#megumi's done bad
ssaraexposs · 4 months
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Megumi is definitely NOT subtle 🤭
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squishe-fiasco · 15 days
JJK Incorrect Quotes #2
Yuuji: So, what’s Fushiguro's type? Nobara: Brown eyes, kind, oblivious, good sense of humor, excellent cook and incredibly strong. Yuuji: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we’re just friends. Nobara: Did I mention oblivious? Yuuji: Yeah, why? Nobara: Okay, just making sure.
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epickiya722 · 2 months
"Had Yuji listened to Sukuna---"
What exactly had Sukuna ever actually said to Yuji that would make Yuji trust him?
Yuji may have had the choice to eat that Cursed Finger (mind you, to save people and we know damn well Kenjaku would have found some way for him to consume a finger regardless), but nothing from that point Sukuna actually proved himself to be someone for Yuji to trust.
Let's not forget Sukuna also made choices that he himself could have not made.
He may have been an unwanted child, but does that excuse him in present day to torture Yuji? Does it?
Him waking up in Yuji's body and immediately going "I wanna cause a massacre" is a trauma response? HE LAUGHED ABOUT THAT! Sukuna was ready to kill innocent people! And later did so!
What's the excuse for the Hasaba Twins? "They ordered--" They begged! They begged him for him to help and he chose to kill those girls when he could have just ignored them and walked away. They didn't attack him! They were literally bowing to him!
The Shibuya Incident?! Oh, so some of you are going to forget he showed Yuji the destruction left to break the kid? I could have sworn Sukuna was smirking in that scene.
Is there an excuse for him to kill Tsumiki (while Yorozu possessed her body)? He did that to break down Megumi's soul, who he is practically holding hostage!
Sukuna is downright evil! Let's acknowledge that!
Sukuna responds to his challengers and does however he sees fits, but there are times he had no excuse to do whatever he does to Yuji, who only challenged Sukuna once because he ripped out his heart.
Of course, Yuji would ignore him! And it's not like Sukuna actually tries to talk to Yuji in a way that would get Yuji to like him in the slightest. We all seen and heard what Sukuna has said and done to him!
What would be the "sad reason" behind Sukuna ripping out Yuji's heart right in front of Megumi? Laughing in his face after Yuji begged him to help with Junpei?
If Hana and Angel could have a mutual respectful relationship, why couldn't Yuji and Sukuna?
Because Sukuna is pure evil. He chose to treat Yuji the way he does.
We don't know much of Sukuna's past but what we do know is that people were terrified of him. He killed many. People held festivals for him. He got the name "King of Curses" that he doesn't even deny unlike Yuji would doesn't care for the title "Tiger of West Middle".
I'm a Sukuna fan, but I say he does deserve whatever is coming to him by Yuji's hands because Yuji Itadori is the person he has wronged the most ever since Yuji swallowed that finger, which is the only wrong choice Yuji made (but Gojo... could have been faster, just saying...).
Also, uh... Yuji was born to be Sukuna's vessel... he was practically cursed since before he was born and Yuji didn't ask for that! So regardless, Yuji would have suffered somehow because Sukuna's involvement (and Kenjaku's).
Like, ain't no way Sukuna's misdeeds are being watered down like that and Yuji is being blamed for "not listening" to him and wanting to kill this man. Same kid who is willing to die just as long as Sukuna is dead.
Him bringing Yuji back to life that second time wasn't even prompted by Sukuna himself, in Shibuya. Jogo and the Hasaba Twins fed an unconscious Yuji those Fingers.
Sukuna never brought Yuji back to life without some selfish reason.
You're telling me him saying this isn't worth trying to stop him?! Keep in mind the new Tengen was supposed to be Tengen and humanity combined... Sukuna pretty much said he's going to kill humanity. People who don't even know what's going on? Families, children... that doesn’t make you go "Oh, he gotta go"?!
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rahuratna · 2 months
Geriatric Kaisen (Part 1)
Megumi arrives back at Jujutsu Tech after a day out to find ... some alarming changes to its inhabitants.
CW: Foul language
Genre: Humour, crack, fluff, suspense.
(A quick scribble in between updates. Please don't hurt me for this, dear readers.)
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It started with a strange shift on the breeze. Barely perceptible, to Megumi's reckoning, but the honing of his senses told him that something may not be right. That, and the soft growling that came from the shikigami flanking him, their hackles bristling in coordinated aggression.
Sticking out a warning hand, he advanced along the winding avenue that led to the main entrance of Jujutsu Tech, alert and watchful. This certainly hadn't been the first time an attack had been launched on the school. Even with all of its protective enchantments, Jujutsu Tech was a known stronghold for the sorcerers, and was therefore a prime target for their more powerful enemies.
The cans of soda he'd purchased from the convenience store clinked softly against each other in the shopping bag he held, the rustling of the limited edition crisps a distraction. He set the bag down and proceeded, footsteps light and body tense, fingertips twitching. Wincing slightly, he remembered what else the bag contained.
A cupcake.
Probably squashed beyond recognition now. The icing was pink and white, stodgy, wrapped tightly in plastic, handed over by the wrinkled hands of the old woman he had helped count change at the till. Even Megumi could admit that the elderly had a known weakness for him, a tendency to pat his spiky hair and murmur about what a 'good boy' he was. If only they knew the half of it.
The imposing sliding doors of the tech had now come into view. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Megumi considered for a moment before deciding that reconnaissance was priority. He brought his hands together in an imitation of his shikigami's great wings, taking a breath before opening his mouth to speak Nue's name into the soft breeze, when the sliding doors opened.
Immediately, the hounds at his side went alert, but Megumi frowned. They were not reacting in the way he'd expected. Noses raised to the air, they were sniffing cautiously, but without enmity. Eyes narrowing, Megumi took in the man standing in the doorway.
Was this someone he knew?
The figure was coming forward slowly now, the russet afternoon burnishing their flowing silver hair.
Yes, that's what it seemed like.
The person was obviously older, maybe the same age as the woman he'd seen at the pay point earlier. In spite of this, they still moved with an ease that spoke of strength and grace, the surefootedness of someone who could hold their own, even at this age. There was not much else he could make out at this distance, save for the dark glasses and walking stick they were twirling effortlessly in their hand. 
He approached, pace matching the elderly man's. Stopping a few feet away, Megumi frowned as his shikigami began to whine and wag their tails slightly.
How was this possible? He didn't know this man. Unless this was ... some kind of trap, possibly? But how could they have fooled the uncanny senses of the dogs? Taking a bracing breath, Megumi decided that the best way to clear things up was adopting a direct approach.
"Excuse me, sir. Are you lost?"
The white-maned head turned slowly in his direction. The man's voice was firm and clear, with only the slightest tremor of age. 
"Me? Lost? Are you for real right now?"
Well now. There was definitely something familiar about that tone. And using language like that ...
Brows pinching together, Megumi kept his hands at the ready.
"What do you ... You realise that this is a school, right? Did you take a wrong turn and get lost somewhere? I can direct you, if you like."
To his consternation, the old man started laughing so hard that the walking stick shuddered perilously in his grasp.
"Wait, you don't recognize me like this?"
"Should I?"
"Megumi, it's me."
"You're super special, strongest in the world, hottest in the universe, perfect skin, perfect hair sensei."
Megumi was silent for minute, taking some time to process what was being said to him. Something clicked sooner rather than later, because now his eyes were widening and he took a step back.
"Wait .... Gojo? Is that you?"
"Course it's me. God, you're so dumb for a smart kid - "
"But what happened to you? Are the others okay? What's going on here?"
"Relax. It's some kind of field technique. Not a domain. Covered the whole campus and made us like this, but didn't do much else. That's why I came out here. To maybe draw them out, see what they're after."
To say that Megumi was horrified was an understatement.
"You came outside like this? Are you crazy? They'll - wait. Let's go back in, please. This place is exposed."
His eyes darted to the treeline, taking stock of their surroundings.
"Gojo, did you even stop to consider that this is exactly what they want? You, in a weakened state - "
"Weakened? Weakened?"
Gojo was laughing again, in that truly insufferable way he had, now with the added irritation of his hand slapping hard at his knee like a drunk salaryman egging on his co-workers at karaoke.
"Boy, if you think I'm weakened in any way, you've got another think coming."
Clicking his tongue in aggravation, Megumi grabbed elderly Gojo's arm and attempted to drag him back to the building. It was like dragging the heaviest sack of potatoes known to man. Gojo barely moved an inch.
"See? You still think I'm weak?"
"Did you turn off your infinity just to prove that to me?"
"Sure did. Now, let's see."
Gojo pulled off the dark glasses and suddenly Megumi was confronted with the irrefutable evidence that this was, indeed, his sensei. Those crystal hued eyes would have been exceptionally hard to replicate, by anyone's standards. Bordered by deeply etched crow's feet, stark in their brightness against the spotted skin and wispy hair, it was evident that they had lost none of their slightly unhinged daredevilry.
"I spy ... with my little ... damn, things are looking kinda hazy out here. Anyway, what's that? There, in the grass?"
Confused, Megumi glanced back the way he had come and spotted the shopping bag lying where he had left it.
"Oh. I went to the seven eleven for some stuff."
"Bring it over here."
"Are you serious right now? Can you please get inside?"
"I'll go inside if you get the bag," Gojo sang, voice quivering with cheerful infirmity.
"Oh, for the love of - Fine! Just ... just go to the door and wait there."
"Okay, sonny boy."
"Don't call me that!"
Stomping over to the shopping bag, Megumi snatched it up, pausing as the cold nose of his shikigami pressed comfortingly into his hand. The other hound had actually remained at Gojo's side, walking slowly beside the aged sorcerer as he made his way back to the sliding doors. Sighing, Megumi rubbed at the bridge of his nose before following.
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"So, you said this field technique, whatever it is, made us like this? Are the others also affected?"
"Oh yeah. I had them all gather in the staff lounge. We've got our weapons and protections too, so don't look at me like that."
"So you don't think what you did was spectacularly stupid?"
"Not as stupid as you for not getting any sweets. Are these savoury snacks all you eat?"
"I eat them once a week! Unlike you."
"Wait, what's this?"
Gojo's questing fingers had encountered the soft give of the cupcake. He drew it out and gave a croaky chuckle.
"How kind! You did think of me!"
"I didn't. Someone gave that to me."
"It's pink! Does that mean it's strawberry?"
"It's just food colouring."
"But I wanted strawberry."
"Just eat the cupcake, please."
They had reached the staff lounge by now and Gojo raised his hand, a soft pulse echoing from his fingertips through the door. Probably a means to identify himself to whatever protective technique had been placed on the door. Entering, Megumi stopped dead in his tracks.
Now this was a sight.
Standing at the coffee machine, hands on hips, was a woman with narrowed, hawk-like amber eyes and bobbed salt and pepper hair, her frame and intimidating bearing very familiar in spite of the added height and wiry muscle she now possessed.
"What do you mean I shouldn't have another? Coffee is all I've got going for me, at this point."
"Kugisaki, just calm down. We don't know what kind of side effects this technique has. Your heart may not be able to handle that much caffeine!"
These words came from beneath the grizzled mustache of a man who could only be Yuuji. The phrase 'cool uncle' had never fitted anyone else so well. Even aged to somewhere in the region of his sixties, Yuuji was still hale and hearty, his much taller stature and rippling muscles making the uniform he wore look some kind of miniature cosplay. His pink hair was slightly faded, but tied back in a short ponytail that somehow suited him very well.
"Just step away from the coffee machine - "
"Like hell I will!"
"Oh my God. Maki-senpai, please talk some sense into her?"
"Don't called me senpai. That's weird right now."
Megumi's gaze moved reluctantly over to the woman in question. Seated cross legged on the floor, sharpening one of her weapons with the manner of one who did such things to calm down, Maki was definitely the epitome of aged warrior. Her green hair was now shot with grey, cropped short, jacket and shirt pulled open, her exceptionally powerful shoulders and arms exposed in the vest she wore underneath.
Megumi was secretly relieved that some of them were still clearly in great fighting shape, because he had no idea who had created the aging technique or why.
Gojo leaned forward on his walking stick, scanning the room with a squint.
"Where did Nanami and Ijichi go?"
Maki shrugged.
"Went to gather some supplies. Nanami said something about food and Ijichi went with him. We've been holed up in here all morning, so this lot is getting cranky."
Yuuji huffed, and the petulant expression looked exceptionally incongruous on his rugged, bearded face.
"I'm not the one who's cranky. Look at Kugisaki over here."
"I need to feel calm!"
"And you think five cups of coffee are gonna help you? Be for real!"
"Coffee calms me!"
"You're weird as hell, then!"
It was at this moment that Yuuji and Nobara spied Megumi who let out a silent, internal scream when they both swiveled to face him, eyes narrowing accusingly.
"What the fuck?"
"Wait, why didn't the technique affect you?"
"I was out all morning, running errands. I just got back from the convenience store."
Nobara threw her hands up.
"How is this fair? The guy who acts like an old man twenty-four seven is fine, but we're the ones with janky knees and back pain that never goes away."
Megumi frowned.
"I do not act like an old man."
At that moment, the protective technique across the door, probably effected by Ijichi, resonated once more and the two men who shuffled in made Megumi stare even longer.
Nanami's hair was now pure white, but his posture was still dignified and straight, the natural lines that defined his clear cut features more pronounced than ever. His imposing figure was a little spare, the distinctive suit now hanging slightly about the chest and shoulders. Age had only added to his dignity.
Ijichi was fiddling with his glasses, liver-spotted fingers pushing them further up his nose as he squinted through them at Megumi. The assistant manager was already shedding hair at an alarming rate, a distinct bald patch appearing at the top of his head, shoulders sunk in a permanent hunch, fingers bent arthritically.
"Who - ohhh, Fushiguro. Nice to see that the curse didn't get you."
Gojo growled and spun on his heel.
"Where did you two idiots go? I told you to stay put."
Nanami raised a thin, pale eyebrow.
"We went to get food. We needed it."
"You could have sent Yuuji or Nobara - "
"And you could have waited in here instead of going out to antagonize whoever did this. Looks like your ego got worse with age."
"And that stick up your ass got worse with age too."
Nanami scoffed and removed his signature shades. The eyes behind them were as sharp and calculating as always, in spite of the lines that graced their corners.
"On the contrary. Being in this state has opened my eyes to many things."
Yuuji glanced over curiously, his mouth already stuffed with the onigiri Ijichi had placed on the table.
"Whaddaya mean, Nanamin?"
"Meaning that the frailty of the human condition has impressed itself upon me."
He was met with a blank stare from the pink-bearded man, but Ijichi piped up from behind him.
"Oh, I get you, Nanami. I understand."
Nobara folded her arms.
"Well, let's hear it then."
"If this is what it feels like being old ... then why waste the time we have left worrying about pointless things?"
Yuuji waved his hands in concern.
"Whoa, whoa, stop right there. This is a cursed technique, meaning it can be reversed, right? Right?"
Gojo was examining his fingernails.
"Maybe? Are you being serious right now? I can't be an old man! I'm not ready."
Gojo nodded in commiseration.
"Oh, I know, I know. I wasn't ready to lose my youthful hot body either."
"That's not - "
Ijichi interrupted with a quavery shout that shocked them all into silence.
"Fuck paperwork!"
Megumi stared.
"Err ... what?"
"Fuck it. Fuck all of it. And fuck you too, Gojo!"
"See how I'm losing my hair? This is your doing! You're the one who stresses me out every day! But no more! I don't have to take this shit. Look at the state of my knees! I don't care anymore. Nobody's going to boss me around!"
Gojo pointed a slightly unsteady finger at the manager.
"Oh, excuse me for being the strongest sorcerer who keeps evil at bay and saves your butt on the regular."
"Well, you didn't save us from this, did you? You're a sad old grandpa, just like me! See how the worm turns?"
"Why, you little shit stirrer, I'll - "
Megumi breathed a sigh of relief as Nanami once again proved himself to be the only sane adult in the room, even under these circumstances. 
"Gojo, please. This event has obviously shaken Ijichi. You should be more understanding. Here, you need food too. Take these onigiri. They have red bean filling."
Mumbling slightly, Gojo set aside the cupcake he held, taking the parcel and beginning to undo the paper wrapping. He picked out one of the onigiri and froze, his head slowly lifting to stare at Nanami. Megumi frowned and looked over his shoulder.
The onigiri Gojo held was shaped, very recognizably, as a penis.
Nanami stared back at the white haired sorcerer impassively, prompting Gojo to speak.
"Nanami. What the heck is this?"
"An onigiri."
"I can see that, you old fart! I mean, why is it shaped like this?"
"Oh, that? It's so that you can ... how do I put this? Eat a dick."
The rest of the room's occupants looked on in no small surprise as Ijichi snorted, covering his mouth, shoulders heaving. Nanami's mouth twitched, before a deep, hearty chuckle emerged from his chest. Before long, the two elderly men had doubled over, Gojo's angry expression apparently too much for them to handle.
"I ... haven't laughed like this since ..."
"Oh, oh, please. My bladder ... isn't what it used to be."
This set them off on a fresh round of laughter, which struck Gojo out of his stupor. He rapped the table sharply with his walking stick.
"Oi! Are you two assholes forgetting who's keeping everyone safe right now?"
"With what? The power of your Infinite Diaper?"
Megumi got between Gojo and the others before the purple glow he'd seen forming around the old sorcerer's hand could take out half the room.
"Let's just ... calm down. We need to find a way out of this technique. Any ideas?"
Nobara was looking at him in a way he didn't like at all. She came forward, a small, dangerous smile playing around her lips.
"And who made you boss, baby boy? I'm your elder now, and you do what I say."
It was Megumi's turn to lose his temper.
"Like hell I will!"
"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this. Now tell us your idea while you give me a back rub."
Maki grunted from her place on the floor.
"And when you're done with her, come crack my neck for me. Feels kinda stiff."
Gojo immediately forgot his feud with the two cackling sorcerers opposite him.
"Hey, Megumiiiii, I'm your sensei. You gotta listen to me first. Be a good boy and break this cupcake up for me. Then take out all the choc chips. I wanna eat them separately, cos they'll get stuck in my gums."
Feeling his blood pressure suddenly skyrocket, Megumi swore violently in his head at the crackpot curse user who had thought this would be a good use of their time and useless technique. If any of these old coots died, it would probably be by his own two hands.
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Is Gege aware that it’s possible to write character development without killing off characters?
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sukugo · 5 months
sukuna and gojo use binding vows for sex, taking things like orgasm denials or touch deprivation steps further, where the other is contractually bound to not be able to do certain things, like touch themselves or touch the other etc etc 
one such instance being a vow where gojo has a vibrator up his ass, but he can't touch himself or remove it, until sukuna specifically, pulls it out.  
he keeps the vibe in throughout the day, with sukuna controlling it remotely, even as they both go throughout their separate days.  
gojo goes to have his usual breakfast, and meets yuuji at the dining room, they greet and sit next to each other. yuuji is, as always, energetic and excited to see him 
they make conversation, until gojo gives a jolt and starts twitching and huffing. sukuna has turned the vibrator up all the way. yuuji worries and panics and asks him what's wrong. gojo gives a breathy laugh and reassures him. he motions low and tells yuuji about the vibrator inside him, through sudden jolts and soft whimpers.  
satoru complains about it, and yuuji advices to remove it or go and take care of himself.  
except gojo states that he can’t and yuuji puzzles.  
"it's... a pact—mmh!" 
"a pact???" yuuji's voice rises in volume, but he visibly calms, shoulders dropping into a fond sigh. "sensei, you really are..." that's all he can manage to say. reprimand is useless. gojo likes it, yuuji is well aware, he is enjoying every second of this, even as he complains.  
gojo gives a few odd jolts, undoubtedly an odd pattern of intensity from the vibe, yuuji can guess. sudden irregular ups and downs that are not taken well by the man.  
satoru clicks his tongue. "what is that guy doing?" he actually looks irritated for a moment—a look yuuji doesn’t get to see often—until it’s broken with a sigh and his pleased, calm demeanor returns, mimicking the soft waves of pleasure across his thighs. 
still, yuuji can see his hands crumpled at his sides, undoubtedly wishing to use them.  
that's when satoru perks flares up all of a sudden.  
"actually, yuuji,” he turns to look at him, grinning. “you can help me" he opens his legs and lifts the edges of his kimono, his dick peeking out the fabric. yuuji gulps at the sight. satoru motions to it, giving yuuji a wordless look. yuuji hesitates for a moment, but complies, taking his hand to the cock, and starts stroking. 
satoru crumbles under the touch, immediately breathing out his nose and muffling moans. he leans into yuuji, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, fingers clasped in yuuji's kimono, nuzzling into his hair and whining in his ear.  
satoru's sounds fluctuate in pitch and volume, making it known when his vibe's gotten stronger. yuuji keeps his pace and satoru spills in his hand. he twitches and sighs, soft breaths against yuuji's flushed ear. 
yuuji stares at the cum in his hand.  
"you can wipe it on me,” satoru tells him with a breath that's calmed much too fast. “my clothes are already soiled anyways". and yuuji feels bad for it, but he obeys nonetheless.  
satoru takes a hand to yuuji's chin and turns his face to him and gives him a kiss. short and sweet.  
"as a reward." he smiles at yuuji. the boy surprises but takes it happily, cheeks warm and eyes softened, albeit a bit timidly. a tinge of disappointment colors the edges of his face. 
"you want more?" satoru brings his face to yuuji's again. the vibrations have reached a slight plateau, so his voice is steadier.  
yuuji’s face widens a bit, but he nervously chuckles, pulling back from gojo's face. "no, it's alright," he lies. "i don't want sukuna to kill me" 
but satoru’s already pulling into him, breathing into his lips. "i won't let him <3"
"that's...actually reassuring......" yuuji’s eyes flutter shut as satoru's lips meet his again.  
and with that, they're kissing and slowly the vibrations and gojo’s twitching start again. satoru moves atop yuuji's lap to straddle him, and while they kiss, yuuji takes his hand between them and jerks him off again. satoru moans and gasps into his mouth, each jolt mirroring the pulses against his prostate.  
they separate for gojo to bury his face in yuuji's shoulders, arms hugging his neck. he humps into yuuji's hand until he comes against him again. 
he pants and huffs atop the boy, catching his breath. yuuji's gentle arms hold him, fingers rubbing slow circles at his back.  
satoru's breathing calms against yuuji’s neck. 
"yuuji, u're such a good boy."  
yuuji's heart and dick swell. 
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lavenderjewels · 30 days
jjk 267 leaks + spoilers in the tags. ill be completely honest i understand the jjk criticism I’ve seen for this chapter but i also don’t care
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megumi-fm · 2 months
hi i have been inactive for a while due to the chk chk boom. hope you understand.
#HI HELLO BESTIES I WISH I COULD UPDATE YOU GUYS BUT I HAVE BEEN SUPER BUSY AND CONSUMED BY THE HORRORS™#basically im moving out the country in like four days so packing has been a whole ordeal#not to mention i'm procrastinating feeling my feelings#my three month gre prep plan turned into a one week prep reality T-T my unofficial score is 321 out of 340 which is... idrk#i was in the middle of a lot of things and given the level of time and energy i was able to commit amidst the chaos... it's not too bad.#OH ALSO i got done with the round one registration for my courses today and it was a MESS#(technically only the in-dept courses were due today. the ones from the other depts were due 17th. either way. the website was being cruel)#oh and as for out-dept courses it's a different procedure but I managed to get Intro to ML! absolutely insane given my meager coding skills#as well as my shaky understanding of engineering calculus. in other words welcome back my arch nemesis slash lover miss mathematics#oh and! all my friends are also moving away which basically means the past week has been meeting my besties and trying not to cry#i've been reading a bit as well! i read assistant to the villain and it was simply the cutest book ever i need the sequel SO BAD#OH AND GOSE IS BACK so that's been fun#so yeah that's what's up#i really wished i had more time to update on here I had a really cool idea for this week but i've been too exhausted sighhh#hope you guys have been doing well also please feel free to text or tag me on posts i might not be able to reply but i love reading updates#sending lots of hugs and chocolates to all my beloveds <3#oh oh also please go check out skz's comeback it's so good!#okay it's like 12:26am now ima go sleep now gnight byeeee#megumi in the tags#megumi.fm
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lexicog · 1 year
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goated kantaro reference
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sweet-evie · 1 year
they all arrived today.
Horror and reality is setting in that I bought a bunch of expensive plastic in one sitting... 😶🫣😫
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I can afford it, but it's still a splurge that I can never justify...
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catcatb0y · 1 year
My only disappointment with Project Voltage is that I thought there would be more different artists. There are four different artists and eight types out so far, one artist has done over half of the types so far. We're eight types in with only four artists, and one of those artists has done five of the types.
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toastedsmoreo · 4 months
Ok I’ve been following JJK so far, convincing myself that every character choice and fight detail was weird but not a deal breaker for me, but…..WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?
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chuluoyi · 2 months
my boyfriend will kick your ass !
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- fushiguro megumi x reader
it's a date gone wrong when you get into an argument with your aloof boyfriend. but will he save you when it counts?
genre/warnings: tw. street harassment, catcalling. hurt/comfort, arguments and reconciliation, protective!megumi and fluff !
note: i miss my emo boi :(
general masterlist
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“Stay back!”
This is an utter plot twist. When you came out of your apartment today, all dolled up and ready to go on a date with your boyfriend, you never imagined you’d end up cornered by two creeps in a deserted alley.
“Easy, girl,” one of the guys in front of you cackled, lips curling into an unsettling sneer. “We’re just trying to get to know you better!”
“Listen— My boyfriend is super scary, you know!” you barked, willing yourself not to shake. “Now you better not come any closer or else—!”
“Or else what?” the other creep mocked with a snort. You gripped your umbrella—now your makeshift weapon—tightly, pointing it at him as a threat.
“Or else my boyfriend will be here in any minute and he’ll kick your ass!”
It was a partly a lie you hoped sounded convincing, because how could Megumi suddenly show up and find you in this dingy alleyway... right after both of you had a petty disagreement in the middle of Shibuya's shopping district?
Oh lord, how you regretted raising your voice and running away from him earlier.
"You are late!" you scolded him heatedly as he yawned, showing up twenty minutes later than your agreed time. "Can't you at least text me beforehand? I'll match your time if you do!"
Megumi sighed, fixing you with a blank stare as he scratched his head. "My bad. I overslept. I rushed here so didn't think of it."
It was so easy for him to say, and you would've understood if it was the first time, but you had noticed this pattern over the past two weeks. Whenever you asked him out for dates, his face always soured, and he didn't bother to be on time. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was reluctantly agreeing.
And by this point, you thought you knew better and that was really it.
Finally, you blurted out the burning accusation: "You never realize it, but it shows, you know? You never seem happy when we go out together."
He exhaled in exasperation, green eyes darkening at you. "What do you mean?"
"Exactly that."
It seemed he had run out of patience. Standing your ground, you braced for his next words. But the glare he sent your way and the words he spat pierced your tender heart more than you thought—
"You're always nagging. Can't you stop being annoying just once? What a pain."
Perhaps he was right, you were annoying him all this time and dealing with you was a pain. You could imagine it if you were in his place, but you couldn't handle the very implication that you had done so, and you screamed at his face:
"So be it then! Fushiguro, you are the worst!"
—and ran off with tears in your eyes, deserting him altogether.
You knew you weren’t exactly a model of maturity, but in your defense, it stung deeply that he saw you as annoying and a pain. What girlfriend wouldn’t be hurt by that?
Anyhow, you loitered near the Shibuya station afterwards, and at first you heard some catcalls you didn't really pay mind to. But when those two guys started whistling and edging closer, it hit you—you were their target.
You quickened your pace, turning down several corners, only to find yourself trapped in a dead end. Just how much worse could your day get?
"Aha, the girl says she has a boyfriend!" Creep #1 snickered, turning to Creep #2 with a smirk, before pretending to scan the area. "But I don’t see him?"
"Miss, I swear we’re not up to any trouble," Creep #2 chimed in, his eyes gleaming with a predatory delight. "Won’t you be our friend? You’re too pretty to be alone—this is Shibuya, after all!" he said, eyeing your legs and whistled. "And ooh, have I told you that skirt suits you well?"
These guys were straight-up perverts!
"Get lost!" you yelled, your fingers trembling as you swung the umbrella at him when he tried to close the distance. "Can’t you just leave me alone?!"
You were at your wits' end, and it was clear this situation wasn’t going to improve with them still blocking your way. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart, and decided to do the only thing you could.
In hindsight, a stupid move—
You barreled towards the two of them with your umbrella—managing to push past them. For a moment, you thought you had a chance and ran as fast as you could—
"Ack!" —until you tripped and crashed on the ground.
You rose and immediately winced, looking down at the site where it hurt the most. Oh, you had scrapped your knees badly.
"Ahh, miss! Don't be too hasty~!" you heard the second guy's sing-song voice, and you really wanted to cry. Why did this have to happen to you?
"Don't come c-closer!" you stammered, backing away as they approached. Your whole body shook, desperately trying to think of ways to save yourself. "Or— I'll scream!"
"Whoa, whoa, wait just a minute! Why don't you just—"
You really thought you would scream, until suddenly the familiar scent of mint filled your sense and a strong arm pulled you from behind, and a broad back shielded your view from them—
"What do you need from her?" Megumi's voice boomed, his eyes glaring at the two men who had been harassing you. His breathing was ragged, as if he had run all the way here. "Fuck off."
At that moment, you couldn't help clutching his sleeve, hiding behind him further as you kept trembling. Megumi sensed it, and turned over to have a look over you—
You looked disheveled, spooked, and his eyes widened when he saw the blood trailing down both of your knees.
"Hey man, your girlfriend practically asked for it! Just look how she is dressed—"
Before you could process what was happening, Megumi had yanked the man by his collar and thrown a punch at him. You yelped and immediately got a hold of his arm to stop him further. "Megumi!"
The other guy quickly caught his friend, who spat out a string of curses, his lips bloodied from the punch.
"Fuck. Off." Megumi glowered at them, and they finally got the message, scurrying away in hurry. The moment they did, he faced you again and you finally let out a sob, throwing yourself into him. His body was warm, his heart pounding hard— yet it meant reassurance for you.
"Are you okay...?" his voice was noticeably softer as he wrapped his arms around you and returned the hug. "Did they touch you—?"
Megumi froze when he felt his chest dampen with your tears and heard your sniffles, your figure shaking like a leaf in his embrace. A wave of guilt washed over him, realizing how scared you must have been. Instinctively, he held you tighter.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," he muttered, his breath warm against your ear. It was as if there was an invincible knife that twisted his chest when it dawned on him what you just got into. "I'm here now, okay? You're safe now."
If it weren’t for his harsh words earlier, you wouldn’t have run off. He kept shushing you, his own heart breaking at the turn of events.
And when you nodded against him, he knew he had to make it up to you somehow.
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Later, Megumi tended to your minor injury while crouching down before you, as you sat on a bench near the convenience store where he had picked up the first aid kit.
Your eyes were swollen, your outfit was dirtied, but you ignored the curious looks from passersby. Still shaken, you kept your gaze fixed on your lap.
You recoiled when the disinfectant touched your torn skin, tears welling up again in your eyes. "Ow..."
"It'll hurt just a bit," Megumi looked up at you worriedly, seeing you struggling to hold back tears. He gently blew air on your wound. "It’ll be over soon."
Megumi noticed how you were uncharacteristically quiet. Between the two of you, you were the chatty one and he was the silent listener. But now, you were completely silent, and he knew it was definitely not a good sign.
And so he thought it was a good time to finally explain himself. With a sigh, he began. "I... was on back-to-back missions last week."
You glanced at him, both surprised and confused.
“I was so burnt out— that’s why I’ve been oversleeping lately. Sorry for not meeting you on time.” Megumi applied the ointment to your knees, and you stiffened from the sting. He blew air on them again to ease the discomfort.
"You never told me," you pointed out.
“Yeah, uh, sorry...” he winced. “It’s so... lame. I’ve been exhausted for a week straight whereas Itadori bounces back so easily. Stupid, I know.”
"You... didn't tell me because you don't want to look uncool?"
As soon as you worded it that way, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Megumi remained silent, looking down, and you knew that his silence was a definite yes.
Totally stupid. But exactly how Fushiguro Megumi was always wired. A part of you was exasperated, but also forgave him for it.
When he met your gaze again, he finally saw the light returning to your eyes. It was a relief to him, so he let out a small sigh and put on a strained smile.
"How did you find me anyway?" you asked quietly.
"You didn't pick up my calls. I was worried. And then I ran around until I heard your voice." His eyes narrowed into a frown. "Did they do anything to you?"
You shook your head, and Megumi let out the breath he had been holding, gripping your right hand in his. "I’m glad."
You brushed away the trace of tears on your cheeks as he finished applying band-aids to your knees, awkwardly fiddling with your fingers.
"Sorry for being annoying," you mumbled softly, not meeting his eyes, feeling yourself so small all of a sudden. "Will totally happen again though."
"You..." Unwittingly, he cracked a smile at your blatant remark. "Just... don’t run off again, dummy. Do it where I can see you."
He ruffled your hair gently, then intertwined your fingers with his. "And sorry... for getting mad at you too."
Your cheeks felt warm, so you looked away, puckering your lips together. "...I'm hurt. You have to make it up to me."
He hummed, the beginnings of a smile on his face. "Let's go have that shaved ice you’ve been craving then."
“Huh? You remembered! But you don’t like them?”
“You like that kind of sugar dump, don’t you?”
Hand-in-hand, both of you traversed the Shibuya shopping district together. Your eyes were still puffy, but you were smiling and talking his ears off again just like you always did.
“I told those pricks my boyfriend will definitely kick their asses,” you giggled to yourself, swinging your joined hands in joy. “And you really did~”
“What are you talking about…?”
Sometimes you were beyond his comprehension. Sometimes you were also cute beyond comparison.
And Megumi thought... he liked you the best this way.
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saintkaylaa · 4 months
You Jealous?
* *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *✧
✰ ft. choso, kento, satoru, suguru, toge, megumi, yuji, yuta, hiromi
note: y’all wanted this SO bad so HERE. I didn’t want to do this bc this prompt is so overly done but so many requested this😭
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warnings: cursing, suggestive, sex, toxic tendencies, f!reader
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hoshigray · 5 months
Hey, can I request some Toji, please? 👉🏻👈🏻 having sex with him after an argument and silent treatment for several days, but not like wild fucking, but kinda intimate and passionate 😔 like imagine you finally make up after an argument and he missed you soooo much and he want to kiss everywhere, look you in the eyes and praise the hell out of you 🥺
Damn, I need soft Toji bad 😭 wish you a great day 🫶🏻
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: arguing!? make up sex!?!? with soft dom toji!!??? ahhhhhhh—
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: soft dom! Toji x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - implied argument + make-up sex - kissing/making out - Daddy kink - oral (m! + f! receiving) - fingering (f! receiving) - breast fondling + nipple play - anvil/mating press + spooning positions - cockwarming - praise - unprotected sex - multiple orgasms - pet names (baby, good girl, mama, sweet baby, sweetie) - Toji being whipped + missing you, i'm so soft - itty bitty angst in beginning + fluff on SMUT on fluff - mention os spit/drool.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.9k
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Toji didn’t like having arguments with you. They made you distant from him, pushed him away, and he’ll feel like utter shit until things subside after kissing and making up. And when the tension between you lasts for an entire week? Oh, that makes him experience a new gut-wrenching definition of guilt. 
Avoiding him is a torture he doesn’t want from you — oh, he can’t stand it. When you use the shower in the morning after he uses it in the nighttime, when your eyes don’t acknowledge his existence, or when you sleep far into your side of the bed with your back to him while he’s in a state of unease trying to find sleep without your warmth on him. 
A whole week of nothing but side glances and avoiding being in the same place as him, especially in your shared apartment. With every passing day, the pressure growing felt like you two were drifting apart — something Toji would never want between you. He already lost one love of his life; the mere thought of losing another was strong enough to have his stomach drop. 
It drives him so fucking crazy, especially when you’re in the kitchen washing dishes, Megumi and Tsumiki are at a sleepover, and him on the living room couch, supposedly watching sports highlights. But he can’t; his thoughts are too occupied reflecting on you — missing you. God, did he miss you — so fucking much that he shuts the television off and walks to the kitchen with a purpose. 
He brings you in with an embrace, spooking the daylights out of you that you almost jumped. You thank your stars you were done washing the dishes by the time he came around, or else he’d give you another thing to be mad about. “J-Jesus, Toji…! Scaring me like that, what are you—“
“I’m sorry.”
Two words — that’s all it takes to silence you, and your body stiffens in his hold. Toji takes this time to indulge in having you in his arms after such a break, his fingers sinking into the flesh of your abdomen and his face buried in the crook of your neck. The way your breath hitches at his lips on your shoulder, he kisses the skin exposed from your tank top. Fuck, you make him go insane.
“I don’t want us like this, baby,” he proceeds, sighing deeply when his hand creeps to your wet one to grasp. “Pushin’ you away from me like this, it’s drivin’ me crazy. Don’t avoid me because of dumb shit I did or said.” You were listening intently; the TV was off, so there’s no way you’d be ignorant enough to close him off. But you didn’t say anything yet, making the raven-haired man keep going. “This silent treatment, it’s fuckin’ with me; sleepin’ far on one side with y’r back to me, taking showers at different times, and not looking at me in the eye…” A kiss to the neck has you breathing cautiously. “Makes me think I’m losin’ you, and I don’t want that. So….I’m sorry.”
He can’t lie; the stillness between you two has him anxious, barely keeping it together and fighting the quiver of his fingers from showing. He nearly misses your signal — slapping his forearm wrapped around your stomach. Toji loosens his hold on you, and you turn around to face him. It feels like it’s been forever since the last time your eyes were on his for more than a second, and he freezes at the touch of your hands cupping his face.
“You’d never lose me, Toji,” you say to him in a whisper so the world doesn’t intervene with this moment. You bring your face to him to kiss the scar on his lip and return the hug. “And I’m sorry, too.”
There’s hesitance when he circles his arms around your waist again, but your frame on him gradually puts him at ease. “Sorry ‘bout what?” 
You peer up at him with your chin on his chest. Goddamn, your beauty was unreal. “For not apologizing sooner.” 
Toji hums with an aimless nod. “So,” he brings a hand to cup your cheek, and you lean to his touch. “Are we cool?” You nod with a smile. “Good.”
You repeat. “Good.”
A few seconds go by when his viridian orbs are locked in with yours before his face draws in close. “I missed you…”
Your eyes instinctively close. “I miss—Mmm.”
Your sentence is cut off at the contact of his lips on yours, asking for permission by laying himself onto you more and licking your bottom lip. With your hands enveloping his neck, you open your mouth to receive him. A moan slips out when he pushes his tongue gently, the hand on your cheek coming around to hold you by the back of your head. 
The kiss gets hot and steamier with every peck, the hand on your waist slithering down to grope your ass hiding inside your leggings. You wail as your frame hits the sink, and Toji uses this to cage you into him. A strong leg comes in between yours, having you essentially ride him as you lovingly suck his tongue. And it gets intense when he slams his face to yours, taking in your sweet noises that poke him to make more. 
Sounds of lips smacking together fill the kitchen space, and your hands find their way inside his sweatshirt to roam over his back. And Toji loves your touch on him; how he yearned to feel your fingers on his skin again.  
Oxygen is needed to carry on, so he breaks the kiss for you both to breathe. Heavy pants are shared at the union of your foreheads pressing together. You huff prettily with hooded eyes up to him, unveiling a smile as your fingers play with the black strands on his nape.
“I missed you, too, Toji." You finally say to him, sealing the fate for what’s to happen into the night.
“Hahhh, fuck, keep suckin’ me like that, mama…Shit, I missed this.”
You two are now in the comfort of your shared bedroom, no longer acting like strangers in your bed. Hands and lips show no interest in being away from bodies; Toji, in particular, uses this time to get his calloused hands drunk on feeling your curves, dents, and skin. 
And you’re on the same boat, placing soft kisses on whatever place you can find. His lips, his clavicle, sneaking inside his sweatshirt to tweak and lick his nipples before trailing down to the dent of his sweats. Pulling the pants down sprung out his hard-on, and you feverishly greet his cock with your mouth. 
Toji gets lost in the sensation of your lips and tongue, gripping the sheets at his dick and being swallowed whole into your warm throat. Fuck, you were so good at this, using your hands to stroke him as you sucked his glans harshly while gingerly massaging his balls. Your humming on him feels so good that his hand goes to your head to steady himself. 
“Fucking Christ,” he curses under his breath, and his hips jerk to create friction. He wants to come so bad, stuff your face with his dick, and pump his load into you. But no, not right now. He taps your cheek, and you bat your eyes at him. “Mmm, c’mon, sweetie. Let’s switch.”
You take out his cock from your mouth and a string of saliva sticks to you and his cockhead. “But you didn’t—“
“Don’t worry; I will later,” he squishes your cheeks, wiping spit from the corners of your lips. And he means that because being one with you is what he wants more than anything tonight.
But before that, he needs to have you be prepared for him. After all, it has been a week.
“—Ahhhh, ahhhh, Tojiii, I just came…!”
“There you go, baby,” his baritone voice rocked to your core, his tongue licking and sucking the skin of your inner thigh. “Keep makin’ a mess for me...”
He nestled between your legs, his mouth stuffed in the proximity of your cunt that’s been orally stimulated for the past few minutes now. All for the sake of prep, yet Toji missed being close to your vagina like this, sucking your slick with ease.
Fuck, your taste in his buds was nearly nostalgic. It all felt familiar — felt right. His tongue swirled around your labia to make you whimper, shoving it inside your entrance to essentially fuck you on his tongue, resulting in pretty screams as you grab tuffs of raven hair. And since you just came, your legs trembled with sensitivity, trying to close your legs to shield yourself.
But that’s not what’s happening tonight, not with Toji. His hands easily hold your legs by the back of your knees, exposing your beautiful, soapy chaos of a chasm to him for him to enjoy. His face is so crowded between your legs and folds that his nose bumps and presses to the hood of your clit. You cry at his hold on you, forced to take whatever his tongue gives you.
“Moohhh, hooohh, To’jiiiii,” you’re shrieking when he laps on your clitoris, and your frame jolts from the onslaught. “Stooohhhpp! I can’t…!”
“Yes, you can,” he removes himself from your slit, licking your essence plastered on his scarred lips. Toji rests his head on the thigh where his hand is massaging. A low chortle leaves him when you shake your head, sneaking his free hand to your cunt where his middle and forefinger insert efficiently. You gasp sharply, and his thick digits go to work. “Don’t tell Daddy you can’t, sweet baby; I need you to be all wet for me.”
The title he uses on himself has your walls twitch on him. “Hahhh, I’m wet enough…Ohoo!!”
“Aht, aht, none of that,” he coos while pressing a thumb on your clit, and you wail at him as he makes circles on your bud. “Gotta have you all ready for me…” The squelches of his fingers exploring your insides are hot to hear. Fucking Christ, Toji couldn’t get enough of you, trying to fight the urge to plunge his mouth back on your cunt when you smell too good to resist. 
His eyes flickered back to your face when you shudder at the scrape of his blunt fingertips on your velvety texture. “D-Daddyyy, I’m gonna cummm…”
You make him snicker. “Yeah? You gonna cum?” He takes his tongue and runs an excruciatingly sluggish lick to your clit; it has you gripping the sheets. “Gonna make a mess on Daddy again, pretty thing?” You nod hastily with a chewed lip, fuck you looked so cute being desperate for him. He removes his finger with a deep sigh. “Mmm, ‘kay, stay still fr’ me, baby.”
You find that impossible as he descends back to your leaking slit to lick and suck like crazy, his hands on your hips to keep your writhing figure from escaping the older man sucking on your nectar. Christ, you tasted so good, his jaw wet from pushing his face further in to have more of you in his mouth as possible, chasing you to ride out another orgasm for him to drink on. 
He’d make you cum for the second time that night. Something you know is essential as you’re soon bent on your back, your legs to the air supported by his shoulders, and constant wails fly out your slippery lips and bounce the walls of your bedroom. You can only thank the Lord that the kids are not home right now…
“Hmaahh! Nhhaahh!! Daddyyyy, Daddyy….! Too much, I’m ‘oo full—Oooo!”
“Hghh! Hhhshiiiit, this pussy…! Try’na milk me dry, huh, sweet thing…”
Clothes have long been discarded to the bedroom floor, and the ceiling lights turned off for the natural lighting of the moon to shower the space, Toji’s nude, powerful body on top of yours as he pistons his cock into you at an irregular pace. Sweat keeps the strands of his bangs sticking to his forehead, and hoarse grunts evade him with every dig of his dick venturing inside you. 
The position helps him go deep into the places both you and he can’t reach, his fat girth stretching your entrance and the tip stimulating your G-spot with grazes to your vaginal walls. His jabs become more accurate when he adds his weight onto you, caging you between him and the mattress to have your chasm tighten around him more. You howl, clenching on his length at every scratch of your sensitive areas. And it doesn’t help the fact he drives himself down to the hilt, balls deep into your creamy cunt.
“Tahhh, ohhhh, good God,” your eyes shut, taking out the sense of seeing to indulge in the others. The many sensations coursing through your fatigued frame are borderline addicting — given the fact that this is the fourth time Toji’s making you come. You’re practically drowning in the scene; any more than this, you’re bound to turn into actual putty.
Toji taps your cheek to have you open your eyelids for him. “Hey, mama,” your heart skipped at his handsome, disheveled look. Emerald eyes capture your gaze, and the smirk on his face lifts the scar. “Watch how good y’re takin’ me.”
Your stare travels down to where your sex is joined with his, white fluids exiting out of you and making a ring around the base of his shaft. You can sense the come from the round prior trailing down to the crevice of your ass; so fucking dirty. It all looked so erotic and forbidden to the eyes, throbbing on him a lot more.
“Daddy, please—Mmmph!”
“What, sweetie,” his hips change to an intermittent rhythm, evoking more cries to escape your pretty lips. He examines every feature in your expression, admiring how sexy you look under his bow. “Tell Daddy what you want.”
It hurts to think, but you try to muster a response despite your head going through such a haze. “Let me c’mmm on you, pleaseee!”
“Good girl,” he stops moving his pelvis to maneuver, standing on his knees, removing your legs from his shoulder to lie them down. Toji then comes from behind you, scooping you to his side for your body to mush with his in for a cuddle. You gasp at him inserting his cock back in, humming at the stretch of his girth that fills you up and scrapes your upper wall.
Toji returns his pelvis in thrusting motions, and your head rests on his forearm. The push of his dick grinding against your velvety texture has you squeaking in high pitches, a hand finding purchase on his rocking hip. 
“Fuck,” he observes you, looking so effortlessly gorgeous by his side — he missed this so fucking bad, having you near him like it’s where you belonged. The hand you’re resting on comes around to cup your breast, fondling the mound lovingly, which makes you arch to him more. His free hand brings your chin to him, “So fuckin’ beautiful fr’ me, baby…”
The kiss makes you clamp onto him tighter, and Toji reacts by dialing the speed. He trails his lips to your cheek and the crook of your neck to lay more kisses and suck on your skin. The hand on your breast squeezes it, occasionally pressing down on your nipple with his forefinger. Yet it doesn’t distract you from the constant stimulation of your G-spot, screaming and toes curling from the diligent strokes against the wall of your vagina.
Your brain turns into mush, spit coming down your agape lips, and your brows furrow while Toji squishes your cheeks. “Ohhh, Daddy, right thereeee, I’m so close…!”
“Me too, sweetie, a lil’ bit more…—Aiishh!” He can feel it, his length pulsating inside you when your orgasms climb together. He brings your mouth back to his, taking your delicious screams when your bodies lock in together to climax. 
A few more harsh thrusts to your ass, and Toji spurts his load into you, sinking into the pleasurable sensation of your folds contracting around his girth. Your hand scratches his hip, muffled howls taken by him while the hand on your breast sneaks away to grasp your hand, fingers intertwining to seek connectedness. 
Quivering bodies soon calm down when the wave of their finish is finally gone, and you two sigh deep into a passionate kiss. It breaks with a soft noise while he nibbles on your lip before letting go. “Toji,” you said his name in stifles, your hand caressing his sweaty cheek.
The older man huffs, placing his hot palm on your cheek to stroke in return. “Yeah, mama?”
“Sleep,” you demanded with a sigh, fatigued eyes and trenched brows. The single word has you both chuckling in the hot air between you before he kisses you gently one last time. Exhaustion takes over you both, Toji bringing the comforter to put around your bodies, laying his head on the pillows as you rest yours on his arm, your hand still held with his.
His free hand guides you to be pressed up against him, his cock still inside your creamy cunt. He’s comforted by the snug of your walls and the flesh of your body molding with his hot, sturdy frame. Sleepy green eyes go to the creek of the curtains covering the bedroom window. “Maybe we outta argue more often.”
He knew that would make you giggle; the faint rise and fall of your shoulder is highlighted by the moonlight creeping through the window. “Good night, Toji.” The way you said his name sounded like a spell, closing his eyes at the somnolent tone.
“Night, baby.”
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ☆ header edit done by me + dividers by @/benkeibear.
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satorudoll · 1 year
Baby Gumi giving Toji the sus look when he saw the love bites on Mommy's chest
Toji forgot his baby has sharp senses for a baby and baby thought Toji ate his food or hurt Mommy lol
(im starting to feel like y'all wanna turn this acc into a toji thirst vault)
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Megumi always had a habit of looking up at his dad weird, the two year old boy always found his dad weird.
So he would spend most of his time toddling towards you and taking up any free space that was available next to you.
The baby boy loved to be in your arms very much, therefore everytime he woke up to find you already waiting there for him near his crib with a warm smile he'd try to get up on his small chubby legs holding onto the rail guards of the crib then forward one of his hands to make grabby hands at you.
You spent most of the day holding the baby boy in one arm and doing every other chore in your house while your husband was out for work because Megumi absolutely refused to leave your side unless he was in a deep slumber.
But as much competent the little boy was so was his dad, Megumi enjoyed all his fun time with you until it was time for his dad to come back from work, the two year old will get all pouty and fussy as soon as he'll hear the slamming of the front door and a loud "I'm home!" followed by the literal thudding of his dad's running feet.
The baby boy's brows would knit together and his tiny button nose would scrunch in distaste as soon as his dad would pull you away from his side to engulf you in a hug and lay bunch of his dirty smooches on your face.
ew, Megumi would think.
Megumi always got annoyed at his dad for doing these stuff to his mom, believing his mom was just a very nice lady to not turn his dad down.
The little boy knew his fun time was over as soon as his dad was home. He would toddle out of his room and find you sitting alone in the couch, peacefully watching television, then he would proceed to start running towards you almost tumbling in his steps just so he can climb up and sit down next to you.
But then the tall giant will casually walk in and let his entire body fall down horizontally on the couch, immediately planting his head on your thighs as well, leaving literally no space for Megumi.
The two year old boy would pause in literal disgust and shock,
This would get the two year old so mad that he would get down to pick up his toy spoon from the floor and start smacking it on the old man's head who in return would start yelling in surprise at why his son was being such a brat while you try pulling him away from his dad.
Now Megumi thought he has seen all the worst sides of his dad, until, one morning the baby boy wakes up way too early than usual due to a nightmare. Not finding you besides his crib he immediately manages to crawl up by standing on his little pile of plushies.
Megumi was indeed a smart baby.
Tumbling towards his parent's shared bedroom he could hear some weird noises coming as he got closer,
he was sure most of it were your voices though?
But you sounded like you were in pain??
He slowly opens the door which was already a bit agape,
he really couldn't understand what was going on since he was way too small and his vision could only go up so far.
But then he hears the loud sound of what he considered to be a slap along with the rough angry voice of his dad followed by your sobs,
he cannot believe his dad was hurting you ! Oh he always believed his dad was a mad man,
He was definitely worst than the monsters under his crib !
and that's all it takes for the baby boy's bottom lips to quiver and let the loudest wail out,
He felt like that helped because through his blurry vision he sees his dad immediately spring out of the bed, murmuring a string of what you taught him were "bad words" while fumbling around for something.
Your head pops out of the covers as soon as you were done fixing your night gown but the two year old was way too busy crying and rolling fat drops of tears down his red cheeks to realize that you had taken him in your arms.
"Gumi- baby what's wrong- " you try to rock him in your arms but that didn't seem to be helping,
"you are just like me kid, all grumpy early in the morning" His dad tries casually playing it off after slumping down besides you both,
but the 'just like me' causes the baby's cries to get even worst making you pass your husband a mad glare for saying that,
Toji stares at you both offended.
"I'm sorry, mommy wasn't there this morning- Won't happen again honey! I'll play with you all day today, we wont be able to play if you keep crying!" you smile as he starts to slowly quite down at those words.
"What a good little boy" You praise, slowly caressing his head and moving his little black baby hair away from his forehead.
His pout is still on his face as his vision moves down from your face but then it stops,
while Toji was joking at you about how he deserves the 'good boy' title as well and you were busy brushing him off, you both failed to notice the little boy's growing frown as he stared at all the purple bruises around your neck and collar bones.
He feels his vision start to get blurry again and then its there again,
His mouth opens wide showing off the two new set of teeth as he starts crying bloody murder.
You gasp in panic not understanding what had happened again.
As you tried to rock him again he tried getting away from your arms and instead stretching his hand towards his dad as he continued balling his eyes out.
That confused you and Toji,
He has never chosen Toji before for comfort as long as you were there,
But Toji was a little too happy to care,
"Does my little boy wanna be with daddy??" He coos, stretching his arms out for you to hand the baby to him,
"I knew you always had a soft spot for me kiddo" he gushes as soon as he takes his baby boy in his arms.
But the happiness didn't seem to have lasted long, because as soon as Megumi gets close to his dad's face his little hands flung up to grip on the locks of his dad's hair.
"What's u-" He yelps when the baby boy starts to twist and turn his fists while he continues to babble something only another baby could make out and sob like he was the one in pain,
"Oh god- baby you shouldn't do that come here-"
You try pulling Megumi back in your arms, but he is willing to take Toji's head along because he just wasn't loosening his grip.
"Gumi ! mommy will cry if you don't pay attention to her !" You make a pouty face and put your hands on your hips while Toji was busy yelping and cursing not caring that the little boy could hear everything
But that immediately gets the baby's attention because he instantly turns his head around and starts crawling to you as his cries slowly starts dying down.
"Demon child !" Toji points as he runs his hands through the locks of his hair, rubbing at the area that his son almost got him bald at,
You lift the baby up in your arms as you look at Toji,
"and don't you curse again in front of our baby" you knit your brows before turning your attention to the two year old and wiping the tears away from his puffy cheeks.
"So I'm the bad guy here??" Toji questions, looking defeated.
You shrug and walk away with Megumi in your arms who had finally gotten quite.
Oh you and Toji had a lot of explaining to do to this little boy, but that wasn't a headache you both were willing to take for Monday morning.
Maybe later at night, when Megumi will seemingly be a bit less pissed at his dad.
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