sunnydbeam · 1 month
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Remember this ugly Mer!Sun from that AU I always forget? Well... I keep forgetting, but I'm offering those I found in my gallery and never posted because I forgot.
《Cursed Lake AU》
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mo4-stuff · 3 years
Sigkin, Taiyo and Arakawa additional story translation pt.2. This one is a long one!
Next story beat happens when you go back into the sewers in Naname Village.
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Arakawa: "Here it is. Where did Mr. Third go?"
Taiyo: "... They're arguing in the back. Come on, I'll shut them up."
Arakawa: "Oh, you're so motivated."
Sigkin: "Are we going to be okay on our own?"
Wondering around, you'd find Ven yelling at Private First Class.
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Ven: "That's a long story! Just give me the natural water!"
First: "It can't be helped... I'll explain it to you again. This natural water has been purified over a long period of time through mechanical water purification."
Ven: "Natural water of the highest quality, made pure to the utmost limit! I remember that!"
First: "Excellent! Then why do we have to work tirelessly to cleanse for all those years? Have you ever thought about it?"
Ven: "I'm so confused... Please give me that water…"
Sigkin: "Hey, Ven... What are you doing here?"
Arakawa: "Ven in the sewer? It's very picturesque."
Ven: "Who's Ven! Oh, say something to him, you guys."
First: "What you see over there is Sigkin, Arakawa, and Taiyo. I've heard about you, sir."
First: "I am Private Mechame. Please make your acquaintance…"
Sigkin: "Yeah, uh, thanks... So, what? Why are you asking for natural water?"
Benki: " ...work. It's to do with the new business of Maidon Lunch."
Arakawa : "I'm curious about that. Does this natural water make the food taste better?"
Ven: "There's that too. And this natural water is much purer and has a much higher storage capacity than conventional water. If you have this water, you can do 'that'."
Sigkin: "That thing...? I don't know, but your brother asked me to do something for him."
Sigkin: "Why doesn't First Class want to give you water?"
Ven: "Wait!!!! I'll explain. This water is the best natural water these guys can make in a long time. That's why they don't want to give it to me easily."
First: "It was almost cut off, but that's okay. There's that too."
First: "But that's not all, sir. Especially against the world above ... humans and you."
First: "Where are my brothers by the way? Didn't you see them on the way here?"
Sigkin: "Huh? I haven't seen them since I got here…"
Arakawa: "... Taiyo is gone too. Shouldn't we look for him?"
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Taiyo: "You're a very bad hide-and-seek player. What are you doing skulking around back there?"
Second: "I just wanted to get rid of that potty bastard. Are you with them?"
Taiyo "No, I don't know them."
Second: "Then can you please get out of my way? I'm not supposed to give that water away so easily."
Sun: "I'm not interested in that!! Come on and get me!!"
Second: "Han! This is self-defense! Don't complain if you get hit!"
Third: "Well, that sucks!!!"
(Ensue battle)
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Taiyo: "So this is the end... Boring... See ya."
Second: "What a guy...! Are you sure you're just here to fight?
Sun: "Yes! I'm done with this, I'm going home!"
Third: "I still have one more question."
Sun: "They'll take care of it."
First: "Oh, my god, that's fantastic! You are strong! You are a force to be reckoned with."
(Sigkin, Arakawa, Ven and First comes over)
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Sigkin: "There he is... What's going on here?
Arakawa: "Ah, Taiyo-san, you're cheating! You look like you're having fun by yourself."
Ven: "Huh, you're here too…"
Second: "Oh, brother...! This guy's trouble!"
First: "...it's a rare thing to see you so weakened. It's not unreasonable with this opponent."
Sigkin: "Back to the topic at hand... Why did you give water to the crackers before?"
First: " ... I like strong people. It's not just about strength."
First: "Those men fought with all their might for their comrades. I was struck by that."
Sigkin: "That's not how it works...? Well, I guess it's okay for this time. It's not like anyone will die if we don't have natural water right now."
Arakawa: "You could say that. Shall we go home then?"
Ven: "Wait, wait, wait. What are you trying to finish! Don't you want to eat a good meal?"
Sigkin: "Well, I'd love to, but…"
Arakawa: "But it's not like I want to force myself to eat it when the comps don't want to."
Ven: "What are you guys doing here? Damn... with all this water, I could start a Maidon Lunch delivery service…"
Sigkin: "...What?"
Ven: "With something like a smartphone! You can start a service that allows you to order lunch!"
Sigkin: "It's…"
Sigkin: "It's so convenient…"
Arakawa: "Can you bring it to me when I'm diving in a dungeon?"
Ven: "Of course. It's my job."
Sigkin: "That's very nice of you... How can I get some natural water for you?"
First: "I''m impressed with your dedication to your work. All right, then, there's something I want you all to understand."
First: "The reason we have to spend so many years purifying the water is because the pollution from humans is getting worse in the first place."
First: "Humans are so selfish. They pollute themselves and then try to take away the water that we purify…"
First: "Repeated unfair negotiations have led us to refuse to provide natural water. To humans, especially, uncharacteristically, the uncharacteristically flippant hogwash…"
Sigkin: "I see... Well, I understand where you're coming from, but this is a difficult subject to discuss."
First: "It's not a problem that can be solved with words...
* "That's enough! Don't move!"
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Third: "Ahhh!!! Help!!!"
* "Now, today is the day you're going to give me that natural water! If you don't, you'll lose your life!"
First: "What are you doing, Jaro... Humans, stop that foolishness right now."
Second: "Are you going to do it? You humans are making me laugh!"
* "Oh... Are you sure you want to hurt us? Don't get carried away with your monster ways!
* "Give me that! I've had enough of that long, drawn-out conversation!"
First: "That's why I told you to give it to me honestly."
Sigkin: "Hey. I understand how you feel, but isn't that a bad way to go about it?"
* "We are! We've been coming to this place for months to get natural water! This guy stubbornly refuses to give up his water!
* "Do you have any idea what it's like to be turned away after listening to a sermon that lasts at least four hours and at most 12 hours?
Arakawa: "I'm sorry to hear that."
* "If you guys want to interfere, I won't let you leave for free!"
Taiyo: "Nonsense. I'll be watching, so you guys do your best."
Sigkin: "Yeah... okay. Well, I'm going to stop you!"
(Ensue battle that I forgot to screenshot)
* "What the hell are they? They're so strong!"
Sigkin: "Ora, get out of here. I don't care if the village chief finds out."
* "Caihee, whoever dies in the depths of this sewer… You'll never find out…"
Chief: "Who's going to find out?"
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* "What the hell are you doing here?"
Chief: "If you are going to use my monsters against me, I will take the appropriate action."
Chief: "... Move out as soon as possible."
* "Shit! Let's pull up!"
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Third: "Chief ----!!!"
Chief: "I'm sorry I came so late... They won't be coming again."
Sigkin: "I just looked at the village chief and he left. Is he really a great person after all?"
Arakawa: "But I didn't know there was such a rule about monsters… I wonder if Bachikin and the others were safe?"
First: "Thank you for coming, Mr. Chief. I apologize for the disturbance."
Chief: "It is true that we humans pollute the water in which you live. This is an inevitable part of life."
Chief: "I'm really sorry. I don't know if I can represent the human race, but…
First: "It's no use apologizing to, chief. If only they would change their minds…"
Arakawa: "Isn't it because Mr. First's story is too long?"
Third: "..."
First: "...I'm often asked, do I talk too much?"
Sigkin: "You talk a lot!"
First: "I hadn't thought of that... What do you think, gentlemen?"
Second: "You talk a lot."
Chief: "You talk a lot."
Benki: "You talk a fucking lot."
First: "I just want you to know that in order to receive this water, you need to know about our purification process. Unchallenged, unchallenged, unchallenged, unchallenged, unchallenged, unchallenged…"
Sigkin: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You need to change the way you do things. It's time consuming and inefficient."
First: "Mmm... That's true, too. I'll think about it…"
Arakawa: "So, please give him some water. This toilet is a good one."
Third: "I'd like to ask you to do the same. Not only did Ven and the others answer our call, but they also helped us like this."
First: "So my thinking is also poor... Now that you've said it, I can't help it."
First: "I believe you guys for a moment. Bring me some natural water, Ven-san."
Ven: "Benki, Benki, Benki, shut up!"
Arakawa: "Well, that was good, Taiyo. Are you listening to me?"
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Sigkin: "He's sleeping."
Chief: "However, I was careless to allow the villain to enter. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."
First: "Don't worry about it. If you really put your mind to it, someone of that caliber is no match for you."
Chief: "I will continue to rely on you, Verde."
First: "Hmmm... You too, sir."
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Ven: "That's why we started the Delivery Maidon Lunch the other day! It's thanks to you guys. Eat up."
Arakawa: "Thank you for the meal, Benki-san."
Ven: "Don't say "Benki" when you're eating!"
Sigkin: "You're denying everything about yourself…"
Ven: "Delivery service allows you to order lunch anywhere, but it is a bit expensive due to the cost of shipping and handling."
Ven: "Occasionally, there are reports of junior staff making mistakes in their portions, but I'm in charge of delivery. I won't make any mistakes, so don't worry.
Arakawa: "It's okay if you make mistakes, okay?"
Third: "Thank you very much for the other day! I don't know how to thank you…"
* "Ah! Everyone~!"
(Third shows up)
Taiyo: "I don't mind."
Sigkin: "You just slept around and did whatever you wanted."
Ven: "I'm the one who should be thanking you. Thanks to you, I'm doing well."
Third: "Next time, let us overcome you with our strength. We are always waiting for you. That's the message from my brother! Hmm? We?"
Arakawa: "You're going to fight too? I'm looking forward to it!"
Ven: "So you're declaring war."
(Third glides away)
Third: "I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry, sir!"
Ven: "I was a little too mean. Well, that's what they say. If you get a chance, you should go see him again."
Sigkin: "Can we use the delivery service now?"
Ven: "Yeah. I've just sent you the app. Please make the most of it."
Ven: "Then I'm going back to work."
Sigkin: "...Huh? Where's your money?"
* "I've already received it."
You can now use "Delivery Lunch" with the smart phone!
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.: Light Sources - Teagan :.
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sun rays.
effervescent smiles, dandelion puffs, bare feet, beach waves, flowers pressed into books, champagne glasses, rose-gold eye shadow, boho skirts, wire-rimmed glasses, hair in loose waves, kaleidoscope eyes, sunshine in your hair, fire in your soul.
incandescent bulbs.
crop tops, floral print, dancing in the rain, quiet defiance, hand-knit beanies, rosé, painted bookmarks, marble floors, cirrus clouds against a blue sky, polaroid pictures, hands held, fingers intertwined, flower crowns, baby bluebirds.
lace bralettes, brisk breezes, jasmine-scented perfume, books with yellowed pages, tracking constellations, sterling silver, violin music, chess games, iced coffee, glittery dresses, high heels, secret grins, midnight meetings, wishing upon a star.
candle flames.
denim jackets, gladiator sandals, braided hair, messenger bags, movies at the cinema, stolen kisses, wax-sealed envelopes, haiku poetry, cherry wood, succulents, fountain pens, jigsaw puzzles, soft tired eyes, hidden smiles, cuddling with someone you trust.
newspapers, over-sized sweaters, dancing shadows, fleece throws, cutoff shorts, piano chords, red wine, messy buns, embossed journals, a hint of blush dusted across your cheeks, freshly fallen snow, tranquil solitude, burning incense, light hair and dark skin.
combat boots, burgundy lips, infectious laughter, spiral-bound notebooks, pencils used down to the stub, ripped jeans, painted nails, cloud-watching, summer thunderstorms, hiking trails, vinyl records, film cameras, skating on a frozen lake, hot chocolate by the fire.
dancing until the break of dawn, Heelys, being wheeled around in a shopping cart by your best friend, the euphoria of soaring through the air, being excited for what the future holds, group hugs, colorful tattoos, bronzer-highlighted cheeks, hugging a stuffed animal, lifting a child onto your shoulders, space buns, bright streaks in your hair
Stolen from: @crimsonfluidessence
Tagging: @hiraethwyl @indomitability @liminal-storage @roses-and-grimoires @phantom-xiv @mechamal @secrets-and-aetherlight @awatercat @thorcat @herocatte​ @anyone who wants to steal this!
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teaprojectpodcast · 4 years
E21: More Reasons Why You Haven't Received Your 2020 IRS Stimulus Check! (UPDATED)
This is Money Talks on TEA Project, A Personal Finance Podcast. Your hosts, Gadiel and Michelle Espinoza. A husband and wife duo, where they discuss Personal Finance, Managing a Household, and so much more.
Gadiel is a father, husband, a Military Veteran, and a Lawyer.
Michelle is a mother, wife, BOSS, and a Certified Public Accountant.
In this episode we discuss 9 reasons why you haven't received your 2020 IRS Stimulus Check. It appears millions have not received their stimulus check as there are several factors why.
If you want to know if you are eligible to receive the 2020 IRS Stimulus Check, check out episode 14:
If you want to learn the 10 mistakes people make when budgeting their finances, check out episode 16. 
Also, learn ways to make some additional income. On Episode 13 we discuss 13 ways how to make additional income.
Books we recommend on Personal Finance: 1. How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck by Avery Breyer 2. Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey 3. The No-spend challenge guide by Jen Smith  4. You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham 5. How to Make Your Money Last by Jane Bryant Quinn 6. Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins 7. The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom by Suze Orman: 8. Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan:
Books on personal development we recommend you read. 1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 2. The 10x Rule by Grant Cardone 3. The Art of War by Sun Tzu 4. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss 5. Atomic Habits by James Clear 6. The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron 7. Deep Work by Cal Newport 8. Blog Like a Boss by Amy Landino Schmittauer 9. Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk 10. Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchukl 11. The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
Book on Estate Planning: 1. Florida Estate Planning: Just the Basics by Gadiel A. Espinoza
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scottbcrowley2 · 4 years
It’s time to fluoridate - Sun, 30 Aug 2020 PST
It is time for Spokane to fluoridate its community water. I support the City Council adjusting the level of fluoride in Spokane’s water supply to provide a good balance for health. As a thirdgeneration Spokanite currently raising the fourth generation, I was blessed with parents along with my childhood dentist, Dr. Mecham, who believed in fluoride supplements and treated my sister and I with them. At 52 years old I have yet to have a cavity. My parents weren’t as fortunate by being treated with fluoride and have had several cavities and major dental work throughout their lives. It’s time to fluoridate - Sun, 30 Aug 2020 PST
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sunnydbeam · 2 years
So I've been thinking about something lately. I don't know if you've answered such a question before, but… how exactly do your boys' voices sound? Whose voice is high and whose voice is low? Does their voice change depending on the AU? For example, Skater!Glitch sounds different than Glitch!Sun? Glitch's voice is more high pitched with distortion, or is it alternating low and high? Does Eclipse speak two voices (Sun and Moon) at once? I will be grateful for your response. And I love your drawing style, it's lovely! ^^
Oh my gosh, hello, I absolutely love the question!
I'll try to explain as best I can!
Actually, their voices vary depending on the AU. Glitch's voice sounds distorted most of the time, like a broken radio or TV... Well, his whole body emits a static sound that can be a bit annoying. Since Glitch-Sun's voice box often fails, he prefers to express himself without words, but other times he can be quite talkative. His tone can range from low to high-pitched, and he even increase the volume without realizing it.
Skater!Glitch has a slightly different voice, usually loud and cheerful. As a singer he has a tenor voice, but, like his original version, he can sound a bit robotic.
Eclipse's voice, borrowing from Sun and Moon's voice box, sounds overlapping, sometimes a bit muddled. He's not much of a talker, but when he does his tone is low and slow, a bit soft so it's easy to understand. It's basically the combination of Sun's high-pitched voice and Moon's slightly raspy one, but tailored to his own shy and moody personality.
Skater!Eclipse doesn't have a double voice, but it's still low and even lazy. A baritone. However, he can sometimes sound high-pitched, especially when he shouts. Total Eclipse is quite similar in this respect, with the exception that his voice can be even deeper (usually a sultry voice).
The voices of Skater!Sun and Moon are pretty much the same as their original versions, except that Moon's raspy voice becomes simply soft but with a hint of anger or exasperation. Sun sounds generally anxious.
The Nightmare versions of Moon and Glitch have a deep, shadowy voice, although Glitch's is more unhinged and repetitive, always laughing. Nightmare!Sun's tone remains high-pitched and loud, sometimes even unconsciously menacing.
Mer boys are virtually non-verbal. Their voices are similar to their originals, but more clumsy. Glitch, of course, has no static in his voice, but he stutters a bit. All three tend to use high-pitched tones.
MechaMer!Sun and Moon don't speak lol
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sunnydbeam · 2 years
List of my current AUs in order to get organized:
In The Other Side/Bad Dream - Default AU: (basically all my Sun, Moon, Eclipse and Glitch posts tagged with "ITOS stuff" & "Bad Dream AU")
Mer!AU: Introduction
Nightmare!AU: Introduction / comic 1 / comic 2
Skatepark!AU: (Content tagged with "Skatepark!AU")
Cursed Lake/mechaMer!AU: Introduction
The links to those tags don't show all the posts anyway, huh...
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sunnydbeam · 12 days
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So huhhh... new au? I don't know yet. I made this mostly thinking about how this guy would be like, really big. This could be like a post-apocalyptic with a touch of Indiana Jones(?) or something.
It's just Y/N who is exploring and collecting strange and valuable items from the ruins of cities, when they stumble upon this big "thing". I wonder if he still works?
(Well, I don't think I ever mentioned that I have a bit of a morbid fascination with abandoned things/places, even though I'm absolutely terrified of them. Yes, that explains my mechaMer!Sun and Moon as well)
More versions below the cut
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for some reason it took me 13 hours to do this
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sunnydbeam · 4 months
So how many au's have you created?
I currently have 4 AUs, if I remember correctly
In The Other Side/Bad Dream is my default AU
My Mer!AU which is a bit neglected honestly
Cursed Lake/mechaMer!AU where Sun and Moon are sort of mechanical mers, or very creepy underwater animatronics
Skatepark!AU where everyone is a skateboarder or extreme sports enthusiast lmao
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hiraethwyl · 5 years
stand watch
“And you, you’ve fallen in with them. What does that say?” “It says I value my oaths.” Lyrin’a turned the conversation over in his head long after Raven had gone silent. Most of his words Lyrin’a could write off as cryptic nonsense meant to make him question himself and the other members of the Covenant. Some of it made him curious. The Midnight rises, hm? And it would end in his death or his freedom. Possibly more distracting trash to throw them off guard. He hadn’t pursued the topic, feeling there was little point. What reason would Raven have to tell him anything truthful, of all people. 
He’d admitted to not really knowing Ghost, which was true. He held no auspicious power, knew no insightful knowledge. He was just someone with too much loyalty and too little sense. And despite how that combination seemed to favor the flock they likely weren’t the traits that inspired conscription into it. It was true he craved what it was to trust and be trusted- but not like that. Trust and loyalty were things you earned, not forced by some black magic.  The miqo’te shifted where he stood, sliding his weight to his right leg.  He was surprised Idristan had left as he had. Though to say he’d given up was wrong. Yves might have bullied him out of the room but Lyrin’a had some doubts he would have been able to. Even at his most glaring he had a feeling he wasn’t particularly menacing. Unless he was just afraid he would tattle on him to Marius. Which was not fair. Fitting, but unfair.  After a while he paced at the bottom of the stairs, counting his steps from one end to the other and back. His thoughts drifted to Okuni and how she had beaten herself for her involvement in the evening. To Nyr and her frustration and Teagan and.. and whatever had been snuffing out that light recently.  So much conflict and turmoil, so much unease and grief. They were without the binds that tied the Flock together or even the Flame but were they not all the better for it? To persist despite it?   ...Maybe he was too idealistic. Maybe it would haunt him in the end. Too bad he knew he was unlikely to change. He couldn’t see the sun rise from where he was -there was a certain lack of windows in this hallway- but it couldn’t have been long after when a loud knock on the Clinic door prompted him to leave his post for the first time in hours. Lyrin’a cracked the door a hair, half expecting to see Crane and a gaggle of other birds poised to break their Raven from his cage. Instead he saw a hyur girl dressed in a yellow overcoat.   Minutes later he stood on the landing by the door, looking down the stairwell as he clicked on his linkpearl. “Unless he can walk through walls Raven did not leave his cell through the night. Alas I have been called away to Stillglade Fane on matters I cannot delay. I must needs leave the Clinic. If you do come, be careful when you enter.” Message imparted Lyrin’a grit his teeth and made for the door. [      @phantom-xiv​ @roses-and-grimoires @liminal-storage @mechamal @punches-and-cream-puffsI think thats everyone who has tumblrs mentioned ]
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.: Five Senses: Teagan :.
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Five Visuals
A field of daisies under clear blue skies
A rosy sunrise
Sunlight Glittering through the the droplets of a sunshower
Blood-splattered over bruised and battered knuckles
A spark of magic held between outstretched hands
Four Sounds
The gentle titter of birdsong in the dewy morning
Rain pattering against a tin roof
Warm laughter among friends 
A song softly hummed to one’s self
Three Scents
Fresh Baked Sweets on a Summer Day
Fresh-Cut Grass
Citrus, Bright and Fruity
Two Tastes
Vanilla Cream
Blood and Honey
One Touch
The Sun’s Warmth Against Your Skin
Tagged by: @hiraethwyl​
Tagging: @mechamal​ @awatercat​ @herocatte​ @thorcat​ @anyone who wants to steal this!
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