#medical socks for blood circulation
shopsankom · 11 months
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
What is the Difference Between Compression Socks and Compression Stockings? A Comprehensive Guide
Discover the differences between compression socks and compression stockings and learn which one is best suited for your needs. This guide will help you make an informed decision, covering everything from design and functionality to medical conditions and use-cases. Table of Content Introduction to Compression Socks and Compression Stockings What are Compression Socks? What are Compression…
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
Tips for Writing and Drawing Amputees: Bandaged Stumps
When writing and drawing amputee characters, unless your character only just lost their limb, they don't need to wear a bandage over their stumps.
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to be clear, eda's depiction in the show was fine, since she'd only just lost her arm and went (presumably) without any medical attention, but because the show didn't have much time to show her afterwards, I've noticed a tendency of the fandom to draw her wearing the bandage permanently, so that's why I'm picking on her for my example lol.
It's a bit of a trope at this point, and I think it comes from one of a few different places:
Amputees do wear bandages on their stumps, but usually only for the first 6-12 weeks post-amputation, sometimes longer if the amputation was a result of a burn. It's possible people saw this though and assumed it was permanent.
Most amputees wear a sock made of either cotton or silicone under their prosthetics to provide them with some extra padding. These socks, called liners, often stick out from the top of the prosthetic socket and could possibly be mistaken for a bandage from a distance.
Some amputees will wear compression garments for a few months to a few years after their amputations which could also be mistaken for a bandage from a distance. These garments are designed to stop swelling and reduce phantom pain, but they aren't bandages.
Stumps get cold easier because their circulation typically isn't as good as the rest of the body, so some amputees will wear socks over them even if they aren't wearing a prosthetic to keep warm, which again could be mistaken for a bandage from a distance.
This one is funny, but in my experience unfortunately, it's the most common: people think the end of an amputee's stump is just a perpetual open wound that never heals. Meaning to avoid "gore" it needs to be covered. I've met fully grown adults who believed this until I showed up to work/uni without my prosthetics or socks on.
People are uncomfortable with seeing an uncovered stump and so put bandages over it to avoid confronting their biases.
Some combination of these points.
But yeah, unless your amputee has only just lost their limb in the last few weeks, they don't need a bandage.
The ironic thing too, is that for most amputees, bandaging a stump is nearly impossible. I've been in and out of hospital since I was 1 year old and only ever met 3 nurses and no doctors/surgeons who could successfully bandage my stump in a way that the bandage would even stay on. This is because stumps are usually tapered in shape (meaning they are wider at the top, closer to the body, and thinner at the bottom), so gravity will pull the bandage off 9 times out of 10.
On a final note: it's ok to show your amputee's stump, it's not gore, there's no blood, it just looks like a regular limb that just stops early. In fact, if you are writing/creating anything for kids or that is likely to be seen by kids, I encourage you to show your amputee's stumps at least once. I used to work on a disability awareness program for kids, and I lost count of the amount of times kids were terrified of me, because they all expected my leg to be bloody and gory. For a lot of kids, I was their first real-life exposure to an amputee, meaning they'd never even heard of people like me, or they had seen an amputee on TV, but because the show went out of its way to avoid showing the person's stump, they assumed it must have been because there was "something scary at the end" that they weren't supposed to see (kids are surprisingly perceptive, they will pick up on stuff like that without you realising). And scared kids aren't good at articulating why they're scared, and would often say really mean or hurtful things to me. I knew not to take it personally and learned how to handle those situations, but not everyone is used to dealing with kids. For a new amputee (or anyone who's less confident in their disability), the kinds of things those kids would say could be absolutely confidence destroying. I never blame the kids, it's not their fault, but the whole situation could have been avoided if they had seen people like us before they had the chance to hear the wrong info. Good representation like this can be the difference between a kid crying, making throw-up sounds and calling an amputee "disgusting monsters" (all things I've had kids do/say) and them just being like "oh ok, cool."
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thegalaxys-edge · 1 year
full hearts
The Bad Batch x GN!Reader (pre- established relationship, reader is referred to as Doc)
a/n: i started writing this 5 months ago and finally got around to finishing it. really i just want to give these boys forhead kisses and ramen, so this is that. ⋆˙⟡♡
sum: after a long mission, you decide to cook the Batch a good meal (pre o66)
warnings: none, just fluff :)
wc: 4k
-✰- reblogs are appreciated! -✰-
You sigh, depositing your small duffle at the entrance as the door slides shut; sagging your body back, you rest your head on the durasteel behind you, letting it cool your mind and the headache pounding at your temples. 
The apartment is fairly warm and midafternoon sunlight gleams through the small window, heating a well worn, second hand couch. It isn't much and it’s far from luxurious, but the small throw blankets and odd wall decorations made it feel like home.
You’d honestly meant to be back yesterday when you got in from a long series of missions as the field medic with Clone Force 99, but a quick, frantic call from a friend in the medical center had those plans changing rapidly. Instead of catching up on sleep (that you desperately needed), you ran to pick up two shifts, working from the late hour of night when you arrived until noon the next day, when a supervisor insisted you take some time off. And then you stayed another two hours. 
Removing yourself from your slumped position on the wall, you haphazardly drag your duffle and gear to one of the two bedrooms in the apartment and sling it onto a low-to-the-floor, but quite comfortable, bed.
The apartment was actually one you shared- as if anyone could afford to live on Coruscant alone, even in the mid-levels. Your other three roommates are a few field medics who you’d met in basic training, before you each got paired with your individual squads, and currently they are all off-world on separate assignments. In a way it’s disappointing to come home to a completely empty space, but right now you welcome the silence.
Your bed is calling your name after having no sleep in maker-knows how long, but the stronger part of your mind tells you that you need a shower and food desperately. 
You grab a set of clean civvies and head to the ‘fresher to scrub the dirt and dust and blood of the last mission from your skin. The soft smelling soap being luxury you dearly missed. 
By the time you feel sufficiently clean (plus several minutes to just enjoy the hot water) you towel off and get dressed, feeling slightly less exhausted and slightly more motivated to grab food. You know without looking that the pantry and chiller will both be near empty, a result of the constant circulation of late-shift workers not wanting to cook and the equal desire to not come back to the smell of spoiled food after a long mission. 
Slipping on socks and a pair of boots, you grab a bag and some credits to head to the nearby market. Ideas of pasta seem to float to the front of your mind as you lock the apartment behind you and walk out of the complex.
The sun is not fully set on Coruscant, leaving the lower area in a dim haze. The air is cooling down, but overall refreshing with a not completely pleasant, but familiar scent. It felt like home, or as close to home as you could have. 
You clutch your bag close under your arm and let yourself focus on the bustle of the city around you. It was very overwhelming when you first moved to Coruscant, with its nearly infinite cityscape and trillions of individuals with their own lives swirling around you, but now your feet move on autopilot with your understanding of the sectors layout, and instead you can enjoy the excitement constantly thrumming in the streets.
In a small gap in the crowd, you spot a familiar color scheme that has you pausing your sure-footed stride. Through the passing bodies, you could spot none other than your squadmates, picking their way past a large group of vendors. You’re almost hesitant to interrupt their time off and instead plan to slip back into the crowd, hopefully unnoticed, when you lock eyes with Hunter, who had been dutifully surveying their surroundings while his brothers were locked in discussion.
You awkwardly raise a hand in greeting and offer him a small smile, which he returns. Seeing the shift in Hunter’s focus quickly grabs the attention of the rest of the squad. Wrecker’s face lights up as he barrels his way through the crowd of pedestrians, who desperately dodge to clear a path for him, and wraps you in a tight hug.
Your hands scramble to find purchase on his shoulders as he lifts you well off the ground and you let yourself tuck your face into his neck to disguise your wide grin. By the time he releases you, you can feel a gentle heat rising in your cheeks, and you let a sly greeting slip out.
“Long time no see, eh?” You calculate it had been roughly 17 standard hours.
Crosshair is, surprisingly, the first to respond.
 “You look well,” he snarks in a tone that clearly teases the opposite. You scoff at his comment, but in all honesty, you probably are a sight to behold right now- haphazardly dressed, hair still damp from the shower, smiling like an idiot in the middle of a Coruscanti market. 
“Maker, thanks Cross-“ you start, unable to stop the laugh bubbling up at the sight of Echo swatting his arm.
“You’re a di’kut, Cross.” 
Said di’kut removed the toothpick that, til recently, resided at the corner of his mouth, and flicked in back at Echo, whose face scrunched into a, frankly adorable, frown.
“So,” Hunter started, clearly over the antics of his brothers, “what are you doing out? Thought you had plans to ‘sleep until our next mission.’” He quoted your last conversation back at you.
Well, that had been the plan. 
“Plans change.” You didn’t need to tell them you haven’t slept since the mission, “What are you doing out?”
“Looking for some good food!” Wrecker burst with a clap on your back.
“That time isn’t it? I'm out for the same thing. Where are you headed?”
“We are currently unsure, most Coruscant establishments are..” Tech hesitated, choosing his words, “Less than welcoming.”
You frown, tamping down the anger that quickly sparked in your chest. You are well acquainted with the prejudice that cropped up in all sectors of the city. Hells, there were more shops allowing droids than clones at this point, and both the GAR and the Senate seem disinclined to stop the blatant discrimination. But falling into a rant about that wasn’t productive right now. You had more than enough experience avoiding discriminatory stalls to know the best food joints that were open to all, and your primary mission shifted to getting these boys some good food. And then your mouth was moving faster than your brain could filter.
“Well I could probably point out a few stands or-“ you paused, catching your words in time. You could cook for them. That seemed too forward. Sure you all got along well, even Crosshair had shifted from outright mean to more lighthearted jeering in your conversations, but that doesn’t mean they’d want to spend their limited time off with you. That, and they’d be in your apartment, which somehow felt quite personal, despite the limited time you spent there. Anxiety twists in your stomach.
“Or?” Tech prompted, clearly not willing to let your sentence end prematurely. The Batch was looking at you expectantly, but there was something else. They looked… happy. Relaxed in a way that you never saw on missions. Maybe you were overthinking it, it would just be dinner, and you trust them to say no if they aren't interested. Besides, with how much work they have over endless missions, it might be nice to enjoy a warm meal.
You purse your lips and summon some courage.
“Well, if you’d like, you could come over to my place and I could cook something up.” You will yourself not to shy away from their gaze. 
“Really!?” Wrecker all but yells, voice overlapping with Hunters' attempt to reject your offer.
“We wouldn’t wanna trouble you, it’s not exactly easy to feed five troopers.”
“It wouldn't be any trouble, I wouldn't have offered if it would be. But if you aren’t interested, I understand, I don't want to impose or anything…”
Hunter studied you for a moment, hand absentmindedly scrubbing the back of his neck; he must have found what he was looking for because he turned to exchange glances with the rest of the squad, each of them giving a subtle nod, barring Wrecker who looked quite eager. He turned back to you, apparently satisfied.
“Well then, what’s for dinner, Doc?”
You grinned at him, letting the nerves shift into excitement.
“Well,” you considered for a moment, “I was thinking ramen would be great.” 
At Hunters’ agreement, Wrecker practically knocks Tech over to lift you up into his arms again. By the time your feet touch the ground, Echo has his lips pursed with concern.
“What is ramen?”
“It is a savory broth and noodle dish served in many stylized ways, often with various meats, proteins, and vegetables,” Tech states, adjusting the rims of his goggles before looking up from his data pad.
You nod in agreement, “I’ll need to pick up a few things, but there's an outdoor market just nearby.”
Falling into a pod-like formation, you lead the group a few streets over, all the while listening to Echo recount some of the worst foods he's suffered through during his time with the 501st, including an especially slimy seafood soup. He concluded that he was not particularly fond of dishes that look back at you.
Together you meander your way through several stores, picking out broth, noodles, a protein that Hunter seemed particularly interested in trying, and various vegetables, all of which Tech was keen on discussing. At some point you linked arms with Echo, who insisted on carrying the grocery bag. 
When all the supplies have been collected, you pick your way back to the apartment complex. It’s a short walk away and all the while you exchange easy conversation with the squad. On missions, you try to stay professional and keep your focus in the way you were taught during basic training, despite the Batch’s often successful attempts at breaking down your walls. However, without the tension of impending injury or death clouding your thoughts, you let yourself relax. 
You point out your building to the group, scanning your key card to get in. A sharp prick of nerves rocks your stomach as you make your way into the lift, dampening the lighthearted mood that had gathered during your time at the market. Logically, there was no reason to worry, after all, you’ve already sacrificed all privacy and personal space when you crowd on the Marauder for missions. That never made you nervous, in fact, you've even teased your squad, mostly Tech, about how you were claiming partial ownership over his pride and joy of a shuttle; but somehow this felt more personal, like you were letting them into a new part of your life. Which, in a way, you were.
Crosshair, having either impeccable timing or just catching onto your nerves, slides an arm to the railing on the opposite side of your body, placing him close behind you, and effectively shifting your mind from any worries you were having to the way he was nearly wrapped around your body. Then, without any warning, he jams his boney fingers into your side, causing you to yelp in surprise. Immediately turning around, you smack your hand into hard plastoid armour and glare up at him. He only shrugs back at you, a smirk playing on his face.
“You’re in your head mesh’la.” You pause for a split second. That nickname was new. 
“Yeah, well you must be out of yours. If you don't keep your hands to yourself, Cross, you won't be eating.” 
He raises his hands in mock surrender as his brothers jeer at him, but the glint in his eye told you he was going to be trouble.
You unlock your apartment, the door sliding open with a hiss, and step aside to let them in. 
“Feel free to make yourselves at home,” you smile and gesture to the open-concept living space and kitchen in a way that is hopefully not as awkward as it feels. 
Echo turns to you, “Mind if we ditch some armour?”
“Of course, go ahead.”
Warmth spreads through your face as they each remove the top half of their armour, Tech retaining his vambraces, and spread out around the room. You try not to let your eyes linger on how their tight fitting blacks cling to their impressively built frames, with limited success.
Quickly pushing that thought from your mind, you grab the controller to switch the holoscreen to the first thing you could find: some cheesy reality dating show. Wrecker sprawls on the couch and lolls his head back, Tech joining him at the opposite side. Crosshair perches on a barstool at the kitchen counter with a good vantage point of both the kitchen and the holo. You quickly shoo Echo away from where he was unpacking the groceries in the kitchen and he joins his brothers on the couch. Hunter saddles up beside you in the kitchen while the others settle in, resting his hand on your back. When you look up at him, you find him already watching you.
“Nice place you’ve got here,” a soft smile slants across his face. 
“‘S more of a mess when my roommates are around.” He nods in understanding, his roommates are a bit of a mess as well.
“Thanks for having us over, Doc.” The sincerity of his gaze sends sparks through your body and you can only hope that his senses don't pick up on the stuttering of your pulse.
“Don't thank me yet, you don't know if the food is any good. It shouldn't take too long, you can go sit down for a bit.”
 He’s probably been just as busy as you since getting back, between mission reports and making sure his brothers were all cared for. For a second it seems like he might protest and insist on helping, but then he gives your waist a quick squeeze and goes to sit in the mismatched chair near the couch.
With the Batch relatively settled, you begin to work on pulling out cookware and heating up the broth in a pot. You give the vegetables a rinse and pull out a knife and chopping board to start cutting, quickly abandoning the task when the broth heats to the correct temperature. With a plan to cook two packages of noodles at a time to maintain a good cooking temperature for the noodles, you start the first batch, before dropping a pad of butter into the pan for the vegetables. You turn to keep chopping, only to see Cross had taken over the task quite dutifully. It was very…domestic. A fuzzy feeling was creeping back through your body at the sight.
Rather than try to move the ridiculously stubborn man back to the couch and ruin a genuinely sweet moment, you just skirt behind him, dragging your hand gently across his shoulder blades and offering a  soft thanks as you gather some of what he's already cut to sauté. You grab a second pan for the meat.
The rest of the cooking is a quick blur of setting out bowls and alternating between cooking and dishing out batches of ramen, setting aside an extra batch for when Wrecker is inevitably still hungry. By the time the last bowl is full, the kitchen is a bit of a mess, but the meal in front of you is nothing short of mouthwatering.
You rap your knuckles twice on the counter closest to the living room, “Dinner!”
The Batch files in, Echo and Tech invested in an almost heated debate over the bachelors in the holo, with Echo vehemently protesting Tech’s pick to win as being shallow and Tech retorting about how his pick obviously had the highest probability of winning, regardless of his shortcomings.
Wrecker seemed to be nearly bursting with joy as he grabs a bowl and you hand him a set of chopsticks. His free arm slings around your shoulders and he drops a kiss to the top of your head, along with a gleeful ‘thank you.’
“There’s also forks on the counter if you’d prefer,” you gesture to where you'd set extra silverware, doubting that any of them had much experience with chopsticks.
The rest of them each follow suit, grabbing bowls and chopsticks and offering you thanks, to which you duck your head in quiet acceptance of their praise.
They all migrate back towards the couch with full bowls, sans Echo, who instead moves to the counter due to his inability to hold the bowl and wield utensils simultaneously. You opt to join him with a bowl of your own.
You scoop a large bite of noodles, almost groaning at the taste, stomach growling in appreciation. You'd nearly forgotten how long it's been since you ate. Both your escapade with the Batch in the market and cooking dinner had taken much longer than the quick dinner you had anticipated having alone. 
Glancing over at Echo, you see him grasping hopelessly at the chopsticks. He met your gaze with an almost guilty grin that told you he was about to make a stupid joke.
“Mind givin’ me a hand?” He raised his scomp-link for emphasis.
Maybe it was the tiredness truly setting in or maybe it was the joy of seeing the usually-tense ARC Trooper letting his guard down, but laughter swelled out of you at the idiocy of a pun you certainly should have seen coming. His smile widened, crinkling the corners of his eyes, which only made you smile to match him, before scooting your stool so you were shoulder-to-shoulder to give him a quick run-down.
Across the room, Tech seemed to have given a similar demonstration about chopstick technique, resulting in Wrecker grabbing one of the forks you had left out to expedite the process of food consumption.
The room was rather quiet, excepting the holoscreen, once everyone became fully invested in their meals. The sun had long since set, and everything was cast in the flashing from the light from the holoshow, as well as the standing lamps around the room, which your roommates all agreed was preferable to the abrasive fluorescent fixtures. Echo and Tech continued to comment on the dating show, with Crosshair chiming in every so often to comment on how ridiculous the whole thing was (though his concentration on the screen revealed he was rather invested). At one point you got up to refill Wreckers bowl and join the rest of the group on the couch with Echo in tow. You end up squeezed between Wrecker and Echo, with Tech on the other side of Wrecker and Cross tucked on the broad arm of the couch. Hunter looked as if he was melting into the armchair.
By the time the episode ended (on an overdramatized cliffhanger), you were almost asleep leaning on Wreckers arm. The bowls gently clink together as Hunter gathers them up to bring into the kitchen. With a yawn, you move to stand and start the dishes but Echo reaches in front of you to prevent you from getting up, meeting your bewildered look with a retort about how you invited them over and cooked and how dishes were ‘the least they could do’. You stammered in response, which Crosshair snorted at, cracking his eyes open and shifting his head from where it was leaned against the wall. He looked exhausted. They all did. 
“At least let me dry!” You raise your voice so Hunter could hear you over the running water, “you don't even know where things go!”
“I believe I could assist with that.” Tech stands, trying and failing to hide his smirk at your losing battle of hospitality.
Meanwhile, Echo enlists Wrecker to keep you from getting up, leaving you with your torso fully wrapped in Wrecker’s arms and your legs draped across Echo’s lap. With no chance of escaping, you resign yourself to lay back into their arms and listen to the sound of Hunter and Tech cleaning up the dishes and the dull chatter of the following episode of the dating show.
When you open your eyes again some time later, Hunter seems rather panicked. His chestplate has been haphazardly reattached and a strong grimace paints his features. 
“Sorry Doc, didn’t realize it was so late,” he shook Crosshair awake, “We’ll be out of your hair and let you get some rest.”
Wrecker and Echo shift to get up, untangling themselves from you. Crosshair waking bearily on the armrest. You stand up too, catching a glance at the chrono displaying half an hour to midnight.
“Are you headed all the way back to the barracks?” You question, almost rhetorically. It seemed ridiculous to trek back across the city this late. You never know what precious limited time there is to sleep before you all ship out for the next mission, but you're certain that the Batch shouldn't have to spend sleeping hours commuting back to uncomfortable bunks. 
“You could just crash here for the night.” Hunter paused from where he was collecting and passing out armour plates.
After an uncomfortable amount of silence, you gesture vaguely to the couch. “It’s a pullout.” The group pauses from the beginnings of reattaching armour plates. “I can grab some spare sheets and blankets, if you don't mind sharing a bed.” A yawn stretches through you, prompting a few more from the group. 
You must have underestimated exactly how tired Hunter is, as instead of politely declining and herding his brothers out like you anticipated, he doesn't even try to argue, nodding slowly in agreement before moving back toward the living room.
Dragging yourself into action, you stretch your limbs high above your head before setting Hunter and Crosshair to figure out the couch while you go in search of extra sheets in the linen closet. You return, handing them off to Tech and Echo before gathering some throw blankets to add to the bedding. 
While your team sets up, you return to your room to change into sweatpants and a sleep shirt. You quickly brush your teeth in the connecting bathroom, then gather what pillows you have on your bed to bring out to the living room.
When you return, the men are all stripped of their remaining armour and left in blacks. The bed is fully made and looks quite cozy, though it will certainly be a tight squeeze. Wrecker crawls in first, settling in the center of the bed with a heavy sigh. Tech follows, leaning in to press a tired kiss on your forehead before crawling to the far side. Echo settles in between Tech and Wrecker, while Cross moves to Wrecker’s other side. Their movements are practiced, as if they had done this a hundred times before. It was quite likely that they had, with time in the field and on Kamino providing little other comfort.
Hunter flips off the lights before slipping an arm around your waist and leaning to speak softly in your ear, his voice gruff.
“Joining us, mesh’la?” You realize that you've just been standing by the side of the bed, watching them all settle in. You had planned to return to your own bed, but leaning into his chest, you feel yourself quickly losing the battle against sleep. And you gave up all your pillows.
“Mmph.” A low laugh rumbles around you and Hunter nudges you toward the couch, tucking you in next to Crosshair, who was quick to pull your back to his chest and tangle up your legs, before pulling himself in behind you. You adjust the blankets in an effort to keep Hunter tucked in with you, knowing full well he would sacrifice his own comfort otherwise. With nearly no space between you, Hunter lets his eyes fall shut and rests his forehead on your own.
“G’night, Doc.” You don't know if you respond out loud, as you lose all grip on the waking world. After months of harsh missions and endless carnage, you were cuddled up, safe, content, and finally asleep.
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faebriel · 1 year
could you give us some misc c!niki or c!rainduo headcanons.. missing them hours
so true anon. here are a couple miscellaneous headcanons (from the silly to the sad)
c!niki headcanons:
this is kind of a worldbuilding headcanon but i hc that some players are born to parents while others are spawned out of nowhere? niki spawned in as a kid in perfect smp and along with the other parentless kids grew up in a kind of village-raising-the-children situation. that sense of community never left her no matter where she went
she's never been very good at self-soothing behaviours, even as a kid. baking is kind of the closest thing she has and even that requires a level of focus and precision that after manberg she doesn't always have
i think she and fundy tried to give each other home piercings (nose piercing for niki, earlobe piercing for fundy) with somewhat varied results. if not for manberg they also would have discovered the stick and poke
big on gardening
she's a very poor medic - she tried to take the lead on curing tubbo's firework wounds in pogtopia but doesn't have a great sense for medicine. she had to take a lot of advice from techno which at the time she found very frustrating, as she took a while to warm up to him
her favourite baked goods are strawberry related
she also has a nigh-supernatural sense for guessing what people's favourite baked goods are on vibes alone
i think she's typically a decent advice giver but she really struggles to comprehend poor mental health in another person and in herself - she takes it far more personally than she should :( if she was a better smarter friend she would be able to solve all mental illnesses ever. makes her feel useless when her friends are suffering, and then when her own mental health deteriorates she has zero tools to detect, understand or do anything about it
part of the poor blood circulation brigade (not only are her hands freezing in winter, they are so hot in summer !! )
c!rainduo headcanons:
they would 100% do subtle dorky shit like have matching socks i think. niki has definitely knitted them at least one pair. they own l'manberg flag socks
neither of them are particularly athletic compared to their peers but they're absolute fiends in like. skipping rope competitions
they play guitar and sing together!! wilbur is a pretty prolific songwriter and she was one of the few people he'd sit down with and they'd sit there and pluck out the notes while he reworked the lyrics
in the oooold (read: pre-l'manberg) days, wilbur used to play music and sing while niki baked. he stopped doing this in l'manberg because he got too busy with the presidency, and she was never quite able to talk him into spending an afternoon on it again
they spoke very rarely in pogtopia. wilbur tended to avoid niki because he struggled to comfortably reconcile showing off how far he'd fallen with how much he'd always held niki up on a pedestal and wanted to show off his best qualities to impress her. so he just kind of avoided her. niki was increasingly hurt by this (and his abandonment of her in the first place) so she didn't really seek him out - and she figured they would be able to sort things out after the war ended and they won l'manberg back, anyway.
wilbur used to insist on showering niki with gifts on her birthday! niki is the kind of homemade-gift-bursting-with-love gift giver
wilbur picked up smoking as a stress management habit during his presidency, but niki didn't know about it until pogtopia - she once saw him put a butt out on his wrist and she ripped him a new one in front of tommy and techno and it made the cavern unbearably awkward for like three days
niki and that damn coat. okay so wilbur gave her That Damn Coat in pogtopia before the war and they were this 👌 close to being so damn obnoxious about having matching fits if they weren't going through the horrors of tragedy at the time. niki kept it in new l'manberg - she wore it pretty frequently, but it freaked a lot of people out (the memories were too fresh...), so eventually she did in fact stop wearing it in public. after doomsday, she picked up wearing it again (under the excuse that it gets cold down in the underground city, which would be super convincing if it wasn't thin and weedy. and it's not like there's anyone around to judge her anymore, is there? it's like the world's most fucked up comfort object except it provides zero comfort whatsoever
when she joins the syndicate phil and techno give her a lovely matching cloak with the rest of them, because it gets so cold up in the arctic. niki gets the postcard from wilbur after their reunion saying that he's gone off to utah and he's not coming back and she eventually (finally) burns the coat.
these got sad. umm pre-l'manberg they co-invented a cocktail so cursed that after one night of partying it was subsequently banned from all events ever. legend says you can go up to a gas station attendant in utah and say the phrase "soul sand skittle-savoy affair" and he will immediately gag
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aintgonnatakethis · 2 years
I got top surgery on Wednesday 9th November 2022 and thought I would record the experience here in case it could help anyone. Basically a step by step of the process (with a few problems along the way). I’m happy to answer any questions anyone might have.
The receptionist confirmed who I was, my address, and how to contact my next of kin, then checked I'd had no covid symptoms for the past 30 days and no one in my family had any them in the past 90. We still remain super careful due my grandmother being 91 and my mother being immunocompromised so everything was good.
My ward nurse took me to my private room. I was very pleased about not being on an open ward as I can have odd sleeping patterns. She said my name and then my deadname which after I stiffly corrected her she apologised and pointed to her nametag which said her name was my old one. Ironic and much better than the first thing the medical staff doing being deadnaming me lol
She went through my list of meds with me (quite a few) and gave me a special sponge to use in the shower to disinfect myself and change into a medical gown. Despite the radiator not being on the room was sweltering (in November) so I had to ask them to open my window. Was definitely thankful for the warmth after I got back from surgery as I was very cold then.
A woman with a massive menu came round and asked what I wanted in my post-op sandwich, for dinner that night, and breakfast the next morning, I'm normally an NHS patient (not really sure what the equivalent is in the US, maybe medicare? - but it's basically the underfunded underpaid free healthcare and I was referred to a private hospital because their waiting lists were too long.) With the NHS you get whatever food you get and this place was like a fucking restaurant!
The surgeon then came by to draw lines and dots on my chest, then the anaesthesiologist to go through my meds again. When I told him I had a phobia of needles he said he'd be happy to provide me with laughing gas before he put the canula in. The nurse then fitted me with compression socks, which help prevent blood clots post surgery. They weren't uncomfortable at all, just felt like regular socks but with no toes. I have to wear them for 2 weeks after the surgery.
I waited in my room for two hours so even if you're not staying overnight I'd recommend you bring some form of entertainment. I brought my laptop with some books downloaded onto it and obviously a direct line with home so I could keep them up-to-date.
A new nurse then came in, got me into a dressing gown and took me down to the operating theatre. They didn't undress me until I was unconscious, just rolled down one gown sleeve to put a blood pressure cuff on. The surgeon rubbed a local anaesthetic into the back of my hand and had a bit of trouble finding a vein for the canula (which wasn't unexpected as I have very poor circulation). While he was doing this the nurse held the laughing gas mask over my face, which made me light headed and a bit slurred when I spoke.
There wasn't any slow falling asleep or blur out like on TV when he injected me with the anaesthetic. One moment I had the laughing gas mask on, then I blinked and had an oxygen mask on and was in the recovery room. I didn't realise everything had been done, but my body certainly knew something was up as it almost immediately went into shock.
Would NOT recommend doing that!
Can safely say it was the worst pain I've ever felt, a sharp stabbing sensation across the whole of my chest. The only thing I could think was that if I moved it would be worse so I had to stay as still as possible. It took a dose of Morphine and 3 doses of Fentanyl before the pain lessened. I was too out of it know how long they took between doses but they seemed pretty on it so even though it felt like a long time in that level of pain it probably wasn't. They were insistent on verbal responses from me between doses.
I was wheeled back to my room and have a foggy memory of three nurses clustered around me all quite worried about how blue my fingers were. Things got better from there quickly though, had no nausea or dizziness when a nurse helped me up to go to the bathroom, so had a sandwich and they gave me Tramadol for the residual pain. Ate dinner without a problem (rich peoples' hospitals and their actual food, dude!) and had no constipation from the anaesthetic.
Didn't sleep well but I never do in places that aren't home, and the nurses were coming in every 2-3 hours to check my blood pressure and the drains. In the morning the left drain had a lot more blood coming out than the right so the surgeon decided to keep me in another night. In the end we had 50ml in the right and 300ml in the left and I bled onto the bed quite a bit around the area where the left drain was in. Apparently one side just sometimes bleeds more.
Having the drains out the next day was... an experience. I was still on the Tramadol and the pinch of pain wasn't so bad, but the sliding sensation of a rather long tube coming out of me felt real weird. The background pain dropped a LOT as soon as they were out. Minor leakage around the left wound, but nothing too bad.
Had fresh bandages put on then two nurses wrapped me up in a binder like a burrito. The stiff material of the binder is gonna be right up in your armpits so I'd recommend you do something about any hair you have there before you go. I ran a hair trimmer over both pits.
I can't really offer any advice about if you have a long car ride home. I had a 90 minute drive (as the passenger obvs) and I had black edging into the corners of my vision by the end of it. Standing up before getting into the car was fine, but then not being able to breathe properly plus the movement of the car made me feel very light-headed and nauseous. Went straight to bed when I got home and feel much better since I've woken up. Can do basic movements of putting on a button up shirt, brushing my teeth, etc, but was standing up for twenty minutes to talk to someone and that was enough for me. Have been taking codeine as a painkiller as that's what I take for other issues - have a little burning and aching across my chest (and chafing in my my armpits >.<) but nothing I wouldn't expect from just having had surgery.
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evilwriter37 · 2 years
I’m home. Turns out I couldn’t feel my toes because of a severe Raynaud’s flare. (It’s a circulation problem.) I have to follow up with two doctors and just wear really warm socks. Glad it’s not a blood clot like they originally thought.
I feel like a lump of medical issues and not a person…
But, on the bright side, I was called Mr. [insert last name here] in person for the first time! Woohoo! The hospital did a great job handling the trans stuff.
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brown-little-robin · 11 months
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'tis the season to download this image if you need it!
Image transcription of winter weather tips below the cut:
The leading cause of death during winter storms is transportation accidents. Preparing your vehicle for the winter season and knowing how to react if stranded or lost on the road are the keys to safe winter driving. Be ready before you drive!
Before you drive, have a mechanic check the following items on your car:
Wipers/windshield washer fluid
Ignition system
Lights/flashing hazard lights
Exhaust System
Oil level (if necessary, replace existing oil with a winter grade oil or the SAE 10w/30 weight variety)
Take the proper precautions to outfit you and your car for winter driving:
Install good winter tires. Make sure they have adequate tread.
Maintain at least half a tank of gas at all times.
Plan long trips carefully. Listen to the radio or call 511 for the latest road conditions. Always travel during daylight and if possible, do not travel alone.
If you must go out during a winter storm, use public transportation.
Dress warmly. Wear loose-fitting, layered, lightweight clothing.
Keep the following items in your car at all times during the winter months:
Flashlights with extra batteries
First aid kit with a pocketknife
Necessary medications
Blankets and/or sleeping bags
Extra newspapers for insulation
Plastic bags (for sanitation)
Extra set of mittens, socks and a wool cap
Rain gear and extra clothes
Small sack of sand or kitty litter to generate traction under car wheels
Small shovel and other tools (pliers, wrench, screwdriver)
Jumper cables
Brightly-colored cloth (red) to use as a flag
Canned fruit/nuts and non-electric can opener
Bottled water
If You Get Trapped in Your Car During a Blizzard…
Stay in the car. Do not leave to search for assistance unless help is visible within 100 yards. You may become disoriented and lost in blowing and drifting snow.
Hang a brightly-colored cloth on the radio antenna and raise the hood to draw attention.
Do minor exercises to keep up circulation. Clap hands and move arms and legs. Try not to stay in one position for too long. If more than one person is in the car, take turns sleeping.
Avoid overexertion. Cold weather puts an added strain on the heart. Unaccustomed exercise like snow shoveling or pushing a car can bring on a heart attack or make other medical conditions worse.
Run the engine occasionally to keep warm. Turn the engine on for about 10 minutes each hour. Run the heater and turn on the dome light while the car is running. Beware of carbon monoxide poisoning. Keep the exhaust pipe clear of snow, and open a downwind window slightly for ventilation.
For warmth, huddle together.
Frostbite and Hypothermia
Frostbite is a severe reaction to cold exposure that can be permanently damaging. Symptoms include: loss of feeling and a white or pale appearance in fingers, toes, or nose and earlobes.
Hypothermia can be brought on when the body temperature drops to less than 90°F. Symptoms include uncontrollable shivering, slow speech, memory lapses, stumbling, drowsiness, and exhaustion.
If frostbite or hypothermia is suspected, begin warming the person slowly and seek immediate medical assistance. Warm the person’s trunk first. Use your own body heat to help. Arms and legs should be warmed last because stimulation of the limbs can drive cold blood toward the heart and lead to heart failure. Put the person in dry clothing and wrap their entire body in a blanket.
Never give a frostbite or hypothermia victim something with caffeine or alcohol in it. Caffeine, a stimulant, can cause the heart to beat faster and alcohol, a depressant, can slow the heart. Both can hasten the ill effects of cold body temperatures.
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🍃🕊🍃 Health Remedies 🍃🕊🍃
In Tadbiyat-e-Hikmat it is narrated that Maula Ali (as) says like soap cleans clothes but it also wears off the clothes, so too many medications temporarily cleanses the body from diseases but it makes it boosedah.
We are obliged to all those who helped us in the making of this booklet. May Allah Bless them health and prosperity. Please excuse us in case of any error.
Imam Ali (as) said: "Never, never will prosperity be reached by remaining idle and lazy."
Ayatullah Nasrullah Burujardi says the patient should pray himself (if the mareez is unable to pray himself then some one should pray on his behalf) 17,000 times salwat. 1000 salwat hadiya to each of the 14 masoomeen (pbbut), 1000 salwat as hadiya to Bibi Zainab (sa) 1000 salwat as hadiya to Hazrat Abbas (ra) and 1000 salwat as hadiya to Umul baneen (sa). (very effective if prayed in one sitting)
Pray 1000 times in one sitting Allahumma Laan Muawiya ibn Abi Saffyan. (Laan (part of tabbarrah), is very effective because it makes you realize why the laan is being sent on the person, and awakens you
to stay away from evil deeds. Praying laan fulfills desires quickly,also pray salwat before and after the tasbihs, also do istigfar)
The Prophet (S) Says- 77 diseases are cured by honey.
Do not stand and drink water at night, incurable disease will be contracted (6th Imam as)
Drinking Rain water is beneficial for health
21 raisins (kishmish) on an empty stomach for good memory and good health.
Do not sleep on an empty stomach.
Eat only when you are hungry.
Use the washroom before sleeping.
Do not sleep in a straight position immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion and causes gastric problems.
Do not bathe immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion.
Best not to eat anything except fruits between breakfast and dinner.
Do not eat fruits immediately after a meal, wait for a hr before eating fruits.
Eat the fruits at the beginning of their season.
Don't drink tea immediately after a meal as tea has acid in it and food has protein in it therefore digestion is hindered.
Do not smoke a cigarette immediately after a meal it is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes at other times and is the main cause of cancer.
Never urinate in the sea or swimming pools, one contracts incurable disease.
After a hot water bath put a mug of cold water on your feet
Best time to sleep, which is most beneficial, is 2½ hrs after sunset.
Start and end your food with a pinch of salt to ward off 70 kinds of diseases.
End your meal also with a pinch of salt.
Waking up 2½ hrs before sunrise is very beneficial for health.
Namaz-e-shab is best for good health.
Try to do all work facing qibla and in a state of wuzu- Tilwat-e-Quran, cooking, studying etc.
Alims say that honey serves a dual purpose i.e. in the winter it has a warm effect and in summer it has a cooling effect.
Cutting nails on Friday cures many diseases.
Elaichi to be chewed thoroughly with the skin, after meals for at least 40 days to see results.
Dairy products, egg yolk, soya beans,garlic, vegetables and fish. Feet should always be clean. Keep your feet dry of moisture and sweat and keep them warm by wearing cotton socks not nylon socks. This plays a very important role for good blood circulation for sugar patient.
Drink garlic juice
Methi seeds (better used in the winter) one teaspoon nihar mouth or in powdered form. And one teaspoon 1 hr before meals.
One teaspoon of honey before going to bed.
Remove potato eyes from a raw potato, wash well and liquidize and drink immediately.
Fill water in a copper vessel at night and drink it in the morning.
Mix honey 1 teaspoon and 2 teaspoons luke warm water and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (dalchinni powder) to be slowly massaged on joint pains.
1 cup hot water, 2 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder mix well and drink twice a day.
Ginger juice and salt to be mixed and massaged
Massage back with hot olive oil (always use hot oil for massage, it is very effective)
Clove oil massage
½ teaspoon Ajwine and ½ teaspoon ghur to be chewed well twice a day. If back pain is very severe then increase the quantity to 1 teaspoon each
massage with hot coconut oil
One teaspoon of honey before going to bed.
one teaspoon of honey at night
Hadiths of Imams (pbbut) For good colour: - use the following in your diet: - Egg plant (began), onion, bahi (queens), bananas and olives
Rub cucumber juice on the face.
Besan ka atta, ghee and water to be mixed and rubbed on face.
Boil 1 liter water till ½ liter remains, then mix glycerin and lime together and use twice a day.
Drink carrot juice (carrot juice not recommended for pregnant women).
Mix water and ginger juice in equal parts and drink daily.
For pain in the heart- 8-10 tulsi leaves mixed with 2-3 black peppers to be chewed and swallowed
Eat 3-4 garlic cloves daily.
Drink milk mixed with crushed lasan.
Nihar mouth 1 teaspoon olive oil.
Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Bananas and melons are especially beneficial.
2 teaspoon of honey mixed with 1 teaspoon lemon juice to be taken twice a day.
For High and low Blood Pressure: Do deep breathing.
Chew 1 teaspoon tea leaves mixed with sugar
Mix luke warm water, lime juice and 1 pinch salt and drink
Rub ginger juice around the naval
A lemon a day keeps the cold away.
Orange (mosambi) juice.
1 tblspoon of ginger juice mixed with ½ teaspoon honey.
2½ cups water to be boiled then add juice of 2 lemons and honey and drink at night.
Drink onion juice and honey mixed together.
For coughs ½ onion dipped in honey overnight and drink the juice
For excessive coughing and to avoid coughing continuously keep pomegranate skin in the mouth
Inhaling steam of hot water mixed with garlic cloves.
5 grms of honey 4 times in the day.
For Phlegm (balghum)-chew dates well and drink hot water over it.
For Colds, Coughs and Phlegm (balghum) in hot milk add haldi, salt and ghur and drink at night.
(Dua to be prayed for results within 40 days or 3 months) -
Surah Taha- to be prayed for 41 to 90 days. Better to be prayed at time of shab and completed 5 mins before Namaz-e-Fajr.
Surah Baqarah ayah 137 to be recited 100 times for marriage proposal, family problems and for anger
فَإِنْ آمَنُوا بِمِثْلِ مَا آمَنتُم بِهِ فَقَدِ اهْتَدَوا ۖ وَّإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَإِنَّمَا هُمْ فِي شِقَاقٍ ۖفَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ اللَّـهُ ۚ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ ﴿١٣٧﴾
Translation: "So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He is the All- Hearing, the All-Knowing."
If you wear black shoes.
If you wear clothes in the standing position.
If you wipe your hands or face with your clothes.
Negative thinking.
Lack of something in your body.
Recalling old memories.
Remedies For depression:
Do not wear black shoes.
Wear your dress/clothes in a sitting position.
Do not wipe your hands or face with the clothes you are wearing (also adversely effects rizk and rozi).
Keep a positive attitude towards others even if they do not show a friendly attitude towards you.
Use raw vegetables.
Eat oranges, berries, black grapes, olives.
Eat dry fruits before meal.
Drink warm milk with honey and cinnamon powder (equal quantity) at night.
Drink warm water with 1tbs honey at daytime.
Wash your hair with water of bairi leaves.
Wear yellow slippers or shoes (also beneficial for barkat in rozi/rizk); if yellow can not be worn then wear white slippers or shoes. (Yellow color is a much liked color in Islam).
Eat fruit of the season in the beginning of the season.
Recite salwat 100 times daily.
Drink orange juice to overcome deficiencies in your body.
When you wake up from sleep recite durud 5 times and LAHAUL 8 times while lying down. Again recite durud 5 times and LAHAUL 8 times in a sitting position. Repeat the amaal again when you stand up, when in washroom and finally when washing hands. (In total the amaal should be done 5 times).
Apply honey and cinnamon powder in equal quantity.
Massage the effected area with the paste of baisan flour (for itching).
Do not use egg, peanuts, sugar and dairy products.
Massage with the juice of tulsi leaves
Apply coconut oil on the beginning stage of pimples on a continuous basis for 7days.
Wash your face with lassi.
Wash your face with paste of besan flour.
To Change on nature (especially for children):
Recite 5 times durud followed by 21 times Surah Qadr and again 5 times durud in a moderate voice near the person's ear, then make a speech of 5 to 7 minutes of what changes you want in him (as the brain is conscious),while he is sleeping. The amaal will break if the person wakes up during the amaal. The amaal shall be performed for 21 days on the same time everyday. The person performing it shall be in state of wuzu and should be facing the qibla. (However, if the person is abroad then the same amaal shall be performed at the time when that person is sleeping. That person should be in your imagination and your hand should be on the pillow in that person's room or another room-this should be done with full concentration)-You can tell the child of the amaal but it is better not to tell him.
Eat two apples a day.
Every morning eat a handful of any sesame seeds (till) either black or white.
Liquidize or blend 10 almonds with a cup of milk. Drink this mixture twice i.e. one cup before breakfast and another before sleeping.
Eat more of dark green leafy vegetables.
Eat low fat dairy products.
Give them carrot and orange juice.
The child should eat as many bananas as he/she can after meals.
Boil Figs (angeer) with milk and give the milk to child to drink and the Figs to eat.
Chew ½ spoon of Ajwaeen twice a day.
Wash hands after meals and apply your wet palms to your eyes reciting ayat 82 of Surah Bani-Israel, seven times.
Recite Ayat-al-kursi and blow your warm breath on your palms and keep your palms on your eyes.
Put drops of pure honey in your eyes everyday.
Drink 3 sips of water every time after you do wudhoo (ablution) with the intention of decreasing anger.
Recite Ya Wadudo 360 times on any sweet thing for 40 days and then eat (can also do it for someone else and give it to them to eat).
Recite Al Mubdiyo or Ya Mubdiyo 56 times. Inshallah the work will get completed.
This can be also recited on a pregnant woman, for avoiding miscarriage and having a safe delivery.
Recite Ayat 70 of Surah Baqrah.
قَالُوا ادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُبَيِّن لَّنَا مَا هِيَ إِنَّ الْبَقَرَ تَشَابَهَ عَلَيْنَا وَإِنَّا إِن شَاءَ اللَّـهُ لَمُهْتَدُونَ ﴿٧٠﴾
“They said: Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what she is, for surely to us the cows are all alike, and if Allah please we shall surely be guided aright.”
the above ayat can also be recited while going shopping, or before starting any business or housekeeping task or before marriage
Recite ayat 73 and 74 of Surah Al Imran 350 times in one sitting. This does wonders. Recite it preferably every day.
One who is weak in Mathematics, should recite YA MUHSEEYI (ONE WHO COUNTS), as many times as possible.
To aquire concentration while studying, recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas once before starting.
Eat sesame seeds (till), white or black.
Take 20 tola water and 1 tola black sesame seeds (till) and boil them together until only 5 tola water is left. Then add gurr for as sweet as you want and drink the mixture.
Recite Ziyarat-e-Ahsura.
Recite Tasbih-e-Fatima Zahra(a.s).
After namaz-e-fajr recite Surah Qadr and Surah Ikhlas.
Recite at least 50 quranic ayats with concentration everyday.
Recite Ayat-e-Karima 400 times everyday for one year (to change a bad habit),
One should recite Surah Alam Nashra 7 times, before going to sleep.
Inshallah the next day when he wakes up, his heart will be free of any kind of hatred and impurity towards any one or for anyone
Mix a little ghee in milk and drink it.
Massage the forehead with a little ghee or clove oil
In one cup of water, put 1 tsp of haldi, boil it and then drink it
In order to normalize blood cholesterol the best things to drink are: Carrot juice, Celery juice
Best to eat are apples, bananas, grape fruit, carrots and dry beans
Also during our food intake to take a little bit of honey
If one is suffering from very high cholesterol and wants to normalize it in two hours has to have the following mixture:
In 16 oz of tea water, mix 2 tbsp of honey and 3 tsp of Cinnamon powder and then drink it.
Eat Figs
Have lemon juice twice a day
1 cup of ripe tomato juice
To have first thing in the morning hot water mixed with 2tsp of honey
To have hot milk mixed with 2 tsp of honey at night before sleeping
Carrot juice
If suffering from dry piles, then have lassi mixed with a little bit of gur.
To Liquidise have coriander leaves (dhanya) with water and drink it.
To liquidize neem leaves with water, sieve and then drink
If suffering from painful piles, then eat masoor daal with roti and lassi.
Stop having hot spicy food
Highly recommended to eat figs.
To massage the head with: hot olive oil mixed with 1 tsp cinnamon powder + 2 tsp honey. Keep it for 15 mins before washing.
Mix a little sugar in lemon juice and apply it on the hair, then wash it off.
Make a powder of neem leaves, then in about 100 gm of neem leaves powder, mix it in coconut oil and apply it in the hair once a week
In order to have shiny hair, have cucumber
To eat twice a day
Make a mixture of: 1 cup apple cider + 1 cup honey + 16 pieces of lasan (garlic), liquidize it for 1 min, put it in a glass cylinder with a tight lid and put it in the fridge for one week. After one week, put 2 tsp of this mixture in a glass of hot water and have it twice a day preferably first thing in the morning and not to eat anything for half an hour after this.
Make them eat tiil
Make them eat gurr and onions
Glucose water and lemon water, 2 tbsp four times a day
Recite Surah Jumah on water and make them drink
One should open the Holy Quran and start reciting 100 ayats from the page where ever he has opened it and then after 100 ayats, say 3 times
"YA ALLAH please help me overcome my fear".
This can also be done when one is facing any kind of problem and difficulty. After reciting 100 ayats, say 3 time
“YA ALLAH please solve this problem for me".
Inshallah either the problem will be solved or one will get an idea as to how to deal with the problem.
To have adrak water + lemon water + half tsp black pepper powder
To cure indigestion and gas problems mix ajwain powder in hot water and drink it
Mix channa + gurr and have it with hot water and drink it
Mix 1 tsp adrak water + 2 tsp lemon water + saakar (misri) powder and have it before eating .This is good for gas, acidity and indigestion.
The Holy Prophet (S) has said: In order to prevent stomach ailments, recite surah Teen on the food and then eat, it is so mujarrab that even if some one has mixed poison in food it will not effect.
For every dish we have, we should recite a different 'Bismillah’
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drpriya · 2 years
Compression socks help the lower leg veins in pushing the blood back toward the heart, thus improving blood circulation.
Compression socks exert more pressure near the feet and ankle and provide extra squeeze. This causes the blood pooling inside the veins to move and reduces the bulging of the veins and pain associated with varicose veins.
Compression socks can also be worn for comfort, enhanced performance in sports, and prevention of serious medical injury.
One can take care of compression socks by using the following tips:
Use cold water or water having a mild temperature to wash the compression socks.
Hand-wash the compression socks instead of washing them in the washing machine.
Avoid using fabric softener while washing the compression socks. Use soap or mild detergent instead.
Do not use a dryer. Hang the socks to dry them instead.
There are many hospitals in Bangalore where varicose vein surgery is done with great success.
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shopsankom · 11 months
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
A Guide to Their Different Strengths: What are the different strengths of compression socks?
Looking for the best compression socks? Learn about the different strengths and benefits of compression stockings to find the right one for your needs. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the importance of compression socks, how to choose the right fit, and how to make the most out of them for various medical conditions. Introduction Why Compression Socks Matter Compression socks…
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msinsights · 3 days
Compression Socks Market Size, Share, Growth, Top Leading Players, Segments and Forecast by 2031
The Compression Socks Market can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and deep vein thrombosis has increased the adoption of compression socks among patients. These socks aid in improving blood circulation and reducing swelling, thereby providing relief to individuals suffering from such conditions. Additionally, the increasing awareness regarding the benefits of compression therapy in preventing venous disorders has propelled market growth.
Get Free Sample PDF @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2783
Top Companies
 Tommie Copper, 2XU, Run Forever Sports, BeVisible Sports, Thirty 48, Camden Gear, Zensah, BodyMate, Sanyleg S.r.l., Novamed, Santemol Group Medikal.
Moreover, the expanding sports and fitness industry has contributed significantly to the demand for compression socks. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are increasingly recognizing the performance-enhancing benefits of wearing compression socks during workouts and recovery periods. These socks help in reducing muscle fatigue, improving endurance, and speeding up the recovery process, thus driving their popularity among active individuals. 
The market for compression socks has witnessed substantial growth. According to the Global Compression Socks Market Report presented by Metastat Insight, the industry is experiencing a surge in demand driven by various factors. These socks, once primarily associated with medical purposes, have now expanded their reach into sports, fitness, and everyday wear. 
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/compression-socks-market
Furthermore, advancements in technology have led to the development of innovative compression sock designs that offer enhanced comfort and functionality. Manufacturers are investing in research and development to create socks with superior moisture-wicking properties, breathability, and durability, catering to the evolving needs of consumers.
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krystletan · 1 month
Specialist Orthopaedic Centre - 5 Designer-Approved Tips for Preparing for ACL Surgery in Singapore
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So, you're about to embark on the journey of ACL surgery in Singapore. It's a significant step, and it's natural to want to ensure that you're as prepared as possible. Don't worry, though—I've got you covered. Here are five designer-approved tips to get you prepped and ready for this important procedure.
1. Consult the Pros
Your first step on this 'designer journey' is to consult with a skilled orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore who specialises in ACL surgery. These experts are your trusted 'designers,' ready to craft a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. 
An initial consultation is crucial as it allows the surgeon to assess the extent of your ACL injury and discuss the surgical options available. Whether you're an athlete looking to get back to your sport or someone aiming to return to everyday activities without pain, a specialist will guide you through the ideal course of action.
During your consultation, don't hesitate to ask questions. Inquire about the surgeon's experience with ACL surgeries, the success rates, and what you can expect during the recovery process. A good surgeon will provide detailed information, helping you feel confident and informed about your upcoming procedure.
ALSO READ: When You Should Schedule A Visit To An Orthopaedic Doctor For Lower Limb Injuries
2. Wardrobe Essentials
Think of your post-surgery wardrobe as your new 'collection.' After ACL surgery, comfort is key. Invest in clothing that's easy to put on and take off, as bending down and moving around might be challenging for a while. Opt for loose-fitting pants, shorts with elastic waistbands, and tops that don’t require too much effort to slip on. Button-up shirts and dresses with front closures can also be practical choices.
Footwear is another important consideration. Choose slip-on shoes or sandals that don't require bending over to tie laces. Additionally, having a few pairs of compression socks on hand can help reduce swelling and improve blood circulation during your recovery.
3. Home Décor Adjustment
Your home needs a redesign too! Preparing your living space for post-surgery recovery can make a significant difference in your comfort and mobility. Start by creating a dedicated recovery area, ideally on the ground floor to avoid stairs. Ensure this space has all the essentials within easy reach, such as medications, water, snacks, and entertainment devices.
Remove any clutter or obstacles that could pose a tripping hazard. Consider installing grab bars in the bathroom and near the toilet to aid in mobility and prevent falls. A shower chair can also be a valuable addition, providing a safe place to sit while bathing.
Having a comfortable chair with good support and a footrest can make a world of difference during your recovery. If possible, arrange your furniture to allow for easy navigation with crutches or a walker.
4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished
Just like a designer fuels creativity, you need to nourish your body to support a speedy recovery. Stock up on healthy, easy-to-prepare meals that provide essential nutrients. Focus on a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to aid in tissue repair and reduce inflammation.
Consider preparing and freezing meals ahead of time so that you have nutritious options readily available without the need for extensive cooking. Hydration is equally important; keep a water bottle within arm's reach at all times. Herbal teas and natural fruit juices can also be refreshing options to keep you hydrated.
Supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc may support your immune system and promote healing. However, always consult with your surgeon or a nutritionist before adding any supplements to your diet.
5. Fashionable Support
Get yourself a stylish, yet functional, knee brace or support. It's like accessorising your recovery attire—functional and fashionable. Knee braces provide the necessary support and stability to your recovering joint, reducing the risk of further injury and aiding in the healing process.
When choosing a knee brace, look for one that fits well and offers adjustable straps for a custom fit. Some braces are designed to provide compression, which can help manage swelling. If you're unsure about the right type of brace for your needs, consult with your orthopaedic surgeon or a physiotherapist.
In addition to a knee brace, you might also consider using ice packs or heat pads to manage pain and swelling. Elevating your leg when resting can further reduce swelling and discomfort.
Preparing for ACL surgery in Singapore involves more than just showing up on the day of the procedure. By consulting with a skilled orthopaedic surgeon, organising a comfortable wardrobe, adjusting your home for recovery, nourishing your body, and using supportive aids, you can set yourself up for a smoother and more successful recovery journey. Visit Specialist Orthopaedic Centre to start your journey to recovery with expert orthopaedic treatment services. With the right preparation and professional guidance, you'll be well on your way to reclaiming your active lifestyle and enjoying life without pain.
Read more: https://valbonneyoga.com/5-designer-approved-tips-for-preparing-for-acl-surgery-in-singapore/
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laraphleb · 2 months
Leading 10 Unique and Thoughtful Gifts for Phlebotomists: Show Your Appreciation in Style!
**Title: Top 10 Unique and​ Thoughtful⁣ Gifts⁢ for Phlebotomists: Show Your Appreciation in Style!**
**Introduction:** Phlebotomists play a ‌crucial ⁢role in the healthcare system by collecting blood samples for testing and analysis. They are often the unsung heroes of the medical field, working tirelessly to ensure accurate and efficient blood ⁣collection. If you have a phlebotomist in your life that you want to appreciate, why ⁣not surprise them with a unique and⁢ thoughtful ⁢gift? In this ‍article, we‌ will explore the‍ top ‌10 gifts for phlebotomists​ that are sure ​to make them feel valued and appreciated.
**1. Personalized‍ Badge Reel:** A ‍personalized badge reel is ​a practical and stylish gift for any phlebotomist. Choose a design or color that reflects their personality, or even have their name or initials engraved on it. This gift will not only be useful in their ‍daily work but will also add a personal touch ‍to their uniform.
**2. ⁢Vein Finder Glasses:** Vein finder glasses are a handy tool for phlebotomists to easily locate veins for blood ⁤draws. These glasses⁤ use innovative technology to enhance vein visualization, making the ‍blood collection process smoother and more efficient.​ Your phlebotomist⁢ friend will‍ appreciate this thoughtful and practical gift.
**3. Compression Socks:** Phlebotomists ⁢spend long‌ hours on their feet, which can lead to tired and achy legs. A pair⁣ of compression socks can help ⁢improve circulation and reduce fatigue, making them‍ a ‌thoughtful‌ gift for any phlebotomist. Choose⁣ a fun or ⁣colorful design to add a touch of personality to their work⁣ attire.
**4. Insulated Tumbler:** An insulated tumbler⁢ is a practical ⁢gift for phlebotomists who need to stay hydrated throughout their shift. Look for a tumbler that keeps drinks‍ hot or cold for hours and is easy to clean and carry. Your friend⁣ will appreciate the thoughtfulness of this gift as they stay ⁢refreshed and focused on the job.
**5. Customized Scrub ‌Cap:** A customized⁤ scrub‍ cap is a unique gift that allows phlebotomists to add a personal touch to their work attire. Choose a fabric or design that​ reflects⁤ their interests or hobbies, or even have their name embroidered on the cap. This‍ gift will⁤ not ​only make them stand out but also show your appreciation for their hard work.
**6. Medical-themed Jewelry:** Medical-themed jewelry, such as a stethoscope necklace or syringe earrings, can be a thoughtful gift for phlebotomists who want to showcase their passion for healthcare. Look for pieces that are well-crafted and stylish, making ‍them suitable for everyday wear. Your friend will love the creativity and thoughtfulness behind this unique gift.
**7. Vein-themed Stationery Set:** A vein-themed stationery set ‍is a fun and practical gift ‍for phlebotomists who appreciate creativity and organization. Look ⁤for notebooks, pens, and​ sticky notes featuring vein patterns‍ or blood-related ​designs. This gift will add a touch of whimsy to their workday while helping them‍ stay organized and on top of⁣ their tasks.
**8. Blood Drop Stress Ball:** A⁤ blood drop stress ball is a fun and lighthearted ⁣gift for phlebotomists to relieve tension and stress during‌ busy shifts. Choose a squishy and durable stress​ ball in‍ the shape of a blood drop, adding a playful⁣ element to their workspace. Your friend will‍ appreciate the humor ⁢and practicality of this thoughtful gift.
**9. Phlebotomy-themed‌ Artwork:** Phlebotomy-themed​ artwork, such as ​a framed print of a ‌blood collection tube⁢ or a canvas​ painting of ‍a‍ vein map, can be a creative and inspiring gift for phlebotomists. Look for‍ pieces that are visually⁣ appealing and relevant​ to‌ their work, adding a touch of artistry to their ‍workspace. This ⁢gift will show your friend that you appreciate their skills and dedication to phlebotomy.
**10. Spa⁤ Gift Set:** After a long day of drawing blood and caring for patients, phlebotomists deserve some relaxation and⁣ self-care. A spa gift set with bath salts, candles, and body lotion can provide them with a well-deserved treat. Look for luxurious and soothing products that will help them unwind and rejuvenate⁣ after a demanding shift. Your phlebotomist friend will be grateful for the thoughtful gesture and chance to pamper themselves.
**Conclusion:** Phlebotomists play a vital role in the healthcare system, and it’s ​important to show them appreciation for their hard work ​and dedication. By choosing a ⁣unique and thoughtful gift from the top 10 ‍list above, you can express your gratitude and admiration for the phlebotomist in your life. Whether it’s a personalized badge reel, ⁤vein finder glasses, or a spa gift set, these‍ gifts are ⁤sure to make them feel valued and appreciated in style. Show your​ appreciation for ⁤phlebotomists with a⁣ thoughtful and creative gift‌ that​ recognizes ⁢their important work in the medical field.
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larajenish · 2 months
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What is Diabetic Foot?
Diabetic foot is a condition that affects people with diabetes, causing damage to the nerves and blood vessels in the feet. This can lead to a range of problems, including foot ulcers, infections, and in severe cases, amputation.
Diabetes is a persistent medical condition that impacts the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, also known as glucose. Over time, high blood sugar levels can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels in the feet, reducing blood flow and sensitivity to touch and temperature.
If left untreated at the diabetic foot clinic in Chennai, the diabetic foot can lead to a range of complications, including foot ulcers, infections, and gangrene. These complications can be serious and may require hospitalization or even amputation of the affected limb.
To prevent diabetic foot complications, it is important for people with diabetes to take good care of their feet. This includes daily foot inspections to check for cuts, blisters, or other signs of damage, as well as wearing comfortable shoes and socks and avoiding walking barefoot.
If a foot ulcer or infection does occur, prompt treatment is essential to prevent further complications. Treatment provided by the foot specialist in Chennai may include cleaning and dressing the wound, antibiotics to treat infection, and in some cases, surgery to remove damaged tissue.
What is a Diabetic Foot Clinic?
At a diabetic foot clinic in Chennai, patients can receive a thorough foot exam to check for signs of damage, as well as education on proper foot care and footwear. The clinic may also provide wound care services to treat foot ulcers, infections, and other foot injuries.
In addition to providing direct care to patients, diabetic foot clinics often work closely with other healthcare providers, such as endocrinologists, primary care physicians, and podiatrists, to coordinate care and ensure that patients receive the most comprehensive treatment possible.
Patients who visit a diabetic foot clinic may also be referred for additional testing or imaging, such as X-rays or nerve conduction studies, to evaluate nerve function and blood flow in the feet.
The goal of a diabetic foot clinic in Chennai is to help patients with diabetes maintain healthy feet and prevent foot complications that can lead to more serious health problems, such as infections or amputations. By providing specialized care and education on proper foot care, diabetic foot clinics can help patients better manage their diabetes and improve their overall quality of life.
How to care for your feet?
1. Inspect your feet daily: Check your feet for cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, or any other signs of damage.
2. Wash your feet daily: Use warm water and mild soap to wash your feet daily, and be sure to dry them thoroughly, especially between your toes.
3. Moisturize your feet: Apply a moisturizing cream or lotion as suggested by a diabetic doctor at the diabetic foot clinic in Chennai to help prevent dry skin and cracking.
4. Wear proper footwear: Choose shoes that fit well, provide good support, and have a wide toe box to prevent rubbing and blisters.
5. Cut toenails carefully: Cut your toenails straight across and avoid cutting them too short or rounding the corners.
6. Keep blood sugar levels under control: High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage and poor circulation, increasing your risk of foot complications. 
7. Quit smoking: Quitting smoking can help improve circulation and reduce your risk of foot complications.
When to see a specialist?
It is important to see a doctor for diabetes foot care at the diabetic foot clinic in Chennai if you notice any signs of damage, such as cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, or pain. Additionally, you should see a doctor for diabetes foot care if you experience any of the following:
1. Numbness or tingling sensation in your feet or toes.
2. Changes in skin color or texture on your feet.
3. Foot sores or ulcers that do not heal.
4. Foul odor or discharge from a foot wound.
5. Difficulty walking or standing cause foot pain.
People with diabetes should also schedule regular foot exams with the best podiatrist in Chennai, typically every 3-6 months, to check for signs of damage or complications. Your healthcare provider can provide education on proper foot care and refer you to a specialist if needed.
Our Services at the Diabetic Foot Clinic in Chennai
Foot Ulcer
A foot ulcer is a common complication of diabetes and is caused by damage to the skin and underlying tissues. People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing foot ulcers due to nerve damage and poor circulation. Foot ulcers typically develop on the bottom of the foot or toes and can be painful and slow to heal.
Here are some signs and symptoms of a foot ulcer:
Redness or swelling around the ulcer.
Pain or tenderness in the affected area.
Drainage or discharge from the ulcer.
A foul odor from the affected area.
Skin that is warm to the touch.
If left untreated at the diabetic foot clinic in Chennai, foot ulcers can lead to serious complications, such as infection, gangrene, or amputation. It is important to seek prompt medical attention if you notice any signs of a foot ulcer or have concerns about your foot health.
Treatment for foot ulcers by the foot specialist in Chennai typically involves cleaning and dressing the wound, as well as addressing any underlying factors that may be contributing to the ulcer, such as poor blood sugar control, nerve damage, or poor circulation. Antibiotics may be necessary if the ulcer is infected.
Preventing foot ulcers is also an important aspect of diabetes foot care. This can involve maintaining good blood sugar control, inspecting your feet daily for signs of damage, wearing proper footwear, and following a regular foot care routine. By taking proactive steps to prevent foot ulcers and seeking prompt medical attention for any concerns, people with diabetes can help reduce their risk of serious foot complications and improve their overall quality of life.
Foot ulcer surgery may be recommended by the podiatric surgeon in Chennai, especially for people with diabetes who have foot ulcers that do not heal with other treatments. Surgery may be necessary to remove damaged tissue, promote healing, or improve blood flow to the affected area.
Types of foot ulcer surgery
Debridement: This procedure performed by the best podiatrist in Chennai involves removing dead or infected tissue from the ulcer to promote healing. Debridement may be done using a scalpel, a special tool that removes dead tissue, or a high-pressure stream of water.
Skin grafting: If the ulcer is large or deep, a skin graft may be needed to cover the wound and promote healing. In this procedure, a small piece of healthy skin is taken from another part of the body and placed over the ulcer.
Revascularization: If poor blood flow is contributing to the ulcer, surgery may be necessary to improve blood flow to the affected area. This may involve opening blocked arteries or bypassing blocked blood vessels.
Amputation: In severe cases where the ulcer does not heal and poses a risk to the person’s overall health, amputation may be necessary to prevent the spread of infection.
Foot ulcer surgery provided by the podiatric surgeon in Chennai is typically done under local anesthesia and can be performed on an outpatient basis. Recovery time varies depending on the type of surgery and the individual’s overall health.
Gangrene Surgery
Gangrene is a serious medical condition that occurs when tissue in the body dies due to a lack of blood flow. It is a common complication of diabetes and can occur in the hands, feet, or other areas of the body.
Gangrene surgery is typically recommended for people with advanced or severe gangrene who have not responded to other treatments. The goal of surgery by their podiatrist doctor in Chennai is to remove the dead tissue and prevent the spread of infection.
What are the 5 stages of diabetic foot?
The five stages of diabetic foot are:
Stage 0: No ulceration, but at-risk foot.
Stage 1: Superficial ulcer.
Stage 2: Deep ulcer.
Stage 3: Abscess or osteomyelitis.
Stage 4: Gangrene or cellulitis.
These stages indicate the severity of foot complications in individuals with diabetes and help guide appropriate medical interventions and care to prevent further complications and amputations.
Is diabetic foot treatable?
Diabetic foot complications are treatable, especially if detected early. Treatment often includes wound care, infection management, glycemic control, and, in some cases, surgical interventions. It’s essential for individuals with diabetes to maintain good foot hygiene, monitor for signs of ulcers, and work closely with healthcare professionals to prevent and manage diabetic foot complications effectively. Early intervention and proper care can improve outcomes and reduce the risk of amputation.
It is important to note that Charcot Joint surgery is often only one part of a comprehensive treatment plan for Charcot Joint. Proper foot care and good blood sugar control are also essential for preventing and treating Charcot Joint in people with diabetes. By working closely with their podiatrist doctor in Chennai and following a regular foot care routine, people with diabetes can help reduce their risk of serious foot complications and improve their overall quality of life.
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