#mechanic training programs in philadelphia
pttedu · 3 months
8 Types Of Mechanic Certification To Know About In 2024
Eight essential mechanic certifications that, by 2024, will be beneficial to both experienced and beginner mechanics. Learn more about them.
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pttiedu · 1 year
The HVAC training program offers exciting possibilities. Discover diverse and lucrative job prospects after completing a 6-week HVAC training program.
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strawberrysunsets · 2 years
The Empty World (Ch. 4.1)
Donald Pierce x Reader
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Pierce and the Reavers are sent to capture a mutant with mysterious abilities. This chapter: An interlude. The mutant escapes the alternate world in which they were trapped, and finds their way to El Paso, where they meet the Wolverine.
Warnings: Injury.
Angst, slow burn, hopefully smut later on:D
Author's Note: This chapter was a bit of an interlude, to get Reader from one place to another:) Back to our regularly scheduled program of angst and slow-burn after this!
P.S. Yes, this fic will now be moving with the events of the movie Logan! I'm excited! R u excited? 'Cause I'm excited! Get excited!
Comments/reblogs/feedback mean the world to me!:)
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Ch. 4.1: Ghost
It took a few weeks of wandering for you to spot a lightning storm on the horizon. When you did, you ran all the way too it, refusing to stop though your lungs burned and your leg ached. You’d stitched up the wound in your thigh using a makeshift needle and spare piece of thread, but it had unsurprisingly become infected. Cauterization had been your only option – and now the top of your right thigh was a mess of mending scar tissue. You tried not to look at it.
You caught up to the storm as it unfurled over a great, flat plane of bare earth. The wasteland was devoid of trees as far as the eye could see, and the sky roiled above it, dark clouds of Ether crackling with energy.
The first lightning strike came down too far away from you – snapping out at the husk of a dead tree thirty paces away. But the second was nearer. It struck a boulder, fizzing the air around you and making your hair stand on end.
“Third time’s a charm,” you said, running towards the highest point of the land nearby. It was a jut of stone, sticking up from the dry earth; and you hoped it’d be the lightning’s next target. “C’mon!” You shouted, turning to face the storm. “You know what to do!”
The lightning came down from the sky like a pillar of white fire, proving that, indeed, the third time was a charm. It struck the outcrop of stone beside you, electrifying the air with a thousand volts of energy.
It was more than you needed. The ether within you flared up bright and hot.
Home, you thought fiercely. Take me home.
A corn field in Philadelphia wasn’t exactly what you’d pictured when you’d told the Ether to take you home, but, hey – beggars couldn’t be choosers. You were back in the living world, and that was all that mattered.
You were done with cold winters and grey skies, so you rode buses and trains and hitchhiked the highways until you didn’t know the name of a single city you passed. Until the trees were replaced by scrub brush, and the earth was baked orange by the sun.
The Reavers would still be searching for you, you knew. You’d disappeared in the midst of that psionic attack, and had been gone from the face of the earth for weeks – but you had a feeling they wouldn’t give up that easily. The next time your Ether flared, you were sure their sensors would register it. So you’d have to find a way to shield the energy. To hide yourself.
Your travels eventually washed you into the streets of El Paso, where you worked odd jobs to get by, eventually taking up as a mechanic in a small garage. And it was there that you came to meet Logan. He was going by James, then; and drove his beat-up limousine in on a Monday night, with one of its headlights out and a series of impressive dents along its side. You didn’t ask where they’d come from, though their shape suggested the work of a baseball bat. Nor did you ask about his painful limp, bloodstained jacket, or gashed knuckles. But you’d heard enough stories to eventually put the pieces together.
The Wolverine is in El Paso.
They say he’s working as a driver.
And that he’s getting old, now – one of the last relics from the days of the X-Men.
He didn’t speak much, but began bringing his limousine into the garage whenever it needed servicing. A silent trust developed between you, founded on discretion, and the shared knowledge that you both knew that the other knew what you were. So when he offered you a safe place to stay, in exchange for your help with the mechanical issues it had, you already knew your answer.   
Safety, a roof over your head, and the company of other mutants? It was a no-brainer. Besides, you knew the Reavers were still out there. That Pierce was. And though you were used to being on your own, you knew going it alone couldn’t work forever. So you travelled with Logan to the barren lot and abandoned factory across the border, and made a new home for yourself.
It would be a year until you saw Donald Pierce again.
In so many ways, so much time.
But for him? Not nearly long enough.
@humongousgalaxycoffee @drowningnikki @mischiefmanaged71 @lostcause514 @capvengrs @forever-nerd @pancakesandlolliepops
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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The Ghosts of Hershey Park
The park officially opened on April 24, 1907 and in its early days, was not much more than a nice place to have a picnic and go boating. It was created by Milton S. Hershey as an outdoor recreation area for employees of his candy factory. Over the years, additional attractions were added, including a swimming pool complex, amphitheater, and rides. In the early 1970s, HERCO pushed for the expansion of the property as a modern day theme park with a one-price admission for total access.
Over its long history, the park has definitely picked up its fair share of ghost stories. Here’s just a few of those tales!
Milton Hershey
The ghost of founder, Milton Hershey is said to roam the grounds of his park, keeping an eye on this aspect of his chocolate empire. Although a few witnesses have claimed to actually SEE Mr. Hershey’s apparition after park hours, this is one ghost that is usually smelled, and not seen. A phantom smell of cigar smoke is said to indicate Mr. Hershey’s ethereal presence.
“The Carrousel”
Every amusement park needs a carousel…and a haunted one is even better! The current carousel at Hershey’s is actually the park’s third. A year after the park opened, Milton Hershey decided to allow the public to enjoy it as well and added a used carousel for the enjoyment of his guests and employees. It quickly became a hit, and in 1912, a larger carousel was installed and operated until 1944. That year a new carousel was purchased, but due to a shortage of park funds, an older, used model was picked out.
That carousel was the Philadelphia Toboggan Company #47 Carrousel (notice the two ‘r’s). Built in 1919, the carousel began its career at Liberty Heights Park in Baltimore, where it remained for ten years. Then, it moved to Enna Jetta Park in New York before it was purchased in 1944 by Hershey Park. The theme of the carousel is one of understated patriotism. Beautifully carved eagles, flags, and Lady Liberty are sprinkled throughout the artwork of the ride as a tribute to the end of WWI in 1918–the war to end all wars. It was quite fitting that it would arrive at Hershey Park in the last days of WWII.
Today, the carousel is famous for being one of the spookiest places in the whole park! Originally installed near Spring Creek, it was moved to Founder’s Circle in 1972. Since then, park personnel have seen the carousel’s lights turn on by themselves, and the ride eerily start to turn without a living soul nearby. The music coming from its Wurlitzer organ begins to drift through the park, all under the command of an unseen operator. Well, mostly unseen. There is one story where a security officer was doing his rounds, when he noticed the lights of the carousel turned on. He turned them off and began to walk away, but the lights flipped themselves back on. As the officer turned back around towards the ride, a shadowy figure of a person sitting near the controls was seen. By the time the officer actually reached the ride, the mysterious figure was gone.
The Lighthouse
The original swimming pool complex of Hershey Park was completed in 1911 and lasted until 1928. The following season, a new swimming complex, complete with a concrete island lighthouse, was opened. The pools were filled in during the 1971 season and all that remains as a reminder of those years gone by is the lighthouse near the front of the park….that, and the ghosts. Over the nearly half a century that the pools were in operation, several children unfortunately drowned in their waters. The spirits of those children have been seen near the lighthouse wearing their old-fashioned swimwear, oblivious to the changes made by time
The Sooperdooperlooper Rollercoaster
The 1977 season of Hershey Park opened with the addition of a brand new thrill ride: the Sooperdooperlooper rollercoaster! However, the ride seemed cursed from the very beginning. On its opening day on July 4th, 1977, the ride experienced a mechanical failure, stranding passengers, including Hershey’s CEO and other VIPs, on the hill lift. No one was hurt, but passengers were forced to walk down the narrow catwalks to safety. Unfortunately, it would be only a month later when someone WOULD get hurt.
William Harter was a 16 year old high school student working at the park as a maintenance man as part of a summer vocational program. On August 25th, Harter was removing some bolts from a magnetic control device designed to stop the train. Standing between the rails with his back toward the train, it suddenly started moving and ran over him. Since the incident, many security guards, maintenance personnel, and other employees in the park after dark have seen the shadowy figure of a young man standing or walking along the rails of the coaster.
The tale of the Lady of the Boardwalk can be found in Christopher Wolfe’s book, Ghosts of Hershey and Vicinity. Apparently, when the park began its huge expansion project in the 1970s, several nearby private properties were purchased. One elderly lady who was a long-time resident did not want to sell her beloved home, yet felt she had no choice. Instead of giving in, she killed herself in her own attic. The area where the house once stood is located across from the Kissing Tower and is home to several shops, including Boardwalk Fries.
In fact, it is believed that part of the original house does still stand, renovated into the strip of shops here. Employees of the establishment have heard the moaning and wailing of a woman, most notably coming from the second story of the building.
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Namaste 🙏. For all #PATRIOTS2Q2Q+++, Eye truly miss our Duly Elected President Donald John TRUMP2Q2Q and our First Family. It’s aggravating knowing all that Qui have been gifted with. While having to “ hold the line!” Defectively observing the turmoil of stupidity seem as if it’s running amok. White Hats are guide lining these unfortunate creatures while good men trained in evil skills just watch. This evolutionary process is in tune with the right side of history while our Sentient Home-world, adjusts sentiently. Our off-World Families are also benevolently observe the mechanisms of greed and service to selfishness minions continue heaping hordes of unfathomably dangerous levels of karmic Effects on themselves. Angelic Beings are activating Dormant DNA and etheric cellular memories. Which, accordingly will indelibly create supermen and Superwomen. By all researchable records… this is happening now. Even timelines are being critically adjusted to avoid any collateral damage that could reset the future of our race/species.
Project Superman
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The Saga of Andy Pero
by Eve Lorgen
from MindControl Website
In August of 1998, I met Andy Pero in Philadelphia, PA while attending Bob Eure’s CIREAP group. At the time I was scheduled to be a speaker on my Alien Abduction research. Preston Nichols also presented his material that evening. Preston brought Andy Pero with him this evening as a surprise guest to share some of his "Montauk Boy" experiences.
After I first lectured, Andy walked up to me to tell me that he had been in underground bases, and recalled a memory of walking down a hallway in some underground facility, seeing women and children in chickenwire cages, screaming for help. He also said he’d seen reptilians. After Preston lectured on his material, he handed over the floor to Andy. Andy spoke about his Montauk time travel experiences, mind programming, electroshock treatments, and training sessions to be a multi-talented covert operative and assassin for his "secret government" Nazi mind programmers. Andy described how his mind was split through trauma, electroshock, and sophisticated mind programming techniques. He told us about his training in Silva Mind Control as a young boy, and how he was able to do extraordinary human feats under mind control programming, such as jumping off high buildings without injury—hence the nickname "Superman". He also had a good knowledge of the occult and metaphysical world and confirmed the power of prayer.

When Andy first "broke programming", and memories surfaced of being a covert operative in a sub-project of the Montauk Project, he was "gung-ho" about wanting to take down the whole "evil Nazi Mind Control Regime". He claimed that he and thousands of others had been victimized by this type of mind control experimentation. He was well aware of the Reptilian-Draco Illuminati connection and had a few run-ins with the Reptilian shapeshifters himself.

When the Bob Eure’s lecture was over, Andy, Preston, Bob and myself went out to a local café and talked into the wee hours of the morning. We discussed many things, among them my Love Bite hypothesis of alien orchestrated relationships. Andy joked about this and related a few comments about his recent slew of ex-girlfriends whom he later believed to be sleeper mind controlled agents sent into his life. Every one of them were "bad" relationships that were deliberate set–ups to steer Andy off course from his recent "breaking of programming". I was impressed with Andy’s candor and his strong willed survivor spirit. Andy was also good looking, quite muscular and strong physically. He was confident--almost too much so-- but that was also part of his programming--to be a fearless warrior who will stop at nothing to accomplish his mission. Well, now his mission was to go public, expose the enemy and take them all down. At least, that is what he wanted to do—until a series of "reprisals " occurred.

I referred Andy to my friend Janet Russell, who ran her own local Long Island Cable TV talk show called Beyond the Unexplained. Andy met Janet and completed a successful butt-kicking interview that spilled major beans about his victimization in a government mind controlled project. The next day after the shows broadcast Andy said agents tried to kill and kidnap him, but they were unsuccessful.

Andy and I continued our correspondence by telephone, as these events unfolded. He knew that his mind controllers and "handlers" would keep throwing things at him to get him back into the fold, but Andy was resisting. He was remembering more and more details of his mind controlled ops and he knew he had extraordinary abilities--but for some reason he could not get these abilities "back". (Too bad he had not met Michael Relfe of The Mars Records, and tried deliverance first) Andy was doing a lot of self-healing work, trying to purify his physical system from the various poisons he believed aided in the mind controlled state—such as eliminating microscopic ‘nanites" via a blood cleansing device. 

Andy also went to the chiropractor, where one of his ex-girlfriends worked. Andy admitted to me that this ex-girlfriend was a Presidential Model, a Monarch programmed mind controlled operative—who he was trying to stay away from. Andy told me that when he was in for a treatment at the Chiropractors office, his ‘ex-girlfriend--the "project girl-- spoke a few trigger phrases, which elicited a pre-conditioned rageful response from Andy. Andy’s angry outburst directed at this woman then resulted in her filing
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kine-3p98 · 3 years
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. (2021). Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries. Retrieved from: https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/anterior-cruciate-ligament-acl-injuries
Beacon. (2021). The Risk of ACL Injuries in Female Athletes. Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. Retrieved from: https://www.beaconortho.com/blog/risk-acl-injuries-female-athletes/#:~:text=Wider%20Pelvis%3A%20In%20general%2C%20women,ligaments%20than%20their%20male%20counterparts
Feagin, J., Lambert, K. (1985). Mechanism of injury and pathology of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Orthopedic Clinics of North America. 16:1, 41-45. Retrieved from: https://www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.library.brocku.ca/science/article/abs/pii/S0030589820304661 
Gaikwad, P., Sareen, A., Ritchie, L., Haver, E., Jackson, K. (2021). Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury. Physiopedia. Retrieved from: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Anterior_Cruciate_Ligament_(ACL)_Injury#:~:text=or%20be%20treated.-,Bone%20Contusions%20and%20Microfractures,the%20progression%20of%20bone%20contusion
Gans, I., Retzky, J., Jones, L., Tanaka, M. (2018). Epidemiology of Recurrent Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Sports: The Injury Surveillance Program. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine., 6(6). Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6024527/#:~:text=The%20incidence%20of%20ACL%20ruptures,78%20per%20100%2C000%20person%2Dyears.&text=After%20ACL%20reconstruction%2C%2061%25%20to,on%20the%20level%20of%20play 
Joseph, A., Collins, C., Henke, N., Yard, E., Fields, S., Comstock, D. (2013). A Multisport Epidemiologic Comparison of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in High School Athletics. Journal of Athletic Training., 48(6): 810-817. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3867093/
Mayo Clinic. (2021). ACL injury. Retrieved from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acl-injury/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350744 
Meyler, Z. (2018). Knee Anatomy. Arthritis-health. Retrieved from: https://www.arthritis-health.com/types/joint-anatomy/knee-anatomy 
Ritchie, L., Longe, L., Thomas, E., Prudden, G., Buxton, S. (2021). Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rehabilitation. Physiopedia. Retrieved from: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Anterior_Cruciate_Ligament_(ACL)_Rehabilitation
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pttedu · 5 months
Step into the spotlight with us as the talented graduates of the Auto Repair program at Philadelphia Technician Training Institute take their triumphant walk across the stage. With each handshake, they solidify their place in the automotive industry, ready to drive towards a bright future.
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pttiedu · 1 year
Mechanic Certification: A Guide To Effective Training And Tools Of The Trade
Mechanic certification is an excellent way to gain knowledge of the auto repairing industry. Dive in to learn more about the benefits of mechanic classes.
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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The Ghosts of Hershey Park
The park officially opened on April 24, 1907 and in its early days, was not much more than a nice place to have a picnic and go boating. It was created by Milton S. Hershey as an outdoor recreation area for employees of his candy factory. Over the years, additional attractions were added, including a swimming pool complex, amphitheater, and rides. In the early 1970s, HERCO pushed for the expansion of the property as a modern day theme park with a one-price admission for total access.
Over its long history, the park has definitely picked up its fair share of ghost stories. Here’s just a few of those tales!
Milton Hershey
The ghost of founder, Milton Hershey is said to roam the grounds of his park, keeping an eye on this aspect of his chocolate empire. Although a few witnesses have claimed to actually SEE Mr. Hershey’s apparition after park hours, this is one ghost that is usually smelled, and not seen. A phantom smell of cigar smoke is said to indicate Mr. Hershey’s ethereal presence.
“The Carrousel”
Every amusement park needs a carousel…and a haunted one is even better! The current carousel at Hershey’s is actually the park’s third. A year after the park opened, Milton Hershey decided to allow the public to enjoy it as well and added a used carousel for the enjoyment of his guests and employees. It quickly became a hit, and in 1912, a larger carousel was installed and operated until 1944. That year a new carousel was purchased, but due to a shortage of park funds, an older, used model was picked out.
That carousel was the Philadelphia Toboggan Company #47 Carrousel (notice the two ‘r’s). Built in 1919, the carousel began its career at Liberty Heights Park in Baltimore, where it remained for ten years. Then, it moved to Enna Jetta Park in New York before it was purchased in 1944 by Hershey Park. The theme of the carousel is one of understated patriotism. Beautifully carved eagles, flags, and Lady Liberty are sprinkled throughout the artwork of the ride as a tribute to the end of WWI in 1918–the war to end all wars. It was quite fitting that it would arrive at Hershey Park in the last days of WWII.
Today, the carousel is famous for being one of the spookiest places in the whole park! Originally installed near Spring Creek, it was moved to Founder’s Circle in 1972. Since then, park personnel have seen the carousel’s lights turn on by themselves, and the ride eerily start to turn without a living soul nearby. The music coming from its Wurlitzer organ begins to drift through the park, all under the command of an unseen operator. Well, mostly unseen. There is one story where a security officer was doing his rounds, when he noticed the lights of the carousel turned on. He turned them off and began to walk away, but the lights flipped themselves back on. As the officer turned back around towards the ride, a shadowy figure of a person sitting near the controls was seen. By the time the officer actually reached the ride, the mysterious figure was gone.
The Lighthouse
The original swimming pool complex of Hershey Park was completed in 1911 and lasted until 1928. The following season, a new swimming complex, complete with a concrete island lighthouse, was opened. The pools were filled in during the 1971 season and all that remains as a reminder of those years gone by is the lighthouse near the front of the park….that, and the ghosts. Over the nearly half a century that the pools were in operation, several children unfortunately drowned in their waters. The spirits of those children have been seen near the lighthouse wearing their old-fashioned swimwear, oblivious to the changes made by time
The Sooperdooperlooper Rollercoaster
The 1977 season of Hershey Park opened with the addition of a brand new thrill ride: the Sooperdooperlooper rollercoaster! However, the ride seemed cursed from the very beginning. On its opening day on July 4th, 1977, the ride experienced a mechanical failure, stranding passengers, including Hershey’s CEO and other VIPs, on the hill lift. No one was hurt, but passengers were forced to walk down the narrow catwalks to safety. Unfortunately, it would be only a month later when someone WOULD get hurt.
William Harter was a 16 year old high school student working at the park as a maintenance man as part of a summer vocational program. On August 25th, Harter was removing some bolts from a magnetic control device designed to stop the train. Standing between the rails with his back toward the train, it suddenly started moving and ran over him. Since the incident, many security guards, maintenance personnel, and other employees in the park after dark have seen the shadowy figure of a young man standing or walking along the rails of the coaster.
The tale of the Lady of the Boardwalk can be found in Christopher Wolfe’s book, Ghosts of Hershey and Vicinity. Apparently, when the park began its huge expansion project in the 1970s, several nearby private properties were purchased. One elderly lady who was a long-time resident did not want to sell her beloved home, yet felt she had no choice. Instead of giving in, she killed herself in her own attic. The area where the house once stood is located across from the Kissing Tower and is home to several shops, including Boardwalk Fries.
In fact, it is believed that part of the original house does still stand, renovated into the strip of shops here. Employees of the establishment have heard the moaning and wailing of a woman, most notably coming from the second story of the building.
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pttedu · 9 months
Explore the fast-paced world of diesel tech careers. Unlock rewarding opportunities as an automotive service technician. Start your journey today!
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pttiedu · 1 year
The Benefits of HVAC Maintenance by HVAC Technicians
HVAC technicians play an important role in the smooth and efficient functioning of the HVAC systems. Dive in to understand how HVAC technicians work.
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blackkudos · 4 years
Jesse Russell
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Jesse Eugene Russell (born April 26, 1948) is an African American inventor. Trained as an electrical engineer at Tennessee State University and Stanford University, and working in the field of wireless communication for over 20 years, Russell has helped to shape the wireless communications industry direction through his leadership and perspectives for standards, technologies as well as new wireless service concepts.
He holds patents and continues to invent and innovate in the emerging area of next generation broadband wireless networks, technologies and services, which is frequently referred to as 4G. Russell was inducted into the United States' National Academy of Engineering during the Clinton Administration for his innovative contribution to the field of Wireless Communication. He pioneered the field of digital cellular communication in the 1980s through the use of high power linear amplification and low bit rate voice encoding technologies and received a patent in 1992 (US patent #5,084,869) for his work in the area of digital cellular base station design.
Russell is currently Chairman and CEO of incNETWORKS, Inc. a New Jersey-based Broadband Wireless Communications Company focused on 4th Generation (4G) Broadband Wireless Communications Technologies, Networks and Services.
Early life and education
Jesse Eugene Russell was born April 26, 1948, in Nashville, Tennessee in the United States of America into a large African-American family with eight brothers and two sisters. He is the son of Charles Albert Russell and Mary Louise Russell. His early childhood was spent in economically and socially deprived neighborhoods within the inner-city of Nashville. During his early years, he focused on athletics and not academics. A key turning point in Russell's life was the opportunity to attend a summer educational program at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. Russell participated in this educational opportunity and began his academic and intellectual pursuits. Russell continued his education at Tennessee State University where he focused on electrical engineering. A Bachelor of Science Degree (BSEE) in Electrical Engineering was conferred in 1972 from Tennessee State University. As a top honor student in the School of Engineering, Russell became the first African American to be hired directly from a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by AT&T Bell Laboratories and subsequently became the first African-American in the United States to be selected as the Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer of the Year in 1980. Russell continued his academic pursuits and obtained his Master of Electrical Engineering (MSEE) degree from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, in 1973.
Innovations and patents
Russell's innovations in wireless communication systems, architectures and technology related to radio access networks, end user devices and in-building wireless communication systems have fundamentally changed the wireless communication industry. Known for his patented invention of the digital cellular base station, that enabled new digital services for cellular mobile users, Russell continues to innovate in the emerging next generation broadband wireless communication technologies, products, networks, and services as well as "Mobile Cloud Computing" which are shaping the forefront of the 4G Communication Industry.
Over 100 patents granted or in process, thirty years of experience in Research and Development at prominent institutions and pioneering technologies such as the invention of the first digital cellular base station and fiber optic microcell utilizing high power linear amplifier technology and digital modulation techniques, which allowed the beginning of the digital cellular evolution, digital cellular standards, personal communications networks as well as the emergence of "Mobile Cloud Computing" within 4G broadband wireless networks are only some of the accomplishments that have forged new directions for the wireless communication industry. Listed below are significant patents.
Professional accomplishments
Russell joined Bell Labs as a Member of the Technical Staff. He was one of the first designers to embrace the use of microprocessor in the design of equipment for use in the telecommunication network for monitoring and tracking calling patterns within the Bell System Network. The system was referred to as the traffic data collection systems, which using a microprocessor-based portable data terminals for interfacing to electro-mechanical switching systems.
Russell served in the following positions; Director of the AT&T Cellular Telecommunication Laboratory (Bell Labs), Vice President of Advanced Wireless Technology Laboratory (Bell Labs), Chief Technical Officer for the Network Wireless Systems Business Unit (Bell Labs), Chief Wireless Architect of AT&T, and Vice President of Advanced Communications Technologies for AT&T Laboratories (formerly a part of Bell Labs).
As the Director of the AT&T Cellular Telecommunication Laboratory (Bell Labs), this Bell Labs Group formally managed by Russell is credited with the invention of cellular radio technology and received the United States' Medal of Technology for the invention.
Russell continued to develop his expertise as he established and led an Innovation Center focused on Applied Research in Advanced Communication Technologies that enabling AT&T to extend its existing portfolio of services and expand into new businesses and markets. As a key decision maker in the selection and development of emerging communications technologies, Russell's efforts lead to the rapid realization of new access network platforms that enable AT&T to expand its broadband communication network options (i.e., Specialization: Cable Access Networks, DSL Access Networks, Power-line Carrier Access Networks, Fixed Wireless Access Networks, Satellite Access Networks and Broadband Wireless Communications Networks). The applications of these access technologies were one of the keys in expanding AT&T's interest in re-building it local access services business.
Elected as IEC Fellow for contributions in the development of Broadband Communications Access Technologies into the International Engineering Consortium (IEC), 1999.
Inductee into the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for the development of and contributions to digital cellular communications, 1995.
Elected to IEEE Fellow grade for technical leadership in the development of digital wireless communication concepts, technology, systems and standards, 1994.
US Black Engineer of the Year for best Technical Contributions in Digital Cellular and Microcellular Technology, 1992, US Black Engineer Magazine.
America's New Leadership Class Award 1985, Esquire Magazine.
Outstanding Service Award 1983, Eta Kappa Nu.
Outstanding Scientist Award 1982, National Society of Black Engineers.
Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer of the Year, 1980.
Scientist of the Year Award 1980, National Technical Associations Inc.
Professional memberships and affiliations
Board of Directors Advisor, Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
Board of Governors, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Chairman of the Board, Electromagnetic Energy Association (EEA, Third term)
Chairman, Mobile & Personal Communications Division of TIA
Chairman, Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA) -Wireless Communication Standards Organization
Fellow member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE)
Fellow member of the International Engineering Consortium (IEC)
Inducted Member of the National Academy of Engineering
Member of the Technological Advisory Council (TAC), U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Member of Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society
Member of International Regulatory and Standards Committee on Third Generation Wireless Communications Systems
Member of the Congressional Subcommittee on Technology Member, National Academy of Engineering (NAE), Electronic Engineering Section and Computer Science & Engineering Section
Member of the Information & Technology Council of the American Management Association
Member of the National Academy of Engineering
Member Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Member Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
Past Chairman, Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Cellular Radio and Common Carrier Section (1987–1992)
Technical Program Chairman, 38th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Philadelphia
Technical Program Chairman, 43rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Secaucus
Testified before Judge Green on Bell System Divesture
"Universal Personal Communications: Emergence of a Paradigm Shift in the Communications Industry", International Journal of Wireless information Networks, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1994.This paper examines a major paradigm shift in the communications industry across four dimensions, analyzes the factors influencing the shift, articulates a vision of universal personal communications under the new paradigm and presents several service environment and transmission hierarchy models supporting the vision.
"The US Evolution towards Personal Communications in the '90s" (with A. T. Kripalani), Proc. Pan European Digital Cellular Radio Conference, Rome, Italy, 1990.This paper proposes and describes a set of strategic technology platforms to assist the migration of the existing US cellular network to an all digital personal communications network.
"AT&T Next Generation Digital Cellular Base Station Technology" (with R. W. Henn and R. S. Kerby), Proc. International Switching Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990.This paper describes the first all digital cellular base station system utilizing linear radio technology to support multiple radio air interface methods such as FDMA, TDMA and CDMA in a single system.
"Design of Mobile Satellite System Architecture as an Integral Part of the Cellular Access Digital Network" (with E. S. K. Chien and J. A. Marinho), Proc. the Mobile Satellite Conference, Pasadena, 1988.This paper provides an overview of the interoperability aspects between digital cellular access networks and mobile satellite systems.
"Emerging Cellular Access Digital Network" (with E. S. K. Chien and D. J. Goodman), Proc. World Telecommunication Forum, Americas Telecom, '88, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1988.This paper describes the characteristics of an all digital cellular access network that supports integrated voice and data services (cellular ISDN). It is an expansion of the concepts put forth in publication 11 below.
"Evolution Toward Digital Cellular Network in the U.S." (with E. S. K. Chien), Proc. 1988 Pan European Cellular Radio Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1988.This paper provides a vision for the migration of the existing US cellular network towards an all digital wireless access network.
"A Systems Approach to Indoor Wireless Communication" (with E. S. K. Chien and D. J. Goodman), Proc. GLOBECOM '87, Tokyo, Japan, 1987.This paper describes an approach to in-building wireless communication and examines the interoperability with cellular mobile communication.
"Cellular Access Digital Network (CADN) Wireless Access to Networks of the Future" (with E. S. K. Chien and D. J. Goodman), IEEE Communications Magazine, June 1987.This paper describes a scenario for the evolution of a digital cellular access network towards providing personalized wireless voice and data communication services.
"Network Foundation for Providing Personal Communications", Proc. Digital Mobile Workshop on Personal Communications, Melbourne, Australia, 1987.This paper puts forth some original concepts, such as personal telephone numbers, logical network addressing and universal wireless access service protocols related to personal communications.
"Cellular ISDN: New Interface for Wireless Access" (with E. S. K. Chien), Proc. International Conference on Communication Technology, Nanjing, China, 1987.This paper describes the benefits of mobile communications as an effective means to modernize the telecommunications infrastructure for China.
"Cellular Access Digital Network" (with E. S. K. Chien), Proc. International Telecommunications Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 1987.This paper describes cellular integrated voice and data services access network (cellular ISDN) as a complement to the wire line ISDN.
"Extension of ISDN Capability to Cellular Wireless Access" (with E. S. K. Chien and D. J. Goodman), Proc. Second Nordic Seminar on Digital Land Mobile Radio Communications, Stockholm, Sweden, 1986.This paper describes the original concept of an integrated voice and data services cellular access network (cellular ISDN) and establishes the important role of intelligent network in the cellular context.
Major addresses
Keynote Speaker, Excellence Through Education and Achievement 2008, Missouri Legislative Black Conference Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri
"Migration to Broadband IP Based Wireless and Wired Networks-May 2006" Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC) Mr. Jesse E. Russell, VP, Advanced Communications Technologies, AT&T Labs
SuperComm99-Chairman., SuperComm99 Plenary Session, Atlanta, GA – 1999. Where is the Network Headed? Panelist on the Convergence of Global Voice and Data Networks, Wired & Wireless Networks, and Global Wireless IP Networking.
Keynote Address, Rural Telecommunications Association, Arizona/Mexico Telecommunications Conference – 1995. This address introduced the vision of wireless communications as a key to the revitalization of local access within the US and its use to provide connectivity from rural communities to the national information Infrastructure.
Keynote Address, National Communications Forum – 1995. Expanded on the evolutionary trends in wireless communications and presented a visionary projection of them in reshaping the local access aspects of future telecommunications in the US.
Keynote Address, European Commission, Spain – 1995. Discussing the emergence of breakthrough communications technologies such as digital radio processing, power-line communications, satellite communications and free space optics and projecting their impact in revitalizing the global telecommunications industry through the expansion of markets and services.
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ak-adidap · 5 years
Email:[email protected]              Phone: +91-9638 646 124                 LinkedIn
Amit Kolvekar has over 12 years IT industry experience in India and the United States. He worked on critical projects and programs for the leading IT Telecom clients and received appreciation for commitment and productiveness. He has experience in project management, cloud technologies, agile development,  front end UI, backend API, and database development. He has extensively worked for the Telecom clients in India and abroad throughout his career.
PSM-I certified, Scrum Master, Agile Development, Project Management, AWS Solution Architect, DevOps, SDLC, Communication Skills, Documentation, Linux, JavaScript, Shell Script, Python, PHP, PL/SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Web Applications, REST APIs, Apache Web server, DBA, Production Support, Network Automation, Network Discovery.
Service Now, Smart sheet, Jira, Rally, GitHub, Splunk, Putty, WinSCP, Wireshark, SQL developer, MySQL Workbench, Postman.
Telecom OSS/BSS, Network Devices & Protocols, Software Development, Service Assurance, Software Quality Assurance.
PROJECT MANAGER • TCS – COMCAST, Gandhinagar, India • Nov-2018 TO PRESENT
As a project manager, I am responsible for the delivery of an application for the Billing team used for automating the PDF bill validation process.
My responsibilities include
Coordinating with team
Planning and estimations
Tracking and mitigating the risks
Recommending best practices
Answering client inquiries
Overseeing the development of technical solutions
Running scrum meetings reviewing technical documentation
Guiding and motivating the teams
Liaising with stakeholders
As a project manager, I am responsible for the delivery of a suite of business-critical applications for the network engineering team used for configuring the network devices.
My responsibilities include but not limited to
Coordinating with multiple teams
Planning and estimations
Tracking and mitigating the risks
Recommending best practices
Answering to client inquiries
Overseeing the development of technical solutions
Running scrum meetings reviewing technical documentation
Guiding and motivating the teams
Liaising with stakeholders
I was also involved in identifying the potential customers, arranging presentations and responding to RFIs and RFPs.
Comcast has application suite used to generate and push configurations, monitor and manage network devices. Discover network devices and services. Run the performance tests on the circuits deployed for the business customers.
As lead developer, I was responsible for
Understanding the technical and business requirements from the product owners
Documenting and expanding user stories
Assigning tasks to the onshore and offshore developers
Presenting product demo
Troubleshooting and fixing production issues
Managing the databases and application servers
Provide regular reports and metrics to the management
Attended Cisco Interconnected Network devices training.
As an onsite developer, I was developing and maintaining the web-based application used by the Emergency Recovery team. The application used for managing the high severity issues happening in the various customer locations across the globe. There were about 600 users across the US, Europe, and China.
This tool used to
Keep track of issues and the engineers could update the status
Add notes as engineers troubleshoot the issue
The hand-off between the engineers working in shifts
Send SMS and Email alerts to the customers
Generate reports for the management to review
My responsibilities include adding new features and functionalities, answering user queries, coordinating with offshore team. Writing technical documentation and code review.
Nortel Network sold its business to Ericsson, Avaya, and Ciena. This project was to extract and migrate the business data to the buyers.
I was working with the team at onsite to perform the following activities.
Write and execute jobs that scan the document repository
Extract the relevant data,
Encrypt and package the data
Using Java and PowerShell and Documentum.
At Tata Communication I was working on the development and maintenance of business critical Operations and Business process application. This application was developed in Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) with a user base of over 300 across India. This application used for presale, order management and provisioning of the various services provided by the Tata Communications.
My responsibilities include
Discuss new requirements with product owners and developing the features.
Troubleshooting the production issues in L3 support
Generating reports based on customer requirements using PL/SQL.
Working with other groups and assist them in understanding business data.
Document various aspects of the application and business cases.
Set up MySQL replication for redundancy and reports.
Trainee • TCS, coimbatore• Oct-2007 TO dec-2007
At Tata Consultancy Services, we were trained in Java, Oracle RDBMS, and Linux. Along with programming skills we were also trained in written and verbal communications. Email and telephone etiquettes in the business environment.
EDUCATION & Certifications
AWS Certified Solutions Architect  – Verification code: F6H2Z3J2LBFQ1RGJ
  Amit Kolvekar – Technical Project Manager Email:[email protected]              Phone: +91-9638 646 124                 LinkedIn Amit Kolvekar has over 12 years IT industry experience…
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stargirl-jas · 6 years
Finest Home Treadmill At around five hundred dollars.
Treadmills signify a useful gizmo for getting again into form. To make your treadmill last more and function easily, make sure you lubricate the belt once in a while. Our favorite home-use treadmills supply the identical strong building and fitness programming as their gymnasium-use siblings, but in a extra affordable, more maneuverable package.
The massive difference is in how steep the embrace can go. Sometimes, most treadmills can incline about 12 %. Work out smarter and more effectively with the highest-of-the-line TreadClimber TC20, which comes with 5 normal workouts and three "landmark" exercises to boost your heart price rapidly.
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Contrary to the frequent perception that treadmills don't are available sizes, they actually do. Though manufacturers do not put measurement labels on them, in case you are a bigger individual, you will get a necessity that they do, go to blog article. When on the lookout for a treadmill it's particularly vital that you've got enough area around you in order that you do not hit your toes from the front side of the treadmill or slide of it. For those who really feel like you do not have enough comfort, it's better to have a look at another option.
A few of its different features embody Intelli-Guard safety function, Intelli-Step safety function, silicon control buttons, USB port, audio heart, heart fee screens, and full Lifespan Membership membership. One disadvantage to the NordicTrack C 990 — its prime incline is 12 %, three share points fewer than other equivalent running treadmills.
It has vital inclines and declines to supply extra alternate options to your health routines, unlimited person IDs so multiple individuals can work on their own train goals, and fun accessories like a touchscreen console and net browser to help hold monitor of your progress.
The mains-powered Active a hundred and twenty from York Health options an easy belt folding mechanism and wheels, so the unit may be moved around the room with minimal effort. Belt - Wraps across the rollers of the running deck. For critical runners and train buffs, the 3G Cardio Elite Runner treadmill is properly value taking a look at. To see our full overview on it which covers all it is capabilities and features, click on here.
The latter is slightly dearer at £2,490 however boasts wi-fi connectivity to obtain more exercises or hyperlink with third-party apps like Apple Health and MyFitnessPal. The SOLE F80 treadmill is of course their version of their folding resort treadmills made for the buyer market.
Furthermore the machine is appropriate with iFit stay know-how which enables you to train world wide with workouts powered by Google Maps. Listed below are a number of the pros of the 211 Vitality Series treadmill, and you'll see that they are slightly less than you get with the Nordic Monitor or Sole machines: 3.0 CHP motor for speeds up to 12 miles per hour.
The power of the motor providing an efficient heavy responsibility workout is 3.0 CHP and it comes with a lifetime guarantee period. In addition to the fold up nature of this treadmill, it comes outfitted with Horizon Fitness' Johnson Digital Drive Motor, which is said to be quieter than different choices on the market.
To understand how treadmills can (and may't) help with train and training, I spoke to running coaches and sports activities researchers: Elizabeth Corkum , a working coach who teaches at Mile Excessive Run Membership (think SoulCycle however with treadmills); Mindy Solkin , a running coach based in Philadelphia; Harry Pino, an exercise physiologist at NYU; Matteo Bonato , an train physiologist on the College of Milan; Casey Kerrigan , a former biomechanics professor at the College of Virginia and founder of Oesh sneakers ; and Jonathan Fader , a sports activities psychologist and author of the guide Life As Sport.
However, incline functionality can enhance the general price of the treadmill, so you will need to find out whether or not or not that is something you really need. A treadmill is a very useful fitness machine that allows engagement of a large group of muscular tissues and has a positive affect on the entire organism, and an ideal influence on the cardiovascular system well being.
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