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greensparty · 2 months ago
Last Two Sam Goody Stores to Close
This truly is the end of an era now: The mall record store chain Sam Good has only two stores left in St. Clairsville, OH and Medford, OR and both are set to close in 2025. This is particularly sad because I didn't know they were still around at all.
During the time that I worked at Suncoast Motion Picture Company at the Burlington Mall in Burlington, MA, both Suncoast and the Sam Goody store at the same mall were owned by Musicland. So as an employee I got a 20% discount at both Suncoast and Sam Goody. The best days were when they had double discount day for employees, so it went up to 40%. Sam Goody was never nearly as good as nearby stores like Newbury Comics or Tower Records, but they sold a ton of CDs and cassette tapes and it was cool to pick up something when you were shopping at the mall. If I remember correctly, I think Sam Goody is where I bought Nirvana's Nevermind after December vacation with my Xmas money! But I digress. Sometime in the 00s, Sam Goody changed owners and with the rise of digital music, mall record stores became less and less, hence there were less and less Sam Goody stores.
The link above is the article from Consequence.
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nrutkowski1 · 6 months ago
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My work at Medford Arts Center, Jurors Comments, and a photo of resting Nate Face (I’m actually happy in this picture..)
Composition 12/31/2023 and Composition 2/17/2024 were accepted into at Medford Arts Center Fall Juried Exhibition. Very Grateful and Thankful for the opportunity.
Composition 12/31/2023 won second prize.
Medford Arts Center gallery, 8 N. Main St., Medford, NJ
GALLERY HOURS - Fridays from 3 to 7pm;Saturdays from 1 to 5pm
Sundays from 1 to 3pm
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devoutjunk · 1 year ago
"The living will do whatever they need to survive. In the apocalyptic grove near Medford, I had seen one dessicated former tree whose branches were covered in hundreds of cones still affixed to it like Christmas ornaments. St. Clair explained that this behavior was normal enough for a tree in distress. Sensing it will die, the tree bursts forth into cones in a frantic final act of hope: not so much for itself, but for its species."
"Can We Move Our Forests in Time to Save Them?," Lauren Markham, Mother Jones
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whitepolaris · 1 month ago
One Lucky Peanut Butter Jar
There's a very significant peanut butter jar floating around the athletic department of Tufts University in Medford. The jar dates back to 1975, and the contents are definitely not peanut butter anymore. Athletes, students, and coaches all claim it's good luck to rub this special jar before a big game.
The story behind the jar's contents begins in 1861 in the jungles of Africa. A baby elephant had been captured and brought to Cairo, Egypt, where he was sold to a representative of the Paris zoo. The young elephant was named Jumbo, possibly a mix-up of the Swahili word jumbe, which translate to "chief."
Though Jumbo was relatively small at the time the name was given, the growing creature would turn the term into a household word.
Soon after arriving in Paris, Jumbo was swapped for a rhinoceros from the Royal Zoological Gardens in London. When Jumbo arrived in London, he was a scant four feet tall, dirty, and malnourished. At the London zoo, keeper Matthew Scott cared for the young pachyderm until it grew to heroic proportions. When Jumbo was seven years old, he was consuming a daily diet of two hundred pounds of hay, two bushels of oats, one barrel of potatoes, fifteen loaves of bread, lots and lots of onions, and all the pails of water he could drink. Jumbo was now eleven-and-a-half feet tall and weighed over six-and-a-half tons.
The giant quickly became a favorite of London children, and during the next two decades, thousands took rides on the great beast's back. Noted Jumbo passengers included Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, and one Phineas Taylor Barnum.
An entrepreneur and showman P. T. Barnum took notice of the giant creature's growing popularity. In 1880, he merged his Greatest Show on Earth circus with James Anthony Bailey's London Circus to creature the Barnum and Bailey Circus, which survives to this day. The biggest circus in the world needed the biggest draw in the world, so in 1881 Barnum offered the London zoo $10,000 for Jumbo, a lot of money at the time. Barnum didn't except the zoo to take the offer, nor did it initially not until Jumbo got cranky one day and threw some temper tantrums that made his keepers fear the elephant was turning on them. The zoo did not want its employees or customers getting hurt should the elephant go on a rampage, and so the London zoo accepted Barnum's offer.
Londoners were outraged, with a little help from Barnum, who began a whisper campaign aimed at convincing locals that they were giving up a national treasure. How could they let such a prize go to the Americans? Had they no pride?
Protest letters poured into the London zoo and to the newspapers, and even Americans took notice. Considering all the fuss, this must have been quite a spectacle coming to the United States. Counter offers were made, but Barnum refused every one.
The London Daily Telegraph editorial summed up the defeat and national sentiment of England: "Our amiable monster must [now] dwell in a tent, take part in the routine of a circus, and instead of his by-gone friendly trots with British girls and boys, and perpetual luncheons on buns and oranges, must amuse a Yankee and put up with peanuts and waffles."
On April 9, 1882, thousands stood on the docks in New York City to see the colossal creature. Jumbo and his huge ornate crate were through the streets of New York to the Hippodrome (now called Madison Square Garden), where he joined Barnum's famous circus. Barnum had spent just over $30,000 in purchasing Jumbo and transporting him home. By the end of his first year in America, Jumbo had earned his new owners about $1.5 million. "The towering Monarch of His Mighty Race. Whose Like the World Will Never See Again," the bill read. "Jumbo" even became part of the American lexicon, a word reserved for something truly huge.
But all things do come to an end unless you're P. T. Barnum. On September 15, 1885, Barnum's Greatest Show on Earth was playing in St. Thomas, Ontario. It was near the end of the show, and Jumbo was waiting next to the railroad tracks to close the show. Suddenly the shrill whistle of an unexpected train sounded. Before anyone had time to react, poor old Jumbo's head was crushed by the train.
P. T. Barnum didn't miss a beat. He immediately contacted taxidermist Henry A. Ward and presented him with the biggest taxidermy job ever offered. Ward hightailed it to St. Thomas, where he and six local butches worked feverishly to remove Jumbo's bones and hide. Barnum wanted two Jumbos: one a stuffed hide made to look lifelike, the other a reconstructed skeleton. And Barnum wanted them quickly, because not even death would stop Jumbo's money-making prowess.
The stuffed Jumbo toured the world for the next two years; then P. T. Barnum, a Tufts University trustee donated the taxidermied pachyderm to the university where the animal was quickly adopted by the school as a lucky charm. For many years, students would place pennies in Jumbo's trunk or tug on his tail for luck before big events like exams. The behemoth was the pride of the school, and the mascot the sports team rallied behind.
But tragedy stuck Jumbo again on April 14, 1975, when a fire broke out and reduced him to a charred tusk, a fragment of burned tail, and a pile of ashes. A quick-thinking administrative assistant named Phyllis Byrne grabbed an empty peanut butter jar and handed it to George Wilson of the school's maintenance staff. She told Wilson to save whatever he could of the school's mascot, and Wilson scooped up some of Jumbo's charred remains.
The athletic director at the time, Rocco J. "Rocky" Carzo kept the jar in his office and helped birth a strange tradition and unique legend. Students had been rubbing Jumbo for luck for years, and Carzo saw no need to stop. Athletes would come in and hold the jar before a big game, coaches rubbed it for luck, and students and other fans of the school would ask to see the jar.
Rocky Carzo has long since tried, but the jar of Jumbo's remains is still there. It sits on a shelf with a typed label that reads ENCLOSED ASHES ARE REMAINS OF TUFT'S JUMBO LOST IN A FIRE AT BARNUM MUSEUM ON 4-4-75.
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caschw · 5 months ago
Open Studios!
Mark your calendar – The StoveFactory will have Open Studios on December 7 & 8 – come say hi! The StoveFactory – 523 Medford St., Charlestown MA
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nakeddeparture · 7 months ago
Lee Sebastian Medford, 43 - Recidivist - Nine months at Hotel St Philip - St George, Barbados.
Stealing from Williams Industries is never a good idea. Naked!!
Like/share/comment/subscribe on YouTube (it costs you nothing). Press the notification bell 🔔. NEW WhatsApp #2527225512
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oregontennis · 9 months ago
2023-24 Oregon All-State Tennis Teams
4A/3A/2A/1A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team EJ Roedl, Marist Catholic Zareh Gonzalvo, Catlin Gabel Reid Ravassipour, St. Mary's, Medford Mason Do, Oregon Episcopal Rand Freres, Oregon Episcopal
Second Team Aston Selley, Catlin Gabel Dawson Richards, Nyssa Alexander Ricketts, Marist Catholic Dominic Pulver, Sisters Jack Hally, Ontario
Honorable Mention Trysten Burns, Weston-McEwen/Griswold Cyrus Oliva, St. Mary's Medford
4A/3A/2A/1A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team L. Olander / R. Li, Oregon Episcopal P. Tyner / A. Forsyth, Marist Catholic N. Chen / R. Nordhoff, Catlin Gabel B. Knight-Sheen / W. Barsotti, Marist Catholic S. Dinesh/ T. Stark-Seymour, St. Mary's Medford
Second Team C. Aguero / E. Mildren, Marist Catholic I. Bhardwaj / T. Freres, Oregon Episcopal B. Bair / L. McGourty, Vale C. Grover / E. Yoo, Oregon Episcopal L. Peterson/ L. Ho, St. Mary's Medford
Honorable Mention L. Norton / W. Jensen, Klamath Union A. Pelligrini/G. Scoble, Marist Catholic
4A/3A/2A/1A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Patricia Dougherty, Klamath Union Raegan Farm, North Bend Whitney Hedden, Marist Catholic Bailey Bell, Philomath Ryan Lomber, Valley Catholic
Second Team Sami Shivakumar, Valley Catholic Ella Li, Oregon Episcopal Amanda Perez, Catlin Gabel Juhree Kizziar, Sisters Adele Beckstead, Philomath
Honorable Mention Callie Winebarger, Crook County Laken Herrera, Ontario
4A/3A/2A/1A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team E. Seals / E. Seals, Vale C. Chamberland / P. Weerakoon, St. Mary's Medford P. Larson / S. Larson, Marist Catholic H. Ross / T. Tyner, Marist Catholic J. Mehta/E. Kim, Catlin Gabel
Second Team M. Roseman / A. Do, Oregon Episcopal H. Housely / D. Engstron, Crook County L. Mueller / C. Mueller, Irrigon B. Wagstaff/H. Wagstaff, Nyssa O. Jacoby/K. Schwin, Baker
Honorable Mention C. Nguyen/T. Murphy, Marist Catholic S. Rush/S. Wyland, Sisters
6A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team Will Semler, Lincoln Vitomir Petcov, Southridge Arnav Arora, Mountainside Reif Larsen, Jesuit Cooper Wyngarden, Lakeridge
Second Team Alexander Gurov, South Medford Surya Panyam, Jesuit Mason Men, Lake Oswego Tiger Semler, Lincoln Rowan Morrison, West Linn
Honorable Mention Guillermo Arce, Forest Grove Yehuda Zaretsky, South Eugene Blake Chandler, South Eugene Brayden Lee, Lakeridge Antonio Perez-Cansino, South Medford Wylly Fields, Lincoln Liam Mackura, Glencoe Jonah Black, Central Catholic Pace Crimon, Central Catholic
6A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team K. Fernando / R. Chiang, Westview G. Hawkins / Z. Steinberg, West Linn A. Yan / T. Hernandez, Jesuit K. Rao / K. Zhou, Sunset L. Basi/ J. Hoda, Sprague
Second Team J. Cui / J. Lee, Lake Oswego S. Potter / M. Potter, Grant H. De La Cruz / T. Stump, Barlow R. Evenson / R. Alavi, Lake Oswego R. Valverde / A. Tadjedin, Grant
Honorable Mention A. Tran / L. Aman, Jesuit T. Hendrickson / O. Kuerbis, Grant J. Rickards / N. Bills, McMinnville C. Pate / J. Moffat, Barlow E. Meditz / L. Naugler, Grant N. Ernst / G. Chandler, Central Catholic C. Patrick / K. Forrar, Barlow J. Ebramsyah / I. Ahluwalia, Jesuit
6A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Lauren Han, Clackamas Carissa Gerung, Jesuit Nikhitha Suresh, Sunset Alexis Uschold, South Medford Ava Kitchin, Lake Oswego
Second Team Tirzah Tarbox, Sprague Sydney Board, Tigard Sonya Drayton, West Linn Carlyta Barfield, Benson Sariah Plaisted, Century
Honorable Mention Giselli Reschke, Mountainside Rosalyn Cho, South Eugene Sabrina Larsen, Jesuit Ellie Park, South Eugene Sadie Paterson, South Salem Alyssa Piquette, Sheldon Caroline Rickards, McMinnville Sofia Sorokina, Nelson
6A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team E. Kearney / H. Kearney, Sheldon A. Arora / T. Rao, Mountainside T. Rozendal / M. Rahul, West Linn K. Paine / K. Ayotte, Jesuit R. Beyrouty / E. Nickel, Sprague
Second Team K. Eames / R. Khalili, Lake Oswego A. Ainsworth / D. Fiskum, Sprague M. Mann / M. Regner, Westview E. Newton / R. Hefele, Lincoln K. Wattman / A. Roberts, Roseburg
Honorable Mention G. Molony / L. Weber, Barlow K. Olsson / S. Soman, Lincoln J. Hanson / M. Naugler, Grant R. Murphy / E. Schmitt, Lake Oswego P. Bittner / P. Evans, Sherwood A. Yao / N. Nagaraj, South Salem J. Paulsen / M. Fitzgerald, Lake Oswego J. Pilcher / A. Gladbach, Grants Pass
5A Boys Singles All-State Team First Team Richard Wang, Crescent Valley Kaiden Harris, La Salle Prep Max Himstreet, Summit Aiden Cruz, Caldera Brandon Vu, Centennial
Second Team Youssef Abdelsamad, Wilsonville Parks Vodak, Bend Grae Koller, Corvallis Wyattt Chance, Summit Hannes Zum Felde, Central
5A Boys Doubles All-State Team First Team A. McBride / R. McCoy-Hansen, Churchill E. Nichols / B. Nichols, La Salle Prep A. Lindsay / A. Berg, Summit N. Curtis / A. Tsai, Crescent Valley N. Rife / E. Nguyen, Summit
Second Team D. Vo / R. Lien, Parkrose B. Bloom / N. Wood, Summit V. Castaldo / I. Gains, Churchill L. Anderson / J. Bartlett, Wilsonville A. Ramirez / J. Gamboa, South Albany
5A Girls Singles All-State Team First Team Kennedy Harris, La Salle Prep Emily Gu, Crescent Valley Veronica Miller, Ashland Kate Bonetto, Summit Matilda Morgan, Summit
Second Team Keira Lin, Crescent Valley Trina Dinh, Parkrose Brooklyn Lindsey, Redmond Tiara Yeung, Milwaukie Corinna Lobschied, Corvallis
5A Girls Doubles All-State Team First Team Z. Hughes / A. Li, Crescent Valley J. Tatsumi / K. Scoggins, Wilsonville B. Capps / G. Stott, Redmond S. Cassaro / D. Streater, Ridgeview H. Sullivan/ K. Kelly, Summit
Second Team C. Nguyen / S. Nguyen, Parkrose A. Diliberto / K. Swigert, Summit P. Davisson / A. Davisson, Silverton K. Carter / A. Donnelly, La Salle Prep I. Hanna-Barofsky / E. Li, La Salle Prep
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southjerseyweb · 10 months ago
Police, volunteers help ensure safety at South Jersey fair after recent violence at other events
Police and volunteers are working to keep families safe at a carnival at St. Mary of the Lakes in Medford, New Jersey, this week.
View On WordPress
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brookston · 11 months ago
Holidays 4.12
Anniversary of the Big Wind
Big Wind Day
Children’s Day (Bolivia, Haiti)
Cosmonaut Day (a.k.a. Cosmonautics Day; Russia)
Day of Science (Kazakhstan)
Day of Silence
Day of Space and Rocket Industry Workers (Ukraine)
D.E.A.R. Day (a.k.a. Drop Everything And Read Day)
Eat All Your Snacks Before the Movie Even Starts Day
Education and Sharing Day [11 Nissan]
Festival to Preserve Corn (Cochumatan Indians; Guatemala)
412 Day
Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse
Halifax Day (North Carolina)
Hell is a Democracy Day
Horse Chestnut Day (French Republic)
Human Spaceflight Day
International Day for Street Children
International Day of Human Space Flight
Jersey Day (Canada)
Kamakura Matsuri (Japan)
Lakritsdagen (Sweden)
Lucid Dreaming Day
National Boob Touch Day
National Colorado Day
National Deskfast
National Dolores Day
National Donate Life Blue & Green Day
National Elbow Day
National For Twelves Day
National Gavin Day
National Hanging Out Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Julia Day
National Mac Day
National Maya Day
National Only Child Day
National Radiologic & Imaging Nurses Day
National Redemption Day (Liberia)
National Shagging Day
National Silvia Day
Nicki Day
Pan Day (Japan)
Portable Typewriter Day 
Reach As High As You Can Day
Russian Cosmonaut Day
Selena Day (Texas)
Single Mother Appreciation Day
Songkran begins (Thailand) [Extra day added in 2018]
Teak Awareness Day
Walk On Your Wild Side Day
Wear a Star Day
World Hamster Day
Yuri's Night (International)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Colorado Pint Day
National Buy a Loaf of Bread Day
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
National Licorice Day
2nd Friday in April
Audubon Day [2nd Friday]
Fast and Prayer Day (Liberia) [2nd Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
National Dive Bar Day [2nd Friday] (Also 7.7)
Teal Day [2nd Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Halifax Independence Day (North Carolina)
Nye (a.k.a. Republic of Nye, f.k.a. Nye County; Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Tuposian Empire (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Sinhala New Year’s Day (Sri Lanka)
Festivals Beginning April 12, 2024
Atlanta Dogwood Festival (Atlanta, Georgia) [thru 4.14]
Atlantic City Beer & Music Fest (Atlantic City, New Jersey) [thru 4.13]
Bone Sucking’ Sauce Peak City Pig Fest (Apex, North Carolina) [thru 4.13]
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (Indio, California) [thru 4.14]
Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest: Philly (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [thru 4.13]
Moo, Brew & ‘Que Music Fest (Charlotte, North Carolina) [thru 4.14]
Orange Bowl Food and Wine Celebration (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
Paris Book Festival (Paris, France) [thru 4.14]
Pear Blossom Festival (Medford, Oregon) [thru 4.13]
Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival (Ponchatoula, Louisiana) [thru 4.14]
Potent Strawberry Festival (Potent, Texas) [thru 4.14]
Rhododendron Festival (Hiawassee, Georgia) [thru 5.12]
St. Elias Food & Cultural Festival (Birmingham, Alabama) [thru 4.13]
San Joaquin Asparagus festival (Stockton, California) [thru 4.14]
South Carolina Strawberry Festival (Fort Mill, South Carolina) [thru 5.4]
World grits Festival (St. George, South Carolina) [thru 4.13]
Feast Days
Adoniram Judson (Episcopal Church)
Alferius (Christian; Saint)
A. Ligator (Muppetism)
Angelo Carletti di Chivasso (Christian; Saint)
Beverly Cleary (Writerism)
Cerealia (Old Roman Goddess of Grain, Ceres)
Chu-Si-Niu (Birth Goddess; Taiwan; Everyday Wicca)
Ekādaśī Tithi (Hunduism)
Eratosthenes (Positivist; Saint)
Erkembode (Christian; Saint)
Hygeia Asteroid Day
International Day of Human Space Flight (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Jord’s Day (Pagan)
Julius I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Naughty Noodle Day (Pastafarian)
Print Olive Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Robert Delaunay (Artology)
Saba (a.k.a. Sabas the Goth; Christian; Saint)
Teresa of the Andes (Christian; Saint)
Tom Clancy (Writerism)
Transmigration of the Soul (Celtic Book of Days)
Victor of Braga (Christian; Martyr)
William Pellicone (Artology)
Zeno of Verona (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr celebrations continue (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s Zombie Jesus Day.)
Bend it Like Beckham (Film; 2002)
The Birds, by Tarjei Vesaas (Novel; 1957)
Bullwinkle Buys a Fence or Pickets Charge (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 361; 1965)
The Coup, by John Updike (Novel; 1979)
Desperately Seeking Susan (Film; 1985)
Detective Conan: The Fist of the Blue Sapphire (Anime Film; 2019)
The Emancipation of Mimi, by Mariah Carey (Album; 2005)
42 (Film; 2013)
Fritz the Cat (Animated Film; 1972)
Garth Brooks, by Garth Brooks (Album; 1989)
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (Film; 2024)
Grace Under Pressure, by Rush (Album; 1984)
Grand Hotel (Film; 1932)
The Hamlet, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1940)
The Hay Ride (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Hound Hunters (MGM Cartoon; 1947)
Impromptu (Film; 1991)
It’s All in the Stars (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
It Would Be So nice, by Pink Floyd (Song; 1968)
I Want It That Way, by The Backstreet Boys (Song; 1999)
James and the Giant Peach (Animated Film; 1996)
Justice League vs. Teen Titans (WB Animated Film; 2016)
Lake Wobegon Days, by Garrison Keillor (Novel; 1985)
Little Toot, by Hardie Gramatky (Children’s Book; 1939)
Live Through This, by Hole (Album; 1994)
Mad Max (Film; 1979)
Missing Link (Animated Film; 2019)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (Film; 1936)
Mr. Tambourine Man, by The Byrds (Song; 1965)
Murmur, by R.E.M. (Album; 1983)
Oberon, by Carl Maria von Weber (Opera; 1826)
The Pebble and the Penguin (Animated Film; 1995)
Penguin Highway (Anime Film; 2019)
The Pink Pro (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1976)
Pluto’s Kid Brother (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Rebecca (Film; 1940)
Rock Around the Clock, recorded by Bill Haley (Song; 1954)
A Rock for Rock or To Each His Stone (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 362; 1965)
Save Rock and Roll, by Fall Out Boy (Album; 2013)
Shake, Rattle and Roll, by Big Joe Turner (Song; 1954)
The Shadow of a Gunman, by Sean O’Casey (Play; 1923)
Sink Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Smitten Kitten (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1952)
Strange Lady in Town (Film; 1955)
String Along in Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1979)
The Sweetest Thing (Film; 2002)
Tender Is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Novel; 1934)
The Terminal Man, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1972)
21 Jump Street (TV Series; 1987)
Wasting Light, by the Foo Fighters (Album; 2011)
Whoa, Be Gone! (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Woodchopper’s Baby, recorded by Woody Herman (Song; 1939)
Yertle the Turtle, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1958)
The Zen of Seeing, by Frederick Franck (Philosophy Book; 1973)
Today’s Name Days
Herta, Julius, Zeno (Austria)
Davorka, Julije, Sofija, Viktor (Croatia)
Julius (Czech Republic)
Julius (Denmark)
Julius, Udo, Ullo, Ulrik, Uudo (Estonia)
Janna, Janni, Julia, Juliaana, Julius, Juuli (Finland)
Jules (France)
Herta, Julius, Zeno (Germany)
Akakios, Anthe, Anthi (Greece)
Gyula (Hungary)
Giulio, Zenone (Italy)
Ainis, Jūlijs (Latvia)
Damijonas, Galkantas, Julijus, Jūratė (Lithuania)
Julie, Julius (Norway)
Andrzej, Iwan, Juliusz, Siemiodrog, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Zenon, Zenona (Poland)
Sava (Romania)
Estera (Slovakia)
Constantino, Julio (Spain)
Julius, Liv (Sweden)
Destin, Destinee, Destiny, Dulce, Walker (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 103 of 2024; 263 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 4 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 4 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 3 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 13 Cyan; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 30 March 2024
Moon: 18%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 Archimedes (4th Month) [Ptolemy]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 25 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 23 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months ago
Holidays 4.12
Anniversary of the Big Wind
Big Wind Day
Children’s Day (Bolivia, Haiti)
Cosmonaut Day (a.k.a. Cosmonautics Day; Russia)
Day of Science (Kazakhstan)
Day of Silence
Day of Space and Rocket Industry Workers (Ukraine)
D.E.A.R. Day (a.k.a. Drop Everything And Read Day)
Eat All Your Snacks Before the Movie Even Starts Day
Education and Sharing Day [11 Nissan]
Festival to Preserve Corn (Cochumatan Indians; Guatemala)
412 Day
Global Day to End Child Sexual Abuse
Halifax Day (North Carolina)
Hell is a Democracy Day
Horse Chestnut Day (French Republic)
Human Spaceflight Day
International Day for Street Children
International Day of Human Space Flight
Jersey Day (Canada)
Kamakura Matsuri (Japan)
Lakritsdagen (Sweden)
Lucid Dreaming Day
National Boob Touch Day
National Colorado Day
National Deskfast
National Dolores Day
National Donate Life Blue & Green Day
National Elbow Day
National For Twelves Day
National Gavin Day
National Hanging Out Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Julia Day
National Mac Day
National Maya Day
National Only Child Day
National Radiologic & Imaging Nurses Day
National Redemption Day (Liberia)
National Shagging Day
National Silvia Day
Nicki Day
Pan Day (Japan)
Portable Typewriter Day 
Reach As High As You Can Day
Russian Cosmonaut Day
Selena Day (Texas)
Single Mother Appreciation Day
Songkran begins (Thailand) [Extra day added in 2018]
Teak Awareness Day
Walk On Your Wild Side Day
Wear a Star Day
World Hamster Day
Yuri's Night (International)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Colorado Pint Day
National Buy a Loaf of Bread Day
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
National Licorice Day
2nd Friday in April
Audubon Day [2nd Friday]
Fast and Prayer Day (Liberia) [2nd Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
National Dive Bar Day [2nd Friday] (Also 7.7)
Teal Day [2nd Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Halifax Independence Day (North Carolina)
Nye (a.k.a. Republic of Nye, f.k.a. Nye County; Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Tuposian Empire (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Sinhala New Year’s Day (Sri Lanka)
Festivals Beginning April 12, 2024
Atlanta Dogwood Festival (Atlanta, Georgia) [thru 4.14]
Atlantic City Beer & Music Fest (Atlantic City, New Jersey) [thru 4.13]
Bone Sucking’ Sauce Peak City Pig Fest (Apex, North Carolina) [thru 4.13]
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (Indio, California) [thru 4.14]
Decibel Magazine Metal & Beer Fest: Philly (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [thru 4.13]
Moo, Brew & ‘Que Music Fest (Charlotte, North Carolina) [thru 4.14]
Orange Bowl Food and Wine Celebration (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
Paris Book Festival (Paris, France) [thru 4.14]
Pear Blossom Festival (Medford, Oregon) [thru 4.13]
Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival (Ponchatoula, Louisiana) [thru 4.14]
Potent Strawberry Festival (Potent, Texas) [thru 4.14]
Rhododendron Festival (Hiawassee, Georgia) [thru 5.12]
St. Elias Food & Cultural Festival (Birmingham, Alabama) [thru 4.13]
San Joaquin Asparagus festival (Stockton, California) [thru 4.14]
South Carolina Strawberry Festival (Fort Mill, South Carolina) [thru 5.4]
World grits Festival (St. George, South Carolina) [thru 4.13]
Feast Days
Adoniram Judson (Episcopal Church)
Alferius (Christian; Saint)
A. Ligator (Muppetism)
Angelo Carletti di Chivasso (Christian; Saint)
Beverly Cleary (Writerism)
Cerealia (Old Roman Goddess of Grain, Ceres)
Chu-Si-Niu (Birth Goddess; Taiwan; Everyday Wicca)
Ekādaśī Tithi (Hunduism)
Eratosthenes (Positivist; Saint)
Erkembode (Christian; Saint)
Hygeia Asteroid Day
International Day of Human Space Flight (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Jord’s Day (Pagan)
Julius I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Naughty Noodle Day (Pastafarian)
Print Olive Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Robert Delaunay (Artology)
Saba (a.k.a. Sabas the Goth; Christian; Saint)
Teresa of the Andes (Christian; Saint)
Tom Clancy (Writerism)
Transmigration of the Soul (Celtic Book of Days)
Victor of Braga (Christian; Martyr)
William Pellicone (Artology)
Zeno of Verona (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr celebrations continue (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s Zombie Jesus Day.)
Bend it Like Beckham (Film; 2002)
The Birds, by Tarjei Vesaas (Novel; 1957)
Bullwinkle Buys a Fence or Pickets Charge (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 361; 1965)
The Coup, by John Updike (Novel; 1979)
Desperately Seeking Susan (Film; 1985)
Detective Conan: The Fist of the Blue Sapphire (Anime Film; 2019)
The Emancipation of Mimi, by Mariah Carey (Album; 2005)
42 (Film; 2013)
Fritz the Cat (Animated Film; 1972)
Garth Brooks, by Garth Brooks (Album; 1989)
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (Film; 2024)
Grace Under Pressure, by Rush (Album; 1984)
Grand Hotel (Film; 1932)
The Hamlet, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1940)
The Hay Ride (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Hound Hunters (MGM Cartoon; 1947)
Impromptu (Film; 1991)
It’s All in the Stars (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
It Would Be So nice, by Pink Floyd (Song; 1968)
I Want It That Way, by The Backstreet Boys (Song; 1999)
James and the Giant Peach (Animated Film; 1996)
Justice League vs. Teen Titans (WB Animated Film; 2016)
Lake Wobegon Days, by Garrison Keillor (Novel; 1985)
Little Toot, by Hardie Gramatky (Children’s Book; 1939)
Live Through This, by Hole (Album; 1994)
Mad Max (Film; 1979)
Missing Link (Animated Film; 2019)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (Film; 1936)
Mr. Tambourine Man, by The Byrds (Song; 1965)
Murmur, by R.E.M. (Album; 1983)
Oberon, by Carl Maria von Weber (Opera; 1826)
The Pebble and the Penguin (Animated Film; 1995)
Penguin Highway (Anime Film; 2019)
The Pink Pro (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1976)
Pluto’s Kid Brother (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Rebecca (Film; 1940)
Rock Around the Clock, recorded by Bill Haley (Song; 1954)
A Rock for Rock or To Each His Stone (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 362; 1965)
Save Rock and Roll, by Fall Out Boy (Album; 2013)
Shake, Rattle and Roll, by Big Joe Turner (Song; 1954)
The Shadow of a Gunman, by Sean O’Casey (Play; 1923)
Sink Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Smitten Kitten (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1952)
Strange Lady in Town (Film; 1955)
String Along in Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1979)
The Sweetest Thing (Film; 2002)
Tender Is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Novel; 1934)
The Terminal Man, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1972)
21 Jump Street (TV Series; 1987)
Wasting Light, by the Foo Fighters (Album; 2011)
Whoa, Be Gone! (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Woodchopper’s Baby, recorded by Woody Herman (Song; 1939)
Yertle the Turtle, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1958)
The Zen of Seeing, by Frederick Franck (Philosophy Book; 1973)
Today’s Name Days
Herta, Julius, Zeno (Austria)
Davorka, Julije, Sofija, Viktor (Croatia)
Julius (Czech Republic)
Julius (Denmark)
Julius, Udo, Ullo, Ulrik, Uudo (Estonia)
Janna, Janni, Julia, Juliaana, Julius, Juuli (Finland)
Jules (France)
Herta, Julius, Zeno (Germany)
Akakios, Anthe, Anthi (Greece)
Gyula (Hungary)
Giulio, Zenone (Italy)
Ainis, Jūlijs (Latvia)
Damijonas, Galkantas, Julijus, Jūratė (Lithuania)
Julie, Julius (Norway)
Andrzej, Iwan, Juliusz, Siemiodrog, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Zenon, Zenona (Poland)
Sava (Romania)
Estera (Slovakia)
Constantino, Julio (Spain)
Julius, Liv (Sweden)
Destin, Destinee, Destiny, Dulce, Walker (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 103 of 2024; 263 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 4 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 4 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 3 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 13 Cyan; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 30 March 2024
Moon: 18%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 Archimedes (4th Month) [Ptolemy]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 25 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 23 of 31)
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greensparty · 1 month ago
In 2024, I was back to pre-pandemic levels of live performances, but best of all I got to share it with some good friends too! The magic of live music and performance was alive and well this year!
Honorable Mentions:
The Dandy Warhols  (March 5, 2024 @ Royale, Boston)
5. Metallica / Pantera  (Aug. 2, 2024 @ Gillette Stadium, Foxborough)
32 years after I first saw Metallica at Foxborough, I returned to see the year’s go-big-or-go-home stadium show that was heavy on Master of Puppets classics!
4. The Church / The Afghan Whigs  (June 21, 2024 @ Royale, Boston)
Two of the best college radio darlings of the 80s / 90s showed the audience they still have it decades later!
3. Sleater-Kinney  (March 17, 2024 @ The Paradise, Boston)
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22 years after the first time I saw Sleater-Kinney, they blew the roof off The Paradise on St. Patrick’s Day!
2. Foo Fighters / The Hives / Amyl and the Sniffers  (July 21, 2024 @ Fenway Park, Boston)
Tie. Pearl Jam  (Sept. 17, 2024 @ Fenway Park, Boston)
Tie. Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band  (Sept. 18, 2024 @ Chevalier Theatre, Medford)
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In any other year, any of these three incredible shows would be my #1 Concert of the Year (and they each have had that honor), they are all legends and among the best live acts I’ve seen and we are so fortunate to still have them in 2024, hard to choose one, hence the tie!
1. Matthew Sweet  (Apr. 15, 2024 @ Wilbur Theatre, Boston)
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A few weeks after I did a phone interview with Matthew Sweet (my second time), I saw him for my sixth time in his first tour in years. It was heavy on his 90s hits and deep cuts. Sadly, he suffered a stroke six months later. I hope he can one day return to music in some way as he is on the road to recovery, but if this was my last time seeing him in concert, this legendary artist did one of his best shows I’ve seen and that is saying something!
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goalhofer · 11 months ago
2024 Seattle Mariners Roster
#22 Bryan Woo (Alameda, California)
#30 Austin Voth (Covington, Washington)*
#36 Logan Gilbert (Apopka, Florida)
#41 Eduard Bazardo (Maracay, Venezuela)
#45 Ryne Stanek (Johnson County, Kansas)*
#46 Trent Thornton (Charlotte, North Carolina)
#48 Gregory Santos (San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic)
#50 Bryce Miller (New Braunfels, Texas)
#52 Collin Snider (Nashville, Tennessee)*
#55 Gabe Speier (Goleta, California)
#58 Luis Castillo (Baní, Dominican Republic)
#60 Tayler Saucedo (Maple Valley, Washington)
#62 Emerson Hancock (Cairo, Georgia)
#67 Carl Bolton (Tracy, California)*
#68 George Kirby (Rye, New York)
#75 Andrés Muñoz (Los Mochis, Mexico)
#18 Mitch Garver (Albuquerque, New Mexico)*
#29 Cal Raleigh (Sylva, North Carolina)
#33 Bernardo Zavala (La Puente, California)
#0 Sam Haggerty (Denver, Colorado)
#3 J.P. Crawford (Lakewood, California)
#4 Josh Rojas (Goodyear, Arizona)
#7 Jorge Polanco (San Pedro De Macorís, Dominican Republic)*
#12 Samad Taylor (Corona, California)*
#16 Luis Urías (Magdalena De Kino, Mexico)*
#20 Luke Raley (Hinckley Township, Ohio)*
#23 Ty France (West Covina, California)
#8 Dominic Canzone (Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio)
#17 Mitch Haniger (San José, California)
#25 Dylan Moore (Placentia, California)
#44 Julio Rodríguez (Loma De Cabrera, Dominican Republic)
Manager Scott Servais (Coon, Wisconsin)
Bench coach Brant Brown (Porterville, California)
Hitting coach Jarret DeHart (Medford Township, New Jersey)
Assistant hitting coach Tommy Joseph (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Pitching coach Pete Woodworth (St. Petersburg, Florida)
Assistant pitching coach Danny Farquhar (Southwest Ranches, FL)
Batting practice pitcher Nasusel Cabrera (San Cristóbal, Dom Rep)
Bullpen coach Tony Arnerich (Santa Rosa, California)
Bullpen catcher Fleming Báez (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
Bullpen catcher Justin Novak (Charlottesville, Virginia)
1B coach Kristopher Negrón (Fairfield, California)
3B coach Manny Acta (San Pedro De Macorís, Dominican Republic)
Infield coach Perry Hill (Salina, Kansas)
Field coordinator Carson Vitale (Victoria, British Columbia)
Assistant coach Trent Blank (Columbia, Illinois)
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newmusicweekly · 2 years ago
Bicoastal Media stations named “St. Jude Radio Partner of the Year”
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Members of Bicoastal Media radio stations from Oregon and California were recently in Memphis, TN., on the campus of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to accept the prestigious “St. Jude Radio Partner of the Year” award.  The award was presented June 14th, to Bicoastal Media President, Mike Wilson; KRED-FM Eureka CA, morning host and Program Director Rollin Trehearne; Lakeport General Manager and KQPM-FM On-Air host Paul Thomas; and KRWQ-FM Medford, Oregon Program Director and Morning Host Bryce Burtner, by Richard Shadyac Jr., President and CEO of ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude. In the past 20 years, Bicoastal Media has raised over $9.5 million for St. Jude® fundraising through the Country Cares for St. Jude Kids program. These funds support pioneering research and lifesaving treatment by St. Jude for childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.  Thanks to generous donors like those who participate in the Bicoastal Media radiothon events, families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food so they can focus on helping their child live.  About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®  St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Its purpose is clear: Finding cures. Saving children.® It is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. Read the full article
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gailweingastmd-blog · 11 months ago
Dr. Gail Weingast: A Radiology Specialist's Unique Journey
Dr. Gail Weingast's trajectory into the field of radiology diverges from the conventional path, yet she embraces her distinctive career trajectory wholeheartedly, attributing it to shaping her into the prominent physician she is today. While her journey commenced without an immediate focus on medicine, it's her educational and career experiences that have been instrumental in her professional evolution.
Beginning her collegiate journey in 1969 at Jackson College, Tufts University, in Medford, Massachusetts, Dr. Weingast earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish. However, the allure of the medical realm beckoned, prompting her transition to Boston University School of Medicine, where she attained her MD degree in 1976, assuming the title of Dr. Gail Weingast, MD.
In the ensuing years, Dr. Weingast embarked on a series of training programs at Colorado General Hospital in Denver. This included a pediatrics internship and residency, followed by a residency in radiology. Subsequently, she further honed her expertise by completing a post-graduate degree as a radiologist in 1984 at St. Anthony's Hospital, also located in Denver.
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medfordpd · 2 years ago
Platinum Decks Medford
53 Lincoln St. W., Medford MA 02155
At Platinum Decks Medford, we take pride in our workmanship and customer service. We offer a variety of services to meet your needs, including Trex decks. We use only the highest quality materials and workmanship to ensure that your deck will last for years to come.
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southjerseyweb · 10 months ago
Families enjoy carnival in New Jersey with safety measures in place after recent violence ...
(CBS) — Families let loose Monday evening at the opening night of St. Mary of the Lakes' Carnival in Medford, New Jersey. But as laughter filled the …
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