#meatbag || gavin ic
an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
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“The worst thing in the morning is: The coffee filter having a hole and all the grounds end up in your coffee..” Gavin said and slurped at his mug with distaste.
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@lieutenantgivesnoshits cont. from here
Hank’s eyes looked up at him. The gaze almost distant, but his hand gripped Gavin’s. Trying to focus himself and not pass out.
“f-fucking rookie mistake, w-would have expected it from y-you.” He tried to joke, but his voice sounded garbled as he spoke. His grip on the other man tightened as he turned and coughed. Blood coming up from where it had started to fill his lung. His grip loosened as he panted, eyes half lidded. 
“sh-shit. getting tired.” In the back of his mind he knew it wasn’t a good idea to close his eyes. Knew he had to stay awake. But his body was not fighting against him. Black blurred around his vision as he stared past Gavin. 
"Pfff, no Hank, this really fits you because you are old and senile!" Gavin snarked back after the Lieutenant remarked it was a rookie mistake. It really was. And yes Gavin was a prone for these kinds of mistakes since he liked rushing in. Some of his scars reminded him daily about that.
Quickly the detective shook Hank when his eyes started to close "Don't you fucking dare, Hank! Your companinon cube is going to kill me if you go out of here in a body bag!" the man shouted, trying to keep the Lieutenant awake. An Ambulance would take less than 10 minuts. However 10 minutes could feel like an eternity.
"You gotta stay the fuck awake man, you hear me?" all hostility between them seemed suddenly forgotten. A life was more valuable than petty enmity, even Gavin knew that and he would never let a colleague die, no matter how much they hated each other.
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an-unlikely-duo · 2 years
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@rk-stateoftheart​ said:  “You are worth something, so you can keep that lowly opinion to yourself.”
Stalwart Statements
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“Tsk, fuck you!” Gavin retorted but he couldn’t say much more because he was so surprised the android defended him against himself. “I say whatever shit I want about myself!” Now he was just bratty, but he was in an extremely sour mood because he ‘let’ a suspect slip away. And for Gavin, his job was very much tied to his self-worth. 
And if it would help his case any, he added “You don’t know me, so don’t act like you do, understood?” and back to brooding and self loathing over his files he went. 
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an-unlikely-duo · 2 years
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@rk-stateoftheart​ said:  (chest) "That's enough, detective. Let me handle this."
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Even thought the android didn’t use much force, it stopped Gavin in his tracks. With burning eyes he looked up to the android “Let me at him, tin can! That son of a bitch needs to be taught a fucking lesson!” he growled and leaned against the hand that held him back to make his point clear. If the RK900 didn’t manage to either calm him down he would probably barrel past the android and beat that fucker up.
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
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@handerscn​ said:  "That 'burned out alcoholic' can throw a fuckin' mean punch in case you're not careful there, Reed." 
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Gavin snarled. He hadn’t notice Hank listening to this little conversation and slowly turned his head to the has-been. “So what? You gonna break my noes, like you did with Perkins? How long do you think Fowler will be able to protect you, huh? There is only so much your old glory can do for you. Get a grip on your life again, boozer.”
What Hank didn’t know was that this was Gavins way of telling him to get better again. During the last years he had acquired a better war of communication, thanks' to Caleb, but right now he was just annoyed because of that stranger trying to annoy him, which they managed to do quite expertly. 
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an-unlikely-duo · 2 years
Yeets at watch at sleeping Gavin's face
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The watch hit Gavin square in the face and the detective woke up with a yelp of shock. "What the fuck?!" he exclaimed and looked arround but the attacker was long gone. He took the watch and stamped back into the bull pen.
"WHO OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS HAD THE AUDACITY TO THROW A WATCH AT ME!?" he barked and all heads turned towards him. But of course nobody admitted to it, nobody was that stupid.
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"Fine, I see how it is." the detective snarled and squinted at everyone in the room. "I will find out who the fuck it was and then... it's payback time." he turned around and let the watch dangle between his fingers "To whoever it might concern: You started a war that you will regret." he growled before he went to the break room to get himself a cup of coffee.
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
It was currently 6 a.m. sharp and Detective Reed was already on his desk, sipping away at his coffee and filling out some paper work.
The question was: Was he in early or had he pulled and all nighter and was STILL there? The world might never know.
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an-unlikely-duo · 2 years
"I just chocked on a snow flake! In APRIL!!" Gavin vented his anger about the weather loudly. It was snowing, pretty horribly even.
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an-unlikely-duo · 2 years
Long furby taps on the window. -tap- -tap- -tap-
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"Caleb! Get that remote controlled freak away from me! That shit ain't funny!" there was a good amount of distress in the detectives voice, however he tried to bury it with anger.
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
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@rk-stateoftheart​ walked in on a naked Gavin
Your muse walks in on my muse undressed. Send me 😳 for my muse’s reaction. (add + reverse if you want my muse to walk in on yours)
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Detective Reed did not often take advantage of the precincts showers but today was such a day. He had chased a suspect through a landfill and was smelling accordingly. The thought of the slimy and disgusting things he had to crawl through made him retch. But they had caught him. Fucking android, really thought a human wouldn’t chase him through the filth. Pah, nothing would ever stop Gavin from chasing a murder suspect.
He just finished undressing and closed the locker door where he kept soap, spare clothes and towels. And when he did he noticed the RK900 standing there. Gavin couldn’t help but flinch, he had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn’t heard his partner approaching. “Jesus-fucking-christ, tin can!” he shouted and clasped a hand over his chest “Do you want to give me a heart attack? How long have you been creeping on me anyway? Do you want a piece of my dick so badly or what?” of course he thought attack was the best defense, just don’t show a weakness.
The android probably wanted to read off some statistics or whatever and couldn’t wait until he finished showering. Or so Gavin thought. He didn’t even bother covering himself up, he was confident in his looks and he wouldn’t hide before anyone, especially not a machine. Maybe... he even wanted to show off?
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
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@malevolentmuses​ Norman wanted to see Gavin Naked
Your muse walks in on my muse undressed. Send me 😳 for my muse’s reaction. (add + reverse if you want my muse to walk in on yours)
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It was the first really hot day of the year and Gavin completely spent himself running with Bruce in the park and playing with him for over an hour. The first thing he did when he went home was to take a shower, he was sweating like a pig and he wanted to meet up with Norman later. 
When he stepped out of the shower, the detective noticed that he forgot to bring underwear into the bath. “Shit.” Gavin cursed under his breath and left the bath just like god had made him. Apparently the underwear wasn’t the only thing he had forgotten, because Norman was standing right in the front door when Gavin tried to slip into his bedroom. He must have forgotten to lock it. Where was his head today. 
A little annoyed, but not ashamed he stopped in his tracks “Be right with you, Jay-jay.” he said but took his sweet time walking towards the door, maybe even flaunting his physique a little while he strolled.
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
mary had a little lamb; its heart was black as coal; it crept into her room one night; and ate her fucking soul.
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"What the fuck is wrong with you, weirdo?"
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
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@rk-stateoftheart​ said:  "You are an hour early, detective," the android observed with a small incline of his head. Their hands and legs were occupied with cases, but overwork would do more harm than good to a human. They needed detective Reed functioning at his peak performance. Regardless, he could not help but feel a little curious as to why he decided to cut his rest short instead; not many would do so willingly.
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Not a morning person at all, Gavin set his coffee-to-go mug grumpily onto the desk. “Cases don’t solve themselves.” he sighed and threw the RK a side eye “Well, maybe they do now, more or less.” he snarled and sat down at his desk, starting up his desktop and opened the files right away. 
Truth to be told, Gavin was a horrible insomniac and dealt poorly with stress. And he felt the android breathing down his neck. Androids didn’t need rest. They could work 24/7, that’s what they were made for. And Gavin refused to become obsolete. This job was his everything, and no fucking tin-can would take it from him.  
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
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@9th-in-a-line​ said:  "my love, my light, the wind in my sails, and the beat of my heart....I broke the coffee maker..." Caleb sheepishly admitted while standing next to Gavin's desk. The pull tab for where the k cups were placed still pinched between his thumb and forefinger. Oh he was just waiting for the others in the precinct to find out, of course he would have it replaced by the end of the night, but still, not a fun time.
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At first Gavin raised an eyebrow, Caleb surely wanted to butter him up for something. He waited and ah, there it was. The man sighed and looked tiredly at him. “Well, fuck. That sucks.” he said but it didn’t sound angry. How could he be angry at his husband for such a tiny mishap? Yes, he loved coffee but he loved Caleb a lot more than that. Besides, the coffee in the precinct was piss poor anyway. 
“I think I still have a drip down cone in my locker.” he smirked cheekily “I probably could forgive you if you brewed me a cup with that.” it would taste a thousand-fold better than the dirty brew the coffee maker made anyway. So he wasn’t mad at all.
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
The detective had been wary around the newest addition to the force. He didn't forget the beating he had gotten from Connor and that thing looked a lot like Connor.  It sounded and moved a lot like Connor too but not exactly like Connor, which made it even MORE uncanny. How an android could be even more uncanny than it already was was a straight up wonder. 
Gavin always looked at it from the corner of his eyes, knowing damn well that it probably noticed by now. To make it less awkward he decided to open communication. 
"So." he said, putting the tablet he had been brooding over onto the desk and leaned back "What can you do, as an improvement from your predecessor model? Finally able to shoot lasers from your eyes to enslave humanity more efficiently?" the man sneered.
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an-unlikely-duo · 3 years
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