theawkwardterrier · 1 year
So I got a notification from Tumblr that I have officially gotten 100+ notes (total). So I just want to know: how does it feel to know a tumblr celebrity? :D lolololol
Omgggg, I'm honored that you'd even talk to me, tbh!!! 😂😂
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fitfmybeloved · 2 years
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nyaskitten · 11 months
"Good empress? More like mediocre-at-best empress to mee!" Nya I love you.
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So I was forced to move on EA app too. Changing lines in xml files didn’t help.
For now I didn’t have problem with game, but as others said, my Create a World Tool isn’t working in Edit in Game mode. It basicly means, that whoever has digital version of the game, won’t be able to build on lots. Yup, from now on, only worlds with empty lots. I have still niche hope, that we can somehow influence EA to update their mediocre app, so it would allow CAW to go into Edit in Game mode and preserve the opportunity for simmers to make worlds.
Now here’s the point. Here’s a thread at AHQ forums:
If you create worlds or even use custom worlds created by other players, please click “Mee too” under first post, to put this problem in a spotlight. You can also leave a comments with suggestions or give kudos under other’s posts, so thread will stay active. Let’s make it happen world explorers! ✊🏼🌍
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miloscat · 1 year
[Review] Roller Angels (DSi)
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What if Jet Set Radio was a kids cartoon and also a 2D autorunner?
While researching DSiWare a while ago I came across this, a digital release exclusive to Japan and North America (a physical version was planned but cancelled). Thanks to advances in emulation I managed to stream a complete playthrough but now seemed a good time to revisit it during a run of games inspired by Jet Set Radio (in this case I'm able to play it thanks to 3DS custom firmware enabling a glorious piracy eshop).
The JSR similarities come in the game actions: it involves roller blading, rail- and wall-grinding, tricks, and spray-painted graffiti. This is in the context of a sidescrolling action ride, where you have to juggle all these actions (along with ledge-grabbing, shaking the spray can, and boosting) in increasingly dense runs. The pace starts slow but ramps up to an engaging level of multitasking, before plunging into a hectic spree of button-tapping in the final two worlds.
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Unlike JSR, the theme is very cutesy, the stars a trio of sugary sweet magical girl superheroes with animal-themed personae. Their task is to restore colour to the world with their magic paint cans after some very round and non-threatening aliens have siphoned it off (as well as brainwashed local animals to get in your way). For plot reasons the levels are very drab and grey the first time you do them which is a shame, because otherwise the art direction is quite charming.
On this playthrough I made it my goal to unlock every alternate painting in the shop, which required no small amount of grinding for coins. I must have played through the whole game four or five times to achieve this, advancing from mostly using Patty (Pink Bunny) for her higher jumps to Becky (Yellow Bear) for an easier time recovering spray pressure, to Mee (Mew Blue) using boosts more often for a more challenging technical playstyle. The game also supports the DSi/3DS camera for converting photos into paintings to use in game, but I preferred sticking to the defaults which are contextually themed to each world (wild west, forest, undersea, etc.).
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This title is so solid and clearly well-executed that it makes me wonder what other gems might be hidden in Starfish's back catalogue alongside all the DS shovelware and unlocalised PSP RPGs visible in their now defunct website. I know they did a decent revival of the Devilish adventure brick breaker series, and two Wii reboots of Taito arcade classics that are described as "mediocre" (for the Kiki Kaikai one, they lost the licence but then made it anyway). But their history goes back to the late 90s, and there could easily be depths untapped by me or the English-speaking Internet at large. For now, suffice it to say Roller Angels is a highlight of the DSiWare service and I love it dearly.
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mantecol · 2 years
no te preocupes yo lo puedo arreglar. ojalá que lied suba, te mee la alfombra y cague en tu cama. que tengas un mediocre día
te odio pero porque sos vidente .... limpie ayer todas las alfombras y hoy 11 de la mañana lied sube, se asusta y mea la alfombra
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Have you seen the TV Line preview clip? Or do you try to avoid seeing clips before the episodes air? (Which is totally valid!) :D I'm so excited for tomorrow! (and simultaneously a little terrified. lol.)
i diiiiiiid! usually i avoid seeing clips, but this one was splattered all over my twitter and there was no avoiding seeing it lol. IT WAS SO SWEET THO OMG.
i think i’ve solidly landed on excitement as my primary emotion about tomorrow, followed by a kind of grief i can’t fully explain. i think that’s holding any kind of terror away.   
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hawthornewhisperer · 5 years
Writing prompt: What about a celebrity/Hollywood/actors AU?
Clarke cursed the traffic and anxiously glanced at her phone.  She still had a mile until the exit, and there was a lot riding on her being able to pull this off before the end of business today.  
Things like her pride, a project with a $100 million budget, and oh yeah, her ability to work as a producer in Hollywood ever again.
Her car inched forward and she drummed her thumbs against the steering wheel, cutting over to the exit as quickly as she could.  Her destination was way up in the hills, about as inaccessible as humanly possible.  Granted, her target was a notorious recluse, but this was ludicrous.  All that was missing was the moat.
Surprisingly, the gate opened and let her up the driveway, and no armed security swarmed her when she stepped out of her car.  She knocked, half expecting the door to creak open on its own like a haunted house.
Instead, Bellamy Blake himself answered.  “Who are you?” he said gruffly, none of the famed Blake charm on display.  He hadn’t shaved in several days, it appeared and he looked far more disheveled than his most legendary character, the Casanova-esque Hunter Rogue.  But the handsomeness was undeniable.
“Clarke Griffin, producer,” she said, sticking her hand out for him to shake.
He ignored it. “You’re Abby Griffin’s daughter, aren’t you?”  But before she could answer, he shook his head.  “Whatever it is, don’t bother. I’m retired.”
But Clarke didn’t claw her way up the ladder to be put off so easily.  “You haven’t heard how much money we’ll pay you,” she said.
Bellamy waved his hand vaguely at the mid-century modern house he was standing in that probably cost north of $10 million.  “I’ve got plenty.”
“Just hear me out,” she countered.  “Five minutes, and if you still don’t want to do it, I’ll make sure the studio leaves you alone. Forever.”
He crossed his impressively muscled arms and looked her up and down.  “Fine. Five minutes.”  He disappeared into the cavernous foyer and left the door open, apparently for her to follow.
Clarke rolled her eyes and plunged on in.  The house was silent as a tomb, her footsteps echoing strangely on the tile, and when she reached the kitchen she drew up short.
Clarke had been in her fair share of Hollywood celebrity homes, and she knew what to expect.  Hell, she’d grown up in one herself.  But instead of severe blacks and cold, industrial greys, his kitchen was...cheerful.  Buttercup yellow walls set off the white cabinets, and a pot of something that smelled absolutely wonderful was bubbling on the stove.
He’d already put on a navy apron and was picking up a wooden spoon.  “What are you making?” she asked.
“Tick tock, princess,” he replied, his back to her.
“Right, okay.  We’ve optioned a script and we want you to be the lead.”
“No offense, but so does everyone.”
Clarke made a face at his back.  “It’s a fantasy script.  Think Lord of the Rings, but in a world inspired by Southeast Asia instead of Europe.”
He walked to the fridge, pulled out a pepper, and started slicing.  “I’m not interested in some white dude’s attempt at diversity,” he replied.  
“It’s not, I swear.  The screenwriter is a Vietnamese woman, and I’ve convinced the studio to hire an Asian director if we get the greenlight on this.”
He looked up, a curl falling across his forehead.  “What’s the catch?”
“The catch is, you have to play the lead.”
“And if I don’t?”
“It’s the only way I could get them to agree.  Bellamy Blake, out of retirement to star in this— it’d be huge news; generate a lot of needed buzz for it.”
“What’s the role?”
“It’s a pretty standard chosen one narrative.  Forgotten heir to a kingdom, that sort of thing.  It’s good writing, Bellamy, I swear.  I wouldn’t have come if it wasn’t.”  She pulled the script from her bag and set it on the counter.  Bellamy eyed it like it would jump up and bite him.
“I haven’t worked in five years,” he said.
“Which is why it would be such a big deal for you to do this one.  And why we’d pay you pretty much whatever you want.”
He pulled out two bowls from a cabinet and started filling them with a ladle, sprinkling the pepper on top.  “I’m a notorious pain in the ass on set.”
“We’ll make sure the director is warned.”
“I’ll expect on-set consultants to ensure every cultural element is treated appropriately.  Any changes suggested by the studio will have to be vetted.  If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right.”
“I’d expect nothing less.”
“My contract is going to be ridiculous.  However ridiculous you’re thinking, double it.  Clauses about every goddamn thing under the sun.”  He leaned forward, elbows resting against the island.
Clarke looked down at the bowl he set in front of her.  “So we’re doing this?”
Bellamy handed her a spoon and flashed her that award-winning, heart-stopping grin.  “Eat.  We’ve got a lot to talk about.”
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anniebibananie · 5 years
sansa & gendry up against robcella? it was good while it lasted. :p RIP. . .#sandry? #gensa? :D
DON’T FEEL DEFEAT YET!!!!!! you NEVER know!! upsets are always possible and people have like a WEEK to campaign and fight for gendry and sansa. their story concept will be released tomorrow in the first half of the day so PERHAPS IT CAN GET THE PEOPLE ON THEIR SIDE!!!
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ghostcat3000 · 5 years
Happy Birthday!! I don't really have a skill to create you something cool for your birthday. Unless you count coloring. I guess I could take a picture of some of the coloring book pages I've colored? But nonetheless, hope you had a great birthday!
thank you! I think people forget all the skills they have. and yes, coloring books count. your wishes are appreciated though. :)
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theawkwardterrier · 4 years
For the "offensive" thing: "Spuffy is better than Bangel!" :D
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Oh, G, you really do know exactly what to say...to make me furious! 😉
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thelillykane · 8 years
Do you wish there had been more flashbacks of Lilly on VM?
Yes! If you can’t tell from my icon, my sidebar, my incessant posting/talking about her, my most recent text post, my about me page, etc. I’m what the kids call Obsessed. I want more media of her all the time always. 
SPECIFICALLY, and I know this is unusual, wanting to see more Duncan on the show, bc we fucking barely saw anything between Duncan and Alive!Lilly, aside from a few interactions when Veronica and Logan are also present, so I would DIE FOR some more flashback moments between just the two of them. for example: 
them talking about their undying love for Logan
Lilly telling Duncan Veronica is too good for him and always will be
 cute-I-willingly-hang-out-with-my-sibling-outside-of-our-house sibling shenanigans
both of them grounded and they’re pissed as hell at Logan because it was his idea that got them grounded in the first place but nooooo Logan doesn’t actually live with them so he gets off scot free (nevermind the fact that he has slept over every night for the past month and has a key to their house but whatever they’re not holding a grudge) ((plus now they have to try and sneak him into this house? which ain’t easy and they get caught doing this about 50% of them time bc Jake and Celeste Know they’re trying to sneak him in)) (((sneaking him in is also dumb bc hello??? he lives there?? but their parents aren’t super aware of that so)))
 FLASHBACKS WITH THEM WOULD ALSO CLEARLY SHOW HOW SHE GOT THOSE MYSTERIOUS BRUISES WEEVIL MENTIONS aka the “duncan has fits of epileptic rage in which he sometimes hurts lilly and weevil sees the bruises and just??? fucking assumes logan is beating her up” storyline that rob thomas just dropped out of the fucking blue??? like it wasn’t relevant?? 
ALSO give me all of the flashbacks of her dating Logan. we didn’t see enough of that imo either. specifically they’re like really teenage and in love and they’re open and unashamed of their sex life because!!! why would they be ashamed!!! and they hang out a lot and veronica is there too (because listen if lilly ever promised a one-on-one hang out with either of them, but especially veronica, it was basically code for “there’s an 80% logan/veronica will be here because i’m in love with both of you”) 
ALSO we see ghost lilly call duncan donut and veronica dorkus so these are her canon nicknames for them but we never get to see alive!Lilly call them that and I WAS ROBBED 
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naireides · 8 years
I just started watching The 100 and just have to say - Damn, Charlotte!
is it because she killed wells because same 
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(twirling hair) so theres this this mediocre guy who possibly thinks im a lesbian and he’s flirting with mee….
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footyleclerc · 3 years
Okay here comes the second part!!!
11. Fernando Alonso - he gives me veteran vibes, plus he has been in the game for a long time, have to compare him with Vince Carter, but Chris Paul as well! Mainly because Chris Paul has been a player who was kind of disliked and same with Nando, although they are 2 of the greats of their respective sports!
12. Esteban Ocon - Rags to riches story! This gives me off so many Jimmy Butler vibes from the story, but Esteban is really introverted, so personality wise I'd compare him to Larry Bird because Larry shied away from attention
13. Kimi Raikkonen - HUGE Kawhi Leonard vibes right from his personality (not talking at all) and their achievements
14. Antonio Giovinazzi - going to compare him with Danilo Gallinari, not just because they're Italians but also because they're lethal when time comes. Both of them were quite unlucky too, so yeah. Also Danilo was drafted by a historically popular franchise, New York Knicks, similar to Gio with Ferrari!
15. George Russell - Luka Doncic, both are youngsters and supremely talented and are the next big things in their respective fields. Or I'd even compare George with Devin Booker as well! Next season he is gonna drive with Merc, so his teammate will be Lewis (duh). Devin's teammate presently is CP3 (Chris Paul's nickname) who is an experienced teammate so that's why. Also both of them are INSANELY talented and drag their teams/cars to wins
16. Nicholas Latifi - that's a tough one, his first season was kinda subpar and I'd say he had a slow start to F1... so I'll compare him with Paul Millsap who was also mediocre, but now is a huge reason why his team is winning!!
17. Pierre Gasly - Damian Lillard. Personality wise not like Dame though, but his consistency and him carrying his team is why I compare him with Dame, a lot!
18. Yuki Tsunoda - have to go with Kobe because of how fast and early they entered the sport, and their rise has been meteoric. I could also compare yuki to James Wiseman because of how young they're and their subpar performances in their rookie season. But of course both of them had amazing junior careers so yeah. Hope it makes sense skksjdjdd
19. Mick Schumacher - Hands down Bronny James (Lebron James's son). Both have very high expectations and their fathers were the best the generation had witnessed, so yes
Unfortunately there are just 19 drivers on the grid, so we end this series here 😔
Thanks bestie, I really appreciate that you had a lot of fun reading this cuz even I had fun typing all this!! At least I get to distract myself from studies this way 😅
AMAZING. ANALYSIS. AGAIN. you are wonderful, your mind is legit superior. I'm bowing down to you.
I love the parallels between Este and Jimmy/Larry!! Mick and Bronny are great as well, I had no idea there's a similar story in NBA. The way you connected George to Devon, OH MY GOD. poetry. *chefs kiss* Pierre being like Damian, carrying the team😭
we only know 19 drivers and that's okay! this was sooo much fun to read!!!! I loved it! wanna start doing it for each sport i know when I'm bored😂
thank you soooooo much for educating and entertaining mee!!!! so much love and respect <3
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00gangfriend00 · 3 years
5, 9, & 15 ✍️
Thank you sweet kimmy!
5 - character you were most surprised to end up writing
MICK. not just writing, but writing. Imagining how much he loves his old fat housecat, and whether he’s a breakfast guy. I dove into deep to Mick headcanon, and I have fallen hard.
9 - what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Read other people’s brio fics!! Daydream. Imagine my fics endlessly.  I have a little routine of reading one fic every night before bed  ( I have a rule.. it has to be a one-shot or else I stay up all night) and that always inspires mee
15 -  why did you start writing?
Reading other fics!! and Tumblr. I have found I am so much more freely creative since joining both the fandom and this website. I just love how you can make mediocre things and your internet friends are like hooray!!! we love you!! and then you get to learn and grow without consequence. It’s really quite beautiful.
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