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terapiadehilos · 4 years ago
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Today is M.E./C.F.S. awareness day. A while ago, @prillytee from the @chronicmarketplace asked the M.E./C.F.S. community what would we do if we were well tomorrow, and proposed we create a piece of art with out answer. Many artists have poured their hopes and wishes to create their answers in different mediums, which you can see in the video I shared in my stories and The Chronic Market has shared in their feed. This is mine.   Let me preface this by saying that I am one of the lucky ones. I can function, I can work, I can get out of home if I need to, I can lead what to outsiders may look like a normal, ordinary life.  And yet... Of all the things this illness has taken from me, the one I really wish I had back is the ability to be the mom my kids deserve to have. The mom that goes to all the functions. The mom that walks them to school. The mom that plays with them on the floor. The mom that can listen to a full recount of their day, even if it lasts forever. The mom that is there. What I miss is not who I was, but who I could have been for them were it not for ME-CFS. Mom guilt is overwhemingly real, and when dealing with a chronic illness even more so. It's the side effect I wish most away.  If tomorrow I was well, I would be the mom my kids deserve to have. And you, my fellow M.E./C.F.S. warriors? What would you do if tomorrow you were given back all the energy that chronic illness has taken away? #mecfsmom #mecfs #mecfsartist #mecfsawareness #mecfsawarenessday #chronicillness #chronicillnessandme #motherhood #spoonie #spooniemom #spoonieartist #ifiwaswell #momoftwo #embroidery #embroideryisart #embroideryhoop #hoop #bordado #fatigacrónica #diamundialdelafatigacrónica #encefalomielitismialgica #myalgicencephalomyelitis https://www.instagram.com/p/COx-utyLzb6/?igshid=1eeiigmejet5x
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terapiadehilos · 4 years ago
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[🇪🇸⬇️] 🇬🇧First finished project of 2021. It's taken me more hours than I can count, and I wish I had more colours in this range when I started it, but I'm pretty happy with it anyway. What have you been stitching? Pattern heavily inspired by TemariKai's JZ14 🇪🇸 Primer proyecto completado de 2021. He tardado más de lo que me da para calcular, y me gustaría haber tenido más hilos en este rango de colores a la hora de empezarlo, pero aún así estoy bastante contenta con el resultado. ¿Vosotr@s a qué le habéis estado dando puntadas? #terapiadehilos #terapiadecolor #colorfulembroidery #craftastherapy #craftermom #artistmom #bordado #bordadoamano #handembroidery #embroidery #mecfs #mecfswarrior #emsfc #fatigacronica #chronicfatigue #mecfsmom #mecfsparenting #temari #temariball #bolatemari #bolastemari #japanesecraft #chronicallyfatigued #embroideredball #bolabordada #geometricembroidery #bordadogeometrico https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ3qA25gOvx/?igshid=1db7khe12s7rk
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terapiadehilos · 5 years ago
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[ES 🇪🇸⬇️] EN 🇬🇧 - A teething baby, a chronically fatigued mom, and a temari walk into bar... and not much stitching happens 🤦🏻‍♀️. That (minus the bar) has been life this past week, so this ball is still very much in progress. ES 🇪🇸 - Un bebé al que le están saliendo los dientes, una mamá con fatiga crónica, y una temari entran en un bar y... no se borda mucho que digamos 🤦🏻‍♀️. Esto (menos el bar) ha sido mi semana, así que esta bola todavía sigue muy en proceso. #terapiadehilos #terapiadecolor #colorfulembroidery #craftastherapy #craftermom #artistmom #bordado #bordadoamano #handembroidery #embroidery #wip #workinprogress #enproceso #mecfs #mecfswarrior #emsfc #fatigacronica #chronicfatigue #mecfsmom #mecfsparenting #temari #temariball #japanesecraft #chronicallyfatigued #embroideredball #bolabordada #geometricembroidery #bordadogeometrico https://www.instagram.com/p/CCB4-UbA8MU/?igshid=1svclhzstbuq
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terapiadehilos · 5 years ago
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[🇪🇸⬇️]⁣ 🇬🇧 Crafting with a newborn baby is a juggling act (well, *anything* with a newborn is, but let's focus 😂). Feedings, naps, diaper changes... everything baby takes precedence and creative endeavours have to take the backseat for a while. Which is, quite frankly, expected and nothing to worry about, because if my son taught me something is that time is fleeting and the only thing you really regret is not cuddling them more when they are this little. So I sit with my little girl and nurse her, cuddle her while she naps, count her tiny toes when I change her diaper, kiss her button nose every chance I get. But when the opportunity to grab my needle and craft appears, you can bet I take it too, specially if it means cuddling my little helper at the same time 💙 Baby is important, but mom is too.⁣ ⁣ 🇪🇸 Crear cosas con un recién nacido es hacer malabares (bueno, *cualquier* cosa con recién nacidos son malabares, pero centrémonos 😂). El comer, las siestas, los cambios de pañal... todo lo que tenga que ver con el bebé es prioritario y la creatividad necesariamente pasa a segundo plano durante un tiempo. Que, la verdad, es algo esperado y que no me preocupa en absoluto, porque si algo me ha enseñado mi primer hijo es que el tiempo pasa a toda velocidad y si hay algo de lo que te arrepentirás es de no achucharles más cuando son así de pequeñitos. Así que me siento con mi niña y le doy el pecho, la achucho de la que se echa la siesta, cuento sus deditos cuando le cambio el pañal, beso su naricilla cada vez que puedo y me deja. Pero cuando surge la oportunidad de coger la aguja y crear un rato bien podéis apostar a que la aprovecho, especialmente si al mismo tiempo puedo tener a mi pequeña ayudante acurrucada contra el pecho 💙⁣ El bebé es importante, pero mamá también.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #craftastherapy #craftastherapy_littlehelpers #terapiadehilos #littlehelper #pequeñaayudante #pequeñoayudante #embroidery #bordado #hedgehog #erizo #threadpainting #craftermom #spooniemom #mecfs #mecfsmom #spoonielife #momlife #erizobordado #embroideredhedgehog #momisimportant #embroideryhoop #bastidorbordado #wip #workinprogress #enproceso #lifewithbabies #vivirconbebes #creativemom https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TaTgPAYZk/?igshid=1dhsi4z6tu4vk
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terapiadehilos · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧 Trying to knit one-handed isn't going too well 😂. What are you up to?⁣ ⁣ ⁣ 🇪🇸 Lo de tejer a una mano no está saliendo muy allá 😂. ¿Vosotr@s en qué andáis?⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #wip #wipwednesday #terapiadehilos #knitstagram #knittersofinstagram #motherhood #craftastherapy #makermom #adosagujas #knitter #puerperiumcardigan #puerperium #mecfs #mecfswarrior #mecfsmom #spooniemaker #spoonie #spooniemom #tejedoranovata #ravelry #ravelrywipwed https://www.instagram.com/p/B7D1A2HA-3D/?igshid=nuv9jgneukb2
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