#medical examiner dr qin
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Cafè Minamdang & Medical Examiner Dr. Qin
Nella spasmodica attesa che Viki finisca di subbare Lighter e Princess ed altre millemila serie, non ho voluto stare con le mani in mano e mi sono vista altri drama. Oh, c'è caso che nel mischiume esce un mezzo capolavoro! Ma ahimè per adesso nessuno di questi mi ha fatto innamorare. La serie migliore per adesso è My love from the star, per dire.
Ne parlo brevemente partendo da Cafè Minamdang.
Non è un mistero che io l 'abbia iniziato solo per Seo In Guk, attore che avevo già visto e apprezzato in Doom at your service e che ero curiosa di vedere in ben altre vesti. E devo dire che fa bene il suo lavoro: Seo In Guk ha un buon lato comico ma tira fuori anche momenti seri e intensi che lo rendono davvero un bel vedere. E' un attore versatile davvero!
In questa serie Seo In Guk è Nam Han Joon, un ex profiler criminale che ora lavora come truffatore. Per eseguire le sue truffe, si traveste da indovino con il suo negozio chiamato Minamdang. I clienti sono attratti dal suo aspetto attraente e dai suoi modi pacati. Mentre inganna i suoi clienti, lavora per risolvere i loro problemi, fornendo allo stesso tempo un eccellente servizio clienti. Collabora con Gong Soo Cheol, che gestisce un'agenzia investigativa privata, e sua sorella minore, Hye Joon, un hacker d'élite. Nel mentre, negli ultimi tre anni, la detective Han Jae Hee ha svolto il suo lavoro con entusiasmo e integrità. Il suo coinvolgimento con Nam Han Joon metterà a repentaglio tutto ciò? (Fonte: AsianWiki, a cura di Lee C)
Ottima la chimica con il gruppo del Midamdang e poi con la polizia: i personaggi hanno tutti caratteri ben strutturati e creano linee comiche ottimali e si vede il feeling tra tutti i membri del gruppo. Vederli fregare la gente o all'opera è stato davvero soddisfacente! Fra tutti i personaggi ho dato tuttavia il mio cuore alla sorella del protagonista per via della sua intelligenza e cazzutaggine: la scena dove prende a randellate la macchina del suo ex vale l'intero drama!
Minamdang infatti non è solo un investigativo ma è pieno di momenti comici. E con momenti comici intendo: faccette buffe, versi strani, scene allucinanti. Devo dire però che mi sono divertita. Credo che la serie abbia fatto un buon lavoro in questo frangente ma ovviamente devono piacerti queste cose!
Altro punto forte è il personaggio del procuratore Cha: la scoperta di essere lui il Gopuri che stiamo cercando da episodi ed episodi è stata davvero apprezzabile: io avevo dei leggerissimi sospetti sin dall'inizio ma che poi ammetto, sono svaniti con il tempo. Ed invece avevo ragione. Ottima la sua recitazione, costruzione e motivazione che sta dietro al suo personaggio. La sua lenta consapevolezza della sua vera identità è il capolavoro psicologico della serie.
D'altra parte, la serie per me è stata troppo lunga. Poteva benissimo avere meno episodi e ciò di evince anche da quante volte non siano riusciti ad accoppare il primo Gopuri: lo arrestavano e scappava. Lo quasi prendevano e riusciva a fuggire ecc ecc. Io capisco tutto ma la sensazione che mi ha suscitato tutta questa storia è stato d'allungamento di brodo. Credo che ci vogliano quasi 8/9 episodi prima di entrare nel vivo dell'azione e della trama orizzontale, cosa questa per me un po' frustrante.
Altra cosa - anzi due - che non mi hanno convinto sono state la lead e la storia d'amore. Ahimè, io Oh Yeon Seo non riesco a farmela piacere da un punto di vista recitativo. Sia qui che in Korean Odissey la trovo sempre troppo rigida e fredda. tanto che Korean Odissey lo droppai proprio per questo. Ed in questa serie invece si vede che ha provato un ruolo nuovo, più aperto e simpatico a tratti divertente...ma ai miei occhi il risultato è stato un po' deludente. Non mi ha mai convinto del tutto.
Anche perché c'era sin dall'inizio questo problema dell'età dei due protagonisti che ogni volta che inquadravano la lead io pensavo:-" ma un attrice più giovane non c'era?!" e questo ha contribuito alla mia bassa opinione sulla questione.
Mentre la storia d'amore...beh a me è sembrata nascere dal nulla: lei che lo ama da tempo immemore e lui che s'innamora a prima vista dopo averla vista da grande. Nell'arco poi di qualche episodio complice il tempo trascorso assieme arriva l'amore reciproco e ...fine. Boh, io sto grande amore non l'ho nè visto nè sentito. Ma magari sono io che ho il cuore di pietra eh!
Concludendo: serie carina investigativa con molti momenti divertenti e una buona bromance ma che non riguarderei.
Voto: 7.7
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin
Ci spostiamo poi in Cina per questa serie sempre poliziesco/investigativa - devo avere un feticismo per questo genere - in compagnia di medici legali, crimini a tinte splatter e finali orribili.
La storia è semplice e non guarderò mai male abbastanza Mydramalist per aver scritto la trama della serie poco accuratamente tanto da dover andarla a rileggere durante la visione per vedere se avevo letto male io.
La serie parla del medico legale Dao Bao - nuova recluta del gruppo di polizia - che s'aggiunge all'altro medico legale Dr. Qin e all'investigatore Lin Tao usando le sue competenze mediche, intellettive e olfattive nel risolvere i crimini tutti assieme appassionatamente.
Per i primi 10 episodi - più o meno - la serie tralascia la trama orizzontale per concentrarsi sui singoli casi: da moglie e marito uccisi, scuoiati, fatti a pezzi e fritti, al tizio raccattato nel lago senza testa e con sassi al posto degli organi interni. Dal ragazzino di 13 anni ritrovato nel bidone all'uomo bruciato... insomma c'è ne è per tutti i gusti!
Sicuramente mai e poi mai andrei ad abitare in quella zona considerando non tanto i crimini ma i livelli di macabro che sono riusciti a tirar fuori. Senza contare poi il vizio dei paesani di gettare cadaveri nel secchio dell'immondizia in mezzo alla strada che oltre che essere poco igenico fa capire subito il livello intellettivo delle bestie che abitano questo paesello.
Comunque sia mi stavo divertendo: le indagini erano ben fatte, come ben mostrato era il grande lavoro del medico legale: i due lead spiegavano tutto per filo e per segno, accompagnandoci durante l'autopsia e mostrando cose davvero interessanti. Ho imparato tantissimo.
Oltre a ciò, mi piaceva la lead. Ottimista, competente, divertente e sempre con la risposta pronta. I suoi siparietti con gli altri due uomini del gruppo sono stati molto divertenti e me l'hanno tanto fatta tanto apprezzare. Ancor di più mi è piaciuta la sua poca femminilità, non solo da un punto di vista estetico: Da Bao ha i capelli cortissimi, è minuta e si veste da uomo. O meglio, trova il vestiario nel reparto bambini dei negozi. E siccome questo lo faccio pure io, non posso non volerle bene.
Insomma, stava andando tutto alla grande e poi... il disastro. Durante la serie viene mostrato quello che pare essere "la trama orizzontale", ossia i molari: sia alle vittime che nei colpevoli viene tolto o si tolgono i molari, segno inequivocabile di un serial killer. o di una fatina dei denti particolarmente inquietante Beh, come spettatore ti aspetti che tutto questo abbia un seguito, che voglia dire qualcosa.
Quando poi verso il finale viene tirata fuori la storia della morte del padre del lead, cominci a pensare che sta cosa dei denti sia funzionale o legata alla faccenda. E' ovvio. E invece... sia questo, sia il mistero della morte del padre del lead non c'azzecca nulla con il villain finale che pare quindi aver fatto cose a cazzo giusto per minutaggio.
Non ci viene detto perché strappa i denti alle vittime o le fa togliere ai colpevoli. Non viene spiegato perché se il marito del villain è uno stupratore e assassino sia colpa del lead che lo ha arrestato. Ignoriamo come sia morto il padre del protagonista (lo hanno spinto di sotto? chi è stato? come si è svolta la dinamica dell'incidente?). Il finale mi è parso un accozzaglia di robe fatte male e scritte peggio. Peccato perché bastava poco per fare, non dico un finale memorabile, ma almeno uno decente.
Voto: 7.2
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Jing Chao 經超
Random pictures I like, just because!
For @ilgaksu ♡
Such a GOOD but underrated actor!
#jing chao#princess silver#warm and sweet#city of steamer#dream garden#ode to joy#medical examiner dr qin: the survivor#falling down#the legend of xiao chuo#lost track of time#cdrama#chinese actors#random pictures I like just because#brocade odyssey
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Horror creeps across Lin Tao’s chiselled features as his eyes flick between the scalpel in Qin Ming’s hand and the rising waterline in the tank. Qin Ming waits for a heartbeat. Two. There’s an echoing scream in his ears and a decades-old rainstorm beating furiously within his chest, and Qin Ming hopes and hopes that he will not have to hurt Lin Tao to save Dabao.
#法医秦明#Medical Examiner Dr. Qin#lin tao/qin ming/li dabao#lin tao#qin ming#li dabao#fan writing#fanfic#writing#my writing#canon divergence#hotaruyy#the thing about this show is that if canon turned anything romantic i would riot but if i dont get to read more ot3 fics i will also riot
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Most Recent uploads to Patreon (01/01)
between 5 - 10 each day for the next week is the goal!!!
Advance Bravely | Chinese Drama - 2017, 30 episodes Links: GAGA | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Youku | Tencent
The Warp Effect | Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes Links: GAGA | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Youku | Tencent
Never Let Me Go | Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes Links: GAGA | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Youku | Tencent
Till the World Ends | Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes Links: GAGA | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Youku | Tencent
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin | Chinese Drama - 2016, 20 episodes Links: GAGA | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Youku | Tencent | Prime
#Post: Patreon Catalog#Advance Bravely#Never Let Me Go#Till the World Ends#The Warp Effect#Medical Examiner Dr. Qin
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Hello Cdrama fans! The signups for the Yuletide fic exchange close in a little over forty-eight hours, and there are a ton of Cdrama fandoms nominated. I'd LOVE to see some more Cdrama fans on board (and not just because almost all my nominations are that).
Yuletide is an annual fic exchange for rare and obscure fandoms run through the Archive of Our Own. Participants sign up to write a story of at least 1,000 words in a fandom someone else has requested, using the selected characters from that fandom. In return, they receive a story of at least 1,000 words in a fandom they have requested, featuring requested characters.
Please read this FAQ and the Rules before deciding whether to participate.
I had so much fun doing this last year (and I got some great Cdrama fic), so I wanted to share it here in hopes of bringing in some more participants from these fandoms.
The following Chinese/Taiwanese/Hong Kong Dramas are nominated:
HIStory3 - 圈套
S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery
Thunderbolt Fantasy 東離劍遊紀
一念关山 | A Journey to Love
不良執念清除師 | Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
与凤行 | The Legend of Shen Li
且试天下 | Who Rules The World
九州缥缈录 | Novoland: Eagle Flag
云之羽 | My Journey to You
以家人之名 | Go Ahead
伪装者 | The Disguiser
你安全吗 | Are You Safe
你微笑时很美 | Falling Into Your Smile
你是我的荣耀 | You Are My Glory
侠探简��知 | Ancient Detective
全职高手 | The King's Avatar
冰雪谣 | Snowfall (TV 2024)
卿卿日常 | New Life Begins
南风知我意 | South Wind Knows My Mood
双夭记 | The Silent Criminal
原生之罪 | Original Sin
双镜 | Couple of Mirrors
后宫甄嬛传 | The Legend of Zhen Huan | Empresses in the Palace
君子盟 | A League of Nobleman
唐朝诡事录 | Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty
四方馆 | Go East
四海重明 | Love's Rebellion
回响 | Echo (TV 2023)
墨雨云间 | The Double
夜色倾心 | Night of Love with You
大唐女法医 | Miss Truth
天盛长歌 | The Rise of Phoenixes
女世子 | The Heiress
如懿传 | Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace
宁安如梦 | Story of Kunning Palace
将军在上 | Oh My General
少年歌行 | The Blood of Youth (Live Action TV)
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
庆余年 | Joy of Life
延禧攻略 | Story of Yanxi Palace
很想很想你 | Love Me Love My Voice
御赐小仵作 | The Imperial Coroner
心宅猎人 | Psych-Hunter
恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
惜花芷 | Blossoms in Adversity
成化十四年 | The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
扫黑风暴 | Crime Crackdown
无眠之境 | Desire Catcher
星汉灿烂 | Love Like the Galaxy
有翡 | Legend of Fei
某某 | The On1y One
棋魂 | Hikaru no Go (Live Action TV)
沉香如屑 | Immortal Samsara
沙海 | Tomb of the Sea
法医秦明之幸存者 | Medical Examiner Dr. Qin: The Survivor
浮華夢 | Fu Hua Meng
涂山小红娘月红篇 | Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact
消失的痕迹 | The Evidence Tells
漂亮书生 | In A Class Of Her Own
猎狐 | Hunting
猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin
玉骨遥 | Yù Gǔ Yáo
琉璃 | Love and Redemption
盗墓笔记2之怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 | The Lost Tomb 2: Explore with the Note
相逢时节 | Challenges at Midlife
种地吧 | Become A Farmer
绅探 | Detective L
美人为馅 | Memory Lost
老九门 | Old Nine Gates
老洞 | The Old Miao Myth (TV 1983)
致命游戏 | The Spirealm
花开有时颓靡无声 | Meet You at the Blossom
花轿喜事 | Wrong Carriage Right Groom (2023)
苍兰诀 | Love Between Fairy and Devil
莲花楼 | Mysterious Lotus Casebook
HIStory3 - 圈套
S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery
Thunderbolt Fantasy 東離劍遊紀
一念关山 | A Journey to Love
不良執念清除師 | Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
与凤行 | The Legend of Shen Li
且试天下 | Who Rules The World
九州缥缈录 | Novoland: Eagle Flag
云之羽 | My Journey to You
以家人之名 | Go Ahead
伪装者 | The Disguiser
你安全吗 | Are You Safe
你微笑时很美 | Falling Into Your Smile
你是我的荣耀 | You Are My Glory
侠探简不知 | Ancient Detective
全职高手 | The King's Avatar
冰雪谣 | Snowfall (TV 2024)
卿卿日常 | New Life Begins
南风知我意 | South Wind Knows My Mood
双夭记 | The Silent Criminal
原生之罪 | Original Sin
双镜 | Couple of Mirrors
后宫甄嬛传 | The Legend of Zhen Huan | Empresses in the Palace
君子盟 | A League of Nobleman
唐朝诡事录 | Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty
四方馆 | Go East
四海重明 | Love's Rebellion
回响 | Echo (TV 2023)
墨雨云间 | The Double
夜色倾心 | Night of Love with You
大唐女法医 | Miss Truth
天盛长歌 | The Rise of Phoenixes
女世子 | The Heiress
如懿传 | Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace
宁安如梦 | Story of Kunning Palace
将军在上 | Oh My General
少年歌行 | The Blood of Youth (Live Action TV)
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
庆余年 | Joy of Life
延禧攻略 | Story of Yanxi Palace
很想很想你 | Love Me Love My Voice
御赐小仵作 | The Imperial Coroner
心宅猎人 | Psych-Hunter
恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
惜花芷 | Blossoms in Adversity
成化十四年 | The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
扫黑风暴 | Crime Crackdown
无眠之境 | Desire Catcher
星汉灿烂 | Love Like the Galaxy
有翡 | Legend of Fei
某某 | The On1y One
棋魂 | Hikaru no Go (Live Action TV)
沉香如屑 | Immortal Samsara
沙海 | Tomb of the Sea
法医秦明之幸存者 | Medical Examiner Dr. Qin: The Survivor
浮華夢 | Fu Hua Meng
涂山小红娘月红篇 | Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact
消失的痕迹 | The Evidence Tells
漂亮书生 | In A Class Of Her Own
猎狐 | Hunting
猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin
玉骨遥 | Yù Gǔ Yáo
琉璃 | Love and Redemption
盗墓笔记2之怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 | The Lost Tomb 2: Explore with the Note
相逢时节 | Challenges at Midlife
种地吧 | Become A Farmer
绅探 | Detective L
美人为馅 | Memory Lost
老九门 | Old Nine Gates
老洞 | The Old Miao Myth (TV 1983)
致命游戏 | The Spirealm
花轿喜事 | Wrong Carriage Right Groom (2023)
苍兰诀 | Love Between Fairy and Devil
莲花楼 | Mysterious Lotus Casebook
藏海花 | Adventure behind the Bronze Door
西出玉门 | Parallel World | West Out of Yumen
许你浮生若梦 | Xǔ Nǐ Fú Shēng Ruò Mèng | Granting You a Dreamlike Life
说英雄谁是英雄 | Heroes (2022)
还珠格格 | Huán Zhū Gé Gé | Princess Returning Pearl
追风者 | War of Faith
重启之极海听雷 | Reunion: The Sound of the Providence
长月烬明 | Till the End of the Moon
长歌行 | The Long Ballad
长相思 | Lost You Forever
长风渡 | Destined
關於未知的我們 | Unknown
问心 | The Heart
陪你到世界之巔 | Gank Your Heart
霹靂布袋戲 | Pili Glove Puppetry
风起洛阳 | Fēng Qǐ Luò Yáng
飞狐外传 | Side Story of Fox Volant
骄阳伴我 | Sunshine by My Side
鬓边不是海棠红 | Winter Begonia
鹿鼎記 | The Duke of Mount Deer (Hong Kong 1984)
I apologized if I missed any. I went fast so I could actually get this posted. For DONGHUA and MANHUA look under 'cartoons & comics & graphic novels'. For Chinese language movies look under 'movies'. For Cnovels (danmei and other), look under 'books and literature.' There are lots of nominations there as well. Here's the tag set!
By the way, according to Yuletide staff, the most frequently nominated fandom was Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
#cdramasource#cdrama#love between fairy and devil#mysterious lotus casebook#till the end of the moon#blood of youth#uhhh idk#lost you forever#meet you at the blossom#the double#just tagging some popular ones
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CPR/Defib Scenes
Someone just asked me for a list of all the CPR/Defib scenes that I know of so I’ll do my best to list them here.
The following are all scenes that I have giffed: Chimera Ep. 15, Confession Ep. 6, Flower Of Evil Ep. 5 (CPR+Defib), He Is Psychometric Ep. 15, Hello Monster Ep. 16 (very brief), High & Low Season 2 - Ep. 6, Jirisan Ep. 11, Killer And Healer Ep. 30+31, Life On Mars Ep. 7, Money Flower Ep. 2, Prison Playbook Ep. 2 (although this is fake), Triangle Ep. 16, When A Man Loves Ep. 17 (I haven’t actually giffed the CPR though), White Christmas Ep. 4
All of these are linked and depicted in further detail on my whump spreadsheet which can be found here. It includes every gif I’ve ever made. If you press CTRL+F, it will give you a search bar where you can search ‘CPR’ or any key word you like and find the results.
The following are just scenes that I can list off the top of my head: Mad Dog Ep. 12, King Of Pigs Ep. 12, Bulgasal: Immortal Souls Ep. 6, Triage Ep. 2+4+6+10, Game Of Outlaws Ep. 16, Medical Examiner Dr Qin Ep. 3, Be Reborn Ep. 25, Cupid’s Last Wish Ep. 8, God’s Quiz Ep. 8+10
I know there are also scenes in S.C.I: Journal Of Mysterious Cases and First Responders but I can’t remember which episodes.
I hope this helps :)
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𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐮𝐨 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐱𝐢
Series celebrate Luo Yunxi 14th debut anniversary. 💜🐣🐉
Luo made his acting debut from 2012.
Luo Yunxi was cast in the romance film "The Spring of My Life" opposite Tan Songyun, released in theaters in 2015.
He was cast in his first drama "Flip in Summer", which was broadcast in 2018.
Luo starred in the science fiction campus web drama "Hello Aliens".
Luo became known to viewers with his role as the younger counterpart of the male protagonist in the hit romance drama "My Sunshine".
Following the airing of the drama, Luo experienced a significant rise in popularity.
Luo was cast as the protagonist in the crime suspense drama "Voice of the Dead", an adaption of one of the books in the "Medical Examiner Dr. Qin" novel series.
•the same year, he starred in historical fantasy drama "Fox in the Screen" as a fox demon in love with a human.
Luo co-starred in the fantasy romance drama "A Life Time Love"where he reunited with "My Sunshine" co-star Janice Wu.
•he then played the lead role in the medical drama "Children's Hospital Pediatrician".
Luo began filming the historical romance drama "Princess Silver" as a kind but distant and misunderstood prince who inherits a deadly poison from his mother before birth. The drama was released in April 2019.
•Luo also acted in the fantasy romance drama "Ashes of Love" as "Runyu", the gentle and regal Night Immortal whose innocence and kindness turns to hatred and revenge when he sets out to avenge his mother's unfair death.
The drama topped television ratings and online web rankings and Luo's portrayal of a morally ambiguous antagonist was acclaimed by critics.
▪️According to China Daily, Luo Yunxi's portrayal of Runyu was among the most rewarding screen adaptations, ranking him alongside well-known figures like Sun Wukong and Lin Daiyu.
•he was cast in the modern romance drama "Broker" alongside Victoria Song as a morally ambiguous corporate spy with a hidden motive. The drama premiered on Zhejiang TV and Jiangsu TV on July 22, 2021.
Luo was cast in the xianxia drama "Immortality" as a selfless and fearless grandmaster.
•the same year, he starred in the wuxia romance drama "And The Winner Is Love" as the graceful young master of the Yueshang Valley.
•he also starred as "Yuan Shuai" in the modern romance workplace drama "Love is Sweet".
The drama was iQiyi's most popular romance drama in 2020, and Luo received positive reviews for his role as an arrogant and charming investment bank executive.
•the same year, he was cast as a secretive CEO in melo romance "Lie to Love".
Luo was cast in "Light Chaser Rescue" as an unscrupulous lawyer who turns over a new leaf after becoming a volunteer rescue worker. The drama premiered on Mango TV and Tencent on October 14, 2022.
•the same year, Luo was cast in xianxia drama "Till the End of the Moon" as "Tantai Jin", a hostage prince who is born with an evil bone and must rebel against his destiny of becoming the havoc-wreaking Devil God.
-the drama premiered on Youku on April 6, 2023 and was a commercial success. Youku had the highest number of downloads on the App Store since 2018.
-the drama's first-day market share was 22.76%, making it the most-watched period drama since 2020, Luo's portrayal of the anti-hero also received positive reviews.
-his performance in Till the End of the Moon also earned him the title of 2023 Asia Star Champion.
Luo was cast in medical romance drama "Love is Panacea" as a genius neurosurgeon who ends up spearheading research on Huntington's disease to save his love interest.
The drama premiered on CCTV-8 on November 2, 2023.
Luo was cast in period detective romance drama "Follow Your Heart" as a prince-turned-detective who suffers from prosopagnosia.
•the same year, he was cast in fantasy wuxia drama "Shui Long Yin" as a highly skilled but introverted and even indifferent swordsman.
Shui Long Yin was announced on November 11, 2023, at Mango TV's Commercial Presentation (芒果驷马难追建群大会). The series began filming on December 2, 2023, and finished on April 24, 2024.
Luo was cast in "The Truth Within" as a forensic medical examiner who becomes entangled in a series of enigmatic cases while investigating the de//ath of his girlfriend, who is ki//ll//ed in a car crash.
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Tagged by @snarkivistfic ! Thank you!
Rules: tag people you want to get to know better
Last song: Demons by Luke Black. Or it might have been Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä.
Last show: Love is Sweet. Finished it this weekend!
Currently watching: Nothing really. Started on Medical Examiner Dr. Qin: The Survivor for one very LHK-shaped reason, but it isn't holding my attention. Also got the entire 8 episodes into Justice in the Dark before Youku put it on hiatus so like, thanks for that Youku. =/
Currently reading: Nothing, but MDZS vol 5 & TGCF vol 6 are waiting for me!
Current obsession: Thinking up scenarios in which Pei Ming suffers in the process of becoming a better person* *becoming a person even 1/4 of the way worthy of Yushi Huang.
(Disclaimer: I love him. Anyone who reads my rambling knows I love him. But I love making my blorbos suffer too :3 )
Tagging: @10holmes @km-birdie @butterfliesandresistance & anyone who wants to consider themselves tagged!
But no pressure of course!
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#zhou yu tong#周雨彤#cdrama#polls#throwback: polls#tumblr polls#dailyasiandramas#asiandramasthrowback#asiandramasource#the journey#long for you#young blood#begin again#remembrance of things past#cambrian period#the coolest world#baek1nho#userstorge#samblr#userxlh#btw nothing but you is not in here because this is a throwback event#so it only makes sense to include dramas that have finished airing at least a few months ago
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Drama that i saw in 2023
#drama that i saw in 2023#kdrama#korean drama#cdrama#chinese drama#taiwanese drama#taiwan drama#thai drama#thailandese drama#japan drama#jdrama#ikebukuro west gate park#the gifted#medical examiner dr. qin#kairos#cafe minamdang#11 left#gomenne seishun!#saving my stupid youth#small and mighty#city of streamer#extraordinary you
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Tagged by @evilsilence
Rules: List eight shows for your followers to get to know you better, the following are in no particular order.
1: Emergency! (1972)
2: Guardian (2018)
3: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
4: Medical Examiner Dr. Qin: The Survivor
6: The Golden Girls
7: Doctor Who (2005)
8: Letterkenny
Tagging: whoever wants to do it, I have no braincells
#tag games#emergency! gets top slot because I met my partner through the fandom :3c#also I just now saw this#so. sorry m8
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Medical Examiner: Dr Qin Review
To start, thank you @s1utspeare for turning me onto this show.
TL;DR: I loved it, the chemistry between the three main characters was off the charts, and Li Dabao is the most awesome character ever. It is 20 short 30ish minute episodes. For me, it is also very aro/ace friendly.
So I am biased. I have probably watched (or at least checked out), ever american (and probably some english-speaking non-American) show of this category. Mainly modern Crime Scene dramas. This one definitely follows that mold, (beyond some small differences (probably cultural)), this met expectations for it's category 100%.
I will warn this show is... very very gore-y in parts, and much more graphic than American Crime drama's tend to be. So if you don't like seeing blood, dead bodies, and other things involved in autopsies, maybe skip, or be prepared to look away. (I am not kidding, we are talking like Hannibal levels here).
There are three main characters, but I'm going to say, for me, Li DaBao is absolutely the star of the show. She is a woman in a male dominated career, and they don't shy away from making this clear, and making her struggles more obvious than I usually see. As a fellow woman in a male-dominated field, I identified so hard. She at times portrays as more masculine with her style of clothes and hair, perhaps it's to fit in, perhaps it's her own style, and her colleagues refer to her as Bao-ge (brother Bao), which I took as a sign of 'you are one of us' and 'you belong'. (I fully recognize some people may find this problematic, for me I love when my coworkers first assume I am a man, since it means they will respect me. (yay remote work making this possible)).
The friendship between the three characters is just off the charts. There are so many moments they are just THERE for each other, and the way they bounce off each other is just so good. If I could watch this show and it was just 20 episodes of them eating dinner and nothing else, I would love it.
The show is mostly your crime of the week style. (though in typical c-drama fashion I am still confused on why episodes end. Most of the crimes are about 1.5-2.5 episodes long and new cases start in the middle of episodes, so don't watch based on the episodes)
Spoilers behind the cut. (like really)
OMG That ending!?! That was the most intense hourish of my life.
The way Qin Ming kneeled without even a hint of hesitation or anything, just, couldn't drop down fast enough. Best kneeling scene I've seen in C-drama.
My other favorite Scene was when Lin Tao tried to set Qin Ming and Li Dabao up, and failed so miserably. I really hope there's fanfic around that.
I also loved Li Dabao going on blind dates, and the anti she had to meet and her absolutely glorious put down of the guy who asked her to change her career. And then we find out it's the 9th time this happened, and it makes her hilarious put-down incredibly sad because it's not that she just pulled that answer out cause she's awesome (which she is), it's because this KEEPS happening. and the Fact the other two mains always went to the same restaurant to watch her, (with her permission and knowledge I'm assuming from the reaction) and commiserated. Just So Great.
Anyways I have a lot of feels. There's just so much.
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This is the fourth year of what is absolutely not the apocalypse. Lin Tao has not been infected and remains very much human. The authorities are providing proper care for the infected in quarantine, and are definitely taking all possible measures to develop vaccines, treatments, and cures. Yeah.
#法医秦明#medical examiner dr. qin#lin tao/qin ming/li dabao#lin tao#qin ming#li dabao#fan writing#fanfic#writing#my writing#zombie apocolypse au#hotaruyy
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Okay its time for one of my favourite rewatches, Ultimate Note. But I also need help.....
These projects are sitting at hiatus at various episodes.
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🐸 Open For Prompts 🐸
Hi everyone!! I’m hoping to decompress from stressful life stuff with some ✨edit prompts✨ 🥰
Shoot me a character or pairing (bonus: add a theme or quote!) and I’ll make an edit!
Please feel free to prompt me for…
🐸👉 DMBJ, any pairing or character (in particular: Iron Threesome, FoBa, or Li Cu!)
🐸👉 My Roommate is a Detective, main three (platonic, romantic, or individual)!
🐸👉 Imperial Coroner, any and all 😈
🐸👉 Uncanny Counter, So Mun or any of the fam! (Please no pairings for this one 🥰)
🐸👉 Sell My Haunted House, Ji-ah/In-beom 👻
🐸👉 Dr. Qin, Medical Examiner, Qin Ming/Lin Tao or central polycule 😘
I’m also happy to do edits for Tientsin Mystic, To My Star, Maiden Holmes, Guardian, and Ancient Detective! 🤩🐸
I’ll be accepting prompts and around a bit more, but I may not be responding to DMs!
#if a show that isn’t listed reslly strikes you feel free to ask !! if I know the show I’ll prob do it lol#please feel free to share around!#thanks in advance!!!#I should prob fix my edit tag so it’s easier to look at what I’ve done lol#dmbj#MRIAD#imperial coroner#uncanny Counter#sell my haunted house#tientsin mystic#to my star#maiden Holmes#guardian#ancient detective#medical examiner dr qin#me desperate for the tag: pls
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Lin Tao has only ever been half-decent at sharing his life with others, but for Baobei, he thinks he could make an exception.
(Happy Birthday, @jockvillagersonly!)
#medical examiner dr qin#medq#lin tao#qin ming#baobei#who is lin tao's giant rescue dog who loves him#and he loves her#i love them#yeah#fic#my writing#sierra i will kill for u
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