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upennmanuscripts · 8 days ago
For #CoffeeWithACodex on January 23, we'll be joined by friend of CWAC Louis Meiselman, Judaica Special Collections Cataloging Librarian. He'll introduce us to CAJS Rar Ms 375, a 13th century copy of a Biblical lexicon in Hebrew.
Coffee With A Codex is an informal lunch or coffee time to meet virtually with Kislak curators and talk about one of the manuscripts from Penn's collections. Each week we'll feature a different manuscript and the expertise of one of our curators. Everyone is welcome to attend.
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palmspringshomes · 7 months ago
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Fabulous 😍 midcentury modern Meiselman built home in central Palm Springs.
Info 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/277sunset
What: 3br / 2ba / 1488 sq ft / 2 car garage/ HUGE yard
Where: 277 N Sunset Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Offered at $1,295,000 💥
🌴🌴 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 ☀️ 🌴🌴 🌴🌴 🌴🌴🌴🌴
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squidinkarchives · 2 years ago
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Artichoke Tureen with Spoon, Meiselman Imports
Source: Denver, CO Halcyon Estate Services
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myresearchings · 5 months ago
Sibling incest: The myth of benign sibling incest.
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Discusses incest between older brothers and younger sisters within a social context to demonstrate that the belief that incest between siblings is benign has no basis in reality. It is believed by some researchers that incest between siblings who are close in age is less harmful than other types of incest and that violence and physical coercion rarely occur in sibling incest. Two case descriptions, which refute these beliefs, of females who had incestuous relationships with their older brothers are provided. Instances of “positive” incest are reviewed, and the present author asserts that such accounts should be more closely questioned. It is significant that, in the older brother–younger sister incestuous category, sisters more often report negative reactions while brothers more often report positive reactions to the experience.
The purpose of the present study was to explore the frequently observed dynamics distinctive to the sibling incest family system, and to evaluate how these dynamics might predispose the family system to act out its dysfunction through sibling sexual conduct. Being a descriptive study by nature, the data is based on 25 families which were reported to the Boulder County (Colorado) Sexual Abuse Team between May 1982 and December 1985. The 25 families yielded a significant pattern of common dynamics. Those dynamics which were repeatedly observed throughout these cases were: (1) distant, inaccessible parents; (2) parental stimulation of sexual climate in the home; and (3) family secrets, especially with regard to extramarital affairs.
Much has been written about the age of parties involved in sibling incest. Several authors have operationally defined an age difference of 2-5 years as necessary to consider sexual behaviors between siblings to be incest (Gilbert, 1992). Wiehe and Herring’s (1991) study of 100 individuals who experienced sibling sexual abuse found that the earliest memories of abuse were reported as occurring at ages 5-7; abusers tended to be 3-10 years older than respondents. Russell (1986) reported the average age difference to be 7 years; almost one-third of the victims were less than age 10, with over half falling between 10 and 13. Another recent study found an average age difference of 5.3 years in the sibling perpetrator group (Cyr et al., 2002). And yet some studies report on scenarios in which substantial numbers of cases involve sibling pairs that are about the same age or offenders reported as younger than victims (Pierce & Pierce, 1990). In a study conducted by Laviola (1992), some women who were fewer than 5 years apart reported feeling coerced or forced into sexual behaviors by their siblings. Russell (1986) reported that 40% of her 25 cases of brother-sister incest involved less than a 5-year age difference.
As such, age difference may be confounded by gender differences. For example, a brother close in age may be able to effectively coerce a sister into sexual behavior, especially in the context of a traditional or patriarchal family where males are accorded greater power (PhillipsGreen, 2002). Russell (1986) concluded that because “intense dependency relationships and power relationships do exist among siblings … even a one-year age difference between siblings has enormous power implications for both parties” (p. 292), which was also noted by Caffaro and Conn-Caffaro (1998). Thus, in this study’s operational definition of sibling incest, no minimum age difference is assumed. 
Sibling incest can involve a brother and sister, two sisters, or two brothers. It appears that brother-sister incest initiated by the brother is the most common pairing (Caffaro & Conn-Caffaro, 1998; DeJong, 1989; Meiselman, 1981; Russell, 1986). 
In about three quarters of the cases (75.6%), the sexual behavior was reported as being initiated by the other sibling; 7.3% (all males) reported that it was self-initiated, with the remainder unclear as to how it started. When asked to describe what happened, 31.7% said it began as a consensual experience, and 46.3% described a progression over time. More than two in five (43.9%) reported threats, and 41.5% said that intercourse occurred. When asked specifically how the incest started, more than one-third (36.5%) said it was unclear, 31.7% said it began consensually or as curiosity, 22% reported that the sibling used force, with 9.8% giving other explanations. 
Only 8.8% of the women said the experience was completely consensual, whereas 42.9% of the males said it was consensual.
A significant minority of the sample (30%) reported that there were other siblings in the family who were sexually involved with siblings. In addition, over half of the study participants had sexual experiences with family members other than the sibling (51.2%) and with adults or children outside of the family (56.1%). About one-third (34%) of the sample reported sexual experiences with both other family members and nonfamily members; only 27% reported no other sexual experiences with family or non-family members.
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modernhomespalmsprings · 3 years ago
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#fbf to 2014 and that supper sexy #meiselman we flipped in #racquetclubeast 💰 🤑 🔨 #fixandflip #investorspecial #buyinpalmsprings #jackmeiselman liked corner view lots, #gallykitchen and #fireplaces standard while #alexanderconstructioncompany 🔥 place was extra!!! #desertliving #desertstyle #poolsidevibes #poolsideale #sanjacinto #landscapephotography #architecturalhomes #instachill #picoftheday #modernism #psarchitecture (at Palm Springs Architecture) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbPSJzkLh4t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fairest · 4 years ago
I interviewed my pal Avner Landes about his magisterial debut novel “Meiselman: The Lean Years” - topics include So You Wanna Be a Jewish Writer, Fertility, Food, Therapy, Losers, and more. Check out the interview and then buy Avi’s book. 
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modtraveler · 6 years ago
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Midcentury Meiselman in the Sunmor Estates neighborhood ... see more like this at Modtraveler.net #palmsprings (at Palm Springs, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx4z2jVBbr2/?igshid=2us6pn7q3f3b
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nakajimabone · 5 years ago
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非外傷性の労作性虚脱を起こす原因(熱中症と間違えやすい鎌状赤血球化による虚脱は血液が不足することで衰弱感を生じることによる鈍い虚血痛のため適切に対処しなければならない) 喘息、心臓緊急症、熱中症、鎌状赤血球化 アスリートが非外傷性虚脱を起こす原因として多いのは、喘息、心臓緊急症、熱中症、鎌状赤血球化の4つになります。 これらの疾患はすべて、適切に対処しないと致命的になりうり、これら疾患の兆候と症状にはいくつかの重要な違いがあるため、突如虚脱した場合には、その違いにより対処しなければなります。 喘息 喘息は、炎症と気管支痙攣により気道が閉塞されるものであり、呼吸困難のために酸素が適切に体内を循環しにくくなります。 喘息の兆候と症状には、胸が締めつけられる感覚、「呼吸を整える」ことができない感覚、咳、明らかな喘鳴(ゼイゼイと息をする音)が挙げられ、喘息歴のあるアスリートは、医師に処方された発作止の吸入薬を常に持ち歩く必要があります。 心臓緊急症 心臓緊急症は、しばしば突然に何の兆候もなく発症しますが、一部のお客は過去の運動時に胸痛や失神、めまいを経験しています。 このような人が心室細動を起こすと、意識消失、呼吸停止、また場合によっては発作を起こす可能性があります。 熱中症 鎌状赤血球化による虚脱と最も間違えやすいのは、熱中症になります。 しかし、通常、鎌状赤血球化は最初の数分以内に発症するため、暑熱環境に置かれている時間は深部温が著しく上昇するほど長くはありません。 熱痙攣では筋が固まって緊張し、触れてわかるほどに収縮し、このような痙攣は極度の痛みを生じます。 熱中症を起こした場合は、錯乱、発作、さらには昏睡などの、中枢神経系の傷害を生じる可能性があります。 鎌状赤血球化 鎌状赤血球化による痛みは、ときに痙攣とも表現されますが、実際には痙攣というより、筋に血液が不足することで衰弱感を生じることによる鈍い虚血痛になります。 この下肢の鈍痛と衰弱感は、通常、鎌状赤血球化の最も明白かつ確かな症状になります。 鎌状赤血球形成傾向(SCT)を有するアスリートが痙攣を訴えた場合、念の為に鎌状赤血球化として対処すべきとされています。 鎌状赤血球化の兆候と症状には、上に挙げた各疾患と似ている場合があり、またすべての人に同じように現れるわけではなく、左上腹部や胸部の痛み、胸が締めつけられる感じ、呼吸困難、体調不良を訴える人もいます。 鎌状赤血球化による虚脱をしている人は、すぐに意識を消失することはなく、自分の症状を伝えることができます。 #鎌状赤血球形成傾向 #熱痙攣 #横浜 #桜木町 #野毛 #Nakajima整骨院 引用・索引Alexy T Sangkatumvong S Connes P Pais E Tripette J Barthelemy JC Fisher TC Meiselman HJ Khoo MC and Coates TD Sickle Cell disease Selected aspects of pathophysiology.Cill Hemorhelol Microcirc 44:155-166.2010 https://www.nakajimabonesetter.com/entry/blog/post-8573 (Nakajima整骨院) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAoKC3hzAI/?igshid=w2e0nj95toak
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The true role of tax professionals
Digital Elixir The true role of tax professionals
Tax evasion is a pervasive phenomenon all over the word. Recent estimates for 38 OECD countries by Buehn and Schneider (2016) show that tax evasion ranges from a low of 0.5% of GDP in the US to almost 7% of GDP in countries like Mexico or Turkey. Tax evasion not only depresses the public budget, but it may also have negative distributional and efficiency consequences (Alstadsaeter et al. 2019). 
To investigate the determinants of tax evasion, the traditional approach is to assume a direct relationship between the taxpayer and the tax authority – the tax authority decides the audit strategy and punishment policy, and taxpayers infer their probability of being audited. Conditional on the audit strategy, taxpayers choose tax evasion by weighing the gain from hiding income and the expected penalty if caught cheating when filing taxes (Allingham and Sandmo 1972). In reality, however, the compliance decision is mediated by the advice of an expert who helps the taxpayer to navigate the complexity of the tax rules (Andreoni et al. 1998, Slemrod 1989). But what is the role of the tax professional? Is it merely to offer a valuable cost-saving service that helps taxpayers economise information gathering to understand the intricacies of the tax-code (as most expert intermediaries do)? Or does their role go beyond this, possibly as a by-product of their role as tax experts?
Early lab experiments highlight that tax compliance reacts not only to monetary incentives but is also influenced by social norms and the behaviour of peers (Alm et al. 2017, Fortin et al. 2007). Recent field experiments show that compliance depends on the salience of the communication of enforcement (Meiselman 2018), on the publicity of the behaviour (Perez-Truglia and Troiano 2015), and on the exchange of information with individuals that are geographically close (Rincke and Traxler 2011).
To what extent do tax accountants contribute to shaping these social norms? Anthropological and social studies hint at the possibility that tax professionals influence the formation of expectations on enforcement probabilities (Braithwaite et al. 2005) and may even contribute to shaping the ethical standards of their clients (Raskolnikov 2007). While intriguing, this evidence is only suggestive. Yet, a better understanding of whether tax professionals play such a role is key not only to contain tax evasion, but also, and above all, to design a more equitable and efficient tax system.
In our recent paper (Battaglini et al.2019), we document that there is a specific role of the tax preparer in determining the compliance choice of the taxpayer.
We combine tax records of 2.5 million taxpayers in Italy with the corresponding audit files from the tax revenue agency. These data cover the entire population of sole proprietorship taxpayers in seven regions, followed over seven fiscal years. Crucially, we are able to track the identity of the taxpayer’s tax professional.
We find evidence that the levels of evasion of taxpayers served by the same accountant are strongly correlated. A one standard deviation increase in the share of evasion of the clients of the accountant is associated with an increase in the evasion rate of a single taxpayer of 8.7 percentage points (27.2% of the sample mean). This result holds after controlling for the characteristics, sector of activity and geographical location of taxpayers. Importantly, it holds only among the clients of the same tax accountant. No correlation is found between the evasion of a given taxpayer and that of clients of other accountants located in the same city, even if their firm belongs to the same sector and is of similar size. Put differently, the correlation arises because of a specific role of the taxpayer’s own accountant.        
To understand this role, we set up a model where both taxpayers and tax preparers have heterogeneous morality and the tax agency audits strategically. Additionally, as a by-product of his/her role, the tax accountant observes all of the audits to his/her clients and can pool them when inferring the tax authority policy. The model highlights two main possible channels that can generate the documented correlation – tax accountants can serve as tax evasion facilitators, or as information hubs. 
The first channel is generated by the heterogeneity of tax accountants in their ethical characteristics. Taxpayers that are more prone to evade taxes tend to hire tax professionals that are more accommodating in the interpretation of the tax rules. This sorting of unethical taxpayers with unethical tax professionals implies that it is likely that a client of a certain professional is an evader if there are many tax evaders among the other clients. To test for the presence of this channel, we exploit the panel structure of our data, its size and the fact that some taxpayers are forced to switch accountants upon closure of their existing tax preparer. In Figure 1, we compare the evasion rate of the clients of the old and the new accountant before the switch. It illustrates evidence of sorting. 
Figure 1 Sorting of taxpayers into tax accountants
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Notes: This figure plots a bin-scatter of the average evasion rates of clients of the old and new accountants for the sample of taxpayers switching accountant after the closure of the old accountant. Average evasion rates are computed before the switch. We partial out year, sector and municipality fixed effects and switchers’ characteristics to account for the possibility that evasion rates have a local and sectoral component. 
The other channel (the one arising from tax preparers acting as information hubs) involves an active role of the tax professional in the formation of the enforcement probabilities. In the traditional representation of the taxpayer/tax authority relation, the taxpayer can only predict his/her audit probability based only on his/her past experience, and thus with high uncertainty. On the contrary, a tax professional observes the audits of all his/her clients. By pooling all these signals together, he/she can estimate the probability of an audit with much greater precision and can thus share this valuable information with other clients. The key implication of this channel is that a taxpayer’s filed income should respond not only to own audits but also to the audits of the other customers of his/her accountant.
We find strong evidence consistent with this effect. We document that, after an audit, a taxpayer files a higher income, with an effect on compliance that decays over time (see Figure 2, solid green line). The total cumulative effect of the taxpayer’s own audit is to increase the taxpayer’s reported income by 16% (dotted green line). A similar effect has also been detected by using randomised audits (Kleven et al. 2011). In addition, our results also show that taxpayers respond to the audits of the other fellow customers of their accountants. Differently from the effect on the taxpayer’s own audit, this spillover is small in the first year (2%) but increases and persists over time, with a cumulative effect over three years as large as 9% (Figure 2, dotted red line). The information hub channel, therefore, is as large as 60% of the disciplining effect of a direct audit. 
We also show in placebo regressions that there is no significant change in declared income if another individual, potentially connected with the taxpayer because they belong to the same social network but with a different accountant, is audited. In particular, we find that there is no effect of audits on peers living in the same province and with the same age or firm dimension, or operating in the same sector. This evidence confirms that the reaction to the audits is truly motivated by the information conveyed by one’s own accountant.
Figure 2 Information sharing across clients of the same accountant
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Finally, we document that the probability of switching accountants falls by 6% after an audit on other clients and the presence of this effect is only possible thanks to the information dissemination role of the tax accountant who reveals the audit event.
Concluding comments 
The existence of an intermediary between the tax authority and the taxpayer changes the process of tax collection in a fundamental way. On the one hand, the spreading of information through the tax accountant boosts the compliance effects of tax audits and the effects are too large to be ignored. On the other, the tax evasion facilitator role of the accountants – as suggested by the evidence on sorting – allows the tax authority to act strategically by targeting compliant accountants. This is indeed the optimal policy that our model predicts. The data also support the prediction that the audit policy is responsive to features of the tax accountants that predict evasion. More generally, the revenue agency can and probably should exploit the tax accountants’ role as an information hub to strategically disseminate adherence to the tax code regulation and achieve an equilibrium with higher tax compliance.
Allingham, M G and A Sandmo (1972), “Income tax evasion: A theoretical analysis”, Journal of Public Economics 1(3-4): 323-338. 
Alm, J, K M Bloomquist and M McKee (2017), “When you know your neighbour pays taxes: Information, peer effects and tax compliance”,  Fiscal Studies 38(4): 587-613.
Alstadsæter, A, N Johannesen and G Zucman (2019), “Tax evasion and inequality”, American Economic Review 109(6): 2073-2103.
Andreoni, J, B Erard and J Feinstein (1998), “Tax compliance”, Journal of Economic Literature 36(2): 818-860.
Battaglini, M, L Guiso, C Lacava and E Patacchini (2019), “Tax professionals: Tax-evasion facilitators or information hubs?”, CEPR discussion paper 13656.
Braithwaite, J (2005), “Globalisation, redistribution and tax avoidance”, Public Policy Research 12(2): 85-92.
Buehn, A and F Schneider (2016), “Size and development of tax evasion in 38 OECD countries: What do we (not) know?”, Journal of Economics and Political Economy 3(1): 1-11.
Fortin, B, G Lacroix and M-C Villeval (2007), “Tax evasion and social interactions”, Journal of Public Economics 91: 2089-2112.
Kleven, H J, M B Knudsen, C T Kreiner, S Pedersen and E Saez (2011), “Unwilling or unable to cheat? Evidence from a tax audit experiment in Denmark”,  Econometrica 79: 651-692.
Meiselman, B S (2018), “Ghostbusting in Detroit: Evidence on nonfilers from a controlled field experiment”, Journal of Public Economics 158: 180-193.
Perez-Truglia, R and U Troiano (2018), “Shaming tax delinquents”,  Journal of Public Economics 167: 120-137.
Raskolnikov, A (2007), “The cost of norms: Tax effects of tacit understandings”, University of Chicago Law Review 74(2): 601-685.
Rincke, J and C Traxler (2011), “Enforcement spillovers”, Review of Economics and Statistics 93(4): 1224-1234.
Slemrod, J (1989), “The return to tax simplification: An econometric analysis”, Public Finance Quarterly 17(1): 3-27.
The true role of tax professionals
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pureblissyoga · 6 years ago
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Breathe free from anxiety! In this small group workshop with Lorie Meiselman and @zeniyoga, we’ll learn to recognize the symptoms and types of anxiety, and proven methods to conquer it! This workshop will also show you how to use your yoga practice to break you out of unhealthy automatic thinking patterns and start leading the life you want and love! We’ll practice yogic breathing and meditation techniques, and experience an incredibly healing yoga nidra - a guided visualization that puts you in a deep state of relaxation (yogic sleep). It’s like a RESET BUTTON for your body and mind! Sign up on our website (under Events) or by calling us. Links in bio. ☁️ 🌥 ⛅️ 🌤 ☀️ ☀️☀️#freedom from #anxiety #panicattack #fear #fearofflying #fearofheights #fearoffailure #destress #psychotherapy #yogatherapy #alternativehealing #meditation #yoganidra #guidedvisualization #anxietyrelief #anxietyattack #anxietyhelp #breathefree #lovethelifeyoulive #pureblissyoga #urbanyogaoasis in the 💖#art of #fortlee ... #fortleenj #leonia #edgewater #cliffsidepark #englewoodnj #englewoodcliffsnj (at Pure Bliss Yoga, Fort Lee, NJ) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvB0TfQHNbD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i8rd81c0wjqs
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upennmanuscripts · 4 months ago
More information tbd, but on Thursday, September 26 at noon EST, Louis Meiselman, Judaica Special Collections Cataloging Librarian, will present on a new acquisition: a ritual dagger.
#CoffeeWithACodex is an informal lunch or coffee time to meet virtually with Kislak curators and talk about one of the manuscripts from Penn's collections. Each week we'll feature a different manuscript and the expertise of one of our curators. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Register here 🔗:
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palmspringshomes · 4 years ago
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Nice light #Meiselman 😍 #midcenturymodern #palmsprings http://pshomes.com/meiselman/ 👈🏼 (at Palm Springs, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDW2_gqjh2Z/?igshid=1p2i4c5cm1ach
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redwolf · 8 years ago
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A sunny mid century home by local builder and developer Jack Meiselman has come on the market in Palm Springs, California. Built in 1958, it features a plethora of period details, starting with its ever so slightly butterflying roof, beamed ceilings, open plan living, and sliding glass doors. Clocking in at 145 square metres, it’s offered at $630,000
(via Midcentury Palm Springs pad can be yours for $635K - Curbed)
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masscentralmedia · 8 years ago
Midcentury Palm Springs pad can be yours for $635K
Midcentury Palm Springs pad can be yours for $635K
A sunny midcentury home by local builder and developer Jack Meiselman has come on the market in Palm Springs, California. Built in 1958, it features a plethora of period details, starting with its ever so slightly butterflying roof, beamed ceilings, open plan living, and sliding glass doors.
Although the four-bedroom-three-bath was recently updated, it could use a few more modernizing upgrades on…
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fairest · 3 years ago
Favorite books 2021
1. Patricia Lockwood, No One is Talking About This - as an internet addict and pro-abortion parent this novel was deeply relatable, and left me in a puddle of tears. On the internet: “To be involved in a consensual hallucination of normalcy is much worse than being mad.”
2. Miranda Popkey, Topics of Conversation - sultry dialogues from the wine cellar in this formally inventive 2020 novel. Like when the Reality TV camera pans away and you still hear the drama, only the drama is real.
3. Avner Landes, Meiselman: The Lean Years - the story of a man who works at a public library and wants a better parking space. A young Joel & Ethan Coen should bring this to the screen. Made me think about the word circumambulation, the deity the sentence. I read this novel when I thought I was dying from OG covid and felt okay about it being the last book I would read.
4. Christine Smallwood, The Life of the Mind - a study of ambient grief, and an urgent reminder the mind/body problem is a woman’s issue. Textbook for writing in the close third person. I guess that’s the life of the mind.
5. For Now, Eileen Myles - minor work but still Myles for now. Read this lying on my back on the floor, wishing I was as cool as Eileen Myles.
6. Brooks Sterritt, The History of America in My Lifetime - deeply funny and moving quest for a man doing an impression of himself. Tender and over too soon, like the late Brahms on the turntable. Read this at the River House. Killed a few mosquitos with it, but not enough.
7. Lauren Oyler, Fake Accounts - This I-do-this-I-do-that novel reads like a true friend, an honorary ex-boyfriend. Choicest first word: consensus.
8. Greg Grandin, From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America - A cogent survey of this well-known story that America was like, Iraq was pretty boring—it gave us swell Kathryn Bigelow flicks but little else. So Donald Trump is like: gals, gather round my wall. I’m bringing Indian Country back on the inside where it belongs. America roars.  
9. Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable - read this 2016 book in Cafe Luigi on Clark Street. Things aren’t looking so good for the planet but at least we’re getting good works out of it.  
10. Jack Kerouac, Visions of Cody - This “novel” written over decades is a smarmy mess at times, and a reminder that the prophet is also the servant. Felt like I was at the right age to read this, three years younger than Kerouac when he died. Read this at Calo Ristorante and the Farm House.
11. Gary Indiana, Do Everything in the Dark - Eternally under-the-radar 2003 New York novel about la vie bohème. Wish I would have read this right after college. Read it this year, tanning on the deck, waiting for a plane crash. 
12. Charles Valle, Proof of Stake: An Elegy, a longer poem about coming to terms with life after death. Read this during a hard day at work and it made me feel better.
13. Jon Lindsay, Body High - Instant Classic medium cool LA novel. Stupendous editing. Belongs on that shelf near the register so I don’t steal it.
14. Raven Leilani, Luster - Hard, like a cracked diamond. The first debut novel I’ve read since publishing Jenny in Corona that I like as much as Jenny in Corona. Rode the bus for no reason to concentrate on this one.
15. Kate Zambreno, Heroines - You’ll never look at “Once Again, to Zelda” in the same way. Read this at the pool and in the pool.
16. Gary Lutz, The Complete Gary Lutz - One of those books where you learn the word “wibbling” means “speaking or writing vaguely at great length.” Read this at the dining room table under a banker’s lamp.
17. The Old Testament Book of Samuel - one of the first novels, they say. The story within that most typifies how I feel about society right now is when David comes leaping and dancing home from the wars, like he just bought back his stocks, and his wife Michal stands in the doorway hands on hips, muttering, what the fuck is he so happy about.
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modtraveler · 6 years ago
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Midcentury Meiselman in the Sunmor Estates neighborhood. See more at Modtraveler.net #palmsprings (at Palm Springs, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHI-0hhdOl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i5l7eqyh9q96
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