charms-of-earth · 2 years
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if you feel old, just know that when i input my birthday into the settings i found out the dropdown menu doesn’t go past 1989. tumblr doesn’t expect millennials to be on the site i guess? i should be offended but it’s just really funny to me. 
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I mean...So... You Know?
(Speech Crutches)
Stephen Jay Morris
Scientific Morality©
You should have heard me speak in the 70s. I had Apraxia, Dysphagia, and other behavioral impediments. I was put into a speech class, in elementary school, no less! My teacher was known as Mister Marx. (You see! The school system was woke, even in the 60s!) At any rate, I would speak and mumble at a very low tone so that I was barely audible. The most frequent requests I’d get were, “Can you repeat that?” “Could you speak a little bit louder?” Low self-esteem was the primary culprit. I had been taught, at home, not to brag about or love myself. Did this stem from some religious upbringing? No. It came from an abusive father who hated both life and himself. To all you Right wing, religious nuts, I fervently begged to God for a single mother to care for me. Not every family needs a father, especially one who is abusive. My dad constantly told me to “shut up,” which I did. Anybody who thinks that a father must behave like a boot camp sergeant is an ignoramus asshole! If I’d had a loving father, I’m certain I would have ended up a registered Republican, working for an accounting firm.
When I left my family at 17, to live with my maternal grandmother, my life notably started to ascend, thankfully, away from its decent into the darkness of hopelessness. The first thing I tried to remedy about myself was my speech impediment. Before long, I noticed that, while talking on the phone, my manner of speaking improved slightly. Also I admired people who gave speeches at anti-war rallies and I learned from those experiences. I knew, instinctively, that the only way I was going to completely overcome my speech issues was to give speeches myself or—even more terrifying—become a radio disc jockey. My community college major became broadcasting. I took a speech course in which, one of the first assignments given was to present a speech to the class. I was terrified! I was afraid I was going to puke in front of everyone, or pop a boner! I think my first speech was about human rights. It wasn’t a catastrophe, but it wasn’t great either. I remember, I didn’t make eye contact with anyone in my audience; I just read my paper, my eyes cast downward the entire time. After the speech, my teacher critiqued me and offered some advice. He spoke, not in a harsh tone, but an instructive one. “First of all,” he said, “nobody likes to watch somebody reading a piece of paper. Once in a while, look at the audience. One thing you do use often, Mr. Morris, is the phrase ‘you know.’ No, Mr. Morris, I don’t know. That is a bad assumption on your part. Don’t feel bad, Mr. Morris,” he continued, “most of your generation is using that expression excessively. Why does that happen? I don’t know. Maybe it’s too much marijuana consumption, or a crutch to allow you to think of your next sentence by delaying. The Beatniks, back in the 50’s, used to use the preposition, ‘like,’ a whole bunch of times. For example: ‘Like, I’m going to the store,’ or ‘Like, wow daddy-o, dig that crazy beat!’ To repeat a phrase over and over again will drive someone listening crazy! You know? Just kidding. Work on those two things and you’ll be fine. Oh, also, Mr. Morris, try to speak in an audible tone—so, people can hear you. You don’t have to shout, like John the Baptist. Just be audible. Go back to your seat.”
Did you know that President Biden had a stuttering problem? But he conquered it. I conquered my speech issues, also. I went from introvert to ambivert, all the way to extravert.
Now, whenever I listen to young folks talk, I notice that they preface their sentences and phrases with, “I mean” or “so.” I can imaging how aggravating it must have been for people when they’d hear me say, “you know” over and over again.
They say that we Homo Sapiens evolved from apes. I think we also evolved from parrots. Americans always copy colloquialisms or expressions. So-called Millennials and Generation Z’ers use the repetitious, “I mean.” This drives me up the proverbial wall! Can’t they simply use the opening phrase, “Well”? Blues singers always used “Well” to start a lyric. But “I mean.” Where in the fuck did that come from?! Is it because you think nobody believes you? Are you trying to be meaningful? When you say, “I mean,” is that a self-correction? “The world is flat! I mean, round.” Is that it? What I mean to say is, if you begin a new idea or statement with “I mean,” again, I will...never mind.
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randompastacat · 15 days
I remember being a 15 year old on tumblr seeing mellenials post about all the ways they wanted to make a better world and be better people, to do better than the boomers. I hoped they would stay true to their ideals though I also wondered how long it would take for them to repeat the same pattern we always see. Loosing touch, arguing with the younger generations. Now I'm 25 hearing people just a little bit younger than me in gen z talk about how cringe mellenials can be and I just can't believe we're here already. I saw it coming but not that fast!
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8pxl · 6 months
Hello! How are old are you?
8 billion yrs old
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timaeuslover001 · 2 months
What I love most about Caleb Hammer financial audit videos is that he totally dispels all the talk around “boomers are the reason I’m financially down” when in fact a lot of 20-40 years olds are their own problem.
Love it.❤️
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soapdispensersalesman · 6 months
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Strategi Dakwah di Era Millenial Menurut Gus Ivan
tebuireng.co- Muhammad Dzannuroin Aldivano (Gus Ivan) merupakan putra dari KH Fahmi Amrulloh Hadzik sekaligus cicit dari  KH Hasyim Asy’ari pendiri jamiyyah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Dengan latar belakang dari dunia pesantren yang sangat kental dengan pendidikan agama sejak kecil dan menjadi cicit dari Hadratussyaikh KH Hasyim Asy’ari mengharuskan Gus Ivan untuk melanjutkan jejak para pendahulunya…
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andreablog2 · 1 year
The prolonged adolescence vibe of contemporary western young adult culture that mellenials synthesized is really inescapable and is exacerbated by everything. Acting your age is almost like anti social now..
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niceinchnails · 4 months
minialls between like mellenial woah i fucked that up Milennials between gen x and millinials are like they're called xillenials or something stupid what about gen z close to gen z and alpha Im closer to gen z but if im not ae we like zalphas or alphaz or something stupid like that can i reclaim zalpha if i laugh at skibidi toilet
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nerds-yearbook · 13 days
The first episode of the Star Wars inspired cartoon Ewoks premiered on September 7, 1985. The series, along with the similarly Star Wars inspired Droids, was one of the most expensively produced cartoons in the 1980's. The events of the series took place before their introduction in Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi. While the main character Wicket was played by Warwick Davis in ROTJ, he was voiced by Jim Henshaw (and Denny Delk in the second season) in the cartoon. The first episode featured the Tulga Witch Morga (Jackie Burroughs) plans to burn down the forest on the Endor moon. The episode featured other RTOJ characters Chief Chirpa (movie Jane Busby/ cartoon George Buza/Rick Cimino), Teebo (movie Jack Purvis/ cartoon Eric Peterson/James Cranna) and Logray (movie Mike Edmonds /cartoon Douglas Chamberlain). The series introduced new characters such as Aunt Bozzie (Pam Hyatt), Deej (Richard Donat), Dulok Shaman (Don Francks), Hoom (John Stocker), King Gorneesh (Dan Hennessey), Kneesa (Cree Summer/Jeanne Reynolds), Latara (Taborah Johnson/Sue Murphy), Malani (Alyson Court), Paploo (Paul Chato), Punt (Rob Cowan), Shodu (Esther Scott), Urgah (Melleny Melody), Weechee (Greg Swanson), Willy (John Stocker), and Winda (Leanne Coppen). ("The Cries of the Trees", Ewoks, TV Event)
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bellmo15-blog · 5 months
The Most Beautiful Host for Carnage
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And here we have in the list of old Ko Fi Requests Ammer has done for me a technically old concept since I've gotten a bunch of Symbiote related art before this but also technically new because it's with a different symbiote instead of Venom this time but still also technically old because if we are respecting Marvel lore than Carnage is still the child of Venom but it's still technically a new thing because even with there relation to Venom Carnage is still pretty different from Ven... Is your head hurting yet? Good lol!
I've gotten A LOT of Symbiote related stuff relating to Venom up to this point and there's always been a good reason for that. Aside from being the main Symbiote that people will usually think of when they think about this parasitic species of aliens, I just really like the design of that suit regardless of what universes design it is. Main, Ultimate or Rami verse. However even with that, Venom's child Carnage is another Symbiote I'd had a lot of interest in getting something with. Problem is that for the longest time I couldn't think of a good host to pair them with. Until I played Skullgirls and saw Eliza. Putting aside the fact I do have a thing for Eliza's design in general bonding her to Carnage made two much sense NOT to do.
I mean Eliza herself in cannon is well over 1000 years old thanks to the parasite she's already bonded to with, Sekhmet, which has allowed her to make herself young and beautiful perpetually thanks to blood magic as well how the charity blood drives she helps run are only used her her own selfish reasons not to mention she's shown in her own story mode to be pretty ruthless and not above getting her hands dirty. She's pretty much a vampire at this point. Plus her animations in game have her morphing her body in a way very similar to how Symbiotes are able to in most depictions. So bonding her to ANOTHER parasite that is a lot more violent, takes pleasure in violence, has a pretty high kill count and who's name is literally Carnage was perfect... And also probaply pretty scary given she's likely now even more dangerous. Thankful even most people who don't know a lot about Marvel lore know how dangerous the Carnage symbiote can make someone so I'm sure people will remember to be careful around the otherwise beautiful Egyptian Diva.
Genie Michael: Most people know? That's pretty ironic coming from the same guy who didn't even know who Moon Knight was until a few years ago despite Moon Knight existing in Marvel since 1975.
Hey, that example Marvel barley did anything with the character outside of comic books anyway save for that one Spider-Man game from 2008 he cameo's in and only recently decided to have him be part of the MCU with his own series on Disney +. Carnage and Venom on the other hand Marvel's done a lot with so I have no doubt more people know them!
Inkling Michael: I don't know man, with the way some Mellenials and Gen Z's act over some of the stuff you talk about IRL I'm not getting my hopes up high. Hell, I'm not even from this universe and even I can tell you I get surprised when I see people here who have never owned or heard of Bionicle despite it's legacy.
GM: Yeah and not to mention we got people acting like the recent Dune movies are some sort of revolutionary Si-Fi story even though the franchise has existed for decades at this point thanks to there being several books, a movie from the 80's and lots of video games.
Artist is AmeerAshourDraws.
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tk and de hc plz
Dark Enchantress has little patience for Time Keeper's riddles, but Time Keeper just sees it as motivation to speak in even more confusing phrases
Bonding over a shared love of chaos, but little else
Dark Enchantress has tried to recruit Time Keeper; sometimes they play along, other times they don't
Time Keeper has a habit at arriving at all the worst times for Dark Enchantress
Dark Enchantress is concerned (much like with Mellenial) about Time Keeper's powers, so she does her best to remain friendly with the other
Dark Enchantress has, of course, been on the receiving end many times of Time Keeper's rants of "Why does it matter? Why do I have to follow the rules? I can fix it, not that I have to."
Otherwise, many of Time Keeper's visits are to the tune of "I know something you don't know!" much to Dark Enchantress' chagrin
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ask-churro-cookie · 2 years
*insert very paniced longan running to mellenial here-*
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butter-rolls-bakery · 6 months
HCs for (The classic) Churro x Velvet.
They started out a little rocky due to their origins. When nobody was around they were really good friends! When cookies were around, they pretended to argue (secretly slipping in secret code words into their convos!)
Red velvet was the first one to fall in love, and he fell HARD. One day, during the two's fake argument, churro accidentally pinned velvet to the wall, and velvet suddenly felt a VERY warm and fuzzy feeling in his heart. Since that day he couldn't get churro out of his head!
Churro was the second, but his feelings started out softer. He noticed red velvet cookie acting strange towards him, and even a little flirty at times (though red velvet was not very good at it) and churro slowly started getting more and more flattered until it became something more.
Churro was the one to confess. Velvet became so shocked he started blushing so hard he fainted.
Velvet often stares at churro's chest. He wants to see him shirtless.
Both churro and velvet are asexual!
Velvet is ticklish! Whenever velvet is so stressed from work he can barely go to the mellenial forest that week, churro tickles him to calm him down!
The two have a secret spot in the forest they go to whenever they wanna have a picnic or something.
Both churro and velvet are poly! Why? Because I said so!
That's all really- might make more later on!
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Character information under the cut:
Mimi Crassi (@bombcollar):
Mimi is a 'mimic' octoling, genetically modified for greater control over her skin and ink pigment so she is able to pass as other species. This makes her great at gathering surface intel. She has existed since the first game came out and she is very special to me.
Melleny Kietron (@riceicle):
An octoling that spends most of her time at the crust bucket on inkopolis square. Should you ever need her help, she’s more than happy to cooperate, as long as it doesn’t involve Babysitting or assassinations.
Overall, she’s cheery when with her friends, but otherwise shy and reserved. Whenever her friends are in turf war, she’s also there, otherwise melleny, or melly for short, can’t bring up the energy to go to the lobby herself.
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