for a few historical moments you may enjoy" "okay you don't have to explain everything then" YN laughed slightly as they sat down "thank you mam..... I wish I gave more people like you tours..... ima huge fan by the way" he glances back at Jayson turning the golf cart on
"thank you sir" YN says making a joke Jayson shakes his head "thank you man" Jayson says smiling  "you're welcome .... alright let's go!!!" The tour guide got hype all of sudden speeding off making Jayson and YN laugh. "Mind if I play my radio?" The tour guide asked "no man you can call play it" Jayson says so the Tour guide turns it on
"now back to you" Jayson says licking his lips making YN blush "back to me what?" "You said you a lil fucked up .... So what made you dead that lil situation you was in?" "It was time.... I rather not get my feelings tangled in with someone who is always gonna just see me as a second option... he agreed I deserve better" "but he couldn't give you better?" "I'm sure he could have but he didn't want too" "as long as you know" Jayson smirked making YN lift an eyebrow
"what you mean?" "If a man wants to do something he will... like me I just met you two days ago but I was able to plan this date while getting to know you.... And working and it's all because I wanted to get to know you even if this doesn't develop into a relationship even though I hope it does but if it doesn't I know I gave my all" she smiled and kissed his lips quickly she was sure why she was being so bold but she liked it
"not in front of the trees YN" he said jokingly she bit her lip "well ...that was very pg compared to the kiss I was thinking about" he licked his lips "ahhh you can show me that in the car....." "you don't like pda?" "sometimes but getting carried away and can't do anything about it ... that'll fuck me up" it's the way he looked at her he meant every word he said " get carried away how? What you wanna do to me?"
He smiled staying quiet for a while she watch him intently as he thought about the many positions he could put her in but that was for a different time.
"It's the first date.... So just kiss" "you sure?" "That's all you're gonna do.... So that's all I wanna do.... No sex for you" she laughed loudly "why you acting like you know me already what if I have sex on the first date?" "You bluffing that didn't even sound right coming out your mouth stop it" she smirked "you right" "yeah yeah I know" "but you don't like to be teased?" "Nah I don't even like them games at all" she bit her lip
"I'm a teaser...." "If you tease me I'll tease you so bad you'll never wanna try me again" Now that was sexy "wanna bet?" She smirked "look at the trees and stop playing with me" he smiled pulling her closer "even though you didn't ask.... I love being teased" "mmmm that makes sense then" "what makes sense?"
"Your whole attitude especially when I say certain things I see your eyes light up" she shook her head "my face always tells on me man" "yeah it does it's how I'm getting to know you" "so ask me something........ something you really wanna know and I'll answer honestly" "are you using me as a rebound from the last situation? Cause even if it wasn't a relationship it was clearly serious to you and if I'm a rebound or distraction I just wanna know " "I don't believe in rebounds I wouldn't use anybody especially not a innocent person just so I can feel better no.... You asked me out and I like spending time with you that's why I'm out"
"last question about that situation if he dropped everything and said I wanna be with you would you drop everything too?" She thought for a second "Honestly if he cheated on her what would make me different? I couldn't trust him enough to be my boyfriend" she shocked herself with what she said cause she never really Thought about it but now it was clear she had made her decision. Waiting on Melo was stupid cause she doubts he'll change so why add herself to the cycle she's glad she got out now"Wow that's a different way of thinking" "I mean .... It's the truth "
"sorry did I get you down?" "No no I just hadn't thought about it .... I asked him if he could ever be serious with me and he said no he would never leave his girl and that made it easier to leave.... It had nothing to do with you but if I'm still being honest you came at the perfect time" "and why is that?"
He smiled which made her smile too " you have me out in public in broad daylight ..... with no issues and you made time to do it" "so what that mean?" "It means someone would date me like Fr date me .....  I'm pretty and I'm smart with personality I get that but that's not always a selling point to be wifed" "well you wife material so let's make sure this thang work I know you fresh on the market but I wanna put my bid in and snatch you back off " she smiled he kissed her lips softly making her relax It was easy with him it had never felt so easy with anyone
"I want to start by being honest" "don't tell me anything you have a clean slate ... starting now it's me and you fuck everything else" "you sure?" "I promise"
"I'm happily off the market.... After the first date Damn" "not even after..... during .... You like me already I'm that good" "that's my damn problem" she shook her head laughing "well.... You my problem now so say hello to your new chapter" he kissed her check
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moonlitwalkss · 2 years
What’s a fic that you feel still sticks with you long after you read it?
oh shit this is so difficult to answer, we have so many incredible writers, and I've re read so many fics but I'm gonna try to keep the list short.
this ended up being longer than I intended so I'll keep it in a read more
ok the first one that came to mind was two hearts beat together by @melo-baby, she really made my dreams come true with the a walk to remember au, and it made me suffer but it was so dreamy at the same time that I still think about it to this day
I've talked an annoying amount of times about @tattoocowboi's the deepest of cover so I'm gonna pick a more recent one of hers, her nothing is u series, which is a nye au where they have sex the night they meet and it's hot as fuck, having sex at parties is their thing in these fics and we love that for them
this one's not finished yet, but I'm also loving lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense by @mycosmos-blog, i just love ash and lexis friendship here, and fezco being jealous thinking they're actually together it's both funny but tragic for him, I've wanted to read a lexi has a thing for her best friend's brother for a while now and this is just perfect for me!
now I'm getting into the mafia/arranged marriage aus bc I just can't have enough of them. first we have @myztify can't nobody love you (like I'm loving you), I love that she puts her own twist to it, and making this forbidden love between fexi while lexi is engaged to ash, I went insane reading this one.
then there's @luuver3 until forever falls apart, it's so sad that there's only two chapters left but at the same time I can't wait to know how it ends. I loved reading about their ups and downs in ther marriage and finding out that fez had feelings for her since she was working at the store was just perfeeeect
and @luminousqurl it's easy also makes go feral, especially the first chapter with lexi thinking fez could be having a mistress, but at the end he reassures her that he only wants her!!!!!
I know I'm missing a bunch of other incredible fics, just know I'm amazed by everyone's talent 💜💜
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
good morning my love~ 🥺🥺🩵 i hope you slept well! i missed you >3< ~ 🩵
it's so funny that coming back to talk to each other on tumblr feels like coming home hehe 🥺🩵 no matter how janky and irritating this app may be, it'll always feel like home because you're here and it's where we started~ 🥺🥺🩵🩵
dinner was such a mess tonight, we were supposed to have steak but they hadn't defrosted completely so my dad told me to make the chicken that i was saving for lunch this week instead 🥲 so i made the chicken and accidentally burnt it a little 😭 luckily it was still a little salvageable despite that,, but then my dad burnt the rice we were having on the side sjhgjshgh that wasn't as salvageable unfortunately but we ate it anyway it had a very..... unique, smoky flavor... so then i decided to make a salad for the chicken instead but no one else wanted it except me. my dad politely declined the salad but he was giving me the stink eye 😭😭 he should've known i wasn't about to eat that crusty burnt rice.... it was so bad 😭😭😭 i was scared about hurting his feelings since he takes things like that personally but i really tried my best to eat it. it was AWFUL 😭
ugh i have to do so much adult stuff this week i hate ittt -_- but as long as i remember that i'm doing this for you, it'll be okay 🥺🥺 i'll stand in the longest lines in the dmv and deal with getting talked down to by government workers all for you my love 🥺🩵🩵🩵
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i tried so hard to come up with a good tyunkkura moodboard but none of my ideas were working out ;_; i'll have to try it again next time~ but for now have a my melo x cinnamoroll moodboard 🥺🩵🩷
i love you so so much my sweet cherry fairy 🥺🥺 you're my light, you make everything so much sweeter 🥺🥺🩵🩵 every time we talk i feel like i'm being warmed by the sun (which is funny considering i'm being a little too warmed by the sun lately with these triple digit temperatures 😭😭 but when i think about being warmed by you, i picture a nice, breezy spring day with a light breeze rustling the jasmine trees and the sun warming the tops of our heads as we lay at the park together~) i'm so in love with you baby 🥺🥺🩵🩵 sometimes i can't believe you love me too!! every time you tell me that i get full body chills >< i love you so so much my dearest cherry bonbon, my one and only dream girl 🥺🩵
(every time i write these on my laptop they get suuuper long dhjhsg i hope you don't mind it's like once i get to my keyboard my writer instinct kicks in and i can't stop myself lol)
i missed you so much mommy i did sleep well and kept thinking about you all day 🥹🥹🩷 wait… all night 😭 so i guess i didn’t sleep that well thsbfbdbf i’m already confused hehe
for real i love coming back to tumblr to talk because it really is how it all started for us 🥺🥺 having you and checking what you post feels so peaceful for me and i’m so happy my love 🥺🩷 i still wish we could scroll back up to our very first convos cause i wanna know how it all started >< it happened so naturally that i’m just?? 👉👈🩷 i need to know~
i hate that you had to cook your chicken that you wanted to keep for your week mommy :(( and especially that no one had your salad… i’d love to have mommy’s salad 🥺🥺🩷 the fact he would get his feelings hurt for the rice but gave you the stinky eye for your salad is so… 😭
mommy you’re so strong and motivated i’m so sorry all this happened 😭😭 i’ll be there for you through it all i need to do some adult stuff too eventually >< i wanna do it for you my love… i’m in love with you mommy 🥺🥺🩷
the moodboard is adorable mommy 🥹🥹🩷 i love it so much it’s okay if you didn’t find a tyunkkura idea hehe~ maybe one day >3< i know my mommy has the best ideas~
mommyyyy 🥺🥺🥺 i love you so much 🥺🥺🩷 when i talk to you i just feel instantly better, i feel like you’re always giving me a soft and gentle embrace and that’s what i always need the most 🥺 i just feel so comfortable with you my love 🥺🥺 i still can’t believe i’m yours and you’re mine 👉👈🩷 i still can’t believe you love me back and yet it’s all real apparently 😳🩷🩷 my dream woman 🥺🥺🩷
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
NXT: Stand & Deliver - Quickfire Thoughts
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Before Mania there's Stand & Deliver. This one I've not been as close to following but since I'm watching let's see how it goes
Spoilers for the PPV
Kinda sucky that half the women in the ladder match didn't get an entrance
Zoey's Arabian Press onto Indi was pretty neat, she did a lot of the heavy lifting this match
Jayne's interference, while anticipated, really did take the wind out of the match though, especially followed by NOBODY catching Stratton's dive off the falling ladder
The finish was drawn out, Indi needed help to climb a ladder? I dunno the crowd liked it but it also bodes why Roxanne had to drop
The Italian coded guys at least had a cool entrance
Still like the Creeds, they feel like if FTR and American Alpha had a kid
Italian guys' finisher was cool too
2 for 2 in interference
I've had my qualms with Pretty Deadly, but their skit was pretty fun
Even if I want a good fight I have no idea why Wes Lee would pick JD McDonagh as part of his 5-way?
Dragon Lee's entrance was pretty cool, heavy on the slowmo
Wes Lee having a Rock Lee-esque graphic was cool
That flying arm clash between Axiom and Lee was some Matrix stuff
The superkick catching the backflip was Adam Cole vs Ricochet-value
Dragunov is just great
Trick Williams insulting PD's outfits like he isn't just wearing a lighter version of the sparkly blazer
Gargano landed worse on that suplex onto the chair stack
It did eventually end up a bit of a squash, with Candice getting involved, but the fans enjoyed it
The Way (minus Theory) reunite too
Missed opportunity for Pretty Deadly to name their 'PD exclusive' a PDA
Spooky girls are kinda hot spooky
We've actually got some good tag synergy and psychology from the Hot Spooky Girls
A Gory Bomb/Facebuster finisher is clean too
Dunno what the finish was about, probably need story context but it's still kinda weak
Bron/Melo did not need a ref bump
Can't see why Bron is okay about losing the title after Trick hit him from behind with the belt after he had the visual submission on Melo, kinda weird that, but Melo was the right person to win
Conclusion I've seen people say this was better than Supercard but I'm afraid I'm not one of them. No offence to NXT, they put on a good show, but it's still got the WWE-isms of running interference that is unneeded. Consider the fact that only 2 matches had outside involvement, the women's tag titles and the NA title 5-way and the fact that the Waller match was because they have nothing for Gargano or Candice on the main roster and it's still in the middle.
Compared to the last PPV I watched of NXT it was definitely better, some questionable decisions but I've seen improvement here and there from talent. Think I'd have enjoyed it more if I watched it first and then Supercard, you watch Vikingo defy logic then everything else high flying just kinda gets muted y'know?
Match of the Night: same as Supercard, the 5-Way Best Attire: Melo's LA Lakers attire Best Performance: Ilja Dragunov Best Spot: Interceptor Superkick onto Wes Lee
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treshmind · 2 months
Getting to Know Me ✨
Tagged by @she-dwells-within-the-forest (ty ty my dear)
Three Ships: Well, Hellspawn, obviously. Gyro x Johnny (JJBA), Levihan (AoT)... They are my Roman empire.
First Ship: Oh damn that's a hard one... Probably Danny x Sam from Danny Phantom, I can't remember, honestly, because I always created OCs for shipping purposes
Last Song: Golden - Harry Styles (I miss December 2019 terribly)
Last Movie: The Help
Currently Reading: Rereading The Dark Tower series! Just started The Drawing of The Three... also a bunch of very specific nonfiction titles
Currently Watching: Brooklyn 99 and Scrubs... and House MD. It's my ADHD, don't blame me
Currently Eating: Just had my scrambled eggs for breakfast *shrugs*
Currently Craving: Eddie Dean. Platonically. But also can't wait to go on a trip this Monday!
No pressure tagging my beloveds @1000punks @song-writer-melo-wrath and @pinkberrytea @onlyancunin @lynnlovesthestars
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