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Hiccups, Pens, and Other Ways Bob Might be a Wizard (Bob Floyd x Reader)
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Reader
Word Count: 7.4k
Summary: Five times your teammate Bob knows and does the exact thing you need and one time you hope to return the favor.
Author’s Note: As is a theme in my fics, I love love love friends to lovers and a 5+1 fic. This one happens to be with the sweetest WSO around, who I'm convinced is a Nana's Boy and an acts of service guy. This work can also be found here at my ao3. I hope you enjoy!
Your morning exercise is going to start any minute and you can’t stop hiccupping. Usually some nice slow sips of water get rid of your hiccups but for some reason that doesn’t seem to be working right now. Eventually you set your water bottle down and groan.
Hangman and Coyote are laughing hysterically each time you hiccup, as if they’ve never heard someone have them before, and you can tell that Rooster is trying his best not to laugh along with them.
“It’s not that” hic “ funny.” You say, rolling your eyes at your teammates and thankful that Mav hasn’t arrived yet to start the day.
“It really is. You sound like a little mouse. Maybe we’ll change your name to Squeaky.” Hangman can barely get out in between laughs. For some reason, this is what breaks Rooster’s composure and he starts laughing along, muttering something you can’t quite catch about cheese.
You’re not offended, and you’re not really annoyed with your teammates, you just really want these damn hiccups to go away. You’ve held your breath, tried slowly drinking water, and you just can’t get rid of them. You know that Hangman is right and you sound ridiculous and all you can do is hope that by the time your morning officially starts and you all observe the first flight of the day, you’ll be back to normal. It’s not like they’re your fault, but you’re sure that Mav will give you shit for interrupting and distracting the team if they’re still happening once the day starts. At this point, you’re almost desperate enough to ask one of the guys to try and scare you. Almost.
You hear footsteps down the hall, and pick your water back up, hoping that if Mav’s on his way in, you’ll get lucky and be able to kick your hiccups quickly once and for all.
“What’s your callsign?” Bob calls out as he comes into the room, flight suit on and helmet in hand. Bob and Phoenix are first in the air this morning, and you’re surprised he’s in the briefing room instead of out on the tarmac.
“What?” hic .
Bob clearly knows your callsign, you’ve known each other for years, you two go back before the Uranium mission. Besides, even if you only met a few months ago, it’s painted on the side of your plane and in true Top Gun fashion, everyone else calls you it pretty much exclusively.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to go up?” You ask.
“I’ve got a few minutes. Humor me?” It’s Bob, so even though you’re confused, you do. You’re not sure that there’s much that Bob could ask of you that you wouldn’t do without much hesitation.
“It’s” hic “Hawk.” You tell him, knowing that your tone conveys your confusion.
“Oh no, it’s Squeak now.” As per usual, you and Bob both ignore Hangman. You are tempted to flip him off but know that with your luck, that’ll be the moment an admiral strolls by. You keep your hands down and your attention focused on Bob.
“Good. Full name?” Bob nods earnestly as he asks, and you’re sure you’re looking at him suspiciously, but you go along with it, giving him your first, middle, and last name in between hiccups.
“Last one – what’s your birthday?” Okay, now you’re sure he has to be up to something but you give him the month and date, turning to look at Rooster who just shrugs.
“With the year?” Once again, you do what Bob asks and repeat your birthday, tacking on the year at the end. “Oh shit gotta run, you’re welcome Hawk!” Bob looks down at his watch and turns around to run, presumably out to the tarmac.
“What was that?” You turn to ask the rest of the squad when suddenly you realize that somewhere between your full name and now, your hiccups have completely disappeared.
“RIP Squeak, she squeaked her last squeak.” Fanboy’s comment doesn’t make sense, but everyone is laughing anyway.
You head to the door to watch Bob run out to meet Phoenix on the tarmac, yelling out after him.
“Bob what the fuck? Are you a wizard?” Shaking your head in disbelief, you make your way back to your seat just in time for Maverick to come in and turn on the flight radio to begin the day’s exercises. Mav’s clearly in a mood so you’re extra thankful, even if you’re not sure what drew Bob to the training room in the first place or how his interrogation solved your hiccup problem.
Resolving to ask Nat later, you grab a pen and your notepad and start trying to pay complete attention to Maverick as he walks you through the morning’s plan even though your mind keeps trying to drift towards your favorite WSO.
“Damn.” You’re trying to finish jotting down some thoughts before your next meeting, but your pen doesn’t seem to be cooperating. “Nat, do you have a spare pen I can borrow?”
Judging by her grimace, you know what she’s going to say before she says it.
“Sorry, Hawk. Try one of the guys?”
You love your teammates, you trust them with your life – literally – but at the end of the day, sometimes they’re useless. This is one of those times. For a group of highly decorated aviators, it’s shocking how often one of you has to cave and buy an entire box of cheap pens to keep around for everyone’s use.
Given how often you and Phoenix have teased the guys for using a last-resort pen (as you’d dubbed them), you really don’t want to have to go grab one. Even if you hadn’t given the guys shit about it, you’re particular about your pens when it comes to your personal work notes.
Contrary to popular belief, not everything you do at work is officially on the record, required by law. There’s nothing in your meeting notes that would require them to be kept or maintained, by policy, so while they’ll be securely disposed of due to their reference to highly classified information, they’re yours to do with what you’d like. For you, that means writing them with a gorgeous gel pen in your favorite shade of purple.
It’s one thing when you’re submitting something official, on record, then you understand the need for a simple blue or black ink. Truly, you don’t mind all of the rules and regs, you wouldn’t have survived this long in the Navy if you did. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to branch out where you can, and for you an easy way is your note-taking. Your mom has always had the most beautiful handwriting, and is always taking notes, and jotting down thoughts and to-do lists in pens of all colors with stationery scattered around the house. While your handwriting is a far cry from hers, you definitely got her love of stationary and pretty pens.
You’d once swapped Hangman’s pen for a sparkly pink gel pen after he’d made a bullshit comment about your notes, calling you Naval Aviator Barbie. You’d only agreed to give his original pen back once he apologized to you and Nat, and admitted that your ability to do your job and your pen choice are completely separate. That, and you made him promise to buy you each two drinks the next time you went to the Hard Deck.
Was the punishment worth the crime? Not at all. You eagerly admitted to Nat later that you were already in a bad mood, and had lashed out even though you knew Hangman was just having fun. Sure he crossed a line now and then, but even you admitted that his pen comment wasn’t one of them.
To your amusement, he refused to give back the pink pen and occasionally left you notes written in it, or loaning it to the rest of the team when they inevitably turned up without a pen.
This time, it’s your turn without a pen. Normally you have a spare, but you suddenly realize that you forgot to grab an extra, last time you were in this situation. Looking down at your beautiful purple pen once more, you resign yourself to having to go grab a cheap pen from the box at the side of the room.
Sighing as you stand up to make your way to the box of shame cheap pens, you’re stopped by a hand on your arm.
“Did you say you needed a pen?” Bob asks.
“Yeah, I thought I had one.” You shrug. As much as you love your pretty pens, it really isn’t the end of the world, you’ve already spent a very silly amount of time thinking about it.
“I have one!” Bob smiles as he reaches into his pocket.
Bob, like you, appreciates a decent pen, though he’s more likely to stick to a standard blue. Which is why you’re surprised when he pulls an exact duplicate of the pen in your hand out of his pocket.
“Bob, you lifesaver. That’s my favorite pen! Thank you!”
“I know. It’s no big deal.” He brushes off your thanks and heads back to his chair.
You’re not sure how you got so lucky as to have Bob have one of your favorite kinds of pens ready for you, but you’re not complaining. In fact, it makes it even sweeter a few minutes later when Fanboy’s pen dies and he makes a show of getting a last-resort pen. As Fanboy grabs his new pen, you tear off the page you’re writing on and slide it over to Bob.
Bob reads your thank you note (in your pretty purple pen) and smiles, while you try and avoid making eye contact with Nat. She knows you too well to accept ‘it’s polite to say thank you’ as an excuse for your handwritten note, and you definitely don’t want to have that conversation with her at work, in front of everyone. You wouldn’t put it past her to say something, especially since she’s been on you about catching you staring at Bob lately. You know that eventually you’ll cave and talk to her about it, but for now you make a show of focusing on your new pen and preparing for your next meeting.
3:07 A.M.
Maverick’s Angels(Dagger Emoji)
You: Hey guys, ask me what I’m doing
You: Okay what are you doing, Hawk?
You: Thank you for asking! I’m currently sitting outside my building waiting for FD to shut off the alarm at my building for the third time. Third!! Twice now they’ve gotten it off just for it to start again within 30 seconds. I’ve been out here for an hour.
You: I will both beg and pay whoever is getting coffee tomorrow (today???) to get me a large instead
You: Please
You: I’m like 99% sure it’s Coyote’s week. Javy I’ll love u forever.
You: & if I’m wrong, I’ll love whoever puts my coffee in my hand (sorry Javy. or not. If it is you. Idk anymore).
6:15 A.M.
Bob Floyd: Swap coffee runs with me. I’ll go this morning, you can go next week.
Bob Floyd: Please.
Javy Machado: (salute emoji)
Sometime after the Uranium mission, after being stood up as a special detachment at North Island, you all fell into the routine of Friday morning coffee. You can’t even remember who started it, but someone suggested that once a week, someone stops by the coffee shop near base to pick up coffee for everyone. It’s close enough to base to not be wildly inconvenient, but the most important thing is that it’s off base. There’s only so much cheap government office coffee you can drink.
You have a standing order for Friday mornings, and a rotation for who gets it. No one person has to be the one to pay, pick it up, or bring it more than once in two months with your arrangement. As far as anyone knew, it was supposed to be Coyote’s week to grab the coffee, so when you run into the briefing room (later than you normally would but not enough to be considered truly late), you’re surprised to see Bob handing out coffees.
You’re so busy complaining to Phoenix about how tired you are that you didn’t even stop to look down at the coffee being put in your hand before taking a sip of it. It’s a large as opposed to your regular medium order and you’re so thankful you sent that 3AM text in the group chat. As you take a sip, you’re pleasantly surprised by the flavor.
On the weekend, the sweeter your coffee, the better. You love adding different syrups and flavors, trying whatever specialty latte or coffee the barista recommends. You’re just as happy with a simple medium iced coffee, black with one sugar, and you know that’s significantly easier for the weekly coffee roundup so on Fridays you keep your order simple. Which means you took a sip expecting an iced coffee, black with just a hint of sweetness, and instead you end up recognizing the taste of an iced maple latte, with a little cinnamon stirred in and what you think might also be an extra shot of espresso.
Rooster comes flying into the room to grab his coffee, and you barely have time to toss Bob an extremely grateful smile and mouth a quick ‘thank you’, seconds before Maverick strolls in, grabbing his own coffee and going to the front of the room to start the day.
When you woke up at your normal, much later than 3AM, time you had been pretty sure that your sleep-addled self was right, it was Coyote’s week to grab coffee. You’re so thankful you were wrong. Only Bob would have thought to change up your order and grab your number one favorite latte, knowing that you had a rough night (morning?).
It’s not until later when you’re chatting with Fanboy that you overhear Bob thanking Coyote for swapping coffee weeks with him. You’re sure Fanboy notices the way you pause, mid-sentence while you take in this information, but he does you the favor of not saying anything, steering you back to your conversation while you wonder what, if anything, Bob might have meant with your coffee.
You’re supposed to be heading out the door any minute to go see some local band perform. You should be leaving shortly, just as soon as Bob and Nat come to pick you up. The three of you will be going to meet Hangman, Rooster, Fanboy, and Coyote at the bar. Knowing how punctual Nat and Bob are, you were pretty proud of yourself for managing to be ready on time, until you couldn’t find your phone. As unnatural as it would feel to go out without it, it would be even worse since you were the one to download everyone’s tickets.
So far you’ve triple checked the pockets of your denim shorts, checked the pockets of the comfy robe you wore getting ready, looked under the cushions of your couch, scoured every counter and dresser top, and you just can’t find it. If only this venue was more old school, you’d be able to print out a copy of your tickets from your laptop but no, they have to use a rotating QR code.
“Fuck.” You groan, deciding to drop to your knees and check under the couch. You can’t imagine why it would be there, but considering you haven’t found it in any of the places that would have made sense, it’s worth a shot.
“Hi, it’s us.” Natasha calls out as she walks into your apartment. “Door was unlocked.”
“Come in.” You yell back from your spot searching under the couch.
You hear footsteps coming closer as Nat and Bob head into the living room, where they find you on your knees, ass up, searching for your phone. Your search feels even more urgent and even more ridiculous now that your friends have arrived to witness it.
“Damn, nice view.” Without being able to see her, you know Nat’s talking about your ass. You maneuver yourself so that the arm closest to her stops feeling around for your phone and instead snakes out from under the couch to flip her off. Unsurprisingly, Natasha laughs at this and you’re pretty sure you hear a chuckle from Bob.
“Um, Hawk, what’s up?” Bob tentatively asks.
Groaning one more time, annoyed with yourself, you scoot backwards out from under the couch and sit back on your heels, looking up at your friends.
“I can’t find my phone. I know we’re supposed to be on our way but I can’t find the damn thing I’ve checked everywhere. And even worse, I have everyone’s tickets on it.” You tell them, standing up and pointing out where you’ve already looked as Natasha starts retracing your footsteps.
Once you’ve finished your brief recap of where you were when you noticed it was gone, and where you’ve looked, Bob gives you a brief nod and heads into the kitchen. Shrugging, you and Natasha follow as he walks determinedly over towards your fridge where he reaches up, grabbing your phone.
“Oh my god, you found it.” Your jaw drops. “Maybe you really are a wizard.”
“What the fuck, Hawk? Why would it have been there?” Natasha laughs, snapping a quick picture of Bob, the fridge, and your phone, to use to tease you about later.
“What could have possessed me to put it up there? Thanks, Bob.” Walking over to grab your phone, you catch your reflection in the microwave. “Ah shit, give me one second, let me go fix my hair then we can go.”
You dash off to the bathroom to smooth your hair back down from its slight messiness, caused no doubt by your search under the couch.
“Alright, let’s go. I don’t want to hear shit from Bagman if we’re late.” Nat grabs your purse off its hook, calling out to let you know she has it as she heads outside to start the car.
“Seriously, you’re a lifesaver Bob. How could you possibly know that’s where I put it?” You ask as you meet him by the door and duck down to tug on your shoes.
Bob shrugs, “I pay attention, and I know you.”
For a moment, you’re so thrown off by the admission that you nearly stumble. You catch yourself, crouched down, one foot in the air, still trying to put on your shoe, and try to figure out how a person responds to something that kind and that blunt. Before you have a chance to do anything other than finish putting on your shoes, straighten up, and smile at Bob, you hear the car horn outside as Natasha indicates her growing impatience.
Together, you set outside as Bob waits while you lock up. You’re excited for tonight, you love going to concerts and spending time with your friends, and while you walk towards the car, you’re thinking about the possibility that your inevitable twirling around the dance floor with Nat might turn into a dance with Bob as well.
“Ladies first.” Getting to the car half a step before you, Bob politely opens the front passenger door and gestures for you to take the seat next to Nat. As you climb in, neither you nor Bob say anything about the slight blush on both of your faces, and you hope that Nat’s too focused on pulling out of the driveway to notice.
“So is this a good time to ask why you didn’t just log into your computer and transfer the tickets to one of us?” Nat asks once you get on the highway.
“It most certainly is not.” You reply, trying not to groan (again) at how flustered you were by your own confusing choice of places to set your phone.
“Whatever, fridge girl.” Nat looks like the cat that got the cream as you groan at your new nickname. You can only hope that you can remind her how much you love her as your best friend and talk her out of using it in front of the guys later. You know Hangman would never let you live it down, and he certainly doesn’t need any more encouragement to drive you nuts.
“Seriously Bob, how did you know where my phone was?” You turn around to look at the man in the backseat.
“I’ve seen you put it there before, and then also forget where it is.” He admits, with a sweet smile that doesn’t feel mocking, even though you both know how silly it is.
“How have I never noticed that?” You’re asking yourself just as much as you’re asking him.
“Oh, whenever I notice, I move it back down to the counter so it’s easier to spot.” Bob says, in a very matter of fact way, like it isn’t one of the sweetest things you’ve ever heard.
This time, you know that Nat catches the blush on your cheeks and from the look she’s giving you, you just know that you’re going to get pulled aside later to finally talk about your feelings. Depending on how many rounds you can talk Hangman into buying you first, you think you might just let her. Turning back to face the road, you decide that you aren’t just thinking about dancing with Bob, you’re actively hoping for it and looking forward to what the night might entail.
It’s been half an hour since you sat down, and you’re getting the feeling that your date truly isn’t coming. You’d tried to rationalize to yourself that half an hour isn’t the end of the world (maybe traffic was bad) before remembering that you were already five minutes late to get to the restaurant, and it took them another fifteen minutes to seat you. So really, Prince Charming is 50 minutes late.
You groan, remembering Phoenix teasing you about your date in front of the rest of the team this morning, knowing that they’re bound to ask you about it tomorrow. The date was with some friend of a friend so you’re not all that broken up about him personally, it’s just the general feeling of embarrassment that stings.
Picking your phone up, you text Phoenix that you’re admitting defeat and are trying to figure out whether you should cut your losses and call an uber to head home or stay and at least treat yourself to dinner. Until you see your phone light up and laugh at yourself for not assuming that your best friend would make the decision for you.
7:52 PM
Natty: Give me 15, I’m on my way. I’ll come in on my knees begging your forgiveness for being late. Take all of the attention off you and onto my groveling.
You: You’re ridiculous.
You: See you soon.
You slide your phone away, recognizing that an apology text from your date won’t be coming and order a second glass of wine the next time your waitress walks by. You’re probably not the first person to have been stood up in this restaurant, but if the waitress gives you a look of pity one more time you might just melt into the floor. So you spend the next few minutes making a point to really read the menu, and hope that Nat won’t actually be too embarrassing when she shows up.
“I’m sorry darlin’, I just completely couldn’t get away sooner.” Looking up, you’re shocked to see Bob standing in front of you, holding flowers, and wearing his uniform. You hear a soft aww from behind you as the waitress comes up to take Bob’s drink order.
Bob hands you the flowers as he sits down, and smiles at you.
“Well hi there. I can’t say I was expecting you.” You smile at the flowers, and then at Bob.
“I was at Tasha’s and she mentioned what happened. She said she was going to come cause a scene begging for your forgiveness but then thought maybe me coming in late, in uniform, would make up for it as opposed to her groveling at your feet. Ya know, imply work’s why I was late.” Bob gestures to the uniform and blushes as the two of you laugh over the image of Phoenix begging your forgiveness.
“Well, who can resist a man in uniform? I mean truly, why else do you think I even joined up?” You joke.
It’s not a joke you’d make to most people, knowing that so many do think that way about women in the military. But you trust Bob. Mama Floyd raised a good one, and you know he’s never once thought of you or Natasha that way, and he frequently listens to you two complain about the guys who do.
You’re still not entirely sure why it’s Bob coming to your rescue instead of Nat but you’re thankful he’s here saving you from further embarrassment and it’s not like you’re complaining about getting to have dinner with a kind, handsome man in uniform. Even if it’s the same uniform you have in your closet, and even if he’s just a friend. Because that’s all he is, right? Right. At least that’s all that you’ve let yourself admit. Gently shaking your head as if to physically knock those thoughts off to the side, you look back up at Bob.
“If you still want to go home, we can. I just thought that maybe this way you’d still get a nice dinner. I thought maybe it would be better…” Bob trails off, a shy shrug betraying his hesitation.
“Better than doing a solo walk of shame out of here alone, having clearly been stood up? It’s definitely better. Thanks, Bob. As long as you don’t mind being my date for the night.” You wink.
“Oh no, ma’am. Special orders from Lieutenant Trace to ‘do the charming gentleman thing’, and also for us to bring back ice cream.” That doesn’t surprise you. You’re not sure which one of the three of you has the bigger sweet tooth, and regardless of how the night went you had already been planning to stop at the nearby ice cream shop to bring something back for a post-date debrief with Nat, hoping that maybe Bob would be there too.
“Then let’s do it.” You slip your hand in Bob’s as the two of you look over the menu, and chat about your day. Eventually the waitress comes back with Bob’s drink and the two of you place your orders, with Bob politely letting you go first.
When your food arrives, you reluctantly pull your hand out of Bob’s. You’re not entirely sure why Bob hadn’t pulled his hand away, maybe he’s trying to really sell your fake date for the waitress? Regardless, you like the feeling of your hand in his warm one and are more than happy, if a bit confused, to keep it there as long as you can.
“So, possibly-a-wizard Bob, the hiccup trick. How? And how did you even know I needed you?”
“Oh,” he laughs, “well I’d left my glasses cloth in my locker and always prefer having it on me before I go up, just making sure they’re as clean as possible before I’m in the air.” You nod, knowing exactly what he means. The two of you had joked before about wishing glasses had teeny tiny wipers like car dashboards, especially for people like the two of you with a job requiring such an attention to detail.
“I was walking past the training room and heard you hiccupping and Hangman’s loud mouth teasing you, so I figured that wasn’t the first one. As for the cure, no clue why it works. It’s a Nana Floyd special.” He admits.
“Why am I not surprised, if anyone’s magic, it’s absolutely your nana.” You and the team had a chance to meet her when she came for a visit with Bob’s parents, and you immediately took a liking to the sweet woman. You’ve always been close with your own grandmother, and it certainly helped how much of Bob you could see in his nana.
“Exactly, so I figured I had just enough time to help you out. I was just hoping it would work and that it wasn’t a Nana-only secret.” He smiles.
“Fair enough, I’m pretty lucky the Floyd magic works for you too, then.” Trying not to think about how he could work his magic on you, you continue, “and speaking of, how did you have an extra one of my favorite pens ready to go?” You stop to take a bite of your dinner, never looking away from Bob.
“Oh, well I know you and Natasha can be particular about your pens and stuff so I usually have an extra, just in case.”
Right then, the waitress stops by to ask how your meals are, and you realize that without even noticing, you two are almost halfway done eating. You’ve been so engrossed in your conversations, your actual date could have shown up with an entire brass band and you’d have been none the wiser.
“Well, that’s incredibly kind. Thank you, Bob.” You smile, continuing your conversation.
“Anything for you, darlin’.” Bob looks at you earnestly before looking down at his plate, focusing his attention on grabbing another forkful of veggies.
The astonishing thing is that you think he might mean it.
The two of you finish dinner and unsurprisingly, though you try to fight it, Bob insists on paying for the entire meal.
“Hawk, I’m not letting you pay.” He rolls his eyes, good-naturedly, at your stubborn streak.
“Bobby, I’m not making you pay for a date you didn’t even plan on taking me on.”
“Come on, darlin’, don’t make me have to tell Nana that I didn’t pay for dinner on a date. You can’t do that to me.” He says with a smile, holding a hand to his chest as if the idea is physically painful. You smile and shake your head, giving in, and try not to melt too much as he shoots you a playful wink as he sets his credit card down on the table.
With a wink that rivals Rooster’s, and gentlemanly charm like you’ve seen Hangman pull out once or twice, quiet but charming Bob could do some serious damage to the female population of San Diego. Even if he’s just here to save you, you’re feeling lucky to be the one receiving his attention.
Bob finishes paying, and you get ready to go, making sure to grab your beautiful bouquet.
“Now, what kind of date would I be if I didn’t get you that ice cream?” Bob asks as he takes your hand again, leading you out of the restaurant.
“One that still brought me flowers and bought me dinner, which was especially kind as again, he was rescuing me from being stood up.” You tease.
“Let me put it this way, we both know how badly you want some ice cream, and even if I wouldn’t get it for you anyways, Nat’ll kill us if we don’t bring some back. So if I get to keep being your date for the next few minutes, I’m doing it right and buying you ice cream.”
For a second, Bob almost looks nervous, like he’s said too much. For your part, you can’t stop thinking about how nice it would be to be on a real date with Bob, not just being two good friends out to dinner, one rescuing the other’s pride from serious embarrassment.
“Alright, ice cream it is. Thank you.” You gently squeeze his hand as you wonder how much longer until he pulls away. You’re on your dream date with your dream guy and half of you wants to thank Phoenix and your missing date for their involvement, and half of you wants to curse them for putting this opportunity in front of you, only for you to know that it’s fake, just a friend doing a favor.
There’s no time to think about that right now, as Bob leads you towards his truck, where he opens the door for you and holds your flowers while you buckle in. Either Bob’s a significantly better actor than you’d ever realized, or maybe, just maybe, this means something to him too. You think you might embarrass yourself too much if you worry about it tonight, so for now you decide to just enjoy the moment, knowing that you’ll tell Nat every detail later once Bob leaves.
On the short drive to the ice cream parlor, you make up your mind. You’re going to let Bob buy you ice cream, drive you to Nat’s so you can all hang out, and then later once he heads home, you’ll stay and talk to your best friend about everything you’ve been thinking about all of the sweet little things Bob does for you. Then, if you’re brave enough, and if Nat doesn’t tell you that you’re making a catastrophic mistake, you might just plan to talk to Bob about it.
And then, 1.
Part of you is nervous that you’ve been misreading everything, you know Bob’s a sweetheart to everyone. You’re sure that he would have helped anyone with their hiccups, and you happen to think you have great taste in pens and ink color, it’s not like you have a monopoly on their use or like it’s inherently romantic to have an extra pen for a teammate. Hell, he even keeps some for Nat.
You know he’s observant, that also explains being able to find your phone, right? But on the other hand, you can’t explain it all away as just being friendly. Bob could easily have let Javy grab you a large coffee, and there’s practically a million easier options he could have chosen instead of showing up to save you from your failed date, in uniform, with flowers. He could have let Phoenix come get you as she was planning, he could have joined her in coming to get you, and he could even have just come to pick you up by himself.
Thinking back to sitting at that restaurant, holding Bob’s hand and looking at that sweet face while you talked, you can’t help but smile. No, there’s no denying it. Showing up dressed and ready to wine and dine you to save you from a bad day and a no-show date isn’t exactly the standard friendly course of action. You’re sure he wouldn’t have acted that way with Nat, as close as they are. Yeah, Bob is a sweetheart, but it has to be more than that. You want it to be more than that. More than that, you’ve talked the situation over nonstop with Nat as she insisted that this wasn’t just in your head.
Which is how you’ve found yourself standing on his doorstep, a bunch of sunflowers in one hand and takeout from your shared favorite burger place in the other. You adjust your sweater one last time and knock on the door.
“Hi there.” The door opens and you’re quick to greet a very surprised Bob.
“Hi, darlin’. Nice flowers.” Ever since your ‘date’, Bob has let a ‘darlin’ slip in here and there. It takes more strength than you’d care to admit not to melt every time he says it. You like it just as much as when he calls you by your real name, as opposed to your callsign. Though you have to admit that ‘Hawk’ sounds pretty good coming from his lips, too.
“I’m glad you think so, they’re for you.” You hand Bob the flowers as you step past him into his house.
“How do you know my favorite flower?” He looks at you curiously.
You could tell him that you’ve seen the fresh bunches he usually has around whenever you all come over for movie night. Or you could tell him that you remember meeting his Nana and hearing her call him Sunflower as she wrapped him up in a tight hug. You could even tell him that it was a lucky guess. But you remember a similar conversation a few weeks ago, so instead you smirk and take a teeny tiny step towards telling him how you feel.
“I pay attention, and I know you.”
It takes a second for Bob to place the words, and somehow his smile gets even wider. He takes the flowers from you, and it takes all of your self control not to reach out and put your hand on his cheek, right where he’s blushing.
You follow his lead, heading into his kitchen as he grabs a vase and starts trimming the flowers to go in it.
“So, Bob. Last week, you rescued me with a great dinner. For tonight, I brought takeout.” You lift the bag in your hand. “I was thinking maybe we could go out for dinner later this week, if you’d like?”
“Sure, that sounds nice. With the team?” Bob looks up and sees you furrow your eyebrows.
“Oh, if that’s what you want!” You try to quickly recover from your disappointment. For what is probably half of a second but feels like an eternity, you and Bob just look at each other. Then, it hits you that you’ve had all of this time to process how you think Bob feels but when it comes to your feelings, you just sprung it on him. Well, no, that’s not quite right. You haven’t actually told him yet. Knowing Bob like you do, he’s probably taking the absolute safest route to avoid making things awkward in case you don’t mean anything other than friendship.
“Oh God”, you groan, “Can I try this again?” Bob nods, but he’s clearly not entirely sure what’s going on.
“Okay, Bob, in addition to the flowers, I brought takeout for dinner tonight, as you can see. I was wondering if later this week, you’d like to go out for dinner. With me. As a date. This time, planned and on purpose. Together.” You don’t know if you’ve ever stumbled through a sentence like that, but you also have never asked out a guy like Bob, as wonderful and kind and jaw-droppingly handsome, so it makes sense you’re off your game.
“Oh!” Bob’s eyes get wide, and he looks down at the bouquet in his hands, smiling sweetly. “That sounds great, darlin’. I’d like that a lot.”
“Perfect, it’s a date.” You lean over and give Bob a quick kiss on the cheek, before going to grab plates and heading to the living room with the food.
You hear the fridge open and turn around to ask, “Bob would you mind grabbing me a lemonade?” right as he comes into the room, already carrying a can of your favorite pink lemonade for you.
“Okay, see, it’s this! How do you do that, are you sure you’re not a wizard?” You tease.
“I’m sure,” he laughs, “I just know you.” And how lucky you are to be known by Bob.
“I hope you know, it’s not just the gifts and the things you do for me that make me interested in you. I mean that’s part of it, sure. How could a girl resist a handsome man who always has her favorite drink ready and knows how to fix her when she’s running late and frazzled. You pay attention and you see me, but I see you too, Bobby.”
Bob looks down and smiles, a sweet blush coloring his cheeks. Bob does more than enough to show you he cares so you push on with your plan to make sure it’s clear how you feel, despite the slight worry that you’re coming on too strong.
“I know that you love cooking, but you’d rather cook for all of us than just yourself on Sundays because if it’s just you then it feels like a chore to get ready for the week. I know that you’ll never admit that to your family who raised you on Sunday dinners, and that you probably called them this morning like you do every weekend to say hi. I know that when the first summer day rolls around, you’re going to drive with the windows down and country music on the radio.”
You start putting your food onto your plates, giving you somewhere to direct your attention other than just intensely staring at Bob, as you continue.
“It’s the way you always look for me in a crowd and save me a seat at the hard deck, and you listen to my stupid jokes, and remember the things I like. And I know you’re a good friend to all of us, but you do even more for me. You’re a good man, an incredibly kind man, Robert Floyd. The best I know.” Remembering what he said earlier, you add, “And I’m lucky to be known by you.”
This time it’s your turn to blush, worried that you’ve said too much. You were only planning to ask him on a date, not unload all of your feelings onto him.
“Hawk,” he starts, before wordlessly taking the plate you’re working on out of your hands and setting it down on the coffee table.
Bob gently places a hand on your cheek, and you’re already turning to look at him as he looks at you.
“Darlin,” he tries again. You’re anxiously waiting to hear what comes next. How could you have never noticed the way that he looks at you before now? If you could have one wish for the rest of your life, it would be for Bob to keep looking at you like you’re the loveliest thing he’s ever seen.
Then he says your name, your real name, softly, before slightly nodding to himself and moving even closer to you. The next thing you know, Bob’s lips are on yours and both of his hands are gently cupping your face, holding you as if you’re the most important thing in the world.
Up until now, you thought it was a romance-novel cliche to sigh into a kiss. Now you hear yourself sigh and know better. You can’t imagine a world where you don’t know what it’s like to kiss him. You can't believe this is the first time you're getting to kiss Bob. Sweet, handsome Bob who pulls away, and gives you one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen.
“How could I not feel the same way? I’m the lucky one. Nat said you might be interested and I was worried I was overdoing it –” And this time, you lean in, pressing another kiss to his lips before he can even finish his sentence. Then suddenly you’re giggling into the kiss, thinking about the ways that you’ve hoped he was interested, and the ways he was desperately trying to broadcast his feelings while allowing you the space to comfortably reject him.
“Do you think that maybe this time, Nana Floyd would be okay if I paid, since I asked you on the date? I mean, really, it’s feminism when you think about it.” You joke once you pull away.
“You know Nana’s all for girl power, but on the first real date? I don’t think so, darlin’.”
“Hmm, that last date felt pretty real to me.” You admit.
“I know what you mean. Maybe our first real, planned date, is what I mean. One where I’m on time, and instead of grabbing the first bouquet I see to try not to be any later, I bring your favorite flowers, and if I’m lucky I get to kiss you goodnight.”
“There’s no chance I’ll let you leave without a kiss. But I don’t have a favorite flower.” You tell him, but Bob just laughs.
“I know you, and I also know that you think that’s true.” Bob winks again, and this time it’s even more incredible because you know he means it.
“We’ll see, Bobby.”
He leans in, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before moving to pick up your plates.
“Now what do you say we have dinner and watch a movie, darlin’. Then maybe you’ll let me be lucky enough for a preview of Saturday with another kiss.”
“I think I can do that.” You finish putting the food on your plates, splitting the regular fries and curly fries exactly in half between you.
Looking at the mischievous, confident look on Bob’s face, you say a quick thank you to the universe for letting you be the only woman in San Diego who gets to experience his charms like that. Falling for Bob is easy, especially when he goes out of his way to show his constant affection and attention, hiccup cures, shared dinners, and all.
#in which meg writes#my writing#bob floyd x reader#bob floyd x you#bob floyd x y/n#top gun fanfiction#top gun maverick#bob floyd the man you are#friends to lovers#5+1 things#5+1 fic
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— Oi? — Vai demorar um pouco pra se sincronizar as ideias desses dois, mas até agora está tudo bem. — São da turma do Azul....Nossa vocês são realmente gêmeos demais! Eu poderia facilmente confundir os dois.

— Eu uma fofa? — Ela riu, pura gracinha. — Desse jeito o Azul vai ter que deixar levar, sinto muito. Agora que percebi, se olhar atentamente dá pra notar a diferença entre vocês pelo formato dos olhos.
" Ela é tão legal, será que o Azul deixa eu levar ela pra casa? Eu quero, eu quero, eu quero. " Os comentários do Floyd, como se a garota não estivesse bem na frente deles. " Eu sou Jade Leech, e esse é meu irmão Floyd. " Jade os apresentou. " Apesar dos boatos, seria desagradável de nossa parte ter medo sem ao menos conhecer pessoalmente, minha primeira impressão é a de que você é uma fofa. "
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Concept Doodles
Main Cast

Dorms Together

New twisted characters
Riddle- Alice
Trey- Mad Hatter
Cater- March Hare
Ace- Chesire/Dinah
Deuce- White Rabbit
Leona- Adult Simba
Ruggie- Timon/Pumba
Jack- Beast/Belle
Azul- Ariel
Jade- Prince Eric
Floyd- Scuttle/Max
Kalim- Jasmine/Rajah
Jamil- Aladdin/Genie
Vil- Snow White
Rook- Prince Florian
Epel- Wishing Well/Doves
Idia- Hercules/Meg
Ortho- Pegasus
Malleus- Maleficent
Lilia- Three Good Fairies
Silver- Aurora
Sebek- Prince Phillip
Crowley- Merlin? Dove motif instead of raven
Sam- Tiana
Crewel- Pongo
Trein- Fairy God Mother
Vargas- Maurice
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Andrij Hlivnyuk a háború előtt énekes volt, nagy koncerteket adott, az X-faktorban zsűrizett.
Amikor megtámadták a hazáját, beállt katonának és világhírűvé vált azzal, ahogy az ostromra készülő Kijev egyik kihalt terén fegyverrel a kezében énekelt el egy népdalt.
Az egész világ hallgatta, rengetegen remixelték (mint a fenti linken Kiffness is), még a Pink Floyd is játszotta a számot.
A hétköznapi emberek elleni agresszió szimbólumává vált, azt kiáltotta a világba, hogy itt nem professzionális katonák harcolnak professzionális katonákkal, hanem ácsok, szakácsok, autószerelők... és énekesek.
Megnéztem az instagramját, és nem hazudott, nem csak aznapra bújt katonaruhába, azóta is folyamatosan harctéri képeket posztol.
Három év alatt nem három, hanem tizenhárom évet öregedett.
Egy repesz elkapta az arcát, de ennél sokkal többet látok a szemeiben. Pár éve még orosz adók játszották, díjakat kapott a legjobb dalszövegért, a legjobb dalért és a legjobb duettért - hogy most "bátorságért" érdemérmet akasszanak a nyakába.
Sokszor jut eszembe az a videó is, amin egy negyvenes férfi búcsúzik a családjától és a kis gyerekei, a felesége zokogva sírnak a vonaton. Ő meg fut a vonat mellett a peronon, hogy addig lássa őket, amíg lehet.
Mielőtt a bahmuti vérszivattyúba vagy valami fagyos lövészárokba vezénylik.
Ezek az emberek mi vagyunk. Énekesek, asztalosok, ácsok, orvosok. Minket támadott meg az orosz agresszor, mindannyiunkat. Mert bármelyikünk lehetne a képen.
Van itt, Bristolban olyan ukrán származású orvos ismerősünk, aki két havonta két hétre a frontra megy önkéntesként leszakadt kezeket amputálni. Mert úgy érzi, kötelessége segíteni akkor is, ha egyébként nem tudnák hivatalosan kötelezni rá.
Minden emberek legostobábbika, aki erre azzal válaszol "de bezzeg az izraeliek, meg az amerikaiak, meg a mittudoménkik!"
Nem érti, hogy pontosan azon a színvonalon beszél, mint amikor 14 év után valaki még Gyurcsányt emleget, és pontosan azoknak az érdekeit képviseli, akik ezt a gyalázatot végrehajtották és végrehajtják ma is.
Nem érti, hogy ugyanannak a kommunikációs háborúnak a tudatlan harcosa, mint azok az amerikaiak, akik folyamatosan posztolják Twitteren: a háború nem is létezik, valójában Kijevben kokainra költik a nyugati támogatásokat és utcabálokat (!!!) rendeznek belőle.
Nem érti, hogy őt támadták meg.
Az ukrán Szergej ült otthon, nézte a Netflixet, és két nap múlva Kalasnyikovval a kezében feküdt a sárban, várva a tankokat.
És a második világháború óta nem volt a világon olyan konfliktus, ahol egyértelműbb lett volna, kinek a hibájából: amiatt, aki a tankokat odavezényelte.
A gyomrom felfordul, amikor valaki az agresszor pártjára áll. Meg "békéről" beszél, de úgy mint amikor egy nőnek, akit éppen erőszakolnak, azt mondja valaki: "ne ellenkezz, hamarabb túl leszel rajta".
Haragos leszek és dühös, mint az a "békepárti" lenne, akinek miközben a családja veszélyben van, azt magyarázzák, miért nem teszi le a fegyvert.
Sajnálom, hogy Magyarországot az oroszok hamarabb elfoglalták, mint Ukrajnát megtámadták volna.
Sajnálom, hogy Európa szégyene pont a szülőhazám kell, hogy legyen.
Sajnálom, hogy már megint egy aggresszor csatlósaiként tekint ránk a világ. És ehhez nekünk még aggresszió sem kellett.
És nem tudom nem a barátaim arcát látni ennek az énekesnek az arcában, akik ma este le fognak ülni a Netflix elé, és akik el sem tudják képzelni, hogy ez megtörténhet velük.
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character/story inspiration tag
rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
tagged by @morrigan-sims & @goldenwaves ♥
FROZEN PINES: Strange Trails by Lord Huron with lyrics from Frozen Pines // The Wall by Pink Floyd // The Sixth Sense (1999) // Life is Strange // Supernatural s4ep1 "Lazarus Rising" // lyrics from Kin by Radical Face // a magic 8 ball // It (2017) // Stand By Me (1986) // Lovers of Modena // SYFY article on black holes
CASPER MAYFIELD: Montero by Lil Nas X // French Exit by TV Girl // Troy Bolton from High School Musical // Carmy Berzatto from The Bear // lyrics from Off My Mind by Joe P // Brian O'Conner (+ Mia Toretto) from Fast & Furious
COCO ARIAS: Lyrics from My Own Dance by Kesha // Fiona Gallagher from Shameless // Back to Black by Amy Winehouse // adult film star Angela White // Lyrics from Gimme More by Britney Spears // Who Really Cares by TV Girl // Xena from Xena: Warrior Princess
ELAINE NGUYEN: Fearless by Taylor Swift // the record by boygenius // quote from Lang Leav // lyrics from Seventeen by Sharon Van Etten // Juliet Capulet from Romeo and Juliet // Jackie Taylor from Yellowjackets // lyrics from Let It All Out by COIN
STEVIE DONOVAN: Lyrics from Big Fat Mouth by Arlie // unknown artwork // Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn // lyrics from Space Cadet by The Technicolors // Broken Bells by Broken Bells // Dreamland by Glass Animals // Nomi Marks from Sense8 // climbing by Lucille Clifton
JADA CAREY: Lyrics from Hush by The Marias // quote from Frank Bidart // When the Pawn... by Fiona Apple // Raven Baxter from That's So Raven // Mystery by Jesse Jo Stark // unknown artwork // quote from Margaret Atwood
ALISA MARCIANO: Lyrics from Under Your Skin by Aesthetic Perfection // Carrie White from Carrie // artwork by griefmother // You Forgot It In People by Broken Social Scene // So Tonight That I Might See by Mazzy Star // lyrics from Desire by Meg Myers
#okay so i didn't do asa or finn because they're represented by the main frozen pines collage#and i thought about doing one for caroline/beth/danny but their story was straight off the dome#i'm sure i was subconsciously inspired by things but it was mostly just cliches lol#but all of my characters have pinterest boards!! my user is softpine1 if you want to see them :)#bloopers
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"That certainly and totally isn't suspicious at all, Leeches"
*laughs under breath*
Hai Megs! Guess whos Jade and Floyd now 😈😈😈
"I'm guessing you and someone else? Or are you both of them?"
#twst ask#twst sona#Megs' drabbles#twst rp#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#ask answered#twst floyd#floyd leech#twst jade#jade leech#twisted wonderland floyd#twisted wonderland jade
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Hi Oddberry! I saw that you saw my ask on Cozi's page and the confusion I had along with it 💀
Now that I think about it I actually do remember Cozi mentioning your Megara OC/yuy was yours and just forgot! 😭 My apologies 😅
Buuuuuuut…now that I know who the owner is, may I ask for some lore on your oc and what her relationship is like with the other NRC cast?
It’s no problem at all! Cozy and I have been collaborating together for years so there is a lot of overlap. She’s the designer of Katerina, but she helped some with characterization too, just as I pitch in sometimes with Tia and the boys!
I’m sorry I don’t have any fun visuals to accommodate this and it’s just words BUT hopefully it’ll be an interesting read.
It will be under read more so I don’t bother everyone, OKAY LETS GO!
Grim- Starts off as a sort of Meg with Pain + Panic type of dynamic where they make little digs at each other and argue in petty ways. Obviously they both genuinely care about each other and are protective in their own ways. That's her lil guy, and she is HIS hench-human who he must protect at all costs.
Ace + Deuce- Best friends #1 and #2, at first they both treat her like she can't do anything herself because she 1. doesn't have magic 2. is a girl (who is still taller than them but still.) Her intellect, though often coming off as sarcastic in her advice, and her fencing abilities prove that she isn't some helpless magicless girl make their friendship feel more equal. They're basically her little brothers now. They still walk on either side of her around school just so the other students don't get any funny ideas.
Riddle- She and Riddle have similar moms (I changed up her upbringing after reading Go The Distance by Jen Calonita) Kat's mom isn't as abusive as Riddle's, but incredibly overbearing and imposing because she wants her daughter to live a successful life. This is a theme with her and the other over blotters, but she empathizes with him and the two of them get along well. I think the moment between Yuka and Riddle in Book 2 manga where Riddle fixes Yuka's outfit for her feels very them too.
Cater and Trey- Basic cordial relationship, no complaints there besides annoyance at their previous complacency in Riddle's overbearing rules
Leona- She's a strong and respectable woman. He's already ready to help her out in a pinch. He's reliable and smart. They get along well.
Jack- Another bestie. I think the two would have a good time doing exercises together. She doesn't join him for a run every day but he's good motivation to not rot in her bed on weekends.
Ruggie- She loves his hustle. Eat the rich, lil dude.
Azul- What a slime ball. She takes everything he says with a grain of salt. HOWEVER, she has been bullied in the past (not as bad as he was, but was intentionally excluded and isolated from her peers) that vulnerability is hard to show, of course he does everything he can to cover it up. If she makes a deal with him, she's sure to read the fine print and always makes good on her word so she can get out. It'd be no good if she was in debt twice.
Floyd- Called her a catfish, offending her right off the bat. However, he's tons of fun to hang out with when he's in the right move. He demanded she teach him to fence as soon as he found out she could do it. Now he calls her 'catfish' with a lot more affection. The nickname isn't so bad now.
Jade- She can't tell what he's thinking unlike his twin and Jade's teasing doesn't always sit right with her, but he knows how to behave himself. But she is gonna be looking at im like 🤨 occasionally
Kalim- OH KALIM!!! Kalim, she wants to preserve your happiness. I feel like Kat would get along really well with the light trio as a homage to Meg working for the villain but falling in love with a genuinely kind well-meaning hero. Kat definitely blends in well with typical NRC students with a healthy amount of skepticism towards the intentions of others and being admittedly pretty cut-throat when upset. She sees how Kalim made mistakes, but knows his intentions weren't bad, and she still feels a bit guilty for snapping at him so badly at Book 4 out of frustration. She doesn't want Kalim to lose the optimism he has for the world, in fact, she wishes she had that kind of joy herself. They get along pretty well...Perhaps, TOO well.
Jamil- They're literally like two peas in a pod, like a girl version of him. I imagine Kat and Jamil rant about stuff together while braiding each other's hair and whispering sarcastic remarks to each other. She has empathy for him and wants him and Kalim to turn out okay, but she doesn't impose, it's not like she understands the full extent of what they're going through but she's there to lend a helping hand, or nod and go "exactlyyy" when Jamil vents to her.
Vil- He'd want to take her under his wing. She's pretty, has modeled in the past in her original world, is literally supermodel height and is full of potential. She views him as overbearing at first and then becomes appreciative of his strength and care for his dorm mates. Sure, he gets on her for not making the best decisions with what she does with her day, but it's not so bad to get free skin and hair care stuff.
Rook- She found him off-putting at first but then grew to appreciate the fact that he finds beauty in everything...She wishes she could view the world like that. Damn light trio, making her guarded heart melt like that. His earnestness is a trait she's come to respect and surprisingly, his appreciation for her almost goes up to the same levels as Neige and Vil 😳 h-hello?? Oh he's so sad he didn't get to see the work she did in her original world...
Epel- BESTIEEEE! They're so tall queen and short king. Kat is forever grateful of everything he did for her in Book 5, from letting her squeeze the life outta him from her fear of heights when they rode a broom together to literally saving her life with his spell. They totally had mini sleepovers when she stayed in Pomefiore during Ramshackle renovations.
Idia- Oh man, the Hades/Meg dynamic right here. Her phone died and she lost all of her old game consoles and manga collection when she came to Twisted Wonderland, he saw this as an opportunity to convert someone irl into his nerd interests. He uses it as blackmail to get her to do stuff for him like run errands and junk. It's really just a stupid excuse to become more isolated and to keep her around, Kat resents him as she feels she's being used. After Book 6, he drops the act and frees her from her 'debt,' now they just hang out and play games like normal friends. He comes up with cringey nicknames to call her and Muscle Red has assumed she was his girlfriend during a gaming session between the three of them. Idia is currently planning how he, Ortho and Kat can group cosplay now that he has the confidence to do it in public with his gamer-girl friend (I cringe as I write this)
Ortho- Basically #3 bestie next to Ace and Deuce. They relationship started tied to Idia, Kat assuming that Ortho was just some robot servant Idia made, which Ortho corrected her on. She felt personally responsible for Ortho going rogue during Book 6, with her being dismissive of his role as Idia's younger brother haunting her as she never got to properly apologize. As a homage to Meg ending up in Tartarus, I had Kat personally go in there to get Grim, Idia, and Ortho as they fell. She's the one who manages to grab Ortho's memory chip before Vil drags all of them out (Kat wasn't physically changed by Tartarus since she doesn't exactly belong in that world but uh, maybe you'll find out more lol). She believes that Ortho is dead for a while and feels immense guilt over it and definitely didn't cry in her Pomefiore bed at night when they got back (she did.) So when Ortho comes BACK and also BECOMES A STUDENT she had never been so proud and happy. If she catches ANYONE trying to bully Ortho, she will fight (not that he needs it, he has a laser) and appreciates Ortho's general helpfulness. She has played video games in his new dorm room many times.
Malleus- She thinks he's odd, but in a cool and mysterious way. The two of them enjoy talking and wandering around at night. She's invited him inside Ramshackle and when he agrees a few times, she shows him some modern human stuff and they bond over the fact that they're BOTH new to twisted wonderland tech (I imagine it's close to normal tech but different in a way that there would be a learning curve). She definitely thinks he can get carried away with his magic but doesn't treat him with fear. Her stance on him is pretty identical to that of Silver and Sebek's in Book 7, she needs to stop him but also wants to save him.
Sebek- A bestie that took a while to come around. The two get into arguments, with Kat usually taking Silver's side in most small conflicts, both cause she likes Silver and also likes to spite Sebek, but Sebek comes to respect her and her ability to fight for herself. Kat sees who Sebek really is and accepts him. The two still bicker, but it's ride or die by Book 7. If there's one thing they both always agree on, it's that Silver needs to stop hating himself.
Silver- These two...I have an affection for their dynamic because I believe Silver is the closest to a twst Hercules that we have so far. Sweet, a lil air-headed, strong with a kind heart. Kat would feel similarly toward him that Meg goes toward Herc, she wants to keep him safe and she can't detect any of the typical NRCness from him. He's just genuinely a good person and it makes her soft. The two of them both train together, mostly with batons for sword fighting. Kat finds him strange and enchanting and Silver views Kat as a strong person with a talent for swordsmanship. They are each other's rock for Book 7 and I sure hope nothing bad happens to them.
Lilia- He's so weird, but charming. She already figured that he's Muscle Red from context clues but she hasn't said a word to Idia about it because it's funnier that he still doesn't know. He gives her candy for talking to his 'precious boys' and generally spoils her. Kat's father wasn't in her life but Lilia...Y'know, maybe he's what having a dad feels like.
#oddberry asks#Katerina Vallis#This was really fun to type I hope this isn't a super boring read lol
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Újszülötteknek szánom ezt a bejegyzést, mert a "veteránoknak" nem lesz benne semmi új. Vagy mondjam zenei ásatásnak? Örökségvédelemnek?
Volt szó a Floyd-ról, és hogy a zenéjük sokakra volt hatással annak idején.
A németeknél ilyen zenekar volt a Kraftwerk (Erőmű). Nem is lennének németek, ha nem szöges gonddal tervezett, precíz gépzenében fogalmaznák meg azt a pszichedelikus láthatóságot, ami az angoloknál különös, kicsit polgárpukkasztó, kicsit látomásszerű, egymásba folyó, áradó, örökké változó zeneiségben jelenik meg. Tagjaik között a fénykorukban egy bizonyos Karl Bartos játszott. Ha azt is hozzáteszem, hogy kaptam Németországból egy Die Mensch-Maschine című, eredeti kiadású audiokazettát, és azon a refrénben elhangzott a "ki az aki roboter" mondat így magyarul, akkor talán mindentudóan bólogatunk. A koncertjeik nagyjából úgy néztek ki, hogy négy karót nyelt, robotszerű fazon pilinckázik a hangszerén, és csak annyit mozognak, amennyi feltétlenül szükséges, körülöttük fények és rengeteg technika. Kicsit punk, kicsit újhullám, kicsit techno, de nagyon német, azzal együtt perverz módon zseniális.
Mutatom a kedvenceimet. A Trans-Europa Express címadó track-je a TT és Piko terepasztalok mellett felnövekedett vonatmániások világa. A kerekek jellegzetes kattogása a síneken szinte álomba ringat. Fák, oszlopok suhannak el mellettünk ritmikusan. Aztán befutunk egy hatalmas, kongó akusztikájú csarnokba, és rengeteg váltón hajtunk át... mindezt hangban ábrázolva. Megbízható és pontos, és látható zene.
Igen, ez a mániám. Ezzel nem vagyok egyedül. Vannak festők, ruhatervezők, akik zenére alkotnak, az ihleti meg őket. Volt pl. egy nemzetközi kiállítás sorozat, a 20 ruha Európának, amelyet a spanyolok indítottak, és különféle irodalmi részletek hangulatára kellett ruhákat tervezni. Egy vaskos művészeti albumot is kiadtak belőle a résztvevő országok nyelvein.
Visszakanyar. A Kraftwerk, bár bevallottan a Pink Floyd volt egyik ihletője a zenei világuknak, elég messzire kerültek tőle életérzésben.
Itt egy másik példa, a Rádióaktivitás című LP. Pusztulat egyszerű lemezborító a sugárveszély piktogramjával "díszítve". Ahogy hallgatom a zenét, szinte érzem ahogy a radioaktív sivatag pora csípi, égeti az arcomat, magam előtt tolom a geiger-müller számlálót, és magamban fohászkodom a Teremtőhöz. Mintha egy kicsit Mad Max szerű, poszt-apokaliptikus világban kószálnék, ahol a kommunikáció utolsó harcosai a rádióamatőrök, akik morzejelek segítségével próbálják felvenni a kapcsolatot a lehetséges túlélőkkel.
"radioactivity is in the air for you and me"
Felkészül: Floyd közép-európai módra...
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Green Arrow fancast
My old Green Arrow fancast is a bit outdated and this one will be for the DCU
Notice. Because of the 30 picture limit, will not be able to do them all the pics for the fancasts.
My other DC fancasts
DCEU recast
Batman 66
Burtonverse Recast
1940′s Batman
90′s Justice League
2000′s/2010′s Justice League
Reevesverse Batman
Gunnverse Batman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Justice League
Green Lantern
Teen Titans
Suicide Squad
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Harry Goodwins as Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Samara Weaving as Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance

Rudy Pankow as Arsenal/Roy Harper
Han Hyun-min as Green Arrow/Connor Hawke
Stella Smith as Artemis Crock/Tigress

Kathryn Newton as Arrowette/Cissie King-Jones
Meg Donnelly as Speedy/Mia Dearden
Rinko Kikuchi as Red Arrow/Emiko Queen
Kai Zen as Lian Harper
Lana Condor as Cheshire/Jade Nguyen
Ashley Liao as Red Canary/Sienna
Miya Cech as Sin
Karen Fukuhara as Shado
Common as Spartan/John Diggle
Elizabeth Lail as Felicity Smoak(I am BEGRUDGINGLY including her)

Jacob Batalon as Henry Fyff
Charithra Chandran as Dart/Naomi Singh
Richard Armitage as Dark Archer/Merlyn
Dylan O'Brien as Thomas Merlyn/Merlyn II
Keanu Reeves as Prometheus
Anson Mount as Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
Pedro Pascal as Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
Jude Law as Count Vertigo
David Hyde Pierce as Clock King/Temple Fugate
Daniel Kaluuya as Onomatopoeia
Riley Keough as Cupid/Carrie Cutter
Skeet Ulrich as Edward “Eddie” Fyers
Regé-Jean Page as Komodo/Simon Lacroix

Danny Sapani as The Brick/Danny Brickwell

Maggie Q as White China/Chien Na Wei

Adam Scott as Cyrus Broderick
Laz Alonso as Richard Dragon/Ricardo Diaz Jr
Jordi Mollà as Constantine Drakon
Madeleine Mantock as Red Dart
Trevante Rhodes as Bronze Tiger/Benjamin Turner
Stephen Amell as Sportsmaster/Lawrence “Crusher” Crock
Gemma Chan as Tigress/Paula Brooks
Olivia Munn as Blood Rose
Micahel Irby as The Tattooed Man/Abel Tarrant
Steve Buscemi as The Dollmaker/Barton Mathis
Sean Bean as Robert Queen
#DC#Fancasts#DCU#Green Arrow#Oliver Queen#Black Canary#Dinah Lance#Arsenal#Roy Harper#Connor Hawke#Artemis Crock#Arrowette#Cissie King Jones#Speedy#Mia Dearden#Emiko Queen#Lian Harper#Chesire#Jade Nguyen#Shado#John Diggle#Felicity Smoak#Henry Fyff#Dart#Naomi Singh#Malcolm Merlyn#Merlyn#Thomas Merlyn#Prometheus#Deathstroke
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Bobby from High School Chapter 1: Of all the Gin Joints
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: On a night out at the Hard Deck, a familiar face spots Bob from across the bar. Years after high school, somehow you and Bob have ended up in the same Navy bar and are working at the same base.
Author’s Note: So, despite also working on a sequel for hiccups & pens, I decided to full send this idea on a new Bobby x reader series. This is my first time posting chapter 1 of a series without having the majority of the rest written so this is a little nerve wracking but I'm excited. Right now I think we're going to land somewhere around 3-5 more chapters, but we'll have to see. This work can also be found here at my ao3. I hope you enjoy!
Bob feels out of place without his glasses on. As someone who wears them all the time, it feels like a part of him is missing without them, it feels weirdly vulnerable. Sure, it’s only been a few minutes since Fanboy ran off with them to clean off the beer that got splashed on them, but he’s really looking forward to putting them back on.
Frankly, he’s still not entirely sure how he ended up with beer-covered glasses. One minute he was talking to Nat next to the pool table and the next thing he knew, his glasses were coated in beer and Fanboy was apologizing profusely, grabbing the glasses right off his face and running off to clean them.
Bob has the feeling that someone keeps looking at him from across the bar, but every time he looks up, he seems to miss them. Besides, without his glasses on, he doesn’t know that he’d really be able to recognize them anyways. Who knows, maybe it’s someone from a past deployment or a friend of a friend. Maybe they’re not even looking at him. Instead of worrying about it, Bob turns his attention back to Phoenix and the conversation she’s having with Payback and Coyote.
Payback is recreating Fanboy’s disastrous beer spill when Bob feels a light tap on his shoulder.
“Hi, I’m so sorry this sounds like such a cheap pick up line but do we know each other? You look so familiar.”
Bob turns around and finds a beautiful woman with a drink in her hand, standing there talking to him. He can’t see her features as well as he’d like without his glasses, but from what he can see, she’s beautiful. Thankfully, right then Fanboy comes running back over.
“Sorry again, Bob. Penny let me go clean them in the back, they should be spotless.” Fanboy hands Bob his glasses, which to his credit, are perfectly clean.
“No worries, thanks Mickey.” Bob says as he slides his glasses back on.
“Holy shit, Bobby Floyd! I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you with your glasses.” While Nat mutters something to Coyote about Clark Kent, Bob looks back at the woman standing in front of him and is shocked to see you.
“Hey, how have you been? It’s been a while, huh?” Bob asks as you pull him into a hug, noticing how careful not to spill your drink on him. Bob’s back is to his team, so he doesn’t see the amused and intrigued glances that they’re all giving each other, or the way that Nat pulls Coyote, Fanboy, and Payback a few steps to the side to continue their conversation and give you and Bob some privacy.
“God, I know. It’s been, what, years? I think the last time we ran into each other, you were still at the Academy, right?”
“Something like that.” Bob smiles and agrees, even though he thinks he could probably tell you every detail about the last time you two saw each other, down to what you were wearing.
“So what are you doing here? Where have you been? I mean, obviously with the Navy, but have you been here long?” You ask, gesturing to his uniform and the Navy atmosphere around you.
Bob gives you a quick, abridged rundown of his time since the Academy before briefly explaining his time here in San Diego. Bob knows he’s biased, and maybe he’s reading too much into things but you look truly interested by everything he’s saying, even though he knows he’s not giving a lot of detail on his previous missions and detachments.
“But what about you? Are you here visiting?” He really hopes that somehow you’re local.
“Actually, no. I’ve just moved here for work. Maybe I’ll run into you on base, I’m actually a contractor.”
Bob must be dreaming. There’s no way that out of all the bars, in all the cities, his high school friend (and longtime crush) walked into the same one as him and is going to be working at the same base. You were always pretty in school, but looking at you now (with his glasses firmly on his face), Bob knows you’re gorgeous. There’s some small, possessive part of him that wants to firmly plant an arm around you, and tell the rest of the Hard Deck to get lost, that you were his first. But even if you were together, that’s not Bob’s style, and that would probably be a surefire way to freak you out given that this is your first time seeing each other in years.
“Aren’t you gonna introduce us to your friend, Bob?” Hangman asks, setting down the pool cue as he and Rooster walk over towards the two of you.
Ugh , Bob thinks. This is it. He’s seen how women turn their attention to his teammates, especially these two. You were always sweet in high school but it’s been years, he wouldn’t blame you if you ditch your plan to catch up in favor of getting to know one of the other Dagger Squad members. It was so nice getting to talk to you and have it just be the two of you, but now that his team stepped into it they’re either going to embarrass him, hit on you, or more likely both.
Phoenix sees Hangman and Rooster make their way over towards you and notices the apprehensive look on Bob’s face. It was brief, blink and you miss it, but she knows him well enough to be able to guess what he’s thinking. Hoping to head off some of Hangman’s worst impulses around pretty women, she leads the guys back over too. It’s not like the presence of the whole team is a guarantee to make Hangman behave, but at least she’ll be within striking range to knock some sense back into him if necessary.
“Hi,” you say, giving your name as you smile and wave at everyone, “Bobby and I went to high school together.”
“Oh, this is my team.” Bob says as he walks you through introductions to the entire team. You greet everyone with a friendly smile, and Bob can hear you repeating everyone’s callsigns under your breath, trying to commit them to memory.
“So is our Bob the same as he was in high school?” Hangman asks, trying to capture your attention.
“Well, my expert opinion based on the last 10 or so minutes? Yeah, he’s still Bobby.” You say with a sweet smile.
Then, in a move Bob almost can’t believe, you physically turn your body away from Hangman and the team, to focus all of your attention right on him.
“Want to sit?” You ask, gesturing to two of the nearby stools that he and Nat normally occupy. He nods and the two of you sit down, and continue catching up. You tell him more about work, and the two of you start reminiscing on high school.
“Okay, I know I’m going to sound like the world’s most incredible gossip but you’ll never guess what I saw on Twitter the other day.” You say, as you start leading into a story about one of your classmates who apparently went full right-wing grifter and tried to have her local councilman boyfriend talk the cops out of giving her a (very deserved) DUI.
You two are so focused on each other, you don’t even notice how much time has passed until Phoenix comes over, jumping in at a break in your conversation.”
“Hey, Bob, sorry to interrupt, do either of you want anything else to drink? Next round’s on Bagman.” She says, smirking.
Bob watches as you look down in surprise at your own, now empty glass and hop up off your stool. Without thinking, Bob stands up with you.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry Bobby! I totally monopolized your time, I didn’t even realize how long we’ve been sitting here. You’re here with your friends, and my friends probably think I’m lost.” You say with a laugh that Bob suddenly realizes how much he's missed hearing. “Okay, I’m going to find my friends and let you get back to it, but you should text me sometime. I still have the same number, or I can give it to you.” You say, a little apprehensive over the idea of Bob deleting your number.
“I still have it.” Bob says with a smile, without even needing to check his phone. Bob’s the type of guy who never deletes a contact from his phone, because who knows when it might come in handy. Even if he was, he doesn’t think he ever would have deleted yours, just in case.
“Okay great. I’m so glad we ran into each other.” Turning to wave at the rest of the team, you add, “it was great meeting y’all! Thanks for letting me steal Bobby away for a bit!”
Bob stands there, smiling, watching you make your way through the crowd of people as you head back to your friends. He feels a little bad having pulled you away from them for so long, but he could have kept talking to you for the rest of the night.
“So, Bobby, huh.” Nat says, with a mischievous smile.
“Yeah. She’s the only one who’s ever called me that.”
“Did you always have a crush on her?”
“Yeah.” He says, much to Phoenix’s surprise who was expecting more resistance. He’s still watching as you chat excitedly with your friends, hoping that some of that excitement is about him. (It is.)
“Can I see your phone?”
“Oh, sure.” Bob doesn’t bother asking why. He doesn’t have anything to hide, and he trusts Nat.
“Perfect.” She says, handing his phone back with a new text thread open with your name at the top.
Bob: Hi, it was great to see you. You look great, by the way.
“Nat, come on.” He groans. Maybe he shouldn’t have blindly trusted her. Now he’s worried he’ll come off too strong but he doesn’t want to follow up on the text and say his friend sent it. He’ll sound like an embarrassed middle schooler, and you do look great and if he tries to walk back Nat’s text, he worries it would come off like he doesn’t think you look good. So he sighs, and leaves it.
The crowd has shuffled a little so he doesn’t get to see you pull your phone out of your pocket or the way your face lights up when you see the text.
You: Thank you. I’m glad to hear the Navy’s treated you well. It looks good on you, Bobby :)
Bob blushes and doesn’t bother fighting it as Nat grabs his phone again. Thankfully, Hangman comes back with drinks and Natasha has enough sense not to make a big deal of your text in front of the rest of the team. Bob grabs his phone back and sends you a text taking a little bit of a risk, without any help from Nat this time.
Bob: It’s nice to have a familiar face in the area. Maybe we could grab coffee sometime?
Your response comes in almost immediately, to Bob’s delight.
You: I’d love that. I don’t know anywhere in the area yet, so you’ll have to pick a place.
Bob smiles as he puts his phone back in his pocket, and turns to pay attention to his team for the first time since you walked over.
Eventually, he decides that he does want another drink. He was so busy talking with you that he didn’t take Phoenix up on her offer to send Hangman to the bar. He doesn’t mind going to get his own drink, so he lets Phoenix know he’ll be right back and makes his way through the other patrons to get to the bar.
“Hey, Bob. Who’s the girl?” Penny asks as he walks up.
“You really do see everything that happens here don’t you?” Bob jokes, wondering how she can keep an eye on when to ring the bell, pour drinks, cash folks out, and know everything going on all at the same time.
“Nah, she came up here and mentioned you. What’re you having? She said your next drink is on her, paid for it, and left you a note.” Penny slides a napkin across the bar with your handwriting on it.
“Oh.” Bob can’t remember the last time a woman bought him a drink without doing it to try to impress one of the guys. “That’s nice of her. I’ll have an ale.” He says, and Penny nods and starts pouring while Bob looks down at the napkin in front of him.
It’s been a long time since high school, but Bob laughs at the sight of your handwriting. You never did have the slow, methodical, flowery handwriting that some of your other classmates had, and you were always complaining that your mom thought your handwriting needed to be more ladylike. Bob liked your handwriting, it was legible (unless you were in a real hurry), and it just seemed fitting for you in a way he doesn't think he could explain, it's just something he knows.
Of all the gin joints, yeah? This one’s on me for interrupting you and your friends. Have a good night, Lieutenant Floyd.
Clearly, you either asked around or paid enough attention to his uniform to discern his rank. Either way, Bob feels honored. He can’t help but trace over where you signed your name, a messy heart looping over the last letter. Suddenly, he’s flashing back to yearbook signing days, watching you add that same messy heart next to every signature.
“What, it’s classic? Sorry I love my friends, jackass.” You’d said with an eye roll as another friend complained that it looked too romantic.
Sitting here in the Hard Deck, looking at that little heart, Bob wonders how he got lucky enough for the universe to put you back in his path. He doesn’t know if anything will come of it romantically, but even just having you around as a friend is more than enough for him.
He doesn’t see the way that Penny watches with a smile as he delicately folds your note and puts it in his pocket for safekeeping. Thanking Penny for his drink, he heads back over towards the corner where his friends are laughing, with his mind wandering to what coffee shops in the area you might enjoy visiting with him.
#bobby from high school#in which meg writes#my writing#bob floyd x reader#bob floyd#top gun maverick#top gun fanfiction#tgm x reader#tgm#robert floyd#ongoing fic
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Haikyuu music headcanons pt 1
Asahi:listens to those lofi playlists that help with anxiety
Tanaka and noya:have a soundcloud
Yamaguchi:listens to Conan gray and peach pit Kai dreams
Yachi:girl in red beach bunny clairo king princess sir chloe hailey kiyoko
Daichi:anything on the radio
Suga:stoner music I’m talking Tyler the creator salvia plaith front bottoms
Tsukki:everything but I feel like he hasn’t gotten over his emo phase he has playlist for every emotion
Hinata:pump up music like early 2000’s party music black eyed peas lmfao anything you can jump around to
Kageyama: heavy metal or affirmation tapes no in between it’s either “I push my fingers into my eyes “ or “you are enough “ no in between
Ukai:classic rock and grunge Rolling Stones led zeppelin guns and roses AC/DC pink floyd nirvana
Takeada:classical and bubblegum pop it’s Beethoven or carley Rae jepson
Enoshita kinoshita and narita:chill indie cuco post malone cage the Elephant Rex Orange County mom jeans
Tanaka and noya: chaotic rap like rap in general but specifically chaotic Freddie dredd BOOGIE by brockhampton Tokyo’s revenge Tik Tokers start a riot by Duckwrth bonfire by childish gambino also a lot of female rappers cardi b Rico nasty Doja cat megan the stallion city girls
Kiyoko: you know the violin song from portrait of a lady on fire that idk like incredibly chill or straight up opera and classical
Saeko: riot grrrl and paramour queercore
Terushima: is in a band plays guitar listens to the neighbourhood arctic monkeys cigarettes after sex.
Bokuto: think Hinata but more memey weird al
Careless whisper by WHAM! Definitely rick tolls people has a Spotify playlist for Akaashi they definitely do that thing it’s like shared listening where you and a friend can choose the songs you both listen to they also have multiple collaborative playlists together
Oikawa: three moods bad bitch Kpop or depresive very much Beyoncé ,fergie Rihanna ,meg the stallion ,Ariana grande ,blackpink ,BTS , TWICE,EXO,ITZY,NCT, mamamoo,got7,hyuna,taemin miss A and sunmi or billie elish and as the world caves in
#haikyuu#kageyama tobio#hinata shoyo#haikyuu nishinoya#haikyuu tsukishima#yamaguchi tadashi#oikawa tooru#akaashi keiji#iwaizumi hajime#haikyuu terushima#miya atsumu#miya osamu#sakusa#asahi azumane#sugawara kōshi#daichi sawamura#kinoshita#ennoshita chikara#kiyoko shimizu#takeda
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Mint hajdani les paul és strat júzer, annyit tudok mondani, hogy ez a floyd rose-szisztéma ott baszódjon meg, ahol van. Köszönöm a figyelmet.
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Hey Jade,
So after reading that first ask made by Anon (Ella) about what you think you'll do in the future, it got me thinking.
Since he doesn't really have a blog where I can ask him this myself, what do you think Floyd might do in the future, job wise? I know you said you will be taking over the family business, but what about Floyd? Is he still going to be in it somehow, or do you think he'd go off to who knows where to do whatever strikes his mood?
He's unpredictable, of course, so it's hard to know, but I'm curious about what you think. You seem like the second best person to ask about Floyd other than talking to Floyd himself.
Good day, dear Megs.
Floyd is quite often unpredictable, and I understand that it could be difficult to approach him for information as well without the risk of... Fufu, be at ease. He is truly quite simple and childish, so it is not at all simple to say what he has in mind for the future.
Well, he does change course rather quickly. I imagine the only thing he could possibly do for a prolonged period of time is to travel Twisted Wonderland. We have already raced to the ends of the Coral Sea and back, so truth be told, he does not have much to do back home.
However, with the land having a much more varied collection of cultures.. Hm. Well, I'm certain he'll grow into someone dependable for the family. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have eyes and ears beyond the scope of the family's power.
I'm not too worried about him leaving home and never returning. He, in his childish youth, made a vow to "stay with mama forever." Call it intuition, but I do not believe he'd break that promise.
#twst#twst asks#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland#disney twst#twst jade#jade leech#mrjadeleech#1930sdarlin
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Imagine Twisted Princess AU with Headmistress Rosehearts AU.
Princesses have to suffer from the headmistress but the one who has to deal with her the most is Alice because she finds her annoying as she talks back without thinking of the consequences.
Rapunzel can see the signs of abuse that it made her reflect about her own mother.
From all the previous posts about Miss Yuu and how she is treated by the headmistress, all of that applies to the princesses and then some.
The strict dress code, the curfew, the slut shaming, the separation from everyone else and more, all apply here.
They're made to have a strict dress code. No more making their own uniforms or any of those other loopholes of theirs.
The lounge got shut down, so that means Ariel is out of work and that is one less income for Ramshackle. Because of the strict food rules in place, Tiana can no longer sell her lunches, so that's another loss of money for them. No internet, so Rapunzel can't take art commissions anymore either. They are just as bad off financially now as they were when they first came, Nothing but the bare bones necessities is provided for them and nothing extra.
Elsa is devastated when Crewel gets fired. She was the closest to him and she misses him a lot. Snow White wonders if Crowley is alright. Despite what everyone thought of the crow man, he had always been genuinely kind to her. Cinderella and Jasmine go to Trein for comfort. Because they don't know who else to turn to. One day Cinderella starts sobbing because living the headmistresses reign reminds her of her step mother.
Alice as the youngest and not technically a student, is often reprimanded by the headmistress, in lessons all day, and deliberately kept separate from everyone as much as possible. Because clearly everyone else is giving her a "bad impression that is showing in her studies and behavior."
Meg, Esmeralda, and Merida are the one though that mouth off the her the most. They have no qualms about talking back when something is unfair. Especially when she picks in underprivileged students.
All the one that she knows are close to any boys, she goes out of her way to keep separated as much as possible. Belle cannot see Leona. Tiana cannot see Azul. Merida and Ariel cannot see Floyd and Rook. Etc. Citing that it is a distraction and that some of the relationships were inappropriate.
Snow White came back to the dorm one day, bawling her eyes out, because a few of her admirers classmates, was helping her carry some stuff, and Mrs. Rosehearts kept bombarding her questions as if she had done something wrong and insinuated Snow was "easy".
And that's some of the stuff to be expected. Now this is all generic "Mrs. Rosehearts" horrible-ness. Not really anything @mangacupcake oc Felicity specific.
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Amikor szűk 2 hétre jössz haza a világ végéről, akkor nem sok időd marad olyan dolgokra, amik feltöltenek. Ez a mai nap viszont ilyen volt, amihez nagyban hozzájárult @marlainanutshell és az együtt elfogyasztott kiváló kávé délután, meg aztán egy pohár sör sztrapacskával egy nagyon régi barát társaságában. Minden ótvar ellenére szép volt a város a ködös takony időben, a Keep Floyding az A38-on pedig olyan csodás élmény volt, amire őszintén nem számítottam.
Most jó.
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És ha már zenei ízlés kialakulása...
Ha Pink Floyd, akkor szinte reflexből mindenkinek A FAL jut eszébe. Van aki mást nem is ismert tőlük. Olyan ez, mintha Shakespeare életművéből mondjuk csak a Lear király lenne meg, de az összes többi nem.
A Falnál sokkal többre tartom a Wish You Were Here vagy a The Dark Side of the Moon LP-ket.
Azt a fajta alkotói kreativitást szeretem bennük, hogy minden lemezük kicsit más, mindig valami újat hoznak, van egy hatalmas íve a zenei működésüknek. Messze megelőzték a korukat már eleve a "látható" zenéjükkel (pszichedelikusnak is mondták akkoriban), de azt meg külön imádom, ahogy különféle hétköznapi zajokat kevertek a hangok közé, mint szerves akusztikus elemet. Klasszikusan ilyen lemezek az Atom Heart Mother, és a Meddle. Az Ummagumma dupla albuma olyan kincs volt a vasfüggöny mögött, ahogy ma az el sem képzelhető. (Újszülötteknek: zene, zene, zene fokozódó feszültséggel, és a csúcsponton a suttogás: óvatosan a baltával!... aztán a halálos sikolyok, amelyek belekeverednek a hangszerek megveszekedett kavalkádjába. Nem ismerem az anyag születésének pontos hátterét, de nem tudok nem arra gondolni, hogy ez valamiképpen Sharon Tate és barátainak meggyilkolására utal, ami sokak szerint véget vetett a hippimozgalomnak.)
Amit most ide belinkelek, az az első album, amit hallottam tőlük, és az én tini szívem azonnal beleszeretett a zenéjükbe. Ez az 1967-es opusz, a The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn még egészen játékos, de eszméletlenül kifejező, kreatív, mintha színes festményeket nézegetnénk, vagy egyik furcsa álomból lépnénk a másikba. Jóval a számítógépes világ előtt hangszerekkel vagy szájjal olyan fura hanghatásokat érnek el, ami a maga idejében forradalminak számított. Ez még Syd Barrett hatása. Kísérleteznek, feszegetik a határokat. És persze ez az egész érezhetően angol :)
Csak miheztartás végett, 1967 az az év, mikor olyan listavezetőket jegyzett a világ, mint... Procol Harum: A Whiter Shade of Pale Beatles: All You Need is Love Rolling Stones: Ruby Tuesday Doors: Light My Fire Magyarországon pedig... Zalatnay Sarolta: Nem várok holnapig Koncz Zsuzsa és Illés zenekar: Miszter Alkohol Szécsi Pál: Csak egy tánc volt Toldy Mária: Rövid az élet
Sajnálom, hogy Syd, az Őrült Gyémánt ilyen hamar szétesett, ki tudja, mi mindenre lett volna képes. Ám azt meg kell hagyni, Gilmour megjelenése nagy jót tett a bandának.
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