#medical centers in Qatar
kimshealthmashaf · 11 days
Best Medical Centre in Barwa City, Qatar | KIMSHEALTH
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Discover top-quality healthcare at KIMSHEALTH Medical Centre in Barwa City. Our expert team provides specialized services in dental care, ENT, internal medicine, and more for your family’s well-being. Visit us today!  https://www.kimshealth.qa/barwacity/
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morelin · 11 months
Education City
Ci spostiamo poi nella municipalità di Al Rayyan (Qatar) che viene considerata ormai area metropolitana di Doha. Qui è stato creato l’Education City, un centro di eccellenza per la cultura che comprende campus di prestigiose università straniere, centri di ricerca, centri congressi, biblioteche ed ospedali all’avanguardia. L’obiettivo di questo progetto è la creazione di una nuova società araba basata sul potere della conoscenza in cui anche le donne abbiano la possibilità di studiare.
Parte del tour di quest’area è stata fatta in pullman e parte a piedi per permettere alcune visite interne.
Abbiamo fatto un veloce passaggio davanti al Sidra Medical and Research Center per osservare l’opera “The Miraculous Journey” formata da 14 sculture che raffigurano le varie fasi dell'evoluzione fetale dal concepimento alla nascita.
Poi una sosta fotografica per vedere il Ceremonial Court progettato da Arata Isozaki, il giardino Green Spine e sullo sfondo il cubico edificio dell’headquarter della Qatar Foundation.
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La visita della National Library è stata invece completa. L’architetto Rem Koolhaas ha progettato questo edificio di 45.000 metri quadrati che sembra quasi un’astronave per ospitare una delle più grandi biblioteche del mondo (2 milioni di volumi).
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L’edificio più iconico è la futuristica moschea dagli alti minareti inclinati (90 metri), la prima progettata all’interno di un campus universitario. La sala principale può contenere fino a 1.800 fedeli, mentre il cortile esterno ha una capienza di 1.000 persone.
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Vi invito a fare una breve ricerca in internet per scoprire l’architettura (sia esterna sia interna) di altri edifici costruiti in quest’area.
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yasmedseo · 1 month
How Social distancing helps
Flattening the curve” is an expression used to explain how slowing the exponential growth in a disease’s spread can allow a country’s health system to better cope with the surge in cases so that it isn’t overwhelmed.
While the novel coronavirus pandemic might eventually infect a majority of people in the United States, the speed at which the outbreak spreads makes a huge difference in health outcomes. What epidemiologists fear is that the U.S. health system would become overwhelmed by a sudden surge that requires more people to be hospitalized than can be handled, both from a personnel and equipment standpoint. In a scenario of uncontrolled growth, more people would die simply because there might not be enough doctors, nurses, hospital beds or ventilators for people who need them.
“If you look at the curves of outbreaks, they go big peaks, and then come down. What we need to do is flatten that down,” said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 
Flattening the curve means that the social distancing measures being deployed in places like Italy and South Korea and now in the United States aren’t so much about preventing illness but rather slowing down the rate at which people get sick, according to Vox.
Read more:https://yasmed.qa/how-social-distancing-helps/
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yasmedyasmedseo · 4 months
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yasmedyasmed · 4 months
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al-emadi22 · 5 months
Al-Emadi Hospital: Excellence in Medical Care
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Al-Emadi Hospital is the most recognized acute care and general medicine service provider that commenced its functioning in 1998 by Dr. Mohammed Al-Emadi. We earn recognition as the best medical center in Qatar for our commitment to excellence. Our hospital is recognized for its premium and safe health care, patient-centered treatments, and unparalleled comfort. Our hospital is always attempting to attain new heights by actively engaging in innovative medical research. At Al-Emadi Hospital we make sure that each of our patients is receiving the top medical services equally.
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academia04 · 8 months
Medical Coding Course in Qatar
Our Medical Coding Course in Qatar is designed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in medical coding, a crucial aspect of the healthcare industry. This course is ideal for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career as a medical coder or those already working in the field who wish to enhance their skills and stay updated with the latest coding practices.
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asterquatar · 1 year
Are you looking for top-notch medical center in Qatar? Look no further than Aster Hospital! Our team of highly skilled professionals provide world-class care and services, using state-of-the-art technology to ensure your health and safety. With our advanced facilities, experienced staff and cutting-edge technology, we guarantee the best medical services and treatments. Trust Aster Hospital for the highest quality medical care in Qatar.
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digital-forge-blog · 2 years
A queue management system can help improve patient flow in healthcare. This means patients will receive care faster and more efficiently. This blog post will explain how a queue management system for healthcare works and its benefits, such as shorter wait times. This post is useful for healthcare professionals who want to improve patient flow and the patient experience.
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Premium Naseem Medical Centre, one of the top dental Hospital in and around Qatar. They provide the Best orthodontic treatment in Qatar. Getting sparkling, pearly whites is possible when you have a good dental clinic in Qatar treating you. Never let dental problems get serious because they can always metamorphose into other illnesses. At Premium Naseem hospital, they promise and provide the best dental care in Qatar. The primary focus is on practical aesthetics wherein we treat and care for your dental problem, and do that in a beautiful way.
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harrysfolklore · 1 month
we touched upon how concerned would piastri!yn was when carlos had appendicitis but what would carlos’s reaction be when yn is in a hospital … say because of the heat in qatar 2023
AHHH BYE I LOVE THIS (also some carlos pov bc why not 👀)
read little bitch here
Carlos was in the paddock, chatting with his mechanics when he overheard a conversation that made him freeze.
"Did you hear?" one of the crew members was saying to another. "Piastri's sister, the older one, she's in the hospital."
Carlos felt his heart skip a beat. He tried to convince himself he didn't care, that YN was just his rival's annoying sister, but he couldn't help moving closer to listen.
"What? Is she okay?"
"Passed out from the heat in the middle of the McLaren hospitalty, I think. They took her to the medical center first but apparently she needed to go to the hospital."
Before he could stop himself, Carlos found himself looking for Lando. He knew they were best friends, so Lando must be aware of how she's doing.
Carlos quickly spotted Lando near the McLaren garage, looking uncharacteristically serious as he spoke with his race engineer. Without thinking, Carlos strode over, his heart pounding.
"Lando," he called out, trying to keep his voice casual. "I just heard about YN. Is she alright?"
Lando turned, surprise evident on his face at Carlos's apparent concern. "Yeah, it's pretty scary. She collapsed suddenly in our hospitality area. The heat's brutal out here."
Carlos nodded, trying to maintain a neutral expression. "Do you know how she's doing now?"
"Last I heard, they've got her on fluids at the hospital. Oscar's with her," Lando replied, eyeing Carlos curiously. "Since when do you care about YN? I thought you two couldn't stand each other."
"I don't care," Carlos said quickly. Too quickly. "I'm just... concerned. This heat is ridiculous and we're racing in two days."
Lando raised an eyebrow but didn't push further. "Right. Well, I'm heading to the hospital after this debrief. I could… let you know how she's doing, if you want?"
"It's not necessary."
Carlos said and walked away without waiting for Lando's response. He told himself he was being ridiculous, that YN probably just forgot to hydrate or something equally careless. She was fine. It was just heat exhaustion.
But as he tried to focus on his work, he kept seeing flashes of YN's face, imagining her unconscious and vulnerable. Before he knew what he was doing, he was in his car, driving to the hospital.
He sat in the parking lot for a good ten minutes, arguing with himself. This was stupid. She'd probably just mock him for showing up. They weren't friends. They weren't anything.
But then he remembered the last time he saw her, how her eyes had flashed with anger during their latest argument, how alive she'd looked. The thought of those eyes closed and unresponsive made his chest tighten.
Cursing under his breath in Spanish, he got out of the car and headed into the hospital. He'd just check if she was okay, he told himself. He didn't even have to let her know he was there.
As he approached the reception, he heard a familiar voice that made him stop in his tracks. "I told you, I'm fine! It's just a bit of dehydration, Oscar. You don't need to hover."
Carlos couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips. Even after collapsing, YN was as fiery as ever. He turned the corner and saw her sitting up in a hospital bed, an IV in her arm. Oscar was beside her, looking exasperated.
YN's eyes met his, and for a moment, they both froze. Surprise, confusion, and something else Carlos couldn't quite name flashed across her face.
"Sainz?" she said, her voice a mix of disbelief and... was that a hint of pleasure? "What the hell are you doing here?"
Carlos opened his mouth, realizing he had absolutely no idea what to say. How could he explain his presence when he didn't understand it himself?
"I... uh..." he stammered, uncharacteristically at a loss for words.
YN's eyes narrowed, a smirk playing on her lips. "Don't tell me you were worried about little old me?"
Carlos felt heat rise to his cheeks. "Of course not," he scoffed, falling back on their usual banter. "I just came to make sure you hadn't permanently damaged yourself. Who else would I argue with in the paddock?"
YN's smirk grew wider. "Aw, you do care, little bitch."
"In your dreams, Piastri," Carlos retorted, but there was no real heat in his words.
As they fell into their familiar pattern of bickering, Carlos felt the knot in his chest loosen.
YN was okay. She was still here, still infuriating, still making his heart race in a way he wasn't ready to examine too closely.
And if he stayed a little longer than necessary, if his eyes lingered on her face a bit too long, well... that was something to worry about another day.
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kimshealthmashaf · 1 day
Best Dentist in Barwa City – Dr. Najma Nazeer at KIMSHEALTH Medical Center
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Looking for top dental care in Barwa City? Dr. Najma Nazeer at KIMSHEALTH specializes in General Dentistry, Root Canal, Teeth Cleaning, Teeth Extraction, and Teeth Whitening.
Whether you need routine care or specialized treatments, Dr. Nazeer is dedicated to providing personalized and expert care for all your dental needs. Visit Dr. Najma Nazeer at KIMSHEALTH Barwa City for a healthier smile today!
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brickroll · 1 year
Qatar should not be on the calander. End of story. This is a short summary of what has happened. Let me know if I missed something.
- Esteban threw up into his helmet on lap 15
- Lance almost passed out getting out of the car and stumbled into an ambulance
- Alex threw up after the race, had to be lifted out of the car and taken to the medical center
- Logan had to retire because he felt so sick
- George and Lando both drove without their hands on the steering wheel during straights to get more cold air
- George said he felt like he was going to faint in the car multiple times
- Look at the podium, they looked like they were going to pass out every second
- Oscar and Max laying down in the cool down room
- Oscar was incredibly pale
- Bottas called it "torture"
- Charles said most drivers went straight to their room to lay down after the race
- Fernando's ass was on fire
This is unacceptable. Entertainment is good, but what these drivers went through was not anywhere near ok.
- Acording to Lando, multiple drivers have passed out in the medical center
- Lance passed out during the high-speed corners
- Yuki tried to lift his visor for cooler air and just got sand instead
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yasmedseo · 1 month
Doha Municipality closes 20 food outlets
Doha Municipality has shutdown 20 food outlets operating in Doha and Industrial Area for violating some provisions of health rules during the past two weeks.
The closure periods of erring outlets range from five to 30 days, said the Ministry of Municipality and Environment in a statement issued yesterday. The inspectors of Health Monitoring Section of Doha Municipality made inspections  at 762 food outlets across Doha.
As many as 33 violations of health rules were recorded.
The inspectors have also intensified inspection campaign on vehicles which transport food items from and to Industrial Area at the assembly points. Six inspectors are assigned to work from 5am to 10pm throughout the week, including Fridays and Saturdays, to ensure the safety of food items.
The inspectors also check vehicles, drivers and potters to comply with the health rules like wearing masks, gloves, maintaining personal hygiene and required temperatures of the refrigerators of vehicles.
The inspectors also check the health certificates of all food handlers at food outlets.
Read more:https://yasmed.qa/doha-municipality-closes-20-food-outlets/
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hockeyshmockey · 1 year
Lance Stroll- Biggest Champion
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summary: a moment between the oldest wolff and lance after some scary moments in Qatar. lance stroll x wolff reader
warnings: talk about the medical issues in qatar!
wc: 1.1k
“Papa,” you said worriedly as you say next to Toto in the Mercedes garage in Qatar. Since you had begun seeing Lance, throughout this season, the set up usually was you watching your boyfriend and friends race from the Mercedes garage and stepping out to see Lance pre and post race. Unless Chloe was in town where the two of you could be found giggling in the Aston garage, this seemed to work for the two of you.
That day in Qatar had been otherworldly hot. Lance had not been having the greatest weekend, taking ice baths every hour it seemed like and spending a lot of time in his drivers room trying to work through his frustrations. You had joined him some of the time, offering him silent comfort which seemed to be what he needed with all the pressure sitting on his shoulders.
As you and Toto stared at the screens showing several onboards and now sharing Logan’s voluntary retirement, your worry crept up for not only Lance, but your friends as well. A hand fell on your shoulder, squeezing to offer support as Lewis joined your little group. Carmen was standing off to the side with George’s trainer, chewing on her nail as she shared similar worries about her boy in the drivers seat.
“I really can’t believe this,” Lewis shook his head as Logan was wheeled into the Williams garage. “This is so dangerous. The FIA can't let this happen again.”
The group all watched as more and more drivers chimed in over the radios about not feeling well. Alonso pretty much asking his team to throw water over him on his last pit, which they couldn’t do. After another round of Max crossing the line first, finally some relief hit as the groups shoulders lifted knowing their final driver and friends would be getting out of the cars soon.
Watching the other team onboards which your father kept on a separate screen for your benefit, you winced as you watched Alex have to be assisted out of his car. Switching over to Lances, you watched as he sat in his car for a minute before trying to haul himself out. You felt slight relief as he made it from the car, leaning over by the tire for a second. But that relief was short lived.
As you saw him stumble, you gasped, hand covering your mouth as your father frowned, the two of you watching as Lance’s knees buckled and sent him fumbling into the door of the ambulance. Toto put a hand on your back as you both watched medical personnel approach the driver, before the feed was cut.
“Go,” Toto nodded as you looked on helplessly, taking no time before hightailing it from the Mercedes garage to the Aston Martin one down the row.
“Is he ok?” You asked breathlessly as you saw Lawrence and Lance's Engineer standing together with matching frowns.
“He had some trouble with the heat,” Lawrence said as he put a hand on your shoulder in sympathy. “He didn’t look too good getting out of the car but they took him right to the medical center.”
“Will they let us in?” You immediately asked.
“I’ve got to wait for Fernando,” Lawrence sighed, looking over at Ben and Henry. “I think they’ll let Henry in, you want to go with him and work that charm? Check on our boy?”
“I’m on it,” you smiled weakly as Henry nodded, leading you out of the garage to where he grabbed an Aston golf cart and drove you over to the medical center. Considering the state of the drivers, the usually calm area was a mad house with other team members, drivers, and some partners as well.
You followed Henry’s lead as he walked up to one of the track workers. The two spoke for a moment, Henry gesturing over his shoulder to you. As the worker saw you wringing your hands and the clear worry on your face, her own expression softened and she nodded before pointing down the hall.
You hurried after Henry, keeping up with his long strides as the two of you approached a curtained off area. Henry peeked his head in before pulling back the sheets, showing your boyfriend sitting on the bed in no shirt and just his fire proof bottoms.
“Hey mate,” Henry said as he approached the bed, clapping Lances shoulder as the boy smiled up at him tiredly. “Boss man couldn’t get away but wanted us to make sure to come check on ya.”
“I’m alright,” Lance said, his words slightly slurred with exhaustion as he looked past Henry towards you. He reached out a hand, you immediately rushing over to grab it in both of yours. “Just exhausted. They’ve got me on some fluids right now.”
“Some good rest and food will get you right,” Henry squeezed his shoulder before looking back at you. “We’ll I’ll leave you and report back to Lawrence. You both should be able to get back to the garage but if not give me a shout, I’ll come get you.”
“Thank you Henry,” you said softly as he smiled at the both of you before heading back out the way he came. You took a long second now that you were alone to let your eyes take in all of Lance’s face- skin sweaty, eyes tired.
“I really am ok,” he murmured, cupping your cheek as he saw the unshed tears on your lash line. You nuzzled in to his touch, letting out a sigh as you felt some of the weight on your shoulders lift just having him in front of you.
“I’m glad, it was scary out there,” you rasped out, looking at him once more. “A few other guys apparently passed out in the mc post race.”
“God this should’ve never happened,” Lance shook his head. Any further talking was put on pause as a nurse shuffled in, taking stock of Lances IV drip and telling him he would still be here for another hour or so for observation.
“I know I wasn’t at my best this weekend,” Lance admitted thickly. “And I’ve got some apologies to make. But being in the car, feeling like I could’ve gone off at any moment. All I could think about was getting back to you. And telling you how much I adore you, and that I don’t say it enough, but I’m really thankful for you and everything you do for me.”
“Oh schatz,” you said as you leaned in teary eyed again, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. “You’re doing your best. Your frustration is something everyone understands, we just need to find better ways for you to express it. There is nothing I would change about you. I love you and I love being your biggest champion. There’s no getting rid of me.”
“I love you,” he smiled tiredly, pursing his lips with a pout till you rolled your eyes and leaned down to press a kiss to his lips.
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petit-papillion · 1 year
2023 Qatar GP Post-Race Interviews
18 drivers (not counting SAI and HAM). 1 so ill he could not finish the race (SAR), 1 taken to medical center and excused from media duties (ALB), another to medical center after almost passing out after getting out of the car (STR). 3 to podium ceremony/cooldown room. The remaining 12 drivers all had to lay down on the floor and seriously cool down, before finally making it to the media pen (although 1 had to leave to cool off more after answering only 2 questions (HUL)).
Here are some of the comments made by the drivers:
"By far the most physical race I've ever experienced. I felt close to fainting in that race. I've never experienced anything like it before. I had to ask my engineer to give me encouragement just to try to take my mind away from it. I do a lot of heat training in the sauna and so you push your body to the limit and sometimes you just need to get out of that sauna. And that's sort of how I felt from about lap 20. I opened my visor for the whole race and it was hot air, but it was better than no air. It was brutal. I was so sick in the car. I wasn't physically, I wasn't sick, but I felt ill."
- George Russell
"I was feeling ill, lap 15, 16, I was throwing up for two laps inside the cockpit. And then I was like, ‘Shit, that’s going to be a long race.' (...) It was just like 80C inside the cockpit this race. I don’t think we probably do the best job in terms of not keeping the heat in the back, but dissipating it inside the cockpit where the driver drives, and I think that was probably the reason today why we felt so bad."
- Esteban Ocon
"Especially with the g-forces, when you have a lot of dehydration, you can drink but the drink is more of a tea than anything else because it’s at 60C-plus, so it’s extremely difficult to hydrate yourself and again with the g-forces, you don’t see as well. The track limits we’re speaking about are [the difference between just] centimetres at 280km/h; in qualifying when we’re fresh it’s difficult to respect them, but then at the end of the race it’s a nightmare."
- Charles Leclerc
"You don't want to be passing out when you're driving at 200mph down the straight. And that's how I felt at times. Any hotter, I think I'd have retired because my body was going to give up."
- George Russell
"Extremely hot. Even from the beginning, I put my helmet on before the start of the race and I was sweating. It definitely didn't get any better once I was driving! Very hot."
- Oscar Piastri
"I asked my team on the radio if they would tip water over me in a pit-stop, but it was not allowed. My seat was burning hot and felt my right side was burnt by this heat. We have to think for the future -- maximum temperatures or maximum humidity... In football, they have water breaks, but we can’t have that, can we?"
- Fernando Alonso
"It's ridiculous. These temperatures -- everything goes blurry. The last 25-30 laps it's just blurry in the high-speed corners. Blood pressure dropping, just passing out, basically, in the high-speed corners with high loaded G-forces. The kerbs are now painted because they're worried about punctures. I couldn't see where I was going because I was passing out. I was fading in and out. The temperature was too much."
- Lance Stroll
"The feeling is like torture. I would say it was harder than Singapore. Just because the temperature in the cockpit started to be almost too much, I think it's getting to the limit and someone is going to have a heat stroke."
- Valtteri Bottas
"It was crazy. I had to consistently open the visor to breathe, actually. It's just too, too hot. Obviously, I don't want to open the visor because sand also comes through the visor and I could feel that sand inside my eyes, but if I close it's insane the amount of heat I felt. I don't know if other helmet manufacturers are the same, but for myself, it was tough, and if you drive behind another car, it's even worse."
- Yuki Tsunoda
"I think some of the guys who are struggling today, they are extremely fit or even fitter than me. Just the whole day, it's like you walk around in a sauna and in the night, the humidity goes up. The races are quite long. But it's not the only place...a few places are like that. Singapore is almost like a two-hour race and it's very, very warm. I think it's also quite on the limit of what should be allowed. So there are a few things to look at, but this was definitely way too hot."
- Max Verstappen
"We're in a closed car that gets extremely hot in a very physical race and it's frustrating.. I guess on TV, it probably doesn't look very physical at all. But clearly, when you have people who end up retiring, or are in such a bad state, it's too much. For the speeds we are doing is it is too dangerous. I know this race is later on in the season [in 2024], it will be a lot cooler a few months later but it’s something that needs to be talked about and I’m sure we’ll speak about it as it shouldn’t have happened in the first place."
- Lando Norris
The 2023 Qatar Grand Prix, everybody.
Sources: The Race, Sky Sports, Fox Sports, ESPN, Sports Illustrated
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