#medieval plants
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New Kreüter Buch (1553) Hieronymus Bock (Tragus)
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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a woman planting houseleeks
in konrad von megenberg's "buch der natur", german illustrated manuscript, ca. 1442-1448
source: Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Pal. germ. 300, fol. 293 recto.
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angeloffreewill21 · 2 years
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“Captive” 2022
It is very Starcore of me to draw over 500 plants and then proceed to have carpal tunnel
Do not steal, trace, repost my work anywhere thanks
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yorksnapshots · 8 months
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Snowdrops at Holy Trinity, York, England.
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heaveninawildflower · 12 days
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Botanical illustrations (after 1440) by an unknown artist taken from Munich Cim.
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fayriequeene · 1 year
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Kind of feel like i'm playing Oblivion..
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upennmanuscripts · 2 months
Who wants some fantastic plants? LJS 46 is an herbal, written in Italy ca. 1520 (the second half of the book was added in the early 1600s). It includes 110 colored wash drawings of plants with roots and flowers, not copied from life but in a fantastical style typical to the genre.
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corvidsaremybesties · 3 months
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proteidaes · 10 months
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Pear tree 🍐✨
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maziecrazycloud · 30 days
So I may be making Led Zeppelin Medieval AU 👁️👄👁️
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Gart der Gesundheit (1485) Peter Schöffer
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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an anthropomorphic mandrake being dug up with the help of a dog tied to its feet/roots
in "pseudo-antonius musa: de herba betonica", latin manuscript, late 9th century
source: Kassel, UB, 2° Ms. phys. et hist. nat. 10, fol. 34v
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emaadsidiki · 3 months
Belfredelli Tower, Oltrarno, Florence, Italy.
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yorksnapshots · 6 months
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Holy Trinity, York, England. Needs more Daffodils.
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fleshwizard · 1 year
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Helmird, heavy potion vial, a bouquet, safety acorn, and a nasty shroom
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teaforqne · 6 months
As a huge nerd of history, fantasy, Led Zeppelin IV and Robert Plant; I daydream I'm his wife and we live in the countryside, one day he comes back home riding horseback and I'm there like "Oooh husband, *cough* I have caught the black plague and I haven't giveth the tax man 20 shellins... We are homeless now."
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