#medium hair eris
mt-jupiter · 10 months
eris hair length poll !
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just to get some opinions:
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serfuzzypushover · 10 months
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genderfluid guppy wwtf
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sapphicmsmarvel · 27 days
"hey bitch, what's for dinner?"
Cassian dares his besties (eris, lucien and tarquin included) to ask their mates “hey bitch, what’s for dinner?” 
some are short. some medium. one large (for a headcanon type fic). Also this is mostly dialogue because I didn't want to keep repeating body motions (they shrug a lot, they cuddle a lot, etc, etc, etc). 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?” He really tried not to let his voice crack, but he couldn't help it. The idea of calling you something foul outside the bedroom is painful. 
“Based on the way your voice got quieter for that word, I'm going to assume this is a stupid dare from Cassian. And that you aren’t actually that stupid to talk to me like that.” You said as you continued to stir the pot of soup. 
“I’m so relieved you know me that well.” He couldn’t help his sigh. 
You snorted as he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “If I ever actually talk to you like that, take Truthteller and use it, cause it’s not me.” 
You let out another snort. “My big baby.” You said, taking your hand up and ruffling Azriel’s hair as he pressed kisses to your neck. 
He came in so confident too. But quickly was humbled. 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?” 
“Wanna try that again?” He doesn’t get scared of much, but your calm tone in this moment will strike fear into his heart.
“No, ma’am.” He shook his head. 
“And what did we learn?” 
“Never say that stuff to my spouse and mate who I love very much?” He asked. 
“Mhm.” you hummed as he came up to hug you. “Speak to me like that again and I’m cutting your hair off.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
He didn’t even get a chance to breathe after that sentence because you turned around with the knife in your hand. Seriously, what an idiot approaching you with that stupid shit while you’re cooking dinner. You’re hungry and holding a knife. 
You stabbed it into the countertop, it made a twang sound and shook from the force of you stabbing it. 
“The fuck did you just say to me?” 
“Go on say it again since you wanna be all cocky.” You leaned against the counter with your arms crossed. 
“I love you.” Not much scared him, but his wife humbled the shit out of him. 
Your mouth made a flat line and your brows raised as you said, “Mhm.” 
“And I’ll do whatever you want for a month. Hell, the rest of our lives.”
“Mhm.” You ripped the knife out of the counter and then turned around and continued chopping vegetables. 
“You know, I think I’ll invite Feyre and her wife over for dinner. They wouldn’t call me that.” You continued. 
“Baby,” he began and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Maybe I’ll invite Cassian and Azriel’s wives too, they’ll understand what it’s like to be married to the stupidest motherfucker we know.” 
He pressed a kiss to your clothes shoulder. 
“Are you done?”
“You have no idea the doghouse you’re in right now.” 
“Does it help if I told you that Cassian dared me.” 
You set the knife down and turned around in his arms. “You’re still an idiot.” You wound your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with baby hairs growing at the nape of his neck. 
“I know.” 
“Good,” you said and smacked his ass.
He yelped. 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
“What crawled up your ass and died?” You asked. 
She couldn’t help but giggle. “I love that you humble me.” 
“Me and Rhys’ wife have a load on our hands considering you fools are best friends. You have got to stop influencing each other.” 
She hummed at the thought of her best friend and his wife. She put her arms around your waist and you leaned into her. “One day, we’re gonna snap and kill you.” She kissed the area between your neck and shoulder. “We have the best wives.”
“You got that right.” You reached around and smacked her ass. But you miscalculated and hit her hip. 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
“Nothing, slut. Bend over the table and spread your cheeks, if you think you can talk to me like that I’ll show you otherwise.” 
 You sat up from your spot on the couch looking at her with a “WTF” expression. 
The woman was too stunned to speak.  “It was a joke but now I’m horny.” 
You laughed, “into degradation are we?” 
“Didn’t think I was, but hey you learn something new everyday.” She shrugged, actually thankful for Cassian because now she could explore this new thing with her wife. 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?” She opened the door to your shared home to yell. When she heard nothing but silence she was concerned, she could smell you, you were home. 
“Y/N?” She called. 
She walked into your living room from the entry hall to find you standing there. Staring at her with sad, wide eyes. 
“….what’d i do?” Your voice wavered and she couldn’t take it. She pulled you into her arms and rocked you side to side. 
“If I ever speak to you like that, you better smack me across the fucking mouth.” Was all she said. “Why’d you say that?” You sniffed. You two pulled away from each other, only enough to lean your foreheads together. “Cassian got it in his big dumb brain that it was a good idea to say that to our mates.” She whispered and wiped your cheeks with her thumbs. 
“He’s an idiot.” You deadpanned. 
“I'm aware.” “And you’re an idiot for doing it.” 
“I deserve that.” Was all she said before she kissed you. 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
You were silent and she looked at you from her spot on the couch. You were staring at her wide eyed, your eyes began watering. 
“That really hurt my feelings, Nes.” You were about to cry. 
She shot off from her spot on the couch and crawled into the chair you were sitting in. She pulled you into her chest. 
“Oh baby.” She said, “it was a stupid fucking prank from Cassian.” She whispered at the top of your head, kissing your hair. 
“Tell that overgrown bitch of a bat to watch his back.” Your voice was muffled from her tits. 
“I will.” She scratched your head lightly. 
“Yes, my love?”
“You ever speak to me like that again, I’ll make you wish you never met me.”
She let out a laugh like breath through her nose. “Okay, baby.” 
“Tears and all I’ll pummel you.” You declared and she kissed your head, rocking you back and forth. 
“I know.” 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
“I will grill your flowers if you talk to me like that again.”
She cackled like the witch she is. 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
“If you’re going to talk to me like that, you’re getting soap. Bitch.” You threw a jar of soap at him. “Go put that on spaghetti.” 
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
You whipped off your shoe and threw it at him. Feyre taught you that move. He didn’t duck, he just let it hit him because he knew his dumbass deserved it.  
“Hey bitch, what’s for dinner?”
“My ass.” 
He loves that you match his freak, “I'm so relieved you didn’t think I was serious.” 
“You aren’t that stupid, plus, Azriel’s mate sent a missive because he tried it.” 
“Drinking with Cassian is the worst.”
“And yet, your dumbass still did it.” 
“The drinking or the dare?” “Both.” 
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mcuamerica · 3 months
Loving Flames | Part Three
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Summary: Eris finds out where you've been the past two weeks Requested by anon here.
Warnings: 18+ only, canon level violence ish, alludes to SA, Rhys is an asshole still, PTSD, (kind of proofread), let me know if anything was forgotten...
Word Count: 1.7k
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Dividers from @saradika-graphics
Part One | Part Two
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Eris was worried beyond belief. For the past two weeks, he wasn’t able to feel the bond from your side at all. Wasn’t able to hear the excited squeals you unintentionally sent down the bond. Or the slight moments in the night when you would wake up from a nightmare, a scream or yelp chilling him to the core.
He wasn’t able to feel you at all. He was hoping it was because of some wards you put up to keep people away from your vacation. But when the two weeks were up, and he still didn’t hear anything from you, he was really worried. He tried writing to you but he didn’t get a response. And when he wrote to Lucien asking if you were back yet, he said he hasn’t seen you either. Though, he thought you just extended your vacation.
And then Eris wrote to Tarquin. And Tarquin said you never arrived. So, instead of writing any other High Lords, he showed up at the River House. He might get exiled for it, but he needed to know where his mate was. At the very least, he needed to know you were safe
Feyre opened the door when Eris knocked, his hair tousled and unkempt. “Eris? What are you doing here?” She asked.
“Is (Y/N) here?” He asked, more like pleaded.
“No.. Rhys said she extended her stay in Summer. Something about working out her-“
“Where is Rhysand?” He growled, getting a growing feeling that something was very wrong. And if the High Lord of Night was the only one who knew about where you were, he would burn everything down to find it out.
“In his study.” Feyre said, but stopped Eris before he could go towards it. “Why do you need to see him?” She asked.
“Tarquin said (Y/N) never arrived in Summer. Why would Rhys say she extended her stay when she never even went?” Eris asked, looking down at the High Lady.
Feyre didn’t show her shock, instead turning to go to Rhys’s office.
“Rhys, where’s (Y/N)?” Feyre asked, Eris standing just on the other side of the door.
“I told you, Feyre darling, she’s in summer.” He said.
“Tarquin said she never arrived.” Feyre tested, arms crossed on her chest. “Where is she?”
Rhys froze his writing, setting the pencil down. “She’s in her room. And she’s not going to come out.” He admitted.
“Why?” Feyre asked, narrowing her eyes. Rhys never lied to her about anything. Or kept something from her. Not since after the war.
“Because I’m now allowing her to. She wants to go see Eris because she has it in her head that he’s her mate.” Rhys said and stood up.
“You aren’t allowing her? What does that mean?” Feyre asked. “Rhys… don’t tell me you locked her in her room.” Feyre said quietly.
When Rhys didn’t answer, Eris walked through the door, bypassing any wards that Rhysand had up around him. Eris grabbed him by the shirt, forcing him against the wall as his hands started to heat up. “What. Did. You. Do?” Eris growled out, fire practically burning in his eyes.
“You will not be seeing my sister. If you try, it’ll be an act of war.” Rhys said.
“Not if I challenge you to a gods damned Blood Duel because you’re keeping my mate from me.” He growled. “Take down the wards. Right. Now.” He said, pushing Rhys against the wall harder.
The High Lord of Night could smell his shirt burning underneath Eris’s hands.
“I will not let you hurt her anymore.” Rhys said.
“Rhysand.” Feyre said, walking over to him. She was seething. Even though she had complete control over her powers, darkness was reeling at her feet. "Take down the wards. Now. Or I will go get Helion myself to break them." She gritted out.
"Now, Rhys." She said.
Rhys looked at Eris, who now had burnt the tips of his shirt. The new High Lord powers riled within Eris, barking to be let out and torture this male who harmed his mate.
Rhys shut his eyes for a moment and when they opened, they looked to Feyre. "It's done." He said.
Eris let go of Rhys, bolting up to your room where he could now scent you... and feel the terror that eddied down the bond. He burst through the door and his heart broke at the sight of you.
You were curled up on your bed, shaking. There was a tray of food that hadn't been touched on your nightstand, along with a glass of water. Your back was to him and he was afraid of what you would look like when you turned around.
Eris heard Rhys and Feyre stop behind him as he walked over the threshold of the room. "(Y/N)?"
You jumped at his voice, and in relief and realization, you sat up. You were still shaking, your eyes were bloodshot and there were bags under them.
"Eris?" You rasped, your voice shot from sobbing and screaming.
"(Y/N), my love... I'm so sorry." He whispered, walking over to you slowly. "We're going to get you out of here." He said, sitting at the edge of the bed as he held out a hand.
Instead of taking it, you flung your arms around his neck. "I-I can't leave. Rhys- Rhysand locked me in here Eris. I can't-" You started to sob and Eris held onto you tighter. His blood boiled at the thought of your own brother locking you in a room after what you had been through. The brother he thought wouldn't harm you. That he left you with. But instead of burning his entire house town, he only comforted you.
"Shh, princess, it's okay." He whispered. "The wards are down. You can leave." He said. "Do you want to see?" He asked, slightly pulling back to cup your cheeks and wipe away your tears.
You searched his eyes for any lie, any doubt. When you found none, you nodded. But when you stood up and found Rhys, who's eyes were on you with nothing but sorrow shown in them, you paused. You could've cowered into Eris's chest or yelled at your brother for what he did to you.
Instead, you forced yourself to hold your head high, took Eris's hand, and walked right out of the room. You stared your brother down as you said, "I'm never going to forgive you for this." And then, you turned towards your mate, looked into his concerned yet proud gaze, and smiled. "Let's go home."
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When you arrived at the Forest House and were standing on the balcony of Eris's (and now your) room, you finally allowed yourself to collapse into his arms.
You told him how terrifying it was to be trapped in that room, but even more so it was terrifying to be away from him. Your mind plagued you with images of his court turning on him, finding out he was the one who killed Beron, and committing mutiny to punish him.
When you finally calmed down, and Eris got you to eat something, you agreed to go back inside. But only if the doors and windows stayed over to allow the Autumn breeze to blow in.
"I'm surprised you didn't burn the River House down." You said to Eris, legs crossed on the bed as you sat across from him, drinking tea to warm the chill in your bones.
"I wanted to... but I wanted to see you were safe first." He said, eyes searching yours. "Will you truly never forgive him?" He asked. Eris knew he would never trust you to be alone with Rhys again, no matter if he was your blood. Hell, he wouldn't trust you alone with his own brothers, save Lucien. But a male who locked you up in a room? Never. That being said, he knew you were close with your brother. And wasn't sure your words were 100% true.
You took a sip of your tea, briefly recalling the words you uttered to your brother before leaving. "I will... eventually." You said. "If he promises to never lock me up or deny the mating bond between us again." You said. "Having a rocky relationship with the Night Court doesn't help you as High Lord... and if I am to be your mate.. I can't exactly hate the High Lord of Night." You said. "Besides, Feyre and the rest of my family will beat him to the Cauldron and back, so I have faith he'll get what he deserves." You said. While you were still pissed at Rhys, and you would be for a while, you didn't want to give up your relationship. He did think he was protecting you, in a terrible way, but he doesn't know Eris. Only knows him to be the cunning, cruel male that Eris lets shows. If you were going to rebuild your relationship with Rhys, you would need an open mind. Plus, you really wanted to see your nephew again, and if you never forgave Rhys, you doubt that would be easy.
"I don't want you to just be my mate." Eris said.
You, however, missed the just part of the sentence and shot your eyes to his. "What?" You asked, more emotion bubbling up in your throat.
"I want you to be my High Lady, if you'd like it." He said.
You blinked a few times, taking a moment to adjust to what he said. "You- you want me to be High Lady of Autumn?" You asked.
"If you want to... I know it's a lot to ask.. and we aren't even officially mated yet.. but-"
Once you set your cup of tea down, you flung your arms around Eris's neck. "Yes." You whispered into his neck. "Of course I will be.. I will rule by your side." You said and pulled back, cupping his cheeks. It was at that moment you realized you had never kissed him before. Your mate.
In sensing the same thought, Eris's eyes flickered down to your lips. "I'm so glad you said yes." He whispered.
With that, your lips were on his, softly moaning at the feeling. Your fingers tangled in his longer hair, tugging roughly as Eris bit down on your bottom lip gently.
You stayed like that for minutes, hours maybe, you weren't sure. But when you finally pulled away, lips plump and red and eyes staring lovingly at Eris, you knew that you would love him until you left this life. And any life after.
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Part Four
A/N: There will be a part four, just not sure when or what it will entail (possibly a mating ceremony? make up session with Rhys? High Lady inauguration?) ....
Join the taglist here (I will not be adding people from the comments)
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razzafrazzle · 7 months
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average gay couple
[image description: an ms paint drawing of two original characters, eros and eris. eros is a fat pink anthro stuffed bear with medium-length fluffy hair and small white angel wings. he is wearing a shiny red jacket off his shoulders with no shirt and matching short shorts, as well as having a few stickers in his fur. lying in his lap as he sits is eris, a short, pale-skinned demon with shaved bright red hair, blank white eyes, sharp teeth, and a bright blue pierced tongue. xe is wearing a bright green fishnet crop top, under which xir top surgery scars can be seen, as well as wearing black leather pants, blue and pink fluffy legwarmers, and stickers on xir face. xe is winking and waving at the viewer while sticking xir tongue out. behind the two in a yellow and blue flower pattern, and a few doodled stars surround him. end id]
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antlerlad · 1 year
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attempting to understand Peeled Eris (TM)
[heavily inspired by @/haykebyr‘s peeled eris]
Image ID: A portrait of Eris Morn from Destiny without the mask that covers her face and her hood. Her skin is medium-tone, but washed out from a lack of sunlight. She has scars on her neck and chest from Hive claws. Her three eyes are glowing green and appear grafted onto her face. The eyes weep thick black tears. Her ear is a bit torn up. She has dark curly hair. End ID.
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r0s3s26 · 3 months
hello! i would like to request a MHA matchup if possible<3
name: anne
pronouns: she/her
romantic or platonic matchup: romantic!
gender preference: none, i don't mind:>
ideal first date: going for a walk and grabbing some fast food, hopefully stopping by a bookshop or a cute cafe
personality: i'm an introvert and i like my alone time a lot, my social battery dies very quickly. i can be a bit shy at first, but only at first, i usually get comfortable very easily. i joke around a lot and have a pretty dark sense of humor. i'm quite sarcastic. i'm honest and outspoken, i usually first act and think later. i get attached easily. i overthink a lot. i get emotional very quickly, it's easy to make me angry but also easy to make me cry. i always plan things in advance. i'm stressed 24/7. always worried about future and pretty insecure
likes: animals (i have two cats and a dog), books, food that's especially sweet, the color blue, cartoons, plushies, sleeping
dislikes: parties, crowded places, loud noises, snakes, darkness, people who are unnecessarily mean, heights
perfect partner: someone who is fun to be around, would respect my boundaries, someone who wouldn't mind staying in instead of going out, someone protective who would make me feel special ✨
hobbies: listening to music, writing, reading books/mangas, learning languages
appearance: green eyes, medium length brown hair which i dye a lot, round face, 6 ear piercings, arm tattoo, tall (175 cm or so)
hopefully this is okay, sorry if it's too long or wrong:( take your time and have a nice day/night!! :3
@isadollie Your Match is…Shota Aizawa
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<3 This grumpy man
<3 If you guys were to be in a relationship it would mainly be you trying to get Aizawa to get out more into the sun (like please touch grass)
<3 BUT he also loves staying in, ordering take out, and cuddling up on the couch while watching a movie
<3 He works with 1-A so he has an godly amount of patience for anything, and if your his partner it has absolutely doubled
<3 He thinks your tattoo and piercings make you look badass, but he would never say that outloud
<3 And also because he is the teacher of 1-A he already is protective of everyone, so you would never have to fear of being in danger, cause he fixed the problem before you even got there
<3 If you ever made a semi dark joke to him he would look at you like this
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(he looks so fine in this picture oh my lord😍😍)
<3 Yall have so many cats
<3 Eri probably really likes you, and likes having a maternal figure in her house (dadzawa needed help BAD)
<3 On a more angsty note…
<3 He is very good at telling when something isn’t right with you
<3 Very observant
<3 Like if your having a bad day and everything is just bottling up inside of you and you lash out, he would let you, and then once you have calmed down he would just pull you into a hug, kiss the top of your head and say “i'm right here, you can let it out”
<3 Ok back to happy
<3 So basically I feel like Aizawa is funny as fuck but like secretly, only you and Hazashi know that he is super funny.
<3 Date idea: Playing soft lofi or jazz while reading together in his arms
<3 Just so much domestic fluff
<3 Last thing is because you both have longish hair, you absolutely do matching hairstyles, like that half up half down
<3 Ok now to drabble
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You sit there with one of your many cats on the couch, your scrolling through movies to watch with as you wait for your boyfriend to get back from patrol. On the coffee table you have taken out from his favorite restaurant, it's basically a buffet at this point knowing the pro hero will be hungry. There is a knock at the door alerting you that Aizawa is back, you softly place “mittens the cat” on the couch, not to disturb his slumber. You walk to the entrance and see your boyfriend taking his shoes and pro hero gear off, “Hi Shota” you say while softly walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his front “Hi honey” he says back. For a moment you just stare at each other softly until he leans in kissing you as softly as his gaze, you kiss back slowly wrapping your arms around his neck, raking your fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp. You tug him closer by the back of his head to kiss him deeper, showing how much you have missed his body slotted next to yours. Aizawa pulls away and pecks your nose, “I missed you too anne”.
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(Authors note: I'm sorry I lowkey got carried away at the end, but I hope you like it)
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longgonelegends · 10 months
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[id: a line of four characters. from left to right: claire de luna, a bi argentinian girl, rogue liu, a chinese queer transfem, arun joshi, an indian bi trans man, and eris torres, an afrolatina colombian transfem lesbian. claire is represented using a moon. she has shoulder length dark hair with the bangs dyed orange and wears a grey beanie, grey battle vest, orange shirt, black ripped jeans and orange converse. claire has light skin, snake bite piercings, and a standard below knee prosthetic leg, and she has an orange quad tip cane with stickers and spikes. rogue is represented with clouds. ey're a bit shorter than claire, and have a bit darker skin, though just barely. rogue has short cropped lilac hair with grown out roots. ey wear a striped purple knit sweater, baggy black cargo pants, and black vans. rogue has a septum piercing and two loose necklaces-- a star of david and a standard five pointed star. arun is represented with a blue wave. he's the shortest out of all of them, and somewhat stocky. arun has short hair and medium skin, and has their ear pierced. he wears a white shirt with a wave design on it, ripped jeans, blue converse, and a black battle jacket. eris is represented with a small branch. she's the tallest in the group. eris has thick dreads that are bleached at the tips and glasses with thin frames. she wears a green striped sundress under a dark grey hoodie with a trans pin on it, and has ankle-height docs. /id.]
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msweebyness · 1 year
Theater Kids: New OC Class!!!
Here they are, at last! My class of OC's! Some basic background is that they all take part in the theater program at DuPont, and they're one of the largest classes! As always, @artzychic27 and @imsparky2002! Without further ado, I present, my babies!
(Additional note, Missy Rutherford and Jesse Ortega, my previously introduced OC's, are also in this class! Here's the link to their post: My OC's)
Ayesha Reynolds:
Appearance: Chestnut brown hair, neck-length and almost always tied up, medium tanned skin, has heterochromia, one eye hazel and the other dark green, short but curvy build. Dresses very comfy but with BRIGHT colors.
Bio: (She/Her) The captain of the spirit club, with enough positivity to combat an entire army of akumas. She hails from Burbank, California, and has a passion for animation. She has a YouTube channel and Tumblr where she makes videos and drawings of Disney, the Miraculous heroes, and OCs. She's got a series where she draws all of Paris' heroes (she's particularly fond of King Monkey and Pigella) taking part in adorable hijinks, with her style being anime-esque mixed with thick lines. She doesn't like being sad in public, as she fears it will make her seem less credible to be leading a club about positivity. Oh, and don't knock animation in front of her.
Dorothy "Dot" Waverly:
Appearance: Curly, shoulder-length black hair, medium dark skin, amber eyes, tall and curvy build. Dresses very preppy but with lots of accessories.
Bio: (She/Her) The dedicated secretary of the school's student council, Dot finds order and organization to be a source of peace. She labels all of her belongings and has an acute filing system for all her schoolwork. She's quite friendly and helpful, being rather close with Sabrina, but don't get within ten feet of her before she's had her morning coffee. She prides herself on having things under control and being able to solve problems for her friends, but can also admit when she's in over her head.
Petra Markov:
Appearance: Neck-length, straight blue-black hair, medium tanned skin, cloudy blue eyes with wire-rim glasses, short, plus-size and curvy. Dresses in decora kei fashion.
Bio: (She/They) The artist of her class, with a love of rubberhouse style and retro animation. They’re hypercritical of themselves, not wanting to be done with a work until it's perfection in her eyes. Petra is very passionate, and if she begins working on something, she REALLY gets into it. Their perfectionism doesn't apply to critiquing others. In fact, she's afraid to comment on pieces of art that come from her friends, in case they say the wrong thing and come off as rude.
Roxanne "Roxie" Richter:
Appearance: Choppy, neck-length, ash blonde hair, dark blue eyes, medium toned skin, wrists wrapped in bandages from fighting, husky but buff build. Dresses in alternative/punk fashion.
Bio: (They/Them) A hot-tempered member of the school's debate team, Roxie is always up to get into it with people. Despite their somewhat aggressive way of approaching things, they're a very caring and protective friend, who absolutely HATES liars. They have a tendency to handle tough situations with snarky comments, and have some issues with trust due to a terrible breakup in the past.
Anthony Mathis:
Appearance: Shaggy, black hair with blue-streaked bangs, bright blue eyes, medium pale skin, several facial piercings, lean build. Dresses in a mix of punk and goth.
Bio: (He/Him) A cool-headed goth with a penchant for making sarcastic comments no matter the situation, Anthony is a friend that can be counted on to tell it like it is. Literally nothing fazes him, no matter how strange. He bonds a lot with Eri over their love for Goth culture, and though he may not be the most social person, he is very sweet to his crush and later boyfriend, Jesse. He’s also a proud Brit with a passion for tea, of all kinds.
Candace Fletcher:
Appearance: Shoulder-length, wavy, strawberry blonde hair, tanned Caucasian skin, Sharp navy eyes, tall, slender and athletic build. Dresses in cheer gear, mixed with fashionable prep.
Bio: (She/Her) DuPont's head cheerleader who does NOT mess around when it comes to managing her squad. She's stern, something that comes with her job as the class mom. She's also the headstrong leader of her bestie group. Candace is a straight A student, and always worries about being seen as "just another dumb cheerleader." She also comes from a rich background, but is very modest about it, especially when compared to kids like Chloe Bourgeois.
Eri Tanaka:
Appearance: Waist-length, straight black hair, moderately pale skin, almond-shaped, brown eyes (though usually has colored contacts, which are violet), petite and slender build. Dresses as a full gothic lolita, lots of black and lace. Also carries a parasol.
Bio: (She/Her) Despite proudly bearing the label of "gothic Lolita", Eri is an incredibly perky and energetic girl. Very loud, very friendly, yet gothic all the same. Her usual manner of speaking is incredibly dramatic, which is great for theatre, not always the best for social interactions. She's Juleka's motivator alongside Rose, and helps the girl embrace her gothic self, affectionately calling her a "Queen of Darkness". Eri also has a joy for special effects, and wishes to get a job doing CGI when she's older.
Staci Kwan:
Appearance: Short, straight, dyed red hair, light olive skin, almond-shaped hazel eyes, star-like birthmark on the left side of forehead. Dresses in casual, athletic fashion.
Bio: (She/Her) A cheerleader who bucks the stereotype of being unceasingly perky, Staci is a cynical and wisecracking young lady who's not afraid to tell it like it is and be the voice of reason to her more...exuberant classmates in the most deadpan way possible. She may seem lackadaisical and uncaring on the outside, but she's a caring friend who'll always pull you back to earth. That is, until she gets any sort of caffeine in her system…
Margo Jorgensen:
Appearance: Tall, neck-length, platinum blonde hair, pulled into pigtails, large sky blue eyes, tanned skin, freckles on nose, slender but toned build. Dresses very winter cozy and loves to wear sweaters and gloves.
Bio: (She/Her) Despite hailing from the cold and icy Norway, Margo is as sunny as they come! The cheerleader who always goes to the bottom of the pyramid formation, Margo is a jolly girl who also loves to ship people in her school. She's got a collection of mugs and sweaters, and has an adorable Nordic accent. Despite being innocent, she's got loads of street smarts, and hates feeling like she's underestimated by others. She also has a great love for DIY and craft projects, especially home and furniture, which she often completes with her mom.
Brecken Sutcliffe:
Appearance: Mussed, short brown hair, Tanned Caucasian skin, warm brown eyes, freckles on cheeks, husky but muscular build. Country boy style but with jock elements.
Bio: (He/Him) A big-hearted and all-around friendly athlete, Brecken is as passionate about sports as he is about supporting and caring for his friends. Not always the sharpest tool in the shed, much like his buddy Kim, Brecken more than makes up for it with his good, affectionate nature and adorable southern drawl. He worries sometimes about falling behind in school and not being taken seriously, but his friends and girlfriend are always there to pick him back up when he needs it! He also loves animals and regularly volunteers at local shelters.
Soo-Yeon Park:
Appearance: Spiky, short black hair, almond-shaped, black eyes, medium olive skin, tall, lean but athletic build. Dresses very casual but sporty.
Bio: (He/Him) The certified dad of both his class and basketball team. He keeps track of everyone on class trips, and is a damn good cook. He's known as "The Sniper" in basketball for having extremely accurate range from long distances. His tall and lanky build is great for the sport, but he can be clumsy when it comes to moving around outside the court. He's a man who has no time for trash talking, and is cold and calculated when playing. Also a huge Kpop fan.
Parker Beauregard:
Appearance: Auburn pixie cut with long bangs, navy eyes, mild tanned skin, freckles along cheekbones, lean and athletic build. Dresses in a solider-esque style. (Think Axel from Total Drama)
Bio: (She/Her) Coming from a military background, Parker tends to take whatever she may be doing incredibly seriously. She makes sure all of her friends stay in line with her own brand of tough love, and values discipline in both school and athletics. She does have a caring side, which shows in her desire to motivate her friends and to protect them from harm. She also loves her three dogs very dearly.
Agnes "Aggie" Findlay:
Appearance: Wild, shoulder-length, rust red curls, electric green eyes, medium pale skin covered with freckles, prosthetic left leg, petite but athletic build. Dresses like a classic skater but with punk elements.
Bio: (She/Her) A savage shortie from Scotland who skateboards successfully while snarking. Her and Anthony love ragging on each other due to the goth being from England. Aggie happens to have been born without a left leg, and has a prosthetic one instead. She can't stand the feeling of being coddled, and feels no shame in being a congenital amputee. Aggie's got a friendly rivalry with Alix, and they like to give each other advice after parkour battles.
Mona Truffaut:
Appearance: Wavy, shoulder-length, dark brown hair, dark skin, dark amber eyes, chipped tooth in front, short but strong build. Dresses very comfy and casual, but loves to wear jewelry.
Bio: (She/They) A laidback and easygoing individual with a passion for photography and film-making, Mona is more often than not the peacemaker amongst her classmates…when they don’t accidentally say the wrong thing. Mona can sometimes have her head high in the clouds, not always making sense to her friends, but their big heart and skill in resolving arguments more than makes up for it. She also loves to decorate their wheelchair with stickers and ribbons.
Genevieve "Evie" Balthazar:
Appearance: Waist-length, silky brown hair; medium tanned skin, hazel eyes with flecks of gold, tall and very curvy. Dresses very classically ladylike.
Bio: (She/Her) A choir girl with one of the best singing voices in the entire school. She is a prim and proper young woman, well mannered and soft spoken. She comes from an old and important Mexican family, and has been called "Evie Poppins" by her friends since she babysits kids and has an umbrella. The singer fell for a country boy, Brecken, showing that sometimes opposites attract. She has a dislike for rude manners, and sometimes her pride keeps her from admitting when she's wrong about something. She likes to speak Spanish with Denise and Ondine.
Eloise Matuidi:
Appearance: Short black bob cut, sharp green eyes with thick glasses, medium pale skin, beauty mark on chin. Dresses very smart and sensible.
Bio: (She/Her) A mathematical genius with a rational and analytical mind to match, Eloise tends to stick to the more logical approach than some of her classmates. She sometimes has trouble when her sound reasoning is challenged, as she does with both expressing her own emotions and understanding those of others. She is however, a good friend who will always be a tutor when needed. She's also a highly skilled gamer.
Anais Ackerman:
Appearance: Short, wavy brown Hair, with streaks dyed a different color every week, medium toned skin, deep green eyes with glasses. Dresses in a casual nerd style.
Bio: (She/They/It) A brilliant chemist and child prodigy, Anais is undeniably one of the smartest kids in school. She has a great passion for science and discovery, which manifests itself as a great eccentricity whenever they conduct an experiment. It has a strained relationship with her parents, whose crushing expectations can give them great stress. Thankfully, her friends, like Eloise, always have it’s back.
I'm really proud to share these guys, so I hope you like them! Massive thanks to Sparky for helping with their bios! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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imsparky2002 · 9 months
Batraculous: Shadow Bat
Character Name: Anthony Mathis
Miraculous Hero Name: Shadow Bat
Appearance: Anthony, known as Shadow Bat, has a striking and gothic appearance. His shaggy black hair is adorned with blue-streaked bangs, which add an edgy touch to his look. His bright blue eyes stand out against his medium-pale skin. Anthony has several facial piercings, further emphasizing his gothic style. He has a lean build that complements his cool demeanor. He typically dresses in gothic attire and is often seen wearing a long black trench coat.
Bio: Anthony prefers he/him pronouns and is a cool-headed goth who always seems to have a sarcastic comment up his sleeve, regardless of the situation. Nothing fazes him, no matter how strange or chaotic things get. He's the friend you can count on to tell it like it is. Despite not being the most social person, he forms a deep bond with Eri over their shared love for Goth culture. Anthony is sweet to his crush and later boyfriend, Jesse, demonstrating a more vulnerable and caring side. He takes pride in his British heritage and has a passion for all types of tea.
Batsuit Description: Shadow Bat's batsuit is a reflection of Anthony's gothic style, featuring an all-black design that exudes an air of mystery and darkness.
Cowl: Anthony's cowl is designed to conceal his identity completely. It covers his entire head and face, with only his bright blue eyes piercing through. The cowl is equipped with advanced night vision and stealth technology, allowing Shadow Bat to move silently in the darkest of shadows.
Cape: His cape is a long, flowing black garment that billows dramatically behind him as he moves. It's designed to resemble the wings of a bat, adding to his intimidating presence. The cape is not just for show; it's made from a lightweight but durable material that provides protection against akuma attacks.
Armor: Shadow Bat's armor is sleek and form-fitting, allowing for agility and mobility. It's made from a high-tech material that provides excellent protection against both physical and akuma threats. The armor features bat-shaped emblems on the shoulders, which also serve as retractable throwing blades.
Gadgets: His utility belt contains a variety of gadgets suited for stealth and combat. Anthony carries smoke pellets that release a thick, black smoke to create confusion and cover during battles. He also has retractable steel claws on his gloves for climbing and slashing, and his belt includes a concealed grapple gun for navigating the cityscape.
Shadow Bat's batsuit is a symbol of darkness and mystery, perfectly reflecting Anthony's gothic style and his cool, sarcastic demeanor. With his unwavering calmness and stealthy abilities, he plays a crucial role in combating akumas in Paris, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare to threaten the city's peace.
Thanks to ChatGPT for assistance. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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Hii, i saw another one of your ACOTAR matchups and i thought i could try it, i would like it to be a male pls. Im 5'7 tall, i have dark brown eyes, dark brunette hair with some ginger natural hairlights and real pale skin. I love listening to music, mostly retro, i read, paint and draw a lot, im mostly an introvert, addicted to coffee, i have a little close group of friends, im loyal, calm, anxious most of the time and shy. That's it, thank you so muuuch<3
Hi, @yourunknownqueen! sorry i’ve been MIA, but I’m back now 🖤
I’d pair you with…
-your brown eyes and brunette hair with ginger highlights would look so beautiful in Autumn Court!
-you both like music; he’d enjoy taking you to an empty room, gently grabbing your hands, and teaching you his favorite dances, just you and him ❤️
-he’d have a whole library just for you, you know. consider it a mating gift.
-or he’d love to take you to the revamped forest house after Baron is GONE (finally, Sara pls get rid of him) and proudly show you your own room. it’s filled to the brim with books, a music player, paints in different mediums, brushes, different kinds of canvas, and sketchbooks, charcoals, inks and pencils, with a big window overlooking where the oranges and reds of the trees meet the water.
-he appreciates the loyalty, the man needs some consistency in his life now. he enjoys your calm aura, and it doesn’t bother him too much if you’re anxious or shy. he has enough social confidence for the both of you.
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tadpolesonalgae · 7 months
hey tabby!
i think we should let you go to sleep soon but one last ask if you please, and I'm sorry if someone's asked this before, but what do you imagine Lucien and Eris' hair like? like I've seen varying thoughts on how long readers think lucien's hair is and has there ever been a canon answer to this that I may have missed?
I've personally always imagined Lucien's hair as maybe shoulder length, like definitely long enough to tie but not like those flowing unbound locks I usually see in a lot of fanarts if I'm making any sense? and Eris I imagined to have like, longish hair but not like long enough to gather into a ponytail? but maybe longer than the conventional length of what many men in the real world have?
so like medium length hair for Eris and shoulder length for Lucien?
how do you imagine them?
‘i think we should let you go to sleep soon’
Aww, that’s so sweet, thank you ☹️😭
I usually try to be in bed by eight so I’m able to squeeze in a bit of writing time before sleep 🫢🫠 And oh my goodness yess we’ve had a fairly in-depth discussion about hair length 🤭
I’m not sure how tags work on here but the conversations should be under eris’ hair or hair length? I think?
I can’t remember if we came to the conclusion of whether there is a canon length of Eris’ hair, but I think we mostly agreed it way around shoulder length! :)
‘I've personally always imagined Lucien's hair as maybe shoulder length’
Wait WHAT???
Wow i’ve always imagined it as down to his ass 🫢 like looking a little more regal so he can do the sassy hair flip? And Eris while I’ve been brought around to the shoulder-length look, I think I’m basically fine with anything 🫠 I used to imagine it as fairly far down his back but then saw some fanart where it was shorter than that and I was persuaded 😌
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valorums · 7 months
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MATURE CONTENT WARNING. bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies. strikethrough what never applies.
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is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual  | identifies as pansexual  | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time | initiates | waits for partner to initiate | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time |   no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual 
slender/lean build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build  | voluptuous build | wears boxers | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves/waxes  | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9" in length | 10" or over in length
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is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand/partner/pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk | is turned off by dirty talk
(Shi’al is an opera singer. Of COURSE she is going to be incredibly vocal during sex.)
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their hair pulled | pulling their partner’s hair | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party)   | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner daddy/mistress/master [insert authority figure here] | being called daddy mistress/master | giving praise | receiving praise | biting/marking | being bitten/marked | being penetrated / the receiver  |  penetrating / the giver |  spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal  | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshipped | worshipping their partner  | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged | pegging
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TAGGED BY no one.
TAGGING @vaderari (Vader), @mayxthexforce (Rajeev), @etoilebleu (Eris), @misfittcd (Kian), @rush-to-greatness (Rush), @realmoffantasysworld (Obi-Wan), @forcenexus (Anakin), AND YOU.
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mcuamerica · 3 months
Loving Flames | Five
Pairing: Eris x Fem!Reader
Summary: You accept the mating bond... Eris can't wait until after the party to claim you.
Warnings: 18+ only, SMUT (oral (fem rec), p in v, slight breeding kink), let me know if anything was forgotten...
Word Count: 1.5k
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Loving Flames Masterlist
graphics from @saradika-graphics
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After the wedding and High Lady ceremony finished, the events continued in the ballroom of the Forest House. Of course, you had a meal first, to serve to Eris. While you planned to stay around and celebrate a bit before retreating to a small cabin on the Autumn border, Eris had other plans.
When you placed the special meal in front of him, his lust-filled eyes told you that you'd be leaving the party early today. The meal was something the chefs in the kitchen told you was Eris's favorite, one you helped make yourself. Eris even mentioned this meal to you when you were Under the Mountain, wishing for better food than what you had.
You had a smile on your face as you sat down next to him, only getting in a few bites of your meal before he pulled you from your chair. You glanced down to his plate and saw it sparkling clean. "How did you eat that do quickly?" You giggled, leaning your head to the side as Eris nipped your neck with his teeth.
"I have my secrets." He said and turned you around, pulling you close to him. You felt the bond fully sink in, that string tightening and holding you even closer to Eris than you'd been before.
"I need to take you, now, princess." You heard him say in your mind.
You blinked at him for a few seconds, surprised he got the hang of speaking mind-to-mind so quickly. "Not here, my love." You said, cupping his cheek. "Tell them we are going before you burn the building wrong when a fly looks at me for a second too long." You teased.
An answering growl vibrated through your mind, then Eris announced you would be taking your leave. He added in that they could enjoy the party. You giggled as he hoisted you into his arms, one under your legs and the other under your arms.
"Be safe!" You heard Cassian yell as Eris winnowed you to the cabin.
"Er, you really couldn't have waited?" You asked, turning your attention to him when he set you on the floor.
The lust in his eyes spoke for him as he backed up against the wall. "I need you now, princess." He said, picking you up by the thighs and pining you against the wall.
"Then what are you waiting for?" You asked. With that, his lips were on yours in a slow, passionate movement. Biting down on your bottom lip and then roaming your mouth with his tongue, you couldn't help but moan into his mouth. You fingers tangled with his hair and you whined as he gripped your thighs tighter.
"Take me to the bedroom. Our first time as mate will not be on the wall." You said.
He started moving, his lips only leaving yours to give you a break in breath. They moved down to your neck, right below your ear to suck on the part that made your back arch. "Eris..." You whispered, tugging at his hair.
"Yes, love?" He smirked, breathing on your neck before nipping at your shoulder.
"Don't tease tonight. Not now. I need you." You said. Normally, Eris would take his time. And he planned on doing just that throughout the night. But right now, he needed to be buried deep inside you as you both connected on an even deeper level than before.
You felt him set you back on your feet, turning you around. You paused only to feel him kiss your neck and down to your shoulders as he untied your dress. “You can do me next.” He whispered, kissing down your body as he slipped the dress off your shoulders, allowing it to pool at your feet. You took a deep breath as he spun you around, tsking as he noticed you didn’t have anything under the dress. “What am I to do with you, my precious, delicious, beautiful mate?” He asked, pushing you back against the bed gently.
You let out a squeal as he tugged your legs down, kissing your inner thighs. “I said no teasing, High Lord.” You ground out, gasping as he pressed a gentle kiss on your core.
“This isn’t teasing, High Lady.” He said, smirking as he rubbing your thighs, then delved his tongue in between your folds.
You bucked your hips, closing your eyes as he pinned them down, devouring you whole. “Eris!” You whined out, tugging at his hair. Gods… if this was your life from now on, you would be incredibly happy.
Just as you were about to snap from his tongue and hands, he pulled away, wiping away the slick from his face. “You’re not cumming until I’m inside you.” He said. “And maybe, if you want, I can pump you full so we can have a true heir of the Autumn Court.” He whispered, nipping at your neck.
You whined, pulling him closer to you. “Take your clothes off. Now.” You said.
He smirked and leaned back. “You do it, princess.” He said.
You took a deep breath, leaning forward to untie his tunic, then down to untie his pants. He growled when you took too long, ripping off the clothing himself. “Lay back, princess. Let me take care of you.” He said.
You bit your lip, knowing just exactly what he was going to do. A vision of your first time with Eris flashed in your mind, just under a year ago. If that was incredible, you couldn’t imagine how good this was going to be.
“This is going to be better than good, princess.” Eris said in your mind, crawling on top of you as you backed up towards the headboard. “This is going to be better than incredible. You won’t even have words.” He said.
“If you keep talking, I don’t think it’s going to be anything.” You said. With that, Eris lined his length up to your entrance.
He peered down on you, keeping his eyes locked with yours as he entered his entire length. You threw your head against the mattress, letting out an incredulous moan. “Eris…” you panted, looking into his eyes when he grabbed your chin.
“Keep your eyes on me.” He said. You panted as he began to slowly move, moving his hands up to entwine with yours. As he moved in and you, painstakingly slow, you leaned up to kiss him, needing to be even closer to him.
With your eyes closed, he entered your mind, rubbing soft circles against the edges of your walls. Somehow, it tickled something just right because you bucked your hips, squeezing him tighter. “Seems like I found the inner spot.” He whispered.
The juxtaposition between him in your mind and in reality, combined with the pleasure he was giving you right now, made you dizzy. “Er…” you whimpered, moving your hips along with his.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said, slowly increasing his speed. “And I love these little noises you’re making for me. The look of bliss on your face.” He said, flashing the image of you under him to your mind. You groaned and let go of his hands, bringing them to his back. He smirked against your neck, nipping at it as he increased his pace again.
You leaned up, wrapping your legs around his waist to suck him in deeper. “You feel so good.” You whispered to him, hands tracing the scars along his back, ones his father gave him and ones Amarantha gave him. “I love you…” you whispered. “And I love the way you feel inside me. The growls when you get possessive. The small whimpers when you finish.” You whispered in his ear, nipping at his earlobe. “And I love it when you cum inside me.” You said, causing him to increase his speed.
It was a steady pace, him bringing a hand down to your clit to rub it while you both chased your highs. “Cauldron boil me… (Y/N)!” He groaned. You felt his cock twitch inside you, and at that and him yelling your name, your core tightened.
“Eris… keep going.” You whispered, leaning back to kiss him deeply.
He moaned into your mouth as you released together, joined in mind, soul, and body. He chased your highs while moving in and out. Your legs loosened their grip on his waist, body relaxing as you came down from your climax.
You let out a small gasp as he pulled out, kissing you again. “Was that better than our first?” He teased.
You let out a small, breathy laugh. “So so much better.” You said and looked over to him. “I love you, Er.” You whispered.
He cupped your cheek. “I love you, princess.” He whispered.
His eyes darkened after a moment when he caught your scent from the gentle breeze through the window. “Let’s see about that wall now.” He said and smirked, laughing when you when you giggled and straddled him.
“Not until I get my go at you.” You said, holding him down on the bed.
He smirked and let his fingers intertwine behind his head. “Your wish is my command, High Lady.” He said and smirked.
You returned the look, leaning down. “You may regret that, High Lord.”
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A/N: I debated making this a drabble but it felt closer to the actual story line than anything else... also the poll I posted yesterday technically wasn't closed but I started writing this earlier anyway... and it's winning.
Tagging (thank you for all your lovely comments, they fuel my writing for the better every day): @96jnie @rcarbo1 @circe143 @bookwormysblog @stuff-i-found-while-crying @acourtofbatboydreams @glitterypirateduck @optimistic-but-very-realistic @minaethrym @herondale-lightworm @saltedcoffeescotch @faridathefairy @alliex-o @mariahoedt @falszywe @d3ad-ins1de @anyzandy @mulledwinetea @myromanempiree @ysmtttty @dumblani @brighterthanlonelythoughts @micaxrocky @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @windblownwinston @the-golden-jhope @alittlelostalittlefound-blog @homeslices @todaystheday @quackquackhun @Kayhud05 @forgiveliv @of-outerspace @darkbloodsly @sarahswiftie23 @edance2000 @myrtlethai @superspideyparker @tothestarsandwhateverend @adharanotfound @deancodedgirlie @plants-w0rld @confusedsezure @theanxietyqueen17 @megzdoodle @batboyslover @grace-mint @adaliajaycee @tortured-artists @tenshis-cake @andreperez11 @thesongofselene @ibysworld @marielouiseva @inky-sun @high-speed-r @lilah-asteria @antonia002 @fallingforharry-1 @azrielswhore @theshekinahb
@lostpirateinwonderland @tamara8646 @bluesylveon2 @microwaveallthedemons @paleidiot @krowiathemythologynerd @saverockandroll54 @elizastea-529 @aurorab99 @eve_the_tree @theravenphoenix26 @mybestfriendmademe @anmasca @Fairebayatch
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“STUFFED DOLLS WERE NAZIS AT BOWMANVILLE ROLL CALL,” Toronto Star. April 18, 1942. Page 2. ---- Papier Mache Figures Fool Guards at Parades for 10 to 24 Hours --- ONE OF TWO SOUGHT ---- Two stuffed dummies with papier mache faces and lips painted red were paraded at roll call in the Nazi officers' internment camp at Bowmanville while Erie Boehle and Peter Krug made good their escape yesterday. This ruse, said to have been used by the Germans here on at least one other occasion, was successful due to painstaking work on the dummies. 
The faces were moulded from wet paper. From a distance they were indistinguishable from a Nazi officer. For from 10 to 24 hours. it is these took the places of the escapees. Supported in the roll-call line-up, others spoke for the absentees. How the pair escaped is a mystery. None of the wire entanglements was cut, it is said. 
Erich Boehle. 27-year-old Nazi flier, who was caught in Niagara Falls, N.Y, yesterday, was back behind barbed wire today while search continued for Peter Krug 21. another German airman, still at large. Absence of the two prisoners of war was reported Friday morning at at the Bowmanville officers' camp. although Boehle told Niagara Falls authorities he had escaped "several” days ago. 
After Boehle had been caught yesterday in Whirlpool Park, along the Niagara river, a Niagara Falls, Ont. woman excitedly telephoned police to tell them she believed she had unwittingly played hostess to the escaped prisoner Wednesday night.
She a man answering the German's description had come to her home asking for something to eat, stating he had been refused food at a neighboring house. The woman said she took him in and gave him bread and jam.
May Have Swum River Boehle's clothing-s gray suit resembling a uniform which roused the suspicions of police who picked him up was soaking wet when he was arrested. This led to belief that he may have crossed from Canada to the US by by swimming the lower Niagara river. An intensified search is being continued along the border on the possibility that Krug also may have crossed or be planning to cross the river to the U.S. 
Both prisoners were in a group of 200 brought from Britain last week. When he was arrested Boehle is said to have denied having any knowledge of Krug's whereabouts. Boehle told authorities he was shot down over England in September, 1940. and escaped once before into New Brunswick.
Boehle was picked up by scout car police who were suspicious of his clothing. He produced papers which he claimed identified him as a member of the Royal Norwegian Air Force. in training at Toronto. but the papers were found to be bogus. The prisoner then admitted his identity. 
Officers at RNA.F. headquarters here emphasized that the papers bore no resemblance to official R.N.A.F. papers. 
"The R.N.A.F.” would like to make this point clear," the statement said. “The papers papers found on Boehle were completely fraudulent and not even similar to our identification papers. so they could not have been copies. We wish to correct any impression that this German could have had access to Norwegian papers in the forging of the ones he carried." 
Posed for Pictures Boehle, a blond, thick-set air force lieutenant, smilingly posed for pictures in the Niagara Falls. N.Y... police headquarters before being brought back across the border. He was driven across the Rainbow bridge in Canadian military ear. Krug is described follows: 137 as pounds, 5 feet 8 inches in height. medium build, fair complexion. clean shaven, blond wavy hair cut military style, brown eyes. medium mouth, normal teeth.
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pokeharvest · 2 years
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HAPPY FILM RED DAY!!! here's my film red eri outfit!!!
(plus additional commission from @/quilfish-swan with the color scheme!!)
[Image ID: A digital drawing of op's oc, Eri. The drawing is done to mimic a black and white pencil sketch character sheet. Eri has space buns, three pieces of baby hairs sticking out on her right side, and two strips of hair in front of her ears. She is of a medium build and height. She is wearing a crop top that covers her bust and has mesh over her chest. The top also has a collar and fabric straps. She is wearing high waisted assless chaps that buckle over her belly button and rave bottoms underneath. She also has black high heeled boots with laces, an arm band on her right arm, and two bangles on each wrist.
Eri is shown in two full body poses, once from the front and once from a back side angle. There is also a drawing of her from the waist up, in which she is also wearing small cat eye sunglasses. Written text at the top of the image reads: "Eri". There is a red frame around the image, and text in the bottom right reading: "One Piece Film Red / 8.6 Roadshow" as well as some smaller Japanese text. End ID.]
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