#meanwhile luz says fuck a bunch and has good music taste
glupblorbo · 1 year
logging onto tumblr to show y'all my new brainrot aka the "luz-and-hunter-go-on-a-road-trip-summer-after-their-senior-year-and-also-there's-mormon!belos" modern au and i say new as if this hasn't been rotting in my brain since the second i watched toh a fuckin year ago and was like "hey i relate to that nerd hunter a lil too much"
i'm finally only writing this now bc i got "college/academia" and "road trip" for 2/3 of my AU Roulette prompts and a couple things clicked into place after talking to a friend and BOOM. hunter gets more trauma :)
anyway. this fic has me by the throat and im unpacking a lot of shit so heed the tags on it lmfao but. im having SO much fun writing it too who knew therapy could be fun?
Summary is as follows:
Hunter Wittebane is well-versed in navigating the choppy waters of his uncle’s unsustainable emotions after 13 years—and now, he just has a few weeks left before he’ll be across the country at college and will only ever have to see his uncle twice a year. Except somehow, the thought of college is almost as terrifying as the thought of staying in the Deep South the rest of his life, closeted and giving much more than ten percent of himself each week. Thankfully, Luz suggests a few days on the road to help.
and yes it'll be part of a series bc i have SO MUCH LORE for this au lmfao
Snippet from the next third chapter below the cut (and a warning for mentioned abuse):
Luz shakes her head in frustration, cursing under her breath again, and he laughs. Half of this is all just a show for him; he’s well aware Luz can tell he’s still on edge about the trip in general and is doing her best to mitigate further stress for him. It’s the first time he’s been away from Uncle for so long—well, the first time he’s been away period, really—that wasn’t related to a church thing, and while church things make him freak out even more, he at least knows what to expect with them, and knows Uncle will be kinder in the aftermath, even if only for a day or so.
He has no clue how his uncle will react upon their return from this trip. And Hunter is all too familiar with what can happen—what will happen—if his uncle finds out the truth.
“Hey, you good?”
Luz is looking at him the way she always does when he shows up at Amity’s parking spot with a ziploc full of makeup and begs the both of them to help him figure out how he’s supposed to hide an hour-fresh bruise on his jaw when there’s five minutes until the bell. He’s never much liked that look.
“I’m fine,” he manages, rolling his shoulders back and trying to look relaxed.
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