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givemegifs · 2 years ago
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putitonmydash · 1 year ago
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Melat Abera
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thebekashow · 7 months ago
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i've been having a hard time sleeping so I decided to follow my mothers advice and try to sleep without my phone in my room.
it did not work.. :'D
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post3l · 2 years ago
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corpseofwires · 9 months ago
like black people are present in every single fucking genre and scene and popularized and straight up created several but people are so fucking hell bent on finding every possible excuse to not engage with their music because its easier than trying to confront their own racism. like okay well if its truly just a disinterest in most rap music then surely you listen to black artists in other genres right? who am i fucking kidding. of course you dont.
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okj. is sleep time
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barneysbigstompers · 1 year ago
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doncosty · 1 year ago
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Meet Five Ethiopian Sisters who are all successful Athletes.
The trailblazing sisters are known as Anna Dibaba, Melat Dibaba, Tirunesh Dibaba, Ejegayehu Dibaba and Genzebe Dibaba from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The Dibaba sisters are the World's Most Decorated Athletics Family, among them they have won 4 Olympic Gold Medals, 2 Silver Medals, 3 Bronze Medals and 15 World Championships.
They were inspired by their cousin Derartu Tulu, who is the first black African woman to win an Olympic gold medal in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.
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spacecow2455 · 2 months ago
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From the elite 2 section of Cement’s operator file:
“Some operators have seen Cement drop her candy on the ground by accident only to pick it up, brush away the dust, and put it in her mouth.”
Sketch page comm by AryaMelatii on vgen (https://vgen.co/aryamelatii)
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tellusd20 · 11 months ago
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Artwork by @hirodraga A campaign I started in June 2021 has finally concluded and this band of tomb robbers and grubby mercenaries archaeologists and brave adventurers have gone their separate ways at the end of their expedition. Starting from top left and then zig-zagging down to bottom right, here are their brief bios and character arc conclusions: Qiliq: orc ranger and party leader. Minor noble from the empire of Alamgir who got roped into a matter of family honor. His uncle, the patriarch of their family, had been disgraced and accused of cowardice. His uncle had subsequently undertaken an honor quest into a magical wasteland (the remnants of a collapsed civilization) with the promise of retrieving the crown of a long-dead tyrant as a trophy for the emperor. He disappeared instead, leaving Qiliq to both solve the mystery of his disappearance and to complete the quest. The party accomplished both objectives, recovering both his uncle's corpse and the crown. The tyrant's crown turned out to be a powerful, sentient magic item that began speaking to them in their dreams, preying on insecurities and tempting them into bargains. Almost all of them desired it for themselves, but in the end, Qiliq ended up possessing it. Instead of returning to Alamgir and presenting his emperor with a new prize, Qiliq turned to a conquistador path, using his newfound wealth from the expedition to hire more mercenaries and carve out his own bloody "kingdom" on the periphery of civilization.
Minerva: elven druid, common born retainer of a reactionary noble house in the elven empire of Melate. A spy inserted into the group to ensure that any elven artifacts recovered on the expedition were returned to their homeland. Over the course of the campaign, she made a bargain with the fey to betray her sponsors in favor of the empress for her own gain.
Minerva possessed the tyrant's crown when it was first obtained, but ended up trading it to Qiliq in exchange for a political marriage and a leadership position among the forces he intended to raise. She went on to conduct numerous atrocities in their conquest of a new 'kingdom'. Her player was aware that the lifespan difference between Qiliq and Minerva meant that the crown would pass back into her possession again within a few short decades, and she was fine with being patient.
Zerrus: tiefling warlock masquerading as a human sorcerer. A con artist, grifter, and criminal from Alamgir's lower classes, he misrepresented himself to acquire a spot on Qiliq's expedition and the opportunity to gain wealth, power, and most importantly, a way out of the country. During the course of the campaign, he somehow managed to keep his secrets. Zerrus liquidated his share of the expedition's treasure, purchased a townhome in the city of Aphursa (a bustling, Istanbul-style metropolis), and went on to invent the world's first multi-level marketing scheme.
Auden: human fighter, archaeologist from the kingdom of Talland. Marooned in the wasteland by the deaths of his prior party, Auden gratefully took the chance to join a new group after meeting them at a frontier outpost. Upon the conclusion of their adventure, Auden returned to his homeland and university, where he published numerous research papers on his findings. He became a highly sought subject matter expert on the wasteland; published tales of his adventures raised him to something of a minor celebrity and enabled him to found a profitable consulting service for other expeditions.
Aupo: orc, orthodox cleric from Alamgir's anti-magic Tathir religion. He signed up mostly to remove heretical and blasphemous artifacts from existence. His enthusiasm for the task often generated tension with the rest of the party, particularly when his hammer fell upon expensive relics. The crown never revealed its true nature to Aupo, and the rest of the party concealed the truth from him, knowing he would attempt to destroy it. He signed up with Qiliq's mercenary force, becoming a fanatical missionary in new lands.
Herwyg: human druid, archaeologist from the kingdom of Talland. Upon return to his homeland, he liquidated many of the mundane treasures but kept all the interesting pieces for his own collection. His research papers and artifact loans to museum exhibitions won him tenure and academic awards, as well as recognition from the royal government for his service to the kingdom's cultural prestige.
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pleasantspark · 4 months ago
Twink with suit and a bowtie and also a top hat. Typical man design in Hazbin Hotel
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I mean don't get me wrong I love Void's design but ffs. GIVE THE MAN A LITTLE MELATION.
Granted, this was BEFORE Hazbin became a show. But I think most of the designs are outdated. I still like that design but I think making it to where God is an entity would be interesting.
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This is God, he's an inanimate object, no specified gender, no race. Just a Old Testament crazy son of a gun. He aint no twink but really likes opposing people.
(Well, atleast imo)
But yeah, my eyes hurt.
I can't believe God exists, for awhile people speculated and some had the bright idea to cast Viv as God herself. LMFAO WHAT!
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moneeb0930 · 1 year ago
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The Fastest Family on Earth are ready to celebrate #Irreecha (Oromos' thanksgiving day to Black God; Black God)
The Dibaba Sisters from Ethiopia are the fastest family on earth. Tirunesh, Genzebe, Ejegayehu, Anna, and Melat are the only siblings in recorded history to hold concurrent world records; and have 4 Olympic gold medals, 2 silvers, 3 bronze and 15 World Championships.
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meluhha · 2 years ago
Meluhha/Melukhkha - This term appears in several ancient texts, including the Sumerian and Akkadian texts, and is thought to refer to the Indus Valley Civilization. Some scholars believe that the word has Dravidian origins.
Melaka - assemblage; “visionary encounters (with the Goddesses)”; the “union” (of Śiva and Śakti); Yoginīmelaka, “a meeting with Yoginīs”
Meru - This is a mountain that is considered sacred in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions. The word is believed to have Dravidian roots.
Mela - This is a Sanskrit word that means "gathering" or "assembly". It is commonly used to refer to large festivals and gatherings in India.
Melammu - This is a Sumerian word that means "divine radiance" or "divine glory". It is believed to have Dravidian roots.
Melakadambur - This is a village in Tamil Nadu, India, that is known for its ancient Hindu temple. The name of the village is believed to have originated from a combination of two words - "melai" (Tamil for high) and "kadambu" (Tamil for tree).
Melakarta - This is a system of organizing and classifying musical scales in Carnatic music, a classical music tradition from South India. The term "melakarta" literally means "primary scales" in Sanskrit, but its exact origins are unclear and it may have Dravidian roots.
Melaka - This is a city in Malaysia that was an important trading port in ancient times. The name is thought to have originated from a combination of two words - "mele" (Tamil for hill) and "ka" (Sanskrit for foot), referring to the city's location at the foot of a hill. 
Melana - a form of dance in Odisha
Melap - a traditional musical instrument in Rajasthan
Melchham - a folk dance form in Himachal Pradesh
Mel - a festival celebrated in Assam
Melana - a religious festival celebrated by the Khasi tribe in Meghalaya
Mel - a community gathering in Punjab
Melo - a type of folk song in West Bengal
Melava - a gathering of people for a social or religious occasion in Maharashtra
Meluha - an ancient civilization in the Indus Valley
Mel - a gathering of people for social and cultural events in Kerala
Mela - a festival or fair held in various parts of India
Melat - a type of song in the Maldives
Melan - a traditional wrestling competition in Uttarakhand
Mela-kacheri - a type of music concert in Tamil Nadu
Melattur style - a style of Bharatanatyam dance in Tamil Nadu
Melodious - having a pleasant tune or melody in music
Melam - a type of percussion music in Kerala
Melapadam - a musical composition in the Indian classical tradition
Melakarta - a system of classification of ragas in Carnatic music
Melavu - a traditional folk dance in Andhra Pradesh
Melghat - a mountain range in Maharashtra
Melkote - a town in Karnataka known for its temples
Melnattu - a term used to describe the western region of Tamil Nadu
Melukote - a town in Karnataka known for its temples
Meliaputti - a town in Andhra Pradesh
Melavasal - a place in Tamil Nadu known for its silk production
Melachirappalli - a town in Tamil Nadu
Melur - a town in Tamil Nadu
Melathiruppanthuruthi - a village in Tamil Nadu
Melmaruvathur - a town in Tamil Nadu known for its temple
Melanam - a type of ceremonial procession in Kerala
Melapalayam - a town in Tamil Nadu
Melmuri - a village in Kerala
Melparamba - a village in Kerala
Melkam - a traditional dance in Assam
Melamchi - a river in Nepal
Melukavu - a village in Kerala
Melmadoor - a village in Telangana
Melukote Narasimha - a form of Lord Vishnu worshipped in Karnataka
Melkallur - a village in Tamil Nadu
Melasani - a village in Karnataka
Melkamane - a village in Karnataka
Melvettoor - a village in Kerala
Melthonnakkal - a village in Kerala
Melukote Vyasaraya - a prominent philosopher and saint in the Madhva tradition
Meloor - a village in Kerala
Melkavattur - a village in Tamil Nadu
Meladi - a village in Rajasthan.
"mel-" or "meldh-" which means "dark," "black," or "soil” is found in various Indo-European languages, such as the Latin word "melas," the Greek word "mélās," the Old English word "melan," and the Sanskrit word "mālā."
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jar-of-galaxies · 2 years ago
Not gonna lie that melatonin really do be melat
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locallycieranicole · 24 days ago
Melat - No Promises (Official Video)
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ozcar02 · 3 months ago
Y pues ya de paso, la otra vez te dije que pasaron varias coincidencias:
Compré un Melate, se seleccionan 6 números y dependiendo la cantidad de números que atines es el premio que te dan. Gané 25 pesos por un Melate que olvidé que compré, saqué 2 números: 3 22, tu cumpleaños.
En la playlist que te hice, puse una canción de The Maccabees. Ellos se separaron en 2016, el miércoles siguiente desde que hice la playlist, ellos "revivieron" y se juntaron de nuevo.
Esas dos pasaron antes de mandarte el google forms, después pasaron más cosas:
Un día me puse a pensar el número de letras que tienen nuestros nombres: Ó****(5) R***(4) L****(5) L***(4), esto suma 18 y terminé contando mal tu apellido, pensé que era: I****(5) B*****(5) G******(7), pensando que daba 17. Unas semanas después me dí cuenta que B***** tiene 6 LETRAS. 5+6+7 = 18. ¿Qué chances hay de que nuestros nombres tengan el mismo número de letras? QAQ
Otro día me puse a sumar los números individuales de nuestras fechas de nacimiento: 2+0+8+1+9+9+6 = 35, 2+2+0+3+1+9+9+7 = 33. Si los sumamos da 68, desde ese día me encuentro ese número en varios lados, pero lo más "raro" fue cuando cerré mi cuenta de una plataforma y para ello te mandan un correo con un código de seguridad, el que me llegó fue: 22683. 22-68-3, 22-3 TU CUMPLEAÑOS Y 68 LA SUMA DE NUESTRAS FECHAS DE NACIMIENTO. ¿Cuáles son los chances?!!
De todo esto tengo pruebas, neta no estoy inventando nada. Igual puede que sea solo mi imaginación y puras coincidencias pero me gustaría que significaran algo bonito.
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