#medkit phighting x reader
vinestaffery · 2 months
first meeting: medkit & subspace
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MEDKIT wasn't that talkative when you came around. when valk and dom had introduced you for the first time, you were reckless and ignorant to the damage the opposite team was doing, to the point he was healing you the entire time. he was disappointed when he found out that the team had won because of your reckless nature, that his patience and composure for the direst situations were only aimed towards you. despite his limits of tolerance, his anger did come to matters of ignorance that would throw away all that match fighting. when you finished the match, he berated you the entire time. yelling at how stupid you acted, how the match would've unfolded correctly if you had only taken care of yourself throughout the entire time. the tension between the two of you's as you argued, other phighters spectated throughout your argument. you couldn't believe your ears when you heard him insult your gear, how you fought and such! your timing and attacks were horrible, and your defense was terrible! you were in complete shock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "[...], are you even paying attention?!" Medkit finally exclaimed, unable to contain his frustration any longer. His voice boomed across the arena, drawing the attention of both phighters and spectators alike.
"You can't just charge in blindly like that! You're putting yourself and others at unnecessary risk!" He continued, his tone a mixture of exasperation and angered concern for you at most.
Despite his sudden outburst, [...] seemed unfazed, shrugging his words with a careless wave of their gear. "Relaaax! I got this, I know exactly what I'm doing," you replied nonchalantly. This response only served more frustration to Medkit then it should've.
He couldn't believe how nonchalant they were, especially since he was having to only pay attention to them. Throughout the remainder of the match, Medkit's attention was divided between his duties as the doctor and his growing irritation towards [...]'s reckless behavior.
When the match had concluded, crowd's slowly dispersing, Medkit couldn't shake off that lingering sense of disappointment.
The echoes of the phighting match had faded, leaving behind a tense silence in the arena. Medkit approached [...] with a determined stride, his expression a mix of frustration and concern.
"[...], we need to talk," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the quiet air.
[...] turned to face him, their expression defiant. "What's there to talk about, Medkit? I fought my way through just fine," they retorted, crossing their arms defensively.
Medkit shook his head, his patience wearing thin. "That's not the point, [...]. You were reckless out there. You put yourself in unnecessary danger," he argued, his tone edged with exasperation.
[...] scoffed, rolling their eyes. "I can handle myself, Medkit. I don't need you hovering over me so overprotectively," they shot back, their words dripping with defiance.
Medkit's frustration boiled over, his voice rising in intensity. "This isn't about me being overprotective! It's about you being ignorant and putting yourself at risk. Do you even realize how dangerous your actions were?" he exclaimed, his hands gesturing emphatically.
[...] bristled at his words, their own frustration bubbling to the surface. "I'm not ignorant, Medkit. I know what I'm doing," they insisted stubbornly, refusing to back down.
Medkit sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "You may think you do, [...], but there's a difference between confidence and recklessness. You need to learn to listen and be aware of your surroundings," he urged, his voice softer now, tinged with concern. "We could've lost, and it would've been all your fault."
The tension between them hung thick in the air, neither willing to concede their point. But beneath the heated argument, there lingered a mutual understanding – a recognition of the importance of safety and knowledge in the unforgiving world they inhabited.
In the end, as the echoes of their argument faded into the distance, Medkit and [...] both knew that their disagreement stemmed from a place of care.
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SUBSPACE was a more ... stranger, and definitely more interesting than any other phighters yet. He was known as "Subspace T. Mine," and worked at the head of Blackrock's robotics division, and was a scientist tinkering with energies of crystals shared between his two sharp horns. It was quite interesting, to say the least, catching your attention. His skills were intriguing, watching him constantly bicker towards his creation and another masked-figure who was to be named 'Hyperlaser'. When he first met you, he preached himself higher then you were, which made you a bit iffy at the start. But, soon you started to get used to his weird-antics and his sayings, as-for speaking in third-person was his way of communicating. Sometimes, you'd catch him fixing his robot creation, 'Biograft', who had also caught your eye with his interesting ideology and interactions with Vine Staff. But, it didn't change the strange interaction you shared with Subspace at all. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sun blared horribly, as the putrid smell of gunk and disgusting smell of rotten fish seemed to be emanating from the phighter right next to [...]. They glared, looking up to face the tall figure above, their arm patched, though it seemed useless with the obvious bleeding and small smoke. They couldn't help but be a bit curious.
They coughed, "What's going on with your arm? It looks... pretty bad." Subspace's eyes darted to face down to you, raising a brow as he just smiled. "Well!!! Aren't you such a curious one? Maybe it's at these times, you shouldn't stick your nose into things that don't matter to you..." He snarled a smile, but it was obvious he disliked your curiosity.
"Well..." [...] embarrassingly looked away, but looked back. "It sorta adds character, is it like a... souvenir from a failed experiment or something?" Subspace looked away, then back to his arm as it lifted up. His skin slowly shuffled on it, disturbing you as you held back a gag.
"This old thing? Well!" He puffs out his chest proudly, "I, Subspace T. Mine! Head-scientist at Blackrock's Robotics Division, mastermind behind many of our ingenious creations, has never failed an experiment! I am infact, working on a groundbreaking energy source for our faction," The demon rambled.
You couldn't even understand half the thing he had just said within his words. You just shook your head, concerned on the demon's mindset. You raised a eyebrow, skeptical, "Oh, really? And what's this energy source supposed to do?"
Subspace's eye had a gleam, "If I told you, [...], I'd have to disintegrate you! But of course, you'd know nothing about that at all with your tiny, itty bitty brain!" You rolled an eye at this improper behaviour.
"Yeah, yeah, Subspace. We've all heeeard about your big plans. Just make sure you don't blow yourself up at all to smithereens with your strange experiment, 'kay?" Subspace smiled wickedly.
"Ohh, don't worry your little head about that, [...], I have everything under control... mostly."
You shook your head, amused. "That's what worries me."
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hello!! im very proud of this, as for this is my first time i believe i have actually felt comfortable and happy with my writing. this is not proof-read, i hope you guys enjoy these stupid little scenario type of situation!
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nonymous-nb · 1 month
Just a small drabble due to boredom.. :)
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You were his first, and so was he to you.
Medkit and you have been dating for about 2 years.. you both were happy together, people had told the both of you the you guys were like a one true pair. You both were perfect, until the day where you lost feelings for him. You didn't mean to, you swore, it was just how life wanted it.
You both talked it over and tried to do some different things, Medkit knew he needed to let you go though he still tried as he loves you dearly and suggested trying and maybe hangout.. maybe it'll change? Then the time came, where Medkit had to hold himself back from breaking as you utter the word.
"I'm sorry.."
You felt bad, you wanted to comfort him and tell him it was fine, but you knew it's better than trying to continue this one-sided relationship. You were about to leave until Medkit took your hand.
"one.. one last hug..?"
His voice.. it was broken.
"One last hug.."
You then held him in a tight hug, you felt his figure shaking slightly, as he hugs you tighter. He wanted to fight for the both of you, he wants you, he wants you so bad.
why was life so cruel to him?
Now there he was, watching you with someone else, hand in hand. His hand twitched as he wished that you didn't lose feelings, now he's just there in the corner.
He stood there; watching as you gave his enemy a kiss on their forehead, the scientist letting out some giddy nonsense sounds.
"Why is life so cruel to me?"
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*runs away 🏃*
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I...uhhhh *rotates ur medkit*
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milkcookiekin · 4 months
jealous phighters! (aka them dealing with creepy people)
subspace - would most likely try to kidnap them and experiment on them, because he’s psychotic.
“maybe you’ll think twice next time before doing that.”
katana - trusts you and is very reasonable, but when they’re not, he just takes you away for a drink. (doesn’t have to be alcoholic)
“shhh, you’re ok now, dearest.”
hyperlaser - would likely make them his next target
“I don’t care if it’s not a part of the job.”
vine staff - emotionally manipulates and “bullies” them into leaving you alone.
“you seriously think you’re worthy of them?”
banhammer - very extra about it, more so than shuriken and boombox are. he’s practically growling angrily at them like he’s about to tear their head off.
scythe - very upfront about the fact that she’s your wife, and if they don’t leave you alone, she’ll kill them, it’s as simple as that.
“it’s out of self-defense darlin’, don’t worry about it.”
medkit - is very calm about it, holds your hand to reassure you and let you know you’re safe.
“are they bothering you, my beloved?”
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sourle · 2 months
Can I request a medkit and subspace fighting over reader?? You can choose whether it's oneshot or headcanons and the gender of the reader :3 *I need more drama from those two*
They fight like a cat and a dog.
Medkit VS Subspace
"No! Honestly one eyed freak-" "you're one eyed too, smartass." Subspace fumes as Medkit cuts off his speech. It's been an hour since they started bickering insults at each other.
"Guys, please just stop. What is going on??" You huffed, crossing your arms as you give them a slight glare.
Subspace scoffed while Medkit just rolled his eyes at his nemesis. You can't help but mentally facepalm.
"Well, [Name]. I'm here to pick you up for our usual hang out until this green fucker tried to get you to cancel our time together." His voice is laced with venom as he glares at Medkit, which the Medic returns.
"Well, Pardon me. But I came here to spend time with [Name] like we both promised." Subspace growls at this as he snapped his head to you which makes you jumped.
"Is that true!?" "I mean... Our hangout is tomorrow Space.." you trailed off as Subspace froze for a bit, "well let's change it today!" He huffed.
"What-" "No way, apparently they can't go out with you since they are hanging out with me." Medkit cuts you off, earning a sigh from you.
This is not good..
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randombuddys · 3 months
Reader Texting Medkit : *sends a voice message*
Medkit : Im little busy , is this urgent?
Reader : Nahh don’t worry, maybe listen it later
Medkit : *press play the voice message*
Reader voice message : THERES A- *subspace ult phinister sounds*
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piplup335 · 3 months
Medkit & reader who is Subspace’s sibling!
first request by @subspacekisser1, sorry if this is out of character! ;-; I’m new to Phighting 😭
The low murmur of customers added to the relaxing atmosphere of Slingshot’s Café. The two of you just completed a long and intense phight, and Medkit sat next to you, quietly sipping from a cup of black coffee.
In his opinion, any of the SFOTH deities showing up during a phight can and will always be a pain in the arse- and it just so happened that Firebrand showed up. His team wasn't the brightest, too…
"Skateboard, watch out. Your knee and elbow guards won't save you from third-degree burns, and neither will they save you from your medical bills.”
“Relax, Medkit! What’s the worst that can happpen?”
As he skated on to harass the enemy Biograft, a star-shaped symbol appeared on the ground in front of him.
It was orange. Orange…like blazing flames. Flames that could only come from one deity…
"Skateboard, watch your-"
Medkit was cut off by a yell from Skateboard as a column of fire shot up directly underneath him.
"-step...gosh, I don't get paid enough for this.”
Running towards Skateboard, Medkit was about to prepare a crystal to heal Skateboard’s burns when a panicked scream could be heard.
Boombox had been backed into a corner by a column of fire. He still got hit somehow, and now the opposing Biograft was charging towards the injured Boombox like a raging bull, swinging its energy swords as its eyes, despite being a robot, held some sort of bloodlust in its orange glow.
Medkit sighed. This will be annoying, he thought.
Using a crystal to heal Skateboard, Medkit used his free hand and prepared more crystals to teleport to Boombox. In the corner of Medkit’s eye, he caught a glimpse of light shining against tinted glass. Quickly dropping to the ground, Medkit barely avoided Hyperlaser’s shot, his helmet giving away his position and acting as Medkit’s saving grace.
Weaving between Hyperlaser’s relentless attacks and Firebrand’s flames was chicken feet compared to dealing with one person and one person alone.
And it just so happened that he was on the opposing team.
“Come on, Meddy!! Let’s have some fun, shall we?!”
Oh, dear Illumina…
Because of this, he was exhausted, and collapsed on a nearby bench once the phight was over. You had to drag him up yourself- he was too tired to get off.
Now, here you two were, sipping your drinks at Slingshot’s Café, watching demons pace back and forth between different shops, either running errands or just strolling around to enjoy the crisp air.
Medkit seemed to be lost in thought, however. He drank his black coffee silently, staring into space, not saying a word. Usually, when you two hung out like this after a phight, Medkit would occasionally start some small talk…but today was different. His eyes were glazed over, and you couldn’t help but notice something was off.
You were about to wave a hand in front of Medkit’s eyes to catch his attention and make sure he’s okay when he suddenly turned to you, his expression slightly more serious than usual.
“(Y/n), I am a bit concerned pertaining to you.”
You glanced at him, confused. What happened? Why was he concerned? This was uncommon, too. Medkit, the meticulous doctor who would always plan everything three steps ahead, being concerned about you?
You nodded- a sign for him to go on.
Medkit took a deep breath and, after a brief pause, continued.
“Subspace is on the opposing team. You of all people should be the most familiar as to what he is capable of, all of his malicious acts…yet you still hold back against him. You stop yourself. I see the doubt, the split second where you decide whether or not to attack him. I’ve also noticed that this applies to him and him alone, no matter who else we’re fighting against.
So I must ask…why do you hesitate?”
You tense up, not knowing how to respond. You can feel Medkit’s expectant gaze on you, silently coercing a satisfactory answer from you.
You knew that the only satisfactory answer would be the truth…but the truth would be too painful for Medkit to accept.
This was not how you wanted him to find out.
Regardless, you knew that with how much detail he paid to the most trivial of tasks, he��d find out sooner or later.
Better sooner than later, anyway.
You sighed, prepared to face whatever came next.
“Medkit…the truth is…Subspace is my brother.”
At your words, Medkit froze. Out of all the possible reasons and responses you could have gave him, this was not one of them. He had no idea…one of his best friends, the sibling of his sworn enemy? Impossible…
He gingerly sat his cup of black coffee onto the saucer, making a soft clink.
“You can’t be serious…? You knew what he did to me…and yet you never bothered to tell me that he was your brother?”
Things weren’t playing out in your favour here…
“I’m sorry, Medkit. I never wanted you to find out this way…but it’s the truth.”
Medkit stared at you, his usually stoic face now containing a plethora of emotion…all conveying a single emotion- horror. He felt absolute revulsion. How could his friend, who had been with him through thick and thin, be related to the very person who ripped out his eye? But then again, deep down…he didn’t want to change his perception of you. You were who you were, not Subspace. You weren’t Subspace. You never treated him harshly, like nothing more than a lab assistant…you treated him like a genuine friend. You showed care towards him, care which he never experienced in Blackrock…
Medkit glanced down at his half-finished cup of coffee. His reflection stared back at him, his only remaining eye speaking thousands of words. The eyes were the windows to the soul, he knew, and his one remaining eye conveyed not only consternation and hatred…but also sadness and betrayal. Why didn’t you tell him sooner? Did you worry about his reaction?
Did you not trust him enough?
You waved a hand in front of Medkit, trying to get his attention.
“Medkit…? You alright…?”
Medkit quietly rested his head on the edge of the table, sighing quietly.
“I’m fine. It’s just…an old and unresolved conflict.”
You knew what he was talking about- the incident with Subspace. Your best friend’s mortal enemy was your brother. But a friend’s a friend, and no matter how much people say that family comes first, you’d always prioritise Medkit’s safety- he was your best friend and stuck with you every step of the way.
“…it’s fine, I’ll make sure Subspace doesn’t hurt you, alright, Meds?”
Medkit knew Subspace having an easier shot at hurting him was only a small portion of the issue- he’d been through that for too long anyway, and he was used to it. The real issue was the shock that came with finding out his best friend was related to his sworn enemy.
Nevertheless, he knew he could count on you.
“…alright, (Y/n). I trust you.”
and first req done! thanks again for requesting! sry for the delay btw, I had sch work to do ;-;
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phighterss · 4 months
Could you maybe spare a Medkit nsfw drabble?? ;>
I'm frothing at the mouth for the traumatized btritsh man
tags: reader’s body is ambiguous but written with afab in mind, wall sex, fingering, HORN PULLING (i heart horn pulling guys)
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Your face was smooshed against the wall, back arching at the angle you were forced into by rough and calloused hands that trailed down from your shoulders to your trembling thighs, electrifying tingles shooting across your body.
A hand wrapped around one of your horns, forcing your head back to shove his fingers into your mouth, letting you swirl your tongue around them, coating them in a glistening sheen of saliva. Medkit pushed your head back to the wall, pressing your cheek against it with a kind of roughness that made your legs shake and cheeks turn several shades darker.
He pressed his wet fingers up to your needy hole before pushing them in, the burn of the stretch against his thick fingers made you let out a hiss.
He thrusted them in and out, relinquishing in your soft little whines and pants, pausing for but a moment to flip you over to rest your back on the wall, pulling you by your horn to bring your face to his own, pressing his mouth against your own, tongues exploring each other’s mouths with shared drive and anticipation.
Medkit’s fingers didn’t stop in their movements, only getting faster as the make out session got more heated. Each thrust of his fingers made you moan, muffled against his tongue.
You felt yourself tighten around him and he let out a sigh of pleasure, enjoying the noises of your own and picking up the pace. Tears pricked your eyes and he removed his mouth from your own, promptly kissing your tears away as you came.
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luminaryvinestaff · 5 months
Medkit ;; General dating headcanons. .
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Medkit's always there whenever you need a shoulder to cry on or need someone to depend to, He'll always remember even the littlest things you tell him— He remembers the exact date of when you told him your favorite ice cream flavor, He may seem like he's not really listening but he really is. . Medkit doesn't really know any other way to engage in your rambles and just let out 'mhm's'. If you look closely enough there's always a slight smile plastered on his face whenever you talk.
Loves going to cafe dates with you for no reason. . Medkit just loves the cozy atmosphere of it all and often relaxes, Maybe he'll slowly hold hands with you while you both are ordering !! A small sign that you two are in a relationship that he shows to the waitress, Often times he'll tighten his grip on your hand whenever he feels upset by something.
Medkit's expression always brightens whenever you appear— It's like a automatic thing he does, His expression softens and he just stares at you lovingly while you do whatever you're doing. Whenever you catch him staring at you he always looks away despite how many years, months, And days you guys are in the relationship. Maybe he'll get a few teasing comments from the other phighters as well. .
Medkit shares food with you often, He unconsciously does it— Like pushing his tea to your direction as an invitation for you to take a sip or ripping a part of a bread to two pieces so there's some if you're craving bread. Even if medkit isn't a big fan on sugar or just anything on his tea in general he'll remember to order the stuff you like on your tea, Or coffee! Maybe he'll start drinking coffee often when he notices you like coffee.
Medkit isn't really big on pda !! He prefers to keep it behind closed doors, But he isn't afraid to sling a arm on your shoulder or grab ahold of your waist as a way to let someone know that you're taken— He does this whenever he feels jealous and might need reassurance right after.
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! ! Dividers n banner made by @/cafekitsune ! !
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sojuzz · 4 months
hello, dunno if reqs are open at the time i’m writing this, but can i req some medkit hcs? ^_^
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-id like to first start off with how he REEKS of rubbing alcohol, no questions asked
-medkits favorite type of coffee is black coffee!
-the coffee he drinks has no longer any effects to his body, making him still tired.
-any bright colours like neon green makes him even more moodier
-he likes to work on gadgets! and even made his own invention of a coffee maker.
-i think he would have a small grin whenever he applies alcohol to disinfect the wounds from boombox, it's his own way of being a little shit.
-he will not treat anyone related to subspace or anyone being fond of that man.
-though he isn't particularly fond with anyone, he does secretly enjoy his time with sword and often comes to his adventures as his medic (random headcanon that sword gets injured easily).
-he showers with his eyepatch on no questions asked.
-medkit has a random stash of wine and also in his kit, like an emergency breakdown reliever.
-all his cooking turns bitter.
-writes in doctors cursive no one understands
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A/N: its not that much but here you go:3
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phighting-x-you · 9 months
medkit romantic hcs
Out of the nine million Medkit requests I was sent today, I'm only doing this one 😭
Romantic Medkit headcannons 🏥💉
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Despite Medkit seeming cold and somewhat distant at times, people were surprised that he could love
The other Phighters were curious how you managed to get Medkit to open up. It was as if his heart was a lock and you were the key
It'd take a while for Medkit to get used to your affection, but truth be told he loves it
He isn't big on PDA, but that's because he's rather reserved for until you're both together yourselves
Get Medkit a cup of black coffee and he'll thank you by kissing your hand gently
He'd also like to spend time with you by playing chess or showing you his interest for creating technology
If you two ever cuddle together, 9 times out of 10 Medkit will be the big spoon (however, sometimes he'd appreciate being held in your arms for once. The poor doctor has been through alot)
Another way of Medkit showing affection would just be hugging you from behind and resting his face in your hair. Just let him hold you, it's one way of showing you he's greatful for you
Overall, Medkit is eternally thankful for an S/O like you and would go to great lengths to be as good as a lover towards you
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vinestaffery · 5 days
I'm praying that uh.. I don't know if this is gonna be answered or not but anyways!! (I couldn't hit the button to mNe this ankn for a bit)
Medkit X GN!reader Head canons before the accident?
Also I pray that this is easy to understand.🔷
hihi!!! thank you for requesting!! i absolutely understood this [and i am in love with medkit] so, i hope these are good enough!!! <3 have a nice day :3 I also somewhat based this off of the vibe of Bay City, Plastic Love, etc songs!!
Warnings: brief mentions of bullying Other: I made this where Pre-Medkit and GN!Reader aren't in a relationship, but hopelessly inlove with eachother. They just struggle at confessing because I love this type of trope! I also based this off of my own Blackrock Headcanon where at the start of Highschool, you must pass various tests before being placed in departments that fit you suitable in society. There is also mentions of Grav and Warp <3.
When you were brand new to the school that Medkit was at, you were hopelessly crushing on him, even though you barely interacted. You both had unique features unlike the other scientists within the department, but you were studying a completely different medium then him.
Your actual first two friends was Grav and Warp, who were close friends to Medkit. The three of yous, excluding Medkit sadly, were always bickering. But, your mind would always drift to that strange boy with glasses and bright green horns! Sometimes, Grav and Warp would catch you daydreamin' or staring at him from afar, which would influence in slight teasing. They couldn't help it, you were so inlove with him like those iconic high-school lovers trope!
That was until Grav and Warp somehow, ironically, got you intentionally partners of research with him. Quickly to blame them, you and Medkit actually got along quite well! With how you both examined small details and examined the fine details in each artifact given. He was surprised on how much of a similar level of learning you both had, but it ended up with you getting targetted for his arroudous bullying.
Medkit was known around the school, especially for how he acts and how different he is. Especially his horns, and how they are drastically different to many other Blackrockian's. They were unique, stylized with curves and fascinating features that seemed to bring out of Medkit more. It was something you fell inlove with about him, but you'd never admit it truthfully to his face.
For Medkit, it was your eyes. He's seen many robloxians in his life-time, but your eyes just stood out. How they seemed to keep him captivated, it was one of the reasons he struggled because he didn't want to look like a weirdo. He'd zone out endlessly, forgetting all of his surroundings but be amazed but your looks and your eyes. It was something he loved about you, and one of the many reasons why sometimes, you'd catch him not replying but making heavy contact. It'd make him forget how to breathe! Of course, he'd get embarrassed each time you called him out... he'd just say he was zoning out or dissociating, thinking, whatever excuse he can use to save himself.
Medkit and You were basically two peas in a pod after your first assignment with him. But, because you both studied different mediums, you were separated into a different department after a while and he was placed with a whole new person. Agriculture was your one, while his one was robotics and certain, secret project. But, that never stopped your guys endless meet-ups. Your department and his were very strict, keeping everyrobloxian on their toes and to keep a look out, since the very best were the most to survive.
Picnics were occassional, sometimes even inviting Grav and Warp alone if possible. They also studied a different medium together, which was the environmental setting, but their department was hated for it's easiness and lack of 'strong' competitors. It didn't bug Grav and Warp since they seemed to have already aced everything. Medkit and you, on the other hand, had to fight restlessly just to see one another or to complete a singular class assigned. Being one of the smartest kids was one thing in your shared departments, but you could tell it was taking a toll on Medkit.
Medkit was always one to push you away when you came to support him on heavier tasks, always saying that there is no need to help him, that you wouldn't understand. Sure, some pieces may be difficult, but it didn't stop you from helping your boyfriend friend from getting out of such a place. Medkit would get defensive, you'd retaliate but end up helping him in the end. Sometimes, you'd shamelessly get yourself into his dorm complex and finish off the work yourself.
Medkit and you would go out on dates spend time together whenever you both can. Sometimes, it'd be spending time in one anothers presence, others may be going to the parks or ice-skating. He was a pro at ice-skating, while you were to be held by him. You always got embarrassed and flushed at each time he'd hold you, sometimes even feeling him against you. It made you flare up, in which he'd get worried your getting sick!
Medkit has sketched you sooooo many times in his work books. Sometimes, he'd became so zoned out thinking about you, that he'd have someone tap him on the shoulder if he wasn't paying attention. In the end of the day, he'd always get the answer correct if possible, in a some-sort of short response and go back to thinking about you.
Subspace found out about his crush about you, and kept urging and making stupid jokes around him. It got to the point, that Hyperlaser had to separate you two from one another. It was that bad, mostly because Medkit despised Subspace. He has no right talking about you like that! And he proves it, but he also proves the fact he is so into you.
He has tons of letters in his drawers that were supposed to be sent to you, but he never had the courage. Some are even ranking before he was transferred from the shared-department you both were in. Sadly, because of being kicked out of the school after the accident, he lost all those letters. But, who knows, Grav and Warp snuck around and about and found a bunch...
You would sometimes kick your legs and dedicated paragraphs to him in your work. When it came to english assignments, especially in some parts of your class-curriculum, you'd write so many aimed sentences towards him. Of course, your teacher didn't bother to question it, since no matter what you wrote it was aimlessly on theme. It just had that sort of aimed ring to it, and I'm sure Medkit would understand what you wrote instantly.
Medkit compares you to the moon, no take backs. Sometimes at night, when he struggles to sleep, he watches the moon. It reminds you of him, especially when you are unavailable a lot. You were the moon, and he was the sun watching from afar. The stars that trinkle support each dime, each feature that he loved about you.
Nature was what reminded you of him, or small little trinkets you were able to collect. They were your reminder, and you'd dedicate each trinket to him.
Overall, you both are just two teenagers aimlessly falling in-love with one another, but are so unaware and obnoxious to every sign given!!!
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nonymous-nb · 12 days
Medkit x Reader
"Charged kisses."
PHIGHTING! | One-shot | Fluff | Romantic.
Warning/s: [fluff. :( ]
Extra: [Hi, I'm still alive + not fully proofread]
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You and Medkit have been dating for almost a year now, it was quite the shock when some of the other phighters found out about it.. Other than Subspace and their Biografts, of course. The same also goes for the warden and his "family" as he didn't trust them with the information of him dating you, yet. Sword mostly did the cheering for the both of you. (He also teased Medkit about it and he didn't get any healing from him during the phights after that.) The day the Broker found out about it gave Medkit a slight panic attack, he does not want the Broker to turn you into a blackmail for him to do more stuffs than he already has, he was considering having a break-up with you due to not want to endanger you, but also doesn't want to tell you about the stuffs he went through with the said "family". That was until Scythe had accidentally met you and found you quite entertaining, she even treated you as a part of the "family" even if you weren't in the cult. Even saying how she sees you as a "sibling" as you both hangout, that didn't calm Medkit's nerves though. Medkit couldn't help but tell you the half of the truth about what he has been doing for work and what he truly was.
A criminal.
Medkit was sure you were going to leave him as you finally knew about what he does and what he truly is, his heart slowly breaking and sinking as you only stayed silent for a while. He was about to apologize and leave until you took his hands in yours, smiling at him softly and told him that you still love him as him and not even his work would ruin his and yours relationship, you were gonna make the man cry and emotional as you shower him with love and care.
Medkit really does hold you dear.
After a few more months he then finally found the courage and trust for you to learn more about his background, what he does in his work and his very.. very interesting co-workers. Sure it did still give you a slight fright due to them being criminals; how much they've done to innocent people and all that jazz, but that didn't deter your love for him, nuh uh, he's stuck to you till the very end until you die. How did you even get this fine man?
Though, since he has work 24/7 as it can sometimes go for even a week straight; that never deter both of your love and admiration for each other. Now you're here, stuck in your own shared apartment.. All alone with nothing to do than try to entertain yourself as you wait for your lover's arrival as he last texted.
You stared at the ceiling; feeling bored as hell as you can't seem to think of anything to do this time as you usually do. Plus, your lover is almost coming back home from work. You sighed as you sat up from the couch and took your phone; scrolling through stuffs to see if you could do something to entertain yourself for a while as you wait. You scrolled a few more times before stopping, scrolling back up to see what you found interesting. "Oh, it's a new plushie." The design was really quite alright, a humanoid person with a black hat and an eye for a head was the new plushie on the plush shop that you liked and bought at least twice on.
You were about to click it to see more until a notification popped up on your phone, distracting you. Seeing a very familiar name on the notification, you clicked on it which took you to the messaging app as a familiar demon messages you.
⏎ [ The Best Dealer🤫🧏 ]
[ The Best Dealer🤫🧏 ]
: {Attachment_stling_mney.lnk}
: you should def buy sum of this stufs fr ×:3
[ Remaining Eyes < You ]
: Broker.. I'm not falling for that.
[ The Best Dealer🤫🧏 ]
: dam worth a shot 😔
: ok thus is what i actually wanna send ya!
: [Attachment_rppring_lpstck.lnk]
[ Remaining Eyes < You ]
: I don't do makeups as well Broker ತ⁠_⁠ತ
[ The Best Dealer🤫🧏 ]
: nah dis thing is like invis then appers later on
: yo culd prank mskit wit dis too!
: i kno ya bord so think bout da offer ×:3
[ Remaining Eyes < You ]
: Alrighty then I will
: But first off, why do you now type like that—
[ The Best Dealer🤫🧏 ]
: Ops aft me LOL
[ Remaining Eyes < You ]
: O h
: Goodluck escaping—
"Rip Broker.." You let out an airy chuckle not even wondering what that demon did. You looked back at the link that Broker sent you thinking about the said offer. Finding that it's actually a good little harmless prank on your lover when he comes home from a long day of work, You then nodded to yourself and quickly read through the reviews seeing if it's legit or not. After finding the reviews all positive with a couple of showcasing, you then ordered the lipstick. "This will be interesting.."
Now you just need to wait for a few days to get it. You sent a quick peace sign to Broker, telling him you got it as he replied with the thumbs up emoji.
Now you just have to wait for your package.
A few days had past and your package finally arrived!
as well as your lover.. :0
"Buying some stuffs online again, I see." Medkit hummed as he carries a small boxed package, handing it to you. "So, what did you order online this time?" Medkit gave you a small peck on your forehead as he went inside your shared apartments, sitting down on the couch to rest and placed his little kit on the couch as well. "Well, y'know.. some typical me stuffs." You told him as you close the door, walking to the table to place the box on it. "How's work this time? A certain dealer still bothering you?" You changed the subject not wanting him to get curious about your little package. Medkit groaned at the mention of a certain dealer. "He kept asking me about.. something. And later on 'telling' me how I shouldn't mess up on some things." Medkit vents about his frustrations about the dealer and how stressful work is. You hummed as you went to where he was and sat down beside him, slowly and gently taking his hands in yours; pulling him gently towards you as you made him lean into your arms. His hands lightly flinched at the small gesture as he stopped talking for a few minutes, not expecting the sudden physical contact. After some time he relaxed; adjusting his postion and slowly hugs your waist as you fully lay him onto you, nuzzling his head a bit onto your shoulder while being mindful of his horns. You both knew that he still wasn't fully the one for physical touches as he's had a fair share of trauma, but he quickly relaxes, you were different, you feel so warm and comforting.. he loves and cherishes the feelings he always has with you whenever he's free from the hell he calls work.
"But, other than those it was alright.. Scythe has protected me during the phights whenever I get targeted by a certain scientist and.. it's creation." You began to massage Medkit's temple feeling that he's getting even more stressed by thinking about it, you could slightly hear a small bit of rumbling from Medkit.. it almost sounds like a soft purr. "Both the boss and the dealer said hi to you as well." He murmured as he got comfortable at his laying position. "You should definitely get some rest now. You got some work tomorrow too, don't you?" You asked him as you tried to get him to sit up so he could sleep and rest in your shared bedroom. He let out a slight groan as he wants to stay in that position and spend time with you as it's been so long since you both could spend a whole day together. Though he knew you were also right, he reluctantly sat up from his position and let you drag him towards the bedroom.
You let him change his clothings privately first.
You then led him into the bedroom, laying him down and tucking him in the bed. "I'll do something real quick alright? I'll be back later." You told him as you were about to leave the room. He wanted to ask what you were going to do, but quite hesitant to do so. So he laid back down in bed waiting for you to return. You'll come back either way.. he hopes so, as you close the bedroom's door.
You would be back later though, you just need to put your little package somewhere so he doesn't see the product.
You then open your little package to reveal a packed up lipstick with a light slightly transparent teal case and a silver lid. Opening the lid revealed a clear clear wax, inside of it having cute little designs containing stars and flowers. "Huh, pretty.." You admired the lipstick before closing it up and standing up from the couch, heading straight to the drawer that's near the couch placing it inside; making sure it's hidden.
You then went straight back into the bedroom; sitting down onto the bed beside Medkit as you tuck in yourself into the blanket you both are sharing; making yourself comfortable. "Goodnight, Medkit.." You whispered thinking that he's already asleep as you nuzzle onto his side slightly but still keeping a some distance incase he wants his space in his sleep. "Goodnight.." You lightly flinched not expecting any reply back, you were about to ask why he's still awake until he moved to face you, hugging your figure close to him. You were about to lightly tease him until he spoke again. "Say something about this and I'm sleeping on the couch."
You then stayed silent during the night.
≻───────── ⋆TimeSkip⋆ ─────────≺
Morning finally came.
You did some light stretching as you finally wake up, your arms still wrapped around your lover's sleeping form, you tried to open your eyes to look at the clock.. yeaaah, bad idea. You then let out a light hiss as the sun greeted you head on from your window, you quickly flipped it off as you tried to adjust your vision at the sudden brightness. "Stupid sun's brightness so early in the morning.." You grumbled out as your vision finally adjusted, you moved away from Medkit to check the time. Medkit let out a groan at the lost of warmth as he tried to get you back for more sleep, you just held his hand as he lightly drifted off to another sleep.
"5am.. Medkit, my beloved, it's time to wake up my dear." You said hushly, yawning at the same time as you let go of his hand. You heard another groan from your lover as he begrudgingly sat up; still tired as he rub his working eye lightly. You then stood up from your bed to do your usual morning routine, Medkit did his after you finished.
You were now in the kitchen making Medkit some quick breakfast and his dark coffee, your mind quickly drifted off to the lipstick. "Oh, the lipstick!" You finally remembered what you and Broker talked about, you then thought of scenario for it as you let out a few silent chuckle at the idea. You then placed his breakfast and coffee on the table while waiting for him innocently.
Medkit then came out of your shared bedroom, ready for work, going to the table to where the food is not before giving you a small forehead kiss before going to sit and eat. "Aren't you gonna eat as well?" Medkit asked you as you chilled on the couch. "Hmm, not hungry yet.. I'll eat later so don't worry!" Medkit nodded at you while saying something along the lines that you should. While Medkit is busy eating and his attention is on the food, you quietly reach for the drawer taking out the familiar lipstick, as you hid it behind you, you'll put it on after he's done eating to make sure the lipstick won't show early and ruin the little prank.
It wasn't that long till Medkit finished his breakfast as he made his way into the kitchen to wash his plate. You then took out the lipstick that you're hiding observig it before putting some on you, as you're done you took out your phone to see if it's visible and man was it not. Now the question, does it appear later on? As you were pondering about if it's going to appear or not, Medkit came out of the kitchen and grab his case. "I'll be going now, I shall see you when I get home soon." He said as put on his shoes and was going to open the door.
Medkit stopped on his tracks as he looks back at you with a raised eyebrow. "A kiss before you go?" Damm, you getting real bold right now, you still couldn't help the slight blush of embarrassment creeping in. "Oh? Care to explain why?" You pouted at his question. "Because it might take you another whole week off.. and I'll miss you.." You guys are dating for almost a year, ALMOST and yet you're still shy about asking for some type of affection due to you being the one who always show him some affection. You could feel Medkit's little sly smile as he knew what he was doing, he letting out a pleased chuckle he then went to where you were and placed a kiss on your forehead. "There, now I'll be goi— mphh?!" Medkit let out a small yelped as you pull him back in for an actual kiss, you could feel his face heating up as you didn't let go and kept kissing him a bit more longer. Medkit could feel his face heating up more and his heart beating fast as you don't pull away.
Someone save him. :(
You finally pulled back after leaving a few more kisses on his face. Now, finally getting a good look at Medkit, he looks like he's still processing what even happened as his face look like a giant lightbulb as he pull back and let out a light cough on his hand, still not facing you. "I.. think it's time for work— uhm.. see you later." He then gave you a nod as he went to go out the door to leave. Oh how you love to see that old man flustered at times.
"Hehe, I wonder what his reaction would look like when he gets home.."
≻──────── ⋆At Medkit⋆ ────────≺
Scythe and Broker was casually chatting the other polishing their weapon as the other laid on the couch. "OH!! And get this: a certain warden was stupid enough to—"
The door opened.
Scythe perked up at the sound of the door opening. "Howdy, 'kit! Ya should hear what happened with the warde—" Scythe then stopped in her tracks as she observes Medkit face. Medkit senses her stare as he look at her. "Wha—" Before he could ask what is going on, Broker let out some loud giggles and cooing noises. Medkit just gave him a narrowed glance until a weight was added onto his shoulder. "Damn 'kit~ didn't know ya and the jewel were getting freaky at it!"
Medkit choked on his saliva as he pull away, face heating up at the slight thought. "What— No! We never did, what are you talking about.?" He asked, quite shock as he never expected that I mean.. you both just shared some kisses, but neither Scythe and the Broker needs to know that. What even got Scythe to say such thing? "Awh, no need to be so shy Meds! It's totally fine by us!" Now it was the Broker's turn to tease him. Scythe snickered as she patted Medkit on the back of his shoulder. Medkit moved away a bit and gave the two a narrowed look. "I don't have anymore patience to deal with the both of your shenanigans. What is it?" Oh how he wish he could just walk out of here and go home. "Hah! No need to be so snarky 'kit!" Scythe laughed as she took out her phone and places it in front of Medkit's face.
". . ."
≻──────── ⋆At Reader⋆ ────────≺
You were casually flipping through channels on your television until you hear a notification popping on from your phone, curious. You took your phone that's on your side of the couch and check out who caused the notification.
You then froze as you read the notification.
[ Handsome Old Man♡: I'll be charging you 5000 bux per kiss stains you've left on me today, now Scythe and the Broker won't stop bothering me about it. Oh and your punishment is that you'll be receiving no kisses nor cuddles from me for a whole month. ]
"Well, fu—"
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Cuddling with medkit
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milkcookiekin · 3 months
can I just say I love how everybody in the phighting fandom has just collectively agreed on medkit being british
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sourle · 26 days
mmmedkit x reader and reader just being a simp plesplspslsps
More Medkit! Yasss!
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Medkit x Simp!Reader
Medkit huffed as he tiredly plopped onto the couch, letting out a groan of frustrations and exhaustion from the last phighting match. The sound of the busy streets add more to the stress.
Hearing the voice just made him groans louder. You peaked around the corner, going over to Medkit while setting his coffee in the table.
"So, how's the match?" You asked, sitting beside him. The darker eye bags under his eyes clearly answered your own question.
"Not great, huh?" The room fell into awkward silence as you watched Medkit sips the coffee you made for him. "... Do you want to go to bed? It's getting darker.."
Medkit just grumbles under his breath before letting out a long deep sigh, ".. Do you ever get tired worrying over me?"
"W..what do you mean?" You pursed your lips, yet kept that small smile on your face as you gave your lover a confused look.
"It's starting to be Annoying.."
You stared at Medkit before giving him a smile, "I cared for you! That's why I'm always worrying about you!"
That annoyed Medkit as he groaned, rolling his eyes. though, It does feel nice to know someone truly cares for him.
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