#meet Jackson
Meet Jackson
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Name: Jackson Baker
Age: 42
Date of birth: May 15th 1981
Occupation: Gang Leader
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: British
Children: One girl back in the UK
Face Claim: Tom Hardy
Jackson was born to a single hard working, loving mother who worked three jobs just to keep food on the table and clothes on his back. He didn’t attend school as frequently as she liked due to wanting to help out and care for his mother, he worked small jobs at first but soon was lured into the shady more lucrative side of things. At age 16 his mother died of cancer, leaving him on his own. He ended up in the US a few years later and quickly established his own gang. Almost everyone knows of him and his dealings, knowing he is not someone to be fucked with.
He’s been married three times, all failures and has a teen daughter he doesn’t see back in the UK.
(Rough bio, will probably change or add things later)
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scarred-by-monsters · 5 months
Battle Scars.
Short OC fanfic. Meet Jackson.
Staring into the mirror, Jackson realized just how much he hated how his fucking face looked. Damn he hated it now. Before he had died, Jackson had quite a few scars over his body. Most of those he could live without. They were memories of small skirmishes here and there. But the one on his face? Fuck...
When he had been twenty-two, he had gotten into a fire fight with a gang of Blood Pack recruits. After killing three vorcha, it had come down to him and this old Krogan. Of course, the Krogan had the upper hand. Jackson had been scared, but any show of fear in front of this old bastard would end him for sure; so he buried it. Pushed it deep into his soul, and let his anger bury it further. That didn't stop his heart from thundering when his rifle jammed.
The Krogan had made the best of the situation, rushing up and grbbing him around the throat. He'd held him up for half a moment, studying him for what seemed like forever.
Then, he raised his claws to Jackson's face, carving into it across his nose and cheek. It left a jagged scar, one that crossed his face and left a piece of skin hanging from it by a hair.
The pain was excruciating, but he'd bit his tongue. He didn't want to give this asshole the pleasure of hearing him scream.
When the old man was done, he'd let Jackson drop to the floor. He'd chuckled before finally saying, " Your first battle scar whelp. Remember it."
It had taken weeks for the wound to heal, and on his first night on the town, Jackson saw the Krogan again. He'd followed him for a bit before finally getting the jump on him in an alley.
Now, THAT was a fist fight to be remembered. But the last bullet had been from him. It hadn't killed the Krogan. Fucker was armored to the teeth, but it had dazed him long enough for Jackson to pull out his knife.
With that knife, he had carved his own design of battlescar across the Krogan's mantle. Making sure to make it just as painful as he could.
" now we're even, motherfucker." Jackson had told him, blood dripping down his face from the freshly opened wound, and a grin on his lips. Without another word, he turned and left.
Jackson picked up his little pocket knife, looking it over. It wouldn't look the same. But did it really have to?
Raising the little blade, he began carving away at the skin. It took a while before he was satisfied with it.
Dropping the bloody knife back into the sink, Jackson calmly began his walk down to the med bay. All the while leaving a small trail of blood behind him.
He loved that fucking battle scar, and his face was far too pretty without it. But dammit explaining that to Chakwas was gonna be a bitch.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
headcanon that percy and annabeth have a relationship contract they made after they got together once the war came to pass. they outlined it on paper in percy's bedroom. typed up a final draft using sally's laptop. and printed out and laminated it at the local library on their two month anniversary. and they abide by it like it's the law.
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ofswordsandpens · 1 year
I know Percy's desperately trying to escape the godly world but not only do I think the gods aren't going to leave percy alone once he's in New Rome, I also think Percy's in the situation now where he can't refuse at all because like, if he was in the mortal world at a mortal college he at least would be able to try and be like "sorry I can't do a quest right now I've already used up my three excused absences this semester try again in the spring :/" but in New Rome? They will be like "Percy! It is an honor to be hand-selected for a quest. And by the gods no less! Stars above, you should be grateful! I don't know what your little greek camp has taught you but here in Rome, we respect the gods' requests. Your absence will be excused. Now go."
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unsurebazookacore · 9 months
watching percy pet that white gecko in ep2 with the biggest fricken grin on his face single-handedly cured my depression for the rest of the calendar year
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nicossunshine · 5 months
It’s definitely been mentioned before but I love the idea of the 7 + Nico on the Argo II just doing dumb kid/ teenager stuff??? Like yes they’re all powerful demigods on a dangerous quest but they’re also a group of teenagers (some as young as 14) with ADHD and minimal adult supervision.
You’re telling me during a quiet shift on night-watch Leo and Frank didn’t snicker whilst daring each other to spit off the side of the boat?? Like imagine Percy and Jason having a game of ‘who can yell this dumb phrase the loudest without laughing’, or Piper and Annabeth borrowing Hazel’s drawing equipment to do ‘portraits’ of each other, or Hazel and Nico both awake at 3am making crazy concoctions with the unlimited food in the ship’s cafeteria. Meanwhile Coach Hedge is running around yelling stop it shut up don’t waste perfectly good pancakes building a food castle
You’re telling me no one packed a deck of cards for this journey? They didn’t have a single UNO tournament?? They didn’t all set up their sleeping equipment in the mess hall for a sleepover one night???
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lilislegacy · 5 months
percy and annabeth are most definitely the first of their friends to have kids, even though i don’t think they start until their mid-late 20s. in my opinion, i don’t believe many of their friends have kids. i just don’t think it’s super common amongst demigods, especially greeks and the more powerful demigods, since they have to deal with the most shit. so i think it’s always a little odd for demigods to see their friends have kids, especially if they are also demigods.
so i just know their friends are so amazed watching percy and annabeth be parents. like… imagine thalia, the girl who once watched out for and protected little 7 year old annabeth, seeing annabeth breastfeed her child? how weird would that be? and imagine grover, who’s been besties with percy since they were little grade school buddies, seeing percy rocking his baby to sleep? how weird would that be? seeing them changing diapers, doing tummy time with him/her, giving him/her bottles, etc. thalia, grover, leo, piper, rachel, nico, frank, hazel, even people like clarisse… it would just be so weird for them. amazing and beautiful, but weird.
and i love it
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Life advice
Percy: Man, I wish the gods noticed us for once-
Odysseus: *Grabs Percy by the shoulders* No you don't.
Percy: Wha-
Odysseus: No, you don't. Go live your life, run free, stay in school, start a family whatever you do just don't be a favorite of the Gods. Stay neglected by them, trust me.
Percy: Wait- you're Odysseus, that's so cool! Wait aren't you a favorite of the gods-?
Odysseus: Yes and believe me when I say it's not as glorifying as you think it is-
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connabeth · 15 days
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say what you will about this cash grab spinoff series, but i actually really love this excerpt of wottg because
1) the first bit is really fucking cute and i will eat up any new canon percabeth, sorry but not really because THIS MAN JUST NEVER GETS TIRED OF LOOKING AT HER!!
2) rr FINALLY acknowledging annabeth is a “natural people person” that easily makes friends and gets along with others. ever since the pjo tv show casting call that gave the vibes of percy having to teach annabeth to love or be human or whatever, i’ve been so dubious of the way her character would be handled in his writing moving forward so it’s nice to see a more accurate reflection of who she is rather than a stoic, aloof, calculated individual that so many people lacking reading comprehension (and sometimes the showrunners) make her out to be. like this is the girl that immediately trusted and bonded with sadie while her boyfriend didn’t really trust carter and couldn’t bring himself to hug the guy at the end of their respective crossovers. the narrative that he’s the easygoing people person and she’s the guarded socially stunted one is so fucking annoying and untrue because context is everything and you’re ignoring it
3) percy jackson, you jealous son a bitch, your girlfriend’s possessiveness and insecurities have nothing on yours…deny it all you want
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mo-mode · 9 months
Okay but Percy telling his mother to breathe in the beginning because she always told him that whenever he was in distress, the River spirit telling him to breathe when he’s stuck at the bottom of the river and in distress, Percy listening to the River spirit because it reminded him of his mother no YOU’RE CRYING
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alnair-jpg · 1 month
Olympics AU sketch: Percy and Annabeth version.
Look, I have to agree with Annabeth. This is ridiculous (I couldn’t even draw it with a straight face 😂)
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boilingcowboy · 19 days
listen i love the “wise girl” and “seaweed brain” nicknames as much as the next person but i also think we should not ignore the fact that annabeth called percy “sunshine” because it’s just too cute to ignore
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literal ride or die besties
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theclassymike · 8 months
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Happy 32nd Birthday to Logan Lerman!🎂
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sapphoismymuse · 9 months
lin-manuel miranda was honestly an amazing choice to play hermes because hermes is literally everywhere. my man's statue is on buildings, his winged shoes are used as logos, the caduceus is used as a symbol everywhere. we drove past a random building the other day and a statue of hermes was just chilling on the top. and you know who else is literally everywhere?
lin-manuel fucking miranda.
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modawg · 3 months
i feel like if rick keeps saying the timeline just goes with whatever timeline it is irl (more or less) so the characters don’t age outside of cannon then annabeth would be the biggest slooth and knew everything abt percy before he even came to camp using that computer they have in the back
if we’re saying technology ages with the irl timeline yk
like i just know pre tlt the moment annabeth found out abt that prophecy and chiron told her they might’ve found their guy she was looking that kid up IMMEDIATELY
like she was looking up first name last name middle initial school records public court records everything abt his mom his step dad yada yada yada like genuinely i just know she would’ve looked into all that shit
like she probably went to luke after chiron told her abt percy and was like “they think they found the kid from the prophecy”
“oh shit fr ?? when are they gonna bring him to camp?”
“oh idk..”
“damn well-“
“but his names perseus jackson he lives in manhattan new york he’s been kicked out of 5 schools so far- he’s my age his birthdays coming up pretty soon, august 18th, so he’s a leo- his moms sally jackson she married his guy gabriel ugliano a couple years ago and hes currently going to boarding school called yancy academy which is where grovers at rn and where chirons going tomorrow. his public records say he’s pretty small too i could prob pick him up, shorter then me by 2 inches😌”
“nothing abt his dad tho chiron won’t tell me :/“
“and when did he tell you all that??”
“he told me his name last night i’ve been at the computer all day there aren’t many ppl by the name perseus lmao”
“cool..so when perseus-“
“chiron said grover calls him percy”
“ok so when percy comes to camp how abt we make sure he doesn’t think ur a creep ok? and we’ll keep this all to ourselves”
“:/ ok”
“do you wanna know his blood type? i already told the apollo kids :)”
“please no”
logistically ik you can say “mo she can’t do that bc the monsters >:(“ FUCK THOSE MONSTERS
their protected by thalias tree at this point and i feel like she’d be one of the only ppl with access to that computer anyway like they keep that thing pretty lock and key so i could see annabeth sticking her hat on and creeping her way to the computer every other night before percy came just so she could know exactly who they would be bringing to camp
hc that annabeths a freak and we love her for it
i will forever believe annabeth has a scary “percy” folder hidden under her bed with a bunch of shit abt him in there
emails he sent her ? printed and annotated check
anything written/drawn by him ? check
anything medical just incase ? check
random facts abt him she probably wrote when he was gone to make herself feel better ? check
your honour she’s a menace and she loves that boy
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