#This was interesting
Not Feeling Autistic Enough…
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avonne-writes · 6 months
In real life Buck did Advanced Calculus classes at the Stalag. Can you imagine Bucky just going there to look at Buck talking about math or just to annoy Buck with stupid questions like “Professor Buck does 2+2=7?" and Buck just ignoring him and all the others that don't know them being like ?? and the people from the 100 being like 🤦‍♂️. But when Alex gets to the camp and start asking smart questions and start debating with Buck and Buck is so excited about talking about math and physics and he tells Bucky how amazing Alex is and Bucky gets more and more jealous (maybe he will at one point push Buck in a room and kiss him) or be like ohhh Alex you new best friend
Calculus classes in the stalag?? This needs to be a fic yesterday! 😍
Bucky dutifully attends every class, both to support Gale and to see him at least marginally happier than he usually is in the camp.
Hahaha, jealous Bucky is always a classic! I love the friendship between Alex and Gale but I imagine it might take some time for Bucky to realize Alex isn’t a threat to his spot in Gale’s life.
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I was thinking about How to train your dragon at work today, as I usually do, and I remembered seeing this post about how Toothless is only toothless for Hiccup, which is really interesting and shows their bond! I’ve also realized that he does this with other riders he trusts like Astrid and he also did it for Dagur in race to the edge when he stopped being evil.
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stephstars08 · 11 months
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Interesting 🤔🤔🤔
(Via Bengals official Instagram account)
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Rusl with 12 for the dress up game?
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Ask game
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zumazozuma · 8 months
@hypnoarchitecturearteagle I'm no doctor but I hope the Cool Factor TM will redeem me!
An AU where Lan Fan gets her arm reattached!
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pardonmydelays · 8 months
lin shirtless/tank top :3 ?
i swear to god, you are getting more & more creative with every ask guys 🤣
ok, this is actually adult content so i'm gonna do it like that (cause you know, it's not like you can find those picture all over the internet):
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ok, some of those are fucking crazy. my personal favourites are all the pics from that complex photoshoot (one of them is my pfp) & the last one with fls guys, but also every single one where you can see his tattoo (i am a little bit obsessed). also, watch this if you still haven't.
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winglesswriter · 3 months
First & Last Lines
I was tagged by @lychhiker-writes. Thank you ❤
Rules: Post the first and most recent/last line of dialogue from a couple OCs! Narration doesn't count.
Foreigner God
“I’m alright.”
“Me too, but he’s the one who gave me a chance.”
“Did we lose?”
“I’ll be looking forward to that.”
“I want to keep it. I will only cut it if he makes me.”
“Maybe we should stop trying to prove it wasn’t Jamy and try to find out who did it instead.”
“What a delightful ride! The rain was surprisingly refreshing.”
“Why do you trust him? You barely know him. Or is there something I don’t know about?”
No pressure tag for: @willtheweaver, @vinniehorrible, @wolgerrswraith, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @sunset-a-story
@theink-stainedfolk, @acurtist, @solipseismic, @angelasscribbles, @devonscroob +OPEN TAG
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brightest-star2 · 11 months
🍃tag nine people to get to know better🌽
tysm for the tag @lemon-mint813 ! 💖
🌊three ships: dnf, stucky, mothpool
⚓️first ever ship: Kopatani (The Lion King, hmu if you know who Kopa is I will love you forever /p /lh)
👀currently watching: Foolish's stream as background noise xD as for series, I'm still binging Agents of Shield
🎬last movie: uhhh Valerian? it sucks
📖currently reading: Physiologus (it's for an essay. It's basically The biology textbook for the middle ages, meaning they're convinced that everything that happens in nature is a reference to the bible, it's kinda funny)
🥦currently consuming: air (the last meal I had was caramel chocolate muesli with oat milk)
🥞currently craving: potato chips because I always crave potato chips. gimme
tags (apologies if you've already been tagged, also feel free to ignore this if you want! No pressure 💖): @diamantspitzhacke @grayyskies @quackitys-stuff @felidaefighter @v0idl1ng @cdrream @voidpidgeon @charles-simmons @i-anonymous-crow
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Hi everyone,
I found an article discussing social anxiety and ADHD and autism according to this article:
Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear and anxiety in social situations.
People with SAD often experience excessive worry about being judged or scrutinized by others, and may avoid social situations altogether or endure them with extreme discomfort. This disorder can significantly impair daily functioning and negatively impact quality of life.
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, behavior, and social interaction. It is typically diagnosed during early childhood and can vary in support needs.
People with Autism may experience difficulties with verbal and nonverbal communication, exhibit repetitive behaviors or have limited interests, and struggle with social interactions. However, each individual with Autism is unique and may have a range of strengths and challenges.
How Are Autism And Social Anxiety Similar?
Social skills
Spending time alone
Difficulty building friendships
What Are The Differences?
While ASD and SAD share a lot of similarities with each other, they are distinct conditions in many ways.
The main difference is that ASD is a neurodevelopmental condition while SAD is a mental health condition.
The full article will be below if anyone wants to read it.
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lady-quen · 6 days
...I was joking about Mael being mildly below average height (in gw2 at least) but @missbadafker blessed me with the height calculation post and it turns out he's 5'10", everyone else is just a tree I guess.
*audience laughter sfx at yet another bad pun*
I was also testing another thing because despite what the post says, it really seemed to me that fem! Sylvari are taller by default (taller at each respective tick) but this must be a camera zoom trick in the character creator, then. Anyway, have this cursed thing that happened when I previewed Mael as a woman.
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I don't know where the random pink comes from, of all races I'd think sylvari wouldn't be big on "she's a girl! QUICK, SLAP PINK ON HER" but I guess Anet and their various bugs were feeling trollish. Also, they sheared his leaves. All his leaves. His glorious emo haircut!! That he spent so long maintaining for personal flair, symbolism and all the "being a plant version of Essek Crit Role" allegations!
So, I guess now we have the one and definite reason Mael will not transition: hair loss issues.
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djaerin · 15 days
you avoid corners and doorways - do you know why ? have you looked inwards recently ? do you understand what is happening there ? your mind is muddled and dusty, a mirror you haven’t been able to clean properly. smudging the nervousness just leaves streaks on the glass, which makes your face harder to see, which makes you nervous. what are you nervous of, darling ? what keeps you up at night ? why haven’t you confronted it ? do you know what it is ? can you answer my questions ? are they making you nervous ? am I frightening you ?
TAGGED BY, @widova TAGGING, @alootus, @grimson & @halfrust
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Have You Seen Paul McCartney’s Lost Bass Guitar? Tips Welcome.
By Isabella Kwai
For decades, mystery has surrounded the fate of the missing bass that accompanied the Beatles as they rocketed to fame. A new campaign is trying to find it.
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Before Beatlemania, there was the distinctive Höfner violin bass — the first guitar that Paul McCartney bought after becoming the bassist for the Beatles.
That bass can be heard on some of the band’s most famous hits, including “Love Me Do,” “She Loves You,” and “Twist and Shout.”
Mr. McCartney picked up the instrument in a Hamburg music store in 1961, and it accompanied the Fab Four as they rocketed to stunning success, becoming the most famous band in the world. But the guitar vanished eight years later.
A new campaign is seeking to find the missing instrument, and hundreds of people have responded, hoping to help solve the decades-old mystery: Where is Paul McCartney’s missing bass guitar?
“It’s a hugely significant instrument in its own right,” said Nick Wass, a semiretired consultant for Höfner, the guitar’s manufacturer, who has joined forces with two journalists to try and track the guitar down. “It’s the bass that made the Beatles.”
“The bass was absolutely at the heart of the origins of the Beatles sound,” said one of the journalists, Scott Jones, who worked for the BBC. “The smallest pieces of information can often lead to the biggest breakthroughs,” he said of their appeal for tips on its fate.
Mr. Jones’s wife, Naomi, is the other journalist behind what they are calling The Lost Bass Project.
The three Beatles fans have urged members of the public to come forwardwith any information that might help. No tip is too small, they say, and they are promising to keep sources confidential. They say they have already received several credible leads since the project was launched on Saturday.
The instrument’s treasured place in Beatles mythology is intertwined with the band’s story. After the departure of their original bassist, Stuart Sutcliffe, Mr. McCartney, who had been playing guitar, switched instruments to replace him during a residency in Hamburg in 1961. For that, he needed a new bass guitar.
“I got my Violin Bass at the Steinway shop in the town center. I remember going along and there was this bass which was quite cheap,” he said in a 1993 interview with Guitar Magazine, adding that he had not wanted to go into debt and could only afford the Höfner, 500/1 guitar at the time. It cost about £30 pounds, or $38, he recalled. “And once I bought it, I fell in love with it.”
Mr. McCartney took the guitar back to Britain, where it accompanied the Beatles through hundreds of gigs — from the band’s early concerts at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, where they were spotted by Brian Epstein, who would become their manager, to the recording of their first two albums. It was repaired in 1964, according to the team behind the new search, and then used along with other bass guitars.
But the last confirmed sighting of the instrument was in London in 1969, in video footage of the band members writing their final album, “Let It Be.” Rumors have percolated ever since about what happened to the instrument: The Lost Bass Project suggests that it could have been stolen or lost either from the basement of Abbey Road Studios, or from the Apple Corps recording studio on Savile Row.
A representative for Paul McCartney declined a request for an interview. But Mr. Wass said he understood, from previous communications with Mr. McCartney, that he was keen to be reunited with the instrument. “He calls it the ancient one,” Mr. Wass said.
Among the leads they had received, Mr. Jones said, were suggestions that the instrument could have traveled to the United States or Japan. But he added that all the leads need to be vetted. “Somewhere among that information there is going to be the answer,” he said.
Other iconic instruments have been lost and found over the years — one close example being a Gibson acoustic guitar belonging to John Lennon, which was bought in 1962 and then lost the following year. Half a century later, it re-emerged and was sold at auction in 2015 to an anonymous buyer for $2.4 million.
It is unclear what the market value of Mr. McCartney’s missing guitar would be, but the team behind the search insists that the effort is not for monetary gain, calling the guitar “priceless.”
“We just want to know where it is,” said Mr. Wass.
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babieken · 9 months
do u ever go down a rabbit hole trying to figure out who this blog u interacted with five years ago is? bc i just did lsijdflsdjf
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wardog-of-the-endless · 2 months
What’s the best smell you’ve encountered this week?
So aside from the fact that we've been in tropical storm land which means rain that sometimes smells like the sea... I baked double chocolate brownies and they were amazing?
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theawkwardwriter64 · 1 year
So I got to Murdoch info dump on my friends today
Here were their opinions
Apparently Murdoch is a walking red flag (Sourced from his... Affiliation with Anna Fulford)
No opinion on Julia (they were very confused)
They hate Emily for breaking George's heart
Violet is a girl boss and is very pretty
The creator was on something when compiling this entire story.
The Lip Rouge murders (Lipstick with cyanide case) was genius
Watts is Watts. (No clear opinion)
They were also appalled by the amount of seasons
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