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forbescaroline · 7 months ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 29. ben wyatt and leslie knope - parks and recreation
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grammatically-incoherent · 1 year ago
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literal ride or die besties
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thefabulousfab-3 · 2 years ago
(current) top 5 tv shows!
Thanks Leila ❤️
1. Never have I Ever
2. The sex lives of college girls
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Psych (I recently rewatched this and I remembered just how much I love it. It’s probably my favorite silly little detective show).
5. Abbot Elementary
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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catty-words · 2 years ago
i think your trademark as a writer is the way you just *get* characters. no matter the fandom, their dialogue, their mannerisms, you always have them down to an absolute pat
*blows dozens and dozens of kisses to you*
what do you remember me for as a writer?
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jakeperalta · 1 year ago
11, 44, 55, and 78!
11: sweet nothing - taylor swift
44: paper rings - taylor swift
55: dog years - maggie rogers
78: love you for a long time - maggie rogers
send me a number from 1-100 and I'll tell you what song it is on my 2023 top 100 playlist!
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nataliescatorccio · 1 year ago
Becca!!! 22k!! That's AMAZING (but if anyone deserves it, it's absolutely you!!) Congratulations!! I'd love to request the Lilac colour palette and Ed and Stede from OFMD (since purple is... canonically their colour hehe.)
leila!!! thank you so much for as always, being the absolute kindest 💖 i apologise for being the absolute worst at doing this in a timely manner, especially when it was such a spot on request! purple really is their colour!! but s2 gave me the inspiration i needed, so it's just posted and i really hope you enjoy!
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trueloveistreacherous · 2 years ago
top 5 sitcoms!
Parks and Recreation
Brooklyn Nine Nine
The Good Place
Abbott Elementary
The Nanny
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer
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xoxoemynn · 1 year ago
oh my goodness happy birthday Marianne!!! Wishing you the best day and an even more spectacular year ahead!!
YAYYYY thank you so much, Leila! ���
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basiltonpitch · 2 years ago
obviously, i associate you with grace and kay
seriously love how many ppl are associating me with grace and kay <3 blast from the past going back to my roots!!!!!
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nessa007 · 1 year ago
Hi Nessa! I was wondering if you had any suggestions for blogs/creators to follow. Almost all the people I used to follow have left tumblr and it feels like I'm starting from scratch
some great blogs/creators i follow and are pretty active:
@ncutii-gatwa @mcbride @ruby-monday @harrison-ford @stydixa @katecastle @riley-keoughs @keirahknightley @yellenabelova @jakeyp @narliee @oliviaisarodrigo @oliviairodrigo @craintheodora @arabellas @sharpesjoy @nick-nellson @kerilynnrussell @usernace @moonlight @shegos @tomcriuse @chrissiewatts @trueloveistreacherous @montygreen @mandy-lane @jennifersbod
other content blogs:
@filmgifs @tvandfilm @ladiesofcinema @dailyflicks @femaledaily @femalescharacters @femalegifsource @popcultureds @motionpicturesource @televisiongifs @cinemapix @cinematv @mensource
hope this helps 😊💕
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jakeyp · 1 year ago
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hey guys! i hit 3k a while ago, and now i finally have enough free time to celebrate with you! when i started giffing, i never imagined i would still be doing it 3 years later, and i'm very grateful for the all the support i've gotten, all the people who enjoy what i do and encourage me to keep creating 🥰
also two of my mutuals are celebrating milestones as well, @trueloveistreacherous and @padme-amidala, go give them a follow!
i'm going to be giffing to celebrate of course! all my followers are welcome to participate, so that's the one rule, to be following me. you don't have to reblog this post necessarily, but i'd appreciate it if you did!
for the gifsets:
send 🧸 + a ship and i'll make a set of my favorite moments
send 🧃 + your favorite character(s) and i'll make a set with colors that remind me of them!
send 🌌 + a tv show and i'll make a gifset of it but making it look like a different genre of your choice (like a sitcom as horror for example)
for mutuals only: send 🍪 + two characters from different shows and i'll make a gif set mashup!
here's my list of fandoms! if there's anything that isn't there but i've reblogged it, i'll make a set of it anyway :)
to wrap up i'll be tagging some more awesome people!
@hanmegumi @shivgirly @zephsthings @djarin @madeline-kahn @cal-kestis @simoneashley @fawad-khan @revengeofthesiths @robin-buckleys @lespanaye @crowley-anthony @rachelsennot @rebecca-weltons @cardvngreenbriar @yenvengerberg @muldery @cobbbvanth @candicepatton @antoniosvivaldi @simhadri @levy-tran @figueroths @astaerion @binariesuns @ughmerlin @kitconnor @usershelby @nick-nellson @capinejghafa @siobhans-roy @chrrispine @nessa007 @wandasmaximofffs @jakeperalta @damn-salvatore @kazrietvelld @donnaamoss @narliee @feeisamarshmallow @softdavidrose @montygreen @janinegregory 💖
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forbescaroline · 1 year ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 86. jason mendoza and janet - the good place
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grammatically-incoherent · 1 year ago
this is a @montygreen appreciation post THX FOR FILLING UP MY QUEUE BABE !
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henwilsons · 2 years ago
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i can’t believe i reached 1k followers— a massive thank you to everyone who follows & interacts with me on here ♡ i’m very happy to share this little corner of the internet with you! 
to participate, follow this andrew minyard lovebot, reblog this post and send me one or more of the following:
🧇 + two characters, dynamics, films, shows, people or books for a make me choose edit
⌛️ + a simple gifset request (scenes, parallels, characters etc)
🚨 + a number from 1 to 150 for a lyric gifset from my 911 playlist
💌 + a color for a surprise personalized gifset (mutuals only)
please refer to this list to see what i’m willing to edit ♡ i'll be using the tag #mia celebrates 1k for anything posted for this celebration! tagging some beloved mutuals under the cut <3
@evelyns @buffyboyfriend @augustsjanes @jamiettart @kitconnor @eddiediaaz @jakeperalta @delilahsbard @tutontawan @itwamtv @cardigan @twiceland @morgana-pendragon @revengeofthesiths @wherepoetsdie @maximilff @captain-hen @laurabenanti @maines @arthurpendragonns @samanthamulder @scullyblr @ughmerlin @rebecca-weltons @jamietarrt @theedorksinlove @shegos @aleds @withasmiles @nataliaaromanovas @cobiesmlders  @fangrui @genyazafin @anya-chalotra @thoresque @shangs @cal-kestis @fawad-khan @montygreen @nymika-arts @taoargents @haniishu @trueloveistreacherous @claire-randall @sharpesjoy @nancydrrew @speakncwtv @dallaswinstons @hvrrycameron @parisakamali @violets @jeonwonwoo @margaretacarter @interdium @cervelli @oscillas @kadygrants @queridaz @smithsparker @marksfarrows @londonsboy @parisgellergf @mayclair @baarishgf @lucydonato @sejaanus @elwinged @drepane @amarakaran @chikoriita @biganseyiii @diazly @ice-sculptures ♡
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catty-words · 2 years ago
okay, for the album ranking ask game, i must ask you about my favourite taylor album (speak now taylor's version)
okay, well, not to get too deep into exposition for this fun lil ask game, but as you might have seen me talk about, this year i listened to most taylor albums in their entirety for the first time, starting with my unexpected love affair with evermore last december and working in reverse chronological order from there, though i put this endeavor on hold after red, waiting for the taylor's version of speak now to drop. and because taylor albums are so fucking long anyway, i haven't actually listened to the 'from the vault' tracks that much because i wanted to get a sense of the original track listing (with the exception of 'electric touch' because, well, fob) and so i'm only going to rank the core tracks + i don't have a long-standing relationship with this album + taylor's versions are the only ones i've listened to - except for 'mine' and 'back to december' which were inescapable upon this album's initial release.
- speak now
- haunted
- back to december
- the story of us
- mean
- mine
- better than revenge
- sparks fly
- long live
- enchanted to meet you (💔 i know it's your fave, but i'm like. it's fine. i find it fine.)
- never grow up
- dear john
- last kiss
- innocent
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jakeperalta · 2 years ago
wow congrats on 15k ella!!! I'd love a 💖 please! My favourite colour is purple, but otherwise I give you free reign!
thank you leila!! your gifset is here! I knew I wanted to do something of devi since she's the first character that comes to mind with your blog and then yesterday I saw your tags about how someone should make a playlist of taylor songs for devi and ben so of course I had to (with the help of @iknowitwontwork for some of the song suggestions 💕)
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