#medicine or when the pharmacy or my psychologist fucks up and i cant take it theres. no difference
happiiest · 4 years
#im sure im nowhere near alone in this#but my sleep schedule has completely flatlined. like not in the sense it died but#hm maybe a better word is that it reached a singularity. lol how edgy#but legit i wake up in the exact same state as i fell asleep in. like my mood doesnt change and really its been taking only a couple#a couple minutes to wake up. which is impressive considering my issues with waking up#im sure its been impacted somewaht by the quarantine and im kinda enjoying it#its become less of something i dread and more of a.....whats a good word.....a habit?? no. maybe ritual? hmm not quite#like i dont struggle with it as much lately. its more of a thing i tell myself i gotta do.#and i got a routine down pat so i lay down for 5 minutes and im out for 7 hours. then i wake back up#and in another five minutes im ready to wake up. but im probably reading manga or something#and ill get to a good stopping point and ill get up#very smooth and consistent. well. i guess ill go to sleep now#uh. my pharmacy still hasnt called me so i guess ill call my psychologist again and get that refilled#its moments like this that make me feel like the medicine isnt helping#i havent taken it for a week or two and still feel the same (the sleep meds make me sleep naturally longer tho abt 10-11 hours)#the same stressors are causing me anxiety. idk i know all that stuff about when youre on your meds you think youre fine#but i havent really noticed anything either way. im still sad and anxious all the time. and no matter when im consistently taking#medicine or when the pharmacy or my psychologist fucks up and i cant take it theres. no difference#talking to my therapist has been really helping tho. i really enjoy talking to her. venting and getting things off my chest#idk fam. i just wanna be happy now. i dont wanna go back to work.#i also dont wanna think about how my funds are running low. i dont wanna be stressed out#and i dont wanna ignore it. but i cant fucking deal with everything right away i meed time to handle each issue#and the longer it drags on the more stressed i get. so i cope by ignoring it until the time comes to deal with it appropriately#man i hate like. working to live. i just wanna volunteer for alot of unions and places that do good things for people#and not have to worry about money ever again#that would be ideal i think.
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theravenclawmonster · 4 years
I thought getting diagnosed would be able to get me help...(post 2 of dunno how many)
The previous post of this series of posts can be found in this link post 1
Trigger warning: This post (and the later continuation posts after it titled the same) may contain mentions of abuse, mental illness, suicidal thoughts and many more things which i will try to edit in it after writing the post(s) (hopefully i’ll remember to) [yes, this is the same in all posts in series]
Disclaimer: this is just a written account of events that happened in my life in the past few weeks and my emotional/ physical response to those events. I am writing this here so that it stays here as help for people to read and maybe see what certain things feel like, and as proof or diary for when i forget what really happened and start to believe her words. Also, this is going to be a long post... a very long post. 
Okay, where was i? The first visit to the doctor. I had my tests done and bought the acidity medicine and the vitamins he suggested (i had already started to take vitamins again since a couple of weeks before, he just added folic acid to that. I also have a bit of an issue with vitamins and people telling me to eat them indicating that all will be well after that; but more about that later). in the pharmacy, my mother was pretty upset with me cuz i kicked her out of the room and told me some stuff i don’t want to remember right now. ummm... basically she said “ why did you ask me to leave, what secret were you going to tell the doctor? what did you tell him we did to you? i know what you think about me. you could have just said it all in front of me. what was with all the secrecy” [funnily enough, although i did ask her to leave, my reason was cuz i can’t really speak in front of her (she interrupts a lot too) and i was worried that i’d cry and didn’t want to hear about it for another 6 months. there was no secret or i didn’t even think about mentioning the abuse, cuz how do you just go to a stranger and say “ hi i am in pain and my parents abuse me”. even asking for help for my pain was demanding enough for me.] . she also “informed” me very angrily that the it wasn’t allowed for a woman to be alone with a male doc, a nurse must be present (which was not present) and that is probably why doc didn’t do the proper physical checkup. Well! he should have (if he thought an extensive one was necessary; he did check my breathing and stomach softness), called a nurse in or my mother in. i didn’t have any issues with him doing my physical checkup alone too.  and he didn’t mention anything about that to me at all.
Anyway, I went back thinking God knows how long was this process was going to take and if i had the energy to fight for myself and make people believe that i was actually in a lot of pain. the reports came back fine (the expensive test one too, to much displeasure of my father “but this came back fine, so expensive for no use. why did he even write that test?” as if it would have been somehow better to get a positive test back for a disease?! I really don’t know how his mind works. By the time all reports were in, it was time for my appointment at the psychiatrist and it was decided to go to her first, then on our way back show the reports to our primary doc. that way we could also talk to him about what she said.
Oh wait, i forgot to mention in my last post. the doctor only suggested the psychiatrist and later sent me her number saying that i have told her about you please take an appointment. i had to call her and i asked about her fees which she very nicely said would be discounted and that helping me and understanding what was stressing me was more important. I felt so weird then, i don’t really hear these type of things very often.... or almost ever. 
going to the clinic was easy enough, of course my mother and father accompanied me. and my mother did follow in. [let me just add that i only remember about half of what happened so...] the doctor ( hereby referred to as Psy lady) asked me “so, how are you?” and i said “ i’m good *smiled awkwardly as she realised that was not what she meant to ask*. she was like okay, how do you feel and what do you want to discuss me with. so i just sat there like a dumbass. then i asked her how much the other doc told her about me. she said it was just that you are his patient and needs psychiatric help in his opinion.
I am just going to make a dialogue format written account for that and the next doctor’s visit as this seems way too confusing.
At that time (not sure) my mother interrupted;
Mother: *turned to me* “if you don’t mind may i tell her the history etc” *in pointed politeness*
Me: “ok.”
Mother: *launched from how i was such a brilliant smiling child and wanted to take this scholarship abroad but she said no* *went off a long tangent about how she was just being a nice worried parent in controlling my life and now feels guilty cuz i can’t let it go* *finished by saying* “Dr., she just can’t forget that, she is stressed no job plus the lock down etc you know how it is. then she found out she has scoliosis in january and i think she has taken it to heart, like really it is completely asymptomatic and i have asked the doc she won’t have any problems cuz of it in the future” (i am guessing she meant having babies but really who knows) “she has just taken stress over that”.
Psy lady : *scribbled something on her paper* “My i have some time alone with her?”
Mother: “yes yes sure” *left* 
Psy lady : “so tell me a bit about yourself.”
Me: *was still fuming and recoiling and shaking in my seat cuz i just don’t understand until how long is my mother going to throw that in my face. it has been years and i wasn’t even that upset about it (at least i just quietly internalized it) but she refused, controlled my life (since birth btw and still does now) and not even let me do anything else i want to do, nor find a job, then proceeded to throw her ‘oh i feel so guilty, i am such a good parent. i have commited a crime by being caring and now i must be punished oh!’ at me. Like where am i in all that? you say no, you control, your guilt, your love, your care, your image as a parent that must never be broken. where am i in all that? ALSO you never listen to my complains about pain so shut up* 
Psy lady: ...
Me: “umm... hi... i umm never had a dream, but then i found this thing in my mid-twenties and i loved it, but they didn’t let me pursue it, then didn’t let me do anything. and now they act like i am a burden on them. now i have nothing to do or like, and i can’t even find a job or have anywhere to go. i don’t even really wanna die, i am just tired” *burst into tears yet again as i realized i had no idea why i was telling her all that and it felt so fake and story like at the same time*    “... i can’t even breathe and i am in so much pain all the time that i feel like detached from my body cuz every time i try to be in it it fucking hurts.”
Psy lady: “are your parents always this much controlling” *pointed to the door indicating my mother*
Me: “they are emotionally abusive”
Psy lady: *had been looking into my eyes but looked away at the word abusive and didn’t say anything*
Me: *continued after a little shock that i actually said it out loud* “I can’t walk, my knees hurt” *tried to repeat almost all that was possible from the previous doc*   *also told her about feeling dissociative and explained a bit how that feels for me* * told her all about how i was fine in dragging me through life but now that my body has suddenly collapsed (where as before it was just emotional pain and numbness and occasional body pains in back and stuff nothing too overwhelming or maybe i was mentally strong to ignore it) i feel very scared and lost. I was dealing with everything fine on my own even when i felt like dying but now i cant handle anything, i can’t even act in front of others; something i am exceptionally good at* *talked about lowered brain function, slowness, low blood pressure, no energy suddenly, not being able to retain information or remember anything, not having a concept of time and memory*
Psy lady: *explained about DPDR disorder and asked me about sleep eating etc.*
Me: *repeated the same: loved sleep can’t now, loved eating can’t now* 
After some time of explaining asking and answering, she said that i have depression and what happens is that our brain stops making certain chemicals and to get it to make them again we have 2 options. one is medicine; the other is motivation and exercises. it seems like the latter would be hard for me (and i confirmed that i infact cannot walk or do almost anything and exercise is too painful cuz pain everywhere) she said that the best route in my situation is to start the medicine for some weeks (she said she’d not give them for more than 4 months; whole course including tapering them out) and explained that the medicines were very safe and answered all my queries about dependency on them or side effects etc. I said if that is what she thinks would be best and if taking them means i could feel alive again and my brain function would return to normal.
she then asked me to bring my mother back in. she explained the medicines to her and said i have diagnosed her with MDD. My mother asked what is that. She said Moderate Depressive disorder. my mother asked if the medicine was necessary. she  said yes, and to not worry as these were safe and she’s only giving to get me started and pull me out of this extreme state, only for a short time. she also said that come back after 10 days of eating these, so we can see the effect and the side effects if any, and that day she’d also get me an appointment for a psychologist who worked in the same clinic as she thinks it would help me immensely. we agreed. took the medicine and left for the doc no. 1′s clinic. My mother didn’t say anything.
we reached his office and throughout the short car ride and while sitting there waiting for my turn, i was feeling very... accomplished? enthusiastic? Dunno... I was just trying not to cry cuz i finally had it written on paper, i was finally diagnosed, i had finally gotten help. yes, it was only a start and i don’t know much about how doctors work diagnosis and how much more can be added in future visits but it was a start. i finally did something to actually help me.
Finally, our turn came. we showed him the reports and told him what she said and prescribed. My mother asked him if the meds were necessary. 
doc: “yeah they really believe in starting meds right away.”
mother: “I don’t want her to take them, it’s like giving up. she can use her will power and get better right?” [she also added something very weird like ‘these stamps (mental disorders diagnosed on paper) are not good for a woman’ or something along this line]
Doc: “yes she can. i too would suggest she do that.”
Mother: *went off on a long tangent about how when she was my age she had depression after having my older sister. but she will-powered through it and didn’t take the meds etc*
doc: “yes i agree, but it really depends on her is she willing to do it” *in a tone that suggested that i should say yes immediately and will-power though life*
Me: * realizing no one is listening to me* “doctor, can you please talk with the Psy lady and ask her if they are necessary in her opinion cuz i have no will left to power though with.”
Doc: “okay.” *called her and talked right then* * told her that he thinks it would be better to willpower through it?
Mother: “well she can will-power through right?”
Doc: “well the Psy lady said that she has been powering through with her will power for years; she has none left anymore. so she thinks that meds are the best option and besides” *looked at the prescription again* “these meds are not addictive and very safe.”
Mother: * insisted on no meds for 15 more minutes and had a long discussion with doc about praying, watching motivational speakers and what not*
doc: *joined in enthusiastically*
Me: *stared into the distance and stops listening with my wobbly neck and painful back*
Doc: “well she is not even listening. can you do it? exercise?”
me: “no it hurts, as i have explained before, not like the yayy muscle cramping up cuz i worked out way and i will love exercise in 2 weeks time way. No! the tendons hurt the bones hurt the joints hurt extremely painfully and it increases with time, even after 2-3 weeks it doesn’t get better.”
Doc: “okay, how about friends? social life? what do you do at home etc”
Me: “my friends are not here, i never made new ones. no social life. even when i was going to class before the lock down, it was from home to uni, uni to home. had no friends there. and i did walked in uni for about half an hour or even more but it hurt in the beginning, i thought okay, cramps (although my knees and heels were very painful too) but it almost felt like it got better (the cramps part) but then it got way worse and after a month i couldn’t walk for more than 10 minutes at a very slow painful speed.”
Doc: *asked about pets, anything that would suggest i was a living being with a life*
Me: “pets are not allowed and so is leaving the house by myself.”
Mother: *interjected* “we have never restricted her for anything.”
By this time, i had frankly given up and i don’t remember what happened next or where the conversation went. just remember something along the lines of “ for these 10-15 days before the next Psy lady appointment, let her do whatever she likes to, don’t ask her don’t control her. let her start up her social life again. she needs to be around friends and the things she can enjoy” something like this. to which my mother said very confidently “sure whatever she wants to do”
then, we left his office and in the car she told me to “not eat the meds as we have ‘now discussed it with your doctor”
this is getting way longer. i think i’d make one more post about it, or maybe one more after that for bits that i forgot. this post seems so badly written upon second inspection. this is not even the 40% of what happened but i don’t remember what happened exactly, or even the timeline.
The third and hopefully last post of this series can be found here post 3
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