#megan curtis
mimicurtis · 4 months
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@stevelucasrandle is that your hair without grease I see???
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mysteriousmeg · 10 months
I had to do it Mysteriousmeg style!!
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jujuheartz13 · 2 months
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never seen both these hotties in the same room.
#pony #stallion
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Just thinking about how underdeveloped Megan's relationship was with the rest of the team.
Megan teasing Walter and Paige about liking each other and hooking them up every chance she gets, calling Paige "sis". Ralph helping her and calling her "aunt Megan"
Megan and Happy getting along and Happy taking her on motorcycle rides.
Megan and Toby going to casinos and having alcohol together.
Unresolved tension between her and Cabe regarding how he irreversiblely traumatized her brother.
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Megan Fox fangirling about her Expend4ables cast mates.
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theneondreaming · 1 year
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The Expendables 4
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Les Expendables sont envoyés en Libye pour empêcher le mercenaire Suarto Rahmat de voler des têtes nucléaires pour le compte d'un mystérieux terroriste nommé Ocelot, que Barney Ross n'avait pas réussi à appréhender 25 ans auparavant. Barney mène donc son équipe, composée des membres habituels (Lee Christmas, Toll Road et Gunner Jensen), avec de nouveaux venus comme Easy Day et Galan, le fils de Galgo. Cependant, ils sont mis hors d'état de nuire lorsque tous leurs véhicules sont détruits lors de la lutte qui s'ensuit. Lorsque Rahmat abat leur avion, l'équipe trouve le corps brûlé de Barney dans les décombres, identifié par sa bague.
Lors des funérailles de Barney à La Nouvelle-Orléans, l'équipe est rejointe par Marsh, nouvel agent de liaison de la CIA auprès des Expendables. Ce dernier leur révèle qu'ils vont partir à la poursuite d'Ocelot et de Rahmat, mais sans Christmas. Marsh lui reproche en effet d'avoir compromis la mission en essayant de sauver Barney. Il est remplacé par Gina, son ancienne amante, qui amène également une nouvelle venue, Lash. L'équipe se rend en Asie, secrètement suivie par Lee Christmas, qui avait glissé un dispositif dans son couteau offert à Gina.
La mort de Barney a ouvert un dossier scellé qui indique qu'il y a un témoin oculaire qui pourrait identifier Ocelot. Ce dernier prévoit de provoquer la Troisième Guerre mondiale en laissant exploser les têtes nucléaires dans l'Extrême-Orient russe, en les transportant sur un navire déguisé en porte-avions américain. Alors que les Expendables et Marsh montent à bord du navire, ils sont pris en embuscade et détenus en otage. Marsh est emmené pour négocier un échange de prisonniers contre le témoin.
Pendant ce temps, Lee Christmas se rend en Thaïlande pour recruter l'ancien Expendable Decha, dont Barney disait le plus grand bien. Mais il s'est désormais tourné vers le pacifisme. Par respecter pour Barney et pour le venger, il accepte de le conduire avec son petit rafiot.
Christmas s'infiltre à bord du navire tenu par les hommes de Rahmat. Peu après, Decha change d'avis et l'aide à sauver le reste de l'équipe. Ils lancent une attaque intense. Christmas afronte Rahmat en corps à corps et le tue. Cependant, Toll Road est gravement blessé et a besoin de soins médicaux immédiats.
Lors de l'échange de prisonniers, il est révélé que Marsh est Ocelot et qu'il espère tirer profit de cette Troisième Guerre mondiale. Alors que l'équipe part sur le bateau de Decha pour sauver Toll, Christmas reste derrière pour faire demi-tour et se sacrifier, comme l'avait fait Barney, pour éviter un conflit mondial. Il affronte Marsh, qui est étonnamment tué par une personne arrivant en hélicoptère. Lee Christmas découvre avec surprise qu'il s'agit de Barney. Une fois qu'ils sont tirés d'affaire, Barney révèle à son ami qu'il a simulé sa propre mort pour attirer Ocelot hors de sa cachette et faire rouvrir le dossier. Ils échappent à l'explosion nucléaire et célèbrent avec l'équipe.
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artistaforever · 4 months
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Expend4bles (2023) Trailer
The fourth Expendables film is adding some new blood to the team. This time around the crew is trying to protect the world from nuclear weapons.
Expend4bles stars Jason Statham, Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, Megan Fox, Dolph Lundgren, Tony Jaa, Iko Uwais, Randy Couture, Jacob Scipio, Levy Tran, Andy Garcia, and Sylvester Stallone. Scott Waugh is directing.
Expend4bles releases to theaters on September 22, 2023.
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
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Megan Curtis for @come-along-pond
I hope you like it!
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come-along-pond · 2 years
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My Umbrella Academy OCs + Text Posts
ft. Delilah Miller, Sparrow! Delilah, Florence Hargreeves, Charlie & Megan Curtis.
We can thank @oneirataxia-girl for more TUA content...
taglist: @lilac-lemonade @witchofinterest​ @veetlegeuse @arrthurpendragon @sentineljedi @stanshollaand @foxesandmagic @edshopper @eddiemunscns @carmens-garden @dancingsunflowers-ocs @raith-way @ginevrastilinski @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @cecexwrites
Send an ask/message if you wish to be added or removed!
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mimicurtis · 4 months
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Wherever we go we leave our mark @dalwinston017 @jackjackeastwood
@imbaileywinston @stevelucasrandle
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themosleyreview · 1 year
The Mosley Review: Expendables 4
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I believe we're all familiar with the term "too little, too late" correct? Well that's especially true for this installment of a dying now dead franchise. The first film was campy fun with a healthy amount of blood, guts and a promise that was to see the action legends of the past come together in a massive film. That promise was fulfilled and then we got a sequel that doubled down. The second film improved on everything the first film did and fulfilled the dream of seeing the big 3 action stars of the 80's together on screen gunning down goons in the most explosive and violent way possible. Then the franchise went completely off the rails with its PG-13 third entry. The franchise really lost its identity by trying to pander to the younger audience by watering down the best elements of the franchise and over crowding the film with the popular stars at the time. Now comes this entry that desperately tries to get back on track with it being the hyper violent action driven vehicle it started out as. Well, it got the violence part right but after that, we are treated to one of the dumbest, lackluster and uninteresting action films I've seen in quite some time. Not only are most of the action scenes so boring, the characters themselves are tired and should have retired along time ago. The novelty this franchise used to be have was all but drained from this sequel and I was so sad watching it happen.
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Sylvester Stallone returns as Barney Ross and he still has the same charm as the character. He finally admits he's starting to get too old for his life style and is gone shortly after for most of the film. Jason Statham returns as his best friend Lee Christmas and he continues to be a fun character. The chemistry between them was the heart of the franchise and it continues here for the most part. Megan Fox joins the franchise as Lee's new girlfriend and CIA operator, Gina. Megan has done good work before, but this was by far her worst performance as she only is there for eye candy and delivering the worst onscreen chemistry I've ever seen between two "lovers". Randy Couture returns as Toll Road and he still does the same thing he's done since the first film. He delivers many random facts that somehow returns to him talking about his ear. Dolph Lundgren returns as Gunner Jensen and I still enjoy seeing his character go through many life changes. The character has shown real progress since his drunken days in the original and I liked that he has controlled that demon. Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson joins the team as Easy Day and he does his job. There really wasn't anything special about the character and he typically just fades into the background even when he's front and center. The great Tony Jaa joins the team as a former Expendable, Decha. There was a fun story that surrounded the character even though it was nothing you haven't seen before. I still enjoyed his presence on screen and when he gets to fighting, its still a joy to watch. Jacob Scipio joins as the son of former Expendable Galgo, Galan. He tries to capture that same energy that Antonio Banderas had in the previous film and that's basically it. Andy Garcia was all over the place as CIA Agent Marsh. He delivers his trademark charm in the beginning and the swings for the fences by the end of the film. He truly was having fun with the character and you could tell. The amazing Iko Uwais was the main protagonist of the film, Suarto Rahmat and what a waste. Sure he gets to show his amazing martial arts prowess, but that’s all. He wasn't menacing or even really that much of a threat once you get to the heart of his plot. He almost felt like a F1 racer stuck in the bus lane in a school pick up area. He never really got to open up against a worthy opponent.
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The score by Guillaume Roussel was nothing special. It was a decent backing track to the action in the film and accents the few emotional moments in the film. The action in the film was somewhat decent, but truly lacked the joyous feel of playing with your favorite action figures the others had. It all felt cheaply made and even more so with over use of CGI for a franchise known for its practical stunts. The extreme close ups in the middle of all the fights truly showed the lack of skill in filming and design of action sequences. This film really knocked the genre back a few decades and I was sorely disappointed and bored. Honestly, if you have any curiosity in seeing this hopefully final chapter, don't waste your money and wait for streaming. This is undoubtedly one of the worst films of 2023. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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Walter failed to save his sister.
Toby failed to save his mother.
The fact that they never made Toby comfort Walter after Megan's death and instead made Paige constantly and unnecessarily reopen Walter's wounds until he broke down is something I will never forgive the writers for.
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enchanted--roses · 2 years
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Gift exchange for @come-along-pond / @ginevranights
Oc: Olive Knight Relationship(s): Bucky Barnes Fandom: MCU
Oc: Megan Curtis Relationship(s): Diego Hargreeves Fandom: The Umbrella Academy 
Hope you like them!
i tagged both of your blog cause with tumblr, better be safe when it comes to tagging in post.
Forever Tag: 💠@fiercefray​ 💠 @foxesandmagic 💠 @valdrinors​ 💠@ochub​ 💠@ocappreciationtag​   💠 @fanficanatic-tw​ 💠  @robertdowneyhiddlesbatch   💠 @chickensarentcheap ​ (wanna be on any of my taglist? ask me!)
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zerounotvadri · 1 year
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La espera de casi 10 años está por terminar, el 21 de septiembre se acerca cada vez más y Los Indestructibles 4 se preparan para llenar de adrenalina las salas de cine mexicanas. Distribuida por Zima Entertainment y dirigida por Scott Waugh, está película junta a legendarias figuras del cine de acción y a la par, se enorgullece al presentar a sus nuevos elementos en un brutal póster.
LOS NUEVOS RECLUTAS   Ellos entrenan, las circunstancias los únen. Los implacables expertos en batallas Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren y Randy Couture unen puños está peligrosa misión con un escuadrón de nuevos y habilidosos combatientes integrados por:   Curtis James Jackson “50 Cent”.- El rapero y compositor es conocido por plasmar la acción y peligro en las calles a través de sus canciones; oriundo de Nueva York, el también actor se une a está memorable saga.    Megan Fox.- Diestra en filmes de acción, Fox será una de las integrantes de este nuevo legado. Ya sea como heroína o villana, los enfrentamientos y escenas de peligro han estado presentes a lo largo de su carrera. ¿Con qué nos sorprenderá en esta cinta?   Andy García.- Aclamado por sus ágiles y escurridizos papeles en películas como El padrino III (1990) o La Gran Estafa (2001), García es la pizca de “leyendas de acción” que caracteriza a esta franquicia.    Tony Jaa.- Un experto en artes marciales que se integra a las filas indestructibles. El tailandés demostró sus habilidades e impresionó a más de un ciento gracias a su participación en  la película china Detective Chinatown 3 (2021). Ahora, las patadas y acrobacias de Jaa serán parte de la última entrega de este homenaje al cine de acción.   Eddie Hall.- Inglaterra se hace presente y trae a uno de sus mejores combatientes en escena, el señor Hall. En 2017 se coronó campeón en la competencia atlética El hombre más fuerte del mundo. ¿Será Hall el hombre más fuerte de Los Indestructibles 4?    Iko Uwais.- Directo desde Indonesia llega el villano de esta nueva película. Un artista que ha logrado conjuntar sus dos pasiones, el cine y las artes marciales en películas como La Redada (2011). Conoce a Uwais como antagonista  y descubre sus mejores golpes.  
¡Este 21 de septiembre comienza la acción con LOS INDESTRUCTIBLES 4!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBCcadtMe6U
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