#megatronus x reader
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Before and So Forth Chapter Three: Megatronus
Transformers One!Megatronus x Cybertronian!GN!Reader (Bit of Starscream, Soundwave, and Sentinel x reader in this episode.)
Solars Indie Series

Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight
Introduction Indie Series
Content: 16+
TW/Tags: Reader is just trying to get through the day, Senitnel is crushing on reader but is good at not showing it, Sentinel and Zeta got something’ goin on hehe, more drama, Soundwave is looking out for reader in his own way,Starscream is just straight forward in thi episode, mild cussing. I think that’s all.
(No smut in this chapter but you guys are defiantly being fed with the starscream and soundwave bit. So- ya know enjoy)
The next morning after your night with Megatronus. You got up earlier so that you may keep your word with Starscream. As you made your way and got to the training room, Starscream was already there. He mumbled to himself as you got to putting your swords away and slowly made your way to him.
”Mm?” He was startled. And turned to see you. “Ah you made it. About time.”
”I gave you my word. So you ready for some training?”
He smirked as you both got into your stances..This was going to be a long training session.
You both ended training for so long. The others had to go to the other training room so they don’t get hurt by you both. You two weren’t even out of stamina yet. And so you both continued. Your other training wasn’t for another couple hours as. You two have been training for 5 hours straight. Both trying to out match the others. You both even had smiles on your faces as you kept throwing punches and so on.
Until you slipped. You didn’t realize how tired you were. He was able to get the upper hand and pinned you to the floor. You both out of breath as you both stared at each other. Your optics narrowed as you stared up at him. “Well played Starscream.”
He chuckled and watched you there as he thought. “After the war…I will court you…And I won't stop until you accept. Understood?”
……………..Oh Boy.
”Starscream I don’t-“
”Even if you don’t now. You will one day. That’s for certain.” His cervo gently held your chin as he grinned. “So be patient as I will my dear?” You only stared at him and groaned. Maybe when he knows it’s Megatronus after the war he’ll give up. And so…you slowly nodded.
He stood up and helped you up. His cervo rested on your hip as he smiled down at you. “You can take a break…..See you tomorrow?” You nodded. Once you were about to make your way to your swords. You felt a kiss on the side of your neck from behind. “Just a little claim” He whispered. You tried to not shiver and made your way to your swords. Picking them up. “See you later Starscream.”
As you made your way to have some breakfast. Someone bumps into you from the other corner of the hall. It was Sentinel. He was holding some data pads and dropped one.
”Ah darn.”
”Here let me help you.” You said as you picked up the data pad and handed it to you. He only stared at you for a moment. “Need my help taking it to where you’re going. I’m not too busy Sentinel.”
He smirked. “I suppose.” He started walking. So you followed him. You both making it to one of the meeting rooms. We’ll be having our 13th meeting this week as we discuss strategy and all. Since I work under the primes I have to be at every single one. For primus' sake I barely get any sleep because of them.” You listened. You know his job is hard.
”You know Sentinel if you don’t give up you will become prime one day. Me and the other high guards are rooting for you. So keep going yeah?” You place your cervo on his shoulder as you looked at him.
He just looked at you and sighed. “I swear you’re the only one out of this entire place who actually listens to me for once.” He crossed his arms. You let out a small chuckle. Something he gave side eye to. And took your cervo off his shoulder as you start to walk out. “Just don’t forget ‘bout me when you become Prime yeah?” You waved to him and made your way out. Sentinel watched you as he looked at your frame. You were a little shorter than him. And a little fragile in some areas….He really liked that..He grinned.
As you made your way you almost walked into Solus Prime. “Oh my Prime, forgive me.” She only looked down at you and smiled. “No worried little one.” She continued walking past you to the meeting room alongside a few of the other primes. They didn’t seem to notice you.
And so you continued to walk, making it to the break room with the other high guard. You noticed Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwae weren’t there. You ate some energon was waited until it was time for you and Megatrons to go on with your training. And so when the time came, you got up and made your way.
As you made your way, you passed by Soundwave. You both were alone as he stopped you. His arm around your waist. His eyes glowing yellow as he looked at your neck. Laserhawk was also on his shoulder. Soundwaves other cervo moved to your neck and gently rubbed a certain spot with his digit. His helm close to the side of yours.
”High Guards should have no relations of intimacy and such with each other….” He pulled back and faced you. The arm around your waist bringing you closer. Both of your bodies touched as your helms are inches from each other. “Not in here anyway.”
You held you breath. “Be more careful. Y/N….” He let you go and continued walking in his direction. You stood there. Then put your cervo on the spot where he rubbed his digit at. You realized….That’s the spot Starscream kissed. Oh Boy….
You continued to make your way to Megatronus training quarters. The other guards joining were already there waiting. So you join them and wait as well. Even a few ask about your scar every now and then. Megatronus came in a few moments later. But he was upset. He was grumbling and said he’ll be teaching and training against them one by one today. Instead of just watching. You can hear the other bots gulping as they listen to him speak.
And so the training commences for hours. Your training is the same as last time with him yesterday. You were able to keep up like a very few others and watched as the others took their turn against him. After some time everyone else was tired and dented.
Megatronus would announce they were done for the day and the others groaned as they bowed their heads as they said "My Prime” and made their way out. You were cleaning your sword and saying bye to the others. Something to make you look busy. After the others left Megatronus made sure you two were alone and sat not to you. He was still upset over something and you can tell despite his mask. You thought to yourself. Since he is trying to become your Conjunx. Might as well try to treat him like a sparkmate. And so you stood up and walked in front of him. He watched you as you set your cervo on his larger one.
”What’s the matter Megatronus? Is it about a meeting?” His other cervo moved to rest on your back as his eye optics narrowed as he stared down at you.
”No…sweetspark….Just…mm…It doesn’t matter..How is your scar?”
”It doesn’t sting just hurts. I’ll be feeling it for a good while as time passes.” You smiled up at him. His optics seemed to have softened as looked more relaxed as he stared down at you. He then leaned his helm lower to you as he whispered.
”Take my mask off.” His helm was closer to you. You understood. Slowly nodding as you take off his mask. Holding it to the side just in case next to his helm. Your helm leaning up closer to his as both of your dermas connect.
You both closed your optics as the kiss was passionate. Both of your cervos holding his mask as his cervo remains on your back. You exchanged a few more kisses. Damn this felt….so right. You both heard nothing else but your dermas connecting. But the moment is then interrupted by Sentinel calling for Megatronus through the comms. Megatronus groaned before answering as he leaned back.
”A moment Sweetspark.” He answered the comm with the cervo that was once on your back. You put his mask in the cervo that you had your own on before.
He put the mask on as he spoke. Seems Sentinel needs him for the next meeting. The comm ends and he looked back down at you. “I’m sorry sweetspark. I am needed for my next meeting. I shall see you tonight?” You slowly nodded. A bit….sad.
He gently held you chin before standing. “I’ll comm you when I wish to see you. Until then..”
”Until then Megatronus.
He walked out and you were alone. You looked around and laserhawk was no where to be seen. And so you walked out the same door to see if some of the other seekers were hanging out at the lounge area. But as you walked and pass by many others who waved at you. You eventually bumped into Sentinel again.
”Oh Sentinel. Didn’t think I’d see you before the day ended. Shouldn’t you be in the Primes meeting?’ You looked at him as he grumbled and started walking. “Follow me.”
You did. As he spoke you both walked into the break room. He seemed disgusted being in there. “The primes said they must speak amongst themselves. This meeting is about a bigger deal and change in the world and how they don’t need me for this meeting. It’s for ‘the best’ can you believe that?” he groaned. As he ate his energon with an angry expression. You remained quiet for a moment. Then you gently pat his shoulder and speak as he stared down at his energon before glancing at you.
”Hey if you keep complaining. You’ll distract yourself and how will you become a Prime hm?” He looked at you. “You really do have faith in me being a Prime don’t you.”
”Of course I do. I’ve seen you training before and I must say. I’m pretty intimated. And if you do become a prime. then you just give me and the others lower then you hope that he can continue to do better for our planet.” You smiled. You weren’t lying as you stared at him. You then took your cervo off his shoulder. The spot felt cold once your cervo left. You started eating your own energon and he just stared at you for a moment…..He was deep in thought as he continued to eat his too..
He’s later called by one of the primes for a smaller meeting. He only groaned and stood up. He’s a little more cheery as he speaks once more. “Well I must get going. Always enjoy our little chats.”
His cervos resting on your shoulders now. “Until then..Friend.” You were confused. As he left without another word. You stayed there and looked down at your cervos. What is going on with today? Starscream. Then that weird moment with Soundwave. Sentinel you wouldn’t say…..maybe it’s just you being exhausted. Some time after You got up and went to the lounge to hang out with the other high guards. Before you knew it. It was much later. Already the whole day went by. You then get the comm from Megatronus. It was time for you to go see him.
As you made your way, you saw Sentinel headed in the same direction. He seemed to be holding different data pads and you ran to stand next to him. “Hey Sentinel shouldn’t you be heading home.” He groans.
”I have been called by Zeta prime to get some things down. I’d much rather be at home recharging than dealing with this. What about you?”
”Oh I like to walk around even when I’m not doing the patrols for the night. Mind if I walk with you until you get to the primes room?” You both walked closer to the other primes quarters. “I Suppose.” He grinned.
As you both continued to walk. You both heard Megatronus and Solus. “Ugh, those two are always damn arguing now. Happened earlier before the meeting I had before. She always puts Megatronus in a bad mood. You both looked at the two as they just spoke in the hall. Megatronus noticed you and continued to argue with Solus. Sentinel was the one to grab your arm and drag you with him. Megatronus noticed. As you two continued you both got to Zeta primes quarters. Megatronus and Solus were far away from the other hall so they can’t hear and see you.
Sentinel then looked at you. His cervo remained holding your wrist as you looked at him. He then spoke “Well my dear it was nice walking with you. Now remember. Those twos business ain’t ours. How about tomorrow me and you grab dinner? As coworkers?” He whispered as he looked down at you.
But then Zetas steps can be heard. Sentinel then gets an idea. As the door is about to open, he pulled you closer. His dermas connecting with yours as the doors open. Zeta stood ther confused and silent until Sentinel pulled away and spoke “Oh sorry about that Zeta. Just couldn’t help myself. I’ll see you later m dear.” He walked in to Zetas room as Zeta stayed quiet then closed the door. You stood there confused and shocked. Did he just….no…..But why would he…..Oh Primus…..
You stood there for only a moment more before turning back to Megatronus room. Hopefully they were done….
What should you do? Should you tell Megatronus…You thought yesterday was a crazy day full of events…..Primus you’re really in a deep hole aren’t you? Alright just try to night panick and keep your cool. When you turned the corner. You were hit with an…uncomfortable image. Solus had pulled Megatronus down. Removing his mask as their dermas touched. Megatronus looked shocked and as you hid behind the wall in the corner. Megatronus slapped her away. “How dare you put your own hands on me! I told you I’m done.. Never do that again!” Solus stared at him as she wasn’t that phased by hit. She then shook her cervos and left from there. Heading into her own quarters. You watched as megatronus stood up. Putting his mask back on.
You slowly made you way to him. “Megatronus? Are you….alright?”
He looked at you but you didn’t stop walking. He then picked you up and entered his room. The door soon closing behind him. He locked it before then sitting on his berth. He’s trying so hard to stay calm.
”You saw it didn’t you?!” He looked at you. His cervo still around you. “…..Yes….But Megatronus It’s-“
”She-she threw herself at me!” He breathed his cervo shaking. “Megatronus please. I saw everything..” He looked at you.
”Please calm yourself. It’s ok. You…” You tried to think hard
”You chose me…right?” He nodded slowly and seemed to calmed down. Had brought you closer to his chest as he let out a breath. After some time he finally calmed down and looked at you. “Thank you sweetspark.” He removes his mask.
Hs dermas then press against your shoulder, closing his optics. You looked at him and let out a sigh as your cervos gently rest on his cheeks as he continued. “So today is the second day of the courtship?” He lets out a groan and looks at you as he sets you on his lap. “Yes….Disclosure. Why cant these days go any faster.” He grumbles. He then sighs and starts speaking.
Appearntly before your training session today he and on of th other primes told him they’re courting Solus. He rubbed it in his face and that’s why he was so upset. And then during the meeting Megatron just ignored her as she tried to get his attention. And earlier she was trying to ‘explain herself’. To say the least Megatronus had a day of his own. And so after he finished speak. He got to the 2nd day of your courtship. Disclosure. He sighed as he stared down at you.
”I did court her once……..I …also wished to court Prima befor eher but…He rejected me right away. But I promise….” His digit gently holding your chin. “I wont stop courting you..and no matter what..I’ll have you by my side as my Conjunx Endure…I…I truly do love you Y/N….” You felt your get heavy. Why couldn’t the courtship last less? You then gently grabbed the side of his helm and placed a gentle kiss on his dermas. Him returning it. You pull away after a moment.
”I love you too..Megatronus.”
Oh Yeah!! Chapter 3 is finally here! Just 6 more chapters and we can get to the story in the movie. Very excited to give what I got cookin lol. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As always next chapter will be every Tuesday so next week chapter 4 will come out. Hope you’re all well fed. Have a good rest of your day!
#transformers one#transformers one x reader#x reader#transformers#transformers x reader#megatronus x reader#megatronus#starscream x reader#soundwave x reader#sentinel prime#sentinel x reader#TF Before and So Forth
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✿ duskbound, afterlight.
#STARRING: cybertronian fem reader & other characters.
#TAGS: trauma. talks of character death. hopelessness? mentions of prostitution. no appearance of canon characters because this is an intro. hunger games reference!
#NOTES: hi! still alive, just not writing for kny atm because my head is like a powerpoint presentation with all my hyperfixations and i can't write for requests when it is on another slide. hope that makes sense. this is the first chapter of my megatron x reader, a strangers to lovers to enemies featuring pre-war cybertron, a magnanimous amount of lore, a lot of non-cannon stuff like sparklings and stuff because i can do whatever i want, and my flickering motivation to finish it. i don't have a specific transformers i'm basing the timeline off, so we will see. i thought of publishing it on ao3 or smth but i have better judgement so i just figured i would upload the first chapter on tumblr. the new transformers movie was soooo good and it inadvertently rekindled my transformers obsession. enjoy? let me know if you like it, i would appreciate it if you have questions or anything :) THIS BITCH IS LONG SO BEWARE
part two | part three | part four | part five | part six

"Y/N, my optics hurt."
"I know, sweetspark, I know."
This place reeked. Pure flowing smoke and vapor, stinking energon, and the smell of the gray coal and ash that powdered the laborers' and miners' bodies like scintillating glitter filled the pavements of that day—such fragrant poetry.
The barely perceivable light that shone down could not even be called proper illumination in the first place. Every once in a while, the wells of your optics danced up to gaze toward where the sweltering sunlight was supposed to be.
Still, your spark did nothing but wail at you when, each time, all that you caught were mountains upon mountains of pitch-dark vapor, dull particles of dust from the mines, and the visualization of the austere whispers of despair and anguish among the workers of one of the mining towns from one of Cybertron's Primus-forsaken satellites, Nuna 5PY.
Even if you turned to look towards the downtown streets, the particles infiltrated your vents and blistered your optics.
Some workers used gas masks, while others retreated to the mines, where the synthetic stench wasn't as foul, but most were forced to return to work. They snatched up energon everywhere they could, recharged in fits and starts among their screaming. You seriously needed to leave.
As Vaportrail coughed onto the city street, you held her small servo. Even with the torrential acid pouring last night, the smog got to her well before the rush hour.
You realized things would not improve today, so you hurried in fear of the younger developing tear-streaked optics and a headache to match. It saddened you that Vaportrail would never know what a normal life would be like. It was as though they had collectively given up years before she was born, which was unjust to her and all the future sparklings.
You grabbed her and pulled her into the cart. Traveling was enjoyable, but not at the price of introducing additional hazardous particles into the environment.
Mining Outpost R–02 was one of the towns from Nuna 5PY, where unnamed members of the lower classes labored interminably, tediously. The gloomy, smoky shambles of a metropolis required the Communication Grid to communicate with other areas and locations simply. It was no place for a sparkling.
The infant cybertronian lay quietly on the sulfurous mine carriage attached to the railway, more vulnerable than the glass that was painstakingly constructed for the masses of the High-caste buildings and just as giddily colored.
You wondered if her peds are dirty; how would you know? You pondered what she ate back when Starlight was still living in this downtown slum; where did her mother get energon to nourish her?
Your servos were callous from several scars and defects, and a part of you ached to sweep her up in her arms and shelter her eternally. But. How could you ever live with yourself if you didn't allow such an innocent being to live a tranquil life?
"I'm sorry about your carrier," You told the sparkling wistfully, making sure she was comfortable for the long ride from here to where your late best friend wanted her youngling to go if something ever happened to her. You gave her a small pad which contained personal information like her name and situation, along with a plead for somebot to take her to safety, "Cybertropolis is a nice place, just make sure you reach the police station safely, they'll know where to take you."
"Thank you," Vaportrail squeaked out, her knees pulled up to her chest plate.
The train inevitably started, and you walked in tandem with the slow speed of the carriage just to get a good, final look at the sparkling's dainty, cheerless face. Vaportrail would surely be a problem when she got older because all of the mechs would swoon over her—deservingly so.
With those optics and a grin as charming and gauzy as that, she was the very picture of the youthful beauty who had once bored the name of Starlight. You believed she was the sweetest femmeling on the planet.
"I love you, okay? And I'm sure your carrier is so proud of you. Good luck!"
Eventually, you had to withdraw from the train, which only allowed you to stare at the vanishing small frame of a waving Vaportrail, whose response had been forever lost in the sad, sepulchral winds of the town.
Despite that, you could still stare at the sparkling's naive, callow features and find colossal gratitude and admiration in its place, which made a lump form in your voicebox and squeezing palpation beat inside your spark chamber.
With Vaportrail gone, the smell of blazing smoke burned your olfactory sensors and induced you to cover them with your suitable servo. You had never before realized that the shrilling blare of the injectors, the drills, the massive excavators, and the wheels of the trucks could be so overwhelmingly loud, either. From the corner of your optics, the flashes and instants of the sparks that aimlessly flew around whenever metal met metal brought you out of your bewildered daydream.
But then you turned and saw the portrait of shattered ambition, lost hope, undetermined origins, opaque bitterness, damaged honor, futile dreams, and wavering will that assembled the cybertronians of Nuna 5PY.
It was a blow to the back of your head.
Starlight was dead.
If you closed your optics, you could still see the glow on her metallurgical protoform, the spark that no longer burned, and the sound of her laughter that still reverberated in your audio receptors and processor.
Oh, you missed her desperately.
She'd spent her days as a young and daring cybertronian who didn't let the vacillating shame of her prostitution career ridicule her or anything she was. A good, pleasant, and kind femme that thrived and existed, only for some mech to tear her from her home and forever close her laughing optics. She was a femme, a friend, a sister, and a carrier.
She was someone.
"Oi, femme!"
You knew that whoever was calling that word in such a degrading manner was referring to you and you only. You were aware that you were one of the few femmes working on that hellhole.
Sourly, you turned your helm to the source of the voicebox and found your boss—if he could even be called that—staring at you rigorously from across the street. Other mechs were beside him, and in their hungry optics, you could see hunger, amusement, a blatant lack of respect, and other things—all of it for you.
"You said five minutes. Start moving your aft before I tell someone to move it for you."
The group of despicable mechs started laughing at the humorous, unique, spectacular, utterly not-ever-done-before knee-slapper comment. You wondered what comedians told to get a chuckle or two out of their audience nowadays.
You detested yourself when you started walking back to the mines with crystal-clear coolant forming in your optics and with the words caught inside your voicebox.

Even the clicking of your battered timer had a languid touch in the fading light of their (your) chamber as if it were a spark-beat at rest. The perpetual rhythm of it became more of a white noise inside the transparent yet spurious safety surrounding your beguiling, chimerical space bubble.
The memory of the lingering perfume of Starlight's aromatic utensils saturated you far more intensely than it did only days before, making you want to pound and bang your head against the wall until you ran out of energon inside your body.
Your spark chamber was wrenched apart in the core by a hollow cavity. It had been there for forty-eight groons. Faithless and cynical, the pit that took form inside of you pulled you to the very depths of your revolted mind.
You were immobile, your bare servos lying at your sides and your digits tinkering with the berth. Everything within the room drove you crazy and made you want to tear out your optics under the scrutinizing, deep-rooted omnipresence of both the carrier and the sparkling.
Vaportrail was not napping on her carrier's bed; her small chest plating was not rising and falling according to her mellow, smooth breathing. You remembered how she would spring from Starlight's berth just to greet you after every single burdensome solar cycle of nothing but suffering under the cruel comments and sometimes spiteful actions of mechs and their superiors.
You knew and understood that she left for a better life in Cybertropolis, yet you just can't comprehend why you are not hearing her dulcet giggles and her voice as soft as a feather.
"Y/N, look at me!"
You turned your helm lightly toward the soft-spoken sparkling from your spot on your berth.
One of your stabilizers was crossed over the other, your servos snuggly behind your helm. Due to your horizontal position, you were seeing Vaportrail in a somewhat awkward manner, whispering something to her carrier excitedly, which made you turn your whole frame so you were resting against your side, lifting your helm with your right servo.
"What is it, V?"
Vaportrail, who had her mother's laughing optics, stood proudly atop Starlight's berth beside her laying figure, servos on her hips and grin on her dermas, meekly waiting for you to look at her so she could show her spectacular stunt.
She was no bigger than a mining pickaxe, which is why she was never let out of Starlight's and your’s shared chamber. She was still tiny, even for a youngling her age, but that was not unusual, as the impoverished environment and the mediocre energon didn't do much to help anyway. Primus knows what could happen to someone so small and so weak.
Her confident, puffed-up stand made you laugh casually, as while typically Vaportrail was a modest sparkling, never one to demand attention or directly ask for what she wanted, whenever she got like this and let out her inner childishness for the silliest of things, both you and Starlight would get tons of laughter out of it.
"Go on! Show Y/N what you've been practicing," Starlight encouraged.
When you nodded at Vaportrail, signaling that your attention was entirely on her, her optics lit up. She walked towards the end of her carrier's berth, planting her peds at the very ends before turning around.
Vaportrail crouched, and with a slight push from her servos and an impulse from her peds, she successfully rolled forward in the berth, landing on her bottom before scrambling to get up and putting her servos up in the air, muttering a small 'Ta-da!'
You had smiled warmly, watching Vaportrail giggle to herself giddily. Starlight clapped for her and swarmed her in a big hug, proud of her sparkling and happy that she had gotten her little trick right. Honestly, you were a bit jealous. You wished you could be this happy by doing something as simple as a gymnastic maneuver.
Vaportrail cheered along with her carrier, excitedly thumping her peds against the surface of the berth. Then she turned to look at you, her optics gleaming with happiness. "I did it! I did a forward roll!"
"Oh, did you?" After your rhetorical question, you languidly returned to your original position, lying with your back plates on the berth and your servos behind your helm. You cheekily turned to Vaportrail and Starlight, a sly, good-natured smile pulling at your dermas; you closed your optics. "I wasn't looking."
Both femmes happily laughed at the moping undertones of Vaportrail's voice.
"Just kidding!"
That day was a long time ago, at least it seemed to be; it felt like it. Those words were spoken in the same chamber you slept and resided in. That comical stunt was performed in the berth across from yours. They were not here anymore. Even if you wished they were back together, that deceitful dream would only be achieved by death.
No one can pursue their dreams or be free enough without it. Freedom is for the rich because dreaming costs money.
Starlight wasn't there to hold her youngling and hug you when you needed it. You weren't hearing her voice either, singing lullabies to help you both fall into a much-needed recharge. Her presence was so needed, so sought; in places like this, femmes like her were what one needed to forget about the harsh burden that was the act of being alive. To think that only forty-eight groons before she was still living, she was still here.
Her memory made you miserable because best friends comprehend you like no other. Starlight was overly protective and brutally honest—as if she ever needed that. You felt so enraged and resentful at not being there to protect her that you feared you might break.
Although you dug Starlight's grave, blatantly refusing to let the body of your best friend turn into waste parts or scrap metal, a part of you still suppressed the image. One day, you would properly weep for her, but first, you had to accept that she was truly gone. A part of you would never be able to accept that Starlight would never appear, skipping around a corner to tease you for falling for her clever joke.
‘How can she be dead?’
Harsh knocks against your metal door made you jerk from your position on the berth.
"08, are you in there?!"
The boisterous tone of the mech standing behind your door made you remember that you were still real and breathing inside your crude, undeserving, unworthy existence. Your bubble-turned crystal cocoon inevitably started collapsing at the reminder that life could still go on without Starlight because, after all, no cybertronian knew who Starlight is—was. No cybertronian knew who Starlight was. The world moved on without her.
Without thinking much, you got up from the cold berth, chills flourishing in your metallurgic skin before walking the small distance towards the oxidized door and swinging it open. You would not have considered the thought of opening (being too engrossed in your self-pity and wallowing in grief, you know?) in the first place was it not for the genuine undertones of chipper motivation that were painted over H–01's usually harsh, asperous voice.
Wait, why was he at your door anyway?
His hulking, rusted frame was as corroded as ever, and it was honestly a little sickening to look at. Despite the awful veil of dust and ash that littered him, the grayish, crimson, and dull turquoise glares of his deteriorated paint job could still be peeked at; his wheels were decaying, and his melancholic optics had lost their love for life— as had everybot else's.
Ancient as a cosmic star and twice as intelligent, with his towering structure and terse personality, H–01 was by far one of the town's most elderly seniors—and, may you add, one of the most cordial.
You remembered the day you first arrived here, back when you were still an inexperienced femme in life, gullible, back when you dreamed dreams.
After an accident in your old work establishment,—one of the mech coworkers had stepped over the line with you, resulting in a mining pickaxe protruding from his knee plate and a lot of energon spilled around— you had been sent to Mining Outpost R–02, and H–01 quickly took it upon himself to become a mentor of some sort as you shared letter unit.
You recalled that he laughed as he had never before when you told him the story of why they had banned you from your previous workplace. Later, you met Starli—
You blinked owlishly, and realizing that he was calling out to you, you grounded yourself and met his preoccupied gaze.
"What did you need?"
He frowned at your mediocre attempt at lying. H–01 was by no means stupid, and sadly, you didn’t give enough credit and didn't acknowledge how easily he could pick apart your facade, layer by layer, until your shell was utterly ripped apart.
"Kid, I may be rusty, but I'm shrewd enough to know that you're not well." You became conscious of how absurd you must have seemed in his words. He continued. "I'm sorry about your friend and her sparkling."
There it was again, that funny feeling, that blow to the back of your head. You felt your spark wail painfully, and your limbs tensed up, your optics frantically searching into H–01's face plates for any sign of mockery. You found none. You almost crumbled at his sincere words until your response was unwillingly driven back to your tanks when the piercing siren started blasting across the halls of the chambers.
Instinctively, you covered your audio receptors at the discomfort. At the same time, H–01 merely stared into the speaker device right up against the wall, a bit far away from them. From the corner of his optics, he saw many of the workers exiting their chambers, each of them confused, some of them covering their audial receptors as well, and others staring, irritated and visibly vexed at the gadget that was currently stripping them of their much-needed recharging hours.
The workers of the 8th unit, otherwise known as the H unit, approached the oldest mech from their division, questioning themselves about what was going on. Their optics wilted, and there was a slight lolling to their helms, drunk with weariness after a session of an endless cycle of mining.
"01, what's going on?" One of them asked rather loudly, trying to shout over the siren, coming up to them just as you got used to the loud siren and pulled your servos away from your audial receptors.
You moved out of the entrance of your chamber to shut the door behind you, joining H–01 by standing beside him. They shared a brief glance, one filled with puzzlement, the other brimming with uncertainty. But before anyone could share their answer or even make a single move, the horrendous blaring of the alarm stopped.
The speaker against the wall went completely silent, and a single red light started beeping. The Cybertronians looked at each other, baffled.
Someone talked via the speaker.
:: Attention, all workers. You are summoned to the patio at this instant. Once you reach the area, stand in your respective branch line and don't question your current predicament; ignoring this order will result in immediate offlining. I repeat: ignoring this order will result in immediate offlining ::

I need to leave. I need to leave. I need to leave. I need to leave.
That was what you were thinking when you, H–01, and the others walked among the congregation of cybertronians—you would have said mechs were it not for the few femme 'nurses' among the outer lines of the crowds, who as far as you were concerned, were the ones who took care of the workers who suffered minor accidents like infected optics, fractured limbs or something along those lines.
It was not like they counted anyway. Primus knew what they were actually in this town for and what they did to survive.
The patio, used for Cybertronians during their spare time, was circular, wide of range, and littered with damaged devices and compartment containers, a whole mess of passed-down gear and materials.
Whenever they got their energon rations and stopped here to rest, H–01 would remark that only the fuel granted to them wasn't recycled—well, that and the smoke. The patio boulders formed a patchwork, with stones obtained as useless scraps and waste from renovations resting together as lovely as crystalline statues from the High-caste buildings. It had artistry to it, as well as smoothness. You and H–01 used to sit there together.
You saw the executives of Mining Outpost R–02, violently shove some of the workers towards their specific department, yelling something at them that you couldn't quite catch. Considering the calm and easy-going attitude of the mistreated miners, you could just tell that they were the prissy, fastidious mechs of the upper divisions, maybe the 1st or the 2nd, where they didn't get punished for slacking off or harassing other workers along with the bosses just for the fun of it.
Your unit quickly got on its respective branches and neatly stood in line. You all exchanged terse nods, mentally preparing yourselves for whatever was about to happen.
In front of you and the rest of your division were the mechs of the 7th unit, and behind them were the workers of the 9th, and so on. Judging by the others' facial expressions, they, too had no idea of why they'd been called here nor could muster up a word, which only fueled your desire to learn what was going on. The patio got tighter, more claustrophobic as cybertronians arrived.
You were the last number in your unit, meaning that you were placed in the furthest spot from your old friend. You lightly reclined your helm backward to attempt and catch a glimpse of H–01, but to no success, as you saw him and all the other mechs, for that matter, focused on the temporary stage ahead of them.
It held a podium, a small staircase, and fifteen glass balls with electronic chips on them. One for each unit of the Mining Outpost. A chill went down your spinal plate at the thought.
An overwhelming, ominous silence suddenly governed the patio when a mech no one working here had ever seen before climbed up the staircase. The way he moved caused cybertronians to stare at him in fear.
The mech was brawny and towering, and the way his helm fell over his lifeless, devoid optics and left shadows smeared on his cheek plates made others shudder. He was directly in front of the plain, pitiful microphone stand. However, an almost charming smile crossed his dermas.
"I suppose you're asking yourselves why were you brought in here."
Because of the microphone, his voice, profound and with a baritone tone, boomed across the patio, making you wince lightly at its loudness. You, of course, were desensitized from loud noises due to the continuous straining sounds of the mining machines around you day after day, as everyone else was. However, his statement caused many cybertronians to look among themselves, clearly disturbed.
"Gentlemechs, my name is Bullway, and I've come all the way here from Kaon to offer you a choice. I intend to give fifteen of you the chance of coming to Kaon with me and becoming gladiators."
Hushed whispers and inaudible sentences started falling from everyone's dermas at Bullway's words and what they implied. From the corner of your optics, you saw most of the mechs look at each other in mute amazement at what they had just been offered.
Their superiors, who were at the base of the set-up podium, quickly took it upon themselves to silence everyone with a loud yell, the absence of sound appearing once again.
"Think about it! Money, power, glory, fame, all laid at your digitprints!" Bullway threw his arms out to emphasize his words. "Join me, and all you have ever dreamed of will come true. A life of nothing but recognition! Isn't that what you deserve?! Isn't that what you dream of as you stare at the ceilings of your measly stations?!"
Dreaming cost money. Dreaming cost money. Dreaming cost money.
Almost as if he had read your mind, H–01 subtly leaned his helm forward to take a peek at the workers of the section he conducted. Most of them remained stoic, and he was very glad to see that, but what worried him the most right now was H–08.
His facial plates morphed into that of slight disturbance because as he peered into your face, he clearly saw what could only be described as contemplation, doubt, and consideration, which both bothered and worried him.
Bullway smiled at how he had you under a forged delusion and continued his speech, "See the crystal globes here? There's one for each unit of your Mining Outpost. They all contain chips with your respective electronic signatures. Each vorn you have worked here, your signature will be entered an additional time. You can figure out the rest, so let us begin!"
Each vorn?
You suddenly realized that the globes were not in order because, in the same minute that you let the circumstances sink in, Bullway had already slipped a servo inside one of the spheres and grabbed one chip from it, reading it aloud so everyone could hear the letter and number clearly.
All of the divisions started looking among each other, searching for the (not) lucky mech, a pregnant silence following suit as the group in front of them all glared sympathetically at the chosen one, who stood frozen in place, optics blinking several times, wishing to Primus that Bullway had read the designation incorrectly and it wasn't him who was just chosen.
You felt a shiver run down your spinal plate when one of the guards roughly seized his shoulder and made him start walking toward the platform, ignoring the mech's begging and lightly dragging him across the patio as everyone stared in horror. Your intake suddenly went dry when Bullway moved to the next globe, grabbed an electronic chip, moved to the microphone again, and read it aloud.
This time it was from the upper divisions, A–07, you heard.
Just like that, another mech was whisked away from his branch line and thrown across the patio. He then ascended the flight of stairs to stand beside G–10, who apparently was still encapsulated in deep denial, continuously shaking his helm in disbelief. It was tenaciously obvious that Bullway did not concern himself with their worries and imminent fear as he once again moved toward a globe and grabbed another.
You wished cybertronians would step outside their own frames and oversee from the outside what was actually happening at that very instant in Nuna 5PY. Plucked from their workstations like flowers in a garden, sent off to Kaon for the purpose of entertainment for the Upper class with the bombastic excuse of 'MONEY POWER GLORY' behind it.
Prisoners inside their own bodies, trapped to fend off for themselves on a planet where no one cared about them.
Electronic signatures continued rolling off the mech's glossa like energon from a wishing well. The mechs that were chosen always did the exact same thing. They stood completely aghast for a few nanokliks, staring at the soot-stained ground in front of them in absolute shock, their frames deflating like rubber balloons, dermas parting in awe at themselves because they just couldn’t believe it.
When they got prodded by one of the guards, they stared at them, silently begging for compassion, but they found none. Eventually, they were pulled out of their place and shoved towards the staircase on the stage, where Bullway gleefully welcomed all the newcomer 'gladiators' just to grab another electronic chip and call out yet another designation, and so repeating the cycle.
Oh, there was still a globe left. The H unit.
The crowd drew in a collective breath, and then you could hear a pin drop. You were feeling nauseous, your servos clammy, your whole frame tense, your processor hurt, and your spark ached. You longed to see Starlight, you wanted to chase after the train where you sent Vaportrail off to Cyberpolis, and you didn’t know how much H–01 was desperately hoping that it wasn’t you, that it wasn’t you, that it wasn’t you.
"And the last one! H–08!"
#midnightbears#megatron x reader#megatron#d 16#d 16 x reader#orion pax#optimus prime#megatron x you#megatronus#tf one#transformers prime#transformers one#megatronus x reader#tf#transformers#transformers prime x reader#elita one
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Chapter Drop: Gladiators of Kaon, Ch. 9
Been a bit, because woooooow-ee did Leaking Spark take me on a joy ride. It was nice to immerse myself back in this world for a bit.
#DatChapterTho#Gladiators of Kaon#Megatronus#Soundwave#Rumble#Frenzy#Ravage#Reader x Soundwave#Soundwave x Reader#Megatronus x Reader#Reader x Megatronus#Megatron#Megatron x Reader#Reader x Megatron#Decepticons are fun okay
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Sorry for not posting so much Now, hope you forgive me :]
Some y/n prime memes and small show in the lore.
#transformers au#transformers one#transformers idw#transformers g1#transformers#transformers x you#transformers x reader#tfone starscream#tfone sentinel#tfone x reader#tfo soundwave#the primes#megatronus#prima prime#transformers 13 primes#sentinel prime#primus
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honestly I’m such a big fan of your writing I’ve searched and searched for megatronus fics for so long and I have never found one but I checked your acc and I’ve never been so happy before like I’m addicted to your writing a lot of the time I look for transformers fanfics but I’ve never really liked them as much as yours and you also inspired me to start collecting transformers figures so I’m gonna start sooner or later cause things are expensive these days sadly 😔🤞🏽 but I don’t wanna start yapping so I’m gonna end it off here by revel have a beautiful weekend and week😋
I’m glad you like my nonsense! The figures are pretty fun to collect

Give It Up Pt 3
Megatronus Prime x Reader
• Venting in frustration when you swat his servos, chirping angrily, he just needs to see the little display on your arm long enough to figure out if he can pull your language from it. Something you’re absolutely not having. Studying your little suit more closely, he frowns. Maybe you’re breathing some exotic gas and need the suit to survive? “I don’t need your entire suit,” he says, holding a palm over his own arm and miming flipping up an invisible screen like you just did . Wishes he could get a better look at you, because your features are just an indistinct shadow through the tinted helmet. Staring up at him, you lay your own palm on your display and chirp softly. “On my honor, I’ll return your tech to you.”
• Grumbling, his awful language, he repeats the gesture. Why does he want your display? While you can detach it, you’re not sure you should. Though you doubt the super advanced living robot is the least bit interested in your tech. It’s probably the equivalent of a DOS computer to you. Or maybe a telegram. He’s defiantly not stealing secrets from it. And he’s not hurt you so far. Shook you until you nearly hurled, but you don’t think he was trying to harm you. If you’re trapped who knows where, you’re going to need someone to trust. You really hope that’s him.
• Chirping unhappily, you mess with the display until it detaches and hold the tiny thing out. And it’s such a shock that you’re willing to trust him. Extending a servo, he waits while you look at the display then at him before laying it on his servo. “Thank you, little one.” Lifting it, he squints at the tiny thing and shifts it to his datapad to try to sync the primitive technology. “You’re being very brave.”
• You really hope your GPS isn’t in the display. Really wish you’d paid more attention when the tech guys were explaining the minutiae of the suits instead of being terrified of what you were going to find on the other side of the portal. Giant, alien robots definitely hadn’t been on your bingo card, though. What can he even get off the thing, really? Nothing dangerous. Probably? Like coordinates to your world? “Please don’t be an evil, giant robot.”
• Waiting for the datapad to compile and create a language file for him, he studies you. Wonders what organics eat and how exactly you’d wound up on Cybertron. A peaceful explorer? You don’t seem to have any weapons. Can’t understand the language. And you’re so tiny as to be helpless. Probably not a warring species. Certainly don’t look at all intimidating in your puffy little suit. Moving closer, you rock up on tiptoe to try and see his datapad and chirp at him. Pointing with a finger and you’re just so adorable. “I’m going to give it back,” he reassures you, smiling behind his mask. Definitely not a warring species. You’re much too cute to be dangerous.
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Idk if you do small oneshots if not I'm sorry
But ever since I saw the a human ended on Cybertron with Megatronus I've been screaming internally by how adorable it was, could you do a small Megatronus x human story where the little human sneaked out and when it came back it was all full of mud and so Megatronus gave them a bath like he does in the "what if a human ended in Cybertron"
hello yes i am happy to do one shot. hope you will enjoy it.
Little heaven

This is not right. You are not supposed to be here at all. stifling your scream, you jumped out of the way of huge bot, who did not even noticed you, continuing on it’s way while chuting with another bot. You then had to quickly gather your self as to not get stomped to death by another bot, rushing towards the gutters, not caring if you gonna find your self among trash and mud. You stutter a bit, feeling gag coming up and started coughing. How did all come to this?
Well you used to live a peaceful life on earth – working, having your own rented apartment, hell you were even going for promotion until you wee suddenly kidnapped by huge bug like creatures, who kept you for experiments, which were not pretty. One day you managed to escape the ship, only to run in to battlefield between your captors and huge fucking robots. You had to run for cover with all your might, trying not to scream as explosion rung all around you and ground shook. Finally running behind a huge rock, you sight with relief for a moment, looking up and trying to figure out your next step while your heartbeat echoed in your head. It did not last long as one of the biggest bots suddenly took cover behind the same rock and looked down, notisisng you.
Megatronus had to take cover, the fire was to much to take and he need to come up with some kind of tactic, diving for cover behind one of many metal rocks, taking a break for a second until he noticed movement in the corner of his optic. Quickly looking down, expecting a grenade only to find some strange small creature, cowering before his presence. It looked like it was made out of the same thing like Quintessons, but instead this little one did not had metal plating. N fact you looked like nothing like Quintessons, more like a cybertronion in fact. Just made out of flash and with strange things on your head. He had no time to think as an actual grenade landed next to you and quickly grabbed you, surprised for a moment just how small you are and returned the grenade to sender. When all was over and Quintessons ran, he let a sigh of relief, letting his shoulders slump with ease and focus on you, still on his fist pressed against his chest. Slowly pulling his servo away from his chest and unwrapped it, he saw that the strange thing was still alright, just scream and cowering in his hand, not bigger then his digits. Cocking his helm a bit, he nudged you with one of his digits, feeling your soft flesh give in and you whimper from suden touch. He looked up alerting others and changed the grip on you, piking you up by scarf of your clothes, showing you off to others. And with that your fate was sealed. You were brought to place, quickly figure out that those who took you in was some kind of royalty, living in a very-very big place with gold and other luxury. Out of 13 strange robots he seemed to be the tallest and the meanest, well at least when in publick, in privet you found out he was quite soft, choosing to shower you in affection, tenderness and “love”. You felt like some kind of chihuahua dog to be honest, a candy eye or something like his. All your communication attempts were discarded like gibberish and intelligible, though you did learn how to repeat his name in rough ways, but it was now shown like some kind of party trick to others. You would always be by his side no matter what, meeting, walking or just doing simple boring work, you must be there. You “followed” him around either by ridding his shoulder or ridding a strange floating pad that would never stray away from him, which you honestly did not prefer as your legs would wobble any time you tired to stand up. When you were alone with him, he would take of his mask, showing a surprisingly soft face for someone with his status and would let deep soft rumble when you were brave enough to reach and touch it. He would also pet you time to time with his huge digits, running them across your hair or your back, something that helped him o calm down or relax during boring meetings. You were also provided some kind of armour, small and somewhat resembling his, but you still did your best not to wear it. But now you used it to your advantage. With enough materials, you managed to get time of being alone and snuck out, climbing down a huge tower and getting on to the streets of strange metal city. Though you did not plan this far and had to quickly hide in gutters just to stay alive, silently regretting running away. You slumped against the wall, trying to calm your heart from beating like crazy all while trying to form next step of plan. Surely if you return the big one won’t be to happy to see you like this and learn that you snuck off, on the other hand maybe if you scavenged around a bit more you might find a way home. Nodding to your self, you pushed your self up and strated traversing though pipes, hoping to find a way to the surface.
Megatronus reached his room after another boring meeting, he really did not wanted to sit there without you, but you were asleep in your little nest of pillow so he decided to et you rest. He rumble with joy as he slowly walked up to the nest only to freeze. You were not there, and a strange rope like structure hand down from the edge. You made this to escape. Why? How? When? All sort of questions run though his mind as he looked all over his quarters, trying to find you hiding somewhere. You were not there, leading to the only way he can find you. Piking up a tablet, he turned it on and immideatly got your location. He knew you would do this someday, just not this soon, so he installed a tracker in to your armour, which was a great gift from Solus, he really should thank them. Watching a small red dot on map moved slowly, he resumed you were looking for safe space and with map in hand, left the quarters and ventured down in to Iacon. Of course he immideatly got all the unwanted attention, he just kept walking, following the small dot, guessing you got in to gutter system as he was literally walking on top of you now, silently following. Soon he was left alone by his people and managed to follow you in to the exit, stopping and waititng. It did not even took a click for you to climb out, looking around for any danger, yet failing to see him right behind you, and climb out. You looked horrible and miserable, almost falling over immideatly and trying to get up. He wanted to see what is it you planed, letting out a huff, that gave him away as you turned around so fats he ha to tack a step back. You strated screaming and ran, probably looking for another hole to hide, yet your size gave you a lot of advantage just as many disadvantages, like being small and slow. He quickly wrapped his servos around you, piking you up and heading back, ignoring your weird chatter and kicking and soft punches. You were just upset about being cough for doing something you were not, but for now he was glad you were relatively alright. Returning to his room, he left you in a box, knowing now that your little nest could serve as escape plan as well, leaving to go get some cleaning supplies to help you clean off. Upon his return you were sulking in the corner, refusing to say anything and just let him do what ever he wants, which was much batter then with you fighting him all the way. Piking you up, he easily took the armour of and gently lowered you in to a cube with water getting first layer of muck off, than added the soap and started slowly rubbing the mud of you. Ususaly he would let you do it by your self, knowing how you valued this small moment of privacy and how violently you fought for this, but now it was sort of punishment for running away, not letting you do it by your self at all. When you were done, he wrapped you up in towel and hold you close, just happy that he managed to find you before any harm come to you and quietly pondered if it will be best to make sure you won’t run away again. EVER.
#transformers#transformers one#transformers x reader#transformers x human#megatronus prime#soft#writing#answering
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TFOne request: Megatronus x Fem!Reader who was an unofficial 14th Prime that presided over Cybertron's music.
┗ Song of the Spark; TF1! Megatronus ┛
Characters: Megatronus (Transformers One) A/N: This is my second TF One piece, so there may be a couple OOC things happening with some characters. Just warning you there. But, I do hope you like this, @sassycandypoetry! ⇘ Summary: When you find out you were carrying, you wanted to make sure in case anything happened, your sparkling had someone to watch after your offspring. But, when you tell someone, you three neglect to notice the blue and yellow figure behind you, listening angrily.
🎭 Steps of large weight alerted the surrounding Cybertronians. They all looked up and smiled. Walking inside of the room was two of the most beloved Cybertronian leaders, the powerful and gigantic warrior, Megatronus, and his dearest sparkmate, the creator of music for their planet, Y/N.
🎭 You hummed along with your steps. Like your lover, your mask covered your face, but, instead of having one pair of optics, you had four. Two were placed below your normal ones, and while it would unnerve many, the way they glowed a beautiful blue like his own, he couldn't help but be entranced at the sight of them.
🎭 Megatronus adored you a lot. You were strong and obviously built very well for a fighter, but you were also very kind of loving of your people. Despite the time the war of Cybertronians and Quintessons, you always found a way to connect everybody. Even the other Primes had to admit, you were close to becoming an honorary one.
🎭 The soldiers stood and bowed to you both. You blinked and nodded at them, telling them they were dismissed for the day and could return to their homes to see their families.
"Starscream. May we speak with you?" You called to a singular seeker.
🎭 Starscream turned around and looked at you, nodding and stepping to you both. He took a knee and stared at the ground. You just chuckled and grabbed his servo, pulling him to stand up as Megatronus watched silently.
"Starscream. You have been leading the High Guard for very long, and you have been doing a spectacular job."
"Why- thank you, sir."
"For eons I've been looking for someone to hold onto my dream of uniting Cybertron though not only our words, but through our hymns. Every song I have written and have sung to be passed on are ones I hope bring us closer and motivate our people to be their best selves. But, I believe there are certain ones that are planning something darker."
"If you don't mind my prying, who are you speaking of?"
"Nobody who shall be named." Megatronus spoke. "It is a mere hunch as of the present."
"Understood, sir."
🎭 You smiled and lightly gripped Starscream's shoulder, making him look into your optics. He cocked an optical ridge and watched as you raised your wrist, tapping the button on the back of your servo.
🎭 After you tapped it, a glowing blue holograph appeared. He looked at it carefully as you scanned through it all. You went through many bots before landing on one. Himself.
🎭 You hit his face and dragged a designation to his title, renaming it to General Starscream of the Cybertronian High Guard. His optics widened as you submitted it, successfully changing it permanently.
"With your new title of having near complete control over the High Guard, I entrust this dream to you. But, you mustn't tell anyone else about it, is that clear?"
"Yes, it is clear."
🎭 Megatronus laid his servo on your shoulder as you pulled up one more holograph. This time, it was the moving images of a small, glowing dot in darkness. A small hum came from the ball of light as it's glow brightened and dimmed almost every second.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"A growing sparkling, yes."
"C-congratulations, Megatronus and Y/N! I'm very happy for you both. But, what does this have to do with your dream?"
"Inside of this spakrling's growing spark is a blessing. One made by myself and my sparkmate. If anything happens to either of us, we would like you to raise them with this single goal in mind."
"Ruling Cybertron by yourself is beyond difficult. Having others there to help you is something they must understand as they age. Allies and loyal followers much like you are the reason we Primes stay in power and keep you all safe. I want our sparkling to be the same as us and their relatives are." You began. "Please, Starscream. Keep them safe just in case we cannot."
🎭 Starscream nodded and saluted you both before bowing and glancing back at the holograph. You dismissed him, but before he left, you reminded him to tall nobody of this talk.
🎭 He agreed and flew off to his two fellow seekers, Thundercracker and Skyquake. They waved to you both and flew home. A smile overtook Megatronus' face behind his battle mask as he held your servo and laid his helm on top of your's.
"They'll be safe no matter what, my voice."
"I know that now, my muse."
🎭 As you both walked off, you were unaware of the figure behind the pillar. A sparkling was something that could pose a huge issue in his mission to succeed the Primes. And the fact that you asked Starscream of all Cybertronians to care for the thing? That just put him in his way!
"Looks like I need to put my plan into effect sooner than intended..."
#Transformers#Transformers One#TF One#TF One 13 Primes#Transformers x Reader#Transformers One x Reader#TF One x Reader#TF One 13 Primes x Reader#S/O! Reader#GN! Reader#F! Reader#Cybertronian! Reader#TF One Megatronus#TF One Megatronus x Reader
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Any Transformers fan wants to explain to me how their holoforms (human disguise) work? and how did they achieve this?🤔

#transformers mtmte#transformers one#transformers x human#tf1#tfone#oc#transformers au#megatronus prime#transformers megatron#transformers optimus#optimus prime#transformers humanization#transformers humanformers#bumblebee#transformers idw#transformers autobots#transformers decepticons#headcanon#hq x reader
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Y/N and Optimus breaks up.
Optimus (completely devastated, seated on the sea shore that used to be both of your favourite place to hang out and where you both used to meet together): Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don't they know it's the end of the world? 'Cause you don't love me anymore.
Credits: The End of the World by Skeeter Davis (1963)
#bumblebee#dark deception#decepticons#megatron#optimus prime#optimus prime x reader#tfp#transformers au#transformers bayverse#transformers g1#optimus x megatron#megatronus#tfp orion pax#tfp megop#orion pax#megop#transformers optimus#optimus x ratchet#tfp optimus#optimus x reader#humanformers#transformers#transformers headcanons#headcanon
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gladitorial requiem
a/n: little piece on Megatron. haha angst (wrote this in my anthropology class)
He wonders how many people he's slaughtered cheered for him in the pits of Kaon. Betting he would win, cheering his name with their fists in the air. Fists that are probably broken now, smashed between the soles of his soldiers.
Did they cheer then? When they saw him across the battlefield, leading an assault to end their very sparks? Do they cry with regret, when they see their comrades covered in blood?
Or maybe his fans are on his side, abused by their generals and even him. Downtrodden with every defeat or harsh blow to their pride. They lose sight of what made him a hero. He knows he sure as hell has.
He wonders what side his former opponents in the pits decided on. He hopes they are all dead.
He hopes Orion never cheers for him again.
#transformers#tf#tfp#maccadams#transformers prime#megatron#tfp headcanons#megatronus#megatron headcanons#megatron x reader#tfp angst#angst headcanons#drabbles#tfp drabbles#megatron drabble
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Before and So Forth Chapter Two: Megatronus
TransformersOne!Megatronus x Cybertronian!GN!Reader(Bit of Starscream x reader-kinda)
Solars Indie Series

Chapter One, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight
Introduction Indie Series
Content: 18+
TW/Tags: Smut, HUGE Size differences, Reader gets hurt, Starscream is worried, Megatronus and Solus are fighting, Long aft chapter again.
Note: In the lore of transformers prime Solus is in a sort of Poly like relationship with the other primes and although she loves and cares for Megatronus as well she doesn’t seem to really pick him or the others if that makes sense. Thought it would be interesting to add that here and Megatronus choose he’ll court the reader. As for Starscream his feelings toawrds reader will become more and more clear as the story continues and eventually the reader will accept it after the primes deaths. There’ll be more at the end of the post to explain.
As always I hope you all enjoy and be sure to read the text after the story. Smut will be in purple in case you’re uncomfortable with the smut parts.
(Just like the first one this one will be as long as well.
You made your way to the lunch area with the other High Guards. Passing by some cone heads and seekers.
You did your best to remain calm as you walked. As you continued, you thought about your mission. Where you’ll be going to the surface to keep an eye out for Quintessons. Something you offered to join in order to be a little more useful…
You were deep in your thoughts when you bumped into a chest. You looked up and see it’s Soundwave- “Soundwave! Sir. My apologies I uhh…-w-well you see I-“
“Have you eaten today?” You think for a moment putting a finger to your chin as you look down…”…….This morning?” ………….”Training….. keeping me busy?”
You could swear just by your own gut feeling Soundwave was frowning and before you knew it he was grabbing your cervo and dragging you to the lunch room.
He and Shockwave along with Starscream had their own little area being one of the strongest members of the high guard. As you both got there Shockwave was staring at his energon bowel..…analyzing it?
And starscream was eating as he saw Rumble and Frenzy messed around as they ate theirs like wild animals.
Ravage was eating out of a bowel right next to Shockwave. Shockwave looked over at her and slowly moves the arm that doesn’t have a cervo towards her.
Rumble next to Ravage, on the other side notices and smacks Shockwaves arm. His one optic squinting down at him.
As you and Soundwave get there he sat you on his seat and puts a few energon cubes in front of you. “Eat.” “Soundwave-“ “Eat.” You sigh and start eating the cubes as he stares down at you.
Soundwave then sits across from you picking up Ravage like a kitten as her snout never leaves the bowel and sits down.
Setting her on his lap. As you ate you can feel Starscreams eyes on you. Given that you did just disappear while he was training the others. You can also tell Soundwave was glaring at you .
He was always so strict with you and a few other Guards about eating enough in order to do our job. Shockwave was side-eyeing Soundwave. Then looks at you then back at him.
After he then looked down at his bowel and back at you then Soundwave.
Rumble sighs and was the first to speak. “Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Soundwave can we go on Y/Ns mission?” “No”
”Told you he’d say no.” Frenzy says. Laserbeak resting on his head sleeping. Rumble grumbles and finishes his energon cubes getting down and walking away. “Rumble Return at once.” “No!”
”Soundwave, we're just going to fly around in search for any Quintessons signal. Make sure they’re nowhere close to us, you know?” You try to say to Soundwave seeing Rumble’s upset. soundwave stares down at you. You finally finished your energon cubes.
Soundwave only stares at you and lets out what sounds like a sigh. Looking down at Ravage and Frenzy.
Frenzy just shrugged and Ravage went back licking her paws. Shockwave slowly blinks his one optic as he finally finishes his energon soup. Soundwave sighs and comms Rumble
“Mission with Y/N: Accepted” Rumbles cheers and Yes’s can be heard from his comm and not too afar from them as Soundwave stays still.
You chuckle a bit as rumble returns and jumps onto your lap. Ignoring the glares of Starscream, Shockwave, and Soundwave.
He starts asking you about the mission. You check the time and see you leave in 10. You let Rumble know and you both make your way to the other seekers you’ll be joining.
Rumble runs off ahead of you as you continue to walk.
You then feel a hand grab your arms and pull you back. You back hitting the chest of someone- still taller than you. You turn your head to look up. It was Starscream.
”You really think you can walk away without apologizing? We were suppose to train and another thing I-“
You just rolled your eyes and gently pulled your arms away from his grasp and look at him. “Screamer we train every morning and one of the Primes decided to have his training today. I can’t say no.”
Starscream stared at you and let out a bit of a growl and takes a step forward. “One, don’t call me screamer. Two, I don’t care you ditched me! And three! Which Prime?”
”Uhh……Megatronus.” You say with a small smile. Starscream only stared down at you as he then sighs and gently holds your hands as he continues to look at you.
“I don’t like the way that Prime looks at you. Every time we fight we are able to escape. He seems to just stare at you with this look.”
Here you start to panic a bit as he speaks. Maybe you should tell him what Megatronus did. Maybe you can trust him?
But as you looked up at him you can see the sadness in his eyes makes your spark almost feel pity.
”I may be just a part of the high guard but those Prime should know their place as well.”l
He sets his hands on your waist and gently pulls you closer gripping a bit tightly as he speaks. You soon realize what was going on and you were quick to come up with something.
You knew you had to stop him, not to mention you had to leave soon.
”Starscream I really must get going. Let’s talk later shall we?” You gently hug him, your chin on his shoulder. He kept his hands on your waist for a moment longer until you pulled away.
“We can train together in the morning alright?” He stays quiet for a moment and then nods.
Letting you go. You walk to catch up with rumble meeting up with him and the others. Starscream was still standing there as he looked down at his hands.
Unaware of Sentinel watching from deeper in the halls.
Once you were there you chatted and apologized for being almost late. Then transformed. Rumble hopping on top and hanging on tightly to you.
You and the other guards with you then fly up to the surface. As you flew, Megatronus from the room meeting with the other primes, watched you as you left. He was currently in a meeting with a few of the other primes.
Solus is also there. She notices him watching the guards leaving and almost frowns. Megatronus then returned to the meeting. Taking his seat next to Solus.
After many hours since going into your little patrol the sun was slowly setting. You and the others keep flying as Rumbles' grip slowly gets loose. You make sure to remind rumble that he has to hang on tightly.
It requires that you move fast in case of attack. After some time you and the others take a small break and hide in an abandon city. safely.
Hidden you decide to look at the lost city for a bit. walking around it alongside some deer robots. Your mind starts to think as Rumble and the others stay together.
After some time your mind wondered. The rumor of Megatronus and Solus prime. How he must have implied that he wasn’t courting Solus but…. He…wanted to court you..Why?
You and many others seen how she looks at him. But you were certain he must’ve had feelings for her at least once as well. Not to mention the whole situation with Starscream.
You began to worry. Your spark only starting to feel pain because of your confusion and lost of what’ll happen.
But as you continue you would stop as you feel something poking and grabbing at your leg. you looked down and it’s- IT’S A QUINTISSON!!- but- smaller.
Almost deformed in a way. You almost took sympathy at first as it whimpered and crawled closer to you. But then it launched at you, holding you back with your hands and arms. It keeps slashing at you. But then it gets a good scratch at you face.
You screamed in pain as you finally get a chance to blast it away. Then you get to it and stab it repeatedly until it stopped moving. You were out of breath given you were caught of guard and had to think fast.
You held you cheek feeling the energon and pain on your eye brow and cheek. That thing really got a good hit on you.
You made your way to the others as my talked and messed around. Rumble having a good time as the others laughed.
You still kept your hand on your cheek and your other hand as a blaster as you ran to them.
”Weapons ready! Possible Quintessons!! The others hear you and get their weapons ready. You all searched around the city separated. As Rumble and another seeker stays with you.
Rumble was able to patch and clean you up thanks to a medical kit the other seeker brought with them. After some time you all can confirm it was just the small one.
Most likely being left behind. You all decide to continue your mission. You told Rumble you will handle explaining what happened. What’s important is he’s safe.
And so forth you and the other seekers continue to fly in the air, Rumble with you again as the sun finally sets.
Once upon returning you knew you were in for it.
Making it into the surface unfollowed you and the others landed at the front of the tower.
You all then walk in some other guards noticing you new scar. You made your way to the medical bay as Rumble says his byes and heads to Soundwave. As you spoke to the nurse after a few minutes you door bangs wide open showing Soundwave.
He was beyond upset and told the nurse to leave. Once they were gone he really laid it into you. Not for Rumble possibly getting into danger. No.
Because you weren’t more careful and now although not huge.
You have. Scar on your eye brow and cheek. Your cheek wound being much deeper. When you thought of thinking of making a little snarky comment to lighten up the mood.
He already knew and told you to not even try it. You looked down and just waited for him to finish.
You’d then feel a hand on your shoulder. As you looked up he was staring down at you. “Always close to the ones you trust Y/N otherwise your future will have consequences…Understood?”
You slowly nodded.
He then left after that. You sighed exhausted and as you walked out and started heading to the training room.
Something you did every night before heading to recharge, you didn’t expect to see starscream in there, training by himself. As you walked in you greeted him which surprised him as he was in the middle of a move.
“Sorry ‘bout that Starscream.”
He groaned and once he stood up. When he saw you he dropped his weapon. Making his way to you and putting his cervos on your shoulder as he looked at your scar.
”What the hell happened to you?! Didn’t you say long ago you would always be careful?! You could’ve gotten hurt more you idiot!”
You only look at him as he complained and just smiled. You soft smile you can only rarely do as he continues on. But once he sees your smile. “Starscream…I’m alive ain’t I?”
He stays quiet for a moment as he takes in your words. He’d sigh and look away for a moment.
His eyes then close and his cervos on your shoulders tighten a bit. “Go recharge Y/N……”
”That’s an order…And we both will be training early tomorrow morning, understand?”
“….Yes sir.” You’d then turn and leave walking out of the room. Starscream stays in there as his cervos clenched out of anger.
You were almost out of the building until you got an idea. Then as you thought, you walked to Megatronus' private quarters. The one place he must be at now….
Yes, your feelings towards Megatronus are true but so was with Starscream. Both in plain view, obviously it woul work. Starscream you’re not sure of.
But for Megatronus to kiss you and Starscream showing even more affection than before!…..You are always on the job and…and…Megatronus..should be with someone of his rank. Not you.
Starscream may seem as a possibility- but No! You have to discipline yourself. Not to be used by a Prime.
You will speak to Megatronus and stand your ground.
Even if it means you’re no longer part of the high guard. You must put yourself first.
As you got to his door you could hear voices from the other side. It was Megatronus and Solus arguing. As you get closer you’re able to hear them better. You continue to listen.
The other Primes shouldn’t be back for another few cycles. You stay at the hall higher in up your Audio Sensors.
Ok if they start doing it then you’ll leave but what if it has to do with the rumor. Maybe he lied and it was real?
”I have lost interest Solus you said it yourself! Not only was my courtship on hold for so long but you wish for me to just except your feelings for another for the millionth time?
Am I to believe you can still have such feelings for me as you do for the others. I’ve waited. I’m Done!”
”If you really cared then you would’ve try harder-“
“Harder? HARDER!? You don’t even know what you want and you’re just dragging me and the others with you into your black whole! I’ve moved on. I don’t need this and I don’t need you!”
Solus just stares up at him. Her face full off anger as he stares down at her.
”You’ll come back..you always do.” She then walks past him finally leaving the room. She walks the opposite direction from where you are.
She can be heard crying a bit from afar and you just peek from the wall from the hall. You grow even more worried.
Has this been happening? Did he try courting her before? Wait- HAS SHE BEEN FRAGGING THE OTHER PRIMES!? You swear you almost feel nauseous at the thought of this just going on.
Once it seemed the coast was clear you made your way to the door after it was shut. You’d then gently knock on his door.
Pretty much regretting it as you grow nervous but you know you must do this.
Though what you didn’t know is on the other side of the door he was losing in on the other side of the door.
After waiting and waiting for her. She still makes him wait as she flirts with the others. He then threw his berth up in the air, hitting the ceiling and throwing his data pads around.
You gulped and knocked again as you say in a whisper “Please don’t kill meee-“
”If you don’t leave I-“ He yelled as the door finally happened, only look at no one. He looks around. You had to clear your throat in order to grab his attention.
He finally looks down more and sees you. You two stay quiet for a moment looking for each other. His optics were wide as he seemed almost out of breath because of his rage earlier. You finally speak.
”Can we talk..Megatronus?” You give a small smile.
Hopefully to brighten his mood. At least a little bit as you keep looking at him. He calmed down, his optics no longer wide and his body stops tensing up.
“It is good you are here Y/N.”
”Oh that is good to hear Megatro-“ He then grabs you with his one hand. It only going fully around your waist as he pulls you in.
His door closes and he walks a bit deeper in his room and gently sets you down. “-nus…uhm. Why don’t we talk ‘bout- About! Today.”
You corrected yourself as he sat on his berth.
“…..Go on.” You gulped. Oh boy you either die today or leave bruised or worse- fired but you must treat this like a grown up and handle the situation.
”Sir- Megatronus. Our relationship isn’t appropriate. Yes my feelings are reall but I’m nothing more but a guard who fights for you and the city from the Quintissons. I don’t know what’s going on between you and Solus Prime that created this rumor.” You lied
”But I’m sure a Prime like yourself and Solus can work out-“
He then grabs your arm bringing you closer to him as you stumble a bit trying to not fall. He then sets you on his lap. His hand on your back as he sets his other hand on his lap.
“I could give less of a damn of you believe is proper or not. The reason we are keeping this secret and away form the others is for your safety. I am well aware of what I’m doin’… But I….Just years of these emotions inside me and knowing that Solus will just make me wait and wait and she runs off to the others possibly even more then more…I’m sick of it. I feel used! And It isn’t what I want and should even need!”
You could only stare up at him as he spoke and took in his words. He really was doing this because he believed you'll not treat him like Solus. You’re loyal, you’re suppose to be.
“Megatronus did you ever think that it could be because she’s dealing with stress and trying to trains her own high guards just as the others-“
He slams his foot down. “If so then why must she make false promises and mess with me with the others in front!”
”…..Doesn’t she..do the same with you and isnt she known she’s affectionate?” He only looks down at you with an angry expression and slowly blinked. You gulped and looked down.
“She’s poly isnt she?” Megatronus the growls more as he stands up. “OK OK let’s calm down!” You backed up as he paced back and forth. L
“Megatronus please lets just-“
”I am done!” He stays quiet for a moment. You could only stare at him, then look down. He was really tired of all this. You feel sympathy. But maybe this could be a good thing?
You can actually have your chance and he already admitted he- wait…..well wouldn’t hurt to ask.
“Megatronus do you…have actual feelings for me? Like- Love even?” He pauses for a moment before slowly turning. He thought for a moment. Before sitting back down. He would then sighs and fixed his bed and sits back on it.
“Years and years when not focused on Solus the whole time…I have could only notice you everytime…Your Bravery, Loyalty, and Strength- It’s everything a warrior represents!…I….” He takes a knee after being silent for a moment before you.
Looking down at you with soft eyes. Something he rarely does.
His large hand gently grabbing hold of yours.
“I do love you. And I hope you’ll continue to give me a chance to guide and be with you? Please…statues passed aside just..give us a chance. Me a chance?”
In your head you knew. This is just straight up pity but at the same time not. You do care for him. Hell it took you a while to not blush around him.
You thought for a moment then remembering why you came here in the first place.
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt. A relationship will barely stop you from doing your job. And Megatronus is a respectable leader. he’s about as serious as you are about the war……..
Oh what the hell.
You look up at him. You only have took a second before finally answering and gently holding his larger ones with yours.
“I’ll…let you court me Megatronus…and Hope our journey can continue forward on what lies upon us…”
You’re sure he must be smiling under his mask. But then you thought and spoke when he moved his larger hands moved onto your waist.
”Maybe we should take it slow first? Why not take our ti-“ You see he’s just staring at this point. “Semi slow?” He nods letting out a “hm”. He then sits down and gently picked you up as he puts you on his lap.
His other hand reaching to his mask. He’s about to take it off- HE’S ABOUT TO TAKE IT OFF….you start to panick as bit. You didn’t expect this to happen so soon.
You could only sit there as he removed his mask. He then reveals his face. It was grey a bit darker toned as he had a few scars on his lips and around his eyes.
Most likely from a Quintissons. You just stare at him as he looked down at you. His face unemotional as his optics just narrowed. You realize you’re just staring and you should probably speak.
“Wow I didn’t expect you’re so much more handsome then I expected.” He only let out a deep chuckle. At least my scars don’t seem to bother you. I believe scar are what makes show of a warriors worthiness. Such as like yours here.”
One of his digits gently touches your scar on your cheek. Noticing it’s over your eyebrow as well.
”The scouting today had its surprises but at least I got it on a special day?” You tried your best to brighten up the mood even more. His other hand still on your back starts to pull you a bit closer as he sets his mask down.
“Let me ask you have no other courting you at this moment Y/N.”
You responded with a no. You didn’t really have anyone else. And Starscream has his own thing going on. It’s most likely not possible like how it would’ve been with megatronus.
”Good. Something for myself. Someone I can trust…” You slowly nodded. Your cervos resting on your own lap as one of his digits touches your chin and keeps it in place as he looks down at you. “Mean it…?”
”Y-yes Megatronus.”
He gently sets you on the berth with his cervos as he leaned down getting fully on the berth as he uses his arms a support and was basically over you once more.
He then leaned closer both of you foreheads touching as he stared down at you. Your cervos gently holding his cheeks as you give him a small smile. You then closed your optics as you take in the moment.
He then leaned forward a bit his lips touches your once more since earlier this day. You didn’t take some time after to return the kiss.
Lightly turning your head to deepen it.
It was close to how it was earlier this day in thr training room. His cervos moving to your waist and gently rubbing at your chest.
Putting a little pressure on you to keep you pinned on the bed. His lips are so gently against your small ones.
You can only imagine what it’ll be like when you he finishes courting you. You could only hope he still be gentle even then. When you opened your optics a little bit, his optics were already closed. He seemed almost a peace. Something that wasn’t seen much earlier today.
You closed your optics once more as he moves his lips to your neck and shoulder as his other cervo that was against the bed now was behind your head. Supporting it as he brought you closer.
Your cervos stayed on his cheek. Supporting him to continue as he continues to cover your shoulder with kisses. He then continues going lower and lower.
His cervo moving to under you making you lift up a little. Now you head to your waist only inches above the bed. He then kisses your chest taking his time as he then makes his way to your waist. Your chest and waist becoming covered with kisses.
Your cervos then rest on the top of his head. Both of his cervos staying in lace as he spends some time to continue covering your waist with kisses. You’d let out a few sighs as you take in the moment. That worry and stress you had moments before soon washing away. The same thing surely happening to Megatronus.
Before you know it his kisses have gone lower and just over your panel he sets a kiss in place for only a moment. Your legs spreading on their own for him as you let out a small gasp. He then gently licked the now sensitive panel making your legs flinch only a bit. You didn’t realized how sensitive your panel has grown. He then gave soft kisses and licks on your inner legs and panel once more. With the cervo supporting your head up. His thumb gently move to be over you lips. “Open for me my dear.”
”M-Megatronus isn’t this going too fast?” He only continues until he finally stops slowly lifting his head being a few more inches from you
He then so gently picked you up. He sits up on the berth as the has one of his cervos supporting you up by your lower half against his sheet. His back now resting against the wall as he looked at you. His optics still soft as he then used one of his digits to gently rub your bac as he then spoke. “Maybe so but at least let me have a taste. So that you may know what to expect after our courting.”
You gave into the thought for a couple seconds before you then descide to nod. Giving him your gentle smile once more as he continued to almost seem emotionless. Though before you knew it he let out a small smile as well. He then leaned forward once more as his lips touch your panel and since you agreed. Your panel opens.
Showing how wet your valve is. Practically soaking as you shiver a bit from the cold air. He’s then set a small and gentle kiss on your valve as you let out a few gasps softly as your head titled back.
He’d then stick out his glossa once more and this time gently pressed more pressure against you valve. Making your legs shake lightly as he continues and presses his head closer into your legs and more so against your valve. He would then continue. Although he had a much bigger mouth compared to the other primes. He was more so gentle when it comes to using it. And he made very sure of that with you.
He’d then gently job at you node as he spreads your legs using one of his digits with the cervo supporting you. You let out a moan not expecting him to make a move like this given his size.
You’d then turn your head and notice his own panel has been removed and his other cervo has been busy with his spike. His spike was long and rather girthy as it stood tall. The tip was already leaking precum as he held it tightly. Your cervos held onto his digits tightly as you let out a few more moans. Trying to have a good hold of your legs as they continue to shake. The side of your thighs rubbing against his cheeks as he continues trying to bring you closer to your orgasm. When it appears that you are getting louder and louder. He looks up at you. His optics are narrow. You notice and place a hand over your mouth as you moan into it. He closes his optics once more and continues.
You feel a knot growing in my stomach. The feeling only growing as you continue to moan into your cervo. He realizes this means you’re getting closer. He continues this action and licked harder against your entrance and node.
He was already moving his cervo up and down his spike. Squeezing tightly as he grows closer to his own release. He too then moaned lightly. Causing his glossa and lips to vibrate against your valve. Only causing even more pleasure for you.
And then soon you are undone. Finally getting your release as you let out one last moan. Your legs shaking and your cervos squeeze tightly on his digits. He continues his act as he licks at your valve cleaning you up. Making sure you’re all cleaned up and not a single drop falls.
You’re a mess as you were panting. Trying to catch your breath. He wasn’t far behind, finally receiving his own release. It landing on his lower waist as he too tried to catch his breath. He slowly opened his optics and looks at you. As you did the same. Your legs were shaking and he gently raised you high as he sat up. His hand still holding you as he tucks himself away. His panel closing. You’d then close your panel once you finally caught your breath.
You looked at him and you both stared at each other. Although silly you both had a smile on your lips. He brought you closer and both of your lips meet. Touching once more. He kisses you with both passion and hunger. Hoping you’d do the same. You gently set your cervos on his cheeks as you return the kiss. You then spend what felt like cycles as your lips touched. But as th seconds gon by the later it became at night.
You’ll be exhausted in the morning for your training.
He was the one to pull away. He looked at you and let out a small chuckle. “I should help you sneak out so no one sees you. Wouldn’t want you losing your job.” You let out a chuckle at his words. He’d then stand up fully nad think. Then looking at his chest as he sets his mask back on.
”I should have enough room in front of my cog. I can walk out and go where you wont be seen so you may make it home. No one will question if it’s me going out.”
”That’s…a pretty good plan.” He then opens his chest and there lied his cog. There does seem to be room but you’re still a bit too big. You then get an idea. transforming in his cervo he looks at you. He then tried his best to fit you into his chest and able to get you to fit at a certain angle.
After cleaning himself up more he walks out of his room. Luckily only the night guards out and they only bowed their heads to Megatronus as he passed them. He then walks outside, getting closer to one of the alleyways and once the coast was clear. He opened his chest and picked you out. Setting you on the floor. You’d then transform and stretch out your arms. You’d then look up at him as he kneels down.
”I’ll see you for training tomorrow in the afternoon. You shall join me in training to show the others how to grow stronger. Understood?”
”Yes..Megatronus.” He nodded. He appears to wanting to lean forward. To give you one last kiss but he knew he had to return. Holding back. He then… bowed his head to you. This took you by surprise. You’d walk forward and place your hand on his chest “Until tomorrow My Prime.” You two stay quiet for a moment until he stands up. Then turning the other way heading back to his quarters.
You made your way back to your home. Once you got in you leaned against the door once it closed. And slide down sitting on the floor. You and one of th primes…Oh boy..This job just got a lot more interesting..
Back with megatronus as he walked back he passes by Solus who was leaving from her training room. She was alone and tired. Having gone training to let her anger out. She’d then notice megatronus passing by to his own room
”Megatronus what are you- what were you doing?” Megatronus would stop and turn his head back a little. Only glancing a bit. But right away, he continues walking. As she spoke more trying to grab his attention. He just continues to ignore her. Finally going to his room to recharge. Leaving Solus alone.
Hell yeah Chapter 2! Only a few more chapters to go!! As always the chapters for this story will be every Tuesday so please be patient. More chapters are to come.
As the story continues I’m planning on letting it get to even the movie. But because I love giving myself more work I’ll make two different parts where you either get left behind and don’t know what actually happened. Sentinel takes you and lies. Making you his Conjunx until Megatron kills him and eventually takes you cause he yandere. And another will be you being there knowing what happened and staying with the trio. Idk if i should make it poly since the trio also have feelings for you so you guys let me know your opinion. lol.
Maybe I’ll do one where the reader will join the Autobots in a different ending so it’s not all high gaurds joining the decepticons lmao. That should be all with what I have planned. Hope you all have a good rest of you morning/evening/night.
#transformers one#transformers one x reader#megatronus x reader#starscream x reader#transformers#long chapter#cybertronian reader#megatronus#tfone megatronus prime#TF Before and So Forth
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✿ duskbound, afterlight.
#STARRING: cybertronian femme reader & other characters.
#TAGS: a lot violence. death. anxiety and angst. mc goes haywire for a few minutes. flashbacks. mentions of cybertronian blood. anxiety. no appearance of canon characters.
#NOTES: here's the third chapter of my fic which i've officially named duskbound, afterlight. enjoy!
part one | part two | part four | part five | part six
taglist: @buubblegum

You were knocked back a meter or two before you clutched your mid-section, your tank twisting and the sizzling air of Kaon burning inside you. Clumsily, you tried to counter his next jab, but the kick sent to your knee plates caused you to buckle and fall like a sack of stones.
Panic gripped you like a vice as you desperately attempted to defend yourself, your movements erratic, uncoordinated. But your efforts proved futile against the experienced maneuvers of the mech. Blow after blow rained down upon you, each sending shockwaves of pain through your circuits.
The sharp, metallic tang of energon permeated the atmosphere, curling around you like a shimmering veil. It intertwined with the pungent aroma of oil and various fluids, creating an intoxicating compound that stung your olfactory sensors. Your ventilators whirred incessantly, battling against the oppressive heat that threatened to overwhelm you at any moment.
A heavy blow landed squarely on your chassis, sending you crashing to the ground with a resounding clang. As you struggled to regain footing, your opponent loomed over you, their optics gleaming with malice.
With a surge of adrenaline, you lashed out with renewed determination, striking back with all the strength you could muster. But it was too little, too late.
The mech quickly overpowered your feeble attempts at resistance, driving you back with relentless force, and suddenly, you lay sprawled upon the unforgiving floor of the arena. You gasped as your servos instinctively clad around the mech’s, which were pressing against your neck plates. Darkness surrounded you as the mech towered over you, swallowing you whole.
The volume of the crowd was loud enough to sound as if the whole of Cybertron had packed into the small stadium. With coolant and energon streaming down your cheeks, you surrendered to the inevitable. This was it. You were going to die here. Your spirit broken, your hope extinguished in the merciless light of the arena.
Only, gazing into the light, you were transported to a much simpler time.
"If you could change anything in the world, what would it be?"
The chamber was extremely quiet, save for the occasional tinkle from Starlight’s digits as she caressed her daughter’s helm, comfortably snuggled on her carrier’s breastplates and sleeping her questionably-earned exhaustion away.
"Mmh," you hummed out loud, turning to look at your friend from your berth, "I don’t know, what would you change?"
Starlight smiled harder, though the rest of her face plates remained the same, so it was quite the rare expression. "I wish Vaportrail was born in a nicer place, Cybertropolis, maybe."
"You wouldn’t wish to change anything for yourself?" you asked.
"I have you, and there’s not another you anywhere in all of Cybertron."
Starlight, was this what you felt before dying?
Starlight, was this what you felt before being killed?
Starlight, was this what you felt before being murdered?
You couldn’t breathe. Black tinged the edges of your vision. Then it turned red, scarlet, maroon. In that moment, something snapped inside you like a sea wave crashing against the rocks at the beach, like the snapping of a rubber band, like a balloon being popped, and all semblance of fear evaporated, replaced by a singular focus: revenge.
An awful rage so deep it reminisced the sun started bubbling inside you. A wave of anger so profound it dried up every drop of liquid in the world and replaced it with sand. Indignation blurred everything you’d ever been and ever would be, and you felt yourself gaining colossal strength. You needed revenge. You needed it like you needed to breathe. You wanted him to hurt.
And so, when your tremoring was at its greatest, your resentment was beyond bitterness and revenge, and the mech was about to enclose you in a makeshift grave—you just let go.
With a guttural scream that echoed across the arena, you unleashed your pent-up fury upon your assailant. You struggled and battled with a wild intensity fueled by nothing but the sweet, cold feel of revenge, scratching and gnawing as you attempted to escape from the hold that confined you.
Dams broke, and your processor slipped into a high of adrenaline so strong you didn’t know whether your body would purposely overheat. You couldn’t feel the pain of your wounds or the shooting pains in your gauntlets and your mandible. Had you inwardly deactivated your pain receptors?
You wrestled the weapon from your opponent's grasp with a lethal cascade of adrenaline-fueled strength and swung the blade in his direction.
The keen clangor of the blade hitting the mech's helm wreaked the arena into a hysterical state.
The mech stumbled backward with a scream as he gripped his facial plates.
But you didn't just stop there.
You leaned over him and swung the blade.
It found the base of his helmet.
A sickening crunch of metal against metal.
The mech staggered. He even dared to gasp in shock.
You swung again, a pained cry leaving his dermas.
Another crack.
You pulled back your elbow, a spray of energon hitting you on the plates of your face.
You swung again.
W̸̧̘̣̝̻͎͕͉̥͖̋͊̍̌̅̚ì̷̝͋͠th a final, cathartic scream of defiance, you drove the blade deep into the mech’s helm, watching with grim satisfaction as sparks flew and circuits sputtered.
There was a brief, abrupt silence while the mech moaned more quietly, attempting to move. It crumpled inward with a low huff.
A pool of energon gushed out from his wounds, soiling the ground around him as you backed away to watch him die. You were shaking—breathing heavily, limbs quivering with exhaustion—and moments later, the other gladiator went limp.
You willed yourself to raise a hand toward your dermas, coolant pooling around your optics.
But the spectators erupted as your servos went up to your face.
And when the adrenaline finally wore off, you were almost sent to the ground at their sheer volume.
They were cheering for you.
It only took a moment to register the blinding pain.
You turned around and stumbled away from the pit and into the building, your optics tracing the ground and your servo scratching at the metallurgic skin over your sternum to ensure that your spark was still whole.
You stumbled down the corridors, the roaring cheers from the arena fading distantly and morphing into something you could not comprehend anymore, but their echoes still haunted your audials. The steady drip of energon from your body was driving you crazy, some of it your own, but most of it not.
Your servos trembled uncontrollably, the once-raw adrenaline slowly draining from your systems, replaced with an overwhelming surge of panic. I killed him. I killed him. The words repeated in your processor like a damaged disk, a nightmarish chant you couldn't silence no matter how hard you tried. Your optics darted around wildly as you moved deeper into the complex.
The tunnel's cool metallic walls closed around you. You forced yourself to keep moving, your breathing shallow and frantic, as if the very walls themselves were constricting around your chassis, squeezing tighter with each second.
Your servos—trembling, bloodied—kept reaching for the walls, hoping to steady yourself, but every step sent your processor spinning. You were panting, desperate not to overheat your body, vision blurring as your optics struggled to focus. What have I done?
Then, you saw it.
In the dim light of the tunnel, your optics caught a glint—a flash of silver reflecting the low glow of the overhead lights. You staggered toward it, desperate for something, anything to ground you. The surface of a discarded metal panel gleamed like a mirror, and it was there that you saw yourself.
Your breath caught in your throat.
Your reflection stared back at you, but it was a version of yourself you didn’t recognize.
Your armor, dented and scratched, was smeared with dried energon, your own, and the mech’s you had killed. Your pale and trembling faceplates were streaked with the liquid, your optics wild and wide in disbelief. You could barely make out your features beneath the mess of fluids and grime.
You looked... feral. Broken.
But alive.
You were alive.
Somehow, against all odds, you had survived.
Your trembling slowed. The ragged, panicked breaths you’d been drawing in deepened as you stared at your reflection, the horrible truth settling into the pit of your spark. You had made it through that pit of death. You had won.
Slowly, your servos reached up, brushing over the dried fluids and scratches as if confirming that the wrecked reflection was indeed yours. You were bruised, battered, drenched in energon—but you were still standing.
That strange, cold realization started to settle in your spark.
"I’m… alive."
Then, cutting through the fragile silence, a voice crackled through the speakers above you, the distorted sound making you cringe.
"Winner," the voice declared.
You recognized the voice immediately. Bullway. His tone was cold, devoid of emotion, and very different from the charming facade he’d put on in your old satellite. "I want to see you. Now."
A chill ran down your spinal strut. Bullway. If he wanted to see you, it wasn’t because he wanted to congratulate you on your victory. Had you done something wrong? You had won. You had given them the entertainment they wanted!
Your optic twitched as Bullway’s voice echoed in your audials again. You swallowed hard, your stabilizers shaking as you tried to regain your footing. There was no time to hesitate. You had no choice in this. If he wanted to see you, then you had to go.
Taking one final look at your reflection—bloodied, battered, but alive—you wiped a trembling servo across your faceplates as if trying to erase the horror of what you had just done. But it didn’t come off and just smeared across your cheek like a second paintjob.
You turned just in time to see a mech waiting for you across the hall.
"Hey, come with me."
Not trusting your voicebox to articulate what you wanted to say correctly, you wordlessly nodded, following after him.
Albeit a small part of you felt smug about it, you didn’t comment on how the mech visibly cringed at the energon staining your faceplates, quietly realizing that he was walking a great distance from you, as though if something he said would set you off the wrong way. As if you would repeat your previous actions upon him.
A few clicks later, you noted that the hallways were different, and with great dismay, you realized that he wasn’t leading you to the bosses’ offices. An ugly thought of what they might do to you now that you had unexpectedly won the match knocked on your processor. It would explain why the guard was leading you somewhere else. Your optics widened as it appeared and disappeared just as quickly.
"Hey," you called out to him, waiting until he briefly turned his head to glance your way. "Where are you taking me? This is not the way to see the bosses."
"The lobby." he said curtly, "You’ve won your place there with us, gladiators only."
"You’re a gladiator?"
"Yeah," he nodded, turning to look at you. "We were told there would be a match worth watching, so we all knew that Bullway had snatched a new batch of rookies from somewhere. Normally, rookies lose, bloody fights and all."
"I didn’t lose."
"That you didn’t," he answered, a ghost of a smile pulling at his dermas. "It was a horrible fight, you know. You finished it quickly and left right after. You gotta drag it out nicely if you want the audience to go crazy, but knowing that you are a rookie, I guess that’s why the crowds went wild."
The mech's relaxed demeanor grated on you, sharply contrasting with the turmoil still bubbling under your armor. You could sense the adrenaline coursing through you, the lingering echoes of the bloodlust that had propelled you through that arena, and now this gladiator was speaking as if it were just another routine battle.
As if the brutality you’d unleashed was nothing more than an expected performance. His words only heightened the gnawing discomfort in your spark, but you forced yourself to stay calm.
"Is it like that for everyone?" you asked, voice strained but steady. "Just... another fight?"
The mech glanced at you from the corner of his optics, his pace slowing just enough for you to fall in line beside him. "For some, yeah. For others, it's a way of life. Once you’ve been in the arena long enough, it’s just routine. You win, you survive. You lose, well... you don’t have to worry about much after that."
His matter-of-fact tone, almost automaton-like, grated on your nerves incessantly. There was nothing routine about what you'd just done. You looked away, staring down the dimly lit hallway as you walked, trying to ignore the thick, cloying scent of oil and energon still clinging to your frame.
"I didn’t expect it to feel like that," you muttered, almost to yourself.
"Like what?"
"Like I became someone else."
He gave you another sidelong glance, his optic ridge rising slightly as he considered your words. "Yeah, that happens. You change in the pit. It's not always for the better."
You stopped walking for a moment, your steps faltering. He paused too, turning to look at you, his expression unreadable. You could feel the rage from earlier simmering again, but it was different now—colder, more focused. Disdainful.
The mech took a step toward you, saying, "First time’s always the hardest. But you fought, and you lived. That’s what matters. No one’s going to ask you how you feel about it."
You scoffed, the bitterness in your processor spilling into your voice. "I bet they won't. As long as I keep bleeding for them."
He shrugged, as if that was just the way things were. "That’s the game. But hey, at least now you’re in it. There are worse places to be."
"Yeah?" you muttered, bitterness twisting your words. "Like dead?"
He didn’t answer immediately, his optics studying your face for a beat too long. "Something like that."
Before you could respond, the hallway opened into a larger space, a sprawling, multi-leveled chamber. Above and around you, several balconies arced around the space in a tiered structure, almost like a coliseum turned inside out. Each level was packed with mechs—some leaning over rusted railings, others pacing along narrow walkways, their heavy footsteps echoing through the chamber.
From these balconies, stairs spiraled down to the main floor, where groups of gladiators clustered together, some repairing their armor, others sharpening weapons or talking in hushed tones. A few glanced up at you as you entered, their optics lingering on your energon-stained form for a moment before they returned to their own business.
The smell of energon hung thick in the air, integrated with the acrid tang of oil and the metallic scent of freshly-welded parts. Overhead, dim lights flickered erratically, casting long shadows across the grime-slicked floor. In one corner, a group of mechs were hunched over a makeshift table, clearly gambling away whatever shanix they had earned in the pits.
Here and there, you could spot racks of weapons—blades, maces, guns—lined up along the walls like trophies. Some mechs were testing them out, and the sound of sharpening blades and the low thrum of power cells charging filled the space. Despite the noise, an underlying tension threaded through the room, like a wire stretched too thin.
You caught a few mechs eyeing the stains that marred your armor, their optics narrowing with curiosity and something else—respect, maybe, or wariness. It wasn’t clear. You knew what they saw when they looked at you: a newcomer, fresh out of the pit, still drenched in energon—both yours and your opponent's. And yet, you had survived.
The mech beside you nudged your shoulder gently. "This is it. Gladiators’ lobby."
Everything was interrupted by the sudden, sharp clang of a door being thrown open.
All optics snapped toward the entrance as Bullway stormed in, his heavy frame rattling the metal grating beneath his peds. His presence was electric, and even the more seasoned gladiators went quiet at the sight of his fury.
No one was scared of him, not really, but everyone agreed it'd be better if they didn't anger the one bot who controlled rations and the few things allowed for entertainment.
You, of course, weren't aware of this rule.
His optics, blazing with indignation, zeroed in on you.
"You," he barked, jabbing a thick servo in your direction, his frame practically vibrating angrily. "You just cost me one of the best gladiators I’ve ever had."
Bullway’s voice reverberated through the chamber, louder than even the murmurs of mechs on the balconies. His tone was sharp and accusing, and the heat in his optics made it clear that he hadn’t come to congratulate you.
You straightened your frame but didn’t get a chance to speak before he stomped closer, his bulk imposing.
"I thought it'd be a good fight, figured he’d rough you up a bit, maybe teach you a lesson. But no, you had to go and kill him!" His fists clenched tightly, the metal creaking. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to build him into the fighter he was? And you—you just walk in there and ruin him in your first damn match!"
The crowd watched you both closely, their optics flicking between Bullway and you like they were watching another fight unfold. He was livid, but there was more behind his anger. It wasn’t just the loss of a fighter—there was humiliation, too. Bullway had bet on the wrong outcome, and now he was making it your problem.
You felt your spark flare with defiance. The words tore out of your mouth before you could stop them.
"I didn’t ask to be here," you shot back, stepping forward, the energon staining your frame somehow making you more confident in yourself. "But I won. Fair and square."
Bullway sneered, towering over you now. "Won? You think this is about winning? That mech was supposed to be my winner. You were just a piece of bait! A rookie!"
His visage morphed into confusion at the single word that left your mouth, though there were still traces of the anger that had previously plagued his faceplates.
Your optics narrowed, and you repeated yourself. "Y/N. That is my name. Use it."
Bullway blinked, taken aback for a split second before his expression twisted into cruel amusement. "A name? You think that matters? In this place, you don’t have names. You’re all just numbers, commodities, pieces of metal to be used up and thrown away when I’m done with you. And I couldn’t care less what you want to call yourself."
His words stung. Bitterly, he was reminding you of what you’d been reduced to in this violent, brutal world. Yet, despite his callous dismissal, you held your ground. You were more than just a number now, more than the faceless gladiator he wanted to make you. You weren’t H-08 anymore, at least, not to yourself.
You hadn’t been since the day Starlight changed everything.
"My name," you said slowly, wiping energon from your cheek as your voice trembled with both defiance and strength, "is Y/N."
Bullway’s optics flared, but you didn’t stop. His words, his mockery—none of it could erase the truth of who you were.
You had once been H-08, a nameless designation in the cold, sterile halls of the satellite where you’d been force to mine until your protoform ran out of strenght—a number, nothing more. You hadn’t even thought it mattered, hadn’t known it could matter, until Starlight came along. She’d been the one to look past the designation, to see you for who you were, not what they made you to be.
She didn’t see you and think, "What is she for?" but instead, "What is she like? What are her hopes and dreams?" She didn’t once think to see you above or below her. Nor did she ever think you were better than her or she better than you. You were her equal; she drilled that into you.
Starlight had always pushed you to choose a name, something that was yours and no one else’s, just like how she had chosen Vaportrail’s name.
"You deserve that. Not a number, not some cold code in a system. A real name. One that means something to you."
At first, you hadn’t understood why it mattered. Why choosing a name felt like reclaiming something, like grabbing hold of a piece of yourself that had been hidden away. But as time passed, you’d grown into it, and when you finally said it out loud for the first time, Starlight’s optics had gleamed with pride.
That name was all you had left of her now, and you weren’t about to let Bullway or anyone else take it from you.
Bullway snorted, his optics narrowing. "Whatever you call yourself—it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still standing here because I let you. Don’t forget that."
But his words fell flat against the wall of resolve that had built up inside you. You met his glare without flinching, the weight of your name grounding you. You were Y/N, and no matter how many battles or insults Bullway threw your way, that wouldn’t change.
"I didn’t ask for this," you said, your voice initially a whisper, but soon growing into words that the entire room could hear, "but you threw me in that pit, and I survived. I earned my place here, and I’ll keep earning it. Don’t talk to me like I’m some scrap metal to be tossed around. I won. He lost. That’s how this works, isn’t it?"
The defiance in your voice seemed to shock him, and for a moment, the entire lobby went deathly silent. The mechs perched on the balconies leaned forward slightly, some in surprise, others in thinly veiled approval.
"You think that makes you special?" he spat, "Killing one gladiator doesn’t make you invincible."
"I don’t need to be invincible. Just strong enough to survive."
Bullway glared at you for what felt like an eternity, his faceplates tight with frustration. Finally, he exhaled, stepping back just enough to let the tension drop a fraction. His optics roamed over you as if sizing up what you had left after that brutal match.
"Well, congratulations," he said, turning on his heel sharply. "You survived. But don’t think this is over. There’s always someone bigger and stronger waiting, and next time, I won’t care how long they’ve been in the pit. You better be ready."
The door slammed behind him, the echo reverberating through the lobby.
"Don’t just stand there like a lamppost!" A mech seated by the stairs raised his voice, causing you to look his way instinctively. "For Primus’ sake, look at her. Somebot take her to the infirmary!"
#midnightbears#transformers x you#transformers x reader#transformers one#transformers#megatronus x reader#megatron x you#megatron x reader#megatron#megatronus#orion pax#elita one#cybertronian reader#d 16 x reader#d 16#d-16 x reader#optimus prime#tf one#transformers one x reader#transformers prime#tf
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I mean according to my calculations he’s two D-16 and crumbs tall… if D is around 32 ft tall… that means Megatronus Prime looks like that compared to a 6 ft tall man;

Bro that's hamster size for them. You can literally recreate this meme:

With a bigger banana
#transformers x human#transformers x reader#tfone#tfone megatronus#tfone megatronus x reader#maccadam#valveplug
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Megatronus catch them alone in one room🙊
Past y/n prime
#transformers au#transformers one#transformers idw#transformers#transformers x reader#transformers x you#y/n is a prime#prime reader#prima prime x reader#prima prime#zeta prime#megatronus
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OMG! More Megatronus Prime pls (when u have time) I wanna see where this is going!
And more tiny Shockwave for your troubles (Ft TFP Vehicon, I love Vehicons and drones in TF they make me irrationally happy)

Sure! Honestly I was tempted to do a Vehicon reverse harem crack fic. All the Vehicons trying to collectively woo one very overwhelmed and unlucky reader with Steve as their spokesmech

Give It Up Pt 2
Megatronus Prime x Reader
• Fumbling and almost dropping the tiny, flailing organic in his hand, he tries to figure out where you’d come from. And how to get you to stop making that noise. “Here, little one. Stop. Please stop?” Awkwardly bouncing you like a sparkling as he tries to decide what to do with you, the screeching cuts off when you grab onto his servos. “There now. Can you speak?”
• Shuddering and convulsively swallowing, you’re afraid to make a peep in case the monster starts jostling you again. Because you’re probably going to hurl in your helmet if he does. And it’s talking at you. At least, you think the rough growling is language. Not knowing what it wants with you only that it’s not immediately eating you. That’s a good sign, right? Pushing at its big servos, you try to squirm loose. And are momentarily distracted by the glittering alien city you’re just noticing. Beautiful and impossible and are those buildings upside down?
• Servo cautiously nudging what he’s now certain is a helmet on your tiny head, he vents and carries you back inside. By some small bit of luck not running into any of the other Primes as he carries you to his habsuite. And avoiding their questions. Carefully setting you on his desk, he lets go of you and waits to see if you’re going to run off the edge. Relaxing when you only retreat to the side farthest from him and even though he can’t see through the helmet, he can feel your stare. “Alright,” he murmurs, pulling up the archives and all known organics. “How about we figure out what you are?”
• There’s no getting down without breaking something. The giant’s still grumbling nonsense at you as you try to get your anxiety in control. Okay, think. Reaching up to toggle your comm on, static squeals to make you wince into you cut it off. Well, that’s not a surprise. No signal, no communication. No rescue. Okay. How much oxygen do you have left? Water? Because sooner or later you’re going to run out of both and you have no idea if there’s air to breathe. Drinkable water. And you’re not quite ready to find out the hard way by taking the helmet off just to see if you suffocate. Oh, you’re terrified and spiraling. Because no one’s going to know what happened to you. Just gone. Can hear your own rough breathing, using up oxygen you don’t have to spare and unable to stop yourself.
• “You’re undocumented.” How are you an undocumented species? Glances down at you as you fiddle with a little lit up panel on your arm. You’re intelligent, obviously. But you don’t seem to understand him. “Can you understand me, little one?” Reaching out to nudge you, he vents when you stagger away chirping at him and swat at his servo. And then throw up your tiny hands, chirping and gesturing. What language is that? Laying his chin in his hand, he taps a servo against his mask. Well, you’ve got some fight. Being that tiny and still standing up to him. That fire is admirable. A little warrior.
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Hi Brave Police J-Decker fans! I'm from Brazil and love the anime, but I struggle with the Japanese audio and English subtitles. Could someone kindly explain the backstory of the robots in the anime for me?
#Bravepolicejdecker#transformers one#transformers oc#transformers mtmte#transformers headcanons#transformers bumblebee x reader#transfromers#megatronus prime#tf1#tfone#transformers one optimus#transformers bumblebee#brave police j decker#brave police#bpjd kagerou#bpjd#bpjd gunmax#bpjd deckerd#Bpjd decker#Duke bpjd#mccrane#shadowmaru#brave series#gunmax#power joe#robotics#anime 80s#anime 90s#robots#japan anime
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