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dominousworld · 3 months ago
a cura di Chiara Rovigatti Galati 3,28 Non c’è più giudeo né greco; non c’è più schiavo né libero; non c’è più uomo né donna, poiché tutti voi siete uno in Cristo Gesù. Ebrei 7,3 Melkizedek è senza padre, senza madre, senza genealogia, senza principio di giorni né fine di vita, fatto simile al Figlio di Dio e rimane sacerdote in eterno. Spero che capiate da qui cosa sia la VIA DI MELKIZEDEK…
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quadtheory4 · 2 years ago
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maria-dib · 3 years ago
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#boanoite🌌 #sabado #saturday #ufo #ufos #ovni #ovnis #vimana #shreembrzee #melkizedek #Krsna #krishna #heracles #hermes #megistus #hermestrismegistus #omjagannathayanamaha #om #omjaganamnamah #omgamgana #omjagannathnamonamah #jagannath #namo #namah #ganesh #adibuddha #vasudev ॐ⊕♁☯☧♀🌌🌞🌗🌍🌓 29/01/2022 Sábado Saturday 🌟Boa noite!🌟🙏 (em Vila Industrial, São Paulo-Sp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZVRSNPLZajCkL77OJwHFk7wjP1TktcD_EzUAQ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ilaw-at-panitik · 3 years ago
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The Summer Solstice and Other Stories by Nick Joaquín is a collection of three short stories where mundane lives intersect with the superstitious, the mystical, and the cultish. In it are the title story "The Summer Solstice," as well as two other stories "The Mass of St. Sylvestre" and "The Order of Melkizedek." All of which have a gothic, spooky atmosphere and the quintessential Nick Joaquin prose that is long, lyrical, and breathtaking to behold.
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swarmkeepers · 3 years ago
happy sleepover saturday!! do you have any fav dnd stories??
happy sleepover saturday bea i hope you've had a good saturday! and oh man i can't narrow down to a single favorite but because celestine secrets is playing tomorrow: recently the party dove under the hull of leviathan to rothgar's rudder, which isn't just a part of the city but is actually the wreck of an enemy ship that tried to ram the leviathan, sank, and is still attached. it's got a nasty aasimar undead captain (melkizedek rothgar) who's been petrified and pearlized into a mother-of-pearl skeleton and just. the atmosphere whooo i love it! but one ongoing thread we're still following is what to do about the bodies of the crew, mummified and entombed in the ship. vita (grave cleric) has been stealing from and/or laying to rest bodies all game, and kima (my pc, artillerist artificer) not only wants to be friend/accomplice to that whole deal but also has a strong loyalty to leviathan and thinks that the captain shouldn't be able to own his sailors' bodies if they're part of leviathan now. tl;dr i'm loving the possibility for unionizing the dead/bodysnatching that's going on both as a cool kima&vita moment and just. celestine secrets-typical chaos
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secretmeaningofthings · 4 years ago
Paul Mork - Choke me ft. Nurs  Brandski - Optical Signal (Moralex Remix) Skinny Puppy - Addiction (WLDV edit) One Flesh Infektion - Das Kombat Randolph & Mortimer - Fantasy Land (Curses Remix) Philosophique Girl - Vague Memorized Date One.Flesh.Infektion - Deprivation Syndrome Melkizedek - Giger Syndrome Viktor Kalima - Segmented Virtual Memory Albert Severin - Severin Heads B1980- Warrior Two Nasdrowie - Syntax Error (Alpha Sect Remix) Foreign Policy - Would You Just Let Go Black Pyramid - Manipulation Invading Executioner (Inhalt der Nacht)  Illnurse ft. DJ Varsovie - All Day (Parallx Remix) Arppa - Krook Mixcloud - https://www.mixcloud.com/brittnie-fuller/strict-tempo-syntax-error Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/voxsinistra/strict-tempo-syntax-error
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romancatholicreflections · 6 years ago
22nd January >> Daily Reflection/Commentary on Today’s First Reading for Roman Catholics on Tuesday, Second Week in Ordinary Time (Hebrews 6:10-20): The source of all our security is in the oath God has made to all humankind and whose pledge is in Jesus our High Priest, who has gone before us and on our behalf.
The reading begins with words of encouragement to the ‘Hebrews’, who are having problems in remaining faithful to their Christian commitment. On the one hand, they are to realise that God is not unmindful of all the good things they have done and the love they have shown in their service of their fellow-Christians. This may include material help given to another church, perhaps the church in Jerusalem which was often in need.
At the same time, he urges them to maintain their former “earnestness”. Let them not become sluggish and half-hearted but follow in the footsteps of those who have maintained their fidelity and shown patience in times of difficulty. Paul, in his letters, often encourages people to be “imitators”, to model themselves on outstanding Christians. He even suggests that they be imitators of himself.
The author then goes on to use the example of Abraham as one who believed in God’s promise to him and was not disappointed. God had sworn in his own name (for there was no other by whom he could swear an oath) that Abraham would be blessed and that his descendants would be great in number. They would be as numerous as grains of sand on the seashore and as stars in the heavens.
This promise seemed impossible of fulfilment when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only legitimate son, Isaac. Only when, in a great act of trust in God, he proceeded to prepare his son for sacrifice did God stay his hand. Abraham’s total submission in faith to God had been convincingly demonstrated. Later in the Letter, there is a much longer discussion of faith.
When human beings swear by an oath, they do so by someone greater than themselves and, in normal circumstances, an oath solemnly made is taken as a final guarantee. When God wanted to show that his promise to the heirs of Abraham was genuine, he too guaranteed it with an oath.
So the ‘Hebrews’ are protected by these two unassailable guarantees – God’s promise and his confirming oath. With such a backing, their hope in their future with God is made sure and firm. And it is made more sure by the backing of our High Priest, a backing which reaches right to God’s presence. This is all expressed in a Temple image: “We have an anchor… reaching right through beyond the veil where Jesus has entered before us and on our behalf, to become a high priest of the order of Melkizedek and for ever.” Actually, the anchor as a symbol of hope is not normally found in Scripture but was common in the culture of Greece and Rome as a symbol of stability. It became a symbol of hope in Christian iconography of the 2nd century AD.
The image is of the Jerusalem Temple where the high priest once a year on the solemn Day of Atonement penetrated beyond the veil or curtain of the Holy of Holies, where God was believed to be present and offered sacrifice on behalf of the people. Jesus, our High Priest and “forerunner on our behalf”, penetrates the veil of Heaven, where God dwells in inaccessible glory. There he intercedes on our behalf. The imagery here anticipates a much longer discussion of the tabernacle later in the Letter.
In our time, Jesus is still our High Priest. In every Eucharist we celebrate and remember with thanksgiving the supreme offering he made of himself on our behalf. And we, too, are full of faith and hope that the promises made in the Gospel will become a reality in our own lives – provided we open ourselves fully to them.
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procurarcurso · 5 years ago
Formação em Meditação do Yoga, Zen Budismo, Tibet, Budismo , Cristãs, Mantras, Tantra, Mandalas
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The post Formação em Meditação do Yoga, Zen Budismo, Tibet, Budismo , Cristãs, Mantras, Tantra, Mandalas appeared first on Cursos Online.
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hyper333youtube · 5 years ago
mensajes DE los maestros sobre PANDEMIA Melkizedek y ángeles contactada ...
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hirzilla · 6 years ago
Lelkigyakorlat az Eucharisztiáról Leányfalun http://hirzilla.hu/hirek/online-hirek/news/2019/04/12/lelkigyakorlat-az-eucharisztiarol-leanyfalun/?feed_id=38183&_unique_id=5cb0911fe40bf 2019. április 12., péntek | 13:54 Kovács Cs. Albert atya, a tatai Szent Imre templom plébánosa esperes az Eucharisztia mélyebb megismeréséhez vezető „időutazásra” hívta az érdeklődőket április 1. és 4. között a leányfalui lelkigyakorlatos házba. E „sajátos időutazásról, melyben megjelent a múlt, a jelen és a jövő”,Pauerné Csaba Judit, a lelkigyakorlat egyik résztvevője készített összefoglalót, melyet szerkesztve közlünk. Az Eucharisztiában benne van az itt és a most, az örök ma, az abszolút jelen („aki volt, aki van, aki lesz”). A szentmise Jézus Krisztus egyetlen, örök, véres keresztáldozatának vértelen megjelenítése, jelenbe hozatala, amelyet úgy is nézhetünk, hogy mi megyünk oda, a kereszt tövébe, ha tetszik: mi lépünk vissza a múltba – hangzott el lelkigyakorlaton. – A szentmisében nemcsak nagypéntekig megyünk vissza, hanem nagycsütörtökig. Jézus az utolsó vacsorán a tanítványok jelenébe hozza a jövőt: „Kezébe vette a kenyeret, hálát adott, megtörte, tanítványainak adta és így szólt … »Ezt cselekedjétek az én emlékezetemre.«” A kenyértörés reálszimbólum, vagyis jelzi azt, amit valósít. Reálszimbólum, ami azt jelenti, hogy Isten e világban, e világi eszközökkel, e világi közegben jelen van. Akkor is valóságosan volt jelen Jézus Krisztusban, most is valóságosan van jelen a kenyér és a bor színe alatt. Az Eucharisztiában, Jézus Krisztus örök jelenlétében „jövendő dicsőségünk zálogát nyerjük”, hiszen a mennyország maga Jézus Krisztus. Múlt – jelen – jövő … Istennek nincs idő, Istennek nincs az általunk értelmezett idő. Egyetlen, örök, végtelen megváltói pillanat van – mondta Kovács Cs. Albert atya. A múltban tett utazás során ószövetségi előképek tárultak a lelkigyakorlatozók elé: Káin és Ábel áldozatbemutatásai; Noé áldozati oltár építése; Melkizedek, aki kenyeret és bort vitt Ábrahámnak; Ábrahám áldozata; a Kivonulás könyvében megjelenő előképek (hála, kenyér, manna, szabadulás); Malakiás próféta „tiszta ételáldozata, amely jelzi, hogy minden áldozat Isten fölségének elismerését szolgálja, de csak az Istenember áldozata tölti be ezt a rendeltetést tökéletesen, mert egyedül általa adhatjuk meg Istennek a végtelen értékű tiszteletet. Nemcsak az Eucharisztiával kell élnünk, hanem eucharisztikussá is kell válnunk! Az Eucharisztia a szeretet szentsége. Az Eucharisztia Istennel és egymással is közösségbe hoz. A szentmise után hagyjuk magunkat Isten „erőterében” – emelte ki a lelkigyakorlatvezető, majd Marcell atya kármelita szerzetest idézte, aki azt mondta, hogy egész nap nem csinál mást, mint misézik, misézik... Kovács Cs. Albert atya hangsúlyozta, hogy – miként imádkozni csak imádkozva lehet megtanulni, úgy – az Eucharisztia imádását is leginkább a gyakorlatban lehet megtanulni. A lelkigyakorlatozók mindennap három alkalommal is felkeresték az Oltáriszentségben jelen lévő Jézust: a reggeli dicséret imaórájában; az irgalmasság órájában és az esti imaórában. Albert atya az emmauszi tanítványok történetén keresztül vonta be a résztvevőket a szentmise mint a legtisztább és legtökéletesebb áldozatmegjelenítés és áldozatfelajánlás misztériumába. „Tegyünk mi is mindannyian úgy, mint ezek a tanítványok, akik miután fölismerték az Urat, »még abban az órában útra keltek« (Lk 24,33), mert közölni akarták, amit láttak és hallottak. Minden szentáldozásban az élő Istennel találkozunk, aki életet ad nekünk, az életet adja nekünk. Egészen, teljesen és visszavonhatatlanul. Fussunk és adjuk tovább ezt a végtelen örömöt” – hangzott el a Leányfalun tartott lelkigyakorlaton. Forrás: tatai Szent Imre-plébánia közössége Magyar Kurír Kövesse a Magyar Kurírt a Facebookon is! © Híreink csak a szerkesztőség engedélyével, „Magyar Kurír” forrásmegjelöléssel használhatók fel. Vezető híreink – olvasta már? 11:04 09:48
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dominousworld · 4 months ago
di Silviana Vernazza Figura misteriosa ed emblematica quella di Melkisedek. Egli insegna il superamento del dualismo materiale per raggiungere un’androginia spirituale. Egli è il Sacerdote che celebra le nozze alchemiche fra la sposa interiore e lo sposo interiore dell’iniziato. Egli è custode della Sacra fiamma. In questo ruolo esprime il lato femminile di Dio. È pastore delle anime, Re e…
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dominousworld · 4 months ago
di Musa Mnemosine Il segreto Ordine di Melquisedec non potrà apparire mai nel mondo fisico finché l’umanità è costituita di accordo col suo presente schema. È la suprema Scuola di Misteri, e solo pochi hanno raggiunto quello punto in che si sono uniti le sue nature umana e divina tanto perfettamente che sono arrivati ad essere simbolicamente bicefali. Bisogna ottenere il perfetto equilibrio…
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dominousworld · 1 year ago
di Mike Plato Perchè tutti i rabbini nel corso dei secoli hanno IMPOSTO l’esegesi di MELKIZEDEK come SHEM (figlio di NOE’) ? Ovvio, perchè accettare l’idea di MELKIZEDEK come ESSERE SOVRUMANO preesistente persino ad ABRAMO avrebbe comportato e comporterebbe ingoiare il rospo della verità di una tradizione spirituale non umana e di un sacerdozio divino ed eterno che spazzerebbe via non solo il…
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dominousworld · 1 year ago
a cura di Eli Sheva «C’era una volta un re chiamato Melchi, padre di due figli: Melchi e Melchisedec. Questo re, zelante nel culto degli idoli, un giorno inviò il suo figlio cadetto ad acquistare del bestiame per i sacrifici. Lungo la strada, la contemplazione del cielo stellato offrì a Melchisedec la rivelazione del D-o unico, Creatore di tutte le cose. Rinunciò, così, alla missione di cui era…
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dominousworld · 1 year ago
a cura di Eli Sheva E Malkitsedeq, re di Shalèm, offrì pane e vino: era sacerdote del Dio altissimo e benedisse Abramo (Bereshìt 14: 18-19) Secondo il midràsh (Bereshìt Rabbàh 43:6), che parla qui a nome di Rabbi Yitzchàk HaBavlì, Malkitsedeq era detto «re di Shalèm» perché nacque addirittura già circonciso. Shalèm è infatti sinonimo di tam o tamìm (integro), e integro è chiamato anche chi ha…
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dominousworld · 1 year ago
La questione, da 2000 anni, riposa sul fatto che OGNUNO SI FA IL CRISTO CHE GLI PIACE DI PIÙ E PERSINO SI CONFÀ AL SUO MODO DI ESSERE. Tuttavia c’è un dato oggettivo, niente affatto personale, su cui da 2000 anni pochissimi hanno indagato. L’autore della lettera agli ebrei, forse Paolo o chi per lui, fa una rivelazione sulla quale NESSUNO SI SOFFERMA MAI: CRISTO È SACERDOTE IN ETERNO AL MODO DI…
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