#meant to post this earlier oops
ghostat7am · 2 months
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Meet the Cadenzas!
I had a lot of fun designing them, I wanted to give them all distinct themes & colours for each of them! I hope it turned out alright!!
Piani is NOT Cadenza's creation, nor do they have any past association with each other. I tried to make it clear by her and Capriccio/Crybot looking very different despite both being robots. Cadenza's robots all resemble puppets in some way! Cadenza would never abandon or harm someone like that.
Mikeal Cadenza-Crygor (he/him)
Cadenza the head of the household, along with being a scientist and part-time DJ for Club Spice. He took up science after the passing of his father who was a famous scientist. He overworks himself and struggles to sleep all in the name of maintaining his father's legacy...
Cadenza is rather quiet and deadpan, but he's a kind, dorky man beneath it. He can be very critical of Crybot, however. Uses rhythm & frequencies to create formulas & robots - his inventions are focused around entertainment.
Capriccio "Crybot" Cadenza (he/him)
Capriccio Is Cadenza's first ever robot. He was built to keep Cadenza company, but was later reworked to perform for the masses as a game show host! He's quite bold, boisterous and egoistical, being extremely dedicated to his shows and rather full of himself.
He's also a big sweetheart & very generous, never demeaning others and always putting people before himself. He treats the world as a stage, literally. He cherishes a smile more than anything.
Dorothy "Dotty" Cadenza (she/they)
Dorothy is Mikeal's cousin! She's a music idol & scientist! Or at least... she longs to be. Dotty was very inspired by her cousin's work, so she ended up moving in with him and became his lab assistant. Wanting to learn how to aid people with his rhythmic science techniques!
She's very kind, but also quite stern and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She still adores the macabre despite having a very cutesy look, enjoys scaring Cadenza & Capriccio with her pet tarantula, and generally pranking the two. She refuses to scare Piani however and is quite protective over her.
Piani Cadenza (she/her)
Piani is Cadenza's adopted robot daughter. She was abandoned in a forest, and Cadenza & Capriccio found her- Capriccio convinced his creator to take in the poor child, and eventually the man conceded. Piani feels indebted to them, and tries to assist around the lab by cleaning and helping Capriccio cook! Even if Cadenza insists it isn't necessary, she still tries her best to help him!
She's a bit soft spoken, but also quite strong willed and ambitious. She idolises Dotty and goes to her for a lot of things, seeing her as a safe space. Piani still loves her father however, and gets very giddy when she's allowed to help him make something.
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milligramspoison · 7 months
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notsomajestic · 10 months
being on the same lunch as Ann (65-ish) is always a weird one just because of what she eats
some recent delights:
cold soup
cold mac & cheese
cold spaghetti hoops
all cold and straight out of the tin, no bowl
we have a microwave in the break room and she has an hour for lunch
why does she do this
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faemothra · 1 year
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he’s fighting a hundred demons trying to suppress the dad brain he told me himself
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keekity · 5 months
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lesbians who like to save horses
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sandushengshou · 2 years
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@userdramas EVENT 03: BEGINNINGS ↳ first series to get me into drama fandom + first character i fell in love with The Untamed | Wei Wuxian (insp)
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ben-learns-smth · 9 months
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goals, aspirations and hopes for 2024
academic achievements I'm working towards:
finish writing my thesis & hand it in (finally) DONE!
graduate from my teaching degree (finally)
apply for deaf studies b.a. (postponed)
apply for teacher training ? DONE!
attend workshops about queerness in schools & other interesting topics
what I want to do and learn in my personal life:
improve my german sign language (DGS) skills by attending more deaf&hearing events (weekly sign bar!)
pick up my norwegian again
stand up for myself and set boundaries with family even if it's hard
learn to accept help and work through the guilt of depending on others (life long learning but recovery was a bootcamp)
learn 1 new skill (how to whistle Really Loudly!)
read 60 books (23/60!)
start volunteer work (maybe at an animal shelter or queer youth group?)
start singing lessons
start speech therapy/voice training with a therapist specialised in trans* voices
run 5k
go to the gym twice a week (I made a friend at the gym & we're gym buddies now!)
things I hope will happen / am looking forward to:
So Many Concerts (3/5)
ya boi is getting top surgery (already done!!)
visits from friends! <3 (the joy <3)
making new friends at language classes or joining a sports group maybe (gym friend counts for this!)
going on holidays with my parents in the spring
2 short trips in summer (one to meet a friend irl for the first time, one for an erasmus friends reunion)
working my way through my post-top-surgery bucket list (4/15)
adopting one or two cats (it's time to become a cat parent)
measurable goals/achievements:
hand in thesis & graduate by end of march (graduated!!)
DGS lvl 5 class (spring), DGS lvl 6 (summer)
Norwegian A1.1 class (spring), maybe A1.2 (summer) (postponed)
whistle at a concert in august (my voice is too whacky from being on t to do the wohoo)
read 60 books
try a new café each month (on track!)
cook a new recipe twice a month (2/24)
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wayward-rosalind · 8 months
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prismatixxkhaos · 2 months
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This mosasaurus is having a little snack‼️
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jackobbit · 1 year
Finally got to try painting!! This one. Took a while lmao. I’m also decently sure I bit off more then I could chew with this, but even if the outcome isn’t what I desired I still learned a lot and think it looks neat!
Anyways, presenting the first Magma drawing of this weeks event! The theme was angel and devil so you know I had to reverse the roles! Both of these fellas were inspired by popular angel and devil statues, Sun in particular was inspired by that one ‘hot Satan’ statue. I forget what it’s actually called but hopefully people know what I’m talking about lmao
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[ID: A Magma drawing of statues of Sun and Moon as a Devil and Angel respectively. Sun is to the left, sitting on a large rock. He has large horns, bat-like wings, and a cloth draped over his lap. One arm rests over his lap while the other holds on to the back of the rock. Suns eyes are closed, and he looks slightly downward, appearing calm. Moon stands to the right. He has large outstretched angel wings and wears a long robe that drags against the floor. Both of his arms are held out at his sides, his hands are downturned. Moons expression appears more sad, his eyes are closed and he carries a frown. Both statues have cracks along small sections of their figures, they are placed against a background that goes from yellow to blue in a left to right gradient. /End ID]
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Jeeves Takes Charge - The Unused Images
Halloa! Well, the whole first story is out, with all its good fun and illustrations from the Strand. So I figured I ought to show you the illustrations I chose not to use, and - for those interested in my inane commentary - tell you the reason why! They're from the American edition published in the Saturday Evening Post, drawn by Henry Raleigh. Let's have a look!
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https://www.madameulalie.org/sep/Jeeves_Takes_Charge.html (need image descriptions)
Now, here's where we get to why I didn't include them. The style is certainly lovely, and the Florence depicted here certainly has a nice enough profile to fit the bill. But is that man on the right meant to be Bertie?? He's much too old! The story, which takes place six years in the past from Bertie's telling of it, says that Bertie had been ratted out by Edwin, Florence's little brother, for smoking Lord Worplesdon's "special cigars" when he was fifteen, and that the event had taken place nine years after that incident of tattling. As such, though most characters are not given canonical ages in the Jeeves series, in "Jeeves Takes Charge" Bertie is provably 24 years old (and thus 30 years old when jotting down his telling of it). And while certainly people aged more quickly in the past, I have trouble imagining a 24 year old would look quite so old as this!
The dog is excellent, however. As far as I can tell, there is absolutely no suggestion of a dog even existing in this story. Mr. Raleigh clearly just wanted to draw a really long dog, and by God I do not fault him for it.
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Bertie, that knight is not hiding you at all whatsoever.
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I actually prefer this Edwin to the Strand version, however. What a jaunty lad.
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And I will say, I adore this Jeeves. Look at his nose! His calm, self-satisfied expression! Honestly both illustrators did such a fun job with their respective Jeeveses in this final scene.
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Anyway, that's all! Thanks for listening!
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corvitine · 5 months
Just saw your OC on the S.O.F.T post and wanted to say: What a cute bean!!! I love to see more blue illithids!! And this one is so adorable! <3 Love the funky clothes!!
Aww, thank you! I’m glad you like her, I love her so much!! She is my little ray of sunshine and she makes me so happy :)
Also, I love your writing btw!! Your fics are so good!
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foreststarflaime · 1 month
Genesis and Sephiroth have never really liked touch, each for their own reasons. Still, they desperately want it, and are inevitably drawn into each other’s arms by the strings of fate (the author’s whims) and learn to enjoy it.
He was too sensual a child—he liked to experience everything with all of himself, all the attention and meaning he could wring out of any moment—for anything even slightly resembling intimacy of any kind to be taken lightly, touch not least of all, so the fact that he felt trapped into it bothered him more than he knew how to express.
The mood has possessed me to write Genesis pov again (though this is a twoshot and the next chap will be seph pov) so have this nice touch-starved fic that randomly flowed out of my mind yippee
It was originally going to be just sephgen, but then I blinked and ended up in gengeal land again. Why this keep happening to me I do not know but I’m not complaining, sephgen next chapter
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fifteensjukebox · 9 months
hi sierra formerly ranouttatime here! changed my url to fifteensjukebox inspired by jo @ameliapondmd's idea <3
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Books of 2023: LOST IN THE MOMENT AND FOUND by Seanan McGuire.
One, I’m always here for Wayward Children, but two, this one is exceptionally perfect for Driscoll Vibes!! Featuring the blanket I’m working on for my mom.
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sandushengshou · 1 year
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Shi Ying | The Longest Promise
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