#megacon 18
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hettolandija · 3 months ago
2025 convention schedule (multi-fandom and SPN cons):
January 17-19 - Albuquerque Comic Con - Jared
January 24-26 - Fan Expo Portland - Jared February 6-9 - Megacon Orlando - Jared & Genevieve February 22-23 - Fan Expo Vancouver - Jared
March 14-16 - Toronto Comicon (Fan Expo Toronto) - Jared March 22-23 - Fan Expo Cleveland - Jared April 4-6 - JIB 15, Rome (JIB’s 15th Anniversary. SPN’s 20th.) - Jared, Jensen, Misha April 11-13 - Creation Entertainment BOSTON - Jared, Jensen, Misha April 25-27 - Creation Entertainment MINNEAPOLIS - Jared, Jensen, Misha May 9-11 - Cross Rroads 10, Birmingham - Jared, Misha May 16-18 - Creation Entertainment NEW JERSEY - Jared, Jensen, Misha May 31 - June 1 - Purgatory 9, Düsseldorf - Jared & Genevieve, Jensen, Misha June 6-8 - Creation Entertainment OKLAHOMA CITY - Jared, Jensen, Misha
June 20 - Dutch Comic Con - Jared June 28-29 - All Hell Breaks Loose 13 in Sydney & Melbourne - Misha June 28-29 - Netherworld Event (Netherlands) - no J2M yet July 11-13 - Creation Entertainment MICHIGAN - Jensen & Misha August 16-17 - For the Love of Fantasy Con - Jared, Misha August 22-24 - Creation Entertainment AUSTIN - Jared, Jensen, Misha September 5-7 - Creation Entertainment CHICAGO - Jared, Jensen, Misha September 26-28 - Creation Entertainment VANCOUVER - Jared, Jensen, Misha October 3-5 - Creation Entertainment PHILADELPHIA - Jared, Jensen, Misha October 25-26 - Purgatory Halloween Edition 2 (Düsseldorf, Germany) - Misha
October 31 - November 2 - Creation Entertainment NASHVILLE - Jared, Jensen, Misha November 16-23 - Creation Entertainment Cruise - Misha. The cruise is leaving out of Miami, Florida
December 6-7 - NetherAngels con (Netherlands) - Jared
I will edit this post and add more cons when there is some new info (updates are green)
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theaologies · 3 months ago
Since you've been going to it forever, what did you think of the new venue for Holmat?
Honestly I really liked it!! I know folks have been pretty negative about it but here’s my honest breakdown:
It felt like pre 2012 megacon. And I mean that in the best way possible.
The dealers room was huge and the artists alley was MASSIVE. I mean huge. With a fantastic selection of merch and goodies. I didn’t do many panels (they’re not really my thing) but the ones we did end up in were fun.
My only real complaint was the organization of where things were located because it was a HIKE to get from panel to panel. One can assume the OCCC doesn’t allow 18+ panels so those were all held in the Hyatt at night which meant going back and forth over the skybridge depending on where you wanted to be. The con center is pretty spread out in general meaning you always had to be walking to get from place to place. No big deal to me but I was in God’s worst shoes accidentally so my feet are a mess.
A lot of folks are bitching but like… what else did you want them to do? I’ve been going to HolMat since it’s literal first year when it was at the double tree across from Universal. Yeah the Marriott world is fancy but holy shit, everything else about it was a NIGHTMARE. Hotels, parking, transportation, overcrowding- HolMat is a nationally popular con, it has been for years, and it should’ve moved to the OCCC years ago.
It never felt crowded (besides between some of the AA booths, which could’ve been spread out more) in a way that I felt like I was going to fucking die BUT there were still PLENTY of people. Merch and AA selections were great, again, which is huge for me because even at NYCC I barely found ANYTHING I wanted.
It being in the West Concourse brought up SO many memories of old Megacon before it became unfathomably crowded and popular. I absolutely believe the people bitching are just mad about not having their fancy pool cosplays anymore. Could it be a little more decorated? Yeah I think. Panel locations better organized? Absolutely. Staff less power tripping and better trained? You bet. But the space was PERFECT for the number of people. Plus even not staying in the host hotels, there are so many within SUPER easy walking distance which made parking way less of an issue.
Genuinely I don’t know what folks who’re mad wanted. It has outgrown all the reasonable hotels in Orlando besides MAYBE (MAYBE- I don’t know all the deets on their convention space) the Gaylord but because ICE! Is there during December it could never happen.
Anyway, had a genuinely great time. 8/10, better space organization and move it to early December again please
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year ago
the gallery :: 2024 events (page 1)
bafta tea party batch 1 batch 2 batch 3 batch 4 batch 5 batch 6 batch 7 batch 8
critics choice awards batch 1 batch 2 batch 3 batch 4 batch 5 batch 6 batch 7 batch 8 batch 9 batch 10 batch 11 batch 12
primetime emmy awards batch 1 batch 2 batch 3 batch 4 batch 5 batch 6 batch 7 batch 8 batch 9 batch 10 batch 11 batch 12 batch 13 batch 14 batch 15 batch 16
megacon orlando batch 1 batch 2 batch 3
bfi chairman's dinner batch 1 batch 2
british gq exclusive dinner batch 1
brunelo cucinelli event "batch" 1 (there's only 1 photo this hardly a batch 🤣)
people's choice awards batch 1 batch 2 batch 3 batch 4 batch 5 batch 6 batch 7 batch 8 batch 9 batch 10 batch 11 batch 12 batch 13 batch 14 batch 15 batch 16 batch 17 batch 18 batch 19 batch 20 gifs 1 gifs 2
bbc's 500 words finalists reception batch 1
the prince's trust invest in futures gala dinner batch 1 batch 2 batch 3
hulu on disney plus launch party batch 1 batch 2
miami film festival batch 1 batch 2 batch 3 batch 4 batch 5 batch 6 batch 7 batch 8 batch 9 batch 10 batch 11 video 1
ankler x backstage screening for Loki S2 batch 1 batch 2
deadline contenders batch 1 batch 2 batch 3 batch 4 batch 5
emmys 'for your consideration' loki s2 batch 1 batch 2 batch 3
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madbrake · 2 years ago
Upcoming conventions: 
-MegaCon Orlando (February 6-9)
-FreeCon (March 29-30, Tallahassee, FL)
-C2E2 (April 11-13, Chicago, IL)
-Sakura-Con (April 18-20, Seattle, WA)
-SiestaCon (May 10, Sarasota, FL)
-Anime Boston (May 23-25, Boston, MA)
-MetroCon (July 25-27, Tampa, FL)
-Gen Con (July 31-August 3rd, Indianapolis, IN)
-Holiday Matsuri (Dec 19-21, Orlando, FL)
Shop Stuff:
Etsy - US shipping only, prints, keychains, stickers, etc.
Inprnt - International shipping available, prints only.
Commissions Status: Closed. Working on Comms
Tattoo Policy: You're welcome to use any of my art for tattoos for no charge!
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catlover-multifandom · 1 year ago
ah so I’ve finished rewatching fmab again. *admires Edward shirt* hopefully I don’t become unobsessed soon *puts on Alphonse sweatshirt* it’d be a shame *drops art book* oopsies let me grab that *drops 4 koma book* darn im real clumsy today hopefully I’ll be able to focus in class *opens 4 fmab fanfic wips, one of which is only in planning stages but said planning stages comprise of 60+ pages of info* darn I already can’t wait for next weekend *counting saved cash to find more fmab stickers at megacon*
I don’t foresee it going away anytime soon. dear irl friends, you’ll have to deal with it…
on an unrelated little note before I even began my rewatch and became obsessed again I was at a con in July and one booth was selling these stickers of crocodile ed from that one scene where he’s making fun of Mustang and I said “wow I love fmab I need to watch it again” and the artist was so happy and we had a convo about it and a guy walking by overheard and joined the convo and we had a nice little talk about how much we love Edward and then these people dropped their ages and they were late 20s and early 30s and here I am saying 18 😭😭 I bought the sticker btw gotta support artists!! that wasn’t a little note my apologies I just like to ramble
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jocelynships · 2 years ago
You know. Sometimes it hits me how much better life has gotten for me since all the bullshit I dealt with in 2016-early 2019. And god. It makes me emotional.
Putting stuff under a read more bc it does get a little heavy but it’s good
Not gonna ramble too much, but I was my very alone. Literally had no one in my family to rely on, and most of my friends lived super far away from me, so I didn’t see them often. And I was. Very isolated bc I wasn’t allowed to have a job or try to get a car. My grandparents would take me to college and that was it.
I was suicidal at that point and it wasn’t fun. I never had a plan or like. Cut myself. But I didn’t take care of myself at all. I was depressed all the time and didn’t find joy in anything except really self shipping. And even though the therapist I saw for a couple months wasn’t a good fit especially when she tried to pull my dad into everything, she did approve of that and said it was a good coping method.
But man. I wish so badly I could go back in time and hug my 18-20 year old self and tell her of all the amazing things that have happened to us.
We got to work at Disney. We got the most amazing boyfriend ever. His friends are amazing too! We finally got to go to Megacon, we met and are going to continue to meet our online friends. We met the voices of Sonic, Wolverine, and the Ninja Turtles! And speaking of Sonic, he finally got his movies and it they are GOOD! We saw Cats live on stage! We saw KISS, The Killers and Paramore live! We got our license and a car! We’re finally moving out away from our family! We work at Universal now! We’re finding happiness in small things again!
I just know younger me would be so happy to hear of these things. She’d be over the moon.
I’m just. Really grateful for all of this. And what really made me realize I’m finally becoming happy again is someone gave me a friendship bracelet on my way out of work tonight all because they liked my backpack and the pins I had, and it made my whole entire day.
I’m just. So happy right now. And so happy I had these fictional characters to help me through such a rough time in my life.
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btbigelow · 2 months ago
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here's to a hopefully prosperous and fruitful 2025 for all of us!! This is my confirmed convention lineup for 2025. I'm still waiting to hear back from some events. Next up: Megacon. I still can't believe I got in T v T I've been hard at work preparing for it, and admittedly I've sort of been spreading myself thin, hence my lack of posting here. Maybe after I can relax and take time on the commission queue.
Megacon, Orlando, February 6-9
Florida Polycon, Lakeland, March 15
C2E2, Chicago, April 11-13
Animazement, Raleigh, May 23-25
Bold Matsuri, Jacksonville, June 14-15
Anime Magic!, Chicago, August 15-17
Anime Iwai, West Palm Beach, TBA
Anime Expo, Los Angeles, July 3-6
ACEN, Chicago, May 16-18
Anime Boston, Boston, May 23-25
OtakuFest, Miami, June 6-8
Anime Festival Orlando, Orlando, June 20-22
Fan Expo Denver, Denver, July 3-6
Metrocon, Tampa, July 25-27
Tampa Bay Comic Con, Tampa, August 1-3
Fan Expo Boston, Boston, August 8-10
Fan Expo Chicago, Chicago, August 15-17
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mitsuhiroarita · 5 months ago
Jan 18-19 MegaCon Live Dublin
Date: 18-19 January, 2025Place: Dublin RDS – https://www.rds.ie/Deatils> If you have any inquiries, please ask the organizer. この投稿をInstagramで見る MegaCon LIVE(@megaconlive)がシェアした投稿
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joe-moi · 1 year ago
Jan 12-14 - FanExpo Portland
Feb 1-4 - MegaCon Orlando
Feb 17-18 - FanExpo Vancouver
thanks Bonnie!
Jk plan a con 🔫
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sobasicallyimafreak · 7 years ago
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Ayy folks if you took pics of/with us at MegaCon, we'd love to see em! If you'd rather share them on Instagram, we're @shaniwulffenellyjelly on there and ShaniWulffe and NellyJelly Cosplays on Facebook Thursday: Kate Bishop and America Chavez Friday: Ballet Widowmaker and Dead Gérard Saturday: Florida Mayhem Tracer and Emily Sunday: Bunny Tracer and Brigitte
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aftonfamilyvalues · 3 years ago
Yo the Spisak stuff is gonna blowing tf up in real time. I called this weeks ago when he announced he was going to megacon and I legitimately reached out to my friends and said shits gonna go down again just you wait. SURE AS SHIT he posted him and his partner to his insta and left the comments open and people are losing their minds.
i just checked his instagram and saw that most recent post but oh god
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blueburds · 7 years ago
someone should uhhh def take me to blizzcon next year
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sunnydale-digest · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald, Sunday, May 9
BUFFY: Hey. SPIKE: It's a happy occasion. You meet my friend? BUFFY: No, not yet. But she seems like a very nice attempt at making me jealous. SPIKE: Is it working? BUFFY: A little. It doesn't change anything ... but if you're wildly curious, yeah, it hurts. SPIKE: I'm sorry... Or, Good!
~~Hell's Bells~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Warren's Comeuppance (Crossover with Lord of the Rings, E) by Aragorn II Elessar
Starving (Faith/Reader, E) by RiveBiFiveMind
The Trio meets the Blue Devil (Crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog, T) by Bl4ckHunter
Unwanted Assistance (Crossover with Godzilla, G) by majingojira
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Reunited for eternity (Willow/Tara, T) by Aragorn II Elessar
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Not Like We Knew (Crossover with The L-Word, FR18) by Lowlifer
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Eliza: The Vampire Child, Chapter 1 (Spike/Drusilla, T) by Puella Pulchra
Hooked on a Feeling, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by EllieRose101
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The Groom of Rosenberg, Chapter 12 (Willow, K) by regertz
Sooner or Later, Chapter 9 (Angel/Buffy, T) by butimbroken
Eliza: The Vampire Child, Chapter 2 (Spike/Drusila, T) by Puella Pulchra
Held in Gass Jars, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Angel, T) by butimbroken
The Ratchet Effect, Chapter 13 (Ensemble, T) by michael t
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Web, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by DarkVoid116
Falling in Love, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Wonder and Ashes
En hurlant à Une Lune de Béton, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, French language, NC-17) by Violette-Milka
Mortal Allies Series, Episode 5: War and Roses, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Someone to Lean On, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MaggieLaFey
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The Saviors of The Three Worlds, Chapter 36 (Crossover with Once Upon a Time, FR13) by Kittykitkat
Invasion USA, Chapter 16 (Crossover with Harry Potter, FR7) by Buffyworldbuilder
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The Ring Talks, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Spike and Dawn comic panel by spikedru
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “Amends” part 2 Xx by whatshisfaceblogs
Image:Buffy/Faith in Sims 4 by emailmy-heart
Manip: Buffy S10x11 comic page remastered by l0veisntbrains
Manip: Buffy S10x12 comic page remastered by l0veisntbrains
Manip: PJ Harvey - The Devil (Spuffy) by spyder-baby
Manip: Drusilla by spyder-baby
Manip: Spike/Drusilla by spyder-baby
Manip: Spike/Buffy by spyder-baby
Manip: Spuffy by l0veisntbrains
Video:Spuffy question song (NSFW) by katrowbeeshow, shared by akajustmerry
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Video:My birthday was yesterday; my husband got me Cameos from James Marsters and Juliet Landau. James was awesome and he called me “pet”, but Juliet’s gave me CHILLS (sfw) by 11whatsnewpussycats
Video: Some people asked to see my other birthday Cameo from James Marsters. Hearing him say “Happy birthday, pet” made my LIFE (sfw) by 11whatsnewpussycats
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Video: Kitty Plague covers Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme song by Mark Haemmerle
Video: Buffy & Spike | Loving you is a losing game by xXmultifandomXx
Digital Sculpt: Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Rocco Tartamella
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x6 "Wild at Heart" Reaction by MyCupOfTv
THEY MERGED?! - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction - 4x21 - Primeval by TheLexiCrowd
Buffy 1x8 I, Robot... You Jane (REACTION!) by Big Time Knights
THE FREDDY KRUEGER SLAYER! Buffy, the Vampire Slayer 2x18 'Killed By Death' by Elie Moses
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3x12 - "Helpless" Reaction by DodoReactions
[Community Announcements]
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James Marsters MegaCon Orlando 2022 Schedule by dontkillspike
The Spring 2022 round of Seasonal Spuffy is about to begin! by Seasonal Spuffy
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The Spring 2022 round of Seasonal Spuffy is about to begin! by Seasonal Spuffy
Sign Up for Some Gifts! (Dreamwidth points) by 3weeks4dreamwidth
[Fandom Discussions]
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Bangel as a metaphor for virginity by hellboysblazer
The absurd geography of Sunnydale by coraniaid
Transcript censorship by coraniaid
In defense of Kennedy by maclayrightswarrior
Rewatch phases by spikesdru
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What was the message in "Ted"? continued by multiple authors
Was Angel right to “take the deal” and rewrite Connor’s life? by multiple authors
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Rewatch update: Xander needs to GTFO by ChocChipBananaMuffin and multiple authors
Angel-hating post: Give us your best insult for Mr. Broody Forehead. Be creative. Be ruthless! by multiple authors
Share some Angel love!!! by multiple authors
Poll: ELIMINATION GAME ROUND 6. Riley, The Master AND Robin Wood were eliminated in a tie. (25 characters remaining) by jennykmusic
Maybe I’m reaching but thought for a moment this was a jay & silent bob cameo in Angel: After the Fall by multiple authors
What if ATS was never made, and Cordelia and Angel stayed on BTVS? Would the show be better if some of it's most established characters remained? by multiple authors
Buffy has become very popular with Gen Z recently and what I find hilarious is that you can overtly tell whether someone is a Millennial or Gen Z based on whether or not they like Xander. by multiple authors
A Chosen Challenge (ship meta) by multiple authors
What was Holtz' motivation before...? by multiple authors
I can’t stop crying. Rewatching as an adult and seeing Willow being addicted to magic, I can’t stop crying. “Goodbye To You” is now stuck in my head. by multiple authors
Stunt doubles by multiple authors
What if AMy Madison became a series regular on Buffy? by Legend246888 and multiple authors
Let's fanwank the reason for Giles' weird personality change in season 7! by multiple authors
Your Thoughts about the spin off Angel? by multiple authors
What’s your favorite scene from season one? by multiple authors
What’s your favorite scene from season two? by multiple authors
What’s your favorite scene from season three? by multiple authors
Question on Angel and Darla from S1E7 "Angel" by krissyontheflip and multiple authors
Share your opinion/thoughts on the Wesley&Lilah relationship? by multiple authors
How do you feel about Spuffy? by potterhead123456 and multiple authors
Why do you love Oz and what's your favorite Oz moments!?! by multiple authors
Time in Ken's dimension by multiple authors
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1997 Cast Then And Now 2022 - How They Changed In 25 Years by Actors Favorite Moments
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navithefairy · 8 years ago
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Went to Megacon as Android 18 today. :)
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we-have-jaams · 5 years ago
List of Comic Conventions that Mena is going to attend
As this is a Mena blog, I thought I'd inform fellow fans who are living in the US/ Canada/ Middle East region about what cons Mena will be attending just in case he happens to be invited somewhere near you ☺️
- Middle East Film and Comic Con ( March 5 -7)
- FanExpo Dallas (March 28 - 29)
- Megacon Orlando (April 18 - 19)
- Calgary Expo (April 25 - 26)
Upcoming projects to look out for:
- Run This Town (In US/Canadian theatres March 6, international release unconfirmed)
- Lamya's Poem ( Unconfirmed release date but possibly in late 2020) [Animated feature film]
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9hiddenshallows · 5 years ago
Chris has been announced as a guest for two new conventions tonight: the Calgary Expo (Canada) on April 25 and the MegaCon Orlando (Florida, USA) on April 18. Links on the website.
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