#meh . this isnt REALLY a wip but
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cconfusedkat · 7 months ago
The very difference between the eldest sibling vs the youngest brother (shamura and heket are wearing the same thing , kallamar is wearing something too much for a beach trip , and leshy looked like he just came back from a tourist shop /j)
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No but i dont think leshy should wear that color combination but i sorta have a clue for narinder ? Ik what to do for goat and lamb now and im looking up some mermaid inspired two piece set for kallamar ,, bc Why Wouldnt She Wear Mermaid Inspired Things
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jefferythejelly · 2 years ago
debated even doing this bc i feel like i am Barely a fic writer but i got tagged by 2 people (thank u @negativepeanuthoarder and @rutadales) so i am going to be brave
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs
couple of brief notes before i give u the list:
i have far too many wips (bc i never finish anything adsfjbdsa) so for simplicity's sake and to cut out ones that are kinda nothingburger this technically isnt All the files in my wip folder
almost all of these are nsfw in some way and several of them deal with omegaverse/mpreg/various other weird kinks. sorry if that is not ur cup of tea when it comes to fanfiction but you have been warned👍
anyways list under the readmore bc theres 17 of them so it got a little long lmao
sap unplanned pregnancy dnn to dnkn
karl gets abducted by aliens yay
subnap (that title might be a little misleading im ngl it kind of got away from me. also this is one of the oldest in there i started it may 2022 adsfjbadskjf)
funz pregnancy slash kidfic brainrot (this one is less of a fic in progress and more of a series of brainrot bullet points. but i like it a lot its very self indulgent)
dogboy foolish
funz body worship nonsense
ahaha yeahhhhh (this one is one of the few where the title is not descriptive at all. wildcard)
funz empty
yep its funz time
punznap pog
omega punz
funz new years kiss
karlnap maid outfit
wrow (another wildcard)
cdrunz eggs
karlnap chapstick
mr beast hide and seek but im in heat (not clickbait)
tagging @tinynap and anyone else reading this who wants to talk about their wips (bc i am at a loss for people to tag who have not already been tagged by a different mutual asdfbsk)
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nodcakes · 2 years ago
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introducing: Big Brother Kirby AU!!
In this AU, almost every single character is aged down, and Kirby has to take the big brother role! Knowing him, hopefully nothing goes wrong
Tell meh what ya think of the AU, I’m a bit nervous since I’m still really new to the community and I don���t know what y’all like D:
If ya want, ask me about the AU or even the characters in the AU itself!! Since this AU is still very wip, I’m probably gonna end up building plot around your asks!!! (KEEP IN MIND NOT EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ANSWERED IM SO SORRY)
(The characters in the photos isnt the whole cast, more chars will get revealed sooner or later)
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akirameta84 · 3 years ago
@disgruntled-twig tagged me in this, which is to share an excerpt of something youre working on, like a wip
this isnt any wip ive shared or talked about writing before, its just the intro to a very angsty oneshot i work on when i need to vent lol
anyone is free to join, i dont know who to tag and am too lazy to. not adding this to my art and writing tag cause meh this will prolly be posted someday in its full
His parents fighting really rubbed him the wrong way. That was a thought that had come unbidden from his own mind one evening while sitting on his bed. It was supposed to be a nice evening, right before his first day as a second year, and he had been peacefully reading, taking a final respite before the days of slogging through school returned.
Had been.
Kusuo had long since given up on that, considering the mental barrage attacking every fiber of his head. His parents were fighting, of course, if the earlier narration of his hadn’t given that away. It annoyed him to no end.
Truly, though, it shouldn’t. He was Kusuo Saiki, the most powerful psychic in the world, with not a weakness in sight. Or, well, technically the most powerful person overall, powers or not. It wasn’t a brag, he was just setting the stage for the situation.
Perhaps it was his powers that made the situation so annoying. Yelling in a standard family home like his traveled through the walls pretty easily, but the normal kid didn’t also have to listen to the thoughts of squabbling parents…as well as the entire rest of the neighborhood too.
It grated. But Kusuo was used to it, so he didn’t care a single bit.
If the fight hadn’t instigated from such a petty event, he would’ve nudged his mom to just propose a divorce. They could do without his useless lump of a dad, who he was especially peeved at for making Kusuo go all the way to the front door to unlock it for him without even looking in his bag for the key.
But, morally, he couldn’t let that happen from such a stupid, insignificant argument.
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andromedasstarship · 4 years ago
i definitely had a lot more planned for this vday weekend (content wise) and ya know what, i barely even reached half that goal! and i spent a lot of last night feeling down on myself for not writing more and creating more but its totally okay!! im not gonna beat down on myself for having a hard week work & school wise. and ive been feeling super meh and have not had any *ideas* or motivation for a bit now but at the end of the day id rather take a really long time to post something that half ass something that has no soul behind it
anyway time isnt real and if i wanna post a vday themed oneshot next month i can and i will so !! my vday wips will be coming, just (probably) not this weekend 
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siyupod · 6 years ago
lyrics wise, i am getting there. though there is this part which is the prechorus that i find really meh. i’m ok with the rest except for those particular parts.
Arrangement wise, i was thinking of using this punky rock, gothic thing vibe since this song is going to be more emotional((angsty), in many aspects. and it needs to be coherent with the aesthetics of the song, since my lyrics are pretty descriptive in a sense. 
What i really wanted in the song was the cohesion with the drums and the vocals in the chorus, theres this “hard-hitting” area with the groove and such especially in the chorus.
WK 3 
was just me figuring out the chord progression to the song, since i already had parts of the melody and the lyrics. Just had to fit chords to the melody. I used mostly minor chords to fit the mood of the song which is more to the angsty and sad kinda stuff. I tried using the diminished chord but it was kinda weird and i didn’t really want too much “clashing” and “awkward” vibes coming. And it didn’t exactly fit with the melody either so.
Even though this song is angsty and sad and dramatic, i don’t want to overcomplicate things as well since there isn’t a need for it to be complicated. its an obvious drama, not a complicated one. 
WK 4
Initially i only have the 1st verse and the chorus of the song. I built on it, going with the vibes and stuff. This song needs to be pretty descriptive, since i am writing about this disease that is quite tragic, as if not getting loved back isnt painful enough.
Im using a very visual approach to the lyric writing, i really want it to reflect an image of “me” suffering from this disease. Not exactly sure whether so far its decent and stuff but it’s descriptive in its own way.
i was really frustrated at the pre chorus as i was constantly stuck there, the lyrics that i have there, just felt very weird. they make sense according to context but they just feel weird. Maybe its because the sentences prior to the pre chorus sounds alot more “”Chim”” and then it just goes into “i tried again to forget you” I don’t know man, it just sounds so weird, and so disgusting. it irked me a lot, and thus i was on the fence for that particular part. I just left it there first.
Wk 5
i didn’t know how this was going to continue, but i was thinking of putting in a bridge that transitions into the last chorus. Right now, i’m just missing the bridge. For the pre-chorus, i left it there first, only letting the organ play with it
I used Logic’s drummer to put in that groove that i wanted, that hard hitting one in the chorus, with all that fills and stuff since it gets aggressive in the chorus especially. For e.guit i was wondering if i should put both rhythm and lead but i wasn’t exactly sure either. 
I thought of this rising bridge part that goes
My heart’s pounding
it’s going numb
the scars burning
it’s going numb
the numb numb numb, it gets more and more muddled and messy till it goes to the last chorus. but again i wasn’t sure whether i wanted to do that. 
Wk 6
I consulted Pearly this week. My bassline could be more varied and more prominent, so i tried that. She also talked about how i can improve the organ as well, since the organ is only playing simple chords the whole way, i could put in some form of rhythm and stuff into the organ patch. 
i looked at my lyrics again and felt there was an imbalance with the second verse of the song, since it only goes for 3 lines before going into the pre chorus  as compared to verse 1 which goes for 6 lines. So i decided to add in more lines for verse 2. 
the bridge as well, i decided to go for this instead
maybe then, i should’ve loved myself
wouldnt be in this living hell
but again, i would’ve loved the same
the melody is pretty similar to the ones in the verses
So far this is up to the second chorus, right before the bridge. Since i have some conflicts with my bridge, i decided to just cut it off for now. Since i used MIDI guitars, it doesn’t exactly sound that great with the jengjengjeng
wk 8
I thought about the bridge and the transitions and such, added in a guitar “solo” that is actually the bass line since for some reasons it sounded pretty nice. so i slapped that in. i considered adding the guitar solo parts in because the transition from the 2nd chorus to the bridge was kinda weird, since the first chorus to 2nd verse is already so abrupt, it seems inappropriate to throw in more abruptness and it would seem never ending if that’s what happens which would make it pretty “boring” in a sense.
with that, i decided to leave the lead line as it is for now, moving on to the bridge and such. 
since i have the structure of the song more or less, the problems really just revolves around the arrangement and execution of it. 
WK 9/10
i wanted to record the drums and such but my drummer was not feeling well so we had to change dates for recording. in the meantime, i needed to get the guitar into the arrangement. problem is, i don’t really know how to write for guitar. so i had to ask for help, and help i did ask for.
since we were all especially busy during this period, it was kinda hard to actually get help so it was pretty rough. 
I actually recorded my vox for this song which i find to be quite unsuitable(?) Maybe it’s because it just doesn’t sound decent, or maybe its just me. There is really this tone and vibe that i want to potray across but that is really really hard and i really don’t know who i should get to sing it. 
Nonetheless, i got Snowi to sing for me, i wanted the low vocals that she does sometimes, the way her voice sounds mature in a certain way she sings. a “mature”, “edgy” tone is what i wanted to go for. 
Her voice isn’t the best for the song, only certain parts suit it which is really a pity.
wk 13
This piece probably needed a lot of work to be done, apparently there were clashes with the bass and everything. During the presentation, Roger was asking me some hard-hitting questions that left me thinking about how i go about doing things and also what my thought processes were and such; which i wasn’t able to answer. 
I’ve thought about it, and honestly, sometimes, things just go with like no sorta reason and you don’t know how, you don’t know why but there are also times where you get all stuck so that’s that. 
i was thinking about what i should do for the song, probably bring in some experimental elements into it. i looked up on what Gerald had suggested, as well as on the internet, trying to get some form of inspiration. 
I started with experimental rock, before i branched into some other sub-genres and stumbled upon industrial metal. i’m not really a fan of metal, but there were some that i found pretty cool, especially when there are electronic elements in the song. I guess i was pretty interested in the industrial aspect of it. 
i also looked into gothic metal as well, as i wanted that gothic aspect as well. Initially i thought of bringing in both elements into the song, experiment and see what will happen but i might just be thinking way too far and i would probably not be able to do it.
I still tried it, like really small steps . i did a completely new arrangement, putting those experimental sounds, some of the sounds that i used in Satan’s Breath. it gave this pretty eerie vibe and such especially after i added in synth choral sounds which can be found in gothic metal, all the strings and choir sounds and such. 
i actually really liked the eerie-ness of it because initially i did want to go with a more gothic feel to it. i built some more into the arrangement but the bad part was that the melody that i initially have doesn’t exactly fit it. 
sO, i had to come up with a new one which fit the vibes more but i had to change the lyrics, which i just shifted some words and sentences around. 
So i got the first verse down and it went to like a “pre-chorus” which is just an instrumental build-up into the chorus. i decided to remove the previous lyrics, i didn’t really like it anyway. 
it goes into the chorus, and that’s when i’m stuck. 
To completely rewrite a song is not impossible but it is time consuming but i just stayed with what i’ve gotten so far, with the new melody for the verse. 
though, so far my arrangement hasn’t really touched on the rock element of it so that’s not ideal either.
i decided to bring in the guitar recordings i had to maybe get the flow going. 
i tried to come up with a new melody for the chorus, like i twisted the original melody and such, changed up the rhythm. changed up the lyrics but really nothing was working at this point. there would be a melody that wasn’t bad but it’s not what i liked either. 
It might be because its a mixture of many different ideas that' s why it was hard to formulate a concrete thing.
I used those distorted guitar sounds for the song after trying out the many different guitar presets on the module. i wanted the song to go in a more rough and harsh direction, to fit with the context. 
i still wasn’t able to come up with a new melody and i decided to try putting in my original melody to hear whether it will sound weird. so i brought in the vocal recordings and it was indeed pretty off, it just doesn’t seem like it sits in there.it still does fit but there is this slight awkward feeling. 
i actually continued using the melody, i kinda gave up on trying to write something new for it, i couldn’t form any ideas at all and it was just making myself miserable. so i decided to try to make them work
so i continued adding on to the arrangement and i brought in this lower vocal for some extra edge-ness. i gave the low vox some distortion using the bitcrusher and i thought why not, add even more distortion
so i did, i started putting the bitcrusher on the guitar track that line from the chorus and i used it in a way that made the audio sounded really like feedback and it was pretty cool and i liked it so i tried to make the guitar track distort in the nxt chorus. 
the song supposedly ends off in the guitar solo but i was wondering how to make everything sound strung together. initially i wanted to bring the song back to something alike the ones in front but i remembered i had another guitar recording from a different person and i wondered what i could do with it. 
i brought the guitar track in and decided to just slap it in and see what happens so i slapped it on after the guitar solo where things were supposedly going to mellow down and it achieved a surprise attack kind of effect and i liked where this was going and then i thought why not add it to the original bitcrushed guitar and come in with an even bigger bang.
some crazy automations were done on the bitcrusher for the guitar recording and ye
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