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bottlecaprabbitgames · 5 years ago
So in the poly, who is the one that usually gets up first in the mornings? Who prepares some nice drink for the sleepy mates left in bed? What are some usual sleeping positions for them :D?
Oh, Fin is definitely the first one up, no doubt in my mind, and they are definitely the one who most often fetches or cooks breakfast 😂😂😂
I imagine the usual sleeping positions areee: Mc and Aubre cuddling up to Fin's sides while Fin is on their back; spooning which shifts who is where often; also random singular sleeping positions but everyone has something touching someone else. Also Aubre managing to be spread eagle over both MC and Fin, or MC doing that.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 5 years ago
Can we ride our giant werewolf boyfriends/gf/partners? 👉👈 AND I MEAN THAT IN THE SFW WAY OF RIDING BTW
I don't think Fin would mind, but Aubre... yeah, you have fun convincing them 😂😂😂
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 5 years ago
If F is the first one to wake up, how would he convince two VERY lazy MC and F to get out of bed when there's no pressing matters to attend? 👀
Simple: they wouldn't 😂 they'd leave them to sleep lol
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 5 years ago
Please lovely Cierra, can we have NSFW info about E? 👀👀👀👀
Hmmm lemme see...
E is a true switch and does not prefer to sub nor dom but does not always want to be one or the other!
E is one of the more adventurous of the ROs during bedroom shenanigans. Or rooftop. Back of the car. Infected infected buildings. (Reese is the other one.)
E prefers to receive oral versus give it as they are embarrassed of how their tongue is partially paralysed and causes them trouble during such activities.
They are very confident in their body, and are more than willing to use their physique to lure MC into bed even if they had previously been protesting.
They prefer handsy-er partners, both in and out of the bedroom.
They are very flexible.
👀 TQ for the ask Meira~
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 5 years ago
Alright, it's been a while since I didn't send you and ask! So, what would be the ROs response to trying to kiss drunk MC, and MC pushing them away saying “No, I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.”?? jlkdflkjds
Oh loRD, let's see...
Freja would do the whole goldfish-gaping thing for a second, before rolling her eyes and insisting on the MC getting water or coffee or something as it's clear too much alcohol has been consumed.
Adontis would arch one brow before turning on his both natural and vampire seduction abilities, then lean in close and tell MC, "Then I guess I'll just have to steal you away, won't I?"
Blake would stare at the MC in the most droll way possible, then say, "Yeah, and I'm him, you idjit."
Loche would be absolutely incensed, not understanding why MC isn't realizing who they are, and would request Fawn or Blake's help in understanding with the whole kicked puppy expression.
Fawn would roll her eyes and heft MC to carry them home before they go into blackout territory, lol.
Iris/Irien would probably find it funny and start asking about their partner and what makes them so wonderful, hehe.
Thank you for the ask, Meira!!
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
I just read an ask on another tumblr I follow and I had to ask the same to you. So, this is pre-relationship stage, probably deep crush. How would the MGO ROs react if, while they are on a mission with MC or something, someone said something along the lines of "Owww, you are such a lovely couple!"
Hrrrrmmm, let's see...
Freja would turn into a stiff, pink statue and probably die inside, to be honest XD
Adontis would just eat this up, pulling MC close to him and agreeing completely with a big, smug smirk.
Blake would be similar to Adontis, with a question to MC like, "Yeah, baby, when's the wedding again? With everything happenin', it keeps slipping my mind."
Loche,,, is spoilery based on when this is on their route... so I can't answer. ;D
Fawn would arch a brow but, with a slight nod of her head, would agree.
Iris/Irien would be a big grinning shit who would milk this moment for all it's worth, perhaps to the mortification of certain MCs XD
Thank you for the ask!
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
Maybe this will be spoilery buttttttttt, what kind of parent would the MGO RO's be?
Hmmm, good question.
Adontis is a very loving father, but he has a little bit of a strict streak as he worries for his kids a lot. He tries to not smother them or hover, he knows when to give space.
Freja has a soft spot for children, and while I think she would be a little on the strict side, she'd be a wonderful mom after she got better with expressing her own emotions so her children could understand her and vice versa.
Blake... amazing dad, 10/10, his kids and partner are his entire world and he'd do anything for them. He's one of those big softies who has a hard time telling his kids no to a lot of things. 100% the dad with a shotgun.
Fawn doesn't particularly dislike children, but she also doesn't want them herself. I don't know how good of a mother she'd be, but I think she herself would see her as a bad one as she prefers her time spent alone or with her partner, and I don't think she'd bond to her kids like a lot of mothers do.
Loche... would want to be a good parent, but they will rely a lot on what they don't want to be after how their parents were and on MC to help guide them for a while. They're like perfectly authoritative, not leaning either way too much.
Iris/Irien should not be trusted to raise children as they're barely more than adult children themself wjfkwfked. They'd lean on the lenient side.
Thank you for the ask!!
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
I need to know, how would the MGO ros react to MC's that use extremely cheesy pet names like, calling Loche "my spotty fluff" and all that funny shit lmao.
Freja would probably absolutely hate it for a while, then secretly begin to like it.
Adontis would love this. But, be warned... he will play back double-fold, and his nicknames may not be ones you want others to hear, lol.
Blake... man, I can see him loving and hating it, but depending on the nickname, he might playfully insist others call him it too, and only answer to it for a while XD
Fawn wouldn't really care. Just be "eh" about it.
Loche probably wouldn't like them as it'd feel MC is trying to mock them, even if MC explained otherwise. They wouldn't mind Lochey" or something like that, but actually cutesy names... no.
Iris/Irien would love it, lol! Probably make up ridiculous ones for MC as well.
Thank you for the ask!
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
Oh!!! You know this kind of movie bar fight in which everyone kind of ends with no hard feelings and laughing together? How would the RO's react to a drunk MC starting one of this fights after a heated argument? XDD
Oh boy...
Freja would be trying to drag MC away, a stern, icy mask on her face. Probably would scare the socks off of whoever was trying to fight MC, honestly.
Blake would be cheering MC on, LMAO. He's so awful. Bad influence. Smh.
Adontis would be torn between "this is godsdamned ridiculous", concern for the MC, and utter amusement. He'd probably let MC throw some punches before breaking up the fight.
Fawn would roll her eyes and just watch what happens. If MC gets starts looking bad she'll break it up, otherwise she'll be more than glad to tell MC why they wake up sore the next day.
Iris/Irien would look at MC like they're stupid, but also cheer them on. Terrible goblin that they are.
Thank you for the ask!
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
After reading the pronunciation of the ROs on that last ask I need to know, how would they react to an MC that has english as a second language, therefor, they have an accent (of whatever language) and pronounces their names not exactly has how they are? (Is still hella cute tho :P)
I mean, they'd mostly find it cute? Freja and Loche understand the most as they have the thickest accents. Blake and Adontis,,, would absolutely adore it and tease Mc about it every chance they get XD
Thank you Meira :D
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
Ok my darling Capri and Rissa, can we state that from now on all my asks are directed to all of your ROs from all your games because I am *thirsty*? Thanks! Now to the ask, deep crush/pre-romance, MC is sleeping while RO is around, just to talk in their sleep and say "because I love you *insert name*" ;D
Ekfkwdkekd Meira please. I suppose, since it's your birthday, we'll let you get away with such a thing XD
What a good trope though!!! This will be long and I'm sorry for that friendos, but mobile Tumblr isn't letting me do the read mores anymore. If someone knows how to do it now, please let me know!
Alice: If you were looking to utterly terrify her, you have done it! She'd try to spend more time around MC though, after this.
Arn's heart would pound in his chest as excitement fluttered in his stomach. He would try not to get his hopes up, because he knows people can say odd things in their sleep, but he'd definitely fail in the matter. He'd likely confess his own feelings very soon after this!
AR would be freaking out. They wouldn't be able to understand why nor would they know what to do about such a thing, so they'd push the unfamiliar feelings they felt at the words away to fester, most likely, and spend more time working if they could.
Bryn would be very conflicted. On one hand, it tells them that MC shares the feelings they've been trying to shove down and away. On the other, it makes them realize just how they are both falling for each other, and that terrifies them. They can't take another loss of that magnitude, and I think it'd drive Bryn to constantly think about what mc said while also panicking on what to do.
Luci and Ifti would feel a flutter of excitement and nerves in their stomach, along with uncertainty. What if MC didn't feel the same way when they woke up? What if it was just in their dreams? I think, after a few days pass, both would try to sit MC down to talk about what they heard. They'd also both become far more protective of the MC after this.
Ji-Ji would be a red-faced mess, and in their excitement of hearing this, probably become an utter klutz and end up waking MC up… then dash off to their room, mumbling loudly under their breath.
Zafi would be very surprised, but excited too. I don't think they'd ever ask MC about it, but it would form a bubble of hope in their chest that maybe, just maybe, there really is something going on between them!
Mind Games:
Freya would be… freaking out. Full on panic mode, because she has no idea on how to love someone, and while it was bad enough that she had feelings for MC that she couldn't explain, to think MC might have those too or something even more would be utterly too much for her to handle at one time. So, she'd probably try to force what she heard away and occupy her mind with work, but that would only help for so long…
Adontis would be… fluttery and jittery inside. He is more than well aware of what his feelings mean, and while he thought MC shared them, this could very well confirm it. He'd wait till MC was awake (after tucking them in more securely and waiting for them to wake) to ask about it.
Blake, who has no tact and never has had it in his life, would immediately wake MC up as his heart pounds in his chest. He'd have to know immediately if they meant it, and if they did, he'd probably go further into panic mode and flee the scene. He wouldn't want to talk about it for a good few days after, either. He would be much more protective of MC, and it'd be a really bad thing for him to overhear anyone being an ass to them. Even more than usual.
I cannot answer for Loche, as their romance is very spoiler heavy with some questions!
Iris/Irien would probably wake MC up by yelling "You WHAT?" It'd catch them very much by surprise, but to be honest they'd be more than happy to reveal their feelings if MC's sleeptalking was truthful!
Fawn would immediately want to know if this was true or not… but has the sense to wait to ask till MC is awake. Until then, she'd sit in her room, pacing as she repeatedly thought about what MC said and her own feelings for them!
For Nelroche!
Ozias would start grinning wildly when he hears mc say that. He doesn't seem to show a reaction to it when you're awake next, but he does get more protective than before. also expect a confession from him soon thanks to that.
Hadrian would get extremely flustered over the matter tbh. He's had trouble thinking you might feel the same way he does after everything he's gone through so something like this makes him feel extremely happy.
A would smile gently and brush their fingers along your cheek, happy you feel the same way they do.
I would also be extremely flustered tbh! With that scene playing through their mind the next day, they'll end up treating mc way softer than they normally do. (and end up getting teased by C and S bc of it)
C would be extremely happy hearing it! They love love love cute shit like that and would totally ask you out on a date the next day bc holy shit you feel the same way tho they were tempted to wake you up to ask but wanted you to get the sleep you need
M would be quietly happy. They don't exactly seem very different when they see you awake the next time but they do seem to be happier than normal.
S would be a fuckin mess over it. They'd definitely flirt more with mc the next day but they're also not sure how to act like them for awhile bc they keep overthinking it
Asena is quick to grin when she hears the words. She'd only hear them bc she had to leave to hunt but thanks to that she leaves Rieka with you while she's out. She's gonna confess as soon as she's back tho.
Alex is extremely flustered. She's confident in all matters but can get almost... shy when it comes to any hint of affection from you. She makes plans to ask you out but it's not going to happen immediately.
Idris can't help the warm smile on his face at your words. He's already had plans to ask you out and this just cements them in his head. Expect extra soft boss at work that day X3
JD is an absolute mess as always. They're much better with physical affection rather than the sentimental kind. Things like this will make a heavy blush spread across their pale cheeks each time it happens. They'd end up impulsively kissing you by way of confession the next time they see you awake bc they couldn't stop thinking about it and how they've been realizing that their affections ran deeper than they thought too
Val is both happy that you feel the same way and worried bc of what he is tbh. He cares deeply for you and doesn't want to lose you after all. He's going to seem more withdrawn the next time you see him.
Zara would be ecstatic hearing any affirmation of your feelings! She's gonna bounce with joy for at least a day and ask you on a date to a cafe in the city. And there's a chance you've heard her say similar things in her sleep a few times!
Toni can't stop grinning when he hears it. I mean he's already asked you on a few dates even if he never explicitly called them that X3 but that's a push to actively ask you out
Kaori is just ????? Like holy shit rly???? Love is weird why???? So she seems a bit off tbh she hasn't realized her feelings for you completely until that point and later the next day she actually realizes she loves you too so she rushes to where you are and asks you out even if you're in the middle of working
Ximena is blushing over it. She'll give you a forehead kiss and let you sleep but she's gonna shyly ask you out on a date the next time she sees you.
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope you enjoye the answers :D
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
Are the MGO RO's the big spoon? Little spoon? Both?
Freja and Iris/Irien like to be the little spoon.
Fawn, Blake, and Loche have no preference.
Adontis likes to be the big spoon.
Thank you for the ask Meira :D
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
Silly asl time! :D RO's storming into MC's room because they just heard MC crying their eyes out, like, horrible sobbingand when they get in to see what the fuck is going on... MC is crying over a book lol.
God, this has been me so many darn times in the past, over books, movies, games,,,,, so let's get it crackin!
Alice: the moment she comes in and MC explains it's over a book, she rolls her eyes, but understands and ends up asking about the book and why MC is crying, lol.
Arn would get it the moment he walks in the door, and would (while quite amused) sot and comfort MC while listening to them explain.
AR would let out a snort while shaking their head in a "why do I love you?" Kind of way-
Bryn would just look at MC like they're an idiot and roll their eyes in a very bemused way before storming back to wherever they were.
Ifti would try to fight from grinning... then burst into very loud laughter and have to lean on the door and door frame for support. (They would comfort mc after, making sure they cant see them smile.)
Ji-Ji 100% understands and would be very serious about learning more about what happened and would prolly end up in tears too.
Lucien and Luciana both would comfort mc... after a struggle to keep from laughing that they couldn't hide.
Zafi would,,,, close the door again to try to hide their very loud laughter. It would not work, and they would 100% subject themselves to having a book or whatever else thrown at them for their crimes.
Mind Games:
It would take Adontis a moment to understand what's happening, but once he figured it out, a slow grin would spread over his face before he came over to comfort MC.
Blake would have a look like he was worried MC had something (the same one he gives his maman when she does this) and back out of the room slowly.
Fawn would hide her smile before coming over to the foot of MC's bed, sitting down lightly, and asking for them to explain what happened in their book to cause such.
Freya would be so so torn between understanding and not knowing how to show she did and how to comfort, so it'd end up with her striding over with such a serious expression and tone of asking what's wrong that it might be confused for scolding,,,, she's a Mess.
Iris/Irien would find it both hilarious and concerning as they wouldn't understand why MC was so concerned about since the characters aren't real, but would try to help???? Sort of???
Loche would try to comfort through the fsct that the characters aren't real and wouldn't understand why this didn't help,,,,
Ozias isn't fully going to understand why you're crying over a book tbh? But he understands a little bit???? He'll just pull you into his lap and let you continue to read and cry over it.
Hadrian is going to immediately pull you into his arms before you can explain but then once you do he feels kinda silly tbh. He's just going to hold you while you cry and then kinda linger somewhat near you in case you start crying again
A understands very well once they see the book. They have secretly cried over many books while in the confines of their room after all. They'll just hold you while you read and cry.
I understands why you're crying and awkwardly tries to comfort you.
C understands and might even join you while you're crying tbh. Like they will legit start crying with you if they know what you're talking about or get emotional over it but also be kinda giggly about it too????
M is going to wrap their arms around you from behind and read along with you tbh. They'd stay with you until you finish the book, holding you tighter when you cry tbh
S is gonna just. Okay I'm sorry they're gonna be laughing about it. They'd try to comfort you but can't help the laughter that escapes them at times.
Asena is very sweet about it. She just wants to comfort you immediately and depending on what it was she might cry with you.
Alex understands very well and would begin to read it with you tbh. She'd hold you and end up burying her face into your neck whenever she felt emotional over something.
Idris is quick to comfort you. He hates when you cry tbh
JD is super confused but when you explain it to them, they'll want to know more and will probably cry with you tbh.
Valentine understands without words and just holds you as a form of comfort, rubbing his hands up and down your arms.
Zara is gonna cry with you even before you explain. She just can't handle seeing you cry and will try to comfort you to the best of her ability. Once you explain, she calms down a bit but is still pretty emotional tbh.
Kaori absolutely does not understand. She finds it weird to cry over a book of all things and would just try to distract you from it tbh.
Ximena is extremely worried until you explain and she will want to know more. She might not cry depending on what it's about but would try to comfort you in her own way.
Antonio nearly looks ready to murder until you explain that it's just a book. Then he'll just give you this little smile and pulls you into his arms while shaking his head in a "why do I love you?" way-
Thank you for the ask as always Meira!!! Hope yall enjoy! Also, make sure you stayed tuned to tonight's update because a LOT got done this week!
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
For MGO: MC approaches the RO from behind while they are sitting down doing whatever, they lean on their shoulders, making sure their torso/breasts press against them, then presses her lips to the ROs ear and just, in a low, sultry, breathy voice, says their name while slightly scratching down their chest and nothing else ;D
Oof wow, what a scenario. It's unfortunate that I can't answer it because this could very much happen in a couple of routes...
And you didn't ask for reactions ;)
(Skkfkekd I love you Meira but I gotta mess with you somehow) Thank you for the message! ;D
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
Ok ma bitch, I got a question for you. How would the ROs (as many RO's as you want to answer from all your games) react to a romanced MC that one day appears with a tattoo of their RO's name? Extra points if the tattoo is over the heart (or under the breast for afabs), for more cheesiness. Thank youuuuuuu
Oooh, interesting question, Meira!!! I don't see why Rissa and I can't answer for all of our games... if yall don't mind indulging us, that is.
So, I'll go... alphabetically!!! Under the cut for length!
So, then... Chronicles of Rebirth first!
C.o.R. Reactions:
(As of right now, some previously mentioned ROs are now up in air. I will answer this with the ROs I know will remain.)
Alice would... hmm. Part of her would be oddly overjoyed by the fact the MC found her to be important enough to mark their own body with her name, but... she'd also be uncomfortable with the idea too.
Arn would be... unsure of what to make of this. He wasn't raised around humans, and his family deeply disgraced the idea of marking your body with another's mark. Once he learned more about it, I think part of him would be pleased while another would scold MC for marking themself permanently with his name.
Aranea/Armean would be completely not okay with this entire idea. I think they would even turn to begging the MC to find magick to remove such a mark. I would not recommend doing such a thing.
Bryn wouldn't say how much it pleased them that the MC would do something like that, but would be eager to show it. A good night's worth of time spent showing it, I'd imagine. Probably several.
Ifti would be another who would be very uncomfortable with this. They wouldn't go to the extreme that Ara would, but they would feel very bittersweet emotions when seeing it.
Ji-Ji would go and get a matching tattoo of MC's name in the exact same location and in the same style the very next day. Needless to say, they'd love it.
Luci... Luci, Luci, Luci. I think this would very much touch Luci very deeply. They'd spend every night tracing the tattoo, after of course... adding their own touch to it.
Zafi wouldn't really... like it? I think he'd be uncomfortable with the idea lf his name being on another. But, I think if it was his symbol, he'd be more open to the idea!
Mind Games
Now, yall don't know these ROs yet, but I think this little peek into them may be a good indicator for later!
Freya wouldn't understand why MC would want such a thing. And, depending on how MC explained it, they might make her opinion on the idea even worse.
Adontis would be torn. He's been alive for... well... nearly forever, and he's seen what having your name on another can mean throughout the ages. I think, in the end, he'd be okay with it? But I don't think he'd truly ever settle on how he feels.
Blake would have a very similar reaction to Bryn, only he'd have some reservations and would want to know why MC did this.
Fawn would absolutely hate this. Every bit of it.
Loche would love this. They'd love that MC wanted their body to show another mark of their bond.
Iris/Irien would want a matching one! They LOVE the idea of stuff like this.
And now we have Rissa's Nelroche answers!
Ozias would tease the fuck out of mc tbh. And it might seem like he's cruelly making fun of it but he actually enjoys the sentiment behind it and you can tell by the way his grin appears almost... softer. His appreciation is more easily shown whenever he fucks mc tho tbh.
Hadrian? He wouldn't understand why you'd put his name on your skin. He doesn't even think he's worthy of your affection tbh so putting his name of all things? Out of the question. But he'd also appreciate the sentiment at the same time????
The others either don't get why you tattooed their name on your skin bc of superstitions they grew up with(A and I) or just don't care tho they may smile at the sentiment behind it(C, M, S, and Asena tho S would tease mc lightly and you could see C blushing lightly).
AV would be all over this. They'd want a matching one immediately and would try to think up a design to add to both.
K would feel weird about it. In demons, having the name of another on you is a sign of ownership, and they do not want to own the MC. They'd never be able to see such a display differently.
AL would not be okay with this, either. They wouldn't want the MC to be marked with their name at all.
O would absolutely, unyeildingly hate this.
Sam would also hate this.
Rissa's Somerwood:
Alex? Fuck she'd get super flustered over this???? She'd rly enjoy the sight of her name over your heart and would brush her fingers over it whenever she can.
Idris? He's not too big on tattoos even if he does enjoy the sight of them on others but the sentiment makes him smile.
JD would have a mini internal freakout for a second bc tattoos of their name scream of heavy commitment to them which they've always been afraid of but then they realize oh wait I do want commitment with them holy shit and then the freakout turns into internal happy screaming instead and then they pull you into a kiss bc fuck they love you. They'd... go out later to tattoo your name over their heart too tbh.
Valentine isn't quite sure how to feel. He isn't a fan of tattoos even on others but he also understands the sentiment. So he just gives you a gentle smile and kisses your forehead/cheek depending on how tall you are tbh.
Zara? This would make her so happy. She loves any kind of action that shows you love her and tbh she already has a tattoo of your name on her skin but never told you bc she worried you'd freak out about it .
Antonio loves it and finds tattoos insanely attractive so uh expect some lovely body worship oops bye and he fuckin loves to trace over it when the two of you lay in bed together.
Kaori would have a similar reaction to Antonio tbh but she would pull mc into a hard kiss immediately.
Ximena gets super flustered over it and gives mc a shy smile and gets flustered whenever she sees it. She loves to brush her lips over it when you're alone.
Hope you guys enjoy this!!! I know you guys mostly don't know these characters yet, but I hope seeing a little bit about them will make you guys eager to meet them.
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 6 years ago
So, feeding my happy family trope, how would the RO's react to the moment in which their child recognises them and reacts with absolute happiness to seeing them for the first time?
OOOOOOH I LOVE THE WAY U THINK MEIRA. Let’s see.. (I’m assuming this is a babie)
Avalon/Avlyne would hands down turn into a bawling mess and immediately go to pick their child up, craddling them and cooing to them very sweetly. AV loves children, and having that reaction to them from their own would melt their already very soft heart.
Kelsey/Kelsen would probably be a little unsure on what to do, but feel really happy regardless. They’d come over and talk very quietly to the baby, and mainly play with them rather than pick them up. I’d imagine MC would catch them holding the baby later, though. They’re not very good with children as they’ve never been around them, but they will try their best.
Alain would also be a blubbering mess of a man, like AV, and would very enthusiastically talk to the baby and would try to hold them with MC’s help. He’d be very careful and very worried about “breaking” the baby. Alanna would also be very enthusiastic about this, and eagerly go over to the baby while talking animatedly to them, and would play with them for as long as they wanted. Probably say things she shouldn’t in front of a baby.
I can’t answer this for Ryx/Lio! Will do so after Rewind eventually comes out.
Sam would probably freeze and be unsure of what to do. It would be very happy about the baby recognizing it, but it wouldn’t know what to do about that. If MC explained, Sam would very gladly become a near-constant holding and rocking chair and would very much latch onto its child with a deep closeness between them.
Hope you guys enjoyed!!! :D
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