patchthemedic · 11 months
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my power grows. MORE HOUND
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ihearthisto · 2 years
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🌸🌸 Rectal Daisies 🌸🌸
A bouquet with a unique fragrance.
Here's the 🔬 story behind these pretty flowers...
Microscopically, the mucosal lining of the rectum & colon exhibits many intestinal glands or crypts of Lieberkuhn (the flowers) that are lined with mucus secreting goblet cells (the petals).
Mucus collects in the lumen of the gland (center of flower) and is squeezed out when the muscular wall contracts to push the fecal material out.
As the feces move through the colon, water is reabsorbed making them drier to conserve the water. As a result, the mucus secreted from these crypts is super important in this region because it ensures that the tube is well lubricated to allow the dry feces to be passed along the colon easily without causing any damage (the mucus decreases friction).
If you slice up the colon or rectum in a way that ensures you cut through the mucosa parallel with its surface then your rectum looks much more like a field full of daisies with pretty goblet cell petals than a chute for passing along poop 💩
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defibrinationsyndrome · 10 months
common laboratory bacteria ranked by smell:
Streptococcus anginosus: sweet and butterscotch-y. a favourite of all techs.
Candida albicans: a yeast. smells of rising bread dough and beer. some isolates produce this smell stronger than others, and more odorous organisms are sometimes shared among staff to enjoy the smell
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: sweet, like a fake grape flavour. reminds me of my childhood. sometimes compared to tortilla chips. always pleasant to encounter
Proteus vulgaris: not commonly liked, but i would describe its smell as akin to chocolate cake. others might call it fishy. a controversial fave
Staphylococcus aureus: on blood agar, the smell is reminiscent of that of unwashed human skin. reminds me of smelling people, which makes me like it
Coagulase negative Staphylococcus: similar smell to S. aureus
Klebsiella pneumoniae: a rectal smell somewhat like E. coli, but with more of a "wet dog" funk. i don't hate it
Haemophilus species: mildly unpleasant. a moist and musty smelling genus
Escherichia coli: the ambassador of the world of bacteria smells like you might expect bacteria to. i would not describe the smell as fecal, but certainly rectal.
Enterobacter cloacae: much like E. coli, but just noticeably worse. like you left your E. coli plate in a nasty bathroom
Fusobacterium nucleatum ACC 25586: QC for anaerobic jars. smells of rotting pumpkins, acrid flatulence, and bad breath all rolled into one. i refuse to work with it on benchtop
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charismaticchemist · 1 year
Got to look at stool samples from all the way in great yonder Virginia (aka, a two hour drive to the south). God, I must have annoyed the shit out of the poor prof's.
"Hey there Kathy, did you find it?"
"Find what? I have no idea what the fuck I'm even looking for. You could tell me I'm looking for those damn spagetti noodles (a filiform worm), and I would be able to spot one from a trail of snot in this turd soup"
Fuck. Fuckity shit nuggets.
I'm exhausted....
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medlabvibes · 1 year
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Platelet satellitism: where platelets aggregate around a blood cell creating a "satellite" appearance 🛰️ #lablife #labtech #laboratorymedicine #medlab #microbiology #labwork #labresults #labsafety #labscience #labprofessionals #medlabscience #medlabscientist #medicallaboratoryscience #medicallaboratoryscientist #medicallaboratorytechnologist #laboratorylife #scientist #hematology #bloodbank #platelets #nursing #hematologia #hematology_lab https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXqF4fOWHQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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camillabanilla · 19 days
Quick Question:
If someone presented you with shelves of jars containing body parts and said it's your project to reorganize it all, what would you do? Like how do I organize this, I can barely manage my closet .
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pathologylab · 1 month
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Join us at #Medlab Asia 2024, from July 10–12, at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok. We are excited to participate in this event, showcasing our innovative product portfolio, which includes RT-PCR #IVD kits, nucleic #acid extraction solutions, #NGS clinical panels, and point-of-care #testing solutions.
Don’t miss the opportunity to visit #G2M's booth at #MedlabAisa 2024. We look forward to meeting you, sharing insights, and exploring collaboration opportunities.
Let's set new benchmarks in the diagnostic space together!
🌍 Book Your Meeting Slot: https://www.genes2me.com/upcoming-events
📅 Medlab Asia - 10th to 12th July 2024
🎯 Queen Sirikit National Convention Center - Bangkok
🏗 Booth No. H6.C19
#MedlabAsia2024 #HealthcareInnovation #MolecularDiagnostics #nucleicacid #extraction #asia #medlabasia #solutions #molecular #panels #clinical #testing #rtpcr #poc #poct
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labpotato · 1 year
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Clickety-click, suckers.
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Finally! Sooo happy to see you all! Ang gaganda! 🥰 #pharmatrade #medlab #galadinner #ladies (at Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co18s5av-8t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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riderkaitlyn5 · 1 year
North: You bought a taco?
York: Yes
North: From the same truck that hit Wash?!
York, with a mouthful of taco: Well, me starving ain't gonna help him
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babycupart · 10 months
hormone therapy & srs provided literally instantly on ds9
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patchthemedic · 1 year
yo someone send me a suggestion for a quick warmup, im workin the weekend and that means hours for comic time! [it’s very slow n chill lol]
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ihearthisto · 1 year
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🍕Happy Pizza Day 🍕
Sometimes cells remind me of food.
These are epithelial cells from an adenocarcinoma of the lung.
An adenocarcinoma is a tumor that is derived from the epithelial cells of glandular tissues. The pizza was obtained from a nodule on the lung. An endoscope with an ultrasound attached to it was used to guide a needle directly into the nodule and some cells were then sucked out for observation. The technique is called endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration or EUS/FNA for short. Aspirates like this allow pathologists to determine whether the cells in the nodule looked normal or cancerous so they can recommend appropriate treatment and/or surgery to remove the tumor.
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defibrinationsyndrome · 4 months
working in medical lab, you come across a lot of fluids from peoples bodies. you pretty quickly get over any qualms you may have had about handling blood or urine, those are easy to get past, even if the pee sometimes does smell *really* bad. microbiology is where you see the most variety, and still, most body fluids arent that weird to handle. peritoneal fluid is like yellowish water, not that different from plasma. synovial fluid is surprisingly slick and stringy. one that throws a lot of people is sputum. i'm not really that vulnerable to it, but for some people, just the sight of that thick, gooey, sometimes red-to-brown gunk is enough to make them gag. all the coughing and hacking that had to go into getting it all out. for me, though, the one that I can't quite get over, at least yet, is semen. cum always smells like cum, and you can't help but smell it. when you get one, you have to make sure it's liquefied, because when it's fresh it's coagulated into a snotty, jiggly little clot. so you have to swirl it around in the container and make sure it flows nice. i always imagine myself a little semen sommelier. then when im actually handling it i cant help but think of the guy who made it, having to abstain for 3 days then blast one out into a little urine container and immediately haul it into the lab so it can be processed within an hour. finally, in our lab, we have a graduated cylinder that is only used for one thing. measuring seminal volume. once all the other tests are set up, the remaining load is poured into our laboratory cumdump, measured, and poured down the drain. a girl can not help but think of this little cylinder
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425599167 · 2 years
In “Inquisition” they built up how O’Brien’s injured shoulder tipped Bashir off that he was in a simulation to test his loyalty, but I think Bashir could’ve figured it out more easily. What really should’ve tipped him off was that if he’d actually helped the Dominion, Garak would’ve found out in under five minutes and silenced him by the sixth.
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medlabvibes · 2 years
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Goblet cells primary function is to secrete mucin, create a protective mucus layer, and is the reward of the Triwizard Tournament 🏆 #histology #medlabscience #medlabscientist #medicallaboratoryscience #medicallaboratoryscientist #medicallaboratorytechnologist #laboratorylife #scientist #clinicallaboratoryscientist #labtech #lablife #medlab #lab #hospital #laboratorytechnician #nurse #doctor #medicaltechnologist #medlabtech #harrypotter #harrypottermemes #biology #gobletoffire #cellstructure #nursingstudent https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci0IE7UuXt_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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