petaltexturedskies · 7 days
meliorism (n.) — the belief that through compassionate effort and persistent kindness, we can create a world where hope, love, nature, and peace may flourish
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jerrom · 11 months
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riiov · 3 months
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spnsabrielbang · 1 month
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Waiting For You
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Author & Artist ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes & @bakh-meliorism ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Rated ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Teen and Up Audiences ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Word count ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ 4,485 words (34.5 minute read) ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Warnings ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ No Major Warnings Apply ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Tags ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Retired Hunter Sam Winchester, Lawyer Sam Winchester, Alternate Angel Lore, Angels Have a Soulmate, Humans Do Not Have a Soulmate, Murder, Murder Mystery, Police Procedural, Sort of, Police Detective Jo Harvelle, Lesbian Jo Harvelle, Psychic Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Lesbian Character, Out of the Closet Sam Winchester, Mention Past Relationship(s), Retired Hunter Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester is Bisexual ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Characters ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Sam Winchester, (Archangel) Gabriel, Jo Harvelle, (Angel) Castiel, Dean Winchester, Original Female Character. ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Relationships ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Gabriel / Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle / Original Female Character, Castiel & Dean Winchester
─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ Summary ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ A murder has occurred at the foot of the legendary angel statue in Mercy Cross cemetery and Sam is called in for help from an old friend.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ─ [ FIC ] <-║-> [ ART ] ─ ⋅ ⋅ ─
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support banner from [HERE] || SPN divider from [HERE]
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spnangelbang · 1 year
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“Loki Spake” - Friday, July 7
Author: mukur0 ( @abttraitors​ ) Artist:  bakh_meliorism  ( @bakh-meliorism ) Rating: Mature Featured characters: Gabriel Featured relationships: Past Loki/Angrboda, past Loki/Sigyn, past Loki/Kali Length: 10,000 words Tags: Gabriel is Loki, Norse myth, canon divergent
Summary: In the painful aftermath of a hare-brained confrontation at the Elysian Fields hotel, what has left Gabriel decimated has made Loki whole. A waking certainty of the looming dawn of Ragnarök ripples across the Norse realms in the wake of Odin's death. Frenzied, the gods have called for the blood of Loki's sons, the wolf Fenrir and the world snake Jörmungandr, in the hopes of averting their doom. If Loki has learned one thing since the Apocalypse, though, it's that fate isn't unbeatable—and he isn't going to let Asgard take anything else from him ever again.
It was something like cutting off all of his limbs, severing himself from his own being, wrapping himself in a terrible little ball around the core of grace he managed to save. The world erupted as an archangel was slain, two forces of complete devastation striking head on and one burning out. The terror that Lucifer would notice the little bit of him wrapped tight in earth magic, desperately hidden within a dying god, ate him from the inside out. He lost his senses, lost his mind. There was no knowing what was around or inside. For a long time he wasn’t entirely sure that he was alive—only that he was in anguish. He couldn’t remember if this felt like falling or could have somehow been worse.
Óðinn howled and writhed inside of himself, hatred lashing out at the invasion, but he was as weak as his nemesis, only surviving because of the presence filling his body with him. His essence knew Loki, though, was part of Loki, had a hand in the creation of Loki’s own body. The one that Lucifer had stabbed, that was probably immolated in the explosion of destroyed grace. Disgusting.
They writhed, vicious and unforgiving, until he managed to barely subdue Óðinn and spend yet more of his energy on hiding them. Who knew what might come investigating, searching for the god-king, and find him with his own personal parasite? Óðinn bit at the thought, determined to drag Gabriel to death along with him. Traitor, he hissed ferociously, even faded and tattered as he was; you’ve brought destruction down on our heads twice.
Ferocious and unforgiving, he brought a proverbial boot down on his oathbrother’s neck.
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nacricissa · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes tag game
@winterandwords left an open tag, so I am using this quote generator for Elise and Eric.
Eric: Your Honor, I hereby submit the following to the court: Eric: Elise, what the actual FUCK?
I imagine this is at least what he's thinking when The Book is presented. From his perspective the entire thing, which will end up being maybe 80 000 words was manufactured and ensorcelled in about two minutes.
Eric: Well Elise, I have to say, I'm really disappointed. Elise: Well, you didn't HAVE to say it. You could've just thought it.
Even if he had just thought it she would have heard, so saying it aloud is solely for the benefit of anyone listening.
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top 10 Ghost songs I don't think people talk about enough !!
Absolution - HELLO?? this song DOES THINGS TO ME its not even funny
Missionary Man - the GUITAR. 1010 cover 5 stars great reviews will visit again
Con Clavi Con Dio - not sure if this one should be on here but hell if it isn't a banger
Jigolo Har Megiddo - explodes in a ball of fire. I don't even know what I love most about this song
Imperium - I sobbed to this marching band ass sounding song
Twenties - "I'm number 1, you're number 2. You've got a lot of God's work to do." YES OMG!!!!!!
Elizabeth - GOD. or... dare I say... satan
Death Knell - I never knew a bell in a song could do so much damage to me
Nocturnal Me - the CHAINS and the DRUMS and EVERYTHING
Waiting for the Night - makes a huge sad face. perfection
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Подивився проходження гри To The Moon, яку я проходив. (До речі, у неї є офіційна українська локалізація) У перший раз мені сумно було, але у проходженні мене геть поплавило. Це дуже чудова гра, якщо ви колись захочете пограти, обов'язково це зробіть! Тупо кінець у гри зворушливий настільки, що починається водоспад сліз! 😭
Летсплейщик: щас буду плакати
Я: *вже плачу*
P.S Так, трішки реклами ютуб каналу. Мені дуже подобаються проходження Melior Max, його канал дуже затишний та атмосферний, мені завжди хочеться його дивитися. Тому скористаюся моментом щоб його підтримати!
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pantachorei · 3 months
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tag drop
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Accountability is fundamental to meliorism, the belief in the possibility and importance of improving the world through human effort. Holding individuals accountable, including family, friends, and colleagues, is crucial in fostering an environment where continuous improvement is not just encouraged but expected. Within families and friendships, accountability nurtures trust and respect. When individuals hold each other to high standards of honesty, integrity, and responsibility, relationships become more robust and resilient. For example, if a family member or friend consistently fails to meet commitments or exhibits harmful behavior, addressing these issues directly can lead to personal growth and a stronger bond. By ensuring that each member contributes positively and upholds shared values, the collective well-being is enhanced. In professional settings, accountability is indispensable for maintaining the trustworthiness and effectiveness of various professions. Peer accountability within professions such as policing and teaching is a critical component. For instance, police officers holding their colleagues accountable for misconduct ensures the integrity of the force and strengthens public trust. Similarly, teachers monitoring and supporting each other in adhering to ethical standards and best practices enhances the quality of education and the institution's reputation. Other examples include healthcare professionals adhering to rigorous standards to ensure patient safety and corporate leaders fostering ethical business practices to build consumer trust. By creating a culture where individuals are held accountable for their actions, professions can maintain high standards of conduct, thereby ensuring their reliability and the betterment of society as a whole.
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kiwikipedia · 4 months
here take this so I dont have to look at it anymore (writers block hurty)
Hazbin Hotel x FGO
A soul dropping down into Hell wasn’t anything new, quite the opposite really.
Such a thing was more or less a daily occurrence, considering how around a hundred and fifty or so people died per day and not all of them ascended up to Heaven. 
A soul dropping down into Hell wasn’t anything new. It wasn’t anything exciting or show stopping. It was as normal as normal was in the realm.
What wasn’t normal, with this soul, was the immediate destruction that followed.
It was unlike anything that had been seen, entirely different from the Radio Demon’s debut twelve years prior, something that he had playfully admitted himself. And yet one thing was the same: the sheer mark on the Ring that had been left in the wake of the soul’s arrival.
It took a week for the Overlords of the Pride Ring to assemble into something functional, to decide on what to do with the soul that was destroying the pentagram bit by bit every day, wrecking city blocks, encroaching on territories, with blue and violet flames and a horrible, horrible feeling that settled in the pit of any demon’s gut when that roar sounded from within the destruction.
But Overlords do not change their spots so easily, and alliances are fragile in hell.
Forty Overlords stepped in, the most powerful Overlords in Hell ordered to by the King of Hell himself. Some with teeth bared, weapons in hand, power crackling and simmering under their skin. Others uncertain, newly added to the ranks after the devastation that the Radio Demon had brought forth only two decades prior.
And still others lingered behind, holding very little care for what was happening, or perhaps willfully ignorant and arrogant in thinking that whatever beast that had dropped down would not be able to touch them because of their power, their position.
But one thing was on the minds of all Overlords that day– If one of the others were to be… slain in the battle that was bound to ensue, it would be no fault of their own. If they just happened to turn a blind eye to another Overlord being killed, well, no one could fault them.
At the end of the day, it hadn’t mattered.
Forty Overlords closed ranks on the soul that had wrought destruction since the day it had fallen from the crimson skies of Hell.
It would not be Forty Overlords who walked back out of the destruction.
Nineteen Overlords revealed themselves to be among the living, or what constituted for living in Hell. Twelve Overlords would not be walking, would be among the rubble, the bodies, and blood, but alive. They would boast that they fought and lived, but the others knew… It was by pure luck they lived.
Seven Overlords would walk out, some staggering, some appearing flawless as ever. All at once, the fires seemed to die, as blue and violet flames flared white hot before dissolving into pink petals and golden leaves.
Seven Overlords, and a single, lone figure walking alongside of a massive beast adorned with horns and fur as white as the stars. A massive beast with its teeth bared into a growling snarl and a tail that looked to be made of the galaxy itself.
That was the day that the soul became known by a name to Hell.
A pair of souls that had become melded together, with destruction simmering under their skin. One could not be found without the other, and one could not bring down destruction that had otherwise been unheard of in Hell without the other.
Two souls sewn together to beat as one.
Seven Overlords triumphed, but not without a price.
Seven Overlords triumphed, and Seven Overlords were able to walk from the destruction that leveled parts of the pentagram to nothing. 
And following them? Following them was who would become known to hell as the Beast of Humanity.
Then, as suddenly as they appeared, the two halves of the Best of Humanity faded into the background.
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laku-incarnate · 2 years
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Crossness Pumping Station, London 
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fieriframes · 2 months
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omegamoo · 2 years
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some whittled pantheon guys for ur day! they r the failsafes
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voidcoining · 2 years
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[ID: a 5-striped flag, following the -lexic flag template. from top to bottom: purplish blue, light purple, peachy pink, orangey yellow, peachy pink, light purple, purplish blue. in the center there is a light yellow square spanning the middle 3 lines, with small squares of the same color on the top and bottom. end ID]
[pt: meliorismlexic. end pt]
a gender related to the word “meliorism” meaning “the [philosophical] belief that the world can be made better by human effort” !
a -lexic gender!
coined by me! requested by no one
please let me know if this has been coined before!
[pt: please let me know if this has been coined before! end pt]
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[ID: a purple background with white stars. black text with a white outline reads "read my dni before interacting” end ID]
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spnangelbang · 1 year
Loki Spake
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Author: mukur0 ( @abttraitors ) Artist: bakh-meliorism ( @bakh-meliorism ) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Featured characters: Gabriel Featured relationships: Gabriel/Sigyn (past), Gabriel/Angrboða (past) Length: 6,931 words Tags:  Gabriel is Loki, Norse Mythology and Lore, Canon Divergent - Post-S5, Ragnarök, Infant Death (Warning), Godly Cannibalism (Warning)
Summary:  In the painful aftermath of a hare-brained confrontation at the Elysian Fields hotel, what has left Gabriel decimated has made Loki whole. A waking certainty of the looming dawn of Ragnarök ripples across the Norse realms in the wake of Óðinn’s death. Frenzied, the gods have called for the blood of Loki’s sons, the wolf Fenrir and the world snake Jörmungandr, in the hopes of averting their doom. If Loki has learned one thing since the Apocalypse, though, it’s that fate isn’t unbeatable—and he isn’t going to let Asgarðr take anything else from him ever again.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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