#mella is money
south-of-heaven · 1 month
Carmella Masterlist
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moonlightbae86 · 5 months
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harlems-hero · 2 years
@mcllaismoney - You know, alladat could have been a text one week ago.
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judesluvrr · 2 years
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carmella looked so good tonight❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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chocobosdungeon2 · 11 months
my silly little playlists
a collection of all the spotify playlists ive made
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pretty much all of these are made to be on shuffle
Relatively Normal Playlists
The Vibes
My regular listening playlist, most reflective my actual music taste
The Apple of my Eye
Romantic playlist with a definite sapphic tilt
にほんごのおんがく (Japanese Music)
What it says on the tin. Realized that my Japanese music collection is on a hard drive that's in storage, so started actually putting what I can onto this playlist. Spotify still doesnt have a lot :(
Also what it says on the tin. Ranges from noise music to OSTs to orchestras. Sorry if a lyric'd song snuck in, I try to catch them.
Morning Moods
Songs I find relaxing. Manifesting peaceful mornings
office vibes (sfw)
Songs that are good but also not offensive to my mormon bosses.
Feel Good
High energy songs that generally stay positive
Was my regular listening playlist until I made The Vibes, now I put songs I maybe kinda like on there to test them out more
Specific Themes
pop+punk XYZ
pop punk/pop punk adjacent songs from the 90s to now (generations X, Y, and Z)
video games
Songs from video games, not songs about video games. Also the Spyro theme is the only cover on the playlist I think.
memento mori
Songs about death/dealing with death. somber but i honestly enjoy listening to it sometimes.
i planted a garden right here
Songs of any kind as long as it is the name of a flower/tree/shrub/some sort of plant. It is a very large garden and it is very fun to wander through.
contemporary vaporwave playlist (curated when vaporwave was still popular)
rainbow girlfriends
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, repeat
A Christmas Playlist
Holiday vibes with a lot more spice. Could not earnestly be put in the normal list. named after the infamous A Christmas Record, which is of course included
Let's Get Political
songs that have a message but are also bangers
Songs about money/having money. Manifesting, etc.
middle school dance in rural california circa 2009
make me smile
Songs that make me laugh to drop into queues like tacs on a running track.
Girlies is Online
i dont mean to alarm you just thought you should know.
Original Characters Donut Steel
A Land of Milk and Honey
Could technically just be considered an 80s Sophistipop playlist but I am being honest. This is a blorbo playlist.
Mella (D&D)
Actually meant to be listened to in order instead of shuffled. Tracks her path from childhood to 100 years in the Feywild before she was forced to leave and then her adventuring vibes (with a death theme for good measure)
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The Bandit Queen's Bride: The Marketplace (Part 2)
See, I promised :)
Also link to part 1
Jin stood from her spot on the cushion, making a mental note to buy a better one for the old man. Last thing she needed was him hurting his hip and whinging for days about how the cushion was to blame. He deserved better than that. The gold bits felt hot in her hand, begging to be spent, but she held herself in check. Patience, Jin… Patience…
Her eye caught on a flash of something shiny, drawing her attention across the market square. There, nearly drowned out by the crushing mass of bodies shuffling by, stood a woman with her auburn hair contained in a net of woven gold threads and diamonds, lending a sparkle to every minute movement of her head. It was the dazzling flash that had drawn Jin’s eye, but that was hardly the thing that rooted her in place.
No, what stopped her dead was that, as she peered over the sea of bodies milling about in a lazy shuffle, the woman looked back at her, and their eyes locked.
Maybe it was the heat from standing in the sun. Maybe it was the claustrophobic press of the crowd before her. Maybe it was the headache born from days of stress and hunger and sleeplessness. Whatever the reason, Jin found herself struck dumb by the eye contact. It lasted just a second--less than a second, truthfully.
But it was long enough.
She was barely aware of “Blessed fuckin’ stars” leaving her lips in a breathless tone. If she’d still had her wits about her, the Bandit Queen would have been mortified that her interest was so obvious. At least the only of her bandits who witnessed the lapse of composure was Gallum. Entranced, she began wading through the crowd toward the woman, who’d already turned away to examine the wares of the stall where she stood.
“See anything you like, miss?”
The merchant inquired with a hopeful voice, but the words bounced around in her head without fully processing. Mella stared blankly at the table, trying to appear interested despite having no idea what she was looking at. Her thoughts were racing, already replaying the split-second eye contact she’d made with the gorgeous stranger across the way. The woman’s hair was matted and dirty, the blonde edging closer to brown in color, and her clothes were quite shabby… But her eyes… The gaze she met was dark and wild, like an animal that wasn’t quite tame. Just thinking about those eyes sent a little shiver down her spine in spite of the heat.
The merchant cleared his through, the polite sound barely audible over the noise of the marketplace, but it succeeded in drawing her attention back to the present. Embarrassed by her own behavior, Mella plucked up the first thing she saw on the table, presenting it to the merchant. If she made a purchase, surely he wouldn’t care that she hadn’t said a word for nearly a minute.
“This, if you please.”
As the words left her lips, Mella cursed herself. She didn’t have her purse with her! Freidrech had insisted that she didn’t need it. Why would she, when he could buy whatever she wanted? Of course, that was before she slipped away, leaving him to argue with the manager of the restaurant where they’d eaten lunch. He was probably still there, the insipid boar.
“Ah, excellent choice, miss! This is my finest piece among a selection of fine pieces! The price is twelve gold bits, but for the pretty lady, a mere six bits is all I ask.”
Mella stared at the man, then at her hand. In her grasp was a necklace made of woven gold, and at the center hung a pendant in the shape of a scallop shell. The pendant was carved from some kind of glittering stone, catching the bright sunlight as it turned this way and that on the chain. Six gold bits was barely a fair price for something like this; she highly doubted he initially planned to sell it for twelve, given the competent craftsmanship and simplistic design. Not that it mattered. Mella had no money.
Just as she began to put it down, mouth opening to sheepishly explain that she had no money, an arm reached past her to drop six bits on the counter.
“She’ll have it.”
Mella shivered as the husky female voice brushed against her senses. Whoever had spoken stood right behind her, reaching around her to pay the merchant. The merchant was thanking the mystery woman while simultaneously tucking the bits into a lockbox. The arm retracted partly, the slender-fingered hand resting on Mella’s bicep. Heat approached the side of her head, and the same voice whispered in her ear,
“Beautiful girls deserve beautiful things… And you are by far the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in my life.”
Jin was in full maiden-wooing mode, forgetting about her promise to buy Gallum some cider, forgetting that they needed to scrape together as much money as possible, forgetting that she needed to not get tangled up in whatever political machinations a woman like this one would undoubtedly be involved with. The woman was only a bit shorter than her, so the Bandit Queen could whisper in her ear without bending at all, and she was rewarded with a tiny shiver in response. Had she not been touching the woman’s arm, she never would have known she reacted at all.
The woman turned her head just enough to see Jin from the corner of her beautiful blue eye. The town was big enough to have a few lesser noble families residing there during the summer months; the redhead beauty was dressed in the fine clothes and jewels of a noble daughter. Maybe Jin would be getting lucky in more ways than one today.
“Excuse me, miss, but you’re in my personal space. Did no one teach you that it’s impolite to lay hands on a stranger?”
Jin relinquished her contact on the woman’s arm and took half a step back, nearly bumping into someone walking by. The redhead turned to look fully at her, lifting a hand to shade her eyes from the sun. White silk glove, long enough to tuck under the mid-forearm length of her dress sleeve, which was edged with lace. Oh yes, this woman was definitely a noble…
“Pardon me, miss. Didn’t mean to offend.”
The woman scoffed. “Perhaps, but offense was taken nonetheless. That being said… Perhaps we shall call it even, seeing as you’ve already purchased me a gift.”
Jin felt a grin spread over her lips. The woman’s words were delivered with a sharp voice, but the way she was avoiding eye contact belied how flustered she really was. She was not the first woman to react with polite hostility to the Bandit Queen’s advances; she would probably fall just as hard and easily as the others.
“Please, dear lady, allow me to make up for my indiscretion with another gesture. Let me to buy you a drink to quench your thirst. The sun is hot today, and a beauty like you should be kept cool in the shade.”
The woman seemed to consider the offer. Her lips parted slightly, and Jin’s gaze fell to them, admiring the shape of them… Imagining what it would be like to kiss them… To hear the desperate gasps and cries for mercy that the Bandit Queen would wring out while her own lips trailed down the soft curve of her neck and shoulder…
“There you are, my lady! You vanished while I was distracted.”
The sound of a man’s voice shattered the daydream filling Jin’s head. The redhead stepped quickly away, then around her to be greeted by a man with a handsome face and a suit of such bright white silk that he was blinding in the sunlight. This was a man who demanded attention with his very presence, and Jin hated him immediately.
I’m going to lose my mind, Mella thought to herself. The strange woman was so close, grinning at her as if she found the entire situation amusing. At first, Mella had been too sidetracked by her bold demeanor to notice anything else… But the sound of Freidrech’s voice cut through the fog in her mind. She stepped past the woman to intercept him, hoping to distract him from noticing how close a total stranger had been to her just seconds ago.
“Freidrech, it’s about time you stopped fussing over the lunch bill and joined me. I was beginning to think you’d gone and forgotten about me.”
Freidrech huffed and took her hand, lifting it to press his lips against the silk-gloved fingers. “Nonsense, my lady,” he said with a slight smile. “You leave too great an impression to ever be forgotten.”
His gaze slid past Mella’s face to look past her, and for a second, she worried that he would pick another pointless, petty fight with someone he saw as beneath him. But he did not. He released her hand, chin lifting and his arm offered out for her to hold onto.
“Come, my lady. We have an appointment to keep with Lord and Lady Volet. It would be a shame to disappoint them.”
She reached out, sliding a hand around his arm, and allowed herself to be pulled away from the market stall. She knew that looking back was a terrible idea--surely the stranger had taken the hint and moved on to the next pretty woman to flirt with.
Still, as Freidrech blathered on about how important it was to impress Lord Volet, Mella found herself glancing over her shoulder… And meeting the gaze of her approacher, just as dark and strange as the first glance, watching her intently as the distance between them grew. In her other hand, hastily tucked into the pocket of her dress, she clutched the scallop shell necklace tightly.
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mjfass · 2 years
Carmella returned on Monday and she's back to her Princess of Staten Island/Mella is Money gimmick
That is awesome!! I’m glad she is back.
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alxablss · 1 year
𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 𝙼𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 | 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 carmella sent — ( 📩 sms: ) i j sut left you a 3 mintue long voicemail singing. sorry
( mssg : mella is money ) don't be sorry. ( mssg : mella is money ) how about song requests next? ( mssg : mella is money ) i vote your next recording is of barbie girl
@defeatsthem ♡
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thedudear1992 · 2 years
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Carmella x Fem!Reader being on total divas?
Mystery girl || Carmella x Reader
Summary: Carmella reveals who she's dating on Total Divas.
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The hotel room was filled with tension as the Total Divas crew waited for Carmella to reveal the mystery girl she'd been secretly dating. Sonya Deville sat on one of the beds, her curiosity piqued, and she exchanged a few glances with Carmella. The cameras were rolling, capturing every moment of this reveal.
Carmella took a deep breath, her eyes locked onto Sonya's, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She knew that this moment could change everything.
"Sonya," Carmella began, her voice unwavering, "I have a confession to make. There's something I've been wanting to tell you, and I thought it was finally time."
Sonya leaned forward, her eyes narrowing with curiosity, "You've had so many confessions lately, first you're seeing this mystery girl but you can't tell me who she is, what now?"
Carmella hesitated for just a moment, her gaze drifting to the camera as she smiled and said, "This mystery girl I've been seeing, the one I've been keeping a secret? Well, it's not much of a secret anymore."
Sonya's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she looked from Carmella to the camera crew, her jaw dropping in realization.
Carmella continued, her voice filled with affection, "It's (Your Name), Sonya. She's the one I've fallen for, and I couldn't be happier."
Sonya was momentarily stunned, her mouth agape, but then a slow smile spread across her face. "No way, Mella! You and (Your Name)? That's amazing!"
The room seemed to lighten up with Sonya's enthusiastic reaction. The crew captured the genuine joy on her face as she embraced Carmella, congratulating her on this new chapter in her life.
The cameras rolled on as the conversation shifted, and Carmella began sharing her feelings openly. She spoke about how incredible you were, how your love had changed her life, and how she looked forward to a future filled with happiness with you by her side.
As Carmella spoke, her voice filled with emotion, it was evident just how deeply she cared for you. The viewers were treated to an intimate glimpse into her heart, and they couldn't help but be touched by her sincerity.
The segment concluded with Carmella and Sonya laughing together, their friendship stronger than ever. Carmella's revelation had brought them closer, and as the cameras finally cut away, the two friends were excitedly making plans for a double date, looking forward to sharing more precious moments together.
Carmella had not only shared her love for you with Sonya but with the world, and her genuine happiness was a testament to the strength of your relationship.
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trustevents · 2 years
Juan pablo duarte
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The highest mountain peak in the Caribbean was named Pico Duarte in his honor.
Juan Pablo Duarte has died on ( age 63).
If two unmarried celebrities are seen in public together, they are often described as “dating” which means they were seen in public together, and it is not clear whether they are merely friends, exploring a more intimate relationship, or are romantically involved. Juan Pablo Duarte prefers not to tell the details of marital status & divorce.ĭating is to describe a stage in a person’s life when he or she is actively pursuing romantic relationships with different people. Let’s take a look at Juan Pablo Duarte’s past relationships, ex-girlfriends, and previous hookups.
Check back often as we will continue to update this page with new relationship details. Liked by Juan Pablo Duarte Educational lunch meeting with an awesome orthodontic office. Juan Pablo Duarte keeps his personal and love life private. Full body measurements, dress & shoe size will be updated soon. Juan Pablo Duarte’s height Unknown & weight Not Available right. Primary Income source World Leader (profession).
He earned the money being a professional World Leader. Let’s check, How Rich is Juan Pablo Duarte in 2020-2021?Īccording to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDb & Various Online resources, famous World Leader Juan Pablo Duarte’s net worth is $1-5 Million before He died. Juan Pablo Duarte estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. He also has a position among the list of Most popular World Leader. He is one of the Richest World Leaders who was born in the Dominican Republic. He has ranked on the list of those famous people who were born on January 26, 1813. On Popular Bio, He is one of the successful World Leader. Affiliations: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. He both orchestrated and financed the Dominican War of Independence which eventually led him to financial ruin. Duarte was, at one point, a likely candidate for the presidency of the Dominican Republic however, general and political leader, Pedro Santana, took control of the country and exiled Duarte. A liberal thinker who liberated the Dominican Republic from Haitian rule in 1844 and helped establish a democratic government. He has made such amount of wealth from his primary career as World Leader.Juan Pablo Duarte was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on January 26, 1813. Juan Pablo Duarte net worth or net income is estimated to be between $1 Million – $5 Million dollars. 70 Phrases from Juan Pablo Duarte, Thoughts of one of the parents of the Dominican Republic, together with Matas Ramn Mella and Francisco del Rosario Snchez.Also some of his few well-known poems. His relationship status is single.įamily Information Parents Name Spouse Name N/A Children Name Number of Children(s) N/A Partner Name N/A Relative(s) Name Pero un nuevo libro escrito por una antroploga e historiadora. Tradicionalmente en la historia dominicana se ha manejado que Juan Pablo Duarte y su familia quedaron en la miseria como consecuencia de haber entregado todos sus bienes a la causa independentista. Height N/A Weight N/A Bust – Waist – Hip N/A Hair Color N/A Eye Color N/A Shoe Size N/Aīefore he was famous, He both orchestrated and financed the Dominican War of Independence which eventually led him to financial ruin. Juan Pablo Duarte no muri pobre era empresario y venda pieles de caimn. Here is the Body measurement informations. Juan sun sign is Aquarius and his birth flower is Carnation & Snowdrop.īirth date 26-Jan Day of Birth Sunday Year of Birth 1813 Birth Sign Aquarius Birth Sign Duality Assertive Birth Sign Modality & Element Fixed Air Opposite Sign Leo Juan Pablo Duarte birthday is on Januand he was born on Sunday.
Bio / Wiki Full Name Juan Pablo Duarte Occupation World Leader Age Death Date – (age 63) Date of Birth JanuPlace of Birth Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Star Sign Aquarius Country Dominican Republic Gender Male
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lasclkit · 2 years
Kallar brides thevaram
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Most Refined Indians Tend To Praise Vegetarianism.Īlways Vegetarianism Is Hailed As A Best Way To Reach More Humane Life, It They Are A Mirror Part Of Karaikkudi Chettiyars, Who Are Non Veg. Not Like Some Sanskrit Aiyars, Who Prefer To Avoid Tamil. They Are Also Part Of Tirunelveli Saiva Pillai. They Recite (Othuthal) Beautiful Thevaram, (It May Be An Aryan Mischief To Divide And Destroy So They Sported "Namam", Andīecame Vishnu Bhakthars. Some Saiva Pillais Converted To Vaishnavism. With All Vellala Community Of Chola Kingdom, And Made A Great Variety Of Non There Is A Strong Possiblity That These Chola Nattu Thevars Freely Mingled (Mukkulathore -Ahamudayar, Maravar, Kallar) (Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji Ganesan Used To Put Pillai Sur Name) They Are Thevars Only, But They Wanted To Use A Better Sur Name. The Pillai Or Thevars Who Had Own Houses. They are a small community of fighters who fought to safeguard their homeland. "Sozhiyan kudumi summa Aadathu" -means the Sozhiyar never do anything without a purpose/benefit. They are very talented in money matters and Strategic Plans, so there is a calling, They must have helped theĬhola nattu kings (also considered to be a pillai -not thevar). Actually they are the sozha nattu pillai. So there must haveīeen CASTE REFINEMENT -UPGRADATION in the old days. Meaning that Vellalar caste is a slow EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS. "maravarum, kallvarum, agamudaiyarrum mella mella maruvi vellalar aayinare" This kind of GREAT KNOWLEDGE, CORAGEOUS, VALOUR,ĮFFORT and CREATIVITY can be found in todays' VELLALARS also. The VELLALA clears the FOREST with the VEL and make it ready for TILLING with means, the VELLADU eats the punjai land and make it clean. "vellalan pona idamum, velladu pona idamum vettai". This kind of destroying the forest and making the agriculture is compared with NADU -THE NAGERCOIL AREA IS THE LAND WERE NANJIL -THE PLOUGHSHARE WAS FIRST Later on, the technique of manufacturing VEL, and the NANJIL (ploughshare) Ruled the TAMILDOM -INDUS VALLEY -THE DRAVIDA COUNTRY - THE OLD INDIA. so the people with lancer -the MURUGU PILLAI's (The people with lancer started to doĪANMAI enral AATCHI -RULE. Otherwise no body will let you capture a land, capture a water resource. In those times, "vel kondu vetri kondal thaan Vellanmai seyya iyalum". M.R RADHA) -VEZHIR -ALL THESE WORDS ARE INTER CONNECTED, RELATED. VELLALAR -VELALAR -VEL (LORD MURUGA'S WEAPON) -VELZH (THE VEZH OF NADIGAVEZH Iravatham Mahathevan IAS speaks on Asko Parpola PILLAI must have been A NAME COMMONLY USED BY ALL DRAVIDIANS. Indicate PILLAI with fond calling and this later became a caste name. refer ANIL PILLAI -MURUGU PILLAI -and so many other names written in INDUS SCRIPT MURUGAN worship existed in INDUS VALLEY times. pls check -where the page regarding the INDUS VALLEYĭECYPHERMENT by Asko Parpola (Univ Prof. Pillai name existed in INDUS VALLEY times. 68 What Happens When All The Karma Of All Past Lives Is Worked Out?. 67 How Does Karma Work For One Who Is Under The Care Of A Guru?. 65 How Does Karma Work For One Who Is Realized?. 32 The Path of the Siddhas or Siddha Margam. 29 Can We Realize God? Know The Very Existence Of God? Alternatively, Of His Nature At Least?. 27 The Longing for God & Yearning for Liberation. SHANMUGAM AVADAIYAPPA AGATHIYAN PRODUCTION HOUSE 2013ĬONTENTS CONTENTS. FIRE OF DEVOTION A STUDY ON THE WORKINGS OF THE SIDDHASįirst Edition March 2013 Second Edition March 2013 (Illustrated) Revised Edition April 2013 Revised June 2013 Agathiyan Production House The author wrote this book solely for academic use and not for commercial purposes.
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(Referring to when Carmella won Money in the Bank 2017)
Mustafa Ali: I was happy for her cus I felt like she deserved it and she had been grinding at it forever.
Whenever Mustafa compliments or uplifts his coworkers it makes me so happy 🥺
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moonlightbae86 · 3 years
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kage-gfx · 5 years
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Impeccable WOMEN Signatures
Based on Panini America’s 2018-19 Impeccable Basketball
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