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hinatarexie · 10 months ago
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alicent-boleyn · 6 months ago
WIP Wednesday Whenever!
Melaena took a deep breath, the smell of dragon filling her lungs. It was a miracle that she had convinced Aemon to take her along at all, so she wanted to savor the moment. Dragon was a unique scent, combining brimstone, charred remains, wet stone, fresh air, and musk into something both inviting and stomach turning. Caraxes was a particularly smelly boy, heavy on the brimstone, but Melaena loved him anyway - at least from afar. She had never gotten close enough to a dragon to do more than look at them or smell them, save that one instance with Dreamfyre where she had snuck into the Dragonpit and almost got into her last. The dragon keepers caught her, obviously, and even now, three weeks later, Melaena was still feeling the last twinges of bruises on her behind.
Thank you for the tag, @sikudastoner!
In turn, I tag @lya-dustin and anyone else who wants to share!
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aliciavance4228 · 6 months ago
Apparently Zeus Isn't the Biggest Whore...
I made a Top 3 Malewhores from Greek Mythology out of curiosity, and apparently Zeus isn't the first one.
3rd Place: Apollo! 🥉
Bodycount: 52
Goddesses (4)
Nymphs (15)
Sinope (depending on the myth version)
Mortal Women (24)
Acalle or Acacallis
Leucippus' wife
Male Lovers (9)
2nd Place: Zeus! 🥈
Bodycount: 56
Goddesses (16)
Dione (unless Aphrodite is motherless)
Hybris (depending on the myth versions)
Persephone (again, depending on the myth versions)
Styx (when she's the mother of Persephone)
Nymphs (18)
Borysthenes' daughter
Nymphe African
Nymphe Sithnis
Nymphe Samothrakian
Mortal Women (21)
Olympias (Yes, mother of Alexander of Great!)
Male Lovers (1)
1st Place: Poseidon! 🥇
Bodycount: 73
Goddesses (5)
Nymphs (26)
Chione 1
Chione 2
Medusa (I know she's a gorgon but this is the closest category she could've been included in)
Nymphe Khias
Nymphe Tarentine
Mortal Women (40)
Amphikriton's daughter
Arne or Antiope
Europa (not that Europa, another one; now I'm starting to believe that Poseidon tries to copy Zeus...)
The wife of Prince Ornytion
Male Lovers (2)
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apiswitchcraft · 1 year ago
greek god epithets
this post includes zeus, hera, athena, demeter, ares, hephaestus, and poseidon. for part two including hades, persephone, hekate, aphrodite, hermes, apollo, artemis, and dionysus click here
epithets are surnames (as <god's name> <epithet>) used to call upon the greek gods without saying their name directly. the epithet that you choose often corresponds to the purpose you are invoking them for
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-SCOTITAS= the dark/murky
-CERAUNIUS= of the thunderbolt
-ASTRAPAEUS= of the lightning
-CATAEBATES= the descending
-LABRANDEUS= the furious/raging
-ICMAEUS= of moisture
-CONIUS= of the dust
-MAEMACTES= the boisterous
-EVENEMUS= of fair winds
-LIMENOSCOPUS= the watcher of sea havens
-BASILEUS/CORYPHAEUS= the king/chief/ruler
-CTESIUS= of the house/property
-HERCEIUS= of the courtyard
-BULAEUS= of the council
-AMBULIUS= the counsellor
-TELEUS/ZYGIUS= of marriage
-MOIRAGETES= the leader of the Fates
-CLARIUS= of the lots
-SEMALEUS= the giver of signs (like clairvoyant messages)
-MECHANEUS= the contriver
-COSMETES= the orderer
-THEUS AGATHUS= the good God
-EPIDOTES= the giver of good
-PLUSIUS= of wealth
-PHILIUS= of friendship
-XENIUS= of hospitality/strangers
-HICESIUS= of suppliants
-PHYXIUS= of refuge
-PALAMNAEUS= the punisher of murderers
-CATHARSIUS= of ritual purification
-PROSTROPAEUS= the turner of pollution
-APEMIUS= averter of ills (ailments)
-SOTER= the savior/deliverer
-MILICHIUS= the gracious/merciful
-PANHELENIOS= of all the Greeks
-LAOITES= of the people
-POLEIUS= of the city-state
-SOSIPOLIS= the city-savior
-ELEUTHEREUS= of freedom
-CHRYSAORUS= of the Golden Sword
-STATIUS/AREIUS= of war/the warlike
-STHENIUS= of strength/the strong
-TROPAEUS= turns to flight/who defeats
-PHYXIUS= puts to flight/banishes
-PAIS= the girl
-NYMPHEUOMENE= the betrothed bride
-TELEIA= the (adult) woman/the goddess of marriage
-CLEIRA= the widow
-GAMELIA= of marriage
-ZYGIA= presider over marriage
-HENIOCHE= of the chariot
-ANTHEA= of the flowers
-ARGOEA= of the ship Argo
-HYPERCHEIRIA= whose hand is above
-BASILEIA= the queen
-NIKE= victory
-AREIA/PALLAS= of war/the warlike
-ZOSTERIA= girded in armor
-STHENIAS= of strength/the strong
-POLEMODOCUS= the war sustaining
-HIPPIA= of horses
-CHALINITIS= bridler of horses
-ERYMA= the defender
-SOTEIRA= the savior
-ALALACOMENEIS= the protectress
-POLIAS= of the city
-POLIUCHUS= the city protectress
-POLIATIS= the keeper of the city
-ERGANE= the worker
-PAEONIA= the healer
-HYGEIA= of good health
-ALEA= of escapes to refuge
-AMBULIA= the counsellor
-PRONOEA= of foresight
-APATURIA= the deceiver/of deception
-MACHANITIS= contriver of plans
-OXYDERCES= the sharp sighted
-CORYPHASIA/CORYPHAGENES= relating to the head (like her birth)
-PARTHENUS= the virgin/maiden
-CORIA= the maiden
-XENIA= of hospitality (especially to strangers/foreigners)
-CHTHONIA/DEO= of the earth
-CHLOE= the green/the first shoots
-EPOGMIA= of the furrows
-ANESIDORA= she who sends forth gifts
-PLUTODOTIRA= the giver of wealth
-THERMASIA= of warmth/heat
-MEGALA THEA= the great Goddess
-MEGALA MATER= the great Mother
-THESMOPHORUS= the bringer of law
-THESMIA= of the laws
-PROSTASIA= the patron/leader
-PANACHAEA= of all the Greeks
-ERINYS= of fury/wrath
-MELAENA= the black
-LUSIA= the bathing/purifying
-HORAPHORUS= the bringer of season
-POLYPHORBUS= the all nourishing/bountiful
-AGLAOCARPUS= the giver of goodly fruit
-AGLAODORUS= the bestower of splendid gifts
-CALLISTEPHANUS= the beautifully crowned
-EUSTEPHANUS= the lovely crowned
-EUCOMUS= the lovely haired
-XANTHE= the blonde/golden-haired
-CYANOPEPLUS= the dark veiled/cloaked
-CALLISPHYRUS= the beautiful
-CHRYSAORUS= of the golden blade
-DIA THEA= the bright Goddess
-SEMNE= the holy/revered
-HAGNE= the pure/chaste/holy
-ANASSA/POTHIA= the queen
-POTHIA THEAON= the queen amongst goddesses
-CYDRA THEA= the glorious/noble goddess
-ORGIA= of religious orgies
-MYSTERIA= of mysteries
-THERITAS= the beastly/brutish
-HIPPIUS= of the horses
-APHNEIUS= the abundant
-GYNAECOTHOENAS= feasted by women
-MIAEPHONUS= the blood stained/bloody
-LAOSSOUS= he who rallies men
-BROTOLOEGUS= the manslaughtering
-ANDREIPHONTES= the destroyer of men
-CHALCEUS/CHALCOCORUSTES= of the bronze/armed with bronze
-TEICHESIPLETES= the stormer of cities
-AATUS POLEMOEO= insatiate of fighting/war
-ENCHESPALUS= spear-brandishing
-RHINOTORUS= shield/flesh piercing
-OXYS= the sharp/piercing
-THOOS= the swift/fleet
-THURUS= the violent/furious
-OBRIMUS= the strong/mighty
-DINUS= the terrible/fearsome
-ENYALIUS= the warlike
-CHRYSOPELEX= of the golden helm
-CLYTUS= the renowned/famed
-PERICLYTUS/AGACLYTUS= the very famed/the glorious
-CLYTOMETIS/CLYTOTECHNES= famed for crafts/skills
-POLYTECHNES= of many skills
-POLYPHRON= the ingenious/inventive
-POLYMETIS= resourceful
-AETHALOIS THEUS= the sooty god
-CHALCEUS= the bronze/copper smith
-CYLLOPODIUM/AMPHIGYEIS= referring to his disability
-BASILEUS= the king/lord
-PELAGAEUS= of the sea/marine
-AEGAEON= of the Aegeon sea
-PROSCLYSTIUS= who dashes against
-ASPHALIUS= who secures safe voyage
-EPOPTES= the overseer/watcher
-GAEOCHUS= the holder of the earth
-ENNOSIGAEUS= shaker of the earth
-HIPPIUS= of the horses
-HIPPOCURIUS= the horse tender
-PHYTALMIUS= the plant nurturer
-GENETHLIUS= of the kin/the kindred
-DOMATITES= of the house
-LAOITES= of the people
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spriteysims · 8 months ago
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During the dead of winter, as a freeze swept across the isle, Seraphina went into labor in the wee hours of the night.
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Like her pregnancy, the labor was difficult. After a long and painful night, Seraphina gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom they named Melaena, meaning "dark," like the night she entered the world.
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*and with that, we've reached the end of early civilization!! ;u; at the time of writing this, I have a bit less than a week of scheduled posts so hopefully there isn't too much of a hiatus bc I have all the lots built but I do have family in town and I have to makeover like 60+ sims lol!! and we'll definitely have a bit of a time skip to give the world a believable amount of time to grow but I'll recap on any important things that happen during the time skip
*there's been a significant influx of followers and notes in the past few weeks so I just wanted to say how much I appreciate every single one of you and thank you for caring about my sims <3 I started this blog strictly for myself to better keep track of events/sims/etc but it means so much to me that others are enjoying it too ;u;
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sacred-devotions · 2 months ago
Lord Apollo and His Lovers
The Delphi Guide - Apollo's Lovers
Theoi - Apollo's Lovers
Thought Co - Apollo's Lovers
His most famous loves are the nymph Daphne, princess Koronis (Coronis), huntress Kyrene (Cyrene) and youth Hyakinthos (Hyacinthus). Cyrene, Daphne, Acacallis, Bolina, Chione, Chrysothemis, Cyparissus, Hyacinthus, Hymenaeus, Psamathe, Rhoeo...
Divine goddesses he loved:
HEKATE (Hecate) The goddess of witchcraft was, according to one unusual account, the mother of the sea-monster Skylla by Apollon. (Skylla was usually called a daughter of the sea-gods Phorkys and Keto).
HESTIA The goddess of the hearth, was wooed by Apollon and Poseidon, who both sought to hand in marriage. She declined both and petitioned Zeus to allow her to remain an eternal virgin.
KALLIOPE (Calliope) One of the nine Mousai (Muses) who was, according to some, the mother by Apollon of the bards Orpheus and Linos (most, however, say their father was the Pierian King Oiagros).
MOUSAI (Muses) Apollon was said to have loved all nine Mousai, and not being able to marry all nine, chose to remain unwed.
OURANIA (Urania) One of the nine Mousai (Muses) who, according to some, was the mother of Linos by Apollon (though, some say his mother was the Mousa Kalliope).
THALEIA (Thalia) One of the nine Mousai (Muses) who, according to some, was the mother of the Korbyantes by Apollon.
Semi-Divine Loves:
AITHOUSA (Aethusa) A nymph of Boiotia (central Greece) who was loved by Apollon. She bore him a son named Eleuther.
AKAKALLIS (Acacallis) A nymph of Krete (Greek Aegean) who was loved by Apollon. She bore him twin sons: Philanderos and Phylakides. (Akakallis is perhaps an alternate name for Demeter's daughter Khrysothemis).
DAPHNE A Naiad-nymph of Arkadia (southern Greece) or Thessalia (northern Greece) who was loved by Apollon. She fled from his advances and was transformed into a laurel tree.
KHRYSOTHEMIS (Chrysothemis) A nymph and queen of Bubastos in Karia (Asia Minor), the wife of King Staphylos. She had three daughters, one of which, Parthenos, was sometimes said to be a child of Apollon's.
KORYKIA (Corycia) A Naiad-nymph of Phokis (central Greece) who bore Apollon a son named Lykoras.
KYRENE (Cyrene) A nymph or princess of the Lapith country of Thessalia (northern Greece). She was seduced by Apollon whilst hunting and bore him two offspring: Aristaios and Idmon.
LEUKONOE (Leuconoe) A nymph of Phokis (central Greece) who, according to some, was the mother by Apollon of the bard Philammon (most sources, however, say his mother was Khione).
MELAINA (Melaena) A Naiad-nymph of Phokis (central Greece) who, according to some, bore Apollon a son named Delphos (others say his mother was Thyia or Kelaino).
MELIA An Okeanid-nymph who was abducted from the home of her father to Thebes by the god Apollon. Her brother Kaanthos was sent to retrieve her and after burning down the temple of Apollon was slain by the god. Melia was the mother of two sons: Teneros and Ismenos (and perhaps Keos, unless the mother of this hero was another Melia).
OKYRRHOE (Ocyrrhoe) A Naiad-nymph of the island of Samos (Greek Aegean) who was pursued by Apollon and refuge on a boat leaving the island. The wrathful god turned the boat to stone and the skipper into a pilot-fish.
OTHREIS A nymph of Mt Othrys in Malis (northern Greece), who bore Apollon a son named Phagros.
OUREA (Urea) A sea-nymph of Troy (Asia Minor), daughter of Poseidon, who was loved by Apollon during the building of the walls of Troy. She bore the god a son named Ileus.
RHETIA A nymph who, according to some, was the mother of the Korybantes by Apollon. (Rhetia, may be a corruption of the name Rhea, mother of Zeus, the goddess whom the Kouretes served).
SINOPE A Naiad-nymph of Sikyonia (southern Greece) who was abducted by Apollon to the Black Sea coast of Assyria, where the city of Sinope was named for her. According to most sources, she tricked Apollon into swearing an oath promising her her virginity. Others, however, say she became the mother of Syros (eponymous King of Assyria) by the god.
STILBE A Naiad-nymph of the Lapith country of Thessalia (northern Greece) who bore Apollon two sons: Lapithes and Kentauros.
SYLLIS A nymph of Sikyonia (southern Greece) who bore Apollon a son named Zeuxippos.
Mortal Loves:
ADONIS A prince of the island Kypros (eastern Mediterranean) who was loved by the god Apollon. Adonis was described as androgynous, acting like a man in his affections for Aphrodite, and like a woman with Apollon.
HYAKINTHOS (Hyacinthus) A prince of Lakedaimonia (southern Greece) who was loved by the gods Apollon and Zephryos. He was accidentally slain by Apollon in a game of quoits and transformed into a flower.
HYMENAIOS (Hymenaeus) A prince of Magnesia in Thessalia (northern Greece) who was loved by Apollon.
KYPARISSOS (Cyparissus) A prince of the island Keos (Greek Aegean) loved by Apollon. When he died of grief over the death of a pet sttag, Apollon tranformed him into a cypress tree
AKALLE or AKAKALLIS (Acalle, Acacallis) A princess of the island of Krete (Greek Aegean) who was loved by Apollon and bore him a son Amphithemis (and according to some, also the hero Miletos).
AMPHISSA, ISSE or EUBOIA (Issa, Euboea) A princess of Dryopia (also known as Ozolean Lokris) (central Greece) who was seduced by Apollon in the disguise of a shepherd. Their son was Agreus, a King of Lord of neighbouring Euboia.
ARIA or DEIONE A lady of the island of Krete (Greek Aegean) who bore Apollon a son named Miletos.
ARSINOE A princess of Messenia (southern Greece) who was loved by Apollon and bore him a daughter Eriopis and, according to some, a son Asklepios (but the mother of the latter is usually said to be Koronis).
BOLINA The female eponym of the town of Bolina in Akhaia (southern Greece) who leapt into the sea to escape the advances of Apollon. The god tranformed her into an immortal Nymphe.
DEIONE See Aria (above).
DRYOPE A princess of Dryopia (central Greece) who was seduced by Apollon in the form of a tortoise. She bore him a son named Amphissos.
ERGINOS, WIFE OF A queen of Orkhomenos (central Greece), the wife of King Erginos who bore Apollon a son Trophonios (some, however, say his father was Erginos).
EUADNE (Evadne) A princess or nymph of Arkadia (southern Greece) who was loved by Apollon and bore him a son, Iamos.
EUBOIA See Amphissa (above).
HEKABE (Hecuba) A queen of Troy (Asia Minor), the wife of King Piamos, who was loved by Apollon and bore him a son Troilos.
HYPERMNESTRA A queen of Argos (central Greece), wife of King Oikles, who was loved by Apollon and bore him a son Amphiaraus (others, however, say he was fathered by Oikles).
HYRIA or THYRIA A woman--perhaps from Hyria in Boiotia (central Greece)--who bore Apollon a son Kyknos.
ISSE See Amphissa (above).KASSANDRA (Cassandra) A princess and sibylla (prophetess) of Troy (Asia Minor) who was loved by Apollon. She tricked Apollon into granting her the gift of prophecy but refused to lie with him and was cursed by the god.
KELAINO (Celaeno) A lady of Phokis (central Greece) who, according to some, was the mother of Delphos by Apollon (others, however, say the mother was Melaina or Thyia).
KHIONE or PHILONIS (Chione) A princess of Phokis (central Greece) who was loved by Apollon. She lay with both him and the god Hermes on the same night and bore twins: Apollon's child was named Philammon.
KHRYSORTHE (Chrysorthe) A princess of Sikyonia (southern Greece) who bore Apollon a son named Koronos.
KORONIS (Coronis) A princess of Oikhalia in Thessalia (northern Greece) and lover of Apollon. When the god discovered her infidelity with a mortal man, his sister Artemis struck her down. Their child, Asklepios, was rescued from the pregnant belly of the dead mother.
KREOUSA (Creusa) A princess of Athens in Attika (central Greece), wife of Lord Xouthos, who was loved by Apollon and bore him a son Ion (though others say Xouthos was the father).
KYRENE (Cyrene) A princess or nymph of the Lapithai tribe of Thessalia (northern Greece). She was seduced by Apollon whilst hunting and carried off to Kyrene in Libya where she bore him Aristaios (and, according to some, also the seer Idmon).
LEUKIPPOS, WIFE OF (Leucippus' wife) A queen of Messenia (southern Greece) who, according to some, was the mother of the Leukippides by Apollon (most, however, say that her husband Leukippos was the father).
MANTO A sibylla (prophetess) of Apollon in Thebes, Boiotia (central Greece). She was loved by Apollon and bore him a son, the great seer Mopsos (though, according to some, his father was Rhakios).
MARPESSA A princess of Aitolia (central Greece), who was wooed by Apollon and the hero Idas. She chose Idas over the god, fearing that Apollon would abandon her in old age.
PARTHENOPE A princess of the island of Samos (Greek Aegean) who bore Apollon a son Lykomedes.
PHILONIS See Khione above.
PHTHIA A sibylla (prophetess) of the oracle of Apollon at Delphoi in Phokis (central Greece). She bore Apollon the first three Kings of Aitolia: Polypoites, Doros, and Laodokos.
PROKLEIA (Procleia) A queen of Kolonai in the Troad (Asia Minor) who, according to some, was the mother by Apollon of Tenes (others say his father was her husband King Kyknos).
PSAMATHE A princess of Argos (southern Greece) who bore Apollon a son named Linos.
RHOIO (Rhoeo) A princess of the island of Naxos (Greek Aegean) who was loved by Apollon. When her father learned of her pregnancy he locked her in a chest and cast her into the sea. She landed on the island of Delos and there bore Apollon a son named Anios.
SIBYLLA KUMAIA (Cumaean Sibyl) A sibylla (prophetess) of Kumai in Kampania (southern Italy) who was loved by Apollon. She tricked him into granting her an unnaturally long life but refused to lie with him and so was cursed by the god.
THERO A lady of Boiotia (central Greece) who bore Apollon a son named Khairon.
THYIA A priestess of Dionysos in Phokis (central Greece) who, according to some, was the mother of Delphos by Apollon (other accounts call his mother Melaina or Kelaino).
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schlauemaus · 5 months ago
Morbus Addison (Hd)
= Hypoadrenokortizismus = Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz
Primär (häufigste Form): es fehlen Mineralo - u. Glukokortikoide
Autoimmunerkrankung (autosomal-rezessive Vererbung); Nebennierentumor, infektiös-entzündlich; vaskulär -> Zerstörung d. Nebennierenrinde -> wenn 90% zerstört -> Symptome
Sekundär: es fehlen nur Glukokortikoide
Neoplasie/ Infektion/ Entzündung/ Trauma von Hypothalamus/ Hypophyse -> ACTH/ CRH- Mangel
nach plötzlichem Beenden von Langzeitglukokortikoidgabe
fehlende Glukokortikoide -> Glukoneogenese u. Proteinsynthese vermindert, Lipase erhöht -> Schwäche, Stressintoleranz, gastrointestinale Symptome
fehlende Mineralokortikoide (Aldosteron) -> Natrium-, Chlor-, Wasserverlust und Hyperkaliämie -> Volumenmangel, Blutdruckabfall, beeinträchtigte Herzfunktion, verminderte Nierenperfusion
akut: Apathie, Anorexie, Schwäche bis Schock, Dehydratation, Hypotonie, Bradykardie (ev. mit Arrhythmien) bis Tod
chronisch: intermittierende Anorexie, Apathie, Muskelschwäche, Zittern, Gewichtsverlust, Polyurie/polydipsie, Erbrechen, Durchfall (tw. Melaena oder blutig), schmerzhaftes Abdomen, Megaösophagus möglich
ggr.-mgr. normozytäre, normochrome, nicht-regenerative Anämie Eosinophilie und Lymphozytose Hyperkaliämie und Hyponatriämie (Na:K- Verhältnis meist <27)
! atypischer Hypoadrenokortizismus: KEINE typischen Elektrolytveränderungen !
zB weil Regulierung auch ohne Mineralokortikoide möglich; weil primäre Insuffizienz nur partiell; weil sekundäre Insuffizienz vorliegt
Azotämie Hyperphosphatämie Hyperkalzämie Hypoglykämie (ggr.)
spezifisches Gewicht zw. 1015-1030
Ultraschall: verkleinerte Nebennieren Thoraxröntgen: Mikrokardie (=Pfahlherz) und Hypoperfusion d. Lunge (=Folgen des Volumenmangels); ev. Megaösophagus
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hohe spitze T-Zacke, verminderte Amplitude, verlängerte Dauer QRS-Komplex, Abflachung/ Verschwinden d. P-Zacke, verlängertes PQ-Intervall, Bradykardie
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keine Unterscheidung zw. iatrogener u. endogener Insuffizienz möglich Gabe von Glukokortikoiden erst NACH Testende 1. Bestimmung d. Kortisol-Basalwerts im Serum-> ACTH-Applikation -> 2. Bestimmung nach 1h -> kein/ nur ggr. Anstieg des Serumkortisols beweisend für Morbus Addison
Bestimmung von basaler Kortisolkonzentration:
wenn >56nmol/l -> Morbus Addison unwahrscheinlich wenn <56nmol/l -> Anschließen eines Stimulationtests um Diagnose zu festigen
Bestimmung von endogenem ACTH (=cACTH):
dient der Unterscheidung zw. primärer u. sekundärer Insuffizienz cACTH-Spiegel hoch -> primär cACTH-Spiegel niedrig -> sekundär
wichtigste Sofortmaßnahme= Infusion (bei Schock 20ml/kg 0,9% NaCl in 10-20min), wenn Schock überwunden 1,5-2-fache Erhaltungsmenge infundieren
Hyperkaliämie: 1-2ml/kg 50%ige Glukoselösung i.v. -> Insulinausschüttung führt zu Kaliumeintritt in die Zellen
Hydrokortison: starke Mineralo- u. Glukokortikoidwirkung Prednisolon: gute Gluko-, schwache Mineralokortikoidwirkung
nach einer Krise und Intensivtherapie, sollte sich der Patient nach 1-2 Tagen erholt haben
lebenslängliche Gabe von Gluko- u. Mineraloglukokortikoiden Fludrocortison (+ 50% der Fälle auch Prednisolon) DOCP + lebenslänglich Prednisolon Nebenwirkung: PU/PD
! es sind Kontrollen durchzuführen, ob der Patient richtig eingestellt ist !
primäre Insuffizienz -> günstig
wenn tumorösbedingte sekundäre Insuffizienz -> vorsichtig
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anewchapter57 · 7 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Theory Black Melaena Elevate Crepe & Lace Midi Slip Dress Women's Size 4.
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444names · 10 months ago
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but I would like you to generate names starting with the letters "M", "L" and "G" that could appear in Game of Thrones, please 🙏🏼
Tricky request but very well. Will answer in several posts, each dedicated to a letter.
Names generated from The Song of Ice and Fire character names, beginning with the letter "M".
Maceford Macelloraq Macelyn Macey Maegar Maegaregis Maegart Maegaryore Maegel Maegen Maegena Maegeremund Maegers Maegons Maegorm Maegormonar Maegormund Maegorold Maegorolla Maegorollon Maegorolph Maekard Maekardence Maekards Maekarsta Maekarya Maekaryand Maekarys Maekaryse Maelis Maell Maelle Maello Maelo Maelon Maelongton Maelorandel Maelyn Maestermon Maestlings Maeston Malder Malegor Malehaerei Maler Malla Malland Mallanne Mallara Malle Mallen Mallena Mallenel Maller Mallerion Mallhara Mallharre Mallifer Mallion Mallishman Mallistert Malliver Mallo Mallorical Mallwood Mallwoody Mally Mallyrion Manda Mandam Mandonna Mandonne Mandore Mandred Mandrew Mandreyiron Mandrogers Mandrose Mands Manfredford Manfreen Manfren Manfreydon Marbert Marbo Marbreydon Mardy Maredforld Maremond Mareo Mareon Margaeron Margaerys Margan Margar Margaron Marge Margell Margella Margharys Marghen Margon Margylda Margyle Maria Marian Marianelle Mariant Maribalarys Maribald Maric Marich Marilla Marings Mario Marion Marister Mariston Marklyn Marlannel Marlanor Marlong Marly Marnes Marnold Marong Maronnifer Marqelon Marqelonnel Marqeloro Marse Marsei Marselynar Marsfield Marsmalla Marstan Marstanna Marstaya Marth Marton Maryle Maryn Mashforemy Maslynafryd Maslynard Maslynarryk Maslynessa Massa Masse Massenye Massowane Massoway Matarbardy Matargo Mataria Matariah Matarion Matarklyn Matarvlin Matayaya Mataynafryd Matayne Mathe Mathent Matheodos Mather Matherd Matheward Matho Mattha Matthand Matthany Matthat Matthe Matthea Matther Mattheuse Mattheward...
Meadore Meadorman Meadormun Medgaret Medgarstarb Medge Medger Medgeren Medrianna Medric Medwell Medwella Medwyl Medwyn Medwyne Meerl Meerlei Meerley Meerleyne Meerlyn Mehaelon Mehair Melaena Melaenorrey Melaenys Meland Melard Melardrik Melareo Melarion Melark Melary Melarys Meldre Meldrew Meldrey Meldreyne Melen Melena Melenda Melendry Melenel Melenerys Melenwood's Meles Meless Melesselmy Melestella Meley Melia Meliam Meliame Melian Melianna Melin Melind Meling Melinornis Melinter Melis Melisa Melishmanly Meliston Mella Mellame Melle Mellen Melon Melong Melorchs Meloreamsay Meloren Melorenten Melwood Melwyna Melwynafree Melwynch Melwyne Melwynt Meralf Merance Meranda Meras Merell Meremy Meria Meric Mericas Merick Merield Merio Merion Merister Merlan Merlandria Merlington Merly Merlys Merna Merndor Merne Merra Merrence Merrenmure Merret Merriane Merrince Merristouth Merry Merys Meryse Mikker Milin Miling Milip Miliperence Minis Minisan Minisand Minishman Minister Mirria Mirrigen Mirrights Mirrio Mirrion Mirrist Moholly Mohollyria Mohort Mohorwyn Molfield Molla Mollance Mollarkill Mollegory Mollion Molly Molly's Mollyn Monton Moone Moonel Moonell Mooreah Moored Mooren Moorence Moorenfree Moorenna Mooreon Moote Mopatch Mopategoron Mopaters Mordannis Morea Moreah Moreake Moreamsay Morell Morelle Moren Morenfreyse Morenkenn Morenly Morenna Morenton Moreon Morgane Morganell Morgar Morge Morgo Morgylberen Morgyle Mormon Mormond Mormonloves Mormund Moron Moros Morra Morrelle Morren Morrent Morreth Morrett Morrey Morreynara Morreyne Morreyselmy Morrhea Morrion Morry Morryn Morse Morselman Morselyse Moryam Moryndor Morys Moryse Moryssa Motte Mottyn Mount Mounter Mouther Moutheuse Mulle Mullegan Mullei Mullem Mullendrose Muller Mullerich Mullerion Mulleryd Mullerys Mullia Mullian Mullo Mullow Mullyn Mullynal Mullynor Mullyriam Mullyris Muren Murence Murenna Murenning Musgoodcock Mychelmure Mychemion Mycher Mycherd Mycherragon Mycherry Mychery Mycheryssa Mychettley Mylen Mylenwood Mylesan Mylestreams Myran Myrane Myrceon Myrceonara Myrch Myrchellett Myrchon Myrek Myrellan Myren Myriannella Myriannis Myrie Myrienna Myrio Myrion Mysana Mysandred Mysarys
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miraridoctor · 1 year ago
Introduction Melaena, also known as melena, is a medical term used to describe the passage of black, tarry stools due to the presence of digested blood. It is a symptom that can indicate bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this ... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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alicent-boleyn · 6 months ago
1, 16, 20, 23 for the lovely Melaena~
Ahhh TY 😊
1) Will your OC get married and with who?
Yes! She marries another OC, Rolf Tully, brother of Elmo Tully. She was supposed to marry Otto Hightower, but Melaena though he was both too ambitious and not handsome enough. When she was seventeen, she convinced her sister Alyssa to help her run away to be with Rolf, who was a few years older and eloped with him. Jaehaerys was capital-p PISSED and threatened to have their marriage forcefully dissolved but Alysanne helped bring him around.
16) Does your OC enjoy school or no? Did they get any education?
Istg, I KNOW this girl was hell to teach. Melaena likes to learn, but hates to work under anyone else's authority, if that makes sense? Her tutors would give her assignments but she would be like “fuck that nonsense” and would read other books on subjects she was actually interested in. As far as subjects go, she was given a fairly standard noble education (numbers/figures, rhetoric, philosophy, music, foreign languages, theology, etc.) as well as being taught things like how to run a castle (an esp. useful thing to teach marriage-pawn daughters).
20) What hobbies does your OC have?
She is a voracious reader of all kinds of books (would totally love Tolstoy, tbh). Her ultimate goal is to write a work of philosophical fiction (though she never gets around to more than planning it out in her diaries ) and she also likes to get her hands dirty cooking in the kitchens, sometimes.
23) Is your OC religious and what religion? If it’s a fictional religion for your story please give a summary of the core teachings of their faith?
So while she is a closet atheist, she publicly goes along with the Faith out of convenience. Like, she has her own beliefs but also thinks acting on those would be way too much trouble and just says “Eh, fuck it, yeah I'll go along with this 🙄” She also respects the fact that yeah, she doesn't believe but her twin sister REALLY does and does her best to support her in everything she does.
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cipzercare · 2 years ago
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Cipzer Habb E Bawaseer Amya Might reduce impact of piles, fistula and fissures
Benefits of Cipzer Habb E Bawaseer Amya
It might help to deal with piles, fistula and fissures
It can help to relieve melaena bleeding stool
It can Increase your fluids intake and can relief from piles
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uriellactaea · 5 years ago
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My last commission is Grace for @melaena :) Thank you for commissioning me!
Support me : Ko-Fi | Redbubble | Website | March commissions - special discount!
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fandom-age · 5 years ago
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text overlaid atop the dragon age logo that reads "@melaena literally everything they write makes me curl my toes even if nothing is really going on that warrants a toe curl. I can't imagine the creativity or brain power it takes to write fan fiction AND make the characters still seem accurate to the canon AND create beautiful stories/journal entries!"
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kermitsex · 11 months ago
Melena or melaena refers to the dark black, tarry feces that are associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The black color and characteristic strong odor are caused by hemoglobin in the blood being altered by digestive enzymes and intestinal bacteria.
Melena would be a wonderful name for a baby boy
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wondersofeos · 5 years ago
I received my order and have to say, the pics are fantastic! Thank you so much for making these available!
I’m so glad they reached you safely and in one piece! And of course I’m happy that you love them. May they watch over you when you need a moment of comfort. ♥ No, thank you for purchasing them and trusting me with this project. ♥
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