#medical trasition
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micahthemoon · 9 days ago
Hi i am still alive 😆
I have now been 15 months (1y3m) on hrt aaaaand 1,5 week post op, which is exciting 🤩
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Screaming. Crying. Throwing up. Changes to my care team ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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grecoromanyaoi · 1 month ago
i feel like 'u dont have to transition to b trans' is kind of an empty statement. while its true u dont have to trasition to b trans its kind of. pointless? like why even identify as trans, as someone who transitions, if ur not gonna trasition in any way. not socially, not aesthetically, not medically, not legally, nothing. if ur so comfortable w how ur percieved n ur role in society why even identify as trans, an identity thats centered around change, lol
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roseonthewindow · 7 months ago
Yall done steped into that pit... but for the record again, i am telling you for your own safty trans people to have your own division BECAUSE YOUR DUMB ASSES HAVE DRATICALY DIFFRENT MEDICAL NEEDS THAN A PERSON WHO HAS NOT TRASITIONED WHEN INJURIED, THIS DOES CONSIDER THE RISK OF INJURIES YOU HAVE THEY DO NOT. That woman beating man pig and his acomplace were 100% plants from the IOC who promissed shareholders they would not get political but have been nothing but and it is a main sorce of some criticisim. If the IOC continues there will be no more olympics.
Quit bitching at me because the activists want you dead.
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the-bad-advice-blog-3 · 7 months ago
I am a systemfluid system some of us are trans some of us are cis how can we medically trasition
okay, basically what we ended up figuring out was.
(This will be different for you bc we are probably intersex so we haven’t needed HRT or anything since we just look androgynous as fuck and are just like this)
Some people when they front can 100% do whatever they want some of us basically talk so masculine we just pass, some of us talk really feminine we pass just fine as well.
if you want you can start HRT bc it’s actually pretty harmless and you can get your desired results and most people in your system are usually fine with it, though 100% you NEED to talk it over. (For us it wasn’t really a talk that needed to happen bc we are so androgynous it doesn’t really matter what gender someone presents as bc it works out fine.)
You don’t need to actually transition if it’s just such a god damned hassle, sometimes it’s best for everyone to take it slow and figure out exactly what everyone wants. Most of us are women in our system and the men don’t really give a shit, it’s only really me who’s non-binary and presents that way. And for me I’m very happy with having facial hair and breasts lol. (Again probs intersex it would explain a lot)
If you want you can bind/pad and see how you feel, like you have to figure out first what exactly you want and also next how your gonna do it. If you want temporary stuff that’s easy to do and you can be very happily as a woman and or man or androgynous if you want! Sometimes you have to play around until you figure out what exactly you’re doing.
Again you gotta talk it over with everyone, if I was getting top or bottom surgery I’d talk it over with everybody (we don’t really want to since we are super happy as we are.) but communication is key and if one person regrets and feels awful bc of it that’s gonna be hard to sort and compromise on. Last time we tried to compromise on things we ended up screaming at each other and it was genuinely NOT GOOD. So yeah please communicate with everyone and compromise, it’s gonna suck ass otherwise people will be mad you didn’t let them know about a pretty big life change that was happening.
You don’t need to fully medically transition to be happy, sometimes just HRT is enough for everyone to be happy. You do what you need and also remember to talk it over with everyone, it’s best when everyone is on board. Sometimes we will have insane gender dysphoria, I used to be so eaten up inside by it then I learned “hey it’s because you as a person are fundamentally different from the body you have of course your gonna feel like that” and then some things got easier, but do what makes you all happy not just one person.
i cannot reiterate enough that you MUST communicate well, if not you will have so many regrets oh my god the regrets.
There are tons of cross dressing resources out there, check them out and see what appeals to you guys. Then from there figure out what you wanna change your actual body to.
remember to talk about any side effects that might happen with HRT because everyone’s different, (you might be allergic to some types and need to change over to another one) read up on trans and intersex resources. And have fun!
That’s all I really got, mostly you have to figure out exactly what you want first and then talk it over.
But HRT In general is great, it’s easy to discontinue if need be, it gets the desired results, and it’s a very effective and reliable method of gender treatment! (It’s been used for ages and ages)
I wish you guys the best of luck!
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my-darling-boy · 4 years ago
how would you go about explaining the concept of being transgender to a child?
Good question! I think the best thing you can do is to be honest with your child. Exactly what you go about explaining after your initial definition differs by situation. I’d always start out with:
“Sometimes when people are born, they feel that the gender they were given when they were a baby doesn’t match up with the gender they know they are. The doctor’s might’ve said someone was a boy/girl, but that person feels that’s not correct.” And since I’m trans myself, I could add, “When I was born, the doctor said I was a girl. But it never felt right to me, because I’d look at other boys and feel more like them. I knew I was one of them.”...And cue perhaps a sea of questions.
Don’t worry about having to explain the ENTIRE subject to them all at one time. Answer only the questions as they come asked if they approach you first. And if you come to a question you yourself don’t know the answer to, don’t try and make something up. Simply say “I don’t know” because you can always find out together! Look for times when they look confused, ask if they need you explain more. But what I’ve found is that generally, after a few questions, a child usually doesn’t often inquire more, at least not for a while.
A lot of adults think that by making the definition sound more appealing to a child (one example I heard of was talking about hormones as being magic potions), but sometimes phrasing things this way can create more confusion. It can put too much distance between the child and the subject. One thing that really began to confuse me on my own trans identity was when people talked ahout being trans like it was on the same level as the stork bringing babies. It made me feel there was something “hush-hush” about being trans, and it made me feel like I too needed to conceal myself.
Parents think “what if I explain this to my child and they start thinking they’re trans, when they’re really not??” A) It’s not bad if a child thinks they’re trans, do not let them think that B) you can’t say if someone is or isn’t trans, you’re not them. Even children can know C) if they try things out and figure out they aren’t trans, no matter when they figure that out, then sure they aren’t trans, it’s fine, but D) if they try things out and figure out they are trans, well you have a trans child! Explaining being trans to someone doesn’t “make them trans”. If that was true, then how come I’m not cis when ALL I was brought up on were cis ways of thinking, or how come I’m not straight when ALL I ever saw on TV or in my life was straight people? Explaining what being trans is gives them tools to help them understand the world around them, and to potentially better understand themselves!
You might get asked how a person knows if they’re trans, and you can say “It’s different for everyone. Some people know by looking at other genders and feeling a very deep knowing that that is how they see themselves. Some people start knowing by what kinds of clothes they like or how they like to be called. Mainly, you can tell mostly by how happy you become when you think of yourself as a different gender.”
You might find yourself saying things like:
“Some people feel they need to change their bodies to feel better in them, but not everyone does, and not everyone can. Sometimes people just like to change clothes, their name, or pronouns! That’s like the he/him, she/her, they/them you hear everyday, but there are more. It’s whatever will make that person feel happier in their body.”
“You don’t have to know right away, it can take a long time. It’s alright to explore too! And you can explore it for as long as you want. If someone finds out they aren’t trans, that’s okay!”
“Sometimes, people think transgender people are all bad because the way the feel about themselves is different from other people, but being trans is not only good thing, it’s a beautiful thing. There are trans people all over the world, and they’ve existed for a very long time!”
Overall, I think there’s a lot of different things to be asked and their responses to fit here, but if there’s something more specific you’d like to know how you might describe, feel free to ask :P sometimes it can be helpful to a child if you look up definitions of words, like explaining what the word cis means or what pronouns are.
Above all, do NOT:
say there are only two genders. Let the child know there are many, even if the world around them tries to say there are two. Try to keep language all-gender inclusive, don’t say “to the opposite gender”, say instead “to a different gender”. Also mention pronouns don’t have to be gender specific. You might say something like, “a person might wear dresses, makeup, and have long hair, but go by ‘they.’” Mention sometimes people will go by all pronouns, only one, or more than one!
say you must medically trasition to be trans. They don’t have to change their body in any way to be trans.
put an emphasis on gender dysphoria (the unhappiness you have about your given gender), if the topic arises. Include it if it comes asked, but tell them what’s more important is gender euphoria (the happiness about being the gender you know you are actually). Priding dysphoria as a hallmark indicator of being trans is harmful to self image and can damage a person’s relationship with how they think about their trans identity.
talk to them like they could never be trans. Parents will end these things with “but you don’t need to know too much, you aren’t trans!” Imagine this child IS trans and doesn’t quite know it yet, or will figure it out later. What sort of impression do you want to leave on this child about it? What tools do you want to provide this child with now so they might better understand themselves later? Create a welcoming space for them to come to you if they ever think they’re trans. Let them grow up with a positive outlook on trans people, not as medical phenomenons, but as human beings just like anyone else
say you can’t know until you’re older. Kids can know now! I might’ve not been able to understand I was trans when I was 7, but I ALWAYS thought I was being perceived as a boy. Later, I learned it was called being transgender. Take your child seriously. Understand your child might not have the language to express themselves yet, so allow them to express themselves in ways they are comfortable with
perpetuate harmful ideas/stereotypes. For instance, autistic trans people know they’re trans, I’m one of them, but recently a Certain Famous Someone In The Media said that autistic trans people are “just confused” on their gender due to their autism. Not only is this incredibly transphobic, but also incredibly offensive to autistic people.
use outdated/transphobic language to talk about trans people. Don’t say “a trans woman is basically a man” or how a non-binary trans person is “basically a girl/boy” because that’s NOT true. A trans person is not some Off-Brand of their gender, I’m not a man 2.0, I’m a man. Don’t say you can tell when people are trans. Don’t say you can only be trans if you “”pass”” (I avoid that word anyways, it made me feel like I was wearing a costume). Additionally, you might look up ways with your child on how you can be aware of transphobia.
If you’re looking up websites or videos with your child that promote these ideas or shares views you think are transphobic, take the time to openly correct them, or switch to another source
It’s better to introduce this concept young before things like school, media, and other people introduce gender roles or the silly x genital must equal x gender idea or get them thinking of the two gender concept, because once those concepts are learned by a child, they can be harder to unlearn as an adult.
This is coming from someone who doesn’t have a child yet, and since I’d be a trans dad, these kinds of concepts would be simply a part of how I’d raise my kid anyway. But if you’re a parent already with kids you would like to introduce this topic too, it can seem daunting if you don’t know much about trans people. This can be as much of a learning experience for them as of can be for you. If you don’t quite know something yourself, you can always say “Let’s look it up!” and sit down with your child and learn about it together. The main idea is freedom: freedom to ask questions, to explore, and to learn.
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alveolion-alt · 2 years ago
my mom: maybe you should wait a bit before medically trasitioning
me, whos been "waiting a bit" since they were 15:
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horriblesin · 6 years ago
The “trans question”
I’ve see a lot of post talking about the dysphoria and transitionning being and issue to how people see trans and all, I’ve been having this on my chest and I just really want to get it out. 
Also, my english is not good, so I hope you focus more on what I’m trying to say insted of how I typed it.
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how you don’t need med or dysphria to be trans, but I sadly cannot agree with them. I do believe, and that is my personnal opinion, that you need at least some kind of body and/or gender dysphoria. Here’s my reasoning behind it: I feel like if you’re trans, you need the will to do the transitionning. You need the will to take meds and/or the will to do surgery. ‘cause I feel like the word trans ( for gender specification) is there for TRANSition. 
Now here’s the part that I feel no one talks about: YOU DON’T NEED TO BE TRANS TO BE A MAN. I just feel like people who call themself trans with doing any transitionning does a bad reputatuion to other people who have dysphoria. it makes them seen like they’re not decided on what who they are and it’s just gonna pass, but at the same time I hear people who doesn’t want to do the trasitionning, but still wants to be seen as men towards everyone. With this whole fight between us about who the real “Trans” is mostly just hurting both side.
So here’s what I suggest: New gender identification. But not how you think. I do feel like the people who identifyas men without wanted or needing the medication or dysphoria are valid as men, but I don’t think the word Trans are appliable for them since they are least likely to do the transition. A new indentification were you don’t need meds to be a man. A new identification where you don’t need to be trans to be a men.
If you have any opinion towards what I’m saying I’m more than happy to ear it out. I just want this whole hate towards both side to stop so that we can focus on being accepted and respectedin society.
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fuccstaff · 5 years ago
Sorry but if a chemist can call sodium chloride salt in a normal social situation, while still understanding its base elements, and potential chemical reactions regardless of the name change, it's no harder to treat trans people.
If you get thrown by something like a name, you cannot be my doctor, because real shit, trans people, depending on how long they've been transitioning medications effect trans people differently.
If you are fully trasitioned via hrt (over 3 years) your body will respond to many things the way a cis body would
But that doesn't change the fact that as a trans woman, i have a prostate, and i still need to get checkups and treatment for that.
Trans people aren't just "freaks in drag" contrary to popular belief. We are human beings, and we deserve accurate, accomodating, and helpful medical experiences, and we deserve to have doctors that respect us, and will be aware of our differences to a cis body without focusing on it, but real shit this type of care only comes from other trans doctors cuz y'all cissies slacking on your education.
Im sorry that you only see me as a man bruh, but if i ever have a heart attack, I'm still gonna experience it as a cis woman would.
Im sorry you can only distinguish people by their genitals but if there's a medication out there, that cis woman cannot take because it interacts poorly with their endocrine system, i cannot take it *for the same reason*. Estrogen is in my body so be aware of that before you kill any more of us, cuz we getting tired of being less than an after thought to y'all.
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Our apologies
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micahthemoon · 1 year ago
January 28 2024
Time for a different sort of entry. Today is a relaxing do-nothing sort of day given I’ve been out socializing two days in a row. Given I will not then put on a mascara beard today I decided to show you guys my tiny rat’stache. It may be hard to see but I tried my best getting the angles in. This is what has happened 9 months on minoxidil and 9 weeks on testosterone. All things considered I’m happy with it so far and looking forward to seeing it get darker and thicker in time.
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veuve-lilac · 8 years ago
Recovering// closed with kamai-tachi
Amélie Lacroix was still learning to live a normal life after she was rescued from Talon. Sure, the trasition to Overwatch was not easy, as she needed to get used to staying near lots of people, feeling awkward and receiving some judgemental looks.
At the medical part, she was taking medicine to make her heart to beat in a normal way, and her body was coming back to the normal color, but her arms and legs were purple. The limbs weren’t receiving oxygen enough, so she had to make a therapy to recondition her body again, but the increased blood flow caused tingling and a certain malaise and pain before she got used to it.
The french woman was taking oxygen 2 hours per day at Mercy’s nursery, and sometimes she waited to enter there as Genji was having some repairs. She waved awkwardly to greet him, with a little smile, invisible under the inhalation mask.
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worshipcircle01 · 4 years ago
No. I'm from Argentina.
And my approach in those issues comes from my experience as a teacher.
Parents today do not give those kind of lessons accordingly to the today times. Those were our grandparents.
Being a teacher makes you see things from the perspective of all the sides of the educational community.
Today parents are not exactly parents (are more like older friends in a lot of aspects) and they hardly manage to survive their respective works and personal lives.
That makes a young generation that actually its struggling to survive. First, because its difficult for them to move out of their parents home due to rent prices and los incomes, and secondly because they do not have all those domestic skills and their alone time ended up being a nightmare instead of a trasition.
I have dozens of examples of my own students that say that they would have be really thankful if their school just teach them how to take on simple tasks as cooking, fix their clothes or understand services and taxes.
Today's school should be prepairing not only for a university, but also for life and from a friendly and less harsh and medical approach. Sex ED in my country still is dictated from a pathriarcal and theoretical aproximation avoiding all together themes like "sex quality", "real gynecoly doubts" and myths. They focus on necessary themes, like contraception, equal rights and deseases, but it didn't go much further.
We need to understand that our students are growing up in a very different world. That they need to face that world and that they need to have tools to do it and that those tools are different from what we commonly see in a school.
And that its why I say that today school is a baby boomer school. Those were the times of factory and office workers. Education was training for work.
Today we need to form integral human beings.
Even if that means to take on the job of a parent for a little
But really, a grade-based system just results in burnt out students, especially with long school hours. I’m supposed to work from 8:20 am to 9 pm if I count dinner and don’t count travel time. And that’s not even looking at family time and hobbies, but that’s what the VWO level demands. And then the government has the guts to ask why so many students end up with burnout lol
What’s the main contributor though, the grades or the long hours? Would a grade-based system work if the school day was shorter?
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vrheadsets · 7 years ago
Investors Seeking Out AR Opportunities According To Report
A new report from Digi-Capital shows that investment in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) sectors is currently in a trasition period between a market that was primarily focussed on high-end VR to one driven by the AR mobile sector.
The report shows that over the past twelve months to Q3 of 2017 a total of $1.8 billion (USD) was invested in the 27 AR and VR sectors covered by the report. $300 million of that total was raised in Q3. Though some analysts may point out that is a drop from Q2 2017’s $800 million total, Digi-Capital emphasise that the Q2 figure was an outlier, since it was the result of two unusually large deals in Q2.
Across the various sectors, technology account for $4 out of every $10 invested, with videogames accounting for $1 per $10 invested. Other high-value investment areas included smartglasses, peripherals as well as social and entertainment applications. Smaller areas of investment included education, location-based VR, advertising, navigation, art/design, medical, sports and education.
Tim Merel, Managing Director AR/VR advisor Digi-Capital said: “Softening VR sentiment in the first half of 2017 also reduced the number of active AR/VR investors, but mobile AR seems to be reversing that effect. It isn’t clear yet whether resurgent VC/corporate investment interest in mobile AR will also help smartglasses, premium VR or mobile VR startups doing the rounds on Sand Hill Road. Where ARKit, ARCore and Camera Effects will have an installed base over 900 million by the end of 2018, it could take mobile AR startups another 12 months to scale in revenue terms. This means that VC and corporate investors will need to be realistic about the early stage mobile AR market, requiring patience while new portfolio companies build towards dominant positions.”
VRFocus will continue to report on new developments in the AR and VR industry.
from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2gz6y7U
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somecraydude · 5 years ago
Excuse how terrible I look. Here is my good news for the week.
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micahthemoon · 1 year ago
September 20 2023:
Hadnt it been for losing my grandmother this past sunday I think I would be even more over the moon after the nurse appointment today. She was so nice and supportive. Everything seemed in order from the blood samples to the blood pressure heck I am even down to a normal bmi!! Oh and I got the great news that there almost a 100% chance I will have a prescription of t in my hand after the doctor's appointment in november!!! Who am I kidding I am still freaking excited about this (even if feeling guilty for feeling so). So many good news at just one appointment. It sort of feels like the world giving me a pass after the loss.
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micahthemoon · 10 months ago
May 12 2024
I had the perfect opportunity to figure out one thing I’ve been wondering for months yet I didn’t take it. There was this little stand outside the local mall yesterday where you’d get your fat percentage measured. Now I’ve been curious if hrt have changed my muscle-fat percentage in any way yet truth be told I’ve had felt less great about my body this entire weekend and I really didn’t want to risk feeling even worse about it. I guess I’ll have to live in ignorance a while longer.
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